Outside Class A CDL Pre-Trip Inspection in under 25 Mins

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hey are you all ready to learn the outside pre-trip inspection in under 25 minutes yeah all right let's go [Applause] don't wanna [Music] all right today we're going to be conducting a pre-trip inspection on a class a tractor trailer the pre-trip inspection and the post-trip inspection are required by both federal and state laws the pre-trip inspection consists of three parts for the state examination you've got a section which is the engine compartment b which is the door mirror area back see is the trailer area when you're doing the exam with the examiner you're typically only going to do the driver's side of the tractor and the trailer and then anything on the opposite side that is unique and different from the driver's side you would check those parts that are unique on the other side what we'll do is we'll do a general overview on each section prior to actually getting into inspecting the parts so we'll start at the front of the tractor we're going to look under general overview looking underneath making sure there's no leaks underneath the tractor no oil leaks no radiator leaks no fluid leaks at all we're gonna also look at the tractor to make sure it's not tilted leaning one side of the other any tilting might indicate that you've got a suspension problem a tire problem a load problem okay we're gonna look at the lights the lights get checked twice during the test they get checked from the outside to make sure they're not cracked they're clean and then they also get checked when you do the cab check the cab part of the inspection to make sure that they're operational so from the outside we're going to check the lights making sure they're clean not cracked or damaged and that they're the proper color clear on the headlights yellow on the turn signals you also have lights down here that are clean not cracked or damaged and they're clear color we're going to go up to the top all right we're looking at the clearance lights up top properly mounted they're clean not cracked or damaged and they're yellow all right we're going to look at the mirrors on the front hood here they're properly mounted and secured they're not loose or damaged the glass is clean and not cracked now we're going to go into the engine compartment area we want to make sure that the hood is unlatched on both sides put our foot in here grab the hood and pull it forward and go on this side of the tractor there's only a few things that need to be checked so we'll start here then we'll move to the other side so we do a general overview of it first all right we're looking at all our hoses no bumps abrasions no cuts in any of the hoses and they're all secured properly at their at the ends okay we're looking at the radiator making sure it's properly mounted not cracked or damaged doesn't appear to be leaking we're look at our exhaust system within the engine compartment it's properly mounted secured nothing appears to be cracked or damaged everything's clamped into place and then you want to look for exhaust leaks around the clamps there would be black soot if you had an exhaust leak all right we're gonna move down here to the alternator alternator is properly mounted and secured it's not crack damage it's not loose in any way you're gonna look at your wires your wires are connected properly they're not frayed or torn your alternator is bolted into place the alternator you have to check the belt on it okay the belt's not crack frayed or torn and it has no more than three quarters of an inch player deflection in it you have to say that the alternator is belt driven from this side of the engine compartment now we'll move on to the other side and go okay on this side of the engine compartment once again we're going to do a general overview looking at all our hoses no bumps abrasions cuts in them they don't appear to be leaking they all appear to be clamped into place okay over here we have our water pump water pump's properly mounted and secured it's not crack damage it's not loose it's not leaking you can follow the hose from the water pump to the radiator to find your water pump water pump is belt driven no more than three quarters of an inch play it's not crack frayed or damaged the remainder of the engine compartment i like to kind of be systematic about it start from the back kind of move forward start from the furthest in point and come out so up top here we have our air compressor all right it's properly mounted and secured all the lines are connected nothing's cracked or damaged loose we don't hear any air leaks on it below the air compressor is your power steering pump it's properly mounted secured the lines are connected the hoses that run from that to the power steering gearbox and a reservoir they're all connected they're not leaking they're clamped properly now both the air compressor and the power steering you have to identify whether belt or gear driven on this particular tractor they're both gear driven okay as we continue forward we're looking at our power steering reservoir it's properly mounted and secured not crack damage or loose the cap is on it and it's not leaking the hose running from the power steering reservoir to the gearbox has to be identified separately from all the other hoses so once again look at that one it's connected at both ends there's no bumps abrasions it's not leaking below the reservoir we have the power steering gearbox it's properly mounted secured not cracked damaged loose all your bolts are in place they're not loose and it's not leaking you have your three parts to the steering linkage here you don't have to identify them by name you can just say the three-part steering linkage one two three properly mounted secured not crack bent or damaged there's no loose parts you have castle nuts on both of them with cotter pins in place they're tight and the cotter pins are there now we'll move we'll move to the rest of the suspension we have our shock absorber shock mounts at the top and the bottom are properly properly secured and tight bolts aren't loose shock absorber itself is not crack bent or damaged and there's no hydraulic fluid leaking from it the suspension the remainder of the suspension is your leaf springs leaf springs aren't shifted they're not crack broke and damaged and they're all stacked on top of each other there's no missing leaf springs you have your u-bolts in the middle and your spring hangers or spring mounts on the ends they're properly mounted they're not cracked or damaged all your bolts are tight on the u-bolts and the spring hangers we're gonna check our coolant reservoir it's properly mounted and secured it's not loose the bolts are all tight it's not leaking it's at the safe range and you make sure that your cap is on we have our oil level here this is checked with the engine off you would pull the dipstick out wipe it off put it back in pull it out make sure that the oil is in the safe range and not the ad range let's go ahead and move down to our brake system now you have four parts to the brakes first is you break hoses or brake lines no bumps abrasions cuts in them you don't hear any air leaks and they're properly mounted and secured at both ends the small line here is your abs wire it's attached to your brake line it's not frayed torn or damaged and it's connected at both ends we move to the brake chamber itself properly mounted and secured not cracked or damaged don't hear any air leaks and the clamp on the brake chamber is tight and secure from the brake chamber we move to the slack adjuster push rod okay you have your push rod and your slack adjuster should be no more than a 90 degree angle cotter pin is in place no crack broken damaged parts when the brakes are disengaged the slack adjuster should not pull out more than an inch from the slack adjuster push rod we move to the brake drums and linings your brake linings on the inside need to be at least a quarter inch thickness they can't be cracked damaged or loose they're properly mounted no oil grease or contaminants on them we look at our brake drums no illegal welds they're properly mounted they're not cracked or damaged from there we're going to move to our tire and rim the rim itself no illegal welds cracks or damage to the rim and the tire is seated properly on the rim the inside wall the tire no cuts bubbles or gouges abrasions on it we move to the actual tread itself tread needs to be a minimum of four thirty seconds of an inch no cuts bubbles punctures nails screws in the tire steering tires have to be virgin radials and the two front steering tires have to match they cannot be retreads from the tread we move to the sidewall no cuts bubbles abrasions anywhere on the sidewall the tire is seated properly on the rim rim itself no illegal welds cracks or damage on the rim you look at your valve stems not cracked or damaged it's not leaking and it has a steel cap on it lug nuts no missing lug nuts no loose lug nuts no rust trails or shiny metal shavings around the lug nuts that would indicate that a lug nut is loose checking our axle seal this one we would make sure that the fluid level is in a safe range it's not leaking and all the bolts around the axle hub are also secure and not loose last thing we're checking on the tire besides the tread depth or the tread depth and the condition is the tire pressure you would check the tire pressure by placing a tire pressure gauge on the valve stem and you want to make sure that it has at least 100 psi or manufacture specifications okay the next part of the truck is the door area on back to the rear axles we're going to do a general overview doesn't appear to be anything damaged no intrusions anything like that on the cab we're going to check our side light side marker lights here they're clean not cracked or damaged another proper color yellow checking our mirror making sure it's bolted properly and secured to the door glass isn't cracked or damaged then it's clean we're going to check our door we want to make sure that the door handle opens and closes making sure the window goes up and down checking our rubber weather stripping around the door making sure it's not frayed torn or ripped ripped we're checking our hinges they're not cracked broken or damaged you can lift up on the bottom of the door make sure they're in good condition close the door checking our steps steps are properly mounted they're not cracked or damaged there's no oil grease or contaminants on them and they'll hold your weight we're looking at our batteries making sure all our cables are connected to the posts no corrosion on them nothing appears to be damaged there move to the diesel exhaust fluid tank properly mounted secured doesn't appear to be leaking all the bolts are in place you would check the cap has to have a rubber seal on it with the safety strap on it make sure that it's secured from there we move to the fuel tank fuel tank is properly mounted secured the straps are on securing it holding into place there's no leaks on it no holes in it and you would check the cap on this also making sure that it has the rubber seal and the safety chain on it from here we're gonna move to the catwalk catwalk is properly mounted secured nothing's cracked damaged or loose we're looking at the frame and the cross members no cracks damage no aftermarket welds or aftermarket holes drilled into the frame all right you're gonna follow your exhaust system down below the tractor it's properly mounted and secured nothing appears to be loose or cracked and you want to look for indications of leaks would be black soot anywhere where there's clamps all right properly mounted secured not cracked or damaged no black soot we'll come back around the other side and finish up all right over here we've got the drive shaft and the u-joint drive shaft's not crack bent or damaged it's not loose or hanging and the u-joints don't appear to be any debris in there that could cause a problem when the tractor starts rolling all right we're going to check the mud flap splash guards making sure they're properly mounted secured they're not cracked damaged or torn from here we're going to move to our brake parts the four components of the brakes got your brake chamber with the clamp it's properly mounted and secured not crack damage or loose and you don't hear any air leaks on it your slack adjuster push rods back behind it push rod slack adjusting no crack broken damage parts when the brakes are disengaged the slack push rod should not pull out more than one inch you have your abs line connected here it's not frayed torn connected properly at both ends and your brake hoses running from the brake chamber they're not cracked torn or not leaking no bumps or abrasions on them we go to the back of the tire where you have your brake drums and linings okay your brake linings are at least a quarter of an inch thick they're not cracked or damaged or properly mounted and there's no oil grease or contaminants on them you break drums no illegal welds are properly mounted no cracks or damage on them go to the suspension parts or leaf springs no missing leaf springs they're not cracked or damaged and they're properly mounted at both ends with your spring hangers or spring mounts bolted and secured into place and your u-bolts in the middle properly mounted and secured no loose bolts your shock absorber properly bolted at the top and the bottom shock mounts and the shock absorber itself not bent cracked or damaged and there's no hydraulic fluid leaking last part to the suspension parts is your airbag it's mounted properly on the top and the bottom it's not crack damage or loose air mounts the airbag itself is not cracked frayed no cuts bumps abrasions in it and you don't hear any air leaks this splash guard is also properly mounted to the frame it's not dragging it's not loose it's not hanging too low we'll go ahead and move to the tires you got two tires here you're going to check the side walls on both tires inner and outer no cuts bubbles or abrasions on the side walls the tire steering or the tread tire on the drive tires the tread depth needs to be a minimum of 230 seconds so that'd be the drive tires on the tractor and the trailer no cuts bubbles gouges in the tread no screws or nails in it checking both sides you also want to check the rim on both sides of both tires no illegal welds cracks or damage to the rim and we're going to check the bud spacing making sure the tires are butted evenly on here there's a proper space in between and that there's no debris in there when you start rolling could puncture the tires we move to the outside sidewall no cuts bubbles abrasions on it tires are seated properly on the rims both tires rim no illegal welds cracks or damage to the rim lug nuts no loose lug nuts no missing lug nuts no rust trails or shiny metal shavings that would indicate that a lug nut is loose your axle seal is not leaking and all your bolts are secured in place on this no rust trails or shiny metal shavings you're going to look at your valve stem it's not cracked or damaged both valve stems on both tires you would check the tire pressure by putting a tire pressure gauge on the valve stem and the tire needs to be inflated to at least 100 psi or manufacture specifications and the valve stem has a steel cap on it we'll look at our coupling system here right now the tractor is disconnected but the coupling system has to be checked on both the tractor and the trailer side you're going to look at your lines making sure they're not frayed or torn the electrical line no exposed wire if these were connected to the trailer they need to be up off of the up off the catwalk on the tractor side we're making sure that they're properly connected you don't hear any leaks we're checking the electrical line you pull this out look at the prongs make sure the prongs aren't cracked there's no broken there's no debris in there and the safety latch is holding the electrical plug into place we're gonna look at our glad hands that go to the trailer side the rubber grommet is in good condition if it was attached on the glad hands on the trailer there would be a good connection there a good seal you wouldn't hear any air leaks and once again you're checking the electrical line on the trailer the same way that you checked this one here safety latch see is working properly there's no debris in there and the prongs aren't broken or damaged all right now we're going to check the rest of the coupling system all right this is our fifth wheel assembly this is our skid plate okay we want to make sure that the skid plate is properly mounted it's not cracked or damaged and that it's greased this is your release arm safety latch if your trailer is hooked up with the kingpin underneath the skid plate your release armor is going to be engaged locked in position with the with the safety jaws safety locking jaws open the release armor is pulled out you're going to check your platform here platform is not crack broken damaged there's no illegal welds there you're checking all your mounting bolts no missing bolts no loose ones no rust trails or shiny metal shavings that would indicate a loose one this is a fixed fifth wheel it's not a sliding fifth wheel if this was a sliding fifth wheel you would have to check to make sure that the pin is locked into place it's not cracked or damaged and that the air piston that moves the sliding fifth wheel isn't damaged leaking air and that the lines running from it are connected in good condition um the remainder of the coupling system you would check the apron the apron is what the skid plate connects to rests on the apron is not crack bent or damaged there's no waves in it there's no illegal welds in it this is your side skirt you want to make sure that that's not cracked or damaged there's no intrusions in it if the tractor was connected to the trailer you would go underneath the trailer look up into the skid plate making sure that the locking jaws would be locked around the kingpin they're not cracked or damaged the kingpin itself you're looking at the kingpin making sure that the kingpin is not bent cracked or damaged in any way and then the final thing that you would check on the coupling system is when the trailer and tractor are connected properly there should be no gap no daylight between the skid plate and the apron you should not see any daylight when you look in between there these glad hands once again the coupling was hooked up the glad hands were hooked up you'd have a good seal here the rubber grommets are in good shape you wouldn't hear any air leaks your plug would be plugged in with the safety latch down you also have clearance that you need to check you need to check the clearance from the trailer when it's coupled to the cab and you want to check the clearance from the landing gear when it's up from the trailer you need to have adequate clearance there so that you don't have any issues when you're turning now we'll go ahead and move to the trailer do a general overview of the front of the trailer the bulkhead no cracks damage no intrusions in the bulkhead anywhere all the rivets appear to be in place you've got clearance lights on the top of the bulkhead and on the side here they're clean not cracked or damaged and they're the proper color yellow you would also look at your reefer unit to make sure that it's secured and not loose not leaking as we go down the side of the trailer you want to check the underneath of the trailer the frame of the trailer making sure that all the cross members are there there's no holes or intrusion in the floor of the trailer no damage to it you do the same thing down the side of the trailer no holes or intrusions anywhere in the trailer you should have dot reflectorized tape down the side of the trailer and you look at all your marker lights and reflectors clean not cracked or damaged and they're the proper color yellow here and the abs light on the back we're going to look at our landing gear you want to make sure that the landing gear cranks and goes up and down you're going to look at the cross members on the landing gear and this boots or shoes nothing's cracked broken or damaged everything's properly mounted got a diesel tank on this one you would check it to make sure it's properly mounted not leaking attached at the top and the cap is on and secured again checking the floor of the trailer and the cross members frame making sure that there's no cracks or damage and there's no intrusions in the bottom of the trailer we're going to check our air lines here making sure they're not hanging too low they're coupled and connected properly and they're not no bumps abrasions they're not cut or they're leaking if your tractor is equipped with a sliding tandem you want to check to make sure that the handle's not cracked or damaged and that the pins are locked into position so that that the wheels are secured all right when we get to the back here you're only gonna for purposes the examination you're only to have to check one axle the tester will tell you which axle to check also you're permitted to say then you're permitted to identify the part and say that you're checking it the same way you checked the front one and as long as you checked the front one properly you'll get credit for checking the back one as long as the same requirements to be checked are met so back here we would check the spring hangers leaf springs you got a torsion bar here it's properly mounted bolted into place and secure you got the rest of your suspension parts here leaf springs u-bolts spring hangers i would check them the same ways up front i'll check my brake chamber with the clamp the slack adjuster the brake hoses and the brake drums and linings same way as i checked the ones up front i'm going to check this tire tread depth condition pressure the bud spacing the rims lug nuts and the axle seal this one has a open axle seal so you would check the fluid in it to make sure it's in a safe range valve stem i'm checking all that the same way as i checked the front i'm going to check the splash guard same way as i check the splash guard up front you have an abs light here and a reflector clean not cracked or damaged proper color i'm going to do general overview of the rear of the trailer doesn't appear to be any damage nothing appears to be cracked or damaged no intrusions we're going to look at our lights up top they're red proper color clean not cracked or damaged same thing with your lights down here you're gonna check your door make sure that your door secures it opens goes up comes back down no damage to the door i'm gonna check your rear bumper make sure it's properly mounted and secured not loose or hanging and it's not damaged thanks for watching our outside pre-trip inspection video please stay tuned for more videos like and subscribe below and comment about anything that you would like to see us make uh obviously there were some things on this that are different in every state know your equipment know your parts on your equipment so that way you can give a proper pre-trip thank you for watching and have a great day
Channel: Tennessee CDL School
Views: 140,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0_jFO0lVVGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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