2015 WEC Le Mans part 11

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caught up in that and that's the reason he had that uh a three-minute pit stop at about right about the three-hour mark in the race uh took him a lap off the lead he lost the right-hand mirror punctured a rear tire changed the door got back out again i spoke to fizzy after that and um and uh you know the car's running fine uh they just need to get back on the lead lap they haven't quite managed to been able to do that a couple of cars being black and orange flag by the stewards car number 21 and car number 37 no real lights visible on the car now obviously when you're looking at 21 one of the prototype cars that's the 21 nissan and the 37 car that is the smp racing their br01 uh both new cars both both lmp uh mp1 and lmp2 car but they will be being caught they'll be being caught by quicker p1 cars and if you don't see the red lights in the distance it makes it harder to pick the car up they don't have big reflectors like a normal road car would just a quick shout out to holly weldon watching back at home and everybody else still in the uk looking at a record crowd here at the circuit most of whom like us don't seem able to tear themselves away this is turning into some kind of epic we're looking predominantly at the p1 class and the gte pro class understandably because they're the marquis for prototypes and for gt racing cars but in lmp2 i got a shout out really to richard bradley did a standout job we're seeing somebody coming very slowly down the track a p car and blowing smoke out the back just a stunning job in qualifying and that number 47 car the kcmg team they haven't won a whole lot of stuff they're quite a new young team from from asia i mean richard based in and they have led this class from the start so far ludo bad day second place has just stopped in the 40's in the smp car that was coming back in slowly and popping and banging there lots of flame on the overrun so that car is in a kind of get you home mode at the moment or he's not weaving he's either feeling a puncture or some broken suspension or he's running out of fuel you wouldn't normally weave like that if you felt like you had a puncture i would say it looks to me like he's thinking perhaps he's got a an engine problem well nearly turned in maybe a fuel pickup problem a fuel pump or something like that nearly turned in on the pegasus racing car that was in trouble early on a pit stop for richard bradley he stays in the car leading in the 47 car in lmp2 ludo about a second i was just about to say so the new orica prototypes the coopers in first and second in the class ahead of the legion roman rusinov another russian driver he's in the 26 car and that is the lead g drive car qualified second on the grid by sam bird so the new prototypes delicia is the older one that made his debut earlier last season not at le mans but later on in the european le mans series but the orica prototype brand new and that is also going to lead like legier to an lmp3 chassis as well now quite how lmp3 fits in at le mans or if it does fit in at le mans i don't know maybe when we get up to 65 car entries in a couple of years there will be an mp3 class as well but that is all for the future yellow flags at zone 30 that's right at the end of the lap as you can see we're going to be turning into the porsche as we heard dan binks calling him in this is ollie gavin coming to the pit lane this is incredibly tight there it's so easy to overshoot that and cut through the gravel and then it's hard on the brakes down into first gear as you come into the pit lane entry zone there and then it seems to take an eternity coming down here corvette somewhere in the middle they're coming down into pit lane and at the point that he pitted he was 13 and a half seconds ahead oliver gavin in the 64 corvette over richie stanaway in the 99 aston so obviously uh stanley is going to come through and take the lead of that class and that's going to be bounced backwards and forwards and leaps in a watching brief in the 91 porsche in third place in gte pro so in comes the car door open are we going to see a driver change or are they just topping up the drinks bottles and the other fluids in the car quite often you'll see a top up to the oil reservoir going in one bottle will be clearly one color one the other because you don't want to feed the driver oil and you don't want to feed the engine lucazi at least not if you want to continue in the race so olly gav is in richie stan away second for aston now takes the lead in the 99 car that's the red and yellow car that he qualified on poland the other two drivers in that car fernando reese from brazil and from cumbria uh the tool alex mcdowell they qualified last year but never got to start the race so this time they start the race from pole position and they are right in the hunt with the 97 you know the number one factory crew out now the best chance for aston martin currently rests with them but dane trained down in sixth position christopher nygard currently at the wheel of that a 97 car i'm afraid and the 99 car has been the revelation of this year in my opinion absolutely brilliant in in spa and everywhere they've so they it's not like they've just lucked into this and taken over they were actually up there and running with the 97 already so a real strong car i mean ricky stand away two weeks ago victory on the streets of monaco in the gp2 car here he is he puts the car on pole position at le mans you know there's a lot of kiwis in this field considering what a tiny place it is and they're all doing a standout job for their manufacturers more in a minute [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] eurosport live from le mans with the change for second place in the gte pro class richie stan away leads after oliver gavin pitted his corvette that was leading but we have just seen a battle from the mulsanne corner all the way down to indianapolis with richard leitz in the manti racing porsche at the number 91 car that's who got ahead of ollie gaff gav with a full tank of fuel older tyres perhaps but leaks really put the move in on him out of the mulsanne corner and jeremy held his nerf wheel to wheel at 200 miles an hour down into indianapolis great stuff isn't it and uh neither of those three cars that the three leaders of gte pro changed tires on the last bits off super fast pit stop by the porsche team porsche team manti then 58 seconds less than a minute in a gt car that's a heck of a fast pit stop johnny martial yeah absolutely and it just shows you as well how strong these michelin tires are now the gt cars tend to use their tires a little bit more than the prototype so they haven't got the downfalls that's why they're allowed a few more sets during the race i think believe they're limited to 16 sets though unlike the 12 for the lmp cars but uh yes absolutely fantastic onboard cameras i'm really enjoying this year i know we've already always had a lot of cameras but for some reason this year i'm finding it absolutely fascinating we're back on board here with oliver gavin coming down towards the esses and uh there's a little bump there on the as you go across the change of direction where it goes off onto the bugatti circuit as we're back in pit lane with a 27 smp racing car back out of the pit garage i believe there back onto the tires but going back to that into the esses the corvette looks incredibly stable going in on the turn into the faster corners and it's got some pretty good straight line speed there as well it's looking very strong package this year yeah it is isn't it and uh before oliver gavin the previous driver was jordan taylor he did a triple stint uh at that at the wheel of the car and didn't change tires on either the fuel stock yeah absolutely and so you're talking just shy of an hour for a gt car so a triple that's three hours on a set of tyres so uh a fantastic job with the to be able to keep the tires underneath them and and effectively work for not losing that extra 20 seconds it would take you to change tires just shows you how how solid and how performing those tyres those michelin tires are incidentally if you are on twitter you'll already be aware the first official selfie sighting uh of the race drivers weekend was one of the corvette drivers if you had to put money on it who would you imagine would be in in a selfie in a onesie among the corvette drivers who still are out there certainly wouldn't be jordan taylor with it though i [Music] we must worry for oliver gavin although ones he ever made is going to look like laderhosen on oliver gavin he's a lot taller than the other guys so no stewie hall onesie this year so far but uh yeah how is you all doing i lost track of that car still running the stewart hall car with the aston with royal goater it is and um ah oh dear we may oh you may have to mark sorry i didn't mean to i shouldn't have said anything i'm just thinking well it's not shown on the screen there's an official retirement however it's not shown on the screen which is which is also a slight worry that was um that was johnny moellum kiss of death there for stuart is a commentator's curse again his names i know they had a lot of problems and dropped right back down the order but i was just wondering if they were going again [Music] uh let us check is running it is showing us running uh but uh a long way a long long way back 92 laps completed only so who almost 40 laps down uh stuart and stewart is up actually at the wheel of the car right now so it is still running last lap time around was a 401 that's not too bad well done quicker than anybody else actually on the leaderboard in gte well recovered he is a a world champion and b from essex so clearly he's driving it like he stole it please 21 with a problem collapse suspension on this red white and blue nissan and it's the left front that's gone down i can right front has gone down i can tell that's the left front was the one cocked up in the air we saw that drive touring absolutely absolutely and you know you're touring cars martin and we saw the same problem on either that car or one of the other nissans coming into the pit lane just scraping the front suspensions collapsed on that and that is not a puncture that is a suspension failure well you know all of the motor power the all of the braking effort all of the aerodynamics all of everything goes through the front end of that car and it is now grinding away it's splitter it's under tray and whatever else at the front so this is the ultimate test lemon isn't there you come here and if you haven't got everything absolutely perfect she will find your weakest link and exploit it listen in 1923 they developed this race through the night and two days to prove that cars were safe and worthy of of using you know manufacturers desperate to prove that these things were not death traps and it is still the toughest thing you can do in a car i mean okay maybe trying to drive up mount everest has its its own appeal but uh this is definitely in terms of any motorsport let's hear from audi [Music] lost tyre after first again it may have a wheel in it as well this this is because you can clearly hear from your tv and from our cameras we can clearly hear all the the cameras written clearly here it is grinding along it may be maybe it was a wheel that fell off we were doing a huge disservice and it was not the suspension problem at all and they just lost the right front wheel that could be the case we'll soon see when we see it coming into pit lane yeah there is debris out on the racetrack that's uh that is pretty scary particularly it's on the mall sand you know when they're doing the speed they're doing some of these cars in daylight it can leap out in front of you if you come around the corner with no extra visibility in darkness by the time your lights pick it up it's a black rubber thing on a black road in the black of night okay good luck finding that on board with ollie jarvis great international driver lineup both in our in the audi team and in the porsche team this car of course is the one that had the off track excursion earlier on trying to avoid slower cars responding to the fact that the flag said the track was green and the team said the track was green but he ran into a yellow zone for an incident further in front of him on the run down from mulsanne to indianapolis on the absolute fastest part of the track he came round one of the blind kings and found suddenly the m25 was stationary it was full of traffic and he was doing clocking on for 200 miles an hour probably and somehow got the car down the grass along the barracks and didn't hit anyone else i mean that in itself was an astonishing thing wasn't ollie jarvis on board at the time he's like duval but blameless in that brought the car back in all the wheels still attached all they did was fit a new nose and back out as we're here in the on car there from the uh number nine audi yeah i couldn't agree more and we we've got used to it over the years haven't we seeing audis throw themselves at the scenery with huge speed drive quite quickly back to the pits spend about a minute and a half in the garage and go back out and start setting fastest lap times it's absolutely incredible they are built like tanks the car that caused the safety car was back in the track be in a safety car game a they build them tough and b they have always built them to be repaired quickly and they rehearse repairing everything on it that can be repaired on the car that's fantastic that's why they win lemon yes three minutes is already costing yeah just unbelievable and you know with with all the cars here especially let's look at the prototype out of here once qualifying is finished you cannot change the carbon fiber top the driver monocoque you can't change the engine you can't change the gearbox all the rest you can change you can rebuild the engine good luck with that you can rebuild the gearbox possible you can rebuild everything else but you can't change those three major items well they used to have remember when they were dropping the internals out of the gearbox as we right so i do apologize that wasn't a suspension failure for the uh number 21 nissan obviously the uh lost his wheel nut it looks like the wheel that's off of that and the the wheels come clean off and of course now he's stranded there that's more quite difficult yet absolutely so he's going to have a real problem he just got onto the right hand side then he obviously just dug in and just really brought him to a grinding halt i mean that going back to that lower davao incident i mean it's very very difficult i actually had a situation last year two or three times going into this slow down zone before the actual yellow zone where you can certain cars are slowing down at different speeds and i nearly rear-ended a couple of cars fortunately for me as we see the crown car off to the left again on the exit replay now that is obviously what happened with the chrome car matt suder with the car on the outside and somebody holding up in his mirrors has actually deliberately driven the car off track to get out of the way and in fact we just had onboard of him going through the chicanes with only one tire now in any other prototype with one front wheel missing you'll still be able to drive it because you've got rear-wheel drive yes there he's only got one wheel drive yeah that's why he's struggling to steer it exactly right well and and to get it to move as well and of course with all the with the lmp cars in particular you've got such small suspension travel and such a small ride height clearance that you drop a wheel off and the things grinding itself on the under tray anyway so you've got that it's dragging itself along the floor and you're trying to steer it with one front wheel drive wheel well this is this is going to be one of those never give up moments we saw it with the delta wing didn't we two years ago when it got clattered into by the toyota and and you know just refusing to give up and this is the whole thing about this race bruce lee you cannot let the racetrack beat you no matter whether you're the fastest or the slowest that is the same for every car race leader as you say jeremy sure on pay road ronnie rast gets out so his triple quadruple stint is over and driver change now cycles round two i thought it probably should be who's next in the driver line-up after randy rashford no i think it would have been my guess helmet it is as a driver it's always lovely when you get into these coupe cars and they they peel off the uh windscreen shield it's almost like a visor strip and suddenly it goes from being absolutely caked in oil everything you can't really quite see everything especially at night with the headlights and then suddenly it's beautifully clean again obviously they haven't got that many of those they can use but especially at night that comes in very handy when you go back out on track yeah and once you get down to the screen then they will be cleaning it like the dickens in the morning hours as well to try and especially absolutely when the sun comes out [Music] he's just decided to go isn't he they're telling him to stop well no they've he's they've managed to maneuver him around no they're telling him no you can't go and he's going to ignore them if he's got any sense but he shut the door he shut the door didn't he very quickly to try and get them to stop her and of course that's the car that had the left-hand door pop open on lucas odon yet earlier in the race when he'd stopped in the pits they changed the drinks bottle slammed the door it didn't catch they clearly didn't slam it as hard as i slammed the show car door on damian faulkner a couple of days ago and so lucas then had the gull wing door wide open had to drive round slowly and come back into the pits well he wants to continue and as you would and in fact i said miss informed you i said that was it looked like it was multicorner clearly it is down at arnage where the yellow flag of the and the slow zone is out and actually what would be nice is to see an onboard view from that nissan now because you will see the lit up screen warning the driver of the nissan that he's in a slow zone of his own creation but all the same the on-board camera will show you well going back to what we were talking about when all this action suddenly kicked off when the slow zone you have the zone where you're slowing down to come up to a zone where you have to do that that minimum speed and the trouble is some people spend that whole slowdown zone gently slowing down and other people mostly the professional drivers i have to say drive at it as if it was a pit lane entry and then go across the line of this actual yellow zone doing the speed and of course then the closing speeds are colossal and i had a couple of incidents last year where i narrowly missed rear ending someone because i misjudged it coming into the porsche curves fortunately for me unlike for lloyd debal there weren't four cars or breasts on the track it's just a case of shooting past that car slowing down lit and come back in again and i had the same thing happen to me where i nearly got hit by an lmp2 car so that does need to be examined in terms of we see the nissan he is off again he is pulling towards the grass again i don't think once you're on the grass there he'll just dig in and that'll be over where he won't because there's no drive on that side so he's got one tire on the tarmac but it'll dig in on the front on the floor it's so little clearance and they didn't want him to go and i think maybe someone on the radio has said to him look they wanting you to stop we'll now pull it over again i'd love to see an onboard because in the car this is a replay i think there is there is a screen and eduardo freitas can directly send him a message saying stop now pull off the track should he want to do so should he feel that i think that's exactly what he did because that's a replay managed to get it going and i think that they're accepting because because that car to go at that pace through the porsche curves when he hasn't really got any control over his steering or not as much as you would like that would be incredibly dangerous so i think the right thing even though it's going to be heartbreaking for the nissan team to have one of their cars officially retired i think they've done very well to get this far so far with all three cars albeit with a few issues along the way i think they're going to have to accept that that particular car is going to have to be retired out of this race i think you might well be right well listen racing drivers come from a whole load of different backgrounds the race currently led by porsche's british star nick tandy so maybe for the first time ever a former mini stocks racer is leading them on 24 hours good for nick i mean he's done so well obviously part of the gt porsche program they tested a number of their gt drivers nick got picked for the lmp and it's it's actually in some ways easier to come from gt girls up to lmp because they do what you want them to do but having said that the speeds of these lmp cars especially around le mans it's absolutely astonishingly good job that nick tandy has done moving up from gts into the lmp program well maybe it's a mini stocks racer he ought to be in the front wheel drive nissan tried to persuade suga that sooner how to get it back i think he preferred to be where he is no no no no kidding no kidding in the most successful team ever at le mans in terms of overall wins and in the fastest car this season yeah nick tandy's in a good place he leads the race with 156 laps completed we'll be back with more [Music] uh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] um um [Music] hmm [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] five to one in france yellow flags out on the run from arnage down towards maison blush as the number 21 nissan is very slow off of the side of the track it lost a wheel about 10 or 15 minutes ago at the mulsanne before the mulsanne corner down the mall i'm straight and tsugo matsuda is trying to get it back to the pits on the graphic there you saw the gap between 19 our race leading porsche driven by nick tandy and number seven the second place to audi last year's winners andre lottera at the wheel of that car ahead of teammate marco bonognomi the number nine car in third teemo bernhard fourth for porsche neil johnny the ball sit to fifth for porsche lloyd duval sixth for audi and last time around nick tandy's lap a three minute 18 point nine nine their fastest lap in qualifying three minutes 18.8 in race gym the cars are at qualifying pace and jeremy sure you figure that with that pit stop that dropped uh marco bonomi uh in the nine car down to third we have now had how many lead changes at the line 19 i think that was so that's about 60 on the track that's in one class lee changes 11 b2 zero so far in gt almost i think pretty much everybody has led in gte pro actually except for the 92 car that went out early everybody else has led that race at some stage in the first what are we nine ten hours yeah ten hours just coming up yeah 14 hours to go great indication there from the onboard as we were wittering of the number 19 car with his finger on the button 80 kilometers now through the slow zone and then as soon as it went green trackside green lights green flags but also in his car on the dashboard the little information panel that is run by the race director will have flashed automatically to green and he will have been able to release the button and let leash the dogs of hell now is this him coming into the pit lane it is 19 are we expecting nick tandy jeremy shaw is lap charting furiously like it's a 10 lapper in formula 4 in 1978 and in fact it's a 300 plus lapper here neville haye is in the booth alongside us nev we've we've had we've had a fantastic race with the historics with other fantastic all aston martin race both unfortunately red flags short of their time because they are time determinant this is going to go to four o'clock tomorrow hopefully no matter what else but this is going to be an absolute barn stormer of a race i wouldn't want to take any bets on who's going to win it either oh i'd take bets you would i'm not placing anything i'll take your money yeah i bet you would yeah i'll take your money i'll take everybody's money because i'm only going to have to pay one well i got that feeling you know that uh well by the word go it seemed to me that porsche had every thought that they were going to have the pace to do the job but uh i don't say that uh audi were doing anything else other than play their cards very close to their chest but there's no question about it that they didn't actually show their true ability during the course of either practice session well i think actually they did i think while porsche upped the pacing when qualifying i mean we've just seen nick tandy lap within a tenth of a second of the cars pole of the tire of the cars uh lap time that put it third on the grid so i i think we saw more perhaps from the pole sitting porsche of neil jarney than they've been able to produce so far his poll time three minutes 16.8 the race lap time the fastest race lap now i've been set by marco bonagnomi no it wasn't it changed the name of the driver it was felipe albuquerque in the number nine uh audi a three 17.6 i think we saw audi working on race pace all the way through qualifying and only putting on one set of soft tyres yeah that's exactly right people have been asking on twitter yo were they sandbagging qualifying no i don't think they were really sandbagging necessarily they were just running through their program like they like dr already says effectively they were because as you said they didn't go out on on low fuel and soft tires that that wasn't that they weren't considering qualifying as an entity in itself they were just building towards the motor race so they know the balance of the car and how it changes when they put on tyres and or go for lower fuel so they know that correlation already they didn't need to worry about that all they're worried about is getting ready for this 24 hour race so when they do get towards the end of the seats and when they are running on on fresher tires they're able to turn faster lap times it's a combination of experience it is not that really makes a difference [Music] nick tandy acknowledging his engineers uh information that the car in front of you is the race leader not directly in front of him it's about six seconds up the road or was now coming in the next zone warning them that they got to slow down this is a slow zone okay so somebody just asked me uh uh stephanie wiffy asked me on twitter can you explain a slow zone okay slow zone is basically a local yellow zone this is surrounding the number 21 nissan which is stopped at the side of the road so there is a slowing down zone you don't have to hit any minimum speed in it but as you cross the line from the slowing down zone or next zone as it's called into the slow zone you must be at 80 kilometers an hour not a fraction more through the slow sound however many elements of the track that is whether it's one three hundred meter section two five ten you must remain at 80 or or lower and then you'll get to the end it'll go green and you're able to speed up again now what this does is in a normal yellow flag situation in any other kind of class of racing formula one or formula ford the yellow flags are waved and yellow flags mean slow down from racing speed and be prepared to stop if required okay there is no minimum speed specified here there is it is not a judgment call on the driver of what he thinks is acceptably slow it is not a judgment call from the stewards or the marshals at the side of the track the judges are facts or the observers that they think the driver is going too fast for the situation it is 80 kilometers an hour 80.01 penalty 79.999 80.0 fine so it takes out all doubt of whether or not you've slowed down enough and taking away doubt in judicial decisions is exactly what drivers want and getting them down to 80 kilometers now 50 miles an hour allows marshals to work in safety so it's sort of not virtual safety car it's a slightly more straightforward way of having yellow flags out well there we are i mean uh i'm really surprised sam the chef's here beauty and the beast i mean the whole thing listen to this lecture that you've just given us we're totally completely convinced by this all i've still got to say is this is a motor race that is gonna go on the way this is looking this is gonna happen right the way up until time tomorrow it really is it it's it's moving viciously from one side to the other you think right well there's some advantage there i'm looking at the number of stops and for the first time for quite a while we have got everybody has stopped in the first one two three four five six cars i've all stopped 12 times our lead is coming down nick tandy is chasing andre lotta with all he's got out of the pits tandy last time round and his last lap before 28 lotter did a 3 43 but tandy is flying on this lap he was actually he was about uh a second behind in the first sector he's a second behind in the second sector but you saw on the little data screen he is almost within visible range even in this darkness of the car in front of him on the road the race leader it's the temperature situation you're going to have to turn your mic off i'm going to stop eating and i know thank you very much sam for bringing that some food along that was fantastic um we're expecting a pit stop for andre lotra in uh two laps that's a lap and a half before andre lotto will bring that race leading car on to pit lane ripple of applause i think not in the back of the booth although just about everybody is liz halliday has joined us from the pit lane sam has brought curry burst from audi i'm not quite sure what's going on there okay again side of the track just as we saw there yellow flags being waved yellow lights on and also just probably make out below the lemon logo on the right of your screen an 80 kilometer an hour board also being shown like a road sign now those yellow signs also illuminate during the night to show those speed limits around and about the track spectators going about their daily business of having fun with nutella oh that's unfair liz has just left in the hope that she can find an old man who's gonna buy her a crep and put lots of nutella on it ten hours in the books here at le mans and 13 hours and 53 minutes to go i think we're as far away from knowing who's going to win this race as we were 10 hours ago i think from the beginning of qualifying we assumed it was likely to be a porsche or an audi i think that's about as close as we're getting so far and look at this i think the key may very well be uh the temperature when the temperature starts to go up tomorrow if the situation uh works out the way it did today which i think saw frankly the porsche's a slight disadvantage they were using their tyres and uh it was causing them a little bit of an embarrassment there if that temperature stays down a little bit lower they've got a better chance if it doesn't i think it's less a tire issue with porsche i think it's an overheating of the hybrid system issue it certainly was last year high temperatures really kibosh their hybrid system and certainly talking to mike conway earlier on he was expecting the hybrid systems to weaken as the race progresses constantly charging and recharging and discharging and redischarging the batteries it's gonna have its effects same as anything in a camera in a walkman in a phone you can't do it forever it will eventually stop taking a charge or giving out the power as quickly fair comment but there is no question that the porsche is lighter on its tyres at this stage in the year yes the race than it was earlier on the beginning of the race they really struggled even to do three stints on one set of towers three full fuel loads it was a real struggle they were losing a lot of pace towards the end of the third stint now they're able to run four cents on one set of michelin tires if you're following atlas holiday she is currently periscoping from the back of the booth from your left neville hey lord neville pay i'm in the middle jeremy short on the right hand side uh currently shoveling curry burst in as fast as he possibly can i've never seen as the man he'd carry as quickly as that for a very long time the feet in the background belong to sam hancock so we're going to get him on air in just a moment sam the chef and that will allow me and he's not the chef but he is the man who's brought it all the way from audi's hospitality unit so the yellow flag zone remains out just to arnard's corner still recovering that recalcitrant number 21 nissan i am going to wait until it's officially an abandoned before we go uh however i am now going to complete a northern crosses line because 63 corvette went out before the start of the race directly below it on our andy blackmore spotter's guide is the 92 porsche that caught fire and below that is the number 50 labra competition corvette that is also out so that i'm claiming the first full lap and if anybody else is playing martin haven commentator bingo are any of you still sober or have you all passed out i'm just wondering just where that car is now how long before it gets back to the pits because it must be getting an awful lot more i don't think it's getting back to the pits what they're doing is they've got a flatbed truck and a lifting crane they're trying to get it off the ground and get it onto the flatbed and then it will go to the dead car park at the end of the pit so i don't think it's going to be working puncture on a ferrari that's a gte m-class car it's one of the af quarter cars but that narrows it down to a selection of about 163 in the race right front puncture and he's going into the porsche curves and well if sam hancock was here on the microphone he'd be telling us what a potential nightmare that is without question that's a pr it's an outclass car okay so that narrows it down and the smoke is getting worse and worse we know what happens when it does the whole thing disintegrates and there it is on pit road now it's 60 have we got a 62 yes is that no that but jeff that's not jeff seagal's car that's the audi sport coming in there number seven we were expecting [Music] cleaning the tear off i'm assuming they're only actually removing a tear off and giving a fully clean screen to a new driver like new tires yeah i don't know how many of those i don't know how many of those screens they have not enough no i think there's only about three they can hold yeah not enough for 26 stints you'd never be able to see out of it and even if you could you wouldn't be able to figure out what it was you were looking at be like jeremy shaw with his two pairs of glasses yeah very quick bit stop for number seven up to speed already as he comes out and up the dunlop curve so andre lottera in the number seven car now nick tandy with the race lead in porsche number 19 cycles back into the lead of the race and the gap at the line by the way they were almost level with lottery in the pit lane and tandy on the racetrack the gap between them as they cross the line tandy was in front by 31 thousandths of a second that gap will grow marco bonanovi now up to second as and davidson gets in the number one the champions toyota not run by champions you understand but driven by champions well run by champion team as well you know what i mean yeah championship winners last year that was the 21st lead change that that has been the sad story i suppose really if you're looking at this particular race that we had anticipated that we couldn't believe initially that really the toyotas were as slow during the course of practice as they turned out to be and they haven't shown frankly any improvement in the race at all 6 83 there you go the 83 car comes in aguash one of half a dozen portuguese drivers in the field and a definite podium challenger despite that puncture jeremy with uh nearly 14 hours left there is time to make up for that as long as there's not too much knock-on damage yeah that's that's the that's the key here how much uh has it affected that they got a new floor ready to go on floor on that on that car and uh just talking there weren't you about the uh lap times of the of the uh toyotas and i'm i'm surprised that the discrepancy the best lap any of them has done was a 322.7 that's uh four or five seconds uh adrift of the porsches and audis that's uh that's really quite remarkable this is of it now they're getting all italian over the 83 we'll be back for more at le mans in just a second [Music] um [Music] hmm [Music] okay [Music] hey [Music] so [Music] coming up [Music] six [Music] oh [Music] [Music] sorry [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to eurosports coverage of the 83rd le mans 24 rs jeremy shaw with you along with neville haye and sam hancock back with us in the booth and sam uh there's been wait a minute we've got another happening here it's number 18 it's the place at the wheel he is in the gravel looks like on the exit of molson have i got that right yup yes excellent this is a fifth place car neil yani who's currently one lap down here we go massive look at this bit there and that's exactly does kiss the barrier and imagine just sitting there and you think that coming up and you think this isn't going to stop yeah that's almost exactly what we saw earlier on in the race with roman dumas yeah doing exactly the same thing just locked up there bounced across the kerbs and nosed into the barrier so what's happening there then i mean we know we know that the hybrid systems play a big part in the deceleration of the car are we are we getting to a point at this late later stage in the race where perhaps they're not performing in the way they have up to this point and the the retardation of the car in these heavy braking zones isn't what the drivers were expecting i don't think so i think what this is is somebody is about our lap behind they'd like to be on the same lap and they were pushing very hard and there we have it no no no no it's definitely a a mechanical system in this car romaji we've got juma's got too much experience and as as has uh as has timer bernhard to do to make simple mistakes like that uh at this stage in the ratio they they're well used to drive in 24 hours roses and driving them flat out as well so no i think this is a mechanical imbalance or or inconsistency in the braking system on that car it's you know there's a hybrid technology that you're using to regenerate power during the braking process still relatively new and it's not yet infallible like like a regular braking system is let's say yeah it's it's something i remember hearing a lot about formula one when hybrid technology arrived there and the drivers were really struggling with the brakes it was something that was such a variable that they could never quite gauge the level of sort of retardation that they were actually going to get according to the the different pressure that they could put into the pedal and um it doesn't do anything for your confidence as a driver that's for sure well they've dragged it out and they're putting it down and the rest we shall have to wait as mr asquith suggested and see this is pretty tough stuff you're going to have yeah mark lee and roman dumas who i just saw getting some uh some supper back at the porsche hospitality watching watching on with baited breath now luckily he only just kissed the tyre barrier and we know how strong these lmp1 cars are there's probably going to be little if not no damage whatsoever and he's been deposited back on hard standing ground i expect he'll just be able to pull away but this is not the sort of delay that you can get away with if you harbor ambitions of winning out right yeah particularly not for a second time sam i completely agree with you and he sets off as if you've set fire to his bottom end his prison juicy but uh anyway right so where does that leave the nick already fallen down to sixth place now neil yani who's already a lap down on the leading pack so that puts him between the audi of loic duval and still ahead of the toyotas the first of the toyotas is currently alexander wurtz in a number two car followed by anthony davidson in the number one car a further three laps behind his teammate if you remember earlier on in the race when davidson made that contact he had to pit for a front fender replacement and that is uh that was a that was a handicap that they haven't been able to claw back as of yet i don't think they're going to i don't think it's going to happen no i think you're right another quick lap there from nick tandy back at the wheel of the race leading car uh 320.089 by the race feeder the gap from first to second uh it's a marco bonomi now the wheel of car number nine the gap between 38 seconds last time around right who we got this is okay so we've got mark leave there kitted up ready to go ready to hop in when the car does get back quite an uncomfortable feeling that actually for an incoming driver getting ready to take over a car that he's just seen skate off the road in one of the breaking points that you arrive at uh on the circuit that is one of the fastest arrivals i mean they'll they'll be hitting the brakes from about 210 250 miles an hour on the way down to mulsanne there lima has a vast experience i don't think it's something that's going to rattle him too much and he has them all very well yeah absolutely absolutely right now he's it's certainly not the sort of guy that's going to get rattled by it but you do kind of want to know that the brake system works and that if you've been braking at 150 meters a week long that when you break it 150 meters you're gonna stop in time and actually you don't need to compensate and add 20 or 30 to that which is the case of you know what we've just seen interesting situation there for those of you who are watching this pit stop going on which they're trying to do with an immense amount of speed and efficiency yeah i'm wiping out the cameraman in the meantime yeah i don't know if you saw that but that that's like the ultimate kind i don't think it feels too good for a camera i mean we've got this lovely shot brilliant for us nice and close well we're seeing everything we need to see they're replacing the nose which did touch the tire wall incredibly quick also change the um the seat as well because there's a different size between the two drivers it's all one of the things that amuses me greatly that if you get a different size of driver it does i mean you've had this problem because you're a big one i'm not sure what you're trying to say but how am i going to fit in this thing yeah the worst thing generally is is for hi i'm definitely one of the taller drivers and i've had to share with smaller drivers over the years and actually i'll be honest i have the luxurious side because the what they do is they build a base seat around the bigger guy first and then a smaller guys have to sort of have a have a booster seat an insert but what i've noticed this year among a lot of the prototype teams is they've all got their own bespoke full-size seat insert we're not seeing these traditional little sort of almost sort of whoopee cushions that they throw in quickly and what that means is they're building bespoke seats into a oversized carbon shell and the reason for that is because the forces on the body now are so enormous and the length of the stints are so long that you can't put up with some something so compromised seat that has had to be configured around three body shapes of you and your teammates well that was the next question or at least the next point that i was going to raise um we here and of course we have heard over the years the immense amount of problems that the g-force causes particularly the lateral uh g-force with drivers in formula one but these guys are doing it for longer stints it's not like an hour 20 minutes an hour and a half grand prix race if you're doing sort of two or three in a row there must be a huge huge physical strain well we might be testing the limits of the regulations tonight because there is talk that audi could get away in the night of uh what would the word be for a five-stinter something like that okay we'll get we'll roll with that for now two portsmouth i think so if the tires can do it that might not be uh that's not really the point the point is the drivers are limited by a four hour maximum driving time at any one period yeah yeah you're still just just about going to be able to get inside that with that we're only five since it sits about 45 minutes in a prototype car um so that's theoretically yes you can you can do something remarkable job that nick tandy is doing he only did a single stint in the in the beginning of the race not quite sure why that was uh but uh he's flying now he's just turned the car's fastest lap of the race a 318.674 seconds quicker than anybody else but i would understand suggest you actually if you listen to us talk about this it is a totally different ballgame from the days when uh first and foremost it was two drivers per car and secondly one of those two drivers would do an awfully large amount of the rates i know there was one win a few years ago i'm not going to say where how when and where that when they started the race one of the drivers was not a very well boy at all and by the time they finished the race the one did start it feeling very fit had really actually ever done it was in a terrible state he actually didn't attend the prize giving we're gonna go to a commercial break and we'll be back with more straight after [Music] god [Music] um [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] welcome back leader is nick tandy in the number 19 porsche last time around at one uh three minutes 20.99 absolutely flying he is turning some very consistent laps extending his lead over the second place car which is marco boninomi in audi car number nine andre lotterer
Channel: GrandPrixBrasil
Views: 2,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Le Mans, Le Mans 2015, LeMans, leMans 24hrs, wec, endurance, lemans 2015, la sarte, audi, lmp1, lmp2, toyota, Tom Kristesen, ferrari, corvette, porsche, nissan, france, europe, eurosport, Porsche 919, Le Mans Prototype, Circuit de la Sarthe, France, FIA World Endurance Championship
Id: GoUBasq0YmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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