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[Music] you are set for encountered in spooning right so your feet on people on earth and the Bible says from the rising of the Sun and to the coming down of the same the name of the Lord shall be pleased you are in the house and you want to prove to the Lord that you are excited to be in the month of every good those hands together make a joyful noise [Music] lift your hands and start to appreciate it start to give Him praise that'll glorify him is the reason why you cross over from January to February from money to march from match to a pray the devil couldn't stop you and that devil is a bad devil lift your hands and start to appreciate him give your home a Dupre's he's worthy of our praise start to make demands on him for the new month start to appreciate him give him praise give him glory give him other than he deserves but I we appreciate you we give you praise we give you glory we thank you for making us assertive month of April 2019 beat our exalted Lord in the mighty name of Jesus and the Bible says if I will say in some twenty some 24 and verse 1 is that the Lord and the fullness thereof we are going to start to take authority over he called the altars in this vicinity every arrangement of the pit of hell come son into the service start to disability not to disable it take authority over it not to judge that level that is a gives you double your pleasure not to make pronouncements release the Word of God against every attachment of Satan panel we want to appreciate you with the authority over every group over every high places over every author that is a get your assignment here today father is Kapadia remember fire in that name of jesuschrist is heard [Music] it is a moment for your change of story all the deaths of your up at that time will I wait that is the Word of God for you from the book of Job 14 and verse 14 so you are going to ask for your transformation for your change of story further in this season I refuse to remain the same I refuse to remain the same today is my day of blessing the blessing of God is the platform for transformation is the platform to disconnect you from the enemy lift your voices that don't make demands in this mode of tongue in this month of April my change becomes speedily father satisfy me awake satisfy me an entire university in the name of Jesus lift your voice as total demand for your change of story for your change of story and finally start to make demands for the hand of the Lord of pointless oven let the hand of God come upon him speedily let every declaration from this Saturday find expression in our destiny in our lives if you believe your story has just changed put those hands together make a joyful noise unto Jehovah I know you can with your testimony in ministers within under the gallery to take your testimony put those hands together as I welcome the Prince team celebrating celebrating somebody give a lot [Music] Oh I'm a [Music] [Applause] [Music] how [Music] Oh me [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] No [Music] [Music] don't move on [Music] we'd [Music] you ha Oh [Music] I come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] somebody that is excited being in God's presence this morning set one encounter can you give Jesus a bigger loader mega hallelujah tell your neighbor you are here for an encounter so girl seated fasten your seat belt [Applause] we're making progress in the service this morning so be calling the following owls to testify of what God has done in the lives system Marine please make your way forward joy how to make your way forward Collins Johanna make your way forward in jail Christopher make your way forward is a human enjoy so don't be afraid ester Haruna all the way from cafe melody rogas our tongue leaving us make your way power someone give Jesus a klappa friend just a mooring you tell us your name and straight to the testimony what God has done for you hallelujah my name is sasamori Nakula I want to thank God and I want to bless God for answering my prayer causing me to stand in this assault at ulta to testify to the goodness of God and to the shame of the devil I want to appreciate the name of the Almighty God God is so faithful consigning my daughter each time she wants to renew her visa God does it there is time I will tell God how come and testify but I will not come and testify but this time around it it became so difficult so difficult that even me I don't know what to do I prayed and prayed I summon up courage on Monday I said God is on time for that fasting to be declared and I now took that opportunity and I'll show the servants of God and I'll show that this is what I'm passing through I didn't even know what to say whether it was however to kneel down but immediately as I was telling say what do you want I say I want favor in antique light that the document shall not be revoked and I want to tangle i sat on Tuesday there was no way out untidy evangelism I decided to come to the church and in love declaration is just that because of the condition I could not be heard but I know that he was saying that that people will testify and I'm here now to glorify God for taking away that Devorah that Kapila out of my life and family I said to her the name of God be glorified in Jesus name give a lot of big drop of rain on the basis of that word there was a reversal and to be that pressure has been conserved keep the lot a big crop of rain you tell us your name and what God has done for you lord my name is joy I'll do I'm here this morning to return all the glory to God for the healing he gave me sometimes last year on much I started filling some pins in my breast and other points Paul started coming out of my nipple then during healing and deliverance service on the fifth of me I was watching from my location apostle declare that every growth averaged more in the res is melting then when I went to my checked myself from that day till now until eternity the post has stopped coming out and the pin has disappeared I'm here to return all the glow it's good keep the load a bit clap offering every depo seat of hell in your body today's we talk back to him calling us your name and what God has done for you blue straight to the point my name is college I may do so student lingo hallelujah I have a challenge I got married 2013 allowed to talented before the marriage which took us seven years because of family challenges that was rejection so only my my first I have to Train guys the fence two boys so when I was to come telling me my wife is pregnant - leave her I said no I'm going to hand over to God I know God is going to take care of her so on the individual that was the that was her EDD so I was praying I was sitting there praying and then she she was at for me darling go and she slept off she was watching via the sideline and she slept off and gods use the face of the sea no pasaran playing Paulo Ellen and they had a video with honey and then after the video you know acts he not told him what she was passing through and then the husband is in gusandjess plane everything like she's not working and it's not that honey and then he now pray for her and then say that God is going to favor her and yesterday I was to go to evangelism with our own group so in the morning when I also got the call me - she was rushed to the hospital and I keep on praying trusting or even color-coded metal coordinator there we prayed and when we came back from the the evangelism and then they do not call me that she gave birth to a baby boss a baby girl and I saw torture and the chai is 3.5 kg she told me that in fact she was 3.5 kg Sibley delivered and he's here to give Caprice for that encounter that has given his wife is safe delivery congratulations enjoy cristela you tell us your name what God has done for you my name is angel Christopher March 24th was my birthday so I celebrated it and on 26 I was supposed to go for a barrel on my way to agnostics to us in God praise God just for the reason of sensitivity I'd like to help say it she said while she was on her way some how some speaking people looking people stopped their vehicle and they were for in the vehicle and the way or dad to come from the vehicle took them walking through the bush part for over three hours and the exact call your parent she said I don't have a father I don't have a mother that's okay call your products she said she doesn't have anyone to call and the answer okay who among this man is your husband she said none of them and then they began to threaten her with they're gone they were going to shoot her if you don't link us to someone who would pay for your ransom and she began to make declarations the god of my father with deliver me because of my father with Oliva P while they were talking they didn't know that she understands their language and they said this lady seems not to have anything here to give to us let us release her to go on their own they took her from the bush brought her to the road gave up four thousand era and Pau d'arco and anthem a coup and good that was how she was delivered from that satanic agenda you shall not be a victim for anybody to ask for ransom on your head and in the name of Jesus we take authority over the spirit of kidnapping in Nigeria we cross you altar we cause your sponsors we cause those behind it in the name of Jesus we declare deliverance for Nigeria in Jesus name get a lot of presentations a mama you tell us what God has done for you and your name [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] what she pretty not testifying carry on praise God for over 2,000 sorry justo change your story maestro anything change my story before I so for the marriage for good Egeus fro Kaduna too choppy a city so far city Alya my husband leave me with my juju do not match anything for anybody anybody house now that is the summary suffering and affliction and she said she had the song that God gave to the senior pastor concerning the women of destiny [Music] [Applause] now having heard a song she said God salmon was praying and making declarations when he was explaining how God gave him a song and power surged into her body the affliction died on the spot she returns to peffy God gave a talk where she started working she began to do business in the working place today Mama's life is transformed instead of packing she is a diva and she's here today to give God praise for the transformation of life and her family mama congratulations somebody give the Lord praise upon Mount Zion there shall be deliverance and there shall be holiness and thus also Jacob shall possess their possession praise the Lord a melody ro dress the fellow ye have come back here to give God the praise first and foremost I want to thank God for the salvation of my soul and secondly I want to thank God because he is the God and such whenever we call on him after a wedding my husband and I were allocated to Leaguers he's bathing Leaguers and then sometimes last ones on the 7th of March I had an appointment with the doctor by 7 a.m. so my husband dropped me down close to where I'll get the vehicle to the hospital so to be tough and traffic so when he dropped me I ain't had the vehicle and I dropped at the hospital gate the hospital is enclosed to an express road but before then early hours of Thursday morning by 12 we're praying and the prayer that night was totally different and after prayers with the spread of debts declaring no weapon formed against you shall prosper and listening to tones of fire and I her prayers I couldn't sleep because I was Restless then on my way to the hospital I was least names the tongues of fire and when I go to the hospital gates I had already crossed the road for me to start going straight into the hospital gates just for me to turn backwards I saw a bike that drove with speed it was two men that were on the bank and I told back to see who was coming only for me to turn I saw the other guy on the bike jump down from the bike with a Cutlass running towards me and immediately shouted Jesus there shall be no loss and I started running but since he was the man who was faster than me he came close to me and grabbed me from behind but from being a man he was not loaded anyway loaded yes and he came close to me grunts me - okay - I'll be low low and when he caught last hits me on my neck I fell on my left-hand side and my bag was there so he wasn't caught last two hits me just beats me and was saying I should give him my bag and I was lying on my back the more he was me with the Cutlass he was doing some kind of enchantment and I was that shall be no loss we applaud his weight that might shall never be needed he was into me then he told me and he's my to me the way my baby has never gone before I felt my baby pole and there was a boat at my back like the baby moved to my back and immunity was he hitting me then he used the Cutlass to show that now with this terrible happenings the Lord delivered ha and as you can see no caught on her body the people themselves began to wonder is this girl carrying something and they took off on their own for their lives and Lord delivered her and the baby insane and servicing and she's here to give God praise for that timely intervention when you asked when she was saying they were caught hitting her hitting her hitting her I knew that the Cutlass didn't do nothing you can see her right there fully loaded and the Cutlass could do nothing Nigeria is in a very very dangerous situation but God is more than it God is God is more powerful than the devil the agents of killing the agents of destruction whether in form of rituals or or kidnappers will never over on this country in the name of Jesus those who send them those who pattern eyes them those who line sense them although temps are offense the judgment of Jehovah in the name of Jesus somebody said you shall be no laws we applaud this waster my shall not be Wednesday [Applause] congratulations this should be tears of joy now right safety the devil that could not take your life and the life of the baby lost the battle forever and when people carry greatness that is how they face confrontation so watch what your current destined it's not a sacrifice of a baby it's not a destroyable baby the heat that Tommy and maybe Tom and he daddy back so you can't kill me not everybody is killable not everybody is wasted on somebody shot look at the never see where blood is wasted your blood shall not be wasted look at somebody insane not everybody's wasted not everybody's destroyable you are not wasted you are not destroyable get a lot of shadow pray congratulations divine safety give a lot the prince standing by my left is my wife I'm in Cebu Sabah I've been having three challenges economic challenge health challenges and stagnation in civil service again three challenges economic challenge health challenge and stagnation in civil service so a month I mean a week they had this national service Oprah story prayer then they consecutively the next one day they have breaking of foundational ancestral causes so I attended the two after that I know experience that my asthma has gone the health challenge God that should be February Oh totally much the next thing all there had been a boy a as my a nose it has been there for over a year it took some time to subpoena me Oh itch in me completely that well has gone give the Lord a friend another hair challenge gone yeah secondly my daughter who was a having a stomach OSA typhoid and malaria she has also received the same healing [Applause] the next thing I am now open that to Hapuna have gone for promotion to my next level that was last year and we know very soon that the resort would be released I've already decreed that apart that promotion is dawn we are trusting God what of the economic one I forgot one I've opened one please yeah I was among those who bought this ahead of service award in February the epic award so I'm very grateful why you to help me thank God okay now what about the economy's Alan's plus it trusting God I got a shop I've been struggling to get a shop for my wife I got it this week the economic challenge is very important because if the economic respond do it can affect health also is that true there are some economic challenges I can cause ORSA hypertension i prophesy to everyone here today whatever be the challenge you came with is arrested forever is arrested for Emma help me shed the hands of three people and tell them that challenges over that challenge is over that challenge is over tell somebody else that challenge is over please you may be seated in the name of Jesus Christ praise the Lord help me welcome your neighbor on the left hand on the right tell them you are welcome your excellency distinguished pressing personality you are welcomed and privileged to have you seated beside me in this great auditorium this morning hallelujah I'd like to welcome all special guests today and those that are with us today for the first time and then of course those who are Doudna mites that also fall into that category and today we have with us as a special guest those that work with the civil service of Nigeria can we give Jesus a big clap of hand for them this morning we have with us pumps X we have directors deputy directors we have all the cauda all the way down I don't know if you are here this morning would you like to rise up on your feet let us recognize that you are here you work with the civil service of Nigeria please stand up on your feet give Jesus a big clap of hand for them be enthusiastic we enthusiastic the way the lawyers wear and the doctors wear and the traders wear hallelujah were happy to have every one of you and we know that your being here today is a blessing upon what you do in Jesus name this you may be seated the Lord bless you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ somebody say loud amen you know that is a dream and aspiration of so many young people I want federal government job I want state government job well thank God for what they are doing but I know that after today's meeting that there will be a special impartation that shall be left and put upon them in the name of Jesus very quickly Isis of dancing today is titled restoring your originality restoring originality we know from today's writer of the senior pastor has given us a very clear description and and hunt down information of the fact that God created us in His image and God's image is perfect so when there is any imperfection affliction sickness delay what am i teased that is not the image of God and God's agenda is that to be restored to what his original intention for your life is and today I declare it shall be so in the name of Jesus Christ beloved you must decide to be who God made you to be and refused to be tagged with a name or a title that is contrary to God's agenda for your life for instance you are not called the barren woman you are not called the sick man you are now called be afflicted individual I don't know what they have called you but I'd like you just in a minute say I am NOT saying it what a mighty is that you are not and the devil is trying to make you think you are say it again I am NOT in the name of Jesus Christ you are not frustrated you are not poor you are not burned you are not afflicted you are not a dejected or rejected person in the mighty name of Jesus Christ you have been made in the image of the Lion of the tribe of Judah and that image is what you reflect and woo you reflect every passing day of your life in the name of Jesus please lift up your hands and let us pray together say O Lord I ask that you draw me close to you in relationship fill my body with your spirit and let every sickness and disease die by your judgments all Lord in the name of Jesus Christ praise God well we proceed right away this one who will be receiving the mini shock Dunamis voice and this morning that's it in two songs the fat song is a brand-new song sit down written by God's abundant in your fat hallelujah and the song is titled knowing you how many of you want to know about how many of you want to know him more than you have known him before knowing you and the second song which is a previously ministered song is titled my heart is panting after you how many of you desire to know God more how many of you pant after God I believe that your panting and your desire shall be granted today let's receive Dunamis voice as a minister [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] without you [Music] [Applause] [Music] No [Music] I want to know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thurston fire [Music] [Music] my this I love dodging strophe you Oh this one [Music] I it's what my mom [Music] is though we knew is what I want [Music] [Music] hi it's one [Music] this one [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if your house is Washington [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no no no you are [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] my we use this one I love kind of fly babies is our strength the judge I just wash it lord I want to know you know Inu is my heart's desire no EMU is what I want to do country to know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] to harness our Washington [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] in Japan to the warship heat on my hair [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you James hi we spar evil [Music] the beach [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he's that David Bunning shall be lifted from of your shoulder saith the Lord the year probably of a Hyundai of the front shall be destroyed because of the anointing as a friend I take authority over happy every dream of darkness every work of their policy every Walker witchcraft Walker suits and every war committee blocker Hey Safran god is destroying the power of negative alter of witchcraft awfully Oh God some wickedness a path of destruction of envy of NASA backwaters ah that's a failure but NASA frustration be exact be broken now somebody shot [Applause] [Music] mahashiv alibi something is breaking something is breaking something is breaking you are not going to Libya the cell where you came [Music] [Applause] has been allocated thou shalt not eat at your fascia data compression he's been set on fire somebody shot [Music] it came here with the reproach you communicate man who came here with depression rejection discouragement disappointment leukemia hopeless today the Yogi's broker [Music] I like you to get the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] shut up [Music] [Music] because the Spirit of the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] galleries revivify upon here this morning from the Quai administration that was explosive I can see that Dunamis judges listen new songs looks like I listen new songs don't worry we'll be happy new songs by his message because I saw the way you shouted when they said there is a new song and somebody said that is the first new song in the glory - don't worry MA new songs will come hallelujah welcome to the blessing Sunday of April we have people connected from all around the world and I believe that today is going to mark a great day with us to do a responsive reading of Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 to verse 14 I read verse 1 you read verse 2 and now please like us to be upstanding as you read this passage and if there is any child screaming by virtue of anything please let the OSHA's assist the child in Liberty and it shall come to pass if you shall diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord your God to observe and do all his commandments which I command thee this day that the Lord thy God will set you on high above all nations of the earth first - everybody blessed shall be in the city and blessed shall be in the fish a man now read verse 4 blessed shall be thy basket and I stole number six the los arcos your enemies the rise up against you to be smitten before your face they shall come against you one way and flip before you seven ways mercy the Lord shall establish you unholy people on to himself as he are sworn unto you if you will keep the commandments of the Lord your God and walk in his ways first and [Applause] amen and the Lord shall make thee plenteous in goods is anybody receiving that in the fruit of your body and in the fruit of your cattle and in the fruit of your ground and in the land we get loss well to your father's to give me verse 12 [Applause] today man and the law shall make you the head and not the tail are you Sharpie above only a knot now shall I be beneath if you shall hearken unto the commandments of the Lord your God which I command thee this day to observe and to do them verse 14 and somebody say amen to that as well father bless your world in Jesus Mary please be seated speaking quickly on the subject the blessedness of the blessing the blessedness of the blessing of God and our objective this morning is to understand the overwhelming advantage of the blessing and then to understand channel of the blessing the overwhelming advantage of the blessing and then to understand channels of the blessing by way of introduction is important to know that the blessing is overwhelmingly advantageous to the life of the Blessed overwhelmingly overwhelmingly overwhelmingly advantages that is why the title the blessedness of the blessing was used deliberately blessedness of the blessed it sounds tautological but it is deliberate for the purpose of doubling the emphatic importance of the blessing in the life of the child of God it's like saying the helplessness of day they have fullness or the help of God or the graciousness of the grace of God it's like that the blessing is so vital and so critical that you will need to note the following first God have to release the blessing at creation to guarantee the future of the eight God had to release the blessing at creation to guarantee the future of the eight in Genesis chapter 1 verse 27 to 28 verse 28 in particular and God blessed them and God said be fruitful multiply and so on he had to release that is the earth would not have a future of the creation without the blessing secondly the Covenant lineage of Abraham God established in greatness and influence by the blessing of God that's how vital the blessing is Abraham came from a family where nobody was making any headway but the family the Covenant family of Abraham got established in greatness and influenced by the blessing of God Genesis 12 and 12 to 3 and I will make of you a great nation and I will bless you and make your name great and thou shalt be a blessing the Covenant lineage of Abraham got established in greatness and influenced by the blessing of God thirdly the children of Israel exist on earth today as a force to reckon with in the committee of Nations by the power of the blessing they is realized the children of Israel exist on earth today as a major force to reckon with in the committee of Nations by the power of the blessing when they are Father Jacob in Genesis chapter 32 verse 28 rest wrestle with God and he said your name shall be corn or Majak about Israel for the Prince of power daughter with and you have prevailed that is the power of the blessing and up till today the Jews habitually release blessing on their children habitually habitually on their children so you have the Jews in every sphere of life like we have heard over and over again one out of every Nobel Prize winner is a Jew and then you have Jews who are presidents of countries apart from their own country by the power of the blessing someone say Amen that's how critical the blessing is let me add two notes from contemporary times the 14 to note is that children from families who receive positive affirmations and blessings from the appearance they fare better in life than children who receive only in souls and causes true and I want parents to take no children from families where they receive positive affirmations and blessings lift replaces the fact in life than children who receive only in souls and causes that is why you are here on this blessed Sunday so that in case the only thing you receive from your father model will causes a superior Authority can reverse it and spiritual authority is superior to nature a parental authority I know of a family where they thought that cosmic children onto uselessness holida he derived joy in costing his children the pungency this one is his head or calabash recurring see this one are you a person or a prostitute do you just play in random of them useless apart from those who came to embrace God till today they are struggling there are many children in prison today many of them are from such homes either no home at all according to American statistics the 60% of black boys in prison came from homes that did not exist so be careful what you adrene insane to your children somebody say Amen somebody say a louder amen somebody say lara amen i also came across a story a study that was related by Zig Ziglar a notable speaker and also a christian statesman he said that even animals they're very famous noticed that animals that is cow that had good words spoken to them in because of milking them had higher volume of milk plus sweetened milk production when they're milking the cow sorry I person and is the man is stroking they own I stroke in the back good girl we so productive just stroking and stroking milk volume increased and the milk was sweeter when we are continuously hitting the cow useless look at you milk was Kunti and betta know everything in life happens for many reasons there are people struggling almost to the point of death yes miss class you could also see where Saiga dad II couldn't break through maybe it cuz came from behind somewhere but it is you are sitting here I'm anything like that is working against you any world spoken against your life either by father or mother or an authority figure that is working against your life I stand by the mantle of God on my life I declare it is reversed give us a name and say louder hey man to piace so you can see how important how vital how critical how crucial the blessing is now what are the deliverables or the products of the blessing what is the blessedness of the blessing how good is it to be blessed number one their blessing consume and dissolve curses embargoes and limitations from the life of the Blessed the blessing consumes it dissipates or dissolves curses embargoes and limitations from the life of the Blessed the will you turn light on and darkness dissolves in the same manner you turn the blessing on and crosses dissolve that was what happened to Jacob we read in Genesis 32 verse 24 to 28 I wrestled and he said I will not let you go until you bless me Jacob a battle with a lot of struggles all his life but the blessing came and the curse was dissolved and the same way that light is more powerful than darkness the blessing is more powerful than kosis am i communicating at all so if we have a blessings on them in Dominion ease in case a curse followed you here by the time the blessing is released upon your life the curse will dissolve and dissipate and dematerialize and disintegrate and reduce back to nothing shall power number two are you following the blessing brilliant speed speed and acceleration into the life of the Blessed there is speed there is acceleration like I preached some time ago it is a sacred blessing connects a motion machine to the life of the bless and I call that motion machine a blessing metal like an accelerator like an alternator like like like an electric machine electric motor is a blessing net all that is it is like the difference between a Kino and a speedboat even a candle can be turned into a speedboat if the speed machine is positioned at the back of it am i communicating at all the first time I entered such a thing was when I believe it was in the year of 1989 or so I was crossing from EDA to Agana body inside you remember I did a year inside from me decide to enough you are from this idea and then and then just entered and then the on the machine and then this this people just by the time you are on that speedboat when you have reached the other side the pesum paddling with the Pinot is still on will come in you still on the will come in you have gone you have returned back maybe God I returned back again the person is still going that is the difference between a man who carries the blessing he is like a speedboat and the one who is on his own is struggling like a cane oh man that was what happened to Isaac in Genesis 26 verse 12 and the Lord blessed him he sowed in the Linares civilly Simeon hundredfold and the Lord bless in verse 13 and the man was great and by the blessing he went forward and grew until he because he became very great so the blessing is a destroyer of stagnation is the destroyer of delay you cannot be blessed and be a victim or delays you cannot carry the blessing and be a victim of stagnation and I speak to someone here every stagnation that came here with you and the spirit of delay delay to get married delay to get a child delay to get a job dealer to fulfill your destiny by the blessing it is destroyed Tarkio sitting in the presence of the Lord number three the blessing changes the climate around the life of the Blessed you have heard of climate change before this one is a positive one this one does not deplete the ozone layer it increases it the anointing it changes the climate around the life of the Blessed the climate changes from negative to positive he changes from rejection to acceptance it changes to favor am i speaking to somebody here so even if you came from a village called rejection when you collide with the blessing there is a climate change there is a positive climatic change is God speaking to somebody here he set up I feel something just here now I believe that the victim of disfavor is being delivered right now a victim of rejection is being delivered right now [Applause] take your seat in the Friends of the law that was what happened to Jabez it was born in sorrow in first chronicles four nine and ten he said that God should bless him he was more honourable but his mother called him jeepers because he was born in sorrow and in verse 10 he said that the god of his race should bless him and when God bless jeepers Jeep has moved from miserable to honorable or favorable by the virtue of the blessing proverbs chapter 5 verse 12 the Bible said thou Lord would bless the righteous with favor sorry son 5 mistress Ford our Lord will bless the righteous with favor will you compass him about us with the shoe that was the blessing that was upon Joseph in Genesis 39 three to five and his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord made all that he did to prosper in his hand and Joseph found grace inside and inside him and imagine overseer over his house and all that he ha he put into his hand it just changes the climate on your life how do you know it cost person everywhere they come the door blocks against them the door closes people those who don't know them hit them before they saw them how do you know a blessed person everywhere he goes the doors open everywhere he goes people like him before they know who he is I'm a victim of such and what the man has I can give my wife and I have been on many journeys red roses I don't know you are but I like you I don't know who you are but I like you what do you like everything implicative favours gosh opening unusual strange openness by the blessing of God that is coming upon somebody today can somebody say a Lada a man who has a climate that is not correct you know when Isaac was blessing Jacob in Genesis chapter 27 and in verse 27 he said this smell he kissed him and smell the smell of instrument and blessed him and they see the smell of my son is as the smell of a field which the Lord has blessed so the blessing changes your aroma it changes your fragrance changes your fragrance it changes your fragrance it changes your spiritual perfume my people tell me that anywhere in the house they will know if I pass they will know I was just or just passes just changes a climate around you anyone who came here with a wrong aroma Iran smell well it is physical or spiritual anything around you that is making people to run from you today he shall be dissolved by the blessing can somebody off leash shout the loudest hey man help me tell somebody else unscented blessing is changing your aroma it's changing your fragrance is changing your perfume give the Lord a shout of praise that was number three number four the blessing releases the potentials in the life of the Blessed when the blessing comes upon you the gifts that you carry the graces inside what you can do that nobody has been aware comes out potentials there are great talented anointed singles anointed right has anointed everything no it hasn't seen the light of it people with great administrative wisdom it never saw the light of day but when the blessing comes then what you carry comes out you know Jabez who was born in suru eventually became the beautiful city in first chronicles chapter 2 verse 25 and Bubba said the families of the scribes dwelt at Gables the best stone from me passing twists is a town but does not about me they were the tribe they were the family of scribes in those days scribes in Bible days alike administrator secretarial administrative time of Satan so there was an administrative capacity now he founded the city of scribes because he would have been ascribed by himself and that capacity was inside in unknown until the blessing came many Osteria you are bigger than what people see there is something you can do nobody knows yet like like David who was a talented instrumentalists but perishing on the backside of the desert until the anointing came on him and brought him out there are people sitting here by the blessing today you are coming out something inside you is coming out shuttle odyssey ticket the blessing releases the potentials in the life of the place number five blessing amplifies the effort of the blessed it amplifies the effort of the blessed it facilitates resourcefulness and productivity it forbids the barrenness of effort what do I mean Genesis chapter 1 verse 27 of verse 28 and God said be fruitful God blessed them and said be fruitful be fruitful means you are not permitted to labor in vain you are not permitted to be working and not in his showing whenever you carry the blessing you work on the work shows there is an unusual productivity productive capacity that comes upon the life of the Blessed Isaac was showing in the land of famine he was showing in the land of famine Genesis 26 where nobody was getting anything and he was ripping a hundredfold where people will repeat 0 for y the blessing of God is upon his life am i communicating at all to somebody when they blessed man take one step he gets the result of a thousand steps that elastic talking from a practitioners point of view my wife told me yes tonight not not not not 10 years ago not 20 years ago just last night on our way from the loss garden whom ok from the loss garden you said I like the way you live your life I said why they said at the end of your day God will not say you wish that your life I said why it says how this because I was on the alter walking within music are people on them and then I was in the office doing other walks and then I don't several things the same day message was available he's she had when I was coming the kitchen with the secretary about the message outline for today and then everything was gonna we said God will not see you instead your life see a visual productivity it met me on a saxophonist playing some very very heavily tunes and then other things I cannot I can tell you it is not by power my daughter met me in the afternoon listening to something on humming some songs and so on as yeah what do you want to do with the rest of us what do you want the rest of us to do everything like that what what shall we do somebody say is the blessing and it is coming upon you today that a man is not a good one the last time you labored in vain sharpie the last forever you are too young to be tired in the morning you are too young to be tired in the afternoon every spirit of lethargy and laziness and weakness I declare it is arrested now somebody shot [Applause] look at your neighbor biosensor from today your life shall be productive from today in the presence of the Lord this God speaking to anybody at all it makes you resourceful it makes you energetic it makes you enthusiastic optimistic it makes you audacious it makes you crackers I'm just looking for more walk by the blessing that was what was upon Abraham and at the age of 120 strength was still intact the blessing number 6 the blessing enhances the quality and quantity of the life of the Blessed the blessing of God upon the life just like crosses reduces life's quality an evil life's quantity the blessing amplifies it enhances the quality and quantity of the man's life what do I mean by that the blessing causes you to live well and live long live well and long you don't just live well you live well you live long provided a 10 verse 22 the blessing of the Lord it's maketh rich and he added no sorry the blessing of the Lord it make a 3 and he added no sorrow hands is the quality of your life you are not living in a quality kind of life enhances and then the quantity of your life either chapter 65 verse 8 he said he said destroy him not for a blessing isn't it can be cut short how do how do you know there is a curse people when they rise they crash or at the primer they after not their life they are caught out caught shot how do you know that the person is blessed when he rises he remains there and it keeps rising and it continues to fulfill his days how many of you believe that the blessing is wonderful how many of you believe that that blessing is necessary do you believe that don't just leave Islamic Christian on this and I do everything you can do to be established in the blessing that was Isaiah 65 verse 8 and then finally the blessing enlarges the capacity of the blessed is your capacity it release littleness and in pass the use of this word it deliciously Tunis and imparts Magnus life is mega kingship a mega mall nestled in Tunis becomes abominations to the life of the Blessed God told Abraham will make you great I will make your name great Aisha be a blessing and then in Genesis well we read about Jacob from Jacob he was turned into Israel Genesis 32 verse 28 he was done from a passing twist in mission we already read about Jabez who was a peasant and becoming city first chronicles chapter 2 verse 55 somebody say in a can somebody say a man anybody believes in what I'm saying say louder hey man we have had the testimony of people building and dedicating houses very soon it will be the dedication of estates there are people among those who build cities universities in it a manufacturing company is there I am saying so because elephant don't give birth to rats are you hearing what I'm saying here your sauce determines your size your connection determines your collection it determines your collection you see yeah you see size that is are still in development construction is going on inside there right there so that when gets coming from all across the wall for Gaza November convention they will have where to stay here right there is maintenance you can see here trace it back to go seven Bishop the miracle you see mekinese there trace it back to us to at the buoy and if you like just keep on Tracy needs I own shop net iron lions moving the company of liars equals moving the company of eagles am i communicating at all and the devil can do nothing about it shark power [Applause] your seat you got presence of Allah whatever not your destiny - dinero in Suva whatever has made your life insignificant irrelevant microscopic remotely disconnected artistical piece of material today it is over forever literati say i matter to this generation to this generation by the blessing of god [Applause] as we try to begin to round off what is what are the deliverables or the blessedness of the blessing fest who said that the blessing delete speakers so that you can understand what you are here to do this morning second that the blessing brings speed and acceleration meaning that start mission and delay perishes and then thirdly that the blessing changes the climate around the life of the Blessed when people come around you something is positive something is appealing attractive accepting and then thought that the blessing releases the potentials in the life of the Blessed everything God has put inside you can be made to come out by the blessing and then that a blessing amplifies the effort of the blest if facilities resourcefulness productivity when the blessing is upon you and then the blessing enhances the quality and quantity or the life of the Blessed you live well you live long the blessing may get rich added no sorrow and number seven the blessing enlarges the capacity of the Blessed conclusion what are channels of the blessing it's important for us to know cause like cause of ambitionally percent assumption brings frustration what are channels of the blessed number one directly from God directly from God God Himself is a blessing when you do the things that God wants you to do his blessing comes direct like what obedience Deuteronomy 28 one to two if you shall hearken diligently to the voice if you shall obey me so if you if you can listen to what God is saying to you and obey Him from him directly blessings can come from for you be service you shall serve the Lord your God and he shall bless your bread and your water you don't just sit in church and do nothing you don't just you sit in church and contribute to the enlargement of the house and enlightenment of the kingdom you are there and you are contributing to what is happening there you serve in soul-winning you serve in in-house service you serve in feeds so directly from God one a is channels of the blessing is directly from God and then you do the things God wants you to do the festive God wants you to do it obedience B is service B is service and C is uprightness some five verse 12 the Lord will bless the righteous with favor will confess him as with a shield some 24 verse photo 6 he that has clean hands a pure heart who has not lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully he shall receive the blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the god of his salvation somebody say aloud ma so what do you what does the blessing come to you directly from God and what do you do first of all you obey God according to Deuteronomy 28 1 - to obey God according to Deuteronomy 28 1 to 2 and then secondly you you serve God according to Exodus 20:23 25 and then you live in uprightness say these people who have clearance are the generation that are placed and finally D Speights and offerings Malachi chapter 3 verse 10 all the way to verse 12 bring you all the types into the store that there may be meat in my house and prove me now herewith if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing so when you do these four things among other things you are connecting direct blessing from God am i communicating so what are channels of the blessing number one directly from God number two through parents through parents parents a scriptural channel of the blessing in Genesis 27 verse 25 to 28 when Jacob brought venison to his father say bring it near to me and I will eat of my son's venison that my soul may bless you and he brought it near to him and he did it and brought him wine and he drank and and his father Isaac said unto Him come near my son and kiss me and verse 27 he began to bless him parents are channels of the blessing official SATA 6 verse 1 2 3 he said children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with promise that it may be well with you you honor your father you honor your mother not so that it can be well with them that it may be well with you that you may live long on the earth that is what is called the blessing that it may be well with you parents a constituents of a blessing my mother was a major blessing major blessing one day we did not video night in money night she was under the influence of the only goes profits island declare it most of the things that I was seeing today you saw the man was prophesying them I can see very big expanse of land I can see this I can see that your enemies will never see you for I from the heart of the mother one day I took Christmas food home and I bought two batches one in the for the house my father's house in the village and another one for the one in the town and I handed it to him and my father looked at me and he said you have seen nothing yet so you took care of us like this for Christmas and you remember that there are there is house in the village a house in the town then he began to mention do you know a woman of God he was mentioning people have impacted the eyewall that he knows you know him ahead of him I said yes you see that is the RAM you are on your cross that room from his hot Papa said when he graduated and bought a set of chairs for his grandmother he changed it and his grandmother said your children would do far more for you Blessed Mother boy's mother told him my son if you say one person come ten thousand one thousand will arrive is it happening do everything you can to cease your parental blessing not parental anger not parental causes not parental unhappiness all you can so I see I remember took him back to my mother once I remember talking back to my father in exchange of wood once don't do that now there are some people who have mothers and fathers who are more like agents of the devil that's another case that is where you almost scream yourself or your mother or your father and it doesn't maybe see witchcraft is in the occult and like I just breathe there are fathers who are specializing caution and caution that is why you are here today anyone that has a negative parental cover today it shall be nullified whatever they have spoken against your life that is working against your life shall be nullified shout the loudest amen shout the loudest a man don't just hit them in return don't hit them in return exercise your conscious to devoid of offense with God and man unlike Moses reversed the cursor Ruben it profit a priest of our life can reverse the curse oh we have directly from God and then number two through parents and number three through priests or profits your priest your prophet is the custodian of your blessing Genesis chapter 12 verse 3 God speaking to Abraham saying I will bless them that bless you and I will cause him that costume Abraham you are my priest and prophet whatever people do to you or for you or with you the time is what I do with them whatever in number status illustrative God speaking to the proceed on this wise shall the priest bless the people hebrews chapter 7 verse 7 is there without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better somebody say Amen your posture and your priest is the custodian of your blessing if you do it well you follow well you will lit well you connect well you don't have the limit when you aren't a parent a cover I'm aware of my life where God has helped us to be and we are still on the journey I am aware of my contemporaries who have no respect for priests or spiritual father or mentor I am aware of some of them and I'm aware that there are some of them also in ministry who cannot count the hundred people or even 50 who is your father nobody who is your pastor nobody who is your mentor nobody meanwhile my mentor will tell me after some interactive sessions we said pastor Paul you have seen nothing yet then he will say see what I just did you will do the same what forward himself got ceramic available when it was still in cadena one day the official business our blessed memory was ministering in Makati and he said David where are you now say I'm in Kiruna where do you want me to be say I want YouTube in Makati now say yes this is suspended all these activities and drove like Jim I went I met him there with him is how many hours will be five hours or more since six six seven hours right and the lion looked at him and said I asked you to come and you came without delay say from today I release upon you the gift of on time so everything will be on time for you is that before the needs arise in your life this applies over with money can buy such a blessing there is nothing that can buy such a blessing when you touch the heart of whoever is father in your life and he releases upon your Ivan generally in the congregation and you relate correctly or you position yourself right you're covered somebody say Amen I tell myself I said my father in the Lord has I have his backing my physical parents I have their back in Jehovah Almighty God I have his backing above all it was a matter who fronts me always give my front to hell with the devil and his agents somebody say Amen take your seat very important that is through priests or prophets and finally through the poor the poor or the less privileged somebodies is saying how can the poor be a source of my blessing my times is going but can you be patient with me to take this last point through the poor look at job chapter 29 verse 11 job chapter 29 verse 11 said when the ear had me job is the one talking whenever I speak they will bless me when they I saw me it gave witness to me why because I delivered the poor that cried and the fatherless and him that had none to help me the blessing of him that was ready to perish came upon me see that that is the passive was about to die I delivered him from his destruction then he released upon me blessing get me another translation so we can understand that all who had no know that that particular verse I just read I help those without hope and they did what Ribit well one more time I helped those without hope and they did what and I caused the widows heart to see for they'll continue in this translation everything I did was honest righteousness come at me like a rope I wore justice like it to ban I served us eyes for the blind so I ensure that the blind did not feel the lack of sight I was fit to the limb I was a father to the poor and I assisted strangers who needed help do you want to go far in life let some hopeless people release blessing on your life when they bless you it is from the heart I have received such blessings plenty times I went to look oh just some time ago to preach I heard about a man who has been was a pastor and then retired and had been preaching for about 15 some three years and has retired this man was like 97 years or so and ice-t-- went to visit him and when I arrived with my wife I saw his young looking wife who was about him 70 something - 80 something years I gave him some clothes and things and money and he looked at me and he said when you are this age you will be stronger this would be like 12 or more years ago many many maybe close to 20 then about five or six years after our church started in the rear one area we're driving I saw an old woman who is thick I was shocked all people in abuja town movie so I said driver asked this woman where's she going we all said mama mama where are you going so I'm going there it's okay can we black can we carry you you say thank you sir we carried my mind a car I went and dropped her and it was in fact very very nearby maybe was an angel because it was literally nowhere just about five minutes or something say it is yeah I want to drop they say is in my son you saw me and you just carried me like that be well with you be well with your children she placed she blessed she blessed I carried the blessing of [Applause] parents we have their children in school school fees we are still doing that widows and orphans there is an orphanage in Abuja here that we bought the house for they you know the orphanage told us he said that they are about to demolish them in Dulce and they don't have where to go they are about to buy a house we say we can assist you and we bought the house for them I think there is like five million or something and they don't have the money anymore and we supported and ended the matter with the rest I think they around up or somewhere in the culture or something now did they went to dedicate a hug the orphanage our picture was by the war I all the children ran to us the woman say that is daddy and mommy that give us house they ran they prayed for us you know I said you see the picture on the wall there they lay their hand on it daily orphans that is why one zillion quadrillion Santilli on demons from hell cannot shake what we do goes for Rosa far more than demons and agents of hell that against us the force is what is working for us is heavier than anything that can ever work against us anything and the good thing is you connect the blessing from all the sauces you connect through God directly you connect through they they need a parent you connect through the Prophet to connect through the poor Iowa how many of you know the reason for the greatness of Suleiman I'll tell you shortly some seventy to attend cash around off without if you look at the top of the Bible some seventy two they very top of every file you started reading the Bible calls it is son for Suleiman now let's read verse 10 to 15 that was Solomon's son he said the kings of Tarshish and of the Isles shall bring presents the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts here all Kings shall fall down before him all nations shall serve Him now like I told you to a suleiman son if you that is David rooted for Solomon if you read the heading of the son he is tied to the Sun for Solomon why will all Kings been done for him see for he shall deliver the media when he cry they pour also and him that has no help he's a spared upon the needy he shall save the souls of the needy he shall redeem their soul from deceit and violence and precious saadia blood be in his sight and he shall live no matter what the devil does easily and to him shall be given for the god of sheba why raya shall be made for him stand up point of it we stop there Priya shall be made for him continually and baby shall he be praised he has impacted so many lives to the point where only daily basis somebody's praying for him prayer shall be made for him continually my brothers and sisters don't wait for millions before you start helping people there are school fees that are 500 naira I remember primary school some one woman came to me one day and he said pastor I have lost my husband my child is about to drop out of school and then there is no money pray for us for God to help us get money I thought the woman I say this is not a prayer point it's a money point I won't pray for you how we give you the money and for as long as this child is in school come for hard for this Goofy's got money at that time I think was fine it was LGC gareki if you look at it a people it was in IRA name data like 500 it wasn't a thousand was in a 1000 it was in no money at all i acidity have it cause is somebody's child you can assist don't tell from where you are and then suddenly is that growing they brought me the bill for how many children going to the University this last week that where we are taking care of the whole school fees of that group of people so I'm in 200 level some a hundred level going all the way to five it was not including the America so that draws in more than 2.7 million that's Goofy's just last week daily continuously celibate so connect all these pray our channels this blessing channels and you on your way to destiny how many who receive something today it is blessing something and you shall not live here with any curse lift your hands and give it all the prayers giving the brain [Music] lift your hands little voice father thank you Father thank you father thank you LSAT I thank you I don't I thank you Jehovah thank you we worship you we honor you we adore you we magnify little hands and voices say father I come before you today help me Lord to connect directly from you the pleasure help me Lord to connect spiritual and physical parent a blessings help me to align with the blessing of my priest and prophet help me to be open to be a blessing to the less privileged so I can connect the blessing that comes through the channel in the name of Jesus opium our streets above it's fixable [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] the law [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ba-ba-ba-ba [Music] [Music] at this moment if you are here today pastor I need to make my wheel right because we just met the point the top brightness is necessary about to release the blessing as priest and prophet in this house I uh say to me pastor that first point on that God did the third point of uprightness want to live for God I want to surrender my life to Jesus pick your Bibles and your bags and quickly quickly you will rush forward god bless you is already coming [Music] quickly from everyone I like to to take your Bibles on your bust and quickly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everywhere you are you are type an addiction drunkenness alcoholism the poverty addiction and it is an addiction in your life and you want that you've broken I like to do bigger bubbles a bigger box quickly are you are now spiritually you factory dedicate yourself to Jesus quickly come follow a kitchen to scope womanizing life man with man light shaping poopy you want to join us quickly come forward I give you the count of seven wife god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to [Music] bread is prayer after me on say Lord Jesus I am here before him I asked for message coming to my life make me a new person today I have decided to follow you long no turning back forward ever back what never thank you Jesus name I pray for you today I added a hold of the enemy be broken of your life grace to live for God it's released upon you I come it in Jesus name Amen counselors please help and show that really you will go with them they will be able to take the communion well happy to have you today to have your decision made we believe that God has brought you here today and you're not going back the same you are going to be taught to study the Bible how to pray you are going to be taught how to disconnect with the wrong friends and how to be established in the Lord god bless you in Jesus name [Music] take me to the place popplers my secretly that's where I wanna be [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's where I wanna be [Music] [Music] very quickly just two three four testimonies after we have done that that's right after we have done that we'll take the communion and release the blessing and after that we'll pray for the civil servant we're happy to have you in our means give the Lord a big clap event for the civil servant and after we are done by then we are true to go the Lord just showed me that people came here with all a flesh or somebody with the right-sided kidney condition that has been healed in because of the surface when if why I was singing and then I went on his saxophone and then the cost of the preachers the afflictions disappear the repeal who came here with migrant conditions eyesight es site conditions knee conditions paralyzed paralyzed paralytic condition that we already healed somebody's breast love disappeared when that girl was testifying about her breast condition and so forth so if you came here like that and you have been healed quickly step forward also and let us hear from you very quickly while that testimony is all for your testimony Prada Buddhist yoga Bellucci ro sister Esther promise in the Family Justice [Music] Daniel the since the product are controlled with evangelism and got a job and the job took him abroad and mrs. Osama the sister died got murdered a very late age please come out quickly for your testimonies run out Prada bulu CRO are taking names again - los quiero estar promised lee daniels the proton the world I got a job and a job to them abroad and sister Juliana Osama come out quickly for chestnuts for our house to get us a coma for their testimonies for Eliza my takin em Prada Boulos esta promised d Daniels and sister Juliana Osama Prada balloons come over here [Music] praise the Lord sir our brother was among those that took care of the security Nia was an apostolic envisioned in Nigel States and while it was on his duty sir you prayed for him and his desire was that he joins his family back in Abuja sad by prophetic mission after you left few days after he got a promotion but the promotion took him to another state but is he held on the world of his father in the Lord that he would join his family to Abuja they told them to stand still and is the promotion taking him to the west and south west instead he was brought back to Abuja when you go to Abuja to join his family there wasn't a politican in the office but the devil did no no I give the brother day time to join me 21 days for January Gucci did without interruption at the end of that fast they told him come and join resume your office as an assistant director operations in that establishment and easier to return the glory unto the Lord sister Esther promised sir our sister Esther promised came here and give a testimony way Schaffer and the Lord who prayed for that was that was in our area one church he came and gave a testimony I saw for any loss singing in a choir balm language and you prayed for him son before then you prayed for Haase before then she will receive songs it will meet people for sponsorship to have all our songs were as if there were jokes nobody listened to her Saturday you prayed for her as we're in the office as we are talking she has 18 albums and Aqsa are you saying 80 songs she said no 18 albums see the dead that is hoped to be impressing me and anointed my head I put the pillow in my bedroom sinks we need to hear the songs of the pillows if you praise the Lord my name is Esther promised awesome I I actually at area one I gave a testimony that that is sung in my dilate for me so after then I said something that I didn't know understand after going through my house it was that I did maturity class together they said that he was saying something you didn't get it so beef beer dad had made me to go back to see daddy in his office and I to return that song to him and so we're stuck me to a place that I recorded this song and I also added another song to Daddy so I've got it for my head the enemies in your life and the anointed are anointing soaked my head I refused to wash my head and for one month and song has been flowing song has been flowing even the pillow sometimes I wake up in a day I received four to five songs and after that encounter give the Lord a big clap on a shard or pray well I'm not conscious of the slab I'm not conscious of it you remember Smith Wigglesworth when you wind his hand so somebody has to mow your wildest son but be healed and then the last person on the line you say what is your problem is mercy I don't have any problem I don't have any problem anymore if this is the way I would be Heat and I don't have any problem anymore while my skin she's in the UK right now missus watch a quiz her name or she's in town today should I be in charge she said that she had aha ear suddenly got death and then she said according to haha that I screamed in the air or is it hit day I can remember in the way that was not palatable it something like do you want to was in the air here situation and that was the end BAM it's open hallelujah everything that is not working in your life today may God slap it off your life she said she didn't wash the head for one month a deficit is coming on your life that to remain with you permanently shout the loudest amen give it all the brains only one that came to you Danny praise the Lord sadly sadly Daniel's rota and missus Justice Daniel the doctor told the wife that the wives are not get pregnant because of a large substance in Hobart that they called in our wounded he called fibroid hold on my two friends they said they didn't know how to dance my dance so they are trying to do it for me do it for me even a no completed building as he considered vandalism sir he got a job shortly after the job took him abroad he just came back and then I have your house are you just sitting and looking like that anybody ready to get it turn around shout the loudest hey man if you're the one who believes God is changing your story shall the Lord most amen look at your neighbor say obey call are you shall be blessed obey God I you shall be blessed people on the praise take your seat Amen sister sir my completed building today our own house [Music] so this is another result of prophetic machine connecting to the unction are to walk on this mountain since I kept connected kept connecting believed in the Lord for her marriage she got to the age of forty forty past two forty five she became emotionally we're not mocking her but she kept connecting and the Lord gave a husband husband at the age of forty files I then no baby for the next twelve years he kept struggling kept believe in the Lord for her own children but the same prophetic word I came on de santurce she got pregnant at the age of 55 55 son sir as we are standing no matter what the TT during the pregnancy when she delivered they took her to the theater they found out it was twins at the age of 56 are she delivered twins aye aye aye aye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in the drum [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bye friends bye little boy CPR nearby I want them to dance with me on the altar now hear me everything around you we're descended time has passed whatever this is impossible in your life is now declared possible I also speak to those women trusting God for the fruit of the womb I declare your children are released now Charlotte is a man be celebration [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] father we give you the praise father we give you the all will give you the other racial be about chloroforming right now bob says surely there is an end singleness and therefore ha then parentless ended for ha and then God gave a Dabu for trouble I prophesied to somebody here what device unpalatable in your life the end of it has come that a man can be better whatever is not palatable in your life the end of barrenness the end of singleness the end of joblessness is here I declare decree or release the name of the Father not the son of the Holy Ghost shuttle honest diamond congratulations congratulations give another friend [Music] this is Sullivan he has been booked for an operation he had a kidney stone and that has left him with severe pain a very sharp one he came in with that pain but kidney stone yes all wrong side right side as it was mentioned incredible now the pain is gone his free pain is absolutely gone somebody giving all the D Club one of the worst pains is a kidney stone pain apart from labor pain sickle cell phone pain crisis terrible penitence father thank you for this healing in Jesus precious name given on a big club congratulations from Anita because of our condition also booked for of a fibroid operation so she came with severe pain she came up which floor she came with a movement in the abdomen now region according to her trying to see I want to see the man of God but today God has seen her now the pains are gone the movement of the feelings and symptoms God [Music] father led this affliction liova Jesus and now we'll take a communion for the blessing but take positions I have confidence in you [Music] every time anywhere I am comfy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if what the communion is fast to let me know don't take it yet water to pray and declare on it before you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hold it coming anyone at the office panting please come forward dr. nature miksa one who is free preferably the right [Music] [Music] not all that count to 30 [Music] I thought record his blood ah straightforward [Music] four-thirty [Music] subject [Music] it doesn't matter who pasta there is spiritual authority that can reverse all Roubaix received a negative word from Jacob Moses tools many many years of a 400 years to 500 years literally and he said led to repent believe now place the second hand on your forehead to receive the blessing this blessing is released upon you as well as released upon the Femina you are holding when you are true we can take it pray for the civil servants briefly aware truth we declare the blessing of the Lord upon your life today in the name of Jesus in this month of April by a commission mandate an anointing we declare blessings upon homes and marriages in the name of Jesus Christ we declare that the delay is all my name of Jesus anyone trust in God to be married of multiple age we declare that the delays are rested today in the name of Jesus we declare the blessing upon homes in the name of Jesus blessings of all children in the name of Jesus blessings upon those trusting God for the fruit of the womb we declare to have a supper for you in the name of Jesus we declare my rain womb you are now open in Jesus name we declare blessings for couples we declare the establishment of marital harmony our dignity from today the name of Jesus we declare today that every women has been fashioned against you we hereby Anala neutralizing the name of Jesus go forth in April and be blue in Jesus name I prophesy the Sevenfold blessedness of the blessing upon your life everyone that is here with any form of curse and the embargo and the limitation from your father your mother from ancestral origin original authors witchcraft altars passed on the waters we are everything from I declare the release of the blessing upon your life and they are swallowed up right now Jesus the curse is broken I take authority over the spirit of delay the spirit of stagnation everything that has kept you on the same spot by the release of this blessing where night is delay to get married or to get a child or to get a job or to go to school or 20 feel at all the delay is receive your blessing for speed in Jesus name Emel negative climate around your life climate of disfavor of rejection every smell of inferiority a low self-worth around you I declare it is cancelled by the blesser receive a change of climate now in the name of Jesus potentials in your life I declare them released now the potentials of your life I declare them released I declare the amplification of your effort from today the end of limbo without reward has come in your life the end of time that reward as go in your life the end of struggle without success as call me alive i prophesy the amplification of your effort what to do its plans you are resourceful go ahead and be productive in the name of Jesus [Applause] quality and quantity of life that is your portion [Music] every spell of death premature death I rule premature destruction sent away I declared release every fired back to send us in the name of Jesus never thinner has kept your life lead to small tiny not achieve anything meaningful with your life the spell is broken in the name of Jesus I speak into the communion in your hand now it is called the cup of the blessing as you take it now all these blessings are communicated transmitted are released into that community in the name of the Father under the so called it done everyone sick afflicted or diseased here it is over Jesus name Amen go ahead and take that coming on with celebration take your seat you can take your seat comfortably and take it as you step into prayers master [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's right horses please avoid every movement very important time stretcher to us in front of you last night the holy spirit quickened me to give people opportunities who want to be involved in the project of air in this place comfortably we can do it without the church can do it but the Lord said every project of church is an opportunity for the lift of people for the change of story every project I would say they build it and prosper by the Prophet sign of Haggai it's our fear so I'll do that maybe comments on the just to let you know because there are people in whose hat there is something in your heart this place everybody is Fanning themselves all the time and I wish that the status can be changed to have air conditioning and cooling system and you are wishing if there was an opportunity is anyone like that you a wishes if there's an opportunity you would like to be involved in doing something that's right is for your sake I'm talking so next Sunday we'll let you know how to go about it again it can be done without anybody doing anything but for the purpose of connecting into what God does so that you can tap into the habits of it it can be done already from now I'm sure you have in your heart what you like to do till you can feel free but officially I'll let you know details my comments on the stretcher two hands in front of you Father bless the hand of every diva and lady hand stretched never return back to beg or to borrow in Jesus name pick up your offerings quickly movement in the goodness gate to be arrested place if you want goodness to follow you obedience is necessary anyone bless yet to the same an very blessed cell at I am a lift up your offerings now father multiply the habits of every given lady hands lifted never drop to pair in Jesus precious may pass it on quickly [Music] Oh [Music] me [Music] we are in our monk of divinely healing and health in the greater glory this is where your health and your healing will be stabilized if you are in health you renew your covenant of health if you are in need of healing you connect with the healing that is neither so coming Sunday it's going to be an enlightened day titled BAM in Gilead so you call it the bottle of oil that can be is a specific oil for a specific purpose for healing and health you come with it I told you last Sunday about church workforce meeting please those go in hold on and respect the civil servants that we invited today god bless you the home church Congress and then the general workforce meeting I mentioned that we'll be holding one - I still go through area one office to do one or two walks and then come here and the place the whole climate there is missing us the environment looks very pitiable so we are going to be warming it up from time to time and the time is going to come we are here will do many services and overflow and that place also will have overflow can somebody say loudly man it will not be too long and so what I propose tomorrow's workforce meeting and general home Church Congress will be holding at the realign Church by 6 p.m. in the evening to give you time to close on the walk and that loss to eliminate all traffic situation and eliminate every situation and then you come in there I know many of you are missing area one right tomorrow you will be there for the church workforce and the dynamics of Congress this month also we are going to hold a youth and singles program there because this month is our anniversary month and it is 25th wedding anniversary we are going to hold a utin singles program for the Utica singles so that they can also be empowered on to successful marital life somebody say man so 6:00 p.m. tomorrow all the Nama starts workforce and one of ours the home church Congress the home track progress we haven't had a meetin this year this would be the first let me there sis p.m. on the dot and the Lord will help us in Jesus name finally quickly what to pray for the civil servants all civil servants can you be up on your feet I'm sure to be 50% of this whole civil seven right carry your Bibles and bags and come forward one more time in case you are in Dunamis chart for the first time still hold on joshs or szostak our civil servants also been OSHA to the front if the enemies for the first time worst yet to welcome you to the front so still hold on [Music] out like there are very senior civil servants here and you are placed by where to take it from w director [Music] no spam sex was thorough can start from assistant directors of 15 of that okay please come up if you have 15 up level 15 up [Music] concepts directors deputy directors assistant directors up here would prefer you on the altar now we are using them as a point of contact to periphery service can the charge be upstanding [Music] you are all welcome Jesus name hallelujah can you stretch your hands towards them is there anyone here who is a parastatal head or head of okay yes sir yes which one is that National Insurance Commission you are head there okay okay ma'am Federal Housing Authority ramadhir society okay those who are heads of those places DG nestra you're welcome sir okay you're welcome Nigerian television Authority together national salaries incomes and wages Commission why are you all screaming you think it will be your salary stretch your hands here that is from the Registrar from linear butcher right stretch your hands in this direction and let us pray at this moment father breathed upon the civil service of Nigeria rather to prepare all at once because of the time lift obeisance a father brief upon the civil service of Nigeria lay your hands upon the civil service of Nigeria further lift your children to places of relevance positions of impact where they can change the nation positively for good father let the fear of God rule in the civil service in Nigeria let the fear God reign in the civil service in Nigeria father anoint the workforce of Nigeria to take Nigeria to the level of first world nations in the name of Jesus up we about and pray for the citizens [Applause] Jesus precious me who the hand of somebody near you so I pray for your children here using those on the altar see point of contact and those in the crowd as a point of contact for the civil service of Nigeria Farah we are first of all that the fear of the Lord will flow through the civil service in the name of Jesus father we ask that your power your anointing will come upon our nation in productivity and take Nigeria to the level of front-line nations of the world in the name of Jesus father in the civil service we ask that the right people will be positioned at the right places so that the right results can be seen in the nation in the name of Jesus everyone who is a victim of delay a victim of stagnation a victim of diversion of reward a victim of diversion of destiny today I declare it is corrected in the name of Jesus every one working with our reward everyone who's Junior is sitting on top of them I declare that anomaly is corrected in the name of Jesus I declare serenity and tranquility in the civil service the purpose of God be fulfilled in the name of the Father and of the son mother Holy Ghost I can't eat dog in Jesus name rising of victory you still hold the hand of somebody near you everybody all over the crowd then as we proceed and all of you are so many but I want to congratulate you i prophesy a new season please represent God well in that service give the best to the walk and let them know that Jesus has people in our nation follow the right procedures and God will cause his purpose in our land to be fulfilled in Jesus precious name unless begin to thank the Lord for what resumed with hands healthy you can proceed [Music] I was so blessed deceive them promise [Music] still hold on did you blow up [Music] the savage showers of class [Music] probably some loud [Music] Robinson [Music] [Applause] [Music] this shall be shower so Claire [Music] [Music] Charlie showers [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hold your hands up and lift it higher up father we give you the praise we are the Bible School graduation today we pray for you shut me less Sunday side-by-side with the healing it is a specialty of some of the most important people in the world and they are called teachers there is nobody here who is not the product of a good teacher good teacher good teacher from primary school secondary school University good teacher you get the cards or shall so distribute the cards if you want you can invite your old school teachers proprietors proprietress school directors are included in this category let us reach out to them trust God for their salvation and trust God to help the educational system in Nigeria in those days they used to come from other countries to school here now Nigeria is running everywhere anyone to go to school because of standards of Education what you shall be corrected in those days when a medical doctor leaves Nigeria to the UK it doesn't do anything it just Rises it just becomes Paulo five-string when it has the affair of the real College of Surgeons from England and come to Nigeria he is made to write exam to qualify in Nigeria before becoming when it comes back here to Nigeria he's made to write exam afresh to qualify for the standard here now a professor of medicine or professor of anything is required required in America to start from the scratch if you want to practice there but we shall be corrected we shall be praying for the teachers next week please go ahead and give them the tires and let us invite them and the Lord bless you in Jesus precious name anyone blessed today at all lift you have not please gradually return back those in front can return to your seat the rest of us lift your hands the hand of somebody a holding on lift it up hold the hand of somebody Ceylon lit it up we're true [Music] can you tank a lot for everything you receive today go ahead and do something [Music] [Music] they saw everything you [Music] [Music] everyone who is here today for the very first time let us receive you quickly in the front as the order to be preceded now lift your hands everyone who came in with a case that has not been mentioned today your answer is hereby release [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Dunamis TV
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Length: 237min 9sec (14229 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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