2021 Cloudflare & Wordpress: How to Set it Up, Basic Page Rules

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okay so we are going to do some basic configurations to get our wordpress website working in conjunction with cloudflare um so that our site can load faster etc as well as we're going to create a few what are called page rules that are specific to wordpress and which most wordpress users will probably want to create now before we go too far um it's worth noting that this cloudflare plugin is really actually it's totally unnecessary well yeah it is it is unnecessary it's mainly used by them to kind of upsell to get you to purchase this and purchase that now um and so i assume that you're going when the time comes for you to start making purchases uh you're gonna know enough and understand enough that you're gonna make your purchases in here you're gonna purchase some extra page rules for five bucks for five more rules that sort of thing and not inside the plug-in deal there and i know if i'm incorrect on that please put put something down in the comments i may be there are a couple little benefits that having the plug-in will give you like you can immediately click over to see your stats you can immediately click inside there and purge your cash that that's a benefit okay that that i will say is a benefit but it's not necessary and you probably want to get in the habit of doing it doing it in here anyways okay number one first step one you need to have your website up and running um at your normal host in my case i'm using plesk okay so you've got it all set up i've even gotten a let's encrypt certificate there and i'm cooking along i haven't done anything with cloudflare yet that's step one that must be done first number two you come in to your cloud fair account you're gonna have to set that up it's free and then you will click this button add site okay you'll add a site and you click it in blah blah blah then you're going to click you're going to put in here in my case it is this strangely spelled domain and then you're going to click click there and then it's going to scan scan your dns records and when it's done scanning you see it can't scan for those records and pull that stuff out and find out where your server is unless you've got it set up originally in my case plesk on your server okay then so now we're in step two you need we're gonna need to deal with our dns all right so um now i added this record a mail record and you can see it's set to dns only right it's not proxied right for mail you will mess up your email if you try to handle your mail through this or when when this is set to an orange cloud which means that it's going through their proxy no you want all your requests and all those those uh http requests to be forwarded on to your server because you're going to be dealing with your email okay so you could add this by doing this you go in here you add a cname and then you go mail um right as i did i'm not going to do it because i've already done it well actually one thing you're going to go in there you type all that and then you're going to remember remember to click that right okay so also your mx record for email you can mimic what you see here um but the key thing is it says dns only all right so then once you've done that you're going to click there there in your case because i've already done it with this domain you won't see it there'll be another button down here you're going to click it all right and then it will take you back it'll it'll land you on this whoops come on guys oh oh okay at any rate it'll land you back on a page that will give you two name servers okay in my case it gave me these two and so you want to go all right so well i'm kind of disappointed that i can't show you there's a little page that will show up um here and it will show you these two name servers okay maybe it'll be a different two names in my case they they choose these this is from cloudfair they do it randomly maybe it'll be tom and sally who knows but they're gonna give you two after you complete this bit with the dns over here okay then you come over to whatever your dns provider is it could be name cheap it could be godaddy and you put the first one in there and they're going to be a little different they're kind of unique name servers and i've already changed them successfully you're going to click there okay and then that'll be that now what's the next step we're going to add some page rules so you go over here click page rules and we're going to create our page rules so the first one i'm going to do is this we're going to say word press dash admin and then an asterisk a wild card and that is going to cover everything in our wordpress backend administrative area okay and you know what we're going to do we're going to pick a setting very important our cash level and we're going to set that to uh bypass bypass means no caching we don't want that because our pages are going to be changing so often right um so we definitely want to do that all right and then another one we're going to do is we're going to do this and log in and so what i did was i changed my um where are my plugins here i change what i normally do is i change my login right so that it's not normal like i could put a login of skewer six and so now my login page will be this not the normal normally this is what it is right okay but in this case i'm gonna make it so that it just logged in not here but um let's say that i put this in there now i'm gonna come over to cloudflare and i'm just going to say anything after login again we're going to bypass it because we don't want to cache those things i'm going to save and deploy that now we're gonna make sure well okay um well all right so we're gonna i'm gonna go change one of my rules this is an instance where you may end up wanting to buy more of these um page rules and i'll explain why in a sec okay so these two asterisks this applies to anything coming before chainchina.org and this is anything after and here we're going to take ssl okay and the settings have changed previously in a lot of these old tutorials some of these the the items in these drop-downs are a little different so we're going to do full ssl full and this is going to force ssl on our site now if you want to know the difference between full and strict you can come over to this cloudflare play page and you can watch this video read this stuff um and get a few more details about that uh yep we want to put this as first it's the very first rule which means that we're always going to force communications to be over ssl okay okay now let's do this let's get rid of this page rule okay and we're going to make another one and we're going to do this all right now here's where we're going to really get the benefits this is going to cover basically all of our pages right but um and we're going to do this what is our cash level and we're going to say cash everything now this the default cache level is standard okay um and what that means is it will cache things like your images which is great it'll speed up your site your javascript or css but if you say cache everything whoa you're really going for it and that means that even your php pages the dynamic content will cease to be dynamic that when a visitor requests a particular page or post you have what you know in bangladesh or in paris france or wherever it is there the web request is not even going to be forwarded on to your server it's just going to be boom boom just like a heartbeat fast right but you have to be careful with this because some pages you want to bypass the cache and you definitely are going to need to have some interaction with the server now how about this auto minify right now what is this if you don't know what it is just you can google it minify jss minify css essentially it just compresses um well you could do last it doesn't matter just won't make it first you want to have your first page rule be lssl okay you guys well these are the basics um and if i said something incorrect about that uh plugin um let me know down below but where you want to deal with your cloudflare configurations really is within your cloudflare dashboard
Channel: Become a Web Developer
Views: 919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x0a6DaZrEo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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