2020 Reedy Race of Champions

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] Jason Rona here with J concepts were at the 2020 reading race of Champions we're here at 35 85 Cadillac Avenue Costa Mesa California this is my team associate this is my memories from the 1990s with Mike greedy with team associated this was the iconic building that I worked at in the 90s my greedy's office was right down here towards the end of this building and this is where all the motor magic happened in those days and we're here to bring you some of that Reedy race action this weekend and we wanted to come to the spot where it all took place back in that iconic time period and we're gonna be over at the racetrack we're gonna give you some live coverage of what's going on [Music] I'm here with Jason so Jason mr. Ari was very very near and dear to your heart I would say know what I've heard yeah I would love it if you could share some of your experience for hanging yeah I mean we made a minute picture this trip today we went to stop by the Oldfield team associated and saw you know the time I'd spent out there at the the old factory and you know it was kind of interesting for me as my experience buzzes you ridi invited me out for a summer to actually stay with them and work the team associated yeah so that was a great great experience for me that I was able to come out here kind of by myself I never really been apart from my family at that particular time yeah and you said hey you know I'm gonna get to work every day at 6:00 a.m. and you know you got to figure out how you're gonna get up in the morning and make it over there and I think that was kind of a big accomplishment was the fact that I was able to kind of have a job you know and see what that was like he put me in the motor department and the first thing they you know there's a lot of racers there at the time like Marketo Scott Hughes Billy Easton there was a lot of a lot of racers there and even before that Franken wall was there but you know I think the one of the biggest things was you got there inside re-find these motors in-house and then we solder we put a weld about the top to secure an area right underneath the commutator and I was in the soldering station you know I was like 16 years old and they trained me how to do this and you know really was part of that and going with him every day during that summer and then in the afternoons I'd go out and we'd go driving the cars with our Covina's we go testing we drive race nights yeah it was a great it was a great thing and Reedy was really good at he liked to win he liked us to practice and he liked to even learn something and I think that was important and for me going out there and doing that with him was great and then he would say hey take my car and go racing maybe just say take my car go racing we'd go go racin and I get to say hey you need neighbors for the night to build you a brand new motor for the night therefore whatever was necessary so that was a great experience we got of course was all the races you know the fact that he believed in your car you know what you could do out on the track what you get accomplished putting you in these positions where you could be successful and being able to really show him what you could do you know they just didn't give you all these opportunities without being able to show that you could do something and and we did something yeah I mean that's obviously something that went off over the years between The Associated and reading is that bringing up these younger drivers but I think [Music] [Music] hey sweet run man yeah look good no good started out front scope and barriers gonna be nice he was yeah and uh it's putting a good Drive made a slight mistake over here tracks getting pretty gusty and fires getting low so it's one per good [Applause] [Music] all right Spencer talk to us about brown for a four-wheel drive Invitational you've had some good races today and how did things go there yeah the last round one pretty good i elbrus I wish it when I got the win in that one but kind of my driving kind of slowed down towards the end I was able wasn't really able to have a grip that could have had all the steering I'm just lucky that I didn't kind of throw it away for something worse so at least it was a two and out of three so I guess there's some positive there but yeah it was good running uh pretty well I have a 1 a 2 2 2s and a 3 so right there for the points but I think we'll be ready for tomorrow and we'll be all set great run there to kind of finish off the day yeah I'll talk to us about how things are kind of going and how your points are looking heading into the last year round 2 four-wheel drive yeah it's been an uphill battle start it out a little bit of rough just a couple mistakes first a couple of mains and then kind of smooth it out for last 2 got some good points and I just keep chugging along so what have we got now for spores I have a two ones and A three and a four okay what would hopefully drop that four and be right in it Yeah right in the ballgame so how's the car working everything looking good yeah cars been awesome everything everything's working really good feeling really comfortable with it so just keep the same and just keep on running all right wolf Congrats and keep it going we'll see you tomorrow I met Mike when I was really young my parents used to bring me to this event in the 90s and I raced the open class which a lot of young kids start racing in the open class tonight he was super nice you know that my parents my mom would always make him coffee and you know he would hang out with us and kind of if we needed any help with our motor he's a motor guy he will help us cut the Tom and do the groceries and all that stuff he was always super nice he didn't mind talking to a young kid you know he didn't know who we were and he took kind of took me under his wing when I was around him and helped me with some stuffing yeah and then one I did pretty well at one of the events and he I was running for low C at the time and lo co-op and his sponsorship Mike also offered us the sponsorship was associated and he said well give it a year and you know if you want to make a change call me and we'll take care of you so the weight of the year and we came a call and he took care of us and I ran in first associated because of Mike almost 15 years and yeah he was great guy and we the support definitely misses him and yeah I mean I think he was a father figure for a lot of the pro guys I know teaching us kind of how to be a pro athlete for a lot of law so you know it's there's a lot of guys that kind of are like my Creedy nowadays but Mike was definitely the guy back then that really stepped up and took care of everybody you know no matter who you were which was you know you can't ask for a better tyronn we just finished the heat one of two wheel drive in invitational and got a back row start that time and you kind of made the most of it it was definitely a battle that race was a battle uh nobody gave me anything you just you kind of had to wait a few times and gotten in the back a couple guys and just really made sure that you were kind of legal and then kept going yeah starting in the back to wheel drives a little harder to kind of negotiate through everybody so yeah I kind of got pummeled around a little bit on the first couple ups and then kind of started making some moves able to get around some guys and yeah I got me and Joe we're having an awesome race I got into him pretty obvious that I took them out so I waited and then made another pass on him got around him and then I ended up flying off the track like I don't know what the hell I did over that triple buddy got going again and then yeah I caught Alex made a mistake out of two Alex and he chased a triple a little bit in front of me but I got I kind of winged them and I wasn't sure if it was me or not so I waited anyways and then ended up getting around him on the last lap to get that to Tebow was pretty far ahead at that point there's a lot of chaos going on so but yeah I'm older I get a nicer I'm being I kissed so I just wanted to make sure I don't want to have to have Nick and rubber black make a call out there that they don't want to make so I just I like to place myself so well yeah that was good I'm happy with the two car feel great and kind of reset and see what the next round bring yeah it looks like the car it's it looks like it should get better I mean it looked really good while you're running I got some good laps there and when you're chasing and there's gonna be a race or two to probably shakedown and everyone get used to running two-wheel against you yeah I think everybody's on that you know you're unfolded right six times or whatever in a row seven times yeah take some no more used to just running them back to back you know run for well then run to will so yeah it definitely takes a minute and then most of people in the practice and run a new tire so the cars felt weird anyways so yeah I mean I I thought my car was good I was comfortable it's probably one of the better cars I've ever had the tool drive category for the race so hopefully I can just keep putting in solid runs all right we're talking to Spencer here now Spence a little bit of a rough first run he seems like everybody's kind of trying to get used to the two wheels again and you know you drew not the best position on the grid and you kind of made the most of it you got a five we were looking at it earlier your lap times we're on par though so how you feeling one I think I'd kind of crushed it for me once and then like he crash literally right for me where I got collected and then the motion threw him out in front of me and then I kind of got the worst end out of that but I really left it all on the line I thought I drove the best I could yeah this place is all I had and that wasn't all right well I think you know you're still gonna be in contention in this thing the points are gonna be a little crazy you can see that right now things are gonna be interesting so stay in there and I think you're still gonna shot of this thing well honestly I didn't really get to meet him that much when I started my role in 2004 the arty had Parkinson's disease pretty advanced it was kind of on his way out of the industry so I really only got to work with him side by side for maybe about six months but you know in those six months is just so easy to see his passion for the hobby and the story and everything and you know I got to see him from the outside as a racer of his and part of the industry five or so years leading up today he was always there to help anybody that needed he'll always had a smile on his face loved being at the track loved being around the family that he created [Music] [Applause] alright Spencer you came up with a big win here in the second round a two wheel Invitational got a good front row start and there's a little dicey there in the front first couple laps but tell us about how you finish that off and had to be a fast time yeah I mean like anybody knows that runs or any race if you get those first up front thread spot you got to take advantage of what you're given that's exactly what I did actually I was actually pretty patient at the start and CJ chased the triple and almost took the whole field behind him and I actually kind of got locked onto slowly and I was just out of the right place at the right time whatever I did you know punched it and I was able to get out of it and I really never looked back other than the second to last lap I just turned into early I was really trying to just you know just keep on plugging away I was trying to like you know I feel like I'm comfortable enough with driving the way I was near the whole run and just miscalculated a turn but I was very fortunate thank you baby Jesus for flipping over on its lid and got away with the win alright so the points are gonna tighten up a little bit I think in general it's gonna be a good shootout tomorrow four runs you know between all you guys and I think Jared's probably looking pretty good right now Mayfield still looking pretty good I think you know you've kind of put yourself in there and I think Brock's gonna start creeping in here pretty soon too with his points and calves is just kind of chugging along he's getting those two threes staying in it but things clearly kind of have to go some somebody's way one way or another here and we'll see how the grid positions work out and tomorrow because that's obviously gonna be critical right yeah I mean I don't I haven't really looked ahead so yeah I mean I know Sunday's always a crazy day things happen that you would never expect to happen so I don't know I'm just gonna drive the best I can I know my car's good my ability can get it done there's good racing with all these guys a lot of respect yeah our team here the jake onson screws pretty much was Ryan leading the points you know Dakota and I are pretty close and with Brock we're looking pretty pretty good out there [Music] [Applause] hi Brock of climbing up the ladder here we got thing got the sheet now you're moving into third right now and the points things are looking good we've got a win there over some really good competition how's things coming along here in the the race Sarna it's going better than what it started feels like it I'm getting a little bit more lucky than when I was I had a Sabri bad luck to start in for wilden's and then so far in she will drive I was able to recover in the first round after a terrible start and I got a big pack start in that one and was able to turn it into a win so everything's starting to come together tomorrow should be really we got four more four more races tomorrow things should get even more exciting and we looked ahead at all to your positions or grid spots or you just kind of playing it by whatever one is I looked at my thirty plat for tomorrow morning I think so it doesn't take long to mix things up just by a grid position change I mean you go from here you can go from hero to zero quick right [Music] [Music] I ramen we got through a second two-wheel-drive Invitational race car was fast I mean he had the fastest lap times of all the races just Bob will hear they're at the wrong time and just kind of ended up with a four but a car still looks good and I think it looked pretty confident going tomorrow yeah just yeah like you said a couple of mistakes a couple of the guys that are leading that race I was kind of hoping for some mistakes but they put in their cleanest drives they put in all week so good for them that was a good race up front and yeah when I caught up to um I just barely caught a corner over here and you rolled over it's easy to do so add three set for tomorrow I'm making a little bit of speed control adjustment see if I can clean up my jump sections a little bit all right the car looks good and then we'll see them the pies [Applause] couldn't do this without you Ronnie [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll get up that outcome all right all right Jackson how do you blow the track but you got to do the whole tribe so we start wine can we kind of branch out a little bit they get just in case it gets boiling then we got an option line over here so I got the option line case they want a pony last lap passes okay so you blew that off nice and good yeah okay good so talk to us about the rege race here what's going on and we're entering last day four more rounds last night we checked in with you had a couple good runs to finish up the the day before you keep being contention the hopes are alive so what's going on for today and what do you what are you expecting yeah the race has gone so far so good definitely some races I wish I could take back but I know we're all saying the same thing it seems like this races got is going by so fast that's already Sunday I feel like we just got here the yesterday but yet going into the last round we're in contention to do really well today I've I think I race a lot of the top guys that are leading the points which is good it's kind of what you want to do have this want to have some solid runs today do the the best I can leave it all out on the line and just see where I lie but Sunday it's usually a pretty interesting day everyone kind of gets a little wild out there and then you start to see some of the people that maybe aren't in contention kind of you know not not as much aggressive to the guys that are in contention so you know nice common courtesy good sportsmanship from everyone out there and I think it's gonna be a holiday for all of us so you're sitting how many points you got right now I don't even know to be honest 16 inch 17 inch some around there yeah I think I'm like right in like second or third spot it wasn't with a throw out yeah I don't know exactly where I'm at but I know I'm right there with Tebow look at they're all so looking at we got a new Associated car release B 6.2 are you guys running pretty much the whole car here this weekend yep yep the full car and pretty much the first race that we're doing debuting it with the new parts the rear end stuff put these side guards it's been great the the way the new designer arm is it helps the Flex be more equal from front to back and side to side just helps with a little bit more traction durability and drivability when you go around the high-speed track alright any expectations for the rest of the day we're just gonna wing it the rear ace is definitely not a very planned out race so you can't really plan them all out so you just have to go out there and deal with what you're given and hopefully you make some good moves things kind of go your way and just race it out [Music] [Music] blue yellow blue all right we're here in the news desk here at the reading race of champions we got the official results here going into the last four rounds of Invitational you got Ryan Mayfield up front he's done wrong points Jerry Tebow in second he's got 13 we've got Brock Champlin third with 16 Spencer was 16 Cavalieri 17 ty testman 18 and Dakota here at the Reedy race champion with four rounds to go guys look at the drop 1 and they feel as the advantage right now but one more sort of use also run for him that can drop him to where it's really gonna be a battle and I really bring chaired and Brock and these guys into the contention so for the surprises I think here so far are brought being in the dirt this is a big opportunity for him if he has a big finish to today so we got Spencer of course right there Cavallari test method Kota Alex Lee Martin and yasugi the top ten is it good top ten this is a world level coq10 the only one I think that might be missing from the from the world's a main here is probably Bruno maybe Martin Bear just kind of off the top of my head so but that's it that's the results going on right now here they're reading race champions and we got four more rounds so two wheel drive Invitational to go so looking forward to see how this shakes out [Music] [Music] [Applause] hi Brock we're here Sunday reading race champions you got another pretty good two will run under your belt you were close they're battling with tie for the lead and really showing a ton of pace and a lot of patience and one of the bounces just didn't go your way there when you really kind of had a couple opportunities thank you I played a little nice other people would have been point not been as patient and one time I wasn't I try to try to make kind of a risky pass and paste a triple so it's going good I just those points were needed especially it may feel getting another win so I mean you're gonna be in contention here I mean you're you're looking at like a top five you know maybe you can get in on the podium here Mayfield can get another win somewhere along the line he's gonna be sitting pretty good on points but you guys are right there yeah yeah I think the gap between I think I'm third second Tebow's five points back and they know there's six points on me so he's got a little bit of a cushion we just gotta gotta hope for some some luck in the other races and my thing [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] orange wheels almost got me yeah nutcase the double triple he Cates the dribble and I landed on it my car went on two wheels luckily I saved it win yeah I feel good same exact today I went down in my drive frequency much better than all right Spence we're back here talk to us about that two-wheel run it wasn't one of your best runs of the weekend I'm sure you're a little disappointed but how are things going overall I think the car was good I just made my own mistake on the triple I got into a demon position in front of Ryan but just when it's on your time it's not your time apparently but the cards good I really can't complain erase erase all these guys all the time we're all super competitive so every now and then you get some bad luck so but I guess that drove I draw the best I could and just came up a little short that's alright how are your starting positions look in here do you think you can finish this off with a couple wins yeah it looks like I'm gonna have a good couple of good opportunities I race may fill this next round so definitely I am definitely not gonna let him win that pretty easily so we'll see see how it goes alright Dakota we're back here decent start off to the day today got a second in that race you started all the way in the back I know you wanted to work on the 2 wheel a little bit get the car a little better so you wasn't so mistake-prone and maybe clean up a little bit of the race so what do you think yeah we made a couple of changes I think we went a little bit too far so I'm gonna try to find that happy medium ground here you know we don't really we don't get very much experience on treads any more closely slick so take everyone's kana a little bit all over the place with the setup she's gonna make a couple small changes and I think that car will be good to go happy happy to come over the second start in the back I got kind of a little bit of a pile up a button though the race I fell a little bit farther back so happy to be like normal yeah I mean you got some soft Frank and you know you guys were discussing that set up stuff after that run you've been talking with Barry a little bit too yeah how's it working with the guys here and trying to just kind of get that little extra bit at the end yeah that's awesome I mean everyone on the team works very well together you know a lot of knowledge between all the guys so we were working hard we're all running a little bit different setups for the driving styles so I think that's kind of a good thing as well because they kind of say hey you know cam run this and some Vaisala stuff I mean it looks like you're still gonna be in line here yeah but you're gonna have a shot here for the podium I'm pretty sure and finish this off well and could be a good weekend [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right Spencer two-wheel-drive Invitational round four I believe talk to us about that finish you uh you're just saying here you're weren't gonna let me feel win that one last time we were talking and you didn't let him say I was gonna not let him I said I was gonna give him a fight for it and that's true no it was good I was a little bit more aggressive at the start I was like I'm just gonna go I'm not gonna let the guy think the guy inside of me a whole shot me and I was just like got it Tommy Casey jump broke a dog bone and then I was able to jump the triple and pass to put on the inside and I really never looked back since from that point on maple I can definitely tell from here and his tires they're chirping a little bit more when he was behind me now as I don't know like I'm going I'm gone but no he kept them they kept the the lead you know within one not one point nine two two ish seconds I mean we were going hard I'm sure he wasn't I'm sure he wanted to win then I think the last year laughs I think he priced out of it for a second yeah and yeah that was a good point for me to have it was a couple point I got a few points on some people that were in the question of podium me on the radio so it was solid there's still a lot more racing to go I want to finish strong and yeah good sportsmanship to everyone out there driving and it's been it's been fun great run got a good start and kind of played your cool there a little bit and you chased on Spencer a little bit and then I think you're like you know what I just I'm a hang here and I get a nice solid run in not try to get to ya by the time I got in a second Spencer had a pretty good gap in you know we're all basically the same speed and you know it wasn't somewhere that's a push and you know try that you'll get that point at this point so I just wanted to maintain what I had going you know started fifth with Spencer and Dakota starting ahead of me knew is gonna be tough to try to get both those guys so once I was in front of the guys I just decided just to put in a clean run try to get that - you know - is pretty valuable so yeah at the end there I heard some bearings kind of squeaking on me so all right well let's see for most people that take a look at this um the kind of bearings we're putting in here and well we're learning special we're running associated hubs currently so yeah changing out some bearings seemed some reason they don't last very long so yeah are they were new for the weekend and then that yeah for some reason that time over the jump I could hear under a load they were getting pretty bad so we'll pop a couple new ones in there and check all the nuts and bolts and go racing yeah I mean in my opinion watching you drive the two wheel this weekend it looks like you're kind of finding something you really really like with this car it seems like you're being able to be quick and smooth and not really be you know driving over your head this weekend with the car to be on pace yeah and it seems like it's been real comfortable yeah we kind of we have a lot of new not a lot of new parts for this car we've just been tuning on it quite a bit these small things like a carbon fiber radio tray here stiffens up the car and in that certain area of the chassis that makes the car a lot more kind of predictable I guess a little bit of different front-end geometry that we kind of I went after after the CRC RC race it's helped quite a bit and then yeah a couple we borrowed some parts for my friends behind us over here you think they've got a little bit of a material discrepancy here in the rear drivetrain so now that we know we are take it back and shin can diagnose what's going on and we can make some of our stuff there our back here with another update from the rear AC champions we got the latest result sheet here with two more rounds to go we got a Ryan Mayfield still showing in the lead here we got Spencer Rifkin showing in second Brian Cavallari rock Champlin ty testman Dakota Finn charity boat Lee Martin and yasugi and siggy era and Dustin Evans kind of crawling back in here into contention after a rough rough go about it here enough four-wheel drive he's pulling it back into wheels so Ryan's holding a pretty nice lead right now he needs a couple of decent finishes to finish this off and I think it's gonna be another victory for him if he can do that Spencer's coming on strong here at the answer 15 points for Ryan Mayfield this is without a for without a two-wheel-drive drop and then we got Spencer Ripken 21 Cavallari 21 brought Champlin 21 tie Testament 22 Dakota Finn - and we got a charity by [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi Ryan we just finished the fifth round a two-wheel-drive hold another good finish yeah a little conservative drive I had some trouble getting around a little bit of everybody there at the beginning but you know you held strong you got in there and held on for a good finish yeah the thought was good started back Errol had a lot of fast guys up there Testament go to Ryan battle in the beginning trying to advise you there everybody's driving good and driving defensively which is what this race is all about so I had to make a couple moves there to get up to these guys and I got around a few of them made a mistake but lost one to Dakota and then yeah last lap we made a mistake and that kind of led us all by yeah prepa re-prep the tires here check everything out on the car watch the woven mains yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] returned [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah job ma'am thank you awesome job man it's good alright let's talk about a little bit of Ryan here Invitational champion your second time you know things were kind of working out for you there with such a nice lead in four-wheel drive and two-wheel drive you had a lot of good races you never pushed anything you never forced it you just kind of let things came to you and really led the race with a lot of savvy this this year I thought you really used a lot of your experiences you've had you use just about everything during this race and this one definitely was yours yeah I felt felt good to get it done again spent five years since the last time felt good to get get one for yokomo Jade concepts hobby wing you know the cars felt amazing all week yeah I do what I needed to do I didn't really look at any of the points but I've been here enough to know what needs to happen and yeah I just kind of did my own thing and I didn't let any I knew my car so fast I knew I knew how to drive around the track and just kind of methodically made small changes to my car to get them to where I needed them to be and then yeah go to that last round I kind of knew I had it locked up since Spencer didn't win and I just wanted a race I have a foot you know put on a good show and Brock was driving awesome he left the door open just a little bit right here I was able to get around and then just drove it to the finish but like I said thanks to everybody that sports me my family alone one awesome week and excited to go hang out with the boys have a : family all right well congratulations again and thanks so much for the support you're the man here this weekend again thank you and we'll see you soon yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Peter Ronnie alright Dakota we're done here at the Reedy race of Champions finished fourth overall not a bad weekend yeah I mean you know not bad not good so this keep plugging away for us a year all my stuff was good worked up my tool setup and got a lot better there at the end which I kind of would have started there well that's how it goes sometimes so yeah okay wearing for the next one if anything any race in particular that you enjoyed more over the others but this weekend and he wins that she remember full role for all is a lot of fun for me my car was just on Rails all weekend so I enjoyed coming back from the pack a couple times a night and they come out to get away all right well good wool Congrats and I will see you at the next race good alright Brock Reedy race here is in the books now let's see this trophy you got a number five yeah good finish probably your best one yet I'm assuming and you were in third there quite a while just a couple little finishes that didn't go your way yeah tell us about the experience and close this thing out obviously every race we go to especially nowadays is a huge experience for people like Mayfield we're winning so I think I had him overall he's a good weekend I had a little bit of rough luck today I think coming in in the final three rounds I was actually like it was like a four-way tie for second and I was leaving so I mean there was a couple opportunities in there and this race is a huge part of luck it takes place so you got to have the talent and the luck as Scotty was saying and you don't have one but you have the other it's not it's just not how it goes so you know I'm not disappointed I had a good result the first year I came I was 15 then I was 10 now fifth so the numbers are working in your favor here good all right well congrats on a great finish and we'll see at the next race thank you all right Spencer we're trying to wrap this thing up second place you're looking good out there a great way to finish it with a good Drive talk to us about the results yeah it was I can say is well deserved to represent all my sponsors and to do what we all love to do out there on the track it was I thought as good as I can do out there of course I wish I can get back some points that I can do better in races that could have done better in but I left it all on the line and came out with a solid second this is my best 3d race that I've finished in so it's definitely an accomplishment and congratulations to Mayfield definitely an incredible drive through all the races for him and I'm just super pumped and I was in contention to have a chance of winning in the last round and I just came up a little short so pretty good art well congrats and we'll see at the next race Thanks [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: JConceptsLive
Views: 33,879
Rating: 4.895288 out of 5
Keywords: Reedy Race, Reedy, Mike Reedy, RC Racing, RC Race, Race Champion, Racing, OCRC Raceway, 4wd, Ryan Maifield, JConcepts
Id: AdV9rNzzCEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 2sec (3302 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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