2020 GO HARD MINDSET - High Performance Lessons from Billionaire Dan Pena

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Steve Jobs Elon Musk Warren Buffett Bill Gates Ted Turner Success leaves clues, kids. I just named five of the greatest names in business in the last 150 years and they all have one thing in common. They're ball busters, they're hard as nails. Where does that leave you? I still work 50, 60 hours a week, and I haven't had to work in 35 years. He's not willing to do anything You're not willing to sacrifice anything to be a high performance person. I don't want to be like that. - No, no. most people don't - I want to be liked. Yeah, what? Say you want to fit in, I don't... I'm the only speaker that you're ever going to hear that really with all his heart doesn't give a - If I leave here you liking me, I did something wrong If we would like to improve the quality of our lives personally and professionally What would be your advice? What can we do? What is most important? Well, the most important thing is self esteem. The people that do- we read about, the people that we admire The Elon Musk's, the Steve Job's, the Warren Buffett's, etc. All have one thing in common, they have extremely high self esteem. Of course, you've heard me say this before, self esteem is built the first 7 or 8 years of life and unfortunately, we were with our parents the first 7 or 8 years of life. Ergo, we don't have too much high self esteem. But to build high self esteem and the way you build high self esteem if you're 25, 35 or 45 is to be around, surround yourself with other people that have high self esteem. Show me your friends and I'll show you your future. And so you can still, you can reverse your childhood by who you associate with. How do you do that? Well, you find people that are, that are where you want to be but they're already there. You're 22 years old, you're 32, you're 41 years old and there's a guy or a girl who is 45 years old who is where you want to be. They've accomplished a lot of things, if you're into- they're saving the world, they're using their money for good causes. Go associate with those people, be around those people and they are easy to find But you, they're not going to knock on your door. They're not going to come to your apartment or your flat and ask you, "Oh, can I help you?" and the best tool I've ever seen it's like it was designed for this, is LinkedIn It's the best social media tool for what we're discussing and you can find these people now, just remember everybody that's on LinkedIn. All the, I don't know 20 million or whatever people that are on LinkedIn are all there for one reason they're there because they want to do business, they want to meet people. Unlike some of the other social media's like Facebook or Twitter But I mean LinkedIn, they're there for a common purpose, they have a common bond, they have a common goal. They want to expand their horizons and it's a great tool. I had self esteem. I didn't know till I got grown up and was an adult that everybody didn't have self esteem. I didn't understand that. I didn't realize that everybody didn't have self confidence. I didn't realize that everybody didn't have self worth. Gallup did a poll in 2016 worldwide, 87.6% of all the people on the planet, well just round it off, 87% of everybody that walks the face of the earth 7.65 billion people are unhappy. The high performance people, the one thing that they all have in common is they're hungry hungry for a better life, hungry for change, hungry for the tough love their parents didn't give them. So is that what it needs? You, you have to be hungry, you- you need to feel the pain? Growth only comes through pain No pain, no gain. It's the same in life If love got the job done you wouldn't need podcasts, you wouldn't need seminars. It doesn't. Tough love gets the job done, but being liked doesn't get you a raise and you're working for whoever you're working for efficiency, accountability. Most people that come to seminars are there because they weren't held accountable when they were growing up. What is your definition of a high performance person? Being all that you can be every day 24/7, 365, being all you can be. I asked the question a couple days ago. How many of you -you can raise your hands- how many of you have kids? Don't raise your hand now, how many of you would like to have your kids grow up just like your parents? You know the answer don't you. Close to zero. Because they weren't good role models I'm not going to ask the second question. How many of you would like your kids to grow up and be like you? But being a high performance person is a full-time job. I'm like this when I wake up in the morning to brush my teeth. I'm like this when I brush my teeth before I go to sleep I'm like this 24/7, 365 and I've been like this for the better part of 50 years. I'm always like this. I'm always pushing the edge of the envelope But the Sun is going to gobble up the earth in about, between 7 and 11 billion years Although I'm planning on living a long time, I'm not going to live quite that long, but I, you know just work hard, I don't know any other thing than hard work and hard work is out of favor now. It just is. But I'm a dying breed I'm a Neanderthal. I understand that. I'm sad to say that Because I say, I know it has, it's a sad commentary for the human race. Because you're not willing to make any sacrifices to be high performance I still work 50, 60 I don't consider it work. I still work 50, 60 hours a week and I haven't had to work in 35 years. So the bottom line is you're not willing to do anything You're not willing to sacrifice anything to be a high performance person. It sounds strange in hindsight I found making 450 million dollars easy easy and I wanted to do something more with my life. And so when I got into the financial coaching, I wanted to change the fabric of financial coaching, which I have and I wanted to be known as, well, and now that's what they call me, the greatest of all time. But this was just me flapping my mouth 25 years ago now I am the greatest of all time. Vis-à-vis, creating wealth through people like yourselves and you know, I wanted to leave that legacy and I wanted people like, I'm from the barrio, I'm from a real rough background, been in jail five times, did a lot of ugly things but I'm glad it happened to me because I know what the other side- Like some of you have never been kicked in the teeth I know what it is to be kicked in the teeth and my teeth be on the, on the pavement. I know what that feels like, I know the humiliation. Forget the pain, you get over the pain. I wanted the poor kids to understand that they had a methodology, there was a methodology used by one of them that was once poor and got in a lot of trouble and you can do it, if you want to do it bad enough. The operative part of that little description is if you want it bad enough. Muhammad Ali, arguably one of the greatest fighters ever he was talking since he's 14, 15 years old "I'm the greatest" Before he ever had a professional fight. My father said, if you've got something in your mind, it should come out of your lips. The squeaky wheel gets the grease and you've been taught all your life not to ask. You've been trained, keep your head down, don't embarrass yourself, don't embarrass the family, don't say things that may not happen. And I do just the opposite, I tell you to set goals beyond your lifetime. I tell you to set goals as soon as humanly possible. When kids come to me, they want to make a million, 10 million. You know, and then when they've made a 100 million they say, Mr. Pena, we would have never ever dreamt that we could create a 100 million until we met you. You will never exceed your highest expectation, you will never exceed your highest, craziest thought Never That's a guarantee but I mean, kids, I mean you can have whatever you want.
Channel: Motivation2Study
Views: 2,600,353
Rating: 4.916841 out of 5
Keywords: 2020 GO HARD MINDSET, 2020 mindset, mindset, go hard, motivation, study, study hard, study motivation, motivational, motivational video, dan pena motivation, dan pena, dan pena interview, dan pena savage, m2s, motivation2study, High Performance Lessons from Billionaire Dan Pena, high performance habits, high performance motivation, 2020 motivation, new year motivation, motivation2study dan pena, m2s dan pena, go hard motivation, billionaire motivation, billionaire dan pena
Id: hFWGWl10vuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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