2019 FMX Best Trick FULL BROADCAST | Nitro World Games

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play stupid games win stupid Frances [Applause] [Music] let's talk about the format we've got eight riders in the field out here today and it is pretty simple they are gonna get two attempts at it here they're gonna take their attempts one right after the other so when your name gets called you get two shots right there the best possible score that you can get out here today is a hundred points and well if you are the best trick of the day you're gonna walk out of here in the top spot and win some nitro World Games prize money is the better of your two runs that counts taking a look at Greg Duffy right there hanging out at athlete's staging that guy's got a couple of big front flip combos in his arsenal tricks but we will have to wait and see who walks out of here with top honors out here today there is your start list we've got some past champions in the mix Micah who do you see here as possibly emerging as the victor today I mean it's anyone's game and it's who's going to ride away I mean in the format we have we literally know the scores we literally know who is going to go into what point there's like a little bit of variation which the judges can put in there but it's very much who is willing to risk the most which is what the judges are rewarding there they are amazing ex riders themselves I mean the list goes on and on but if I were to take fire a gambling man Pat Bowden is always in the mix Josh Sheehan love of controversy last year for those that follow the games yes there was he is due to say the least he's going to put down a gigantic trick sadly we did lose Harry [ __ ] he would have been on the podium I think without a doubt but Adam Jones both Bamford Blake Williams have more time on this ramp with Greg Duffy than anyone else so they are not to be left out as well two of your past champions in the mix over the last three years as well we talked about Greg Duffy and Pat Bowden out here so it is all up for grabs here eight riders two attempts each best run is going to count right now let's take a look at the ramps that they have as options out here today and find out what these riders are gonna be contending with out here let's take a look at the course profile right now presented by CB B&B [Music] this is bilko we are here at the Nitro World Games FMX best trick comp we have the moon Buddha ramp which is 15 foot tall or 4 foot wide we have the frog fruit ramp 8.4 foot tall 2 foot wide and the landing 23 foot tall and 60 100 feet long these ramps make for some awesome action so come watch it it looks like [Music] [Music] digging the onboard camp shots right there with Blake bilko Williams having a little too much fun out there but chilly for the POV view what it's like doing a no-handed backflip right there kicking off the moon remind himself as he's coming around down to the rotation hey by the way put your hands back on an eight having too much fun by the way bilko is going to kick off the party here he's going to be the first athlete that we see as we get this competition started this gentleman right here he's a regular on the Nitro Circus shows as you know you get to spend a lot of time on the road with these guys he was the first international rider to win an X Games freestyle moto 2009 he happens to have six X Games medals to his name by the way he's a speed and style freak for a couple of years there had simcoe's crashes take him out like you said this man is the epitome of why CBD is a real thing like this man has been through more injuries gotten back up his ankle barely works CBD MD put some heavy work into that kid check out the crowd that we've got out here right now the Utah Motorsports campus dare I say a little more people in attendance out here than what we saw in 2018 again as we said before they're gonna get their runs consecutively they'll go once they'll come back they'll restart and then take their second attempt but here we go this is Blake don't go from Australia up first big trick he's a lot of time doing backflip and it's a lazy boys what they call it throwing those legs forward putting those hands all the way up yeah I mean that's he does that trick on 75 feet day-in day-out but you're putting in a different projection you're taking it to this moon booter which only exists within this Nitro Circus compound it just puts you in a whole new trajectory of up instead of out which is really puts different speeds and different spins which is worth it take a look at it right here looking as he takes off from the lip it's very poppy and it pops you straight up into the sky right there so it's warm huh where rather than traversing out and he makes this one look super easy as he lays back into the seat look at the wind no one's talked about the wind at all not one of these riders I think it's maybe one of those elephant in the room kind of things gonna say it's like Fight Club you don't talk about it look at you bring it up it's gonna kick up but for sure the wind is definitely a factor to check out the vibe out here look at all the people that are on hand that lovely aerial shot here of the Utah Motorsports campus on this gorgeous Saturday afternoon in Utah by the way together Utah's the state of sport I was unaware well there you go learn something new every day so here we go round number two he's got the lazy boy flip for the books what is he cap it off with your jump number two but no hander Lander was kind of a last-minute addition to that we kind of talked about in his head put his hands back on do you think he done said don't put your hands back on no is he probably thought you know what I need a little bit more than this I've got a little hang time that's what happens with the move booter you got all this time up in the air and bilko doing what he does best having a little fun right here and putting on a show France he loves breaking the rules that is his favorite hobby by the way on this trick he was the first ever to land a cliffhanger flip to dirt yeah I mean if that says anything about it imagine hooking your tippy toes to your handlebars throwing your hands over your head flying landing for the majority of it look how long he has to think about this that's where the danger comes in when you think too much in this sport you react and those reactions usually are not good he had to wait till the last minute to take those hands off take the brunt of the impact that's a that's taking a car crash there's nothing a wait to the last minute or you just decided at the last minute I mean watch how scary this is it's hard to tell from this angle but watch where he takes these hands off that's not where you want to take the hands off if you're gonna try to go into a no-hander Lander that is no point though he managed to get out of that one virtually unscathed the flying goodness so hey the suspension saved your life my kid I don't have to talk to him about that one later on to find out what he was thinking so hey look at a seventy eight point three three mr. Adam Jones currently up next or may have taken a run so Adam Jones one of the elder statesmen to the group out of Reno Nevada making another parents out here at the nitro world games before we cut him loose and see his two best-trick attempts out here we had a chance to catch up with him earlier and learn a little bit more about his approach coming into this event I'm Adam Jones I write freestyle motocross my approach is the same as it is every other year just be practice that be strong be mentally focused I want to go there this year and ride my absolute best run it takes years to be a good freestyle rider it's a long tough road and definitely got to put in the work and all a sense of your life whatever it is well that's one gentleman right there who definitely puts in the work you see up on social media he's always out there practicing back home in the Greater Reno Tahoe area and I love how he downplays when he does well in event so I got third I can't believe it yes you did last year Adam and guess what you deserve to every last bit of it this guy is all about great extensions whenever he does his tricks with a throw right side up are they're upside down there's never anything tentative about it and he really worked hard at that that's one of the things that he trains on is making sure that he gets the max extension being his own worst critic that is a dead body I mean to have that kind of trust in your shoulders I mean you saw Blake before his run literally trying to work his shoulder in to keep it in place Adam Jones just couldn't have done more of a yoga move like 70 feet into the air that's just one of those things too when you get your feet over the bars and just completely watch where he puts his body into position on this I mean he's completely parallel over the bike right I guess at that point in the backflip you're under the bike for all intents and purposes but I mean it doesn't get any better looking than that no when it comes to a dead body flip I mean that is textbook as it could possibly be and Adam the problem with Adam's riding he makes it look too good but realize it's supposed to look easy it's supposed to look smooth that extension and that background should be everybody's Christmas card this year but nonetheless how amazing was that trick I mean when you talked about the shoulder being an issue watch his back on this one watch he over art so that's a great look at it right there from that head-on angle that is that's giving me lower lumbar pain right now just watching him come out of this that's as good as that trick can be done there's not a better background or a more extension or better logo placements that could be done than what he just did he may eat one of those CB DMD bath bombs after that won it for the lower back pain he'll get an 81 flat to start that one off so he'll be the ones to say this rim scares me because he's later on in his career he's in his mind he should be retiring but he's still just placing a podium he's still getting invited to these big things and he's still progressing which is why he's on the motorcycle just driving it gifts like this for a 10 number 2 for Adam Jones Jones taking Piazza and again so much extension on that when you watch when he grabs the cutouts right there watch how he just kind of throws those legs straight back and just arches is lower back to just get on that trick can your feet be further away from here few pegs deeds Uzi seat cut out you can't go to your local sports chip dealer and get a motorcycle with our seat holes you got to be good at this to have him and you can see he puts his trust in a little bit of grip tape and those Fox gloves and he puts those feet as far behind him as he can again like you said in the intro Adams gonna give you extension Adams gonna give you some of the biggest tricks you are ever gonna see and that's that's day in day out in his sleep he works harder than anybody else like I said he does not like this wrench he does not enjoy riding it I mean I can't say he does enjoy it but to watch him progress in the water do that big of tricks is astounding he's got the extension but another thing too is he holds it once he gets into the peak of the trick he'll hold it for the max amount of time possible till he has to pull himself back on the bike and make that rest of the rotation come all the way around so he'll end up sticking with that first run score so the judges are saying hey we like the dead body flip a lot better with an 81 flat so that's gonna keep him in second behind bilko as of right now taking a look at this gentleman right here out of Gresham Oregon this is beau bamberg if you've got a guy that you know very very well from your time on the Nitro Circus tours van Halen is from Gresham Oregon which is where every bass player of every band is from and this young man is the pride of freestyle motocross to the northwest he has done so many shows we call him the basher then you're about to find out why he's got so much power so much control when he's in the air no matter what he's riding he's got gravity Games gold by the way if you want to reach him deep into this game that's that's it that's mental knowledge say you know deep for that when you went back all the way to two thousand two thousand two thousand one for that one round yeah if anybody wants to go action sports knowledge I will go Topher till both Amburg has eight just a litany of absolute medals and world's first and like his name might get lost a little bit but when he's riding when he's had a show when he's out of performance ways of the Nitro World Games he is about to absolutely burn something into your memory he definitely makes his presence known and I bear witness to that over the years I've seen this guy at X Games do to her and even as recently with you last year the US and European tour for the Nitro Circus shows check out the crab they just keep piling in out here at the Utah Motorsports campus once these guys started taking practice runs one on as soon as everybody heard the dirt bikes firing up it was just this sea of humanity everybody just came running up cell phones were out they were all pressed up against the barricades but here we go first of two attempts for crash of Oregon's globe amburn oh you can just see if he looks like a pit bull under that helmet I said he's just barking is that the cause of that correctly doesn't have that menacing stare oh yeah he will look through your soul he's one of the series very nice motorcycle this mentioned with Adam Jones and both affricates out there it just puts on his own extension party and man he ragdoll out of that and just look at him just the shrugging his shoulders like it was nothing get up he's more embarrassed at himself not bow that was unbelievable okay so it was a kiss at kod flip right but he called a ruler flip in the show and that's about as far as you can extend it I mean it's exciting out here right there's a thousand people screaming at you there's all these lights there's money there's let's see where this thing goes from like analyze look right here watch the extension okay look where his face is man is he he knows right there he's going too fast look I'm holding he's trying to slow down the rotation he knows he can't wait too long he has to get look at the core strength of the pasher putting his feet on he's just trying to get the back end down Oh what do you do watch at this point he's slow just kind of shoulder and chest goes into the seat oh no that is one of the toughest people I have ever seen on a motorcycle he couldn't hold on coming down from that that says everything that is terrible right back down and again bow is tough he is rides motorcycles all of the time all he's back on it are you kidding so I was gonna say number one he got back up right away except for two I mean I'm the crash was gnarly it was amazing to see him get up for that but the extension let's go back to the trick before it went wrong the extension on that was absolutely ridiculous once you take off that lip there's no going back you you pump the lip is what it's called which means you're engaging the suspension when you go off the top you're gonna start leaning back is how much you're gonna spin and motorcycles you can kind of slow it down by hitting brakes you kind of speed it up but giving it gas but Bo as you can see in that position there's nothing he could do to do any of that he doesn't have the option his feet as far away as the can be he's down at the staging area and I don't know if he's gonna take a second run but we have Laurette down there so let's check in with her Laurette can you get the inside scoop on what's going on with both guys thank you so much Bo bamberg we just saw you hate take a really hard hit first question are you okay yeah I'm good just a little beat up but nothing more than normal you're not an old guy now when you hit the ground sometimes it up beat you up a little bit but yeah it could have been a lot worse and you know I'm just glad to be out here I'm glad you guys are joining the show and thanks for coming out bo thanks so much guys back to you I get look at the extension on this I'm not downplaying the crash by any means but look at where his body his position right there I mean that's gonna be one of the most maxed out positions I've ever seen anybody do on that trick why is he thanking us we should be thanking him he put his body on the line he tried to hold on he went he looks like Evel Knievel trying to jump at Wembley Stadium look at you see riders put his head is out he's ripped over he's just trying to get away and my bike almost gets him in the visor and the goggles right that's a nightmare crash that's an infamy we talked about things being burned into your head I was right I'm never gonna forget that my life tough break for buh-bam burger right there but you sir are a gladiator to see you get up that fast and ride away under your own power I both Bamber giving us a little bit of a scare out here but again good to see you up and walking riding away so apparently Adam Jones is our leader we had a little bit of a scoring glitch earlier so it is Adam Jones who is in that top spot with an 81 flat so mister I can't believe I got third last year is currently sitting in that lead spot as of right now as we're at the halfway point of the run order with this next gentleman 23 years young out of a deaths of Texas superior geographically challenged that's out on the west half of that state right there he'll begin writing at age five French took him to Travis Pastrana's house many many years ago and it all changed his life and that's what he decided hey you know what this racing things not for me I'm all about the Freestyle and now he's out here at the nitro World Games what in the world is he gonna try to take off the seat here is easy pop it up like that okay it's cause I wasn't knocking it I was just loading you with that question something cool I like stunts people call it action sports I disagreed with the nomenclature the whole thing I think it's you're not a fan of that turn oh man this is this is a stunt this isn't a game this is a man risking it for fun and for progression for himself and he's gonna do something he's not comfortable with for himself to Dawson please he's going to attempt from what it looks like from our vantage point that he is going to start this trick whatever it's about to because we have no idea I love him he's gonna stand on the back of the seat sometimes all these guys stand on the side of the seat do we call a jet ski take off one is Davey Johnson bring it to the party here at the Utah Motorsports games [Applause] [Applause] when I saw that that can't do that over a BMX dirt jump on a bike do you everyone Travis head of it the next games he tried that back you tried too far spin that big and it all just came apart what sort of apparatus is going on - you're not supposed to be able to rotate your bars all the way around like that on a dirt bike ladies and gentlemen takes off right here we call that a decade at the BMX world right your swing yourself around the head - but your BMX bike but I don't know what the Moto guys are gonna want to college either way call it made courtesy at the Lone Star State Davey Johnson I love it put it in the top ten amazing the back end was swab and after the ride I saw him in the pits yesterday and I did go take a look at his bike when I'm gonna have to go eyeball that thing right now and find out how the mechanics of that all works I I'd even think about that till after eBay I was like oh wait a minute if your cars aren't supposed to turn we should make more rules maybe we should make more excited Travis's right now you know what I tried to do that back in the X cubes a long time ago and my bike came apart 88.3 three Davey Johnson the 23 year old now sits atop the standings here that was memorable that was absolutely memorable I love you don't have to take your second round by the way you do get two runs but if you feel that you got what you needed to do out of the way the first time around the rule state you don't have to take your second run so I'm gonna guess the helmets off he's hanging out over there with Laurette he's done he's like I thought you came here to do why do it again amazing trick that explains the seat stand that explains all the things being covered I mean that's a we call it a world's first I'm on the Facebook constantly trying to find what's going on and I've never seen anything like that well we're about to find out more about what's going on because we're gonna send it down to the Rhett once again he's hanging out down there an athlete staging Davey Johnson what the heck do you call that trick the trunk turn obviously a man of few words but you just parked your bike over here grabbed your heart that must have scared you oh I was so scared but when Travis is here you gotta bring out the a-game Davey great job thank you guys let's take another look at it right here started off with his feet on the back of the seat and just slingshots himself around the front end of the dirt bike wow it rides away like a champ and puts himself in the top spot here what a light imagine training all the time figuring out that trick doing it on a huge stage barely barely riding away from it and then Loretta nickel comes and starts talking to you like I wouldn't have a lot of words to say there yeah you can come up you got travis Pastrana patting you on the back all smiles and telling you how awesome that was and then you get your fee with a red but look it out he can't believe this right here welcome to the big leagues homie you're gonna love it here well welcome to the big leagues and welcome to the top of the leaderboard as of right now so we're halfway through the field so there's only four riders left that stand between him and a possible win out here however it is not over yet we still have four other riders left to go including two past champions in pat down and Greg Duffy who are still yet to come here in the runner to correct Duffy is up next this guy's done it before he got the wind back in 2016 with a double front flip can he do it again let's take a look back right now to how he got his victory in 2016 [Music] [Applause] my name is Greg Duffy I am from churched in Maryland I started racing when I was seven years old did all the amateur Nationals went up to the professional ranks soon got in a freestyle after that he just got hung up on the top there don't realize how high he is that is a hard part in fact we get used to seeing guys crash but then getting up and walking away is always good this is life and and you know I'm I'm fully paying whether I'm on my bike or not I'm looking forward to the next World Games well here is your next chance mr. Duffy that was back in 2016 that year was his first ever freestyle competition and he brought that double front flip and did you see the landing on that mica he was literally leaning forward put his chest and gut into the bars and what I remember watching that happen that night back to the rice Eccles Stadium just on the other side of Salt Lake City and that was just absolutely insane and he went into the history books that night got himself a win he needs to beat a top score right now of an 88 point three three being held onto a TV Johnson oh boy there's the ride of a lifetime flip me on the moon booter throwing a variation called the heel clicker da feet I mean these are ex motocross racer when you put in the time doing do you know how hard it is to be even a semi professional motocross racer you could be the best freestyler in the world which is kind of perfect watch this so cute clicker and then it's almost like he's trying to kick back a little bit cuz he doesn't put the beat right back on almost like he wants to go into a Superman yeah I don't see any flip levers that makes it but 40 times harder to actually get yourself around you can see that all upper body yeah there's no foot levers there that is all GZ a space to get that motorcycle around that's a creative way to get it done but the OL did you see that left foot watch that left toe on the left boot yeah that won't see it from that angle but it's it's falling off that peg it's barely hanging on and that's what happened on the world distance record jump that's weakly broken ankle you can ride away and still break your ankle like those boots are some of the strongest in the business and still you're only human man look at that leave describe that color as bald eagle in case you're wondering it's very patriotic so 86 flat for him he's gonna take another run right here yeah what is he gonna do this time around I've stopped working on that all weekend since I got out here that's a hard trick but he'll clicks into it before he's even really dipped down into the front flip that to me is what is so crazy to watch with that trick 300-pound motorcycle you have to move it with your wrists front flip captain organ play stupid games win stupid Francis you just made the quote real right there watch out for that back fender buddy you are toying with consequences beyond the immeasurable capabilities doing a trick to make me laugh I love you Duffy it's called the captain did you ever think that you would see someone try to drown themselves a part of the crowd in the middle of a front-flip that's where we're at that front flips have become so controlled that you can do that put on the bars one-footed to seat your hands on your hips and look over at people and make Nikon town that's just how are you toying with this look it up who's just lawn darts himself his body's completely parallel the ground and he's looking over the crowd right there I take it back that's my new Christmas card right there please it's freestyle right anything you want to do is awesome and this guy's like man I could win $30,000 or I could do a front-flip Captain Morgan to make my friends laugh well that's good you know what the the first version was good enough to slide up in second so it's Johnson Duffy Jones you're 1 2 3 as of right now as we look into athletes staging there again you see that's william van de putte it's coming up next all right let's check it one more time with the red he's down there with Greg right now Greg Duffy is having a great time down here is that was that a Captain Morgan front flip yeah that was a Captain Morgan front flip I actually landed one in practice I was feeling pretty good going into that just had the front end a little bit too high and just Manuel doubt of it well great job thanks for making everyone laugh and making eye contact with the crowd awesome thank you guys you guys so badly to be about that oldie he didn't just do it he held it and he looked at everybody he was mean muggin everybody in the front row right there look at this straight I contact it just holds the pose you're doing a front flip and you've got your front boot up on the bars right there like we do a lot of shows I do a ton of performances and fairs and festivals all over the world that trick is a crowd-pleaser never seen it in a front flip the wherewithal to that is that one's going to be a campfire story that I'm going to tell for years to come a lot of crazy things on dirt bikes over the years but that one that was entertaining I love that thank you Greg I love action sports because you don't always have to have an answer to why you know needs why because it was awesome that's a good enough reason for anything speaking of Awesome this next gentleman right here William Vanden pute the first ever Belgian rider to backflip eight dirt bike started riding bikes when he was only eight years old and then started racing motocross back in 1995 he actually his podium did this event before he finished out in second place back at the 2017 installation of the nitro World Games when it came to the next best trick I love the International Flair it's just to watch freestyle motorcross progress I mean the Internet has an awful lot to do with it it's cool to see that you know it's an international cast so taking a look at our standings right now Adam Jones sitting in that number three position with that 81 flat with the dead body flip you got Greg Duffy right there with an 86 flat from that front flip heel clicker to Superman and then Davey Johnson hold in that top spot right now the 23 year old from Texas brought a brand new one to the nitro World Games with some crazy customized handlebars to we're calling it the decade I guess right I suit is it bluetooth is that how you make the brakes work I don't understand how do you ship wreck it so many question we're gonna have to go down there and figure all that out once we get off air either way I call it done and call him your current leader right now crazy turn of events buta told me ten years ago I'd have seen that today told me tomorrow it happened yesterday it's unbelievable and going back to something to call me raha said when he was at the hosting desk with Todd Richards earlier is that you know we're talking all the crazy things that have gone on the sport I've never say never because the minute you say never somebody comes out and does the things that you said never about a year and a half later and look at the progression look we're at right now I mean the back foot came around what 2000 2001 and the only ones started doing the right side up tricks in the back flips and then the double backflip came in and then everyone started doing double backflip combos and now guys are throwing doubles in front lifts combos like it's nothing you're one of the best announcers in the game remember when you used to say video game tricks yeah you don't say that anymore because we're past that I don't kind of do but we've done things that passed even computer programmers and think about on these things the creativity level how many ways can you dunk a basketball how many ways can you jump this rim we're got to find it after you think that they've reached the limit somebody comes out with something brand spankin new and we've already seen that today out of david johnson but we still have three riders left to go this Belgian rider is in the chute right now ready to come out and wow the crowd I would try to pronounce his hometown but I would probably butcher that so we'll just leave it at he is from Belgium yes you know he's a good time instantly and you can see gonna see sponsors and see like where the guys are riding like that masters airbag like this guy has access to training facilities that weren't available in the past five years with all this progression in Nitro World Games Nitro Circus live have have a ton of influence on that Pastrana obviously pushing the progression to safety has always been his moniker and because of that this sport will never not stop progressive so lots of things going on out here it is an action-packed Saturday afternoon out here at the Utah Motorsports campus for yet another installation of nitro World Games we started things off with super hooligan flat track racing qualifying we had some nitro rallycross now we're in FMX best tricks we've got quarter pipe high air coming up after this more rally and then more hooligan flat track racing Hank I can't believe we're packing all this into one day yeah they know how to do it that's the difference in life like he is currently in the air probably put a finger or a hand back where it needs to be which is just another Sunday that gloves coming off pretty quick maybe he just kind of got his finger caught on one of the load just shredded the glove right that got torn pretty good that's case scenario look his handlebars I think that was another Captain Morgan front I'm gonna say the same thing he looked like he was trying to be the captain again the front flip just stop suspend the bars so it'sit's a joke trick I don't know we could say that because there's nothing joking about throwing yourself into a front flip with a 250 pound motorcycle underneath your feet but you didn't go for the hands on the hips on this one because the hands just kind of stayed off to the side it's still kind of a cool trick in that like it's sort of a it's a flatland trick ever seen when they do the spins or the foots on the handlebars a flatland friends are going to be mad that we didn't know the name for that and it looked like this left side of the bars might have got a bit the lower stomach region right there but after did that slumber shot right there made that crash look extra gnarly but mr. van de putte is going to get back up and take his second round that is one tough Belgian I mean your favorite athlete might do an end zone dance mine gets up after falling seven stories from the sky this is a tough human being tougher than any other app that you will ever see in your life okay strategy do you do that again or do you throw something else what would you do I know in my life when I fall in do priding it'll torment me in my nightmares I have to do it again I have to pull it or I can't sleep okay here we go attempt number two for william fenton feud what maybe that's what he was trying to do the first time around he wasn't trying to get the foot up on the crossbar there he was just trying to get it over yeah he definitely it just got hung up I mean when you're spinning you start slowing down instantly so I mean that was way more stretched than the first one maybe he went a little bit faster but if you're gonna stretch that far you got a minute brother what the heck is going on here pants come up first in the front flip that you've got the right coil style yeah I mean you're not even holding on to the bike you know what that is that's a no handed candy bar think about that if you know what you're think about it you're absolutely correct shut up Matt Hoffman for inventing the candy bar Brian why there would have been very very happy of that assessment it feels this in the show right now cool that's good you're holding on to it 250 pounds here I've been holding on to its resting against the underside of your left boot so your two big toes on your left foot is holding 250 pounds of a motorcycle what I have to go talk to him after this cuz I wonder if that's what he was trying to do the first attempt in that foot just didn't get all the way over he just didn't have enough pop either way it was hardly looking cool trick that is a really stylish really cool trick we talked about style it's not something you learned something you either have or you possessor it's something you want to develop into into something and that was a really unique way of doing that trick I've never seen if assuming that wasn't know handed candy bar I've never seen that in my life well he's gonna have to settle for six right now so it's still Davey Johnson at the top spot followed by Greg Duffy and then Adam Jones you're one two three with two riders left to go but we've got a powerhouse coming up right now this is Josh Sheehan before we unleash him here for his two attempts let's learn a little bit more about him right now g'day I'm Justine from West Australia I grew up on an orchard it had to be the room on a farm and just always riding motorbikes when I was younger and loved just doing jobs fix going fast and they kind of just led into a freestyle competition which lit the fire and yeah next minute I'm here the tricks are progressed so far got a lot more people doing double flips I didn't have to do anything before but now I have to step up it's great it's pushing this boarders washing asses we keep feeling like we're getting to the end but new stuff to skip coming out or get big a ramp so we can just get more done on the ramp [Applause] [Music] so he had a heck of a crash out here last year it still eep still walked away with a third place finish out her in this event but he had a pretty gnarly crash he saw some slow-mo highlights of it right there but this guy is the best I mean he's just a monstrosity of a human being works out all the time takes great care of himself somebody bounces off the ground and he gets these crazy situations that he walks away from and unscathed he was one of the first guys I ever saw into a double backflip advanced [Music] X Games two weeks ago was memorable to say the least he dumped has a vendetta here where he did a crazy trick last year is hungry this man wants to win and the height of this trick this trick is claimed careers this trick has taken catastrophe on people and he has the audacity to take his hands off at that high spot his landing can you name a better big air rider than Josh Sheehan it's crazy he gets into that first rotation he's still coming all the way around four hands are off he extends it hangs on to it gets back to the bars and then Yanks for that second rotation but it doesn't even look like he's working hard for it it's just easy for him right there and the landing was just super super smooth is that good yeah I mean you would think at that point what your hands are back on the bars you're yanking for everything that you've got trying to get that second rotation around but no that was just casual butter or casual like it's just rolling down to get a smoothie for him that would almost be like okay I got that one out of the way now a bit ready to do what I really want to do and I think we might get a snippet of what we saw try last year I'm gonna walk that plank you're setting your setup trip basically you just broke it down attempt number two for Josh Sheehan consequence this is not dangerous he just took a shot roughly six stories from the ground what an animal not even the height but on top of that you're rotating with a double backflip just the gravity of the g-forces of that alone plus the weight of the bike as well and you're all tangled up with it flip number one so you have to now take your feet put them to the ground yep so your wrists are not holding all the way now you have to get your feet back on the pegs and then plane that second flip around because if you don't it's gonna be a rough night and here's where the problem was just a little under Road Sadie the suspension tried to take it there's nothing he can do the head shot to remind you you're alive yeah that's suck oh that wasn't fun what a rough rough ride for Sheehan with the front tire dab this one will give you a real good look at her right here Wow extension look watch the yank what he gets back on his feet sky looking for the pedal but for the other peg cranks is just putting all the juicy cannon to the back wheel hoping it comes around [Applause] you can hear just rapping out of that second rotation and a real-time speed for bad angle right there you could you can see him take that head slap right there on the landing as he slides away but Josh Sheehan is at that top spot which was by virtue of the first trick with the double backflip no-hander so he was in that top spot he didn't even need to have to come out and do that or didn't have to come out and do that should say so it's [ __ ] Johnson and Duffy that looks out of Jill's out of the top three I'm stuck break for Adam but it's Ian Johnson Duffy you're one two three with one more rider to kill it just so happens to be last year's champion mr.pat bout all the way Joshy and I've said he finished third last year I have to correct myself [Applause] [Music] get too much pop and then it throws you a little too far forward on that flip rotation yeah but he made that give me that he made short work in that one there his nitro world games f of X best trick career has been nothing but podiums in 2016 it was a second place in 2017 it was a third place and then he stepped it up last year and walked out of here with the big win look at this everybody I mean you snap your neck back he doesn't get any better he lose his line of sight which means he makes the variation more important than the spin which is something the judges absolutely wanted to see so he snaps off that lip Brian takes his heels cranks it back in to watch his head that's all the difference the fact he can get a hundred percent for that 90-degree up-and-down area I mean there was no lack of extension I mean last year he tweaked his behind just a hair more on the other end of that trick but that might be enough to be honest take it away that is such a unique trick he couldn't have executed it truly much better I mean he have a second go oughta know if he beats it but yeah this guy's just eats nitro World Games trophies I don't know that he's going to have to take a second run right there because looking at the scoring monitor over here he's got a 96 second run he's won this thing you get two attempts but why take that money was going to go he's just over there you can't wave into the crowd you practiced all year for this you just do want to do the one trick there's no reason to push it just go enjoy yourself get yourself on that podium go talk to the beautiful Loretta Nicol and you know what this means this is the next one it is four appearances here at nitro World Games is never not podium third a second and now back-to-back firsts yeah he's definitely a bright shiny star in the world of freestyle motocross done a bunch of shows with him but definitely he flourishes in this setting this one jumped super trick contest style format definitely lends itself to Pat bode more than anybody else apparently he's also set another record because he's the first repeat winner when it comes to FMX best trick here at nitro world games Duffy won the inaugural 1a 2016 here bank at 2017 by the way shout out to Harry pink wish you well and recovery Harry injured himself in practice yesterday so we're sending you well wishes Harry would like to see you back in the lineup soon and then Pat last year with the win and he wins it so our first repeat winner as well but how about that career yeah here at nitro World Games I mean I put some of the likes of Ryan Williams I mean I believe he's the only to kind of make those moves but yeah what a crazy crazy contest oh my goodness what an appearance out here by Pat Bowden let's check in one more time with Laurette who was down there with Pat well the first question that I just asked Pat Bowden was how high is your heart rate it's pretty high no you told me that you've been working 11 days straight to perform here and do a world's first pop out in that was unbelievable nitro World Games is here and it's trying to stretch your comfort levels how far was your stretch today yeah that's right I only had 11 days to learn this world first trick and coming into it I had the idea I didn't know if it was possible and I had so many problems like thing after thing that I had to overcome and I just kept pushing gave it 150% effort but honey I was gonna win so these old guys they gotta step up their game you know here the guys can hear you but what were some of those challenges that you had to fight through so my compounds like four hours from where I live so to relocate my training facility four hours so I could write every day I relocated to the first place we got shut down by the council because of noise complaints after one day of practicing so we had to load everything up again reload read like transport another 200 kilometers down the road and by this time we were like running at a time well I don't think that's possible but I've come too far to give up so yeah I don't know what to say I'm so happy right now that's unbelievable guys the determination the strength and the tenacity of pop out in your three-time nitro World Games best-trick champion congratulations back to you and he also called out the old guys snap your old guys gotta step it up that might get a little dicey there and once they get back to the pit area but take another look at it here next Christ their front flip yeah I mean it doesn't get much better performance like a Olympic divers holy divers that a deal reference you just made right there is a holy God you sir I'd like it doing my best trying to keep it fun take it deep into your 80s metal roots right there so I'm gonna get you to walk a plank right here look at the scoring differential he saw me Joshy and did a double backflip no-hander what do you think the judges liked so much about the front flip Christ er to make that such a huge gap in the scoring um it's a world first and Josh definitely did the double back kod last year which almost ripped him naked he fell so hard oh and a jersey issue last year yeah wardrobe malfunction I mean it was just done as perfect as you can Pat always wears that wait to be seen I mean people might think it's goofy it looks a little different but speaking of worlds first we had another one with the young man from Texas Davey Johnson well but we're calling the decade air left to check in with him begin an actual name for that a little bit later on either way it's never been done before and he brings it to the party out here at nitro world games of 2019 he gets third place Josh Sheehan walks out of here in second this year an epic best shirt f of X best tricks with this double backflip no-hander making it look way way too easy Micah yeah I mean the extension the way you just stay is not tough if you see his hips go to his handlebars he's in trouble he isn't a nice relaxed comfortable position just like he's riding down the street man that is intense but when it's all said done the day belongs to Pat Bowden bringing another never been done trick to the event pan to take your hand you're off that landing and he says he's a training facility this ramp doesn't exist keep that he can't train on this ramp so you had to come out here now learn the 11 days of the trick now contort it to what this ramp is what this landing is what this angle is props for the hard work props for the tenacity and being brave and it's a really really beautiful stunt I mean it doesn't get any better looking than that it puts that one down butter smooth and it makes it lets him walk out of here with the wind that's two years in a row our first repeat winner when it comes to FM s FM x best tricks here at the nitro world games yeah look at that we got a beautiful girl giving out all sorts of trophies this is what all the hard work is about man maybe invite the sport baby johnson finishing out in third place right there getting his trophies standing on the podium there and again that decade decade it it was a wild and I'm gonna have to go take a look at his black cuz I want to know what happened what he did to the bars to make that work it's neat to see technology progress the sport I love defending his 2018 championship here in Utah let's give it up for Pat Bowden winning gold at nitro 2019 check out that podium just think about what just happened here your podium the podium 20:19 rebec's the best trick you've got a decade you've got a double backflip tip my answer let's maybe you've got a cry stare front flip let's go down the list first place world's first front flip variation unbelievable Joshy and second place the trick he tried is arguably the most dangerous scariest trick ever that he foul on the double flip kod third place world's first you want to play in this game there's your lower back you've got two worlds first if one of them is only good enough to get your third place out here that was absolutely ridiculous what an amazing competition out here your final thoughts before we say goodbye for this part of this because we got to get ready for the next one oh I'm excited to see what happens in Wales it's gonna be holding for demographic whole different crews would be good so here it is autumn are go looking at your podium here your night roll World Games FMX best trick podium here in 2019 Davey Johnson starting off on the seat brings it all the way around 360 around the front of the bike we call it a decade in the BMX world and well you're just not supposed to be able to do that on a dirt bike there mr. Krantz you're absolutely right Jimmy Josh in what you've called arguably one of the scariest looking tricks in the books the double backflip no-hander right there but he puts that one down super smooth but at the end of the day it's pat bowed and he walks out of here with the win with the Christ air front flip look at its finest Beauty what a neat stunt [Applause] you
Channel: Nitro Circus
Views: 11,742,887
Rating: 4.6253476 out of 5
Keywords: Nitro Circus, Travis Pastrana, Nitro Circus Live, FMX, BMX, Skate, Scooter, Inline, stunt, stunts, action sports, extreme, ramp, ramps, epic, fail, awesome, best videos, top talent, world first, Nitro World Games, competition, Best Trick, Beau Bamburg, Josh Sheehan, Pat Bowden, Harry Bink, Blake Bilko Williams, moto, freestyle motocross, captain morgan flip, gregg duffy, davi johnson, world record, double backflip, front flip
Id: O3TJXRQyv_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 14sec (2954 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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