2019 - 2021 Chevy Silverado and GMC Sierra HDMI Mirroring Kit with Camera Functionality

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hey you're here with mvi and i want to show you uh today we're in a 2020 chevy silverado i do want to show you our new smartphone mirroring kit available it is an hdmi input on these trucks the module does also do cameras i will not be showing you the camera functionality today or the install i am going to splice in i do have other video that shows that so i'm going to splice that in so you can see that at the end of the video here but i did want to show you the option for uh hdmi input and phone mirroring which we've been getting a lot of requests for so um i'm gonna try not to screw this video up i'm gonna show you the on-screen display and then take the phone off the holder here and uh show you some stuff but basically we got um so we got an iphone uh what we have here is the factory interface on the 2020 which you can which you can see here um got the factory nav in it and whatnot and we're going to add the uh mirroring capabilities so i've got an iphone here i'll plug in and um get that up and then i'm going to access the interface that is done by the steering wheel button and as you can see the picture is crystal crystal clear on that so um audio is through um the aux input so we do want to go to audio and um and let's get some see if i can get some there we go so the audio will come through um the aux channel of the vehicle and from that point you can do whatever you want i'm on youtube right now but um you know you can go to netflix let's go to this denali video here and see what it's all about what's up internet world so there you have it um any of your apps that that mirror you can then then do so netflix directv things like that um you can go ahead and and uh and do so want to go to netflix we can pick that up it's probably going to want me to log in which i'm not going to go through but then you've got your whole you know library of video right here on the screen great picture too guys nice hd picture so i'm going to go ahead and take the um phone off the stand here and show you um what's gonna come in the kit and some different options so i'm just gonna go ahead and unplug this we can go back to our home screen by simply hitting um the home button and let me see if i can get this out without screwing things up here so all that said guys um it does activate by the wheel button here so double tap of the hang up button and that will switch input it's looking for the hdmi source right now and then i can go back to the home screen like i said this does do cameras as well so if you wanted to add a front camera it does auto activate for parking situations you can also add a second rear for like a wireless rv camera we get a lot of requests for that but you don't have to the camera the module does have the capability um the module will hook up over in the right kick panel area over there so all the cabling and whatnot is going to have to stretch over that way i do have a video that shows those connections so i will put that towards the end of the video here and then we're gonna have a supplied hdmi um usb combo port that will be flush mounted somewhere in the vehicle so that's gonna depend on where you want it as far as your preference goes but it'll be this guy here and this has got three foot leads coming off it that will kind of stretch over to that right kick panel area now in order for this to to stretch in and go where it needs to be you're gonna have to keep pretty much keep the port up here so you could do like a flush mount here um if you wanted to pop this out eliminate this put this right there in that place that would be a nice clean look but if you're going to want to go inside your center armrest here you are going to need some extensions so i am going to have that advertised on the site some different extensions and whatnot to to accommodate the length but if you're not going to do the extensions this ships standard it's only three feet long so you've only got so much to work with these are pretty much the two options i would do you could also choose to come down here although it would be a little bit harder to plug in so if your iphone is going to be wired this cable kit here gets sent out it is wrapped in nice braiding um so it looks well this is just for video purposes here this plugs into the iphone and this is what mirrors so you then you've got some um you know three foot extension to kind of move around in the cab here and get it to where you want it if you're android your phone does have to be compatible with um screencasting and that'll come with a dongle the android is wireless so the dongle will plug in right here you pair your android to it again compatible phone and then it will cast wirelessly to the front screen so with all that said um on the audio side of things it does run on the aux circuit so it is going to ship with this guy here that will need to plug into your 3.5 um in the center armrest so all this does pop out i do have video footage of that as well and this cable here comes pretty standard i just dropped it but it's long enough to go from here and then over if you want some more length we're gonna have to do a an extension on that aux cable as well but you're basically gonna run it through this um center console area once it's popped out this port will pop up you can bring it into the console itself and just have it come up and pop up you could even notch it slightly right here and have it come out nice and clean so it's just a cable that that sticks out type thing so we'll be finalizing some options on that i'll get some feedback from the customers and whatnot but this is our new hdmi kit guys um i will have it on the website as usual shoot us a text the best way to reach us these days is uh via web chat at gm navigation.com we do get floods of requests daily we try to handle messages in the morning and then focus on shipments in the afternoon so um usually in the morning time you can get a couple responses from us and and we can also text or pick up the phone and call you if needed as well so thanks for watching have yourself a great day and talk to you soon but over here guys you can see this is the radio module we're working with we're going to be working with these two plugs yep the gray and the black and then the one right next to it this blue cable right here all right so this guy here is in your way normally sits on this bracket and when i'm all said and done i'll i'll click it back where it goes but just grab this guy and twist and get that out of your way so you can get in there and work all right you're not gonna hurt it it will click back on to where it needs to go so it's gonna help to understand what you're working with here guys so you do need one of these they're cheap on amazon just search for uh automotive pick tool set you can get anywhere from four bucks up to i spent a nice 20 bucks and got a huge set but this is what you're to need this guy right here and the reason being is that gm puts these little release clips on here that are super super tight to deal with this is not going to want to lock right now but um so and then this sits in there like that going into the radio so you got to go in there and get behind it and pry this back get that back out of the way and then the release sits right in the middle so if you know where it's at you can kind of feel and use the pick and pull out at the same time which i'll do here in a second same thing with this guy here all right this has got a red clip same thing you're going to want to get in there and pull it back so you can depress this that's what you're going to be fighting so once those are out of your way you're in much better shape but with that said and this tool right here is going to be required so you want to get these three down so we can access them now in the kit guys pay attention to labels we go through a lot of time prior to shipping power and ground these two right here are manual triggers so in certain situations you may need these i'm typically going to have them taped back right here so unless you're doing something extravagant just leave them taped if you are going to need them i'll tell you tell you you're going to need them just otherwise leave them there but that's what these are they're manual triggers to use for an external toggle switch okay ground right here power come over here guys it's a fuse right here right next to it you can see a spade sticking out and that's accessory power now sometimes this fuse has already been moved over if that's so if you want to make these key on i'm sorry i guess that one key on instead of hot right now that's constant hot if you move this fuse over here over that turns those to uh accessory instead of constant so if if that's already taken that fuse is moved over you may have to consider moving it or i've also in my instructions got a place where you can cut this sleeving back right here and there's a wire in there you can grab and tag to it is in my printed instructions so pay attention to that but for all working purposes this works perfect it is tight but you can see that's gonna just zip down nice and clean out of the way let me get the ground where it goes i looked everywhere this is really the only good spot out this thing so i'm gonna send it's already gonna sit on the carpet there and then we've got some tape here and if we want to go it's already pretty well padded but um of course this tape will go under here helped go to the floor and then uh if you want to put some extra foam there you can and you don't want to get this module too hot though it does need to breathe so then that'll sit right there carpet down everything back together we are live and we got screens so that's good so system is designed to uh auto trigger in a parking situation so go to reverse you've got your factory rear go back to drive and now we've got our front kicking on and that'll stay on below 8 mile per hour you can see the pictures um pretty nice there guys so it's about as good of a picture as you're going to get on this screen definitely going to serve its purpose um and the camera that i send does have the little irs it's the gm camera that they've used for the last few years so it does help for nighttime viewing um get above 8 mile per hour this will automatically go away and then you should be able to toggle manually if you want to pull it up going down the road at a stop light whatever if your truck's lifted you just need it double press and there it is that can stay on as long as you want until you shut it off and you'll shut it off by simply double pressing so this is your toggle if you had a wireless in the back since it is actually input one when you toggle this the first time it would go to wireless or whatever other rear camera we are working on a third brake light as well for this toggle it again it'll go to your next camera toggle it again back to your home screen so there you have it guys um aside from the camera obviously takes a lot longer to run and get into the cab but uh auto activate in parking situations so it does have to see reverse first and um that'll go on and shut off on its own so hope that helps as usual any uh questions whatnot messages here in the app um and also at gm-navigation.com use the web chat app there as well that's the best way to reach us talk to you soon bye you
Channel: MVI INC
Views: 123,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smart phone mirroring, new silverado hdmi, new sierra hdmi, 2020 silverado video, 2020 sierra video, 2019 silverado video in motion, 2019 sierra video in motion, 2020 silverado unlock, unlock module, lock pick, 2020 sierra unlock, bypass module
Id: R9Xn8welT_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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