2019 - 2022 Chevy Silverado and GMC Sierra Front Camera and Camera Module Install

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[Music] hey guys you're here with mbi and we are uh working on a 2020 chevy silverado this is a hd 2500 does have a bit of a nicer grill on it more room to actually install that front camera i don't have that bow tie to deal with so this is going to be a little bit different but a cool install so i'm going to go through the install the front camera for you show you how that works how to get it into the cab and then we're going to be putting one of our um camera modules on so i'll show you what's involved both our modules install the same way so i'll cover that in the second half of the video depending on how this goes we may cut it and then come back for part two but i will go ahead and get rolling so um if you have a big truck like this you may need a step stool but there are some i call them tree clips in here basically all these holes we've already kind of pre-moved you'll need a dash panel tool you can get these easily on amazon um don't have to get the metal ones but i will tell you for these type of clips the metal ones are better just search um dash panel removal tools or automotive panel remover tools i'll probably get you the metal ones but you can get these fairly inexpensive on amazon middle portion comes up and then the bottom portion will just pop right up like that and then when they go back in you just simply insert it push that back down so set that aside got to remove all these guys so we can get access in behind here and then gm did put some screws there t15s on the hood release so we'll go ahead and undo that that's going to allow this to slide off and that will allow this to now pop up and set all the way so that now gives us room to work in behind here now do need to watch on your truck um some of these have louvers that that maneuver so when we got to go around these which i'm going to do on the install so i'm basically going to bring it up through the corner right here i'll come in right through here and over and um and i'll bring it and route it around and up through the cab so we'll show you that here in just a moment so these come in super handy go to home depot or lowe's in the electrical section they sell these in three foot they're three foot zip ties just cut the end off now you've got a nice tool to fish wire through basically so we'll get that ready and then i'm going to prep the lower area where the camera is going to go now the camera does come with double stick tape which in all reality if this is prepped right there's no need for screws i do go ahead and put both on though so i like to get it marked first then sometimes you can take the camera off to get access just kind of depends one little small screw comes out just want to make sure you get the camera back in the proper position before you put it back together otherwise it's going to be upside down but so we'll start by prepping towels windex or even better is rubbing alcohol go ahead and get your surface as clean as possible and you're going to want to get your where you're going ways don't have to deal with that extra grill so this is going to be a super nice one so know about where you're going to go heat gun is your friend on these guys so you clean the surface really well and you heat this both this area and the surface you're going to allows that sticky to bond to it really well and in all honesty it i mean nascar uses this stuff it doesn't come off very easily it does come with two little screws though as well then on here without burning your fingers you can kind of see the uh texture start to bubble and change and that's how you know you're getting warm basically that gets it extra sticky and typically a razor blade helps i didn't have one in my hand like i normally do so now it's a matter of just getting it on there that's why you want to pre-fit it so you know about where you want it and once it's stuck you don't really want to pull it back off otherwise you're going to compromise the adhesive try and get it right the first time and then i like to go through with some pressure flat tool screwdriver works great ultimately that's on there pretty good but there is two slots which you can kind of see right here and right here in the kit a little baggie now if you want to go through putting this on you can go through and then cap this on the back side but it's super hard on these grills and these grills are not fun to get off so if you want to go through all that work you can i usually just go in with these two guys right here so these two are in the kit this is a 16th just enough to get a hole started basically so i'm doing is a pilot hole now you may be saying what about car washes i've had mine on my personal truck for since 2016. and been through the car wash hundreds of times and it's never once even compromised so take your time and just do this right you don't need to worry about it coming off nice and easy and snug it up you don't need to wrench it down and just like that camera's on now this will have some adjustment once we get the interface on we can move this up and down and then tighten that back screw as we need to um but that'll give you your adjustment now we just need to route this through so for this guy i'll come into play you'll notice i'm staying right on the face of the grill here guys so i'm not gonna interfere with those louvers as you move up and down for air flows you're going down the road so you don't want your camera in the way i'm going to come up right in the corner got to be all right now we're in there got a couple places just kind of get this as snug as possible now we're going to find a spot up here to kind of tie it which this little housing right here i'm actually going to come around this other way i'm going to use some of this bracketry to kind of secure it so here is just to get it tight i'm probably going to put a small hole there so i can secure this right there and then up here you'll notice all kinds of other harnesses so now it's a matter of i always like to pay attention to how i route things because people have to work on these vehicles eventually and you don't want your harnessing and cables to where brackets and stuff can't come off they got to cut cables and that's just going to make life bad so if i come up this way it's completely out of everything's way and i just follow this harnessing that's already here secure it make it look real nice along the way so that's exactly what we're gonna do so we're pretty tight right here looks nice all through here it's out of the way plenty of room for adjustment at least i have zip ties on hand this will route over this way again we're just going to follow some harnessing that's already there now this truck's already equipped with a bunch of extra equipment so you're not gonna see a lot of this stuff in your truck but you will have some factory harnessing here that you can access and connect to just like that and then if we get this untaped here this you want accessible this camera ever needs to be changed likely this is the only part you'll have to change well that's actually not true i'm gonna point out another piece in there but you're gonna want this to where it's easy to get to so we've already pre-ran this i wasn't going to put you through the pain and watching that but i will show you so this needs to go in here it's got a little key in there it's got little arrows which are hard to see but if you twist it you'll feel it lock into place and then you got to make sure it clicks and locks in there and then before this install is done i'm going to tape this up real well also disregard these most the time these come taped up anyway but if not and you see them disregard them you're not going to use them on this install completely disregard we're going to keep this up right around here in this area and then this portion is the one that's going into the cab right now so gm did provide a nice little area right there going through the firewall for wires to go through so right down there there's a nice little area for wires to go through this particular truck has already got wires taking up that space we tried to go through that didn't work out so if you go keep it snug on the fender here you can drop it straight down and you can see our harness right there coming down so we'll get in here and make a tie as well but come in here to the cab i use the 3 8 bit uh because you got to get that bigger round in cable to go through and then this is going to need to be sealed up so you can avoid fighting all that if you want because it's it's not fun i'll show you go ahead and get this semi-snug and this is going to be filled in with silicone so we don't have to worry about leaking and then our module guys is going to go right down here and tie into the radio which i'll show you here in a second but while i got you down here you can see where those wires are coming through the wires that are already in the car there and that's where you got to bring it through now in a lot of the trucks there's a power inverter that sits right here the power inverter module that's in the way so you got to get that out of the way and then it's still super tight to work with so fyi that's the hardest part if you don't want to fight that come through here seal it back up all your connections are literally going to be made right here um actually one more thing to point out so on these harnesses this is a voltage reducer that the manufacturer puts on they've supposedly made these better but i have had problems with these now they're covered under warranty but when these go out this section of the harness has to be replaced so keep that in mind if you have a camera issue um at all nine times out of ten it's gonna be this they were supposed to make some enhancements on these these are fresh shipments from overseas so hopefully that happened but this is nine times out of ten well it has to be replaced so keep that in mind when running this if you do have to replace this section of the cable you'll want it to be as easy as possible so i'm gonna go ahead and get things secured up gotta get some things prepped in here i'll be back in about 20 minutes or so for part two to show you um put the module in hey guys you're back with uh mvi here and i've got the um the inside taken part we're going to show you how to put the module in so real quick on our camera modules um you're going to be working with so you need to get this cover off right here and this accesses the right side fuse panel and up here to the far right is a big 50 amp fuse right next to that is a little tab sticking out that our spade connector will go on that gives us accessory power so you're going to plug in there you're just going to bring it over nice zip tie it down we supply this harness and then right down here 10 millimeter nut we supply the grounding eyelet excuse me and then these are going to be our leads for the camera um we'll also power the module depending on which module um you're ordering from us so either way you're going to be dealing with this side area that's how that's going to go that's your ground and then these leads right here are to power and ground the camera these will come with a little label on them to let you know if we miss that label that's what these are for you're simply going to power your camera with that i don't have the harness handy with me but i will here shortly and um we'll show you that when we go to make the connection so with that said we gotta access so we are putting the in telehaul 2.0 in this truck so that's this module here um if you're going with our uh with our other module that's just the front and the rear still going to go over here connections are made right over here with the t harness that we supply so you access the radio module that sits right here so there are you got to remove the two big molex plugs from there and then the lvds the blue lvds plug um so the camera interface will go in line so with that said i mentioned this several times before on these videos there are little clips they got to be pulled down on these connectors i'll show you when i get it down so before these connectors will come out and that's where this right angle also comes in it'll allow you to go in there push down the release okay to get these connectors out again amazon is your friend you can also get these at home depot this is a little clip that i'm telling about so almost impossible to get with your fingers that's why the pick's handy to get in there and pull it out that allows this to push in and out when that's down this won't push in so that's kind of the lock release mechanism same with on the blue one you've got two usb cables actually called lvds all right same thing this pushes in and locks so you gotta grip it and pull it down that allows you to do that guy right there so with that said these guys are keyed they'll only go in one way they're not the same color black and gray but they are keyed can't really mess it up um the one with the power and ground going to it which is the big yellow and black wires it's basically your black plug i want to hear the click i don't know if you heard that on the video but you always want to hear click click click and push the little lock back in place these guys are going to hang just like that okay this is your power harness for the module so you can see guys this is basically if you're gonna have just a front camera that's all there is to it not a horrible job everything's right here once you get used to working in this area one other thing i'll mention i've said it many times before don't turn your key on with stuff unplugged do not want to do that with these newer trucks um way too much sensitive data flowing through these things so keep the key out of your pocket no way things can get touched i want to make sure things are plugged in before you go hitting the key so this is just going to go back in place where this one came out it's lvds cable and it's just simply going to go back up and click into place which obviously leaves room this guy here all right i will click that back into place before i shut it down and then i like to find places to route harnesses and whatnot but this i just recently learned last install we did on a suv module actually sits right there pretty nice and then i can take it and zip it around those cables and secure it there and when your panel goes back on it's not really going anywhere it's actually a perfect little spot for it i like it better here than underneath the carpet to be honest with you this is kind of my new spot to put it guys um you're getting the antello hall 2.0 does typically come with a bracket to mount up here like i said this um truck is deleted so we're not using the bracket on this and i do have i am working a deal with the manufacturer to be able to get these um to offer for just the front camera you don't have to do the full kit that's coming down the road right now it is just a full kit just fyi so in the future that will be a possibility and it's likely not going to come with that bracket so you're going to want to put it in this area right here so that said all that's left is our actual harness okay so we're going to plug this guy in i got green lights just came on so that's a good signal we're gonna tape this up this is an output you can choose to use it if you want to power your cameras i don't like to do that because just honestly guys the camera power output on these modules usually isn't all that great you usually end up fighting it and running your own power anyway so i'm just doing that right from the beginning so i don't have to worry about it but that's just going to plug right in then everything is labeled you won't worry about either of these two wires at all so this is labeled r for rear front can't mess up trailer actually av1 is right not rear this one's labeled trailer so if you're doing a wireless trailer and then left camera if you're doing the four full four camera um setup so that said let me grab my camera lead and show you this we do have two different style cameras one may come with a four micro den connector like this um the other style is basically um kind of like rca connectors it's a round rca power plug that you would plug together and then rcas to go you know they're not too hard to figure out go ahead and plug this into front and obviously before we ship this this will all be tied up nice taped up this is the power and ground for the camera and again your discretion i don't like to use a bunch of unneeded wire if i don't need to so i'm going to cut this off lowe's home depot highly recommend make your install much easier it's called a crimp connector so black black red to red it's basic 12 volt electronics guys so if you're ordering our stuff we assume you pretty much have this much down all you're doing is crimping it down again lowe's home depot another source is harbor freight guys if you got one in your area that's close by i happen to have a home depot literally about two blocks for me so it makes things nice crimp it down now we're powered up we've got solid connection so we can test so we got our interface pulling up so let's get the home screen on you'll be able to tell we got the full you know regular mylink and totaling screen that's going to pull up and we're going to activate the camera one or two ways on the antelope hall so to activate it you're gonna use the home button so it's the back button not the home button guys sorry parts are starting to free up so i'm hoping to have more of these here in the coming weeks so as usual if you're interested give us a message but back button toggles that'll go back to the home screen press and hold three seconds agree to the confirmation and now we've got your intel and telehaul icons that you're used to seeing and we can now pull up our front camera which is not powered up all right guys so i got this fixed up um it was the harness so i'm going to point some stuff out i'm i'm glad this happens we can go ahead and use this as a diagnostic tool to show you so if you're putting one of these in what i did not do and what you should do each and every time before you go through running the uh the harness go ahead and make the connections you can do it all right here in the cab you don't even have to run it out there keep it all plugged in test your camera before running it it'll save you the pain that i just went through that's first and foremost i didn't follow my instructions that i give so test it ahead of time now with that said nine times out of ten these are tested on the bench prior to going out so we do verify them so i already know that i caused the problem on this on this not powering up and i caused it trying to go through the firewall it is so tight and like i said there's already big cables coming through now if you're if you don't have those big cables you can get away without doing it the way that i did but we were trying to pull and force and it what it did is that something in here has been pulled out from me doing that so got to watch out for that i should have tested things prior to but that's what happened so pulling and pushing on this with too much force is going to cause a problem keep that in mind when doing the install now with that said fired it up we saw the camera wasn't working i moved it over to the other input it wasn't working there that leads me to believe that there's a power issue first thing i'm always going to ask you is do you have a meter so doesn't have to be a nice meter but you need a meter to test for voltage so i'm going to turn that to voltage with the line going across that's dc not alternating squiggly line is for inside the house this is 12 volt okay you're going to want to watch this so i'm always going to ask you first thing does it have power so we're just going to go in to my leads you can see that i got 14 5 the trucks running that's what we're supposed to have now that doesn't mean there's power down here so if after you test there we're still not working doesn't mean there's not a problem in here with a pin or something like that so you always want to test in here as well this one's a little harder because the size of my leads see if i can do it here 14 5 coming through the plug so now i know i've got juice going all the way through here the only other thing it can be at that point is this um voltage reducer which if you put your hand on it and feel it it should not be burning hot this one's good it is going to get slightly warm it's voltage going through it so that's normal um but if it's super hot this is usually going to be the problem you're going to want to we'll have to address it but again these are tested before going out shouldn't have the problem always a good idea to hook it up in the truck test things first before routing the wire so all that said there's your diagnostics i'm always going to ask that it's kind of your 101 diagnostics on camera testing with that said i know i've got power now and um we are operational so we can go back up here activate it manually press and hold the back button again this is on this particular and telehaul 2.0 system first couple times you do it you're gonna have to agree to that i've already agreed to it the truck hasn't been shut off that's why i didn't pop back on now i go front now we've got front camera so to get back out you go back back again takes you back to the home screen while you're in this menu or this interface this is your settings right here so this is enable front camera speed up trigger and slow down trigger so slow down doesn't really work just to be honest with you we'll test it off the customer test it enable blind spot cameras customers not going to do it on this truck at this time possibly a later date so we're just going to simply uncheck that and then exit back out you can also shut them off on the dip switches on the module there's some dip switches right here the instructions tell you which ones to turn on and off before this one leaves today i'm going to go ahead and shut them off so by chance he doesn't have to keep messing with that and then if we decide to add them later we can so this thing will also auto trigger both my camera modules auto trigger both my camera modules you can pull up on demand they both work separate ways this one works by this button my other one will work by the button on the steering wheel with that in mind the auto trigger does turn on in a parking situation so it's got to see reverse first as if you're pulling into a parking spot there's your factory camera just shift it to drive front camera turns on automatically that will stay on give or take up to eight mile per hour it's not 100 accurate so if it shuts off at seven don't be calling me guys it's electronics it's reading data and data does funny things so give or take a couple mile per hour that will auto turn off um once it gets above eight mile per hour and then to get back to your home screen let's do that so if you don't ever want to mess with that button you just simply do reverse then drive camera will pull up and go away go ahead and do it there's camera factory camera drive now if you go to well above 8 mile per hour which we're not going to be able to do parked so i'm going to throw it back in as you can see it just goes right back to your your home screen so that's it guys um start to finish even with some hiccups um front camera install wasn't that bad i gave you a little bit of diagnostic information as well so if you have problems along the way you've got the information also we do provide the tech support to help you out so any questions as usual reach out to us um the best way to reach us is through the website gm-navigation.com send us a message there on the chat messenger and be happy to follow up with you have a great day
Channel: MVI INC
Views: 15,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chevy Silverado and GMC Sierra Front Camera, Camera Module Install, DIY front camera install, DIY tutorial front camera install, front camera install, 2022 Chevy Silverado, 2022 GMC Sierra, 2019 GMC Sierra, Camera diagnostic tutorial, gmc sierra, chevy silverado
Id: MjoA8fbIOdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 32sec (1952 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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