FULL RACE | 2017 24 Hours of Le Mans | Final Hour | FIA WEC

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he's got to his box or whether he's going to his bow is going to his box Julian he's going to his pit box so he's on the way there as the crew are running to meet in the manor Racing squads run out of fuel would they run it that close the mechanics are now with it as well as the marshals entirely careful yeah trying to pass it as it goes down the very long pit lane and those boys if they weren't hard enough even more hot work especially those those fireproof suits making it even hotter on the hottest day of the year currently running eighth overall this car when it came into the pits this is going to show that one of the rebellions just coming around the side of it thinking maybe wasn't a rebellion I thought it was I don't think it won now I'm not taking a second look now they've got a three lap advantage over the car behind them in this motor race which is the number 8 Toyota so they can have a little bit of breathing space but not too much before they lose an overall position yeah I think in the big picture eighth or ninth in that respect once one of them too much it's more of the cases for the rebellion just that Marshall being careful of the Marshall and anything else and of course it would be the garage that pretty well at the very end of a 60 garage pit lane well are there now put some fuel in it that's a regular thing fill it up first and then I suspect that's going to go into the garage so the leader we're just under an hour to go Timo Bernhard who is basically on his way towards the pits at some point but they need the because a second laughter after four hours now into the lead second place is the 38 Orica hoping tongue in that car the the Jackie Chan DC racing car as we run down through the leaderboard our leader in GTE Pro is the 63 Chevrolet young Magnuson Corvette sorry the and Magnussen aboard that car and then our leader in the GTE AM is the 84 Ferrari which has led for a huge amount of the race so it's and it's got a comfortable lead as I go laps lead in that category the closest battle is the battle in GTE Pro which Magnussen leads Johnny Adam eighteen point three seconds behind those two are the ones that are fighting over the amount of pit stop still to go maybe one more pit stop to go for them it'll all shake out at towards the final 15 minutes and we did say I think on Wednesday evening that the GG Pro category probably would come down to the final 15 minutes and that's what it's looking like but this is our race leader overall and the only car I'm not going to say anything else the only kind of running cleanly at the moment it is pretty cool running for them at the minute running quite good it's out front that's where it wants to read through the Porsche curves sound to come down to the Ford chicane as double secretary in the pit lane doesn't take the watch game into the bits so this Alan must be his penultimate stop he can't get to the end of each stop now even if it's prim full yeah it's going to be tight on time in that respect but so is Hoffman tongue remember because they've got a smaller fuel cell in the lmp2 car and so from that point of view they're both in the same position of will have to have another stop now this is going to be pretty tight in terms of 14 laps for the Porsche and with the peace advantage they have I'm pretty sure they could save the fuel if they need be again they are so critical and so careful to clean the side of that car on where the front wheel and the dirty air needs to be still attached to the side of that car so it doesn't swirl around and affect the aerodynamics they're so keen on cleaning the car there's not that much brake dust coming off the cars compared with previous years but then again it hasn't rained here this year so they haven't had the dirt being kicked up from the surface of this eight point five mile racetrack that's the penultimate stop for the lead car in the 2017 Livan 24 hours Brendan ha sorry Timo Bernhard the German at the wheel so Earl Bamber we saw ready and waiting but not getting into the car he was stood outside wasn't he yeah you always prepare you've got your next driver prepared just in case you just never know and so from that point of view be a helmet on two laps in advance get prepared and then as soon as the cars are at the pitch get the helmet off again Allen you were mentioning the fact that some drivers have cramp in the car it's very warm it's it's claustrophobic in there sure you're used to it you're a professional racing driver you've done all these tests all these races but sometimes the cramp can really hit you physically can it not yes it can it's something that you're the force that you put on the brake pedal it's so many times round the circuit that you can if you get a bit dehydrated in that respect wear your seat fitting isn't exactly under percent remember three drivers in the seat so it's always a bit of a compromise and that's just one of the things that you know you can get tripped up with in that respect I've had numb hands of a ton feet from the pressure you put on the steering wheel in and out and the pedals as well so you know there's a multitude of things when you get to this point you don't want to take any risks you want to ensure you've got all the things ready so they'll have an extra set of tires ready even if they're not intending to change that they love extra bodywork ready even if they're not intended just so that if it does happen it is required then that as prepared as possible it is at the end of the day I love the last 53 minutes of a 18-month project to win a race not just Trello 64 days it's an 18 month and hours and hours and tens of thousands of man-hours of work back in the factory and strategy and the last bit of carbon fiber that's made for the body work and the last piece of machining on the titanium and it's all down to that last hour no stone should be unto it shouldn't be but we also did see that things can happen for example we saw John Eric burns stopped in the middle of the pit lane in the Monica and it transpires that the reason he stopped was a fuel pump issue so you know you're in a situation where it kind of happened and you're kind of stranded in the wrong place when Andre Lotterer got dropped out his problem with his engine and then he had to try and come back he was wrong point to the circuit if that was you know 500 meters in a different direction or 500 meters broad the end of the pit lane anyway to be back in the pits and there was half a chance this is the leader the first kind of shot which is just be around to be overtaken as the leader in the Pro category Jan Magnussen the 63 car now just being overtaken bikes the car that is currently in third overall which is the 35 significant Alpine but then there goes Magnussen he leaves that categories gap over Johnny Adam 21 seconds and Magnussen just extending that gap over the last couple of laps the 13 car the Piquet Jr car on to the pit road yeah I think coming back to joining Adam there you know we think that he's going to need another stop so there is a possibility that he's trying to just run as long as possible so you'll be doing a bit of fuel savings by however seeing that Magnussen as the race is going on has gone pretty quick to you glass lap with the 52 by which is quicker than any other card in the category at the moment because Johnny Adams on a 55 how deep Engels than a 54 56 by Machiavelli and so therefore you have to say that Magnussen sort of wound it up a little bit as no one on board with having Tincknell coming in with 51 minutes to go this should be his final stop that's going to put them in a real close position with Johnny Adam at the end of the race this pro battle has just run and run and the HEDIS down to pit stops and who gets it but before long we will all be on the same strategy and they'll all be in the same piece of racetrack pumping and barging later have been for most of the race and it will be no hiding from about another 20 minutes time or so that we know hiding there'll be no strategy there'll be no unraveling of the stagger of Fitz thought it'll be WYSIWYG what you see is what you get on this TV screen as we ride back on board with the number 91 Porsche they're going to make sure that everything is all okay with that number 67 Ford's drinks bottle coming out there'll be nothing left in there there goes the number 91 that's Fred McAfee key taking position ahead of Harry tickle so the Frenchman getting ahead of the Brits our new tires so there's thickened tires on think that's about a 17-second gloss on a GT car he's on two sets two stints I should say on those previous tire but that'll give him feeling and confidence why not going into this final 50 minutes well he's an attacker so he's definitely got to go for it was little question about that that crew Harry Tincknell with Andy Priaulx they won the opening round of the championship at Silverstone they dominated there and they came back from last position in class that day I saw the 13 openness and the door came opened a couple of times and then they came for a spar frankish on about a month and a bit ago in Belgium so they've still got some some work to do still leading that class GTE Pro is Magnussen in the Corvette from the Aston Martin out of battery Oxfordshire in the UK with Scott Johnny Adam then we got the Frenchman driving the German Porsche with red Mac Avicii tinker's Harry Tincknell in fourth position we're riding on board with him with the turbocharged v6 building speed fifth gear sixth gear down the Mulsanne straight I think realistically this guy is going to struggle to win the race I think it's been hanging on a little bit and big ol race and they've got themselves into a position which is really good teamwork very good driving but in terms of pure enough their performances got a new set of medium tires on there and it's a little bit of a limit Magnussen looks a little bit quicker here's the team radio of this car minute Harry 50 minutes I watch do do it push as hard as you can push as hard as you can no he's the guy I'd want in the car to do that particular job and it was pretty clear do you know what I need to do yet you need to push this argh you can and then we've got to see what it runs out from there that's it just give it everything there into the pits are our two first two in GT Pro Driver changing Magnussen out Johnny Adam is down the pit road behind him as well so can Corvettes win here for the first time since 2015 and very quick into the GAR into the pitch comes that number 97 Aston Martin the pro drive after Marty guys really working hard they are desperate the last bit of fuel going in the lights come on it couldn't have been any quicker and all there they are they're together because they can see other car a driver change that's it that's WYSIWYG white sees watch again we see which this is it like to the end of the race now where's this going to run out with acoustic Dalls he's ahead of these guys knows not he's a lap back and Taylor is of his all a pre holiness Taylor's have bought that car now Jordan Taylor over Johnny Adam just on the pickup off the speed limiter maybe wasn't quite as quick as Taylor but it's eight tenths of a second between these two this comes all rounds that was some going that was we were wondering where was the camera just porting zoomed out enough just for us to see them coming down so as they go on to the Mulsanne straight it is the Corvette after 23 of a quarter hours that is ahead of the after Martin of Johnny Adam by six car lengths ladies and gentlemen so the 63 company seven lamplights Sox okay we're going to get a word with Gert is with young Magnuson over to you Gert I'm here with young Emerson yam is that a worried look or is that a happy look on your face that's worried because that's first and second place exactly and the Aston is very fast you managed to open up a gap we'll totally able to do the same you think I don't know we'll see thank you does he sound that confident he did really did it Jordan Taylor has got into that car he's leading by 0.6 of a second as they go down the backstraight art on the brakes into the second chicane the Michelin she came here at lamont time ticking away 45 minutes to go let us not forget we've got four different manufacturers five different manufacturers in the first five places in GTE Pro the balance of performance the regulations the scrutineers the organizers of this championship have got the regulations perfect so that different types of motorcar with different types of engine can compete against each other wheel to wheel 423 the quarter hours and that's the difference between them city coolers that is very cool it is very cone you think Jordan Taylor any six L'Amour Johnny Adam in his second so even though Yan Mangusta said there that the Aston Martin seems to be quick there is an experience difference here as well what do you make of that why haven't right now experience is one thing but there's a big thing called desire and it's just that attacks but if both of them of courses I've watch both of them watch Johnny Adam growing up basically in Tarrant which is just Scott but then down to Jordan tailored as well I raced with his father and as I've seen him drawing his career draw I think all of that whole group now in the GTE Pro an exceptional drivers very very talented very aggressive and near all I've got the capability to get this job done no this battle is one thing also the Battle of what's going to happen with Machiavelli when he comes into the pits in the third place Porsche and how is that going to run over the fuel the tinkle in the Ford at this does seem to be there they've got a minute on third place these two it's now between these two is negative now it's just time to say for up but then I said of the battle between the 91 court and the 67 Ford because there's 27 and a half seconds between those two both of these cars lead in the category David lamp was there from pro-drive as they come towards the end of their out lap the 63 Corvette against the 97 Aston Martin Jordan Taylor against Johnny Adam now when was it Allen about 3-4 hours ago I said you know they've got to be careful but still three or four hours to go don't do anything like a British Touring Car Championship kind of maneuver banned you said well let's see what happens in the last 44 minutes we're inside those last 44 minutes it's a risk but you've got to go absolutely Harry platters the risk versus the loss of a potential second place or of course a win it's it is the Richards they're looking up a little bit of suspense on his face he's been in this position before as a rally core driver himself and deep competition in the World Rally Champion but also as the head of broad rive and Roger I've run this Aston Martin program yeah won the World Rally Championship his co-driver back in 1981 alongside Harry baton and started Pro Drive and then took Colin McRae Richard burns met a Solberg to world championship success with the blue Subarus I was talking to Paul howarth of pro-drive earlier on in the week and they were saying to them it's about the championship what the winning LeMond would be very very nice but it's about the temperature at the end of the year that's kind of gone out the window right now I think it's about winning today now do you believe everything someone from a TV says about these things you've got it right now paint off what number is that though it was it it's a 30-foot liner now it has got off and that's at Mulsanne corner I don't know whether he's off the doors open I don't know whether he's awfully noisy or he's not on the circuit he's definitely off but I know he's parked it but no sorry it's our national he hasn't part of it yeah he Hana get he's trying to get back his keys what he's not out of lock going down there skateboards and they sparked it and the problem is that he's got to get a lot of traction to get the card over that gravel trap so it's got enough momentum he has a minute and 47 over Piquet Jr who is behind him up John and you've got Tristan gommendy in the fifth place overall fourth place in Catholic are only 27 seconds behind Piquet Jr so it could lose second third fourth oh no no don't do that you've got to do it in the verse it's Doug and there it's on its belly pan it's on the under tray great big sheets of carbon fiber I'm at the car weighing 850 900 kilos and they've got it going now they're pulling everybody got a lock on they because he's got to avoid that barrier do you think ya braked himself and then tried to take the exit road around the outside and just run out of lock I agree Julian absolutely and here is the car behind him which as you said should be Piquet Jr and it is and that's only whenever half a kilometer between them I say it was 147 here a year there he is yeah you can see there that was problem is that he'll also have a lot of stones and things in the actual card itself now you'll not want to come in for sure because of that but that's the car there that's just been in the gravel trap and that is the lmp2 car by the yellow Corvette that is no fighting for second place in the category Wow today's never ever stop surprising you when I was growing up and I was watching LeMond with the Porsche 956 wasn't it that Repsol Porsche with gazes pariah and he was on the podium as a privateer 15 minutes before the end it stopped and I just thought our with to drive into the big end he's into the pit he's had to come into the pits and so the growers in Alpine are getting ready this isn't the podium could be disappearing from pk they do I don't know they should have another pit stop anyway because it's 40 minutes because of the need of Gil stop so this may be their pick window to be able to do it clean all the gravel out if they can or do whatever they can or whatever they need to in the same period that picture of in the team we're looking at was the rebellion team that they're fighting against they flick to see oh he's right heisted he's way past the pit box as well because the curves over there yeah but there's no one there to stop it needed to be a man they're just stopping so he knows we have to stop so they can do the pull back you're going in there is the rebellion guys the number 13 car that is up to third position back up to third position with PK Hanuman Hansen and Bosch feel still going in the guy with why crash helmet and the pipe and they're putting it in the garage now maybe he ran on and that with with the mechanical and that's why they're putting him into the garage well it doesn't matter if you think of it see what they actually do here because the front ends all together so it needs a nose or anything but did he run on with a problem that we didn't see yeah because if you were going off you'd have half an attempt to trying to get round he seemed to be always heading towards the outside of the corner didn't he Louise is in the pit lane so we're going to go over to the Wiis Louise here we come yes well the team worms obviously it's a useful the picture so to say and they all got ready for the picked up for this number 35 to come in and the moment might not seem like much you in the fact that they're looking at the front of that car and the world's anything else again [Music] thanks Louise we're know looking at the card itself and the other got that noise off but there so that in a bit all you can see is that they're trying to do it it's stuck and the podiums gone let's just be frank about it poor diem basically is gone unless someone else has an issue christen comedy no up into third place Nelson Piquet Jr up the second for Pingtung leading the category in lmp2 that's 21 seconds between second and third in the category as the leader of the race Timo Bernhard so burnout leading the race outright there is a battle for p2 which is hoping to leading he's got to laugh advantage of that second overall as this battle coming straight towards us this is Taylor versus the 97 Aston Martin so of Johnny Adam this is 1st and 2nd GTE Pro for the fastest of the quick road cars the supercars that have been modified to go racing in the World Endurance Championship here at the more it is the two five and a half litre v8 normally aspirated engines the thumping growls eyes have Johnny Adam thinks about it and he looks up to the right-hand side into an arse the slowest corner on this racetrack as the crowd look on scorching temperatures Allan McNish rubbing his hands in anticipation of a showdown finish here at Lamont for 2017 for this GTE Pro Class now they come up towards the Porsche curves some of the most mightiest of corners in any form of motorsport but certainly the historic LeMond track giving us all of the action here today off the suburb people out there but it's been worth it but every single meeting and that's the 35 cars a signature Alpine if we start coming in nicolau it's still in the cart they've got the noise back on or we've got the noise off put a news button doors back on and they're back out onto the circuit but basically and off the podium now then came a Burnout lead this race as we watch these GT pros in the Porsche he's ahead of hoping tongue in the Jackie Chan racing Orica third overall is Piquet Jr in the rebellion Tristan gommendy is only 22 seconds behind a podium slot and she might run out of time he might run out of laps in which to bridge that gap he's not going to be able to do it with the current lap times that he's doing with the number 37 it's a first first and second here in pro the growl out on these out lap again having had that nose and being into the half into the kitty litter out there and put it on his way but this is the battle the timing screen tells us it's 3/10 of a second but that it you don't need a timing screen to tell you it's 3/10 of a second but one surprised me is for the whole race these two of slipstream to each other Johnny Adam the ID of the Aston Martin so the Corvettes found a little bit of power or a little bit of string high speed or Johnny Adams just playing it safe I'm not sure yeah but to be honest it's also about the way you come onto the street so it could be tire temperature related it could be this when they it's actually very high temperatures that could be a different efficiency between the two engines as well in terms of the amount of oxygen that they get in this is the eight Toyota with Sebastien Buemi on board this car set the fastest lap having spent way over an hour in the pits having a hybrid system change earlier on and a half Julian some on target is Alonso they have to take the windscreen out of this car to get the thing out of it it's kind of like to you me all those hopes all those dreams they put everything into it the Toyota after last year and it just kept going wrong all that yen Japanese yen however seen that they're going to if they run to the end as it stands no finished second which will give them 36 points and will extend and lead in the world championship look at the speed of these cars 875 kilos in weight of fowls and horsepower enormous great big aerodynamics pushing them down to the floor Alan you was saying more downforce than a Formula One car little bit more weight but more damper or kilo significantly better efficiency as well in terms of Li the aerodynamics work for the amount of energy you need to move the car along the Nash partly because their figure cars in terms of width and length and so there's a little bit more surface area for the aerodynamics to work on the Toyota comes in and it's probably one of the most it's not the most efficient right now I'd say in terms of the don't force of drag ratios of the LMP ones Sebastien Buemi stayed in the car it'll be some petrol going in to fuel it for the last 32 minutes 33 minutes of running around the Circuit de la Sarthe 348 laps from right up to the 384 that won this race here 12 months ago we've had more yellow flags more slow zones more pace cars so not quite doing the distance it goes up on the jack the wheel guns take the wheel off we'll go on move over to the back making sure that the required number of mechanics and no more go over the white line it jumped off the Jackson it leaves the garage leaves the pit under electric power only hybrid power don't make any jokes that this is a very expensive Toyota Prius but it's the same principle before it gets to the end of the pit lane and then the regular v6 petrol engine will fire up and it will leap off into the distance on that graphic there that you saw in is in the pit total pit pick time car that's been in the pit this car 2 hours 29 minutes 54 seconds various pit stops with the big chunk of that was when the repair happened the car that is in the lead and this is the difference the number two car one hour 37 minutes 11 seconds so one hour 37 to 2 hours 29 and that is the difference of their hybrid system being a bit more difficult to get out and potentially that is the difference between first and ninth 52 minutes jacky ickx there six times a winner out right of this LeMond 24-hour race he won it for the very first time in a gt40 that was back in 1969 and then going on to win it with Porsche and the heights of the Porsche 956 era in the early 80s the leader of our pro category here the ice getting a little slipstream is the the Corvette down from the Gulf Racing Porsche Johnny had him behind now ah so that's interesting he's put another car in between him just through this section and we're struggling for grip diffusing all of the road they'll be trying not to I don't know Alan holding onto the wheel too tight unraveling the steering as much as possible what tricks can you do well they don use tires this is not they didn't change those last stop neither car so from that point of view the news tires and they're just pushing to the limit and when you're on the limit then you know you're always public just over the edge of it bringing it back into position and that's something that is just the way it is when you're trying to gun out for this last 30 minutes just going back to the lmp2 battle the PK 13 counter the 30 37 gommendy car that gap just going out by 4 seconds it's now 25 seconds when we thought it might come through Louise's in the pit and has a driver Horace Louise over to you another fine now dr. David what a 24 hours you've had highs and low it's been crazy doesn't it I mean we've been running one two as a team and then we had trouble and now the others ratings ruffle and we're back up to second it's crazy and it's exciting because now we still have to get the car to start one last time and we've been having trouble for the past six hours getting to things to start so we only have 26 seconds to spare Nelson's in the car to the end do igniting it's just an abrasion with matera at the moment or well but it's shaking hands everybody worked really hard coming today they've read you've been strong throughout their but don't need them so far as well it's amazing I mean the preparation that goes into this especially with the brand new cars there's so many things that can go wrong all sorts of new components that have to last it's a grueling race that I mean of course things are going to break the fact that we still produce such a fantastic race when all the break is this is phenomenal thank you so that is the the second driver in the 13 rebellion that Louise is talking to David Hannum ah Hansen his six start here as we watch the number two car go through and a very very clever Jim guy as well made his money I believe in software something like that and he got a very analytical brain but he's applied himself to to go motor racing and he's no slouch either and here he is he's on the verge he's just less than a half an hour away from standing on the Somme on podium not the class but from out right now what a yeah he kind of unbelievable in terms of where you would normally expect it to be but there's the Toyota just squeezing up against the body of that one Marshall it's a lipstick like back effects there as he was running down you know it in terms of the lmp2 for the hind my hands that I'm sure at the beginning of the year this is beyond any anything that you could ever have imagined sinful rebellion in that site so there been a stunning stunning job here's another replay of the Toyota just get it squeezing across look quite a hundred percent sure to be honest what was gained out of that from very point of view it's not going to gain a position all they can do is to risk the car Allen we were at the opening round of the championship at Silverstone a couple of months ago for a six-hour race and we then discovered the true pace of the lmp2 cars they've been given a bit more of a roll break they are quicker they're more powerful they're slippery earth through the air we thought yeah they're going to be quicker in a straight line at Lomond they'll go nine seconds quicker but none of us were having a conversation saying oh of course they might get on the podium it was only through us commentators having a drink on maybe Wednesday night going once I'm not the betting man but so if I get on the podium I think you know this race is because of the temperatures because of the circumstances the peace of the race as well has created some reliability issues and also some I would see driver issues as well where there has been a few mistakes not surprised it's a long race there's a lot of lot of kilometres to dune law of averages said that there's going to be a few incidents along the way but I would never have thought that there was going to be an lmp2 car leading in an LMP one casing its own and that car that is going on to win having been sat in the garage but I know in 30 minutes or whatever it was just in Theed again is our battle for GTE Pro that is it first and second that is your gap p2 car coming through Johnny Auto might be able to just slip in there and get a bit of a slip seem to try and drag himself a little bit closer for the p2 car staying out of the line so the yellow one is the Corvette out front in the category and then the green Aston Martin is second the 63 car Oh sneaky sneaky oh don't touch don't touch that could be a puncture he locks in behind the number 45 that has been in the gravel a couple of times the are drove throw the racing car Patterson McMurray and cap hilly air and this was the kind of thing that the team manager of the Corvette squad does not need as that that leesia the or initiate which slow on the pickup as we have the number 13 car the car third overall coming in to as a pitch for the very last time here is the car but is second overall coming into the pit for the very last time it is it's 38 pit stop oh the already for the number all three are in the first second and third in lmp2 all on pit road at the same time but the 13 car of the rebellion the one here this has got the one that's got the started issuing that in there again now he's only 36 seconds ahead of tristan gommendy it has started it's fired up and he's on his way so that's probably their best ever stopped in terms of trying to get that thing out to the practice makes perfect [Music] on his way goes hope in tongue is this going to be the most nervous half an hour of driving in his life or is it going to be the most glorious 30 minutes of his life as he makes his way out up towards the chicane here is the overall leader of this Lebon 24-hour race coming into the pit but it's very last time those trophies sitting up there on the top step the big one is to the manufacturer and then the drivers trophies from there the ones that they don't want to see in advance them that only just put out with a few minutes to go on to the podium and you think something right at the start of the race in the build-up to the race if Porsche win it again they get to keep the trophy because it's three years in a row they win three years in Detroit you get to keep not the trophy on there because it's too big the one that was paraded at the start of the race that sits about maybe a meter and a half high and that's the one that you get to take back home and keep forever in history going back to the Porsche Motorsport workshop and yet more history just 23 minutes away potentially for Porsche my first one here in 1970 and is this the last stints of this Porsche at 91 nine here at Lamont to take the 19th victory here as Amon for the manufacturer if my memory serves me correct it was this time last year in the race where Neil Johnny had a slow puncture came into the pits and the fight was over in theory and then they put all the t-shirts away and then have to get back Luiz is in the pit lane which I think David Chang over to you Louise well baby thank you just imagine the Hugh and me engine cranking around again I mean never never in a million years this is the most incredible 24 hour race I've witnessed yet I mean last year was a story this year is a different story and who knew you know after 23 hours and 40 minutes of Arc we'd be in the position of second overall with both cars on the potential lmp2 podium and overall podium I mean this is absolutely incredible God I thank all the guys that Jackie Chan DC racing Jill de all the boys have done such an incredible job this weekend and to be where we are it's really a lot of great teamwork thank you thank you for that Louise quick glimpse down there in all of the garages including a catch up there with Patrick Dempsey who has been running his team again here at L'Amour's not been driving as he did a couple of years ago but the number 77 damn Dempsey racing Porsche is in the GTE AM but all the only one who's on the Aston and a gap now they're just out and filtered through sector to that battle for third and fourth overall which is 2nd and 3rd in the lmp2 class Piquet Jr and Gherman D it is 35 seconds of that they got that issue with the starter motor kind of sorted that seems to be a pretty nice gap to have Earl Bamber we just saw him in the pitlor in the pit garage this is only his stinking right second LeMond in a p1 car a 1 the first time oh bamboo he okay yeah yeah well came in two years ago as a third car yeah and one and then he's back in he didn't do it last year because they only brought two cars he's back in it and then he is on target at the minute that's not a bad record to have is it as we run with 20 minutes to go this is the eighty-four card exceeds the category [Music] slow motion of the j MW motorsport car first in its category there you have coming towards us the spirit of race the Ferrari 488 GTB uncle Cameron Britt Aaron Scott Italian market Marco jockey they are on course for second position that be on the podium in class the GTE AM that's the class for cars that are a year old and giving the opportunity for gentlemen drivers and up-and-coming drivers to learn the world's hardest endurance race here at the Circuit de la Sarthe as we've now got under 20 minutes remaining the leading Porsche is Timo Bernhard at the helm Timo Bernhard on course to get on top of that podium in about half an hour's time or so there is the WeatherTech Ferrari run by Scuderia Corsa that's got Tamsin Bell at the wheel the number 62 accelerates hard is that a another trophy for him and Bill Swede learns to take home with Cooper MacNeil who's done a superb job here this weekend back on board with the new as 911 RS are that goes over the line and that is third position in class that's the Frenchman front Fred McAfee key going over the side and up 12 30 seconds behind him is Harry tinkle in the Ford GT not going to be a repeat of the board win here 12 months ago know if that's may not it's definitely not a 16 second buying and catching but I don't think the team is going to be there to do anything about it Johnny Adams dropped back a little bit from Mike Taylor at the helm in that category he's no 2 seconds behind didn't see whether that was traffic related or whether it was the fact that Taylor was just that little bit quicker it is half second quicker than the last lap but you'll see exactly why in the next thing read Makahiki going through your shot with the super-slow-mo coming down towards the Mulsanne corner that is Johnny Adam that's the gap to the yellow Corvette in front of him that is the class lead in the yellow curb at the class second position the green Aston Martin with the acid yellow green stripe down the center robit sorry sir Allen was seeing now 1.7 seconds now between them I think that potentially was maybe a bit of traffic and things like that yeah but there's definitely traffic there because the Porsche lmp1 overtook it inside into Mulsanne and compromised his laning he had to get out of it so there was definitely traffic into Musa and whether it was a previous lap lewis traffic because both lap times were pretty reasonable it's not as if they were slow lap times the Chevy goes into the Arnage the right-hander blue light blue flag being shown to the Corvette as the manner lmp2 Orica makes its way around the outside and on its way that was the number 24 that's generic Vern at the helm sixteen minutes 50 seconds and yeah nerves are starting to jangle a little bit for people who are in a battle at all our categories are okay apart from the pros that the pro one has a real big fight and there is still some big nerves in their hands and Bell gets passed by the number 47 that is the Italian run at Azara and then the leader of this medal race the number two Porsche finally gets its way through the Porsche guys beginning to let it soak in let's wait gentlemen let's wait don't ask Toyota about the last four minutes of Aleman 24-hour race yeah it's not just about the farthest distance covered they actually have to cross the checkered flag line and that was the thing that I've got to do it within a minimum claim as well on the last lap and so that was the thing that caught up Toyota last year they would oak say the minimum time window or from the last lap of six minutes that rule has been changed coming into this year if your lap has been more than six minutes you get plus one lap it's more than seven minutes plus two laps so it's like the Toyota rule to be fair to them because they would have finished on the podium with this year's rule from last year so they've eased it up a little to be a little bit more team friendly shall we say in the rulebook but what it does stop was what we saw using years ago of cars basically being in the garage for four or five hours and then coming back out just to do the last lap wasn't it that can still happen but you've got to do a minimum of a percentage of the distance of the winning car but nobody's in that box at the moment we ride aboard with a leader of the 2017 LeMond 24 hours look at that view nobody in front of you not a cloud in the sky a Timo Bernhard the German knows what it's like to win with Audi but he's always said because he was a Porsche a junior driver for many years ago my target my target to repay Porsche is to win the Nike one type it this is going to potentially switch it because tinkle is only 15 seconds behind so this is going to be a stop refuelling going on it's going to a short film because they need to vote five lap six laps and there's tickle up inches into third place so as a switch for third place on the podium toward this up into third Marsha don't--i fourth and the third is the only other time last time he was in no that was pink them ahead tires last name that car that port that car I don't know why they're doing tires to be honest with you maybe they've had a puncture I thought that the tars going on look like skimmed tires and they look like used tires already and they've skimmed them with the heat gun so maybe they reused us they're only allowed 16 tires for the whole event and if that was a plan Balan maybe they've had to recycle some yeah they just very simply that in 4th of job back Ian cage tires you lose another 16 17 seconds the race is in the pits with Darren Turner over to you Louise maybe Louise didn't hear me call her in there I think she's going together with Darrington all she's going to Darren Turner but we'll get a quick word she'll talk to us okay she's ready now Darrin Tommy you've been here many a time at Lomond but sir never bad like this one last few minutes I've never had this I mean when we won in 2007 for the first time perhaps was in the car torrential rain ooh we were all very anxious that he could get the car home but this isn't our real battle how you can see their nose and tail again Johnny's just doing a great job and the heavy one in there in the garage until the Saint next door in Corvette I mean with we're next to each other down the pit lane I'm sure everyone's very nervous it's going to be an exciting last 13 minutes that's for sure thank you Karen about you Darrin sounds absolutely worn out of me and it's got so much closer hasn't it whilst louise has been interviewing the the Englishman down there it is America versus the UK it is Corvette versus after Martin the Corvette seems to have got the legs on the after Martin as it comes through the Porsche curves the Aston was so much closer through Indianapolis through Arnage oh the fingernails it's going to come down to traffic it's going to come down because Johnny's been sitting behind Jordan Taylor no for far too long for any element to supply Jordan Taylor understands where he's quicker where he's flawed and it's going to come down to a situation with traffic that will try and Johnny Adam will have to try and get a run and utilize that none of the Americans dub and Stripes they may well wave here over the Circuit de la Sarthe in the middle of France 12 minutes remaining before the flag comes out and these guys are doing lap times of just under four minutes so they got about three laps remaining Julian there is another Aston Martin behind John the other nice teammate Nikki team it's not in position they had problems and they've dropped back but it would be interesting if they could kind of get that car into play yeah that car is not quite as quick it's the same speed it's not as it you know Johnny item in Jordan Taylor are going slow they're actually on the limit they're doing really really good piece and so therefore I think that's a that's basically got XTO to the equation and I think you'll want to stay at equation you won't want to get involved in somebody else's fight a few laps and then 11 minutes to go difference between first and second in category in GTE Pro 0.688 of a second Jackie Chan Racing launched that team a week before the first round of this championship and here we are in a nine race World Endurance Championship and this is Round three and here they are Jackie Chan and these guys are going to get on the podium overall but this GTE Pro battle is riveting he comes up behind the weather texture Ferrari goes past at the pro car Jordan Taylor versus Johnny Adam Corvette versus Aston Martin five and a half litre v8 the pair of them the car behind with the pink sunset as Julian said is Niki team he's six lap back he's in the same race but not battling for position directly roughly two and a half laps to go that's all that is between know and winning the race in your different categories is Kimiko be actually stands and looks on the full position lap record holder and he's looking on to support their lawn car it's being driven by Sebastien Buemi this one here that has been in the pits for so much of the time early on in the season early on in the race with an electric motor issue has to be replaced and then fought back for whatever they didn't know but the NN fought back came through and they will finish eighth ninth overall and second in category I'm just keeping an eye on the timing screens because we haven't got the pictures of that GT Pro battle so I'm just making sure just under six tenths of a second between the two cars with nine minutes 38 seconds to go and pretends agar looks on a man who knows about motorsport in Germany he was with BMW now he's with Porsche and here he is on the verge of the hat-trick for Porsche with their radical Porsche 9 1 9 hybrid it's got a tiny little v4 2-liter turbocharged engine kicking out just over 400 maybe 450 horsepower but the electric hybrid motor making it another 500 brake horsepower 900 horsepower that those guys have got underneath their right foot this is proposition legends for class this is for honor this is for Lamont in GTE Pro it is the Corvette versus the Aston Martin there are no fingernails left in either of those garages let alone this commentary position as interesting about Darren Turner is saying they're next to each other as well in the pit boxes so yeah that's close in the pit road as they are on track and Jordan Taylor running out white Johnny Adam behind him chasing him the stars and stripes of the Corvette garage well it's just coming up to 6 o'clock in California so the whole of America has the opportunity to watch this race they've got some huge TV coverage over there and obviously the focus for those guys upon that American based squad here though is the outright leader it is still Timo Bernhard eight minutes remaining between him and another top step of the podium he last one here that was back in 2010 when he was alongside rocky Mike Rockenfeller and also Roman Dumas in the Audi r15 the diesel-powered car in 2010 but he as I said early he wanted to complete the full circle by winning the LeMond 24-hours outright the Porsche because it was portress who took him under their wing from when he came through the Porsche Carrera calf when driving 911s he went into the Spyder the other foot of lmp2 car they sent him as it were to Audi if I could say that Alan and here he is he's on the verge of winning it for Porsche outright they joined at the end in 99 he was when I was there he was the junior that turned off a very fresh faced young 17 or 18 year old and he's obviously delivered for the many many times since then American LeMans Series champion as well as Lamar winner and potentially in a few minutes time a double allemaal winner alongside Brendon Hartley on the right and Arif amber on the left in that last shot Porsche two cars six drivers as only Brendon Hartley who's never won lamang so I'm just looking also down to three tenths of a second in the battle at the front of the GTE AM category RIT is the Aston Martin is completely in the back of the Corvette there is this the last lap and a half or might it go to three laps well it depends on the leading car that's not these first that's when it crosses the line there but say looking at right now rather than attention action on the seat and he's closer he's getting closer to the lead always reading him in big time has he looked after his tires has he kept it for the last run he's on the inside Taylor's going to hug that inside on the right hand side here comes Ron the brackets precast don't touch he's gonna maybe get the slipstream from the dragon speed car the sort of Evel Knievel looking lmp2 car but they're going to run out of Road as they go into more Sun now they're going to go back up the gearbox down towards Indianapolis now they're going to get a second this is the area where actually he kind of all this sense that if he just runs down the white line there's very little room for Adam to be able to get past because it ultimately just needs to hold that position I don't think it's going to happen down here but there is a little bit of traffic and Johnny Adams had a half half think about going down inside intervals and it's going to take something like that it's going to take a bit of a dive down the inside a lot of commitment and potentially a little bit of fender rubbing and think in fact that the 21 car potentially hindered Johnny Adam there didn't he he's close his closest close he was a funny guy so he gotta go into a not any fun right he's got his line the whole dinner Johnny Adam everybody he took the lead for a moment but that by me the deciding moment for Allen he had to have a go he was always quick there in the previous laps he launched it down the inside into an identical reset there's got to be a little bit of it and that was always going to be that you know it's not all over yet there's still five minutes to go and he is quick as we will be able to catch up however right now I would think it's going to be a very robust defense from Jordan Taylor but Johnny item had to give it a go there was just no question about it and he did that one just didn't quite come off Doug Feehan the boss of this has seen it many same he likes to see his cars fighting but it also likes to win here we go to replay dice though there's a last minute see the puff of blue smoke locked up runways and at this moment in time Jordan Taylor chemo just slid up to the corner little tap and that was it then Taylor was on his way Johnny Adams back into the swing of things in catching again four minutes 29 seconds as across the line that's Johnny animate is a bit of a gap as he crosses the line one point four seconds one point five seconds now the gap so he's got that work to do four minutes 17 that's two laps for them isn't it it's depending on where Bernard is on this it's going to be basically two laps for them yet do one more lap at the end of this for about yeah they've got two more laps it was around this time last year that all chaos kicked off and we haven't had it up yet in this race Jules I know oh my word onboard with a leading Porsche though as we go down to Indianapolis nearly 200 miles an hour as they go through the right into the tight left I always have a vision of the Steve McQueen lamont film through that left-hander now they go up to Arnage hard on the brakes that's where we saw Johnny Adam getting so close to Jordan Taylor's Corvette a moment to go now the Porsche 91 nine stealthily climbs all over the tail of that Sigma tech Alpine up towards the Porsche occurs it's going to be another lap three minutes remaining he's going to do another lap when he crosses the line Johnny Adam 1.2 now he's a guy he's taken 3/10 in the first sector heading through to the sector two let's see what he can do when it comes back on it's down to a second now he's taken half a second in the first half of the lap well he's got limited time to do it he's got to get over the program Timo Bernhard you can take it a little bit more easily and there's my time and there's a bit of dust coming out there that Corvette that Corvettes run on yeah it's gone straight on but it's managed to reverse her I think it's boats through the gravel gas at the second chicane actually gain time it's one point areas here again he comes in locked up and the Corvettes gone straight on through the gravel trap post though the other side and gain claim he gains it's a gain time on the on the leader we gain time it's not rallycross chaps this is the limo $24 but look at that no he's got dirt on the tires and everything else also the splitter looks a little bit law at the front there doc behind smiling but slightly concerned and this is the part of the racetrack where Johnny Adam is quickest he strongest it's the final lap they've got half a lap to go no have to go yeah yeah laughs and a half the Porsches just past the line in front of us and so therefore there's a lap and a half to go for these guys lap and a half of nervousness laughs and a half of opportunity for for Johnny eyes on the lap and a half of defense for Jordan Taylor what really should have happened there in that Jordan Taylor thing he should have done the mister swerving through the tires realistically that's what he should have done here is the leader it's just got three-quarters of a lap to go here we have Johnny Adams Johnny Adam getting closer and closer they've got a lap and a third to go remember because the flag only goes out when the Porsche crosses the line which instead of behind them on the racetrack as they come up to the Porsche curves of with the penultimate I'm Johnny Adam get a bit of slice another bite of the cherry but likewise Jordan Taylor has got another chance to keep him behind he's had a big moment and he got away with it he has been tazed the joy is really struggling right now I think he's damaged a little bit of the under-14 he's going white but he's got understeer there and so this is this is the opportunity this is the opportunity sorry - it is not going to actually happen before the Ford chicane Owen suggests but Johnny anthem is all over them right now but Johnny's got to just just take doesn't want to get dragged into an incident here now he's got the momentum that Corvette is not stopping very well the smoke coming off the front that is why and now it's a drag race I mean honestly with what more laps ago the Aston Martin leads the race look at the Aston Martin bro drive boys over the phone but it's not over yet because now this is the strong part of the racetrack for the Corvette if it's not gonna limp too much well they've got about another three minutes 50 seconds to go and Corvettes got no grip nice tight end it's when he's run over the gravel truck that he's damaged the flood splitters and underneath the car he's got no front end he's going to eat gained a little bit of an advantage there but I think it's all done and dusted I would suggest right now through these daisies I think what a point so many surely seats all over the place is something drastically wrong with the front end I call he's really got all the front right puncture it's gone completely this should be there's all stinkles there he's a little bit behind in that respect to watch out for the fourth person thirdly is he going to be able to catch update secondly or the final lap of the race synchro a minute and 19 minute and 20 away but with a puncture with most of the laps ago he should do that let us not forget ladies gentlemen because this Porsche number 2 was second last with five hours into this race it lost 18 laps it lost 65 minutes four hours into the race and it fought and it never gave up a Timo Bernhard well Barbara breaded Harley are about to win the LeMond 24 hours Porsche who first ones LeMond in 1970 with the Salzburg nine one seven are going to make it 19 victories at lamont for Porsche the number two car fights from the very back of the field to win in 2017 that is motorsport and you'll never see a fight back like that for many not even a year a decade I'm proud to witness it unbelievable just character accompany drive very very deserving winners and no for the 38 car coming across the line to the sport winning second lamal 24 hours oh this has been a super drive so close to win overall but then they took it Jarvis Laurel and Tong take a fantastic victory for a Chinese driver to get onto the podium Wow motorsport just gets wider and wider water Toyota Sebastien Buemi locking out a half in the pits but they fought back they'll get second in class as they come across the line so it is two lmp2 cars second and third but Porsche take the laurels here in front meanwhile we're going to tree see and catch up with what's happening with GTE Pro once we've celebrated with these guys but at the moment when we last left iliyan it's Johnny Adam at the Aston Martin leading that quality is still leading that class yeah I'm now looking at the Taylor tink nope at least one minute 13 Taylor sees failed to get that car a little bit better now he's on the straights not as ended but then he's got all the corners towards the end can he do it we're waiting for the 97 car this is the winning car it's completed Timo Bernhard on his way around on a victory parade the number 2 car again at poor she was the number two car last year just different drivers and it's the and he can't believe it he can't believe it because Timo Bernhard he gets motorsport he gets history he's won the Nurburgring he's won the big races but now he's won it with Porsche he gets history this is Jordan Taylor struggling struggling Julian but there was a four just where puffer didn't see the number but Technol 44 behind ya let's wait and see that stone the main street he's got quite a lot still to go around the back of the circuit there as Porsche are celebrating the hat-trick 17 18 and 19 this is the 1964 Porsche the lamothe 24 hours here comes Johnny Adam to take the victory that's it Jonathan water weekend incredible and they write on the laughs laughs taking the least Johnny Adam his second start in Lemoore wins the pro category for the 97 Aston Martin DME Johnny Adam takes the checkered flag but his teammates have served him so well Daniel Sarah and Darren Turner winning LeMond again a moment ahead of Jordan Taylor in the Corvette 2 is yet to finish in the meantime let's catch up with the winning car and what Timo Bernhard have got to say well everybody waterful yard was here I am Lisa is a disease of is everybody the 84 cut up the winner of the amateur category the 84 Ferrari with with a JMW moved to sport car that has completed in one its category Rob Smith will Stevens and three spun off and waiting for where is tingling seven seconds seven half seconds between them in the last night we're looking for the 67 car there is not exist coming through the line this is coming towards Porsche then if he's through the second sector so he's got quite a little bit to go there so take those catching seven seconds from Jordan Taylor in second place we're looking at the replay of the finish of the overall but Oliver out of our picture we can see that the number 67 eternity signal the fork and second place to GTE Pro it is after Martin victorious board in second place and it is the Corvette that left for so long for so close get third position the Corvette runs across the lights sparks and fire coming off the bottom of the car dizzy striving straight through the gravel trap trying to do anything tears of joy in Timo Bernhard I a second L'Amour victory Porsche winning for the first time in 1970 with the 907 and there you have it it just crosses the line and sauce that's it now that was a fantastic and dell'Amore 24 hours he just outbreaks himself maybe he break down a meter later than normal into that final chicane on the back straight he got a puncture it was a very slow puncher that just went down and down to town he ran on at the beginning of his last bow alligator star the last time John Godsey going into the star the last life and then he was in trouble here then he ran on through the forest s is because the tire was going properly down and we were concentrating on three four races at the same time him oh goodness me Tarrance wife and Johnny Adams girlfriend over the moon and quite right too daniel sarah his first year in the aftermarket team after being the dunlop test driver for the past couple of years Wow Paul how earth in the middle of your shot they're giving a hug to one of his crew chiefs that Paul has been a pro drive forever he's won the World Rally Championship with McRae firms and Solberg and now he's won another class at the Lamont 24-hours huge prize but pro drive then you just hit 24 hours and with four minutes to go that lead change 24 hours of racing and we were he was like great it was like lap one racing and her overtaking and touching and diving DME Porsche won first with the nine one seven the 936 the nine three five and then the might of the 956 that turned into the 962 Allan McNish alongside us he won with the Porsche GT 1 and now it's three wins on the trucks for the Porsche 930 job guys amazing job incredibly proud of you all very work thank you very much treasure this this is happen every day [Music] Finola although I could never isla a better people village with every single first of your community for very personalities of thank you fifty-fifty LaVon winners through all winners for a mighty deserve it everybody deserves it yeah did you wait to hear representative thank you very much thank you sort of you guys drivers everyone that was the message of thanks from the 38 car and we an lmp2 car finishing second overall leading with an hour to go just an unbelievable performance by them unbelievable and that is what endurance racing is all about this is the car and quite rightly nowadays doing a full cooling down lap so that Timo who still who once they blobbing but be proud that when when you cry when you're happy it's because you're proud he's proud of what he done he takes enormous pride in what he does to win this motor race this is a car I repeat it four hours into the race six seven o'clock last night he was 18 laps down it lost 65 minutes it was second laughs it was 56 at the 58 runners that were still in the race at that time and it fought through I don't specifically remember Allan McNish saying don't keep going thrash it it's all about the points and I thought yet be bright either wise old owl is McNish and won this race three times before keep going get the point but I didn't think it'd win the race outright no one thought is wind adesso right but you just never ever know how this is going to turn this is very similar to when t-ball Bernards won the first time the three persons went off into the distance there's various things happen and then slowly but surely the doors opened up and then ultimately they won in there is an OD one two three and that occasion but superb result by that complete theme for the fight back and also after see for the mechanics because the mechanics delivers it by getting the car back out onto the circuit and a load them to push to come back through here he comes past us it's been handed and I think it's a Porsche plug is being handed to wave out of the window phenomenal just incredible that yeah I said it I was on I said it why is the point I mean they could be so soul destroyed in that car when they came back on track and Alan you did say you can't give up you just can't give up and they didn't and they went and won it the only way I want it to hear me it's yeah greatest motor race in the world and that's why we have those kind of stories and that's the greatest flaw in down lap in the world but it's just you driving it out nice and calm you know you've worked that and I'll see one thing it's pride in terms of the joy it's also relief it's a release that suddenly you've done it you've not just delivered but you've delivered one of the biggest wins that your career will ever have it doesn't matter which one you win here they're all very different if you had multiple winner but they are all special in their own way and no to be able to drive the wrong way down the pit lane to collect your two teammates and most likely your team boss that's just special but it's the first time you've all been together since 2:30 on Saturday afternoon so the wrong way down the pit lane Timo Bernhard comes down leaning out of the getting a look for them he's having a look and of course it's the first Lamont victory for Brendon Hartley he's won the world championship before yeah that's done got the FIA trophy at home been - collected in Monte Carlo but he wanted to collect the trophy here from Levon and he wanted the Rolex Daytona with the engraving on the back LeMond 24 winner that is going to be in his pocket by well the next half an hour or so be given that on the podium what a feeling what a day Toyota big traumas again here at the Lamont 24 hours this time it's at the middle of the night rather than with three minutes remaining in the 24 hour race and likewise Porsche they have their ups and downs and Andre Lotterer in tears on the side of the road when his car came to a stop Brendon Hartley gets on the car together with our barber the two New Zealanders together with the German celebrate of LeMond winners [Applause] is there any end for Timo Bernhard skill as an endurance race driver second time each one here at the bond I think it's five times become the Nurburgring 24 hour race yeah unstoppable we still got some quick laps in front of him and knowing what these guys are like Timo Bernhard will be so shocked to have been able to deliver that performance for Brendan as well because they were all together when they won the World Championship but they didn't have that victory at the mall and now the turret the pair of them Nick Tandy obviously won it when he came back then there was the problem there Earl Bamber in that kind when they split Tandy and bumper up when they came in to back into the p1 team so we've got Bernard winning Obama winning again his second start in lmp2 car he won both of them and then now Brendon Hartley getting his first the one that kind of seals it all and he got the world champion trophy and now the long arm trophy I've never seen seemed like this before sure joyous scenes in the past but the fight back from 56 position 18 laps down I did write it down somehow that was Ed he unlocked himself with two hours tend to go an hour to go when he took the lead wasn't it just before an hour to go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so he's one Lamont is one Sebring and he won Daytona [Applause] and now the wiper could be used because it needs to remove the champagne from the screen of the Porsche 9 1 9 hybrid the first time accused alpha bra we got yes what a week of weather we've had it's been incredible unbelievable and how proud of the Kiwis they had to wait all those years to win the LeMond 24-hour race and then they want it last year I'm sorry two years ago and that's me run it again I think this Porsche is on people power now it's being pushed down the pit road it just never ceases to amaze me and the 13 car just out of our contry box window is about to head along the pit straight and do the same turn and go in down to the pit lane of course it was Bruce McLaren that won here back in 1966 with the Ford gt40 and then the Kiwis had to wait until 2015 to win lamont once more there's a message has come up on the bottom of our timer screams thank you everyone for another epic LeMond 24 hours that's probably the word to use every year there's always something and you go home don't you think I'll never get after that with us that was a real keeper I'll put that in the memory back to song tell my grandchildren one day I was there at the morning 2016-2017 mug just a trunk that who knows thinking now needs to fire this up to get it turn around with the power-steering on rather than not the power steering on help amber on the right Brendon Hartley on the left hand side and yeah that was the car this is the car of course that Mark Webber was driving in the past couple of years Mark Webber standing down from driving he said mark I've done my time enough is enough and well his car has won this race but let's not take anything away from Earl Bamber with a drive of his life here at Lamont Nick Tandy was saying after he won here two years ago you know people saying well what do you remember he said I don't remember anything it was all a bit of a blur is that what it's like when you win some on the first time it's just overwhelming completely overwhelming this all section knowing you get up and the board in the frosting at a member is walking open justing so many people the hall of the pitlane fool to all of the grandstands rule of all of this actual track we start finished street full of people all the way up towards Dunlop and then after night - tik-tok people in the clothes picked oh my dad suddenly go there you pick out different people even all of us a see you can still identify ones and then after that that little Instamatic camera took some selfies back in 1988 sent them off the butcher took like three weeks come back but you've got the me at the digital world now it all happens even immediately doesn't it I'll have the mobile phones up there taking their selfies and I mean what a photographing is when you're standing up there is just all those people down there and the car that guided you and took the abuse that you've given it for 24 hours yeah yeah it's yeah special special moments very special moment and romário down there working for us a TV the Brit who was here back in the in the mid sixties these themes of history and he seen a bit more of it in 2017 hasn't seen Wow [Music] now then let's just remember that Nelson Piquet Jr here finished third together with David Hannover Hanson and Mattias Bosch that is a massive massive result for the rebellion squad they've been in lmp1 but of course the limelight was always on the Audi's the Peugeot the Toyotas and then the Porsche as they then went into the lmp2 category and they have come out as podium men massive coverage for the swiss concern and for Nelson Piquet Jr a formula e champion for get in the first season than a brilliant way for his career to continue but a Chinese team with Jackie Chan they're certainly going to become food fighting over the next week or so aren't they there was a big result I mean they got the team photo as well over the line for that 38 car finishing second overall led the race an empty cart leading along yes as they were saying on the team radios I could dream just enjoy as I could dream and brilliant brilliant performance second position for the number 38 Jackie Chan racing squads hoping Tong Thomas Laura in only his first Lamont finishes on the podium as a 19-year old and Britain's Oliver Jarvis on the podium here in France but it is Kaushik who came out victorious adrenaline adrenaline adrenaline is taking these guys through the next few hours and then what happens Allen you absolutely hit the walls you have half a glass of champagne then it goes straight to your head wasp well I can tell you from TV experience you do get to this point of hitting the wall though so party goes on and it can also tell you people Bernard went through the night he went through the Saturday night won the race went through the Sunday night when he won his first them all 24 hours wasn't looking so good the next day but hey guys I had I mean I would you've been in this situation what happens now for these drivers they mean each of the whirlwind the next two or three hours it's press functions and things like what there are things that happen is you go out onto the podium you see for that then you go and you put your hands in play these then get immortalized in bronze and set in the center of the zone of them all but all the damages you can go to the center zone and see all the handprints of all of the winners and then from there you go to the press conference and you just let it sink in you just sit there and let it sink in after that you meet your team and it's a closed environment big party very often Toyota would join Porsche or Porsche would join Toyota whoever the winner would be and then you just sit back in your absorbent and that's a first time you can absorb it spectator gator be open now the fans are running on to basically get on to the pitch straight and watch the podium celebrations absorbing
Channel: FIA World Endurance Championship
Views: 80,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fiawec, wec, fia wec, endurance, world endurance championship, racing, le mans, 24 Hours Le Mans
Id: 9iWRAM2WcFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 2sec (4862 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2017
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.