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everybody Andrews steel here today I'm with my buddy Jake in his 2016 Heartland cyclone where 200 ultimate 4,200 ultimate and how long have you owned this coach for we bought this in 2015 summer 15 and I've actually been detailing this coach out here in Sturgis every year since 2015 that here are five yep yeah exactly so yeah and what are some of the problems that you've had with this coach so far so the biggest the biggest issues we've had with the coach as a whole on the focus on the negative side on the first part of it is a lot of water leaks it seems like every time we take this thing on a big trip go out of town for longer than a couple hundred miles just we go get to our stopping point turn the water pump on or go to some city water supply and just there's a water leak that pops in on the underbelly I you know going under the access point to see where it's at and then low and behold the PEX line with the fittings has got right with a fitting connects like a tee joint or something like that there's a water leak so I'm not sure if it was because of some you know inexpensive plastic that they used or maybe not the right couplings but it's been a really big hassle over the years to have to get access to the underbelly find the leak identify the point and then usually going to go fix that leak I had to invest in a two hundred dollar crimp tool with some o-rings to give it to make it a fast fast fix but it typically never fails every time we go somewhere we usually got a water leak and longer than a couple hundred miles if we keep it pretty local around around or from in the West Texas area not it's not brilliant that big of an issue but the long business travel has been the problem and we know we keep this thing about 65 67 miles an hour and I get tires balanced and so and I try to keep it on really good roads interstate highway for the most part so I'm not driving like 80 85 yeah you're not you're not taking this thing off road at all or Wow yeah it's it's pretty well taken care of maintain oh I know that Jake is meticulous literally last year I was actually giving him a hard time I'm like dude you're on vacation are you just gonna fix your RV the entire time here but so but you've probably rebuilt the entire plumbing system in this yellow sport as a matter of fact right now we got a leak in the back and it's actually a great tank leak and I've been really tackle yet cuz I got a pulled the underbelly off in the back to access that point and and actually identify what leaks coming from and then and then you know fixin have to go to man our because we're in Rapid City right now our Spearfish and I'll go to Rapid City go to Menard you get those fittings and then come back and do it so we make sure that it's on our tripperz part of the day and and part you know it's not like a wasted wasted endeavor to get that going but you know angers going back to the was funny about last year is you know we the 4200 ultimate edition has a party deck it's outside and and roll show that you guys are in a little bit the we actually had a massive well I guess a water leak on the deck I don't know it was because the skid tape was porous or if it was just poor stealing from the factory but the whole deck boat up and I had to have the whole deck replace which was the place that did it for me said the cost of the deck was around four thousand five thousand dollars and the shipping cost was around three so all in all it was an $8,000 fix to have that deck replaced outside and so when it got sent back it was put on by the the guys that took care before me they did a great job doing it but it was sent back to me the exact same way the first one was not sealed none of the bolts were tightened up and so I had to actually have the deck Rhino lined which I recommend anybody else who sees this video that has a 42 inner ultimen or any type of party deck Ron align that deck if you have this thing out a lot access to rain because it will bow and it will warp and you'll have to have a replaced absolutely now since you redid that was in about last year around this time their window how long has it been repaired for so the deck was actually replaced in October of 2018 we noticed I am and we noticed a damage last summer last year and it cost us like I said I know you talked about the cost so it's been it's been like this for about eight months we just had it Rhino lined last month so when you guys find a place to do it if you know they're gonna have to have either taking Kwan take the door off or they're going to want to prep the entire side of the coach because there's a lot of overspray and you don't want to get that real hard Ronald lining patrolling material on your coach because it won't come off yeah so it looks great now like I said Andrew probably showed you guys here in a little bit obviously we've had a lot of rain up here in Spearfish and so that water actually it's like the deck has been sealed it just sits on top of that back and then just dries up and we'll love maybe do a follow-up video a year from now he's become the Sturgis every year so maybe we'll check up with you guys in a year and see how well this Rhino lining is held up but um so other than the plumbing leaks and the party deck are there any other problems you've had with this unit nah be sad sad well we didn't have a roof leak in the back but I think that's typical for 5th wheels just you know part of just maintenance and so I got that fixed but other than that uh water leaks and the party deck really have been the biggest issues we've had nothing the electrical a season or gray the air conditioners of work ACS the refrigerators work great trying to think of any other problem is mainly water leaks and the deck yeah well that's good at least we know we're being totally transparent here you've been you've got the coach for five years five years now a lot in the summer of 15 so this is year number five yeah we're going on and we've you know put about probably 35 40 thousand miles on about a new set of tires on it so like I said we take care of it pretty well and as you guys can see on that on the deal I maybe every time we leave before we leave on a trip I wash the coach myself yeah I wash it dry it to make sure that it stays in Nice good condition and we keep it covered storage you know take the best kind of care we can of it you know you spend the kind of money in an RV you don't want to just let it go to waste absolutely no Jake is meticulous so what are the things that you really like about this coach uh one the size it's you know it's right now is my wife and myself we have a couple English bulldogs and it's really roomy it's homey it's a 44 footer so it's a lot it's got a lot of room in it a lot of open space the the fact that scoid hauler we do have a Harley Davidson we take it with this so I've it's easy to load up the bike get in a chalk tie down you're good to go the braking system in the axle system on it is fantastic it's top of the line so when this thing needs to stop it stops you know obviously depending the truck you pull with we pull it with the one time for dealing yeah how do you like that while we're talking about it - let's talk about your tow vehicle how do you like that new forward he had a similar what was what year was your Ford f-350 before long ago so the I went to a Ford f-350 because I pulled it with a Dodge oh that's right yeah yeah it was a 16 Cummins one time it was a single wheel axle so technically I was underweight with the truck I mean you really need to have a dually when you're pulling an RV this big I know that one the single wheels can do it but you're looking at stopping stability the torque the the overall tow bility is gonna you're gonna see a big difference in the dually so how is pulling this with the Ford versus was your dodge at 3500 is when I was a one-time it was a single wheel axle I also didn't have a dually but the difference is is the towing on it is pretty similar as far as the power they both towed I think the vehicle same but this the Ford the stability of in high winds because you know coming up go through Wyoming you hit some high winds I feel it tows a lot better I feel a lot better with a stopping power of the Ford and the dually and the overall stability with that truck I like we haven't had a lot of problems before been a great truck the ride on it I think is a lot better than about yeah yeah I miss hearing a lot of the Dodge guys have been switching to the Fords it's kind of what I'm great big round I really have anything bad to say about the Ford it's been a great truck very cool very cool so back to the coach you liked about it it woods roomy big like I said before it's it's got a lot of a good cool little features to it so you got the you know three or four TVs kind of overkill for us you know we don't use all and we just use the one here and the one on the outside the party deck we go hang out and you know drink a beer at night or have our our dogs out there with us with a campfire yeah that's pretty nice that the party deck is one our biggest fun points of having the coach is just you know what it's nice outside we'll be anywhere between 50 to 80 degrees you can light a little campfire out there and sit out there and really enjoy yourself and it's just the biggest thing I like about it is just how roomy and homey it is we really enjoy taking this out you can go somewhere for one or two weeks and stay in your RV anywhere else you go I think if you were to take a two-week venture to Spearfish South Dakota or anywhere for that matter you're gonna spend a lot of money on lodging to stay in a room boarding your dogs and then having to eat out every meal you know this RV right here I mean you know owning an RV and only spending a 50 60 bucks at night and then being able to kind of just that's kind of like coming home every day and then we go out for a motorcycle ride it's kind of like having your home away from home and away yeah that is big but definitely what fun no you know your garage you put your bike underneath the fifth wheel so the bike you know safe from any hail damage there's a lot of heal out yeah that's one of the complaints that I have about this coach as a detailer is the rear hatch has started to oxidize and we have waxed this coach religiously us and Jake really asks all the right questions you know he really did his research before hiring us made sure he was hiring the best to use top notch waxes and the last couple years we've had we've had to give that rear rear tailgate a lot of attention a lot of extra attention just because that gel coat oxidizes a lot quicker on the rear tailgate than the rest of the coat yes as you guys will know and on these Heartland RVs what most it feels but but specifically the cyclone I don't know if Harlan has changed the the dynamic of how they painted these things going forward I've seen some of the new 2020s that look like they have a more of a paint job or an anodized coat to it for saying but in these older ones 19 and older the front of the coach is painted with a decal the back of the coach is a gel coat and whenever you have a lot of access to the elements in the Sun you're gonna look at you could potentially have some damage some severe damage to for me elements of that coach and so what it looked like over the years was you know I take it in to have it worked on or something just for the maintenance and sit outside for a month six eight weeks in the Sun and that's someone just blistered down and beat on it and then where I was storing it to the back access point of the coach was wasn't covered even though that it was fully covered storage the back of the coach was being hit by the Rays the Sun and so about four years worth of just constant being up by the Sun the rest the coach looks great for some reason I don't know if it was a different material they used but the back of the coach looked really bad and we've really been paying a lot of attention to it Andrews and his team have done a great job over the years really really working on it and this year they really hit it hard the good thing is that we change locations to store it now I've actually got this thing fully covered now so it's not getting 24/7 365 sunrays that's huge I tell people if you're gonna have a rig with gel coat decals covering it is gonna do better than any wax you can keep it out of the Sun that's definitely the best way to take care of one of these so for sure so when you were shopping for this RV I'm sure you did your homework I know how much homework you know just to get a detailed so I can imagine the amount of homework you did yeah what other rigs were you looking at and why did you end up choosing this rig well we looked at some of the voltages my good friend of mine has a voltage RV so that was one of the ones we looked at and then of course I've done a lot of research the heartland seemed like to be the as far as price competitive and overall you know overall value I believe a lot of the feedback I see in the Heartland forums is that the cyclone was the top of line I know the Harlan also makes a road warrior believe but the cyclone got a lot better reviews and we just when we saw the cyclone my wife and I felt pretty confident to stick with this one and that's the only one with so and overall how do you feel after four years of ownership how do you feel we like it I mean we're gonna hold on to it probably for another four years hopefully and see how it goes I mean I'd like to see it as an investment you know we use a lot we take it out a lot we have you know we do a lot tailgating back home for the for the Red Raiders guns up you know we try to go to a lot of their games the football basketball and baseball and and so we utilize this a lot to get out and really have a lot of good personal time with it so I definitely want to look good when we leave and stay in good working condition and and just be a overall good coach for us so the next one we buy we've already talked about it you know when it is time to buy a game we'll probably I'm going again with a cyclone I think a lot of the kinks have been worked out for the most part a lot of feedback I've gotten from other people is you know every RVs and have issues it's just you know it's like a house on wheels you're moving it's vibrating that's getting hit back and forth and so there's gonna be some expected wear and tear on it but some of the nightmare stories I've heard from other RVs you know we haven't had any issues with slides leaking or slides not working when we get there of course I've been again I also maintain the hide I flew in this thing so maintenance is key I really got to take care of this stuff and stuff like the hydraulic fluid and stuff that other people don't think about you know when you maintain it that makes it be well it's things like to whenever you go and you store for a month at a time you know we don't use a generator a whole lot we don't do a lot of dry camping but we do do dry camping once or twice a year so you know we we have a kind of Cummins 5500 Onan in there want to make sure that it works all the time so every time we go store it you know we'll clean the inside we utilize that time to fire a generator up kick the ACS on run it through a cycle and you know Jessica and myself will plug the vacuum into it and we'll vacuum them off in here with the using the power of the generator just to keep the generator going and keep it cycled you got to keep running this stuff the worst thing you can do with any of us is not use it yeah for sure a see the other the one thing I say you probably won't run the issues with this probably the refrigerator letting it sit but other than that in my experience if it sits too long you could you might have some potential issues with it very cool well Jake I greatly appreciate you sharing your story now if you want to see more RV 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Channel: RVing with Andrew Steele
Views: 6,990
Rating: 4.9749999 out of 5
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Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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