2016 Canada Victory Campaign: Train Your Spiritual Ear to Hear God (7 p.m.)

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praise the name of the Lord praise the name of the Lord now um I heard this in my spirit I perceive the thoughts of someone saying maybe more than one but someone said well what I what have I got to be joyous about well if you be joyous maybe you find out see the joy of the Lord Joy is part of your spiritual equipment Joy is not some kind of feeling there are feelings that Joy can produce joy and happiness are two totally different things happiness or or what you and mo most people commonly call happiness uh it comes from flesh comfort that's the reason it doesn't last very long but joy is a different thing I mean you can be you you can be full of joy and smiling dancing running around the block and be hurting all over but if you keep doing that the hurts got to go the hurt has to leave but you have to do it by faith amen the joy of the Lord is our strength amen Jesus said whatsoever you shall ask the father in my name he will give it you ask and you shall receive that your joy may be made full yes sir fullness of joy Hallelujah so just go ahead and be joyful by faith amen hallelujah joy of the Lord is here hallelujah praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord uh there's a testimony that uh thanks guys I read appreciate it amen but I'm telling you the healing power of God is still all over the all over the platform uh forgive me Lord about yeah be hallelujah thank you Lord thank you Lord the healing power of God the glory is here yes sir the glory is here and when I turned around I look it it it was almost it was almost physically visible when I when I I look but it's it's here the glory is here say it's mine I take it now I take it now the glory is here amen the glory is here hallelujah thank you Lord oh so many good things are happening and the more you and I pay attention to spiritual things and the more we seek study and learn about the realm of the spirit and walk in it um the the more often and more efficiently manifestations of the Spirit come God's not trying to keep us out of this that people kind of have the idea that well you know he's holding out he's never been no we're not waiting on God he's been waiting on us for a long long time to start living walking by faith living and walking in love and things begin to manifest I started to tell you about a testimony that uh brother Hagen told about a woman that they brought her to service and her husband had to carry her in she was in last stages of of cancer and had been told she you know it was over that no no more anybody uh could do in the natural and her husband carried her in there cuz she just Skin and Bones you know and he carried her in there and brother Hagen ministered to her and the and the the word of the Lord came to him and and he ministered to her what God had said and now now now get this this is important she got in the healing line and the moment brother Hagen laid hands on her she shouted this is it no she said that's it and fell out on the power of God that's it she said well he had to pick her up and carry her back to the seat and then after the service was over with of course he picked her up and carried her back to the car and then they were giving their testimony later and and and they said you know he had to go in and and he had fixed he fixed breakfast he said no I don't want him I don't want to stand in bed I want to get up so he carried her into the into the table she sat down at the breakfast table and she started laughing just started laughing he said what are you laughing about she said the devil thinks I'm still sick but I'm not ha [Music] still had all the same symptoms he picked her up and took her back to bed and the next morning they got up for breakfast and he picked her up and carried her into the into the breakfast table and she sat down and started laughing ha ha she said devil you think I've still got cancer but I don't ha ha just started laughing see the joy of the Lord she was is partaking of the joy of the Lord she's laughing by faith in the spirit well you can't do that very long you get tickled you start laughing and it'll it'll just come up in you amen and she just kept doing that at the end of the third day all the symptoms had disappeared and she completely healed now if she had if she had fallen for the devil's trick you really didn't get anything if she have said and when hands were on her even when the power of God was ministered to her and she she yielded to it and just fell out under the under the power but then get up with all those same symptoms you know well I guess I just didn't get anything well you've turned it Loose see but no you don't you you you you cannot you can't get Abraham's blessing with Thomas's faith it won't work you have to consider not your own body like Abraham considered not his own body now dead neither the deadness of his wife Sarah's womb I mean she never could have children and now she nearly a hundred I mean how's this thing going to work now but he just he just said old man you don't count no only what God Said counts turn around and look at her and said oh woman you don't count either I'll tell you something girl we going to have a baby and she agreed yeah amen yes sir fully persuaded what God had promised he is able to perform amen but I like what that woman said that's it she said now what' she do she established a point of contact yeah the moment brother Hagen laid his hand on her what is the point of cont that is a pre-established moment that you have decided at that time is when you release your faith and begin believing and you'll never turn back you'll never change I don't care what it feels like looks like or what anybody says about it that's my what my moment woman with the isue blood if I but Touch the Hem of His Garment I will be made that didn't happen in one day let me encourage you with this it sounds like if you just skim over the top in in the fifth chapter of of of Mark you just skim over the top of that and it sounds like she heard of Jesus one day and she said if I but Touch the Hem of His Garment I shall be made whole and then she got out on the street on her knees and crawled out there no no it didn't happen like that she heard of Jesus she heard Faith cometh by hearing that's the only way Faith Comes faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God now she she had heard about Jesus somebody told her what he preached somebody told her what had happened somebody told her about this she heard about this and it built up in her now it was it was illegal for her to be on the street that's the reason she was afraid when Jesus turned around and said who did that she told shling it was illegal for her to be on the street with that that plague that issue of blood she she could have legally been stoned for that and J Iris leader of the synagogue is walking hand inand with Jesus when this took place she in ended to crawl out there drag herself out there without anybody knowing it and touch that prayer Shaw the him the hym of that garment and crawl back out of there without anybody knowing it not today Jesus knowing in himself that King James says virtue and but the the the Greek word is denam the the power of God we get our word Dynamite from that word explosive power he said he stopped knowing that power had flowed we know it was the anointing of God flow out of him so you see he didn't have anything to do with it yeah it was her faith that's the reason he said daughter your faith made you whole right but we know it was his anointing how could he say her faith did it because there were other people touching him and the anointing wasn't flowing but there was a man named J irus that made a faith statement to him and Jesus was going home with him and dragging that whole crowd behind him amen so Faith put him on the move and Faith stopped him so who's controlling the ministry of Jesus Jesus the spirit of God no the faith of the people amen that's what he came for was the faith of the people amen so jarus had heard him preach he knew exactly what he preached and he knowing that he's liable to lose his job and everything that he has he went out there anyway and and just humbled himself at his feet fell at his feet at the lake shore and made a faith statement and never said anything different the whole day come lay your hands on my little daughter and she shall live that's the last thing he said Jesus said okay he's going home with him who touched me Hallelujah the faith Demand on on the anointing of God always produces results always but that point of contact is necessary amen that point of contact may be the name of Jesus don't just hurry up and just pick anything spend some time at these things listen to the Lord listen right in here practice it I still do this today I started this well in just a few months be 50 years ago I I I I learned from Brother Hagen from and from Brother Roberts and and others but especially those two I learned that the word of God is going to come right in here this is where you going to hear it and any any Born Again child of God it's in there well God never speaks to me well what is so special about you that God won't have nothing to do with you now see that that's that's foolishness the problem is he's speaking all the time he's never an absentee God he's speaking all the time we've been so spiritually dense we weren't hearing and a lot of times you heard him and didn't know it was him he gets called something a whole lot well you know brother Copeland something just told me how'd you like to be called something all the time nobody ever know your name it's just something do you know something came in here last night no but see he he's he's doing his job all the time amen so I I started doing this to direct my my attention and my inner ear I'd put my hand right in here and I'd inquire Lord and I didn't start out with whole sentences you know babies learn to talk one word at a time that's what I had to do I say and and you you don't start on Father uh how do I get rid of [Music] cancer uh that's tough now don't give up I mean if that's where you're starting that's where you are but I started with my socks should I wear see let me let me show you I could goof up the pair of socks and you couldn't see if I got it wrong you didn't get that I said Lord now should I wear the black socks or these socks the this one over here this one yes sir no sir okay boy them green socks are going to look funny with his brown suit I don't surely he didn't tell me to wear them green sauce but I got to wear them because if I don't I mean I'm saying well that wasn't god well now I'm in unbelief I ain't never going to hear anything I going have to wear them dumb green sock maybe I just need to throw away the green socks if I want to do this again oh that's where I started and I went from socks to shirts to Suits to tiesmen well I didn't do too bad tonight did I but I still do this today I and so well brother copin you just being pick it no I'm in training I'm in training I mean you cut things down real thin when you're in training I'm renewing my mind I'm learning I'm learning how to hear I'm training my my my ear to hear when I first started flying airplanes uh over 55 years ago I mean to tell you I sat down in that cockpit and I started trying to listen to the radio I couldn't more I couldn't understand a thing the guy said and I thought how am I ever going to get this I but my instructor would say okay long as I've got him everything going to be all right but I kept listening what's happening my I'm I'm part of my part of the instruction is to train my ear first thing that happens I began to learn what to expect that controller to say that changed everything was it that way with you Tracy when you first started learning fly that I I found out later I can I can pretty well I pretty well know what he's going to say now he easier to understand what's happening I'm being trained training is is taking place well then after a while you get to where you're listening all the time for that number your your call sign on that airplane that's that airplane's name that that's my name when I'm in the sky is the number on the tail of that airplane I'm always listening for it even if I'm sitting there having a conversation with you I'm always listening for that number amen and the minute it comes on I hear it I don't know they can be talking to other airplanes and they saying all these different things and and all that but the minute my number comes up on there out of all of that other traffic suddenly that just sticks out why I'm paying attention I need to hear that number I need to know if he has instructions for me now this is this is spiritual application 101 glory to God you're listening all the time you're listening all the time and and you train all the time that is if you want to hear the voice of God cuz he's talking all the time but when you get into the word you begin to realize here are some things that he's going to say and there's other things he's not going to say right for instance it is not my will to heal you at this time you will have to keep this disease for 37 Days 14 minutes and 5 Seconds so that you will learn thus sayth the Lord you're a liar Satan and the father of it I ain't falling for that trap no how do I know that's not God there's a lot of people think that is God how do I know it's not God because he's never said it before I went through the I went through the handbook the operator's handbook and it a't in there so I'm not going to be the first one he ever said that to you understand what's happening training training listening for God listening for the Lord so you go before the Lord and you say father I'm praying in the name of Jesus and and help me establish this point of contact here now I'm and he'll he'll work with you yeah and it it all of a sudden it yeah oh yeah I was in the I was uh still a student over Roberts University and and um I had just well the day I registered for school I I just got through registration and started out the front door of of the uh of the uh Learning Resource Center I'm I'm headed back home I've I've registered and for classes and everything and and I heard that I I man I'm I mean I am green as a gourd at this you understand but I I I I knew God I God's trying to stop me and I I took another step or two and and all of a sudden my feet stuck to the sidew walk now I've had this happen to me three times in in my Ministry but it it hasn't happened in a long long time because he doesn't have to stick my feet to the sidewalk to get my attention anymore but thank God he did then I mean I you know I'll take whatever I can get cuz I don't I'm not I don't want to be missing him that's when you get in trouble anyway I said what is it Lord he said go back up to the sixth floor well the sixth floor was the top floor and we as students had already been warned you don't go higher than the fifth and I I said Lord he said go to the sixth floor and I'm I'm hearing him right you know right right in here I said yes sir and my feet came undone so I I turned around went and got in the elevator and I thought now they told us we can't go to sixth floor I must have Mard that I must have so I'll go to the fifth floor maybe that's what the Lord said so I hit the floor button on the fifth floor well we have to understand or you at that time was only 3 and 1/2 years old and so the fifth Flor which later became the library was empty there was not even a chair in that whole floor and that elevator door opened and I looked out there and I thought what am I doing here and the Lord said I didn't tell you the fifth floor I said the sixth floor and that time I I heard it good I said Lord I can't go to the sixth floor students are not allowed up there that's the Vatican he said they work for me get up there now so uh hit the Buton on the sixth floor the elevator door open I don't know what I'm supposed to do here but I'm here so the door open and Ruth rook's desk was just a few steps away CU I didn't know I didn't know her then and um so I just walked up to her well see I don't look like a student because I'm you know I'm 30-year old man I I want look like a student so and she said may I help you I said yes ma'am uh so I just said was just kind of popped out of my mouth I said yes ma'am I'm a student I just finished registering and I understand that this ministry uses an an an airplane and I'm a I'm a qualified commercial pilot and I I just wanted somebody to know it because I need all the help I can get and she looked at me like yeah well and and she said well okay and the the dean of the University Dr messic walked by and and she said Dr messic and he stopped and so she said tell him so I told him and he he went huh and turned around and went back in his office I thought oh I'm telling you I'm I'm just shrinking for a second I mean really man I feel like I'm doing this you know and and I said well I just wanted somebody to know thank you very much and I turned turned around and brother Roberts had walked up behind me that's what the funny look was on her face I didn't know you know and he's about that much taller than me and I just there he stands I mean he's this close and he said I'm Oral Roberts I'm not kidding you I said I could he might as well have said I'm God who are you that's the way it hit me he said I understand that you're a commercially rated pilot I said yes I am he said can you handle our airplane I said yes sir I can he said two weeks ago I started to hire a new co-pilot but the spirit of God said no I have a student coming that must have the job and you're my man and and he turned to to Mrs rook and and he said uh Ruth call Bob DWIs and tell him I found our new co-pilot shook hands with me and walked off you know I'm walking out of there did I just get a job yeah I believe it did it took me about two days to realize all right Roberts can't get out of town without [Laughter] me so things began to progress and and so the uh couple of meetings down the road uh my boss came to me and said now I I want you to go in the invalid room and uh you you will be you'll be in there the whole service the invalid room was a room set aside for people that could not manage the the prayer lines and that ambulatory people very very very sick or incapacitated people and um they they established that back there and the ambulances could come in and then doctors could bring patients and that kind of thing and we we I saw I saw a lot of things and they said now you out line his message and between the time he gets through preaching that and when he comes in to lay hands on these people you're going to have about five to maybe six or seven minutes and you go back over the main points of that message and you get them ready to have hands laid on them and I wow okay and so I'm man I'm out l in his message as he preached it to them and and one of the things he preached on that night was a point of contact and U and and I'm I'm just hearing this I'm just learning this well he he when he walked in the room I just steep back out of the way you know and and step over to one side and he kind of surveyed the room and looked it over and turned around there and looked at me and caught me by the my coat like this and pulled me over there to him and held it he said now you're going to do the praying and you're going to do the laying on them hands folks I could feel it I'm changing colors I mean to tell you he he laughed at me he laughed he said don't worry about it he said I I if you he said I if you mess it up I'll correct you I'll be I'll be standing right there by you I'll fix it he said I said okay and he still got a hold of my coat you know and then he said don't touch them till you're ready to release your faith and uh what does that mean when am I going to release my faith I've never heard that that that expression he's still talking about that point of contact see so I had been [Music] studying how Jesus received the power and authority of his name I was in the middle of of a of a study of this and it it had just literally changed my life and in the in the few steps away from about as far from as as to Brother Martin there on the on the corner we were standing here and he turned and started over there there was a woman that had been brought in by her nurse and she was lying on a military old military type uh cot I would say she probably weighed 75 lbs at the most with in last stages of stomach cancer and just Skin and Bones except her her her little tummy bless her heart was all all pooched out there you know just I mean look like she's pregnant this this this with this thing and he just heads toward her and and the thing crossed my mind dear God is this the first one and and then and and then what he said went just took over my thinking don't touch them till you're ready to release your faith okay I know the the name of Jesus will be my point of conduct I will not touch them until I speak in my prayer in the name of Jesus so that I'm going to make that the the healing power of God went in you you did you did you detect that one I'm going to do that again Hallelujah and uh thank you Lord something about your elbows I don't know what praise God thank you Jesus so and we we're walking over this this this is going on in my spirit so we walked up there to her it and I said in the name of Je and I touched her just as I said GE that's that's all I got out of my mouth he was standing right here behind me and oh you foul unclean Spirit In The Name of Jesus who I am and whom I serve take your hands off of God's Property only it had a it had probably 50 times the volume on it that I had right there Supernatural you can't even do that in the natural every hair on my body was in attention th all I could think of the line of the tribe of Judah has just roared she went oh oh oh and spit that tumor out on the floor [Music] [Applause] now where was my faith in the name of Jesus you remember what Peter said at the beautiful gate why look you on us as though by our Holiness or our calling this man was made strong he said it was faith in the name of Jesus that raised this man up that's what delivered that woman was faith in the name of Jesus not just mine but of course his because see that's what he said in the name of Jesus whose I am and whom I serve take your hands off of God's Property amen amen I wanted you to see that tonight Hallelujah there there was another incident Glory thank you Lord uh Lord I need to ask you a question am I ever going to do this here okay yeah oh right praise yeah this part of it okay in the name of Jesus so uh we were in Detroit Michigan and in with brother Roberts and during the daytime Services they you you couldn't get a prayer card and get in that prayer line without you had already heard some word you couldn't just go in get a prayer card and and you know go get in the prayer line go get in the car and go home that wasn't going to happen because faith comes by hearing hearing by the word of God so you had to come to the day Services we had thousands of people get baptized in the Holy Ghost and a lot of them got their healing before before the night service ever came but that's where the prayer cards were and u and and my boss brother deise came up to me he said Kenneth we've got so many people we're not ever going to get them all prayed for he said he said we there's no way we that these people can can get hands laid on them uh in the in the night services he said I'm going to set you up a prayer line I said yes amen oh man I'm going to tell you I wanted in well one of the very first she might have been the the very I believe she was the first one she walked up in front of me you couldn't see this thing came out of her hairline down over her forehead and almost had her eye covered up you could just be barely see her eye out from under the corner of this thing and then it went down like this about this far it was angry purple bluish looking thing it was just I mean it is just nasty looking you know and of course it was malignant and uh she walked up there in front of me and you remember Jesus was moved with compass R same word translated mercy and he healed all right he was moved with compassion and he taught all of a sudden that just flashed over me and all I could think of was to attack that thing I it it just was just instant I and I'm still doing the same thing in the name of Jesus and it just disappeared praise God woo and and and I went you know it kind of It kind of just shook the hair out out the room now my mother was in that meeting and she was standing right behind me and had both hands in in the small of my back praying in the spirit cuz I had a lot of people to pray for and and and she had come up there to that meeting it was in Detroit and uh so and my and it shocked everybody that and mother said H where'd that thing go and I said I don't know amen he's just gone well I inquired of the Lord over that for for some time to to know I want to know what happened to the thing and and the the word of the Lord came to me sometime later and he said you know my word created all matter all material all all all natural flesh matter all all thing I said yes it he said my word and the power in my name dematerialized that cancer and it went into the spirit realm of nothingness and was destroyed Hallelujah well that man that helped me I I began to see where I I began to see how and where you can expect things like that to take place it's not so mysterious after after I saw the process of it it all has to do with faith faith in God Amen because it was Faith out of God that created all matter yes well that you know that's another lesson praise God now then that wasn't my message at all that's that I guess that's my preliminaries but let's open our Bibles to colossian 1 Colossians 1 verse 16 Colossians 1:16 and of course the what the lord has laid on my heart tonight uh thank you Lord has to do with faith for finances now we've been talking about faith for healing faith for miracles and exploits amen Faith cometh by hearing hearing by the word of God now Colossians 1:16 excuse me for by him Jesus were all things created that are in heaven Heaven that are in Earth visible invisible whether they be Thrones or dominions or principalities or Powers all things were created by Him and for him MH television was not created for the devil television was not created for politics television was created to preach the gospel for and by him all things all things includes all things amen sir now then let's begin looking at Genesis Genesis chap 1 oh dear lord merley is going to preach the whole thing I'm going to give you the shot and look at verse 26 now when God spoke these words the the English Bible unfortunately looks as though that God suddenly had a good idea but that's not the case at all and you have to remember that God never changes and once you see his on once you see his style in the word of God then you can expect it to be that way all the time because he doesn't change he got it right the first time he didn't have to go back and fix it now let's go back to the very beginning in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth the Earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the deep and God said let there be light and there was light that is not what the Hebrew text says the Hebrew text said God said light be light was so he do change now when you realize that you get down to this 26th verse you begin to re understand he's not saying to Jesus and to the holy spirit let us make us a man in our image that's that's not what he said at all he said man be oh yeah these are the words these are the birth words sir of Adam Hallelujah now you get over there in the second chapter and you see that the Lord formed his body out of the dirt so here's god with this lifeless body amen can you see it I mean here he is with this lifeless body there's no life in him man be Hallelujah now the words that he spoke became the nature of the man man be in our image after our likeness have de dominion over the fish of the sea over the foul of the air over the cattle over all the Earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the Earth so God created man now this is important Adam if you if you read further and read on through the second chapter we won't go there but it it simply says and Man became a living being now if you study that that out and particularly if you go to the Kash and you get the commentaries of of the of the old sages they they translate that like this and Man became a living speaking Spirit like God those words became Adam suddenly the body was alive are you following me but now Adam didn't hear any of those words no he didn't hear anything until he finished those words what now I'm telling you if you if you're a Bible student first words are [Music] huge amen the first words the first man ever heard with his ears B be blessed be fruitful Hallelujah the blessing was the first thing any human being ever heard you think we're supposed to be blessed oh yeah oh yeah somebody need to shout amen right there that'll Dawn on you about 3:00 this morning you jump out of bed glory to God Amen now then I I wanted you the the the the Lord want wanted you to to to get that and and see that now let's go back over there now where we were in the book of Colossians thank you Lord for by him were all things created that are in heaven that are in Earth visible invisible whether they be Thrones or dominions or principalities or Powers all things were created by Him and for him God created the Garden of Eden and he put the man in it amen everything in this entire planet was created for the man Hallelujah all of it all of it Adam God's under ruler amen literally the God of this Earth had now the power and authority through the blessing to control this Earth with the same force that created this Earth the blessing of the world Hallelujah so that now this man has command authority over the whole earth and everything in it God created it and gave it to him wow Hallelujah now let's follow this up let's look in Psalm chapter 50 the 50th Psalm thank you Lord you weren't going anywhere tonight were you good cuz we we'll be through here in about 3 hours or so uh Psalm chapter 50 praise God oh my goodness verse 10 for every beast of the forest is mine and the cattle Upon A Thousand Hills I know all the fowls of the mountains and the wild beast of the field are mine if I was hungry I wouldn't tell you for the world is mine and the fullness thereof if he said if I was hungry I'm not going to tell you about it I want it all I'll eat whatever I want to e you understand that I mean see he he been pretty blun about this thing if I was hungry I wouldn't bring it up with you what I need to tell you for amen now let's let's look at at something something else here let's go to the 115th PSAL and in in fact go ahead and look that up Psalms 115 and let's go to the book of Hagi praise God and in hegan okay back there where you have to unstick your pages page 1,117 in case you having a hard time find in my Bible I don't know what it in your Hagi chapter 2 look at the eth verse the silver is mine and the gold is mine saith the Lord of of hosts now the 115th Psalm verse 14 the Lord shall increase you more and more you and your children oh you need to grab a hold of that right now Hallelujah you are blessed of the Lord which made Heaven and Earth the heavens the heaven even even the heavens are the Lords but the Earth has he given to the children of men glory to God hallelujah amen amen now we're getting really close to what the Lord wanted us to see First Corinthians chapter 10 glory to God first Corinthians 10 verse 26 for the Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof 26th verse verse 28 but if any man say unto you this is offered and sacrifice unto Idols eat not for his sake that showed it the conscience sake for the Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof so he said it twice Hebrews chapter 1 glory to God God who at sunry time and in different manner spake in times pass unto the fathers by the prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son whom he hath appointed heir of all things now Jesus has been raised from the dead and when he was raised from the dead God appointed him heir of all things go back to Genesis the very first chapter all things were created for Adam right well hey who is Jesus second the last Adam the second and the last Adam amen hallelujah and he got it all back yes yeah he got it all back thank you Jesus amen I said he got it all back hall he got it all back he said all authority has been given unto me both in heaven and in Earth amen to God now fashion your seat belt and go to Romans chapter 8 Hallelujah wo glory to God hallelujah thank you Lord thank you Lord Romans chapter 8 and I am rejoicing CU I know what's coming glory to God verse 16 the spirit himself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God and if children then hirs Heirs of God join hires with Christ I'm waiting on Amen here hey he appointed him heir of all things thank you Jesus all things were created for and by him and we are joint hirs with him glory to God hallelujah everything you will ever need everything beyond what you can ask or think everything that is beyond your human imagination everything that you could possibly ever call for and be richer than your wildest wildest imagination is already in the earth it doesn't have to come from somewhere Heaven it is already here right now and it will respond to faith in God and it will respond to his word hallelujah glory to God hallelujah hallelujah thank you Lord thank Hallelujah you have to meditate on this we we've been we have been so religiously brainwashed that it takes a t it takes a while to meditate your way through that trash well we're So Unworthy you never know what God going to do oh yes say m we have a saying out in West Texas bull I a little of no time for that we know exactly what God will do we got it in his book he'd tell you exactly what he'll do you tells you what to do and what he'll do you can expect him to do everything he said he'd do Hallelujah to God [Laughter] glory be to God this and everything in it belongs to Jesus and he gave it to you and me he gave it to you and me God hallelujah thank you Jesus he had no idea of you ever going without anything you need or anything you want see there you go again I mean you know it shocked your religious sensitivity if I can get more voltage I'd shock you sure enough but well I mean if that shocked you let me see if I got something else here that in fact I know I glory to God and if you will turn with me to First Timothy chapter 6 verse 17 1 Timothy 6:17 charge them that are rich in this world go sell everything you have give it all away I don't want you to have any of this old world's Goods hey this is not this old world's Goods when are you going to get a hold of that and did you notice it's not this old world's bads have you ever been to a a a a a dry bad store you've been to a dry good store but not a dry bad store those are Goods amen they're dry goods they're grocery Goods they're Goods they ain't bad they're good amen H at least the world got sense enough to know that amen yeah well you don't want to have any of this whole world's Goods all the goods here don't belong to the world nor the God of this world they belong to the body of Christ and we should be in in control of them and we the ones ought to be blessed we ought to be controlling the economy and the world come to us for goods and that way we can share we can give and bless them and they get born again and that's what God had planned all the time am but I've I got a shocker right here if you're having trouble with that look at the rest of this verse charge them that are rich in this world that they be not high-m minded nor trust in uncertain riches but trust in the Living God who giveth us richly all things to enjoy w h i don't know where I've done you any good or not I've done preach me slap Happy glory to God hallelujah woo [Music] [Applause] amen hallelujah all things to enjoy gy to God now the word tells us in fact you want to look in uh first John we'll go over there and see it thank you Lord thank you Lord Jesus glory to God thank you Lord that is in the New Testament is it yeah right there first John and let's look in the second chapter 15th verse love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any man love the world the love of the father is not any for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes the pride of life is not of the father but is of the world well now see there brother copel see there you're not supposed to have it no it didn't say you're not supposed to have it said don't love it well I'm c i don't you know I don't love things oh really you don't say glory to God don't you just love my new suit you just sat there and told me you love my suit and here it's a thing gotcha now what what what what's going on here we've been way too sloppy with the word love because God is love and because of our looseness and the way we describe things and use the word love it really has very little honor in our lives and in in place in our lives and so when it comes to loving God and loving people it's right in there you know with with loving your bike and you I just love everything I just love pizza well I don't know what love is well you just sit as a pizza then that that's the kind of confusion that weakens your faith so what do you do you go back into training glory to God I don't love my new suit but I do enjoy it Hallelujah and then I'm going along one day and and the Lord said do I give you things to to meet your needs and I and if well see yeah um you supply all of our needs according to your rich and Glory he said no I don't give you things to meet or Supply your needs he said I give you things to enjoy and they Supply your needs yes well that's just one step up closer to the way he thinks and the closer you get to the way he thinks and you begin to realize how he thinks and how he talks and you begin to think like he thinks and talk like he talks you begin to get his results amen and things are no longer a big Faith problem anymore because you realize it's all part of your Covenant glory to God hallelujah so let's stand did you get anything out of this tonight did it help your faith has Faith come glory to God I said glory to God do you believe that in your heart I do amen hallelujah father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ now I pray over this congregation and there are financial needs in the whole house one way or the other and and there are situation needs and and there are physical needs and and all of that but you supply our needs according to your riches and glory and Heaven has released through the Earth the faith the spirit the name the gifts and all that it takes to receive everything we could possibly need or want in this life but we understand stand we have to fight the good fight of Faith to receive it and keep it Hallelujah cuz there's a thief loose and we need to bind him and bring him to a stop Hallelujah God has provided Ways and Means for us to be blessed so that we can be a blessing amen you you become part of the supply for your brothers and sisters out there that that don't know how to get it yet and we we don't we're we're not just a um a relief organization no no we preach the gospel to the poor so that they begin to prosper and they begin to come up they begin to be blessed and then they minister to the poor and then they minister to the sick and that's the way this works praise God Amen are you ready then say it and say it bold holy I'm a believer I'm a Believer I am not a doubter I am not a doub I believe I receive I believe I rece in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I release my faith I release my faith I am a faith person I am a faith person I walk and live by faith I walk and live I believe it in my heart I believe it in my heart I say it with my mouth I say it with myou all my needs have been supplied all my needs have been supplied they're not in heaven they're not in heaven they're right here on Earth right here on Earth and they've got my name on them they got my name on them and I'm calling them call come come healing come healing come financial prosperity come peace and joy come peace come honor come honor come goodness and mercy come goodness and mercy come come I receive you I receive you your mind your mind the glory is here the glory it's here for my sake it's here for my sake and all of these things are in the glory all of these things they're here right now they're here right now and I call them out of the glory I call and I call him into my presence I call into my presence I'm a believer I'm beli I believe it I believe it I say it I say it I have it I have it I have faith in God I have faith I thank you for it I thank you for it and I forgive and I forgive I'm not only a believer I'm I'm a forgiver I'm a forer for I understand for I understand if I don't forgive if I don't forgive it interrupts the glory it interrupts the glory if I interrupt the glory I interrup I go back into want I go back into want I go back into debt I go back into debt I go back into sickness no I've come out of all that I forgive I for I'm a forgiver I'm a forger I'm a lover I'm a lover not a condemner not a oh praise God I forgive hallelujah amen all right I want you to do what I do are you ready do what I do Hallelujah blessing come to me now now blessing come to me [Applause] now money come to me now oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah healing come to me now Hallelujah Glory [Applause] sir thank you Lord thank you Lord we just worship you oh we praise you father thank you everyone in the building lift your hand right now everyone in the whole building anyone in this house that has never accepted Jesus as your lord and savior I I want you to hold your hand up there right now we're going to lead you to the throne of grace if you've got sin in your life Jesus said anyone comes unto me I will for no reason cast him out and if you'll confess your sin I am faithful and just to forgive you your sin when when you confess it and I'll cleanse you from all unrighteousness Hallelujah and pray this everybody in the house oh God in heaven oh God in heaven I believe with all my heart I believe with all my heart Jesus has been raised from the dead Jesus has been from the Come Into My Heart Lord Jesus Come Into My Heart Lord Jesus take my life and do something with it take my I receive you as my Lord and my savior I receive oh I Repent of sin oh thank you Jesus for cleansing me from all sin say it thank you Jesus for cleansing me of all sin thank you for it Lord Jesus thank you for it Lord Jesus I receive your word where it said you've blotted my sins out and you remember them no more I'm let me say something to you right here that's Isaiah 43 25 I even I am he bth out your transgressions and I for for my own sake and I'll remember them no more he remembers what Jesus did on that cross Jesus does not remember your sin he remembers what he did did on that cross and how he went to hell and suffered it for you so it's time for us to forget what he forgot and remember what he remembers hallelujah oh come on hallelujah hallelujah that that just that just makes you so free in your heart oh God thank you oh God thank you now I was preaching one time down the State of Florida years and years ago and I I ain't going to tell you what I did ain't none of you business but it wasn't good well yeah I'll tell you I got mad and and and I it's some folks and I shouldn't have done that but anyway and and of course I you know I stormed around my hotel room there a little while and man repented of it and but oh man I'm telling you I was so embarrassed before the Lord Jesus for what I'd done and said I I just oh man and and I said oh God and I said Lord I'm not going over and preach tonight I I I I just tell you I feel too bad about this sir about the way I acted in your presence and I I you you'll just have to get you somebody else to preach over that not I'm not going and I heard it just as plain he said why I said what do you mean why you know why I'm not going over there where this on my heart and this on my conscience I'm not going over there tonight and stick up my big bone finger and say thus sayith the Lord I'm not do to do it it just get you somebody else he said why I said you know why he said didn't you confess that before me a little while ago and repent of it I said yes I did he said Kenneth when you confessed that sin wasn't when I found out about it he said that's when you got rid of it oh now he said don't let your feelings tell you what to do let your faith tell you what to do oh yes sir yeah I said yeah my faith is in you because you are faithful and you are just to forgive me of my sin when when I confess it and cleanse me from all unrighteousness it's wiped out man I mean it is wiped out he he he do remember it at all but that's when I got rid of that's when I got it out of out of my out of my spiritual system here and I still felt like a dog all the way over there to that to that meeting that night but I said no sir I'm preaching by faith tonight amen my feelings can't tell me what to do my faith tell me what to do and I kept reading 1 John 1:9 I kept reading it reading it and and got over there and I read Romans chapter 8 verse one it said there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus that walk not after the flesh but after the spirit and that hit my spirit and I said glory to God and and but you know by the time I started preaching man the anointing came my we had a wonderful service amen can you can you see that well just lift your hands and say thank you Jesus for cleansing me of all unrighteousness now you have you have forgotten all of that and now by faith I forget it by faith I forget it I don't let my feelings dominate me I let my faith in God dominate me and I praise you for it praise him for it praise him for it praise him for it people are being delivered right now I'm on to I I I I saw saw this in the spirit I saw it in the spirit and I'm going to say what what the Lord told me to say you get that abortion off of your mind you get it off your mind right now don't you ever let the devil bring that up to you again I'm telling you right now God has forgotten it and it's time for you to forget it it's time for you to get rid of that sin Consciousness and become conscious of the fact that God not only has wiped that sin out of your life your baby is waiting on you on the other [Applause] side I heard the Lord say that hallelujah amen ain't that good yeah but brother Copeland you you you don't understand I you know I the Life I Lived was oh my goodness you you you just don't understand brother Co well I understand this that Jesus great-grandmother was a harlot what have you never heard of Rahab the Harlot and over and over and over again the Bible doesn't just call her Rahab it continually even in the the the wall of fame Hebrews 11 the faith Hall of Fame Rahab the Harlot is in there and it it always calls her that bringing to mind the faith of God Amen and she became David's grandmother hallelujah how important is that see God didn't have any problem with the Harlot part that's what people have a problem with God don't have any problem with that amen I'm telling you I know the spirit of God talking to somebody talking to somebody yeah I know it I know it you yeah I know you did that and and you've never told anybody and the law doesn't know you did it of course God knows you did it and it keeps bothering you and it keeps bothering you and it keeps eating on you and grating on you well take it up with the Lord the Lord may have you go do something about it but don't you do anything without you con ER with God at some length and you pray that out but whatever it is you get that crime off your heart you hear me get that crime off your mind and get the blood of Jesus on your mind glory be to God Hallelujah did you enjoy the night are you glad GK Give the Lord one more praise Hallelujah
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 367,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4893924668001, faith, healing, kenneth copeland, spiritual growth, truth, word of god
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 51sec (4791 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2017
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