2014 - Week 17 - Seattle Seahawks - Saint Louis Rams

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that kind of attitude today [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right thank you very much and for Pete Carroll and his Seahawks they know that this is a huge step toward getting back to the Super Bowl to defend their title there are the scenarios for you a win and if the lines and Packard's don't tie Seattle flinches home feel throughout the win the NFC West with the win or a cardinal losses take it on the Niners today though Pete Carroll 63 years old in his fifth year with the Seahawks 82 and 61 the weather perfect football weather 43 degrees here in the Emerald City home to the 12th man this venue one of the most exciting and loudest in all of America George Karl a former Seattle SuperSonics head coach waving the flag in the towel Seattle won the toss deferred st. Louis will receive the Rams coming off a 37 27 loss to the New York Giants last week Seattle beat Arizona and Glendale thirty-five to six these teams faced each other week seven st. Louis winning it they had to use some trickery one thing is for sure the Seahawks have not forgotten it and there are anxious to get back at him Benny Cunningham back deep along with Trey watts Stephen hushka we'll send it away and were under way from Seattle and Cunningham will take a knee [Applause] so as st. Louis comes onto the field for the first time three things you need to know when the Rams have the football the first thing you got to take a look at is you know the Rams want to run the football ask Trey Mason neverkey running back didn't play the first four games but his running stats since then near the top of the league Greg Robinson the first-round defense offensive tackle they want to imitate with the Seahawks do they want to run the football first last and always and then the Seattle Seahawks Bobby Wagner missed five games with a foot injury Tootie's been back the Seattle Seahawks defense is giving up less than eight points a game Wagner recently selected to the Provo first down and ten at the 20 yard tre Mason the deep man and John Hill a co-op first down fires to the far side and he has died in gory hockey but he's dropped immediately by kam chancellor and that's an incomplete passing shot he'll 6 3 2 2013 3 r out of Maryland his first year with the Rams after being acquired as an unrestricted free agent from the Lions and at nearly 35 years of age he is the fifth oldest quarterback starting a game this weekend behind Peyton Manning Tom Brady group reason job McHale richard sherman second at ten at the 20 here's a hand off mason lunging into the line of scrimmage and who gained a yard and right away the seattle defense takes the early advantage no gain on first down with an incomplete pass barely a yard if that on second down third and long which allows to see hans to tee off on Sean Hill the quarterback and get out to him in the pass rush has been tough in the last five weeks third down and ten at the 20 Ramzi to go to the 34 first down hill in the shotgun Benny Cunningham with him he's great out of the backfield underneath wall caught but not I'm not for a first down there'll be a little bit short of that first down marker and it looks like they'll have to punt it away as Kitty Britt coming over from Tennessee first year with the Rams you see why Seattle's so good on defense they didn't get to him in the pack with the pass rush but when they did catch the football short of the first down mark and no yards after the catch the best tackling secondary in the league gets off the field on third down so Johnny Becker will punt it away from his own 15-yard line back deep and here's Walter's backpedaling sibling to the fair cats and has it after 21 yard line of 48 yard punt so Russell Wilson and the Seahawks come on the field for the first time offensively and here are three things you need to know when Seattle has the football but when you take a look at what we're going to see today Russell Wilson that's quarterback slash running back equals Superbowl his arm and his legs can carry them back there and he's having a banner year Marshawn Lynch without a doubt a full-grown man at running back you've got to test your courage as the game goes on if you want to keep tackling that guy and how about the Rams their defensive front four first-round draft choices Aaron Donald with twin that going to the Pro Bowl first down and turn at the 22 and oh man when they jump on him quickly as Donald the rookie out of pit makes first contact that be an interesting matchup inside today with Aaron Donald number 99 in the center of Patrick Lewis and Russell Wilson in his third year out of Wisconsin 511 206 pounds he's 15 and 3 in December January and February 21 and 2 in his career at home the most calm winds that a quarterbacks first three seasons in NFL history second down and 10 at the 22 hears Wilson to throw it steps up in the pocket hit as he throws and that's an incomplete pass Donald getting in the backfield and they really love this young fall what a great player he has turned out to be this is donald number Matsui on the inside look at the two defensive tackle things Donald is the second guy I'd circle let's take a look yeah look at the push inside and Robert Quinn from the outside keeping Wilson in the pocket unable to escape outside he has to step up and right into the arms of Aaron Donald Aaron Donald the first Rams rookie to earn a spot in the Pro Bowl since Rome Edison 93 third down and 10 at the 22 empty backfield for Russell Wilson [Applause] it's Parral get taken down by mark baron third-year player out of alabama former Tampa Bay puppeteer and they're really high on this young man they love him he was a number seven pick in the draft look at the coverage downfield which allowed the exotic movement by a Mark Baron into the alignment by Greg Williams defensive coordinator they covered the receivers nowhere to go with the ball that allowed Baron to get to the quarterback John Ryan punting from the five-yard line Tavon Austin is back deep at the 32 is that end-over-end kick with English and it is fair caught at the 25 and a flag thrown it looks like Lockett ran into Austin Ron Torbert your referee did a personal foul unnecessary roughness number 83 of the kicking team 15-yard penalty they Louis's ball first down as you take a look davon Austin signaling for the Bearcats edge somebody just couldn't pull off we'd like to welcome the men and women in uniform serving around the world watching today's broadcast in a hundred and seventy-five countries and abroad ships at sea on AFN the American forces Network thanks for all you do we hope you're enjoying today's telecast Trey Mason running the football for st. Louis and you get the feeling talking to Jeff Fisher yesterday at the team hotel this st. Louis Rams team is not one bit afraid of Seattle haven't been they won in st. Louis you know that they're in their heads a little bit with the gadgetry and the trickery let's see if the toughness holds up as well second down a day to the 48 lay fake Hill rolling out of the pocket throws on the move and hasn't receiver and it's caught by Kenny Britt and it looks like Britt has a first down Danny Britt signing is an unrestricted free agent from Tennessee where he was familiar with Jeff Fisher Britt really maturing after some rocky road roads rather traveled early in his career and he's still just 26 years old so a youngster is growing up now and becoming a mentor and a guy for the younger receivers to look up to with his practice habits teaching him how to be a pearl something he's grown into a gain of 10 on a play first down a tenth of a 38 for sainthood here's the handoff second man 3 miss Mason and it pushed the pile forward and get to the 35 now let's go to Los Angeles check in with Joel Platt for Gabriel all right Gus to San Francisco we go Ryan Wynn a little flea flicker he finds a wide open Malcolm Floyd in Arizona that's the early lead over the 49ers 7-nothing versus Arizona win in a Seattle loss and the Cardinals would be NFC West champs Gus CD and Malin and thank you very much second down and eight lot going on with that 49 or Steve at the 36 there's Hill straight drop now he'll look into the flats and find Mason this running room and free mason picks up a first dial cam chance were there to knock him out of Bounce hey CD what happens to Jim Harbaugh but he's gone in taketake laser said it before the season even began that win lose draw didn't matter he was going to be gone situation in San Francisco become untenable and offers on the table at Michigan but I'm not on to present convinced he's going to take that but I think he's going to find a way to find another job in the NFL first down in 10 to the 28 four major trades in the deep man Stephanie Bailey in motion here's the pitch Mason trying to get [Applause] with dropping hard hitting going on KJ right and his fourth year out of Mississippi State making the tackle about Earl Thomas flashing on the running play and being the first guy there the slow up tre Mason and allow for KJ bright to finish off see how how right there Thomas didn't make the tackle but he spilled the play right back inside and there's KJ right Seattle runs to the wall as well as any defense in the NFL gain of three second at 7.25 here's the reverse and it's the second-year man on a West Virginia not finding a lot of room three-yard pickup on the play is Kam Chancellor was there once again and we saw kam chancellor to practice on Friday tell you what he looks like he could play power forward in the NBA he has long that his strong individual covers and sets a tone for the defense they call him bambam kam for a reason the way he hits they're diving for 222 Benny Cunningham third down back in the backfield now for Jeff Fisher and I ran fires cut and looks like it's close to a first down should be a first down as Jared cook their leading receiver makes his 50th catch on the season he's in a sixth year out of South Carolina it's interesting when we talked with Sean Hill the quarterback of the Rams and our production meeting Lydon What did he say they needed to have accuracy precision precision and rhythm but it starts rhythm precision and accuracy that's what this drive has to have anytime you have a chance we've got to be right on point because buzz pulls quickly whether you're running it or throwing it again Seattle's defense first down in Tennessee Seattle 17 to st. Louis Austin in motion will hand it straight away to Mason and Mason dragged down inside the 15 yard line by Bruce Irvin and Bobby Wagner now what we're seeing out of st. Louis is normal for them they are fast starters now for the season I believe they're plus 52 in the first quarter in points score if the game goes on it becomes tougher for them there's Brian Schottenheimer the offensive coordinator they usually start fast today on their second drive they're putting together something nice Ryan the son of legendary NFL Marty Schottenheimer second at 8:00 at the 15 Mason the center set back late fake dump it on a fryer under enormous pressure O'Brien's both feel trying to chase him down and that brings up third and eight at the 15 but the Schofield College defensive end has turned into an outside linebacker in the NFL has speed to spare he chases down Shawn Hill who makes it nice veteran play and gets rid of the football when no one else can get it tenth play of the drive from st. Louis third down and eight at the 15 and here comes a 12 the man then he Cunningham in the backfield Hill out of the guns in trouble fires in the far side and it is incomplete able to the intended receiver but that ball thrown out of play as Jeremy Lane was covering [Applause] blam game it's far down this is actually fortunate in a way for st. Louis because now they get another shot at it on third down they stay they're not out of field goal range anyway so they actually picked up a play here when it appeared that they had to make a decision about field goal or go for which we know would have been a field goal attempt now they get one more crack even though it's third and longer third down and 13 at the 20 lambs need to go to around the 7 yard line for first Hill sets up the screen and it's Paul Vitti coming is wrestled down by KJ right not enough for the first down till here comes a field goal you didn't there they are already getting a little chippy with each other and what did we talk about right rhythm right precision and accuracy well they weren't precise and they weren't accurate on that play so the rhythm was all off because he's able to hit Cunningham clean head to screen set up for a little bit more yardage so Greg Suhr line comes in to attempt a 33 yard field goal on the season he's 22 of 28 and it is good so st. Louis striking first as they take a three to nothing lead over see up and welcome back to Seattle st. Louis taking a three to nothing lead as Hill leads them on an 11 plate 35 yard drive heating up five minutes and 37 seconds they're lined with the field goal and he'll kick it away while Richardson back deep for Seattle is the Beast Marshawn Lynch ready to get back onto the field [Music] [Applause] the exam gets all the way up to the 30 so cut it off Marshawn Lynch does he have another spectacular run in him final game of the regular season will be right after this about Marshawn Lynch we had beast quake 1 and piece point 2 which one did you like better the first one was the 2011 wild card game when they were 7 and 9 to beat the defending Super Bowl champ New Orleans Saints and last week put them in position to win the division and maybe home-field beating Arizona at Arizona which one do you like better gust one or two I like the one because he got 5 $11,000 for what he did at the end of two and I'd like Marshawn to keep that money in his pocket first down to Ted at 4:30 here's a handoff turgut in the game player to Utah State getting around the corner Jermaine Johnson making the tackle for st. Louis Seattle CD with some versatility in the backfield led by this man Marshawn Lynch is number one without a doubt but when you can change up and bring Robert urban into the game was a similar physical style runner on Christian Michael who may be the strongest of the three you packing a load in the backfield second down and five to 35 and they'll hand it to Kevin Kevin hit the room he picks up a first down at Miller Robert turban stopped by Jermaine Johnson that he gains 14 and let's check back in the Joel Platt in Los Angeles by Gus big one obviously in the NFC North Green Bay on the board first mica high his second cut the turn TV of the fifty-five large but passes up four seven nothing lost a week 17 game at home since 1990 Gus and Charles alright thank you very much first on the jet at the $40 from Seattle Russell Wilson empty backfield elite receivers at the top of the screen he looks that way as a completed pass to Kevin Norwood the rookie out of Alabama you remember last week when Seattle went to Arizona and one Marshawn Lynch was on the bench for much of the firm a good portion of the first quarter with an upset stomach wasn't able to play and Robert Urban got the bulk of carries early then Lynch came in and was absolutely hammered in that 79 era touchdown 113 yards overall not sure he's having similar issues today but urban getting the waterlily carries second down at 7 [Applause] Russell Wilson stop by TJ McDonald but he gains six yards but what a pleasant experience yesterday having a chance to sit down with Ruffin Russell Wilson he's class personified isn't he yes third year guy a lot of people kept saying well five ten can he really be this guy in the NFL and what did he tell us I've been preparing for this day my whole life I never once thought it wouldn't happen this is where exactly where I thought I would be I'm supposed to be third one inside and on [Applause] it's up the Goodman as it is lawful what a pleasant young man you know what he did for the holidays this year came out a hundred different gift packs to the homeless and the needy filled with food toiletries clothing he and his wife and their two kids went out there on Christmas Day and handed that out of homeless shelters and the people in here around Seattle who don't happen as well as most of us do it took you off we needed a yard he fix up to first and ten at the forty my cry now the heat man in the backfield and he'll give it to it tried to get him on the right side and he's finally slung down tackle on the play by William Hayes Seattle as you alluded to not long ago deep in the backfield so deep that you can go Robert urban Kristin Michael as your starter got starting guys to loosen up the defense and then your hammer can become Marshawn Lynch if Marshawn Lynch's you're hammered and you're closer you got problems you give the opposition value second down at eight at the 38 Wilson Wilson dancing in the pocket and Wilson finally just gets rid of it on the far sideline good pass rush there wasn't it but James Laurinaitis back there dancing with him Laurinaitis is your linebacker to the right of your screen and he just stays with it stays relentless he gets passed off by Justin Britt Laurinaitis on one side Chris long on the other [Applause] on her today here's a handoff to turgon turtle will not pick up the first down he'll gain about three yards on the play they may go for it here here no-man's land on the punt and it's a long long field goal the Carroll thinking about it he will keep his offense on the field Steven hushka missed three field goals last week so on 4th down and 5 Seattle going for it at the st. marys 35 good an athlete as Wilson is he could also short punt it here's Wilson don't throw it underneath the first down Luke Wilson making the grab let's see it's a good spot for them they've got a chance because at first I thought he wasn't there but I feel like the spot gives him a chance good tackle by Laurinaitis doesn't really let Wilson slip away from it so where he went down I thought he was short but I thought he got a little bit extra on the spot and it looks like the Seahawks did not picked up the first down so they turn it over here comes st. Louis on offense after this 1:21 remaining in the first quarter st. Louis with the ball and a three nil lead over Seattle Seattle so far nine plays yards first down and ten at the 31 for the round Zach Stacy in the game and they'll give it to him straightaway and he doesn't go far nicely done by Bobby Wagner the middle linebacker now ring in the new year on Fox Sports one as we bring you a marathon of Big East basketball featuring all ten teams back-to-back it all begins at 11:30 a.m. Eastern and goes all the way to midnight only on Fox Sports 1 and streaming live on Fox Sports go where will you be that day I will be in New Jersey seat Paul at st. John's laughs huh that's right second down and 11 after the 1 yard loss he is he'll sets up the screen and he has Stacy Stacy the blockers with the step on finally pushed out of bounds by Earl Thomas one thing that makes this Seahawk defense so special is when you look at the guys in the secondary you have some terrific football players and they didn't come via the first round of the draft Richard Sherman was a Pitts rider kam chancellor fourth round rival Earl Thomas was a first round of a Byron Maxwell with a sixth round pick Jeremy Lane took me at the Northwestern State in Louisiana not a heavily recruited or scouted since outed area he comes in and plays well in the nipple down in 6 into 35 flag on the play as Hill goes far side and complete extended for Baylor [Applause] political formation offense number 76 was lined up in the backfield that penalty is defined go to the play is fourth down and I think our referee got turned around a little bit yeah you know this game can do that to you with the speed and the power people getting into the pocket Ron Torbert as you noted got twisted around gave the proper signals and the proper administration of the penalty but we didn't get to see his handsome face the Johnny mackerel caught it away from the 21 Walter's the deep man for Seattle if the fair catch at the 22 a 42-yard pond and that takes us to the end of the first quarter st. Louis came ready to fight Bram's lead three six welcome back Gus Johnson Charles Davis Molly McGrath Mike Ferrara in Los Angeles our rules analyst we are here in Seattle 1st down and 10 at the 23 Seahawks was close to 600 yards in total offense lastly the franchise record only 37 in the first quarter and they give the turban after that picks up a first down turban stopped by Marcus Roberson as we take a look at the Seahawks playoff scenario we take a look at a home field for the Seahawks is out there for if they win and the Green Bay Packers and Detroit Lions game does not end in a tie they have home-field throughout the playoffs they win the NFC West with a win for the Arizona Cardinals loss first down at the 35 Marshawn Lynch in the game and they give it tomorrow gang tackling by the Rams Alec hopeful tree and James Laurinaitis leading the way here's Joel quat in Los Angeles Gus Charles is even easier in the NFC South when in your head lose you go home Dixon five yards out Texas this one from Cam Newton and the Panthers on the road up by 10 early Gus Charles moly I know that the records aren't great but if Cam Newton and Panthers pulled this off after the car accident a couple of weeks ago they were helped his image in a big way second and seven to the 38 Lynch and this time he is not backwards and that's what they told us yesterday when we spoke to the Rams they have to swarm Marshawn Lynch and not let him get started and they'd rather had him carrying the ball inside into the strength of their defense look at out defensive front control things Michael blockers number 90 Kendall Langford number 98 they just hammer the offensive lineman in front of them pursue and get to the ball and put Marshawn Lynch down the strength of the Rams the defensive front and the interior continues to get better and better there's Robert Quinn the sack master defensive end the loss of to throw down in 9 of the 36 they need to go to the phone I went first down here's Wilson drops it off place on the back heel with the grass still running and he picks up a first down still going no he stepped out of bounds at the 46 yard line [Applause] under the most underrated aspects of Marshawn Lynch's game is his ability to catch the ball on the backfield look at catch it this takes it now he makes a move everyone thinks he's super physical and he is but how about the agility and the footwork as he slips past to Norris Jenkins and picks up a first down on a third and 11 you watch you catch the ball practice the other day sell soft the hands were very soft just developed it ten yard game first and ten at the four to six play fake Wilson rolling up Wilson drops it off and this time it's caught by Paul Richardson the rookie from Colorado an eight-yard game Russell Wilson bind time with his legs we just talked about you getting ready to do that basketball New Year's Eve right did he not look like a point guard manipulating the basketball an open field with the play fake right you know he thinks the ball fakes like he's throwing pulls it down slides out a little bit more another pump fake and then delivers the pass for a first down second down in one of the 45 the first down he's will not get it the Rams defensive line as you mentioned Charles doing a nice job getting some pressure Laurinaitis comes up with okhla treat combining on the tackle and they went super heavy on that place the at'll did with the offense they brought in Garry Gilliam number 79 and extra offensive tackle and used him as a move tight end to come from right side of the line to the left side to try and create space at the point of attack as you noted the Rams submarines it and stop by third and one get to that first dog walker he leans forward he should be close I think he got there with the forwards lean and the power of turbine created his own space on this run - Kohaku 46 is believe ends up taking out a linebacker but look at all the white shirts there how about turbans drive though on this play today creates his own space that's not really well blocked but look at the legs continuing to go and the body lean forward I think will allow him to pick up the first down they bring out the chains and they will measure I thought he got a little bit more on that plate than what he got on the spot and he got enough by the millions of the football it's tough our defense isn't it when you defend it well you're right at the point of attack you have extra shirts there extra bodies and the running back finds a way to create his own space and pick up enough for a first down haven't seen a big shot yet today from you from the offense Gregg Williams the defense coordinator Tzadik and what he does loves to bring pressure you haven't seen the big shot from Wilson trying to get someone downfield first down play fake Wilson setting up deep in the pocket now he feels pressure and gets rid of it they what he knows how to would this is one of the place I think he's really grown as a quarterback he said he lived to fight it on another down that play was done all right he figured it out scrambled around a little and I think it is used but the pressure he was getting he would have still tried to create a play and he could have turned into disaster in a big loss and this one got rid of the ball that's only second intent Aaron Donald and he Jean singe the pressure on Russell Wilson and gained a couple James Laurinaitis with the tackle we talked to Lauren itís about having to face Marshawn Lynch twice a year and the challenges that he faces against this 215 filed back said it was the toughest tackle in the league trying to tackle Marshawn Lynch it's very difficult to do he said because he's so agile he doesn't get enough credit for the agility in his feet and then you get the stiff arm in your chest so he says what do you have to do gator tap to get down to his legs in his feet turned out at 8 at the 42 [Applause] here's Russell Wilson pressure again Wilson step it up in the pot Wilson gets rid of it and intercepted by st. Louis the lands that get off is Marcus Robertson steps up and comes up with the interception Russell Wilson came into this game with just one interception in his last six games and he throws one here in the second quarter Rams with all sorts of pressure on Wilson in this first half and it pays off big here [Music] but back to Seattle 928 to go in the second quarter lead and lead over the world champion Seahawks and the football that they're all 40 yard long st. Louis with pressure on Russell Wilson coming up with the interception as Marcus Robertson the rookie from Florida picking it off undrafted free agent hit that first down and ten Hill with time underneath and helplines Mason is still running and Mason picks up the first down as he crosses into Seattle territory and 12 yard game now week 7 Seattle went to st. Louis and after the lab special teams delivered big the game turned into a back-and-forth battle with the Rams ahead late the fourth quarter runner Johnny hackers work down pass help stave off the Seahawks 28 to 26 the final three big special teams plays one the day for st. Louis where's the gun at the 48 there's a handoff knifing in Michael Bennett with the stop then it is just so quick and strong look at how fast he's into the backfield and the Rams are struggling a little bit too because at left tackle Greg Robinson is no longer in the game Molly McGrath gave us information about Vincent's hurry and out of the lineup to the Rams who've had to shuffle the offensive line looks like Roger South Floyd who started at guard is now playing left Kappa second at 14 at the 48 yard line bill on the shotgun hill under pressure and hell swarmed under at the 35 first sack of the day for Seattle and it looks like it's cliff Abel and Jordan Hill combining and look who flashed first though look for 72 see Bennet flushed him from the pocket and right into the arms of clip Averell number 56 Michael Bennet is not going to the Pro Bowl but his definitely playing at a global level Ava spent five years with Detroit third down in 24 at the 38 nano handed straight ahead the Betty Cunningham pick up the first down Bobby Wagner K jig right combined on the tackle and it before st. Louis to punt it away and his special teams time so if you're the Seattle Seahawks what have you talked about all week who does Pete Carroll said to this team all week we'd better be alert for anything in everything Jeff Fischer is a master of the fates and the gadgets and that's what beat them in Game one Johnny Hecker will throw it but this time he puts it dangling it toward the near side Walters over to receive at the 10 steps up and goes down at the 13 a 46-yard punt and a three yard returns so coming up it's Russell Wilson trying to lead this Seahawks offense down three zip coming this January is Empire starring Terrence Howard as a hip-hop mogul and taraji P Henson as a mess out of prison ex-wife he makes an amazing music in high drama Empire premieres Wednesday January 7th where's Ghana ten to the thirteen and they fired far side it's tough boggling with the catch involved with it's out of bounds at the 20-yard line and it was fun to watch Bartlett in practice yesterday he was like a bumblebee just buzzing around you know he knows every lyric to every hip-hop song and he made sure that he performed in front of his debates they practice and have fun while getting their work in and Doug Baldwin is one of the guys that keeps that team loose but he also keeps him on point you remember when they were struggling this year he's one who called out the teams and everybody needs to get it together and they have come together and approach well down the stretch second down into the twenty-one Roesel screen fast outside stop breaks it back with the Marshawn Lynch the football was he down as a question my Rams pick it up and head out of bounds and they say it's a lose his ball [Applause] that's good efficient look like a little tree number 52 see he missed there but watch how he stays with the play and see him strip it there at the end now the key is going to be did it pop out first foul did it pop out before he hit the ground and the officials did an excellent job because they let the play play out they didn't blow it dead early let it play out cuz replay we'll come back and review it and if it needs to be overturned it can be and we'll take a break coming up we'll see if st. Louis holds on welcome back three zip Marshawn Lynch on the sidelines right now he's disappointed after coughing up the football the RAM to hold on it for Seattle that's only their seventh lost fumble of the year st. Louis taking over deep inside Seattle Territory 1st down and 10 at the 30 floor Mayson the lone setback and I'll give it to Mason and Mason as he approaches the line of scrimmage and not backwards Bobby Wagner Bobby Wagner so interesting when we spoke to him II found out he made the Pro Bowl and the first call that he made he would think that it would go to a family member or maybe you know one of his friends but it went to somebody that who didn't really expect that guy right there over to chairman said that he's been so supportive of him since he's entered the league and become such a close friend he wanted to thank him for his support second down and 12 at the 36 here's Hill steps up delivers side on the trade on Austin as the ball and he picks up seven yards on the play Austin is so interesting because he became a great case study for the league and they moved up I believe eight slots to draft him in the first round at number eight and when they drafted him as a case study because you didn't open grabbed the receiver that small that high so how did the grams utilize it well wide receiver as a running back is it a kick returner in order to get maximum use of his skills one of six song conversions and a fly down okay Joe Barksdale starting right tackle right there he's already set back a long ways about Seattle I'm talking to the officials about how far he is off the line of scrimmage because when those tackles get backed out it kills the angle for a defensive end trying to rush the passer makes it nearly impossible to get there Bob Seattle um trip into the officials about how far back there off of the line of scrimmage third out in 10 of the 34 there's hell steps into a stroll and incomplete Jared cooked the tight end the intended receiver and that'll bring up fourth down kam chancellor covering the pressure got there so fast the Sean Hill had to get rid of it cook was still running his route didn't even have a bottom looking up for the football the timing was off because in his head to hit his head and his internal clock there's no way the ball should have been there that bound that was because of the pressure of the defensive function so Breck Zuerlein comes into the took the 52 yarder back of the holder gets it off and good in 2012 against Seattle's Earl I became the only pitcher in NFL history to make both the 60 yarder and a 50-yarder in the same game this one from 52 st. Louis up six tip for 18 to play in the second quarter st. Louis taking a 6 to nothing lead with neglect Zuerlein 52-yard field goal after Marshawn Lynch fumbled the football was stripped of the football by Ogletree st. Louis telling us that they need some momentum going into the offseason they don't want to end with three consecutive losses the Seahawks will return it across the 15-yard line Russell Wilson has his work cut out for him back to the Emerald City right after this 6-nothing st. Louis Seattle is 120 of the 32 games in the series including the last nine year before of the last five meetings between these two had been once four games and the Rams have won two of them Russell Wilson under a lot of pressure Seattle with 92 yards on 24 plays remember they had close to 600 last week first out in 10 of the 18 chocolates stays on his feet finally stood up and refuses to go down Alec Ogletree and LaMarcus Joyner and on the stop this defense for st. Louis has been excellent in the first half a foot on Wilson all game long for they've done that kept him hemmed in the pocket he wants to escape outside they keep him inside Mark Baron cleans up look at Aaron Donald chasing him their horses an errant throw that Matt play Robert Quinn got to him he chose the interception to Marcus were over so that an excellent job would keep them in keeping him hemmed in the pocket and hitting him Marshawn Lynch again this time with his huge hog as he picks up a first down Marshawn Lynch recently selected to his fifth Pro Bowl this week on itis in the cloud with the tackle but much of the game the st. Louis Rams defensive front has been handling the offensive line of Seattle last week Seattle went for 596 yards against Arizona 267 on the ground in the last two plays looked much more like last week first John at the 40 old and stay on the Robert turbine Kendall Lankford makes the stop let's go back to Joel clad in Los Angeles for a game break Gus how about Carolina today on the road NFC South on the line here in Carolina after being in New Orleans for so long 31 yard interception return for a touchdown Panthers up 17 three Gus Charles moly Joel not bad by Roman Harper for Amanda's 137 years old [Applause] looks like this flag will be called against Seattle Oh Oh number 77 five-yard penalty whoo second down its James Carpenter now we gotta get mr. tobert to remember to face towards off because otherwise his family's going to be upset but they don't get to see him enough on TV I'm sure he will get a text and somebody at halftime I think this buzzing has been speak second down and 14 at the 34 joven the pistol bomb [Applause] right at the top this is the two-minute warning two minutes remaining in the second corner so we're at the two-minute warning Pete Carroll must be surprised because Jeff Fisher's boys are putting it on them in the first time follow your favorite team all season long go to itunes.com slash NFL I think that guys listen to some tunes Charles maybe some heavy metal from jay-z suck it down at 14 at the 34 Nelson and this tiny box turned him out of the backfield look at it's nice returning with that beautiful lead as he gets close to the first down a 13-yard gain Marcus Roberson had to chop him down now they're gonna pick up the pace a little bit and that play was effective because of the downfield blocking by the receivers specifically Kevin Norwood there are Donna Wilson fumbles the football but will get back on it but will not pick up the first down so self-inflicted wounds committed by the Seahawks for now look at this this is the zone read it's a decide play do you give it to the back do you pull it out and he did it with turban and on the pole the ball popped three oval trees on the scene Russell Wilson fortunate that the oblong spheroid oblate spheroid actually bounced in his direction he's able to cough it up gobble it up with those gigantic hands yesterday we no permit had a chance to measure Russell Wilson's mitts you got some pretty good mitts on yourself partner Russell Wilson got you didn't yes he did he gobbled my hand up you noticed I didn't even try ha ha ha ha I tapped out you guys go ahead with a frustrating first half for Wilson no points 114 to go all the pressure on Seattle they should take a look at his numbers Seahawks need a win to clinch home-field advantage throughout the playoffs that first round by but right now st. Louis giving them a run for their money with a 6 to nothing lead and the Rams ready to get the football back hostilities man he comes up he'll turn at the 15 so st. Louis coming back on the field let's check in with Joel quat once again gus a costly touchdown in Green Bay for the Packers Aaron Rodgers steps up dealing with that left calf injury you would go down Cobb gets the touchdown it's 14 nothing Packers but Rogers will be on the field had to get helped off later would have to take a cart to the locker room it's all happening in Green Bay NFC North on the line imperative now Green Bay gets the open week did they complaints the north and a first-round bye with a win so they've got to try and hold on against a toy because they'll need that extra time to get the quarterback back wears down a 10 to the 16 for st. Louis and they'll run it with Benny Cunningham [Applause] Chancellor thumbs-up drops him now we'll play the timeout game Seattle hoping to hold them in there and get the ball back for one last shot a minute and two remaining in the second quarter both teams with two timeouts remaining second and 11 for the lambs at their own 15 and it's gotta go not backwards chancellor in there as well as Kevin Williams another timeout called under a minute to go back after this third down and 11 at the 15-yard line for the Rams there's plenty ham as he turns it up and goes down at the 20 so that brings up fourth down and a timeout called by the Seahawks they're out of timeouts now but let's check in with Curt Menefee find out what's going on at halftime coming up on the visa halftime just one more playoff spot left as the panthers and falcons battle it out for the NFC South crown the Ravens grabbed the last spot in the AFC and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are on the clock officially they've got the top pick in the 2015 that will break it down at halftime all right thank you very much Kirk who does Tampa Bay Drive they're gonna be looking heavily at the quarterback position remember they went offseason free agent mr. McCowan from Chicago I don't think that it's worked very well Mike Glennon was a second-round draft pick to tuck the years before [Applause] pecker 21 the six Walters we'll return about the 25 Walters shut down at the 29 yard line a 55 yard punt and a four yard return chase Reynolds with the tackle for st. Louis on special teams is Russel Wilson comes back their last scoreless first half in 2011 against Cleveland so he'll be operating now the old two-minute drill with 43 seconds on the clock no timeouts zero timeouts and you're working sidelines catch the ball get out of bounds first out of 10 to 20 on Wilson quick throw and it's incomplete Marshawn Lynch closes man of the football did you see how flash how fast Mark Baron number26 flashed on that play I think he disrupted to play with his presence there then this blows would be just a quick toss into the flat and try to pick up some blocking for the receiver Baron obscured the vision of the receiver couldn't get to the football Aaron's got great size he's 6 2 to 13 2nd down and 10 at the 29 [Applause] Marshawn Lynch [Applause] knocked out of bounds 34 seconds on the clock now coming up it's the visa halftime report Kurt Terry Howie Michael and Jimmy will be along with scores and highlights final week of the regular season in the National Football League one playoff spot to be filled but still intrigued about who gets home field who gets to by the Oaks give you the open week for them where they don't have to play they're down a fool [Applause] Wilson pressure again this is going on it's caught by Luke Wilson Seattle trying to get to the line of scrimmage quickly there was a flag thrown on the far side [Applause] and this may be offside against st. Louis [Applause] remember Seattle does not have a timeout left 23 seconds to go in the first half [Applause] don't dad [Applause] Wilson to throw it and wasn't sacked second sack of the day a vocal on the play as well they will call Russell Wilson down Erin Donald the rookie collapsing the pocket and finally getting to Russell Wilson ix sack of the year for the rookie out of Pitt 13th overall selection more than that pushes a out of field goal last week Patrick Lewis who's playing Center for the Seattle Seahawks did yeoman's duty in their game against a terrific defensive front of Arizona and it's horrific defense overall today he's added in his hands more than fall from the rookie Aaron Donald you just mentioned the stats mentioned what he just did about field goal position he's dominating inside collapsing the pocket and absorbing the run game what a rookie season for Aaron Donald who's going to the football remember that ball came free at the end of the friend Russel Wilson plan that is a fumble that ball was popped free by daven Gavin established whether there was clear possession and it looks like Seattle came up with a football right there as you noted Donald popping it free Baron 26 I seen good job by Laurinaitis we're trying to shove someone out of the way to get the football and they're not able to get it but Brit right number 68 the right tackle right over the top look like oh cool in 76 he's trying to grab it between his ankles him Brit fell on and secured possession for Seattle story the first half Gus defensive citizen Lois in my mind oh I tell you this defense was st. Louis great performance in the first half against a Seahawks team coming off their franchise record had told him yards last when he could gets another good defense and Todd Bowles has done a tremendous job in Arizona as the coordinator think about that team winning 11 games coming into this weekend going through three quarterbacks next man up and that means the defense has to take more of a roll Todd Bowles and his defense of more than done that and last week Seattle chewed them up really had a tough day with him but today st. Louis that man Aaron Donald the rookie first-round pick the second number-one pick in the first round for the Rams remember their first pick was Greg Robinson the offensive tackle a lot of people thought Aaron Donnell might be just a little under sized and that the season might overwhelm him that has not been the case at all he is one of your better under tackles three technique whatever you want to call it in the league as a rookie 6-1 285 pounds his size people thought he might be a little bit too small when we watched him at the combine and forget the 40-yard dash time which believe it or not was four six eight okay Wow but it was the 10 the are 10 yard split that just absolutely sold st. Louis Mike waffle their defensive line coach has lost his mind we've got to have that guy and the guys upstairs are just making sure that Russell Wilson wasn't down by contact so that'll change where the spot is depending on how they rule but this possession has been secured by Seattle so there's Wilson seek whim there he's the first guy and then there's Donald popping the ball free so the ball is clearly out at that point so I think it's got to go where the ball is recovered he wasn't down with the football today's got determined where the spot is and there's Brit coming over the top to get the ball for Seattle yes that two seconds remaining in this first half st. Louis defense has just been so disruptive in this first half after review the ball was fumbled recovered by Seattle at the 46 by Rula fumble in situ two minutes recovered behind the spot of the fumble will be spotted at the spot of the recovery can be Seattle's ball second down at the 46 the clock will start on my ready for play second [Applause] Russell Wilson bass with a second and 92 seconds ago as Seattle keeps it and now timeout called by st. Louis they wanna set their Hail Mary defense make sure the personnel is correct in the game and be clear on what they want to do and how they want to play the football when it's launched towards the end zone we've seen enough plays this season whatever level of football you want to watch with the Hail Mary has actually been successful Gregg Williams defense coordinator does not want that to happen in a race 30 minutes of terrific football by his defensive state defensive team I mean they have been masterful here in the first half haven't they yes they have is coach williamson's five guys back deep Shawn Hill talked about timing rhythm and accuracy for the same lyrics off let's see anna has not had much of that for their offense so here's Wilson most likely the final play of the first time st. Louis blitzing and they fired but the sideline trying to find a crease and finally knocked out of bounds inside the 10 and that's the end of the first half st. Louis with 66 total yards but the Rams lead heading into the break 6 zip we now go to Curt Menefee in Los Angeles for the Visa halftime which starts right now 6 M st. Louis leading Seattle as we head to the second half and today's excitement is brought to you by Nissan Russell Wilson has been under some serious pressure in this game 5 hits 5 hurries two sacks that he's fumbled twice Gus Johnson along with Charles Davis and coming into this game Jeff Fisher said listen we don't want to go into the offseason with three consecutive losses we need a momentum builder I tell you what his team played like this was a play for this is a playoff game in the first half prides pretty powerful isn't it and this is st. Louis team that beat Seattle in week 7 but the defensive game plan of Greg Williams and the execution masterful just take a look at the first half stats we talked about the pressure Russell Wilson's been under look at how it's been reflected here even though the numbers are in favor of Seattle they're not getting as much done as one would think the two turnovers have killed them and three points have resulted off of the two turnovers but the way that they've attacked him and in the pocket using different guys to spy in Martin Barrett number 26 has really showed up in the secondary chasing around Russell Russell Wilson I'm keeping him in the pocket so Seattle receiving to start the second half and this is Paul Richardson and Richardson will take a knee let's check in with Molly McGrath downstairs thanks guys you mentioned the Rams dominant defense well Jeff Fisher told me he wants his defense to keep doing exactly what they've been doing in the second half they can't let up but he is disappointed with his team's inability to capitalize on Seattle's mistakes he said they'll make some slight offensive adjustments in the second half and even implied with a wink that their mayor may be some trickery so we might see some interesting stuff from us st. Louis all right thank you very much Molly as a matter of fact Jeff told us yesterday he said he was thinking about running a trick play against the New York Giants last week but decided he'd saved it 40 first down and here's Russell Wilson he slides down at the 25-yard line James Laurinaitis but bring him up a little bit of a different type of an option play that Russell Wilson just ran there didn't have the trail back remember the traditional fake it inside he got a trail back in he pitch it instead it's a wide receiver Doug Baldwin out in the flat that at Boston will since April 2 he can pitch it out to him almost like the forward pass as opposed to the backwards lateral second down and 5 of the 25 I shot an inch-long setback and they'll give it to him shailen goes down at the 27 TJ McDonald have a terrific year only a 2nd season out of USC and to go back on something Molly just reported on Pete Kerr has given me a Jeff Fisher knows that his defenses played awfully well yet what their one play away from being tied they only put six points on the board had them bottled up had them hemmed in offense unable to capitalize as he told Molly Brown they're down into the 21 for the Seahawks sit in motion we'll sit down sit out glints picks up the first down where's Marshall it's still a lot of stuff on it 14-yard game easy little easy little toss but look at what he does he makes people miss that's something James Laurinaitis kept telling us the underrated aspect of his game sure he's beast mode juries physical we know that but the agility and the footwork allowed him to be stronger and beast mode at the end of the run because he made people miss guys unable to break down in the open field and come under control and tackle first down in 10 to the 40 to lay face wilson by Ridolfi [Applause] and to norris jenkins found the football number 21 it wasn't that his head was turned and he couldn't find the ball he found it but richardson as you noted went up over the top and took the ball so a lot of people call a 50/50 ball who's going to come down with it richardson turned it into 100% see a 32 yard game first job Seattle at the RAM 26 they fire far side and it's Richardson again when Linton has been making some big plays of late and he was expected to see more time today because of the hamstring injury to Jermaine Kearse suffered last week against the Cardinals we've seen him with a good number of rookie receivers come into the league and have excellent years many in Seattle were wondering about Paul Richardson but over the last three four games he's starting to establish himself as a big-time player second down and six at the 22 listen now he goes near side to call them when wrapped up and slum down and that'll be a two-yard loss but agreed by Rodney McCloud the safety read it and came now as soon as they knew what the play was diagnosed it and was a bullet and went right past the block with no Brady won Kevin Norwood the spill to block third down Annie we could take a look at Seattle and the third down conversions today on the 24 [Music] Wilson Anna's the low snap over the middle line ain't complete ball intended for Luke Wilson who's coming off a huge game last week three catches for a hundred and thirty nine yards and two touchdowns this one came in at him hot and he had to go up in the air to go get it but that's one that he's going to look at on tape later and say yes I should have come down with that run right through his mitts and hit off the space mask so Steven hush cut last week against Arizona had the first hole for three day of his career doubling his number of misses for the season this one from 42 yards away and it's good the Carol called last week's game for hushka a big fluke grind-it-out type game here in Seattle st. Louis with a six to three lead both the defense is playing excellent football as you take a look back two playoff scenarios for the Seahawks and the home field so prevalent and so advantageous in the playoffs if they win lines and Packers going into the top they have it and they need to win it because right now Arizona is currently leaving San Francisco better Cunningham st. Louis will start from the 20 up 5-3 [Applause] let's go back to week six after Seattle special teams put them ahead tense if the combo is proudly behind Tony Romo in a back-and-forth duel ultimately DeMarco Murray's rush games was too much for the Seahawks as the cowboys and at the Seahawks their only home loss of the season they will look at the best home record since 2002 Seattle just barely behind today is one of the most intimidating places anyone has to go climb first down in ten to the 20 yard line for the RAM Austin emotion man there's hill on the play-action fake internalized sack got pressure again Devin Williams this time watch Williams from the middle of the pack number 94 lined up over the center gets good push but he got some help from Michael Bennett number 72 who occupied two blockers and allowed Kevin Williams to come free the perennial all go in Minnesota goodness yellow Seahawks excellent play down the stretch Williams in his 12th year out of Oklahoma State and eight yard loss second down in 18 at the 12 comes the 12th man and it'll run it I stood in the backfield and he gets clobbered one yard loss is Michael Bennett comes up and makes the stop for Seattle this tells you how Dallas was able to beat Seattle doesn't it [Applause] controlled the front and kept those big guys from getting into the backfield and that's how Dallas was able to win the game that's a difficult task for any team third down in 19 at the 11 Billy over the middle but Benny Cunningham will get close to the first down Bobby Wagner jumped on top of him and brings him to the turf and st. Louis will have to punt deep in their own territory the twelves have made themselves heard now the team is feeding off of their emotion and giving them terrific play Johnny hacker will punt from the goal line Brian Walters arguing around the pool Walter's over to the far side and catches it out of bounds at the 30 I'm 55 yard punt 6 to 3 to score but you feel the momentum shifting in the Seattle's favor how about the last 5 games here in Seattle defense 33 points allowed coming into today defense went from 12th and points allowed to 1st in that span and even today they may be behind 6 to 3 but to see how offenses turned it over twice Sal the defense only giving up a field goal off of those 2 turnovers Russell Wilson 12 of 18 165 yard in an intersection while shot in the Lynch which we grabbed him first but Lynch gains seven yards you know I just had a thought ready yes we look at the defense Seattle twelve and twelve point three point since week nine how about st. Louis they're playing well and also in less than 16 points per game all game long we could talk about the gadgetry of st. Louis wouldn't it be something a Pete Carroll set way back at them that could happen to Marshawn Lynch - Stephane Robert Quinn but Alec Ogletree comes over and helps him out another example of why in st. Louis is giving up less than 16 points per game in that span we showed since week 9 Robert Quinn 19 sacks in 2013 comes back with 10 and a half and remember he didn't have a sack until their first meeting with Seattle woods week 7 and since that time accumulated 10 and a half total second consecutive floorboard third down and G with the 59 [Applause] [Music] underneath Richardson thin space and a first down 13 yard game too many jobs it stops it but Russell wolves have got that ball out of his hands quickly let's get isolation in the play call by Darrell Bevell the offensive coordinator he noticed they wanted to remain Johnson number 22 at a very tough week last week against New York Giants he gave up nine catches 150 yards total the two touchdowns and for the other catches went for first downs yet a welding they went right back at him today first down at the 38 Richardson four catches 58 yards steps up on the moon fires and it's complete Tony Moriarty with the 21-yard gain the fifth event out of Iowa and former Kansas City chief and what were they worried about in st. Louis the ability of Russell Williams Russell Wilson dude's gettin plays he kept the play alive that allowed mahaki to work his way free in the flat and Wilson delivers first down at the Rams 27 Seattle finding their rhythm on offense the last two series Marshawn now that's quickly Jay kid with Joel Claude my Gus back up to Green Bay and Detroit has stormed back in this one Calvin Johnson four yards out to Matthew Stafford it's all tied up sets returned the field Aaron Rodgers wrapped up that path he's coming back fellas that means quick passing game a lot of shotgun I would imagine for Aaron Rodgers body I get out of his hands his legs have probably gone out the equation today for the bow second down at six at the 23 Vincent Rowland Richardson Richardson getting down at the 20 Eugene Sims with the stop for st. Louis that Darrell Bevell has gone to a little bit deeper into the playbook here in the second half meaning he's doing it like a boxer he's giving st. Louis different angles now to try and find Russell Wilson in the pocket sometimes it's a three-step drop sometimes he's moving to his right moving to his left receive his coming for cross the formation to work their way through there down in for the 21 trips at the top of your screen here's Wilson looks that way Wilson in trouble and Wilson's sack didn't get rid of it a flag on the play I think they're calling the sack but there is a flag on the play the Marcus Joyner chasing down Russell Wilson holding offense number 76 penalty a stack I was on the plane it's worked out so that be Russell oak returned after a bruised lung did not play against Arizona there he is a grab did get caught him with a small grab there I'm not sure maybe they got the number wrong about who actually got the hold the hip Tom's house Bell so house cook good from 42 yards away this will be a 45 yard attempt trying to erase the memories of his bad day at the office last week and he just structured for 45 to play third quarter were levelled Hauschka with the equalizer Seattle six-six st. Louis in Seattle for 45 to go in the third quarter and Steven housecoat erasing the memory of the disaster last week is - - and ready to send it away issue 29 years in the NFL Wilma Flair with the Chicago Bears he had Pete Carroll have a long history Jeff went to SC was a big fan of Pete when he coached the Trojans [Applause] ready Cunningham the deep man let's hope to bring it out of the end zone eight yards deep not a wise decision as he just gets to the 17th the team struggling with momentum as it is can't make a play like that and keep the momentum in Seattle's camp all right week 17 continues tonight at 8:30 p.m. Eastern as the bangles take on the Steelers both teams are playing for the AFC North title that game can be seen on NBC now Micah's Chris ballinger with Michele Tafoya st. Louis 6 total yards in the last four possessions combined after taking a 6 to nothing lead tre Mason with the running Lynn and he'll pick up a first down in game 13 yards Earl Thomas the safety making the tackle and there is an injured RAM down [Music] believe that joke Barksdale number 72 the starting right tackle you know last year Zach Stacy was the rookie running send state sensation for the st. Louis Rams since Trey Mason has taken the field we're starting with what week five week four he's really met rendered Zach Stacy almost null and void there's Joe Barksdale formerly a third round pick of the Oakland Raiders didn't work out there well has come to the Rams today was his 30th consecutive start for the Rams on the offensive line while he's down let's check in with Joel clot in LA well I'll take it from here at Gus Aaron Rodgers nut back on the peel for the Packers and for a touchdown pass to Randall Cobb 2nd TD feel cop on the day and they leave Detroit 21 14 in the third quarter of course the one in that game when is the NFC North and gets a first-round playoff by Gus and Charles I'm sorry Kurt they finally make Kirk do some work the rosemary now about the Lions season them what a years we look at the Green Bay Packers if they win they clinch the north first round by but if the Lions win they take the division and take that and remember the lines have not won in Green Bay in the state of Wisconsin since 1991 could today be the day [Applause] so the Detroit fans are hoping that today is the day first down in ten down at the 30-yard line for st. Louis Zach Stacy in the backfield underneath and they throw it and it's complete Kenny Britt hauls it in in traffic and it's a gate of 7 yards and I think Kenny Britt's the right type of receiver you have to run against Richard Sherman you need a big strong physical guy he's not gonna let Sherman Intimidator and it wasn't a huge completion but it's a confidence builder for Sean Hill in the offense and he went 6 3 to 23 Richard Sherman 6-3 195 second and 3 after 37 Mason the deep back they give it to him running laughter oh man Mason bad to be hauled out KJ right just reached out and pulled him down if not he could still be running it's an 8 yard game if Wright doesn't make this play watch this right here if he doesn't make this play Mason still running for a while I believe that's where 6 foot 4 inches and a terrific wingspan came into play for KJ right often described as long that length made a big play for Seattle first down though for the Rams at the 45 promotion Hill looking over the middle is it caught looks like it is a catch for Kenny Britt and now they wave it off and they say it's incomplete and Britt wants bouncing the challenging Jeff Fischer to challenge let's take a look he comes back for the ball gets the hands underneath body pulling on the field was the catch and a first down for st. Louis well it is they taught that correctly because he had both me underneath it cradled it to his chest I don't see anything but a catch them it appeared that there are a couple of officials appeared in wave it off didn't they yes I mean that's what we saw but if they rule to the catch and it was a correct call first down at the 43 he'll look at up his side like the grid again and it complete Maxwell covering for the Seahawks watch Brent 81 and white but look at the position and technique by Maxwell saint-just pins him to the sideline leaves him no room to fade him there even if the ball is perfectly thrown he's body print over the sideline no cash available for excellent coverage and technique by Byron Maxwell second down in June of the 43 the st. Louis often starting to gain some confidence now then underneath this ball caught by Chris Gibbons Givens lost it Seattle says its tears I think they already downed up the official was marking the ball coming in to the sideline prior to the ball becoming lose and start down yeah he was down both knees were down hand was down before the ball came free Maxwell with the first tackle there's the big hit coming from Wagner the sees down already and then the ball works its way pretty burned down the floor the 37 run again in the backfield there's Hill standing in the pocket and he's got booked for first down Jerry cook payment motion and found some space it picks up 12 yards about Brian Schottenheimer in the second half dialing up something a little bit different now now he's gone to the short passing game balls out of Shawn Hill's hands quickly into the hands of receivers they're trying to get those open areas before Seattle's defenders get to those spots and set up in coverage birds down and ten at the Seattle 25 for st. Louis Trey Mason back in they give it to a Mason spit up taken down and gain about a yard on the play Bobby Wagner and O'Brien Scofield combining on the tackle and in st. Louis is going to win this game they've got to get to the end zone field goals are a failure at this point now because of the Seattle defense they need a touchdown but put a real dent in home for st. Louis to embark skills back in at right tackle 2nd down and 9 into 24 yeah at 37 yards on this quick strike Austin gets outside he goes outbound and a flag is on the play and get a pearl hold probably out on the perimeter that was just a counter to the jet sweep that they run with Tavon Austin they ran him them across formation and threw him a quick pass Stedman Bailey trying to help block for Tavon Austin on that quick pass they caught Bailey holding on the play but you know we've seen that jet sweep from the Rams all year long now this time instead of handing it to him just random across formation popped up immediately and threw it to him same end result but a different look for the defense brings up second down at 19 Rams need to go to the 15-yard line for first down and that'll take us to the end of the third quarter with the score st. Louis six Seattle six America's game of the week will return after these messages and a word from your local station let's take a look at the scoring Blackwater is the Seahawks with a good third quarter scoring six points on two field goals - not this game up at six Gus Johnson Charles Davis modeling McGrath and Mike Ferrara st. Louis that the Seattle 34 second down in law 19 yards first down marker is at the 15 their backs up and intercept it he just do it right to the Seahawk incredible jordan hill what a catch for a man at 300 pounds comedy hold on to my ball and why did Sean Hill throw it the way he did throw this in the ground the screen pass is not there and he's actually trying to do that he'll made a remarkable catch as Hill tried to throw it into the ground so it wouldn't be intercepted and welcome back st. Louis with a costly mistake but Seattle would take it that's because Jordan Hill made a play that all of his defensive linemen will be talking about quite some time and at first I thought Shawn Hill just did a poor job of getting rid the ball he's trying to ground the football where no one can catch it he's trying to do as he's taught and trained and Jordan Hill just goes down and makes a remarkable catch you know coaches have told me all over the all over any form of football how they're doing way more ball drills with defensive guys because possession is so important nowadays because the way teams store and a ruling will stand but do you see how important it is in a game like this we got a tie ballgame every possession vital you don't want to miss opportunities to take the ball away so even the big guys are doing more ball drills Jordan Hill look like a tight end making a terrific catch Jordan Hill in his first career interception and the Seahawks take over at their own 46 Marshawn Lynch the deep man in the backfield Richardson in motion they give it to watch Sean the midfielder Aaron Donald with the stop after the foreyard game does this feel like beast mode time to you it does it feels like this is where Seattle is going to challenge their offensive whine and say you've struggled with the defense in front of st. Louis for much of this game can you guys answer the challenge and carve out a little space and let number 24 go to the world second down at 6 you would feel [Applause] Wilson fires far side Doug Baldwin and he ties forward and picks up a first down the Energizer Bunny for the Seahawks watch what he does after the catch he catches it he knows the tackles coming he tried to spin away absorbs it enough and stays up over the top of Marcus Roberson to dive forward for the first down tremendous body control and thought process by Doug Baldwin Walton went with three catches for 43 yards he's their leading receiver 63 catches coming into this game for 48 hundred yards receiving play fake roasted dancing company Ken Wilson could not get his feet set when he drops back because he's under so much pressure and if it's not the front for the linebackers are coming after him on that play was James Laurinaitis number 55 that didn't allow him to get his feet set and look downfield for a target Laurinaitis is a terrific player because he's able to stay on the field in all situations all downs he doesn't just tackle well plays the pass but scream Lee well from his line back in position second down and 10 to the 43 and he'll pick up about three yards on the play Aaron Donald with the tackle let's check in with Curt Menefee please all right win or lose they win the West in Arizona loses to San Francisco and right now the Seahawks are rooting for the 49ers Bruce Miller making it a 2017 maybe with the Cardinals in the third quarter Gus Charles and mop they tried to make the playoffs makes for strange bedfellows doesn't it the Seahawks are rooting for the 49ers there's her playoff scenario win and home field as long as Green Bay Detroit do not talk listen he aside this ball caught norwood still on his feet inside the tents of Kevin Nolan rookie LaMarcus Joyner with the saving tackle that's a 31-yard game watch the secondary there's a clear break down here that allows Kevin Norwood look at your noise Jenkins he's breaking inside I'm Doug Baldwin like it's a slant route it's not it comes outside the Norwood who can't believe he's that wide open but gladly accepts it and takes the ball downfield for additional yardage not sure when Jordan ORS Jenkins was watching as he looked inside but it took him completely out of the plan first down and goal of the night now for Seattle there's a handoff watch he offensive live and look at the hole that they carved for a Jew cleric for a winch look at that you talk about a tunnel being created for beastmode to waltz into the end zone well done by the offensive line and tight ends of the Seattle Seahawks Marshawn Lynch a career-high 17 touchdowns now 13 rushing for receiving extra point up and go 12:07 to play in the fourth seattle move it and groove it now led by Marshawn Lynch don't forget coming up next week it's a wild card on Fox but nobody knows who's in it it's been a crazy day in the National Football please so what we're saying is the wild cards are to be determined that's right but for the Seahawk fans they want to get back to the Super Bowl Pete Carroll told us it's not about just winning one no he's talking about building a program they could do things repeatedly not win one but win multiples he didn't do the LeBron James not one not two Benny Cunningham in the end zone and he'll bring it out at the 10 the way up to the 32-yard line a flag on the play though and an injured player for Seattle he really he's been thrashing around for a while glad the attention has gotten to him during the return holding return team number 54 then yards first sound I know that's a little herring the injured player will be back right after this [Music] welcome back to Ron Johnson the injured player for the Seahawks he walked off on his own but had to be helped off the field look what he's having some kind of shoulder or arm Hale mitts first down in 10 of the 15 Hill and this time make sure that this wall is at the feet of Cory Harkey and things are going so well on defense now for Seattle that when the ball was about to be snapped they still only had 10 men on the field Seattle did coming off the bench late was number 41 Byron Maxwell to run into coverage but the pass rush is so good Shawn Hill could never find that he won't open even though they really only had 10 guys out there second down and long straight drop delivers and it's gone and a first down in for the Seahawks this time is Lance Kendricks backup tight end in his fourth year out of Wisconsin and it's a 17 yard game he's their hybrid guy going back to Jeff Fisher's days in Tennessee a Frank wycheck tight that tight end who finds ways to get open for big gains and big plays when they need them and give a little walk to the offensive line on that play they gave Shaun her plenty of time to find an open receiver first down at the 32 Mayson trying to break it back what then get far Bruce Irvin comes up and makes the stick let's go downstairs to Molly McGrath thanks Gus yeah Geron Johnson was holding his right arm very gingerly trainers wrapped that right arm he's walking back to the locker room right now and he is out with a right elbow injury all right thank you very much Molly second down at eight at the 34 [Applause] drops it off Mason which space gets to the forty picks up a place down for st. Louis's kam chancellor had to grab his ankle and bring him down after the 11 yard pickup that was well delivered by Sean Hill to because I believe cage a right number 50 came free with a three runner back to the quarterback and with his long arms he can obscure the vision of a quarterback Sean Hill still found tre Mason open for his down and 10 at the 43 for st. Louis delivers again to Kendricks and elastic boy picked up through surgeon touchdown Seahawks the ability to run to the football and create plays is why Bruce Irvin ended up in the endzone I play Bobby Wagner when the catch was made to force the ball out of Kendricks hands into the air and Ervin takes it away from him watch the crowd get to Kendricks right there look at that play by Wagner's he pops it three to his teammate over [Music] the touchdown extra point is good Seattle with 14 points off turnovers and the Seahawks are 950 away from potentially clenching home-field advantage throughout the playoffs Bruce Irvin with his second interception return for a touchdown this season 49 yards and as you mentioned during the break Bobby Wagner is pretty good yeah it resurfaced got give Bobby some big DAP for helping him out on that play but their ability to run to the ball where plays are made and have a swarm of Seahawks there that's why that point was made Blackmun force to free Irvin took it to the end zone [Applause] we'll get to the 25-yard line before being stopped on the last team hit back-to-back Super Bowl championships as the New England Patriots who won Super Bowl 38 over the Panthers at Super Bowl 39 over the Eagles both by slim margin [Applause] the time field goal kicker helped didn't it no doubt about it Adam Vinatieri that's why the Seahawks today what was one of their goals against Steven house go off the snide right we need him and they were able to do that he's 2 for 2 so far today there's dog who saved Louis in the 25 22:6 and this time it's Cunningham running out the pick up a first down as he gets to the 39 our own Thomas the safety with the tackle now though things change a little bit in how you play defense if you see out of they'll still be aggressive this would be the Seahawks but now it changes what st. Louis does offensively having to throw the ball on almost every down wears down from the 39 got an interesting kind of like a sidearm delivery yeah it's not really throwing it is it it's more slinging it you know woody tells he is great his grandfather had a farm in Kansas right southeast Kansas Parsons Kansas they're charming stop swinging it much more than he's throwing it trying to get it into the right angle and build a thicket of arms and the deep cuts of punk second down and ten then again this time it's broad and it's cook with all sorts of Running Room as he gets to the forty it picks up 20 yards Derek Cooke having a terrific season and that one was slung accurately wasn't it put it right on Jared cook goes down drop it off with sack Stacey Stacey stood up like Bobby Wagner Waggener missing five games this season because of injury on a Utah State second floor at the 35 Oh a beautiful throw and a great catch in major traffic by Chris Gibbons he put it on him did me he snapped it on him and Gibbons ran a nice route and kept his body in front of Byron Maxwell's to keep him away from the football and finished off the cat's burns down at ten to the 23 this time to the far side to Stacey Stacey it's a nice running after the catch before Earl Thomas brings him down there's a big time move he put on Malcolm Smith number 53 the Super Bowl MVP that allowed him to gain extra yardage and Jordan Hill who came up with the huge interception is the Seahawk down 22:6 all right let's take a look at how the West was won the West was won because it has to go through Seattle but the way this season is gone look at what Seattle did against Arizona that gives him the advantage and right now Arizona down three at San Francisco combined score of 54 to nine and the two wins over Arizona by Seattle that could be the difference in the division title and a possible home field throughout the playoffs for Seattle Rams driving though second and four at the Seattle 17 [Applause] Buller it's still down Roger Saffold there's been a left tackle a right tackle the left guard a right guard has settled in a left guard this year for the st. Louis Rams would have Indiana I think he's got a nice career I think inside that guard is probably the best place for him if not a right tackle second and nine yeah and this time he has Cunningham out of the backfield with the first down getting to the Seattle ten O'Brien Scofield knocks him out of play that was designed well wasn't it because you get Benny Cunningham number 36 their third down back out isolated on O'Brien Schofield a backup outside linebacker and Shawn Hill found him right away first down and goal of the 10 yard line for the st. Louis Rams [Applause] easily well under center Stacy Stacy of nice piece of running he finally goes down around the seven yard line and at this stage of the game was four down territory game and think field goal here if you're the st. Louis Rams second down goal at the 6 yard lines with Jeff Fisher's Rams hello throws it in the end zone in front please Jarrett cook broke open late had two hands on the football but just couldn't call it in that seemed to be a memory bank fight you go back to week seven how did they score the touchdown to ultimately decided things the touchdown pass to a tight end up working on one and that's what they did here getting it over the top of Malcolm Hill TV Malcolm Smith number 53 in kam chancellor 31 unable to finish it third down goal of the six three receivers at the bottom of your screen grunting ham in the backfield here's Hill bunningham open he make a move to get there did he have football yeah touchdown Wow they're good to say that he dropped the ball before he gets to the end zone is he making a play Thomas watch it Thomas 29 come in at the end see him punched the football before it gets to the goal line the ball is out of his hand it goes through the end zone touched by Seattle takes the football the line judge on the play Jeff Berkman where as number 32 on his stretch shirt was all over the play and nailed it and what a play by her old Thomas hustling from his free safety position chop falls out goes through the end zone no touchdown touch back Seattle football that's hustling to the ball and not giving up on the play [Applause] so the sea ox will get the football at the 20-yard line if this place stands those are the types of plays that tell you why one team is going to the playoffs the chance to go to the Super Bowl and the Rams are close but aren't making the plays that get them over the top yet they feel like they are very close and are eagerly looking forward to 2015 that would be on a training reel from Jeff Fisher back to his team and training camp next year we make these plays we start advancing to the playoffs gentlemen and that is the third ramp turnover of the second half Russell Wilson trots back on the field for Seattle five minutes and 58 seconds remaining in the fourth quarter [Applause] let's go downstairs and check in with motley McGrath thanks Gus yeah trainers were adjusting the left knee of defensive tackle Jordan Hill for Seattle he was visibly in pain he has ice on that knee now and he is out with a left knee injury and linebacker KJ right for Seattle is questionable with the left hand injury as well see why the open week becomes so advantageous for teams this time of year that rest getting guys back could mean the difference between a short stay in the playoffs and the deep run second down and six of the 24 turban and he did not get back to the line of scrimmage Aaron Donald and rockers with the hit for st. Louis clock keeps running five minutes now and they'll milk it as much as possible running his third down play they don't pick it up they'll punt the football rely on their defense we just coming over back-to-back big plays here to help keep st. Louis at bagging we're down at 7 to the 23 [Applause] Russell Wilson's Corolla drops it off they complete intended for Lube Wilson on the tad bit high but a catchable ball for the second year men in the last week he had a monster game the breakout game at Arizona three catches 139 yards including an 80 yard touchdown you know what today is today's the humbler today's the one that snaps you back to okay that was a great week last week we still got work to do was we continue to progress as a pro it can be a big time target for them it could be huge in the playoffs John Ryan will punt it away from the eight Austin back deep at the 32 and overhead kick it has it at the 39 as we take a look at the NFC playoff picture so Arizona right now is still down three with a little bit less than six minutes to go at San Francisco Atlanta getting jumped by Carolina so Carolina's going to win that division at six eight and one will go to seven eight and one and go to the playoffs as the NFC South division winners Green Bay up 14 at Detroit so Green Bay wins and clinches this they've been in flipped with Detroit they become the division champs the Trenton comes tomorrow okay first off who saw her Austin and he steps out of bounds before sixteen to go to five yard game he may look like scoop of Steve their inventor cherubim but the thing I've noticed watching him in practice I don't think it's an original thought but when he moves no wasted motion you know I mean everything is there's a purpose for every step for him second down [Applause] broken up at the last moment by Malcolm Smith he's not win for KJ right Molly McGrath reporting KJ Breit has an injury question for the rest of the way watch Smith 53 inside on the slot against the tight end just enough to affect the play Super Bowl MVP last year third down and five at the 44 underneath first down st. Louis and even more as they continue to see Stedman Bailey move up the field and he finally tackled at the Seattle 38 yard line an 18-yard gain Earl Thomas with the stop as well done by Bailey the yards after catch so hard to come by again Seattle Bailey created the extra yards making people miss lambs continuing the fight then bounces out of the pocket thrown [Applause] by Givens with a flag on the play this could go against st. Louis this could be Givens pushing off to come back for the ball [Applause] that's interference offense number 13 you were right watch number 13 to the outside working as Richard Sherman this just adds to the NFC leading total of offensive pass interference penalties against one team and that's Givens working in Sherman truthfully that didn't look like a hex block and they didn't look like a lot to me to partner so first down in 20 at the 48 here's her under pressure at Hillis sack at the 40 nicely Don O'Brien Scofield Michael Bennett in there as well third sack of the day for the Seahawks loose coast the Scofield the recipient of the pressure from Bennett letting Bennett's coming from right there let's see nope Scofield first Bennett diving on trying to get a piece later give O'Brien Scofield full credit for that sound second and 32 three minutes to go here to Cunningham and witty Cunningham has spin forward as Bobby Wagner hauls him down but those who think that people don't get better when they get to the NFL that they don't get coached you can watch the album I mean they coach you and get these guys better all the time great actors Hill and easy it's hit as he started st. Louis jumps on it but more pressure Bruce urban what a game this should be a bumboat falling he didn't allow the handle coming forward so it becomes the empty hand girl falls out and Greg Robinson jumps on the ball for st. Louis but Bruce urban with the speed rush to the upfield shoulder takes the ball out of Shawn Hill's hands that'll bring up fourth down and thirty five yards to go with 2:18 remaining on the clock whose servant returned a fumble 49 yards for touchdown made possible by Bobby Wagner now Irvin wreaking havoc in the RAM backfield so here's the question now right offensive coordinators always get this one put have on your fourth and 35 chart develop it Brian Schott homers like we don't have that category so he's got to fashion something now to figure out where you go to try and pick up 35 yards against the number one defense in the NFL fourth down and 35 the first down marker at the 28 yard line is here underneath the Cunningham at the 47 by Malcolm Smith and Seattle will get the football back with 211 to go leading it 20 to 6 [Applause] when you have a tough time scoring and put your defense in tough spots all game long it's hard for them to hold in their purple 60 minutes especially against the defending Super Bowl champs the Rams did have opportunity plenty plenty of opportunities but the defense of Seattle get them in there into their offense to get moving and that's led us to where we are now 22 six including a big defensive play by the Seahawks with the urban interception return for a touchdown the turban is played well receiving a lot of touches early with Marshawn Lynch being eased into the game and you know what else the alum did today by being able to keep him at bay and then extend the lead it took the gadgets and the deceptive off the chart for Jeff Fisher in the st. Louis Rams Rams call a timeout with 206 to go Russell Wilson hasn't played his best game he played his best game last week but still Wilson a winner when he talked when we talked to him on Friday at the Seahawks facility he said not only who I want to win football games and be a good quarterback but I want to make sure but I'd be my best to try to help make a difference along the way and speaking of winning no today will be his 40th the win as a starting quarterback counting failed to perform and children picks up a first down that'll take us to the two-minute warning two minutes to play Seattle leading st. Louis 22 six back to the Emerald City right after this two minutes remaining in the fourth Seattle leading st. Louis 22 six big fourth quarter for the Seahawks where they really relied on their defense guys stepped up and made some serious plays they are in the victory formation right now you don't they don't flinch do them no they don't people come at them and they hang in there [Applause] Earvin let me correct myself it was not a fumble they called it an interception return for 49 yards baldwin and coach carol embracing we would talk to Pete Carroll it was funny we were looking for the Picture of Dorian Gray where is it where is it where do you keep that locked away coach Carroll physically youthful enthusiastic he Carol Jenner who put it back in the day I would never even try it I already had sharp elbow he was serious about his lunchtime hoops now all right foxes football coverage doesn't end when the games are over afterwards stick around for the OT for extended highlights and exclusive interviews plus a breakdown of playoff matchups America's number one postgame show the ot presented by Lowe's is coming up next only on Fox so long as green bandit Roy don't end up in a tie in Green Bay now leads 3214 with a little over two minutes ago two and half minutes to go how about the return of Aaron Rodgers to Terry Green Bay home looks like Seattle to carry home field with them into the playoffs and throughout it wasn't pretty but the Seattle Seahawks defeat the st. Louis Rams what team - six they clinched the NFC West is the - USC Trojans Carroll the former coach and Fisher the former player knew each other a nice hug at the end of this one Seattle the 2014 NFC West champions they clinched a first-round bye and they're just hoping that Detroit Green Bay game does not end in a tie doesn't look like it home-field advantage for the Seahawks coming up during the postseason we'll be right back to the Emerald City 22:6 the final Seahawks
Channel: Beaubby Vagnert
Views: 73,080
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Id: T3VLa_FMrGg
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Length: 123min 4sec (7384 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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