Mothers of the Believers pt.13 | Juwayriya bint al-Harith & Umm Habiba (Ramla) | Sh. Dr. Yasir Qadhi

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Anna bu Ola balut meaning I mean see him as hamdu lillah wa salatu was-salam ala rasulillah Wadi he was IB he woman wala Hama bad we are now continuing our series of the mothers of the believers and ash Allahu ta da today we are going to be doing two of our mothers we begin with joy idea bin tell had it inaudi allahu ta'ala anhu joy idea her name was Barbara and this was not the only woman whom the processer married who's originally was bara Zeynep - her name was originally Barbara and joy idea as well her name was bara and what does bar I mean who can remind me I mentioned this two weeks ago somebody who has built the feminine so it is the name of extra piety and bara been tell hadith ebin little was the daughter of the chieftain of the tribe so she's coming from essentially not a royal lineage because there are no kings but the most royal lineage possible in terms of prestige of the father her father is the actual chieftain of the tribe of Banu mysteric and the burner Mustafa is one of the sub branches of the larger tribe of Hosea that choristers Hazara and then within Horace's banu hashim so within whose adders the Banu Alma's phallic and the venomous product the prophets of the law I said I'm heard that they are planning to raid Medina there were a non-muslim tribe a pagan tribe and this was in the sixth year of the Hegira where the the news came that they're about to launch a surprise attack on Medina and so the profit system instead surprise attacked them to prevent this attack and the surprise attacked was so successful that when the companions came the the tribe lived close to a well a pond call the the Marussia and what I see it was the name of the pond and so the la soie is called either hospital Morris here after the pond or those were to burn in Australia after the tribe both names are mentioned in the Syrah and I covered this in detail obviously when we did this incident now why is this incident famous by the way regardless of the issue of joy idea the incident is famous because who can remind me who can remind me why is the button what I see what is interesting about what I see are what happened in what I see okay so that's true not a single Sahaba died but a very famous incident happened because of which Allah revealed Poron on the way back that was it is wondering why but there's nothing explicit in this one and that is Abdullah bin waviness Elul said that when we go back to Medina layer agenda zoom in hell okay so Abdullah bin wave in a saloon became very angry at the fact that the Sahaba had housed the unsought sorry the unsoldered housed the Muhajiroun because of a fight that took place between the answer and the Mahajan who was about to take place and the processing calmed them down and Abdullah blue baby niece Arun said this is all your fault you took in these Outsiders you allowed them to stay you married into them you gave them your lands now they are doing this when we returned to Medina then the noble class is going to expel the the dishonorable class element itself that he meant the profits are over now would you believe from that so then his stepson heard this he went and told the profitsystem the process and I'm called ordinary saloon and Abdullah bit away gave hadith by Allah that this is ketab he's lying I never said this and of course the young lad was very much in distress and whatnot until allah revealed in the Quran that he had said this right and so allah azza wajal revealed and the karana we recite this to this day so this occurred after the incident of what i see and that's one of the main reasons why it is famous it is also famous because in this class wa one of the most famous idols of the arabian peninsula was destroyed it is mentioned in the quran and that is the idol of mine at my not was destroyed in what I see anyway that's besides the point we are interested in the marriage in this lecture so it is mentioned in the most radical hack him that Barbara Judea bara three days before the process I'm attacked she saw a dream that the moon had risen from the more I see a pond that the moon is coming from the more I see a pond and on the third day of the dream the profitsystem attacked so the interpretation was that the profitsystem is coming to Maurice here and Barbara at this point in time her name is Barbara was married to a cousin of hers and the Muslims surprised attacked there was such a surprise that they were not even prepared the tribe the venomous ladakh so much so that when the Sahaba launched the offensive the women were actually outside getting water from the well you know early morning they go outside to get the well it was a complete surprise so much so so the Sahaba attack not a single person died amongst the Sahaba amongst the Bonanno studied a few people attempted to fight and rally the troops and it was very minimal loss one of the losses was the husband of Barbara who was a cousin of her so he was one of the losses of the of the battle so she essentially becomes a widow she don't have any children so you see she essentially becomes a widow and the army returns back to Medina with a lot of aneema and of the l'anima is barra as well amongst all of those that have been enslaved her father with a group of the elite had fled and escaped so her father al-hadith had escaped and left the the encampment and when she comes back to Medina she is given to Sabbath even face a bench a mass one of the famous Sahaba he is mentioned in the Sierra many times he is the one whom when allah revealed erat letter from us water come focal salts in the B Sabbath began to cry he locked himself in his house until this cousin came was going on I haven't seen you and he said that all of my good deeds have been destroyed because Allah revealed a verse about me he said what is that verse so he said don't raise your voice above the voice of the prophet sallallaahu said them and Sabbath was a person who had a booming voice you know some people when they speak they automatically boomed there voices it's like a deep throated it just comes out and ever the whole audience can hear even without a microphone this is sabot so he thought the verse was revealed for him and they went and told the processor and said and he smiled and told him it's not trivial for him so Tabet was that person now she was assigned to that bit and immediately she demanded mo Catawba and I've already explained mo Catawba and this shows you one of the reasons why it is very problematic to call this slavery according to the modern Western notion of the term slavery the Islamic concept I prefer calling a trick or buddhaya call it milk a me whatever you want the term slavery evokes concepts and emotions and legal rulings and and ideas that are completely alien to the Islamic concept of return or buddhaya and of the most obvious examples is mocha Java it is in the Quran faculty woman I don't even feel a wrong it is in the Quran what is mocha Java McArthur I've said this many times you should also know this by now and subhanAllah we don't discuss the fill of writ because we don't need it and hamdullah we don't need it but I think because we don't discuss it it becomes easier for people to number one attack Islam and then number two for the crazies like Isis and whatnot to implement a version of Rilke that clearly goes against the Sharia itself right if they understood the fil coverage the fabric they wouldn't possibly do what they are doing because it goes against the text of the Quran and Sunnah so what is mocha Java mocha Java is when a milky I mean when an abbot demands freedom from the master what type of slavery is this it's not the type of slavery that's found in western lands it's a different type it's a different time I'm not saying it's you know a contract it's not it's clearly ownership is quite clear but it is a type of ownership that is not understood or found in the Western tradition and you demand a price and you tell your master I want my freedom give me a price the master gives a reasonable price and then must provide time for the slave to go earn or AB whatever to go earn that money and then buy his own or her own freedom this is mikata okay and this is in the Quran that if you feel that they're going to be good citizens and what not good people give them Makati before God said imma from allah azzawajal if they're mentally normal saying everything's fine give them Makati so she demanded her mocha Java and so he said okay fine 700 walk of silver 790 nuggets of silver so it's an amount that was there seven which is the the fair price that would have been there but this is how much I want for your freedom okay so he never took her as many I mean then because she's demanding Wakata by now okay so she then is now sending messages and seeing how she can get this money and of the things that she does she immediately goes to the prophet sallallaahu said him she is the daughter of the chieftain right so she wants to basically you know get her Makati ever done now this is where we get to the narration of Aisha directly and assha says that yo idea was a beautiful Jamila tune Maleeha tune lady right she was a MIDI huh what is made in Arabic huh salt why would a woman be described as salty why would a woman to many have salty right so it's a psychological thing here that like salt now in our culture salt is so common salt is there but in those days salt was exotic and rare when you added salt the dish became exotic so this is why you describe the the lady as Malia in our time salty like what salty what is like doesn't make any sense right so when you understand psychology of the word itself where is it coming from so Jamila tone many how we all know Jamie de many honey she was charismatic she was a figure she stood out she made the dish spicy like her character is clear like this right so our issues narrating hadith isn't Abu Dawood she was a beautiful charismatic you know a lady fiery lady and this is from Aisha statement no one saw her except that he became captivated by her she had that personality that wherever she goes she attracts the attention she has a powerful personality and she is a beautiful lady and I knew that was that so I should saying that G idea went to the people asking for help and when the profitsystem was sitting there Joe Adia came in and as soon as I saw her career to her I disliked her soon as I saw her my heart just went down because I knew that the profits awesome would see in her what I saw in her okay this is a very explicit phrase and it really demonstrates that the whole notion that we here in later times the attempt to sanitize the multiple marriages I don't agree with this let's be frank and honest and it helps us to deal with these texts and frankly it humanizes the prophecies and for us within the respect that he deserves Joe Adia was Jimena to America she is a captive right now and she is coming and asking for help so she says that yah rasool allah i am joe idiot the daughter of an hadith the daughter of the leader of his people say you don't call i am the daughter of the say util comb and you know what has happened to me and I am NOT I am too noble to be a slave eonni she's obviously she's arguing her case like I'm not gonna do this I'm not gonna do this and I've agreed for mikata okay I'm not going to do this and I've agreed for Mo kotoba and I am now agreed with Abbott 4/9 okay yeah and so I've come to you to see if you can in any way helped me you know whether it's alone whether it's a charity whatever can you help me to get my freedom completely had a legitimate request so the profits of them said what if I offer you a better alternative free enterprise bargaining she said what is that he said I will pay your Ulpia on my behalf and I will then marry you as that okay you become my wife it's an offer there's no nothing there is no milk in being going on an offer you want to become my wife and I will free you I will I will take charge of this and I will free so immediately she said yes ability to I have accepted straight forward I mean there's nothing here - to me it's again completely logical and whatnot and so the prophecies I'm then arranged for the the Opia to be paid and the news of the marriage spread amongst all the people and they began to speak amongst themselves saying will the in-laws of the prophets all all I said and be held as our captives how can his in-laws be our captives so the people began to free them one by one until the entire tribe of the bonanno static was freed up to a hundred households were freed Hacha said I know of no woman who was a greater blessing for her people than joy idea I know of no woman who did a greater good for her people then joy idea because of because of obviously the issues that took place and to me the incident is crystal clear it doesn't require any explanation no any problematization it is a straightforward situation and there is nothing wrong and of course this is both of the reasons or their joy idea is Jamila - in Malaya and by marrying joy idea everybody is freed hamdulillah nor on Alan what is their problem with that no problem at all so when he married her he changed the name from Bora to Judea and not only because bara implies that there's extra piety but also in the case of the prophets Allah sent him it is said that you know he did not like people to say that he left the house of bara so he left bara means he left piety so this also shows us that when we choose names we have to think about their percussions of those names right and that is why for example Imam Malik and others they did not like many names that are common now and again this is there I don't know if your name is this don't change it but you know Malik did not like for example the children to be named after angels or he didn't like the children to be named after suitors of the Quran for example right so for example if somebody is named and again I know it's our desi culture that Yassin is a common a for example in my Maddox said I don't want this why if you want to rebuke your child Yasin what are you gonna say parents what are you gonna say give me a phrase huh no Emiratis the name is fine that Adam Braun is a problem right huh you have been bad ya seen for example right ya seen shame on you and if somebody hears this and they don't know the context so out of adapt to the Quran for example right yeah my mother did not know again this is his position it's not how on per se and our cultures are different no problem I'm not gonna import that photo to our culture but the processor was conscious of these small things that words have to be pure and good and so the phrase that oh he visited bara then he left butter oh what an awkward thing Danny if somebody misunderstands right that he left piety it would translate us right if we didn't know the context right so just to be that extra careful so he changed the name Barbara and because the previous Butler became zeyneb now he has to have a different name so he chooses the name Joe idea so Joe idea what does Joe idea mean yes I'm looking straight at you because you had better know this right now or else you are in no you can't ask back there you need to know what that's what okay Joe Adia is the Assembly of Giardia Giardia and Giardia is a little girl and Joe Adia is a little little girl okay so Joe Adia in Arabic you can you can do something called tussle here and thusly means to take a noun and make it a small noun jebel becomes jubail it's a small now okay Roger will be comes through jail it's a small now okay Amer becomes the away Mir so you can just add D yeah and it becomes a little little one the word Giardia even means little girl and just as a teaser just as a cute thing Joe area the little little girl okay Julia and why was she give the name Jew idea because she was of the youngest of the wives after Aisha she was probably around 20 years old 19 year 20 years old when this marriage takes place so she was called Jew idea and in the meantime this is a very funny story as well that I'll had it her father now gathers together whatever they can and comes to try to ransom especially his daughter and his tribe and whatnot back okay so well had it comes as a pagan as a non-muslim and now he comes to negotiate a ransom and he doesn't know what has happened how was he gonna tell her so he comes and he he brings forth you know his camels whatever it is before they enter Medina he looks at the entire camels of his people and he really likes two of them so he takes those two and puts them in why did I pick which is where our University of Medina was right in front of it was water docked if there was a Wadi so he puts them in the side and he leaves a girl Haute you know a goetzmann or whatever to keep the camels there and he brings the rest to the prophet sallallaahu idea he was seldom and he begins the negotiation he goes yeah yeah how many doesn't or not Muslim at this time that my daughter as you know she is a part of the captives and she is too noble to be a slave once again the same thing here and I am also a khadeem I am a nobleman I'm nobility so take these gifts and give me back my daughter and he obviously had other negotiations which the books don't mention we understand this that it's not just his daughter he's negotiating on behalf of his tribe but obviously as a father his number one concern is the daughter okay so he says take this and give me my daughter back so the profitsystem said and how about those two camels that you left and why did I think how about what happened to those two so immediately he said a shadow aldehyde Allah why shadow and a lot of soul Allah that there's no way you could have known this you know my people that are gonna tell you there is no way you know this other than you are actually a rasoolallah and so it is also said that at this point the process of ask for jus ad is hand and Allah knows best maybe it was just to confirm but it had already taken place by this point in time or maybe it was just a confirmation to make him feel good that that he is marrying her you know with the permission of the father even though it's not needed because she was milky I mean and now she's freeing herself as a freed milky I mean she does not need to go through the what is a technical filthy issue but anyway the point is maybe just to make him feel good and this also by the way fat words that are given and I'm also supportive of this that if a a convert sister a Muslim who is a Chris used to be a Christian wants to get married technically her what he cannot be her father technically the well he has to be a Muslim but and so she finds her body from amongst the Muslims when she gets married but just to make the father feel happy and be a part of the ceremony you can also have them stand in front you can also just make you a part and so that they feel they are part even though technically that wilayah has to be to a Muslim but there's no Harwich in making the heart you know sympathetic and whatnot and it seems like something like this might have occurred over here and allah subhanho wa taala knows best and it is also mentioned that one of the wives name is not mentioned because when these types of statements occur it's best to leave it anonymous one of the wise felt something and she said to do idea that you are nothing but a milky I mean you're not a wife you are nothing but a Malik amine and you you know you were caught as a slave and you remain a slave and she went to the Prophet SAW some complaining about this and he you know calmed her down shut her up said didn't I give you a good Mahad the seven Opia is more than I give my otherwise didn't I give you a good mat and didn't all of your family members become free through you how can you be a slave when I we paid the matter that's the matter for you I made that the matter and how can you be a slave when not only you your whole tribe was freed so the professor's are basically praised her in this sense and she embraced Islam enthusiastically and willingly and became an extremely ascetic worshipper of Allah out of all of the wives she is known to be the one always involved in thicker and spending long hours just sitting and doing liquor and sada and she lived a very and she would also regularly fast as well very frequently and she also lived a very quiet is life after the death of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa seldom she avoided any fitna that took place between the Sahaba she did not get involved at all and she performed hedgewood the otherwise who performed Hajj and she was one of the last wives to die because she was one of the youngest as well and she died in 56 aah so one of the last wives to die not the last one of the last ones to die she died in 56 Hitler in the reign of mahalia and she was prayed over by Marwan nibblin hakkim who was to eventually become the Haditha and buried in Berkley and that's all that we know about her and we only have a few a hadith from Judea so we will mention them there's only literally like you know five or six a hadith that are mentioned from Judea and there's only two or three that we're going to mention here and that's all we have information that's all the books of Syria is covered them and that's all that we have from Judea bintang hadith so of the hadith we have that joy did that Benton hadith narrates the Prophet sallallaahu hardly he was seldom visited me one day and said to me is there any food so I said no except for a small piece of meat that and bone that was gifted to us from so-and-so from the charity that was given to her that's all that we have so the Prophet SAW said okay bring it forth because the food has now reached the place that was written for it right it's naseeb has now come this is where it was meant for and so he ate from that so the simple filthy thing here is that well the number of things obviously the most obvious one here and this is we mention in other hadith if something is given a sadhaka to one person and that person then gives it to the second person it's no longer Siddhartha it is now a gift so there was sadaqa given to this slave lady whoever she was we don't know her name that slave lady then gifted it to the house of the Prophet SAW Selim a small amount of that and the process of does not eat xalapa but he is eating this so a transfer of ownership transfers the ruling as well okay so the sadaqa gifted to a and siddhappa then is and this is obviously understood because when somebody walks into your shop and purchase you don't find out what was the money what nice transfer of ownership transfers deep hokum all of them as well the the transfers ownership changes or hokum here of the things that we learn as well from this hadith is the simple reality of modern that the process um is affirming other and you know we have in our to expression what is it like I can look my look Medicare what is it wait something what is it smart to have it what is it dinah dinah carnevale what is it okay so that that phrase that's it yeah Doni Doni PT Kai Kani value canal right that's what I think okay so that phrase it's actually similar to this hadith you right that colors give it to me it's my hell that Allah had decreed has comfort so there's nothing wrong with this phrase that we say and our culture in this case has valid Marshall it's American hamdulillah - thumbs up to our culture that the the hadith actually does prove this point that this is what has been written for it Allah had written this gonna come here and now I'm eating from it so this is now then a save of this food coming here so this is something we all believe in it is something that is obviously definitely over all the parts of other and this hadith proves it especially for food and especially for a local man of food because she goes it's a small piece whatever gift gives you a small piece to us he goes okay now I will take it and another had a the second how did we do that the Prophet SAS and passed by Jo area in the early morning on his way out and she was in her place of worship praying to allah subhana wa tada then he came back in the late afternoon and she was still sitting there doing her thicker and arribada the whole day she was there and she said he asked her have you remained here in this state she said yes so he said what if I teach you words if you say them it will be equivalent to all of this worship you are doing so she said yes so he said subhanAllah he either the Holly he worried Lauren FC he was inna tye'a shie he were my dad cally mati the famous thing this is narrated from Joe Adia okay the famous phrase this is from Joe area and now you will never forget the kusa because it was joy ideas entire day of worship and the process um said I'll teach you this duaa if you say it then it is equivalent in reward now this is an important point he's not telling her don't do that he's telling her you've done great and I'll give you a gift because you've done so good do this and it will give you all of that without having to do all of that and if you were to do all of that with this dhikr obviously it will take it exponential right so we need to understand it so you all know subhanallahi either the healthy subhanAllah either the healthy I will say some had a lot to the number of his creation either the healthy because the creation of Allah cannot be counted all those creation is something our mind cannot comprehend the number either the healthy what I borrow enough see he and until Allah is pleased I will say subhanAllah well made addict Anna mati he was in a Township I was in a town she and the weight of his throne because the throne of Allah is the the largest creation of allah akbar allahu la pot is the throne of allah and that's why allah calls himself a bull sh and aleem the lord of the album throne the throne is called a album and allah mentions the quran in the quran that he is durable out in six or seven verses and allah mentions that on judgement day his out shall be carried by eight angels and the processer mentioned in the hadith i have been allowed to tell you one fact about one of those angels of the hammer that without that between the lobe of his ear and the shoulder is the distance of 500 years of journeying that's how big one of those angels are and Allah is saying that eight of those angels will be carrying the throne of Allah so the zenith ouchy the weight of his throne and wama Dada Kali ma T and as long as the ink of Allah speech will be written down which is infinity lo can I borrow my dad and they carry matter of being a fiddle battle if the inks of the ocean were turned into inks and Allah speech would be written down the whole ocean would be diminished or and gotten rid of even if an entire other set of oceans were added so that is basically to infinity now in one version of the hadith he repeated this three times subhanAllah he added a help they what Ellen FC was in a tower she well medically mati he said it one two three times so to say this three times is equal to worshiping allah subhanahu wata'ala that entire time the next hadith that the prophecies and visited joe idea and it was friday and she was fasting so he said to her did you fast yesterday she said no he said are you going too fast tomorrow she said no so he said in that case break the fast so from this we learned the basic feeling we don't do nothing fast on friday to venerate friday this is not something we do unless you linked it to Thursday Friday or Friday Saturday okay if you are fasting every third day and that happens to be Friday then you're fasting the third day it's allowed if you're fasting every second day no problem if you're fasting for any other reason that is a mutative out your fasting can take collectively but to choose Friday as a Nuffield fast no unless you link it together and why that is the case it's the 50 class joy idea mentioned that the final high did we'll do that whoever where the he she heard the process I'm saying whoever wears a garment of silk in this world then Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will put on him a garment of humiliation in the Acura okay so it's haram for men to wear silk and joie de neri this all that we have from joy idea just a few a hadith from juelia and that is all that we know from our mother joy idea and this leaves us to our next mother and that is Ramallah binti Abu Sufyan Ramallah binti Abu Sufyan and Ramallah the daughter of abu sufyan her name is actually not known for certain most authorities say her name was Ramallah and some say that her name was hind' bint ABI Sufyan but she was known of course by her cunha of Omaha Biba and that is why her name is not fully known in Islam by the way why did the Arabs name their daughters hint all people of hint why don't you tell me why did they name their doctors hint yeah add up do you know why they named them hint me because the spices huh so we had the midi ha now we have the spices as a spicy lady exactly they were sharp like a sword mashallah mashallah hamdulillah so we talked about a saif al mohan at the indian the hindi sword and the processor was described as the safe and one that as beautiful or as great as a Hindi sword the Hindi sword was the the premier sword that the outers would use at that time but that safe and Mohan that as for naming their girls hind' and their daughters and their family women most likely it was because it's something exotic and beautiful so cultures exotic size other cultures and the Arabs would exotic size India okay and so she is an indian hindi like that and it became a common name hint like that but we most likely her name was an umbrella but nobody called her Amla everybody called her OMA Habiba so her name that is common in every book of history that mentions or she is called Omaha B but now of course she is famous for her father and her brother they are legends in their own right and of course there are some of the most famous names of Islamic history Abu Sufyan where does one begin with Abu Sufyan right Abu Sufyan soccer even have even Omega even have the ships it nabbed him enough of course the Banu OMA yep is the main rival to the Banu Hashim clan Hashim and AB the shams were twins Annamayya is the son of AB Deschamps and therefore Abdul Muttalib and anomia are first cousins Abdul Muttalib and Amaya are first cousins and the Banu Hashim which is essentially the burner Abdul Mutallab and the burner Amalia their clans are the rival clans the big rival clans of the garage and of course the value Omega is most famous convert is earth man even our fan writes our earth man is a second cousin to Abu Sufyan so Manitoba champion are basically relatives as well now Omaha Bieber was and of course his younger brother is Marya so are we I was a fan at me everybody Unger way younger than him wow it was much younger than omaha Bieber so Omaha was born in the 17th year before the Dawa hence when the hitter occurred she's around 30 years old she's around 30 years old and in terms of male lineage she is the closest relative to the prophecies and from his wives male lineage of course who is closer from female lineage yes from female lineage his mother's sister started zeyneb into josh from the female side is the cousin but as you know in that society it is the male lineage that is preferred and also the nessip goes from the male lineage auslan right so the nurse goes from village so in terms of male lineage the nessip in terms of the era the Arabic and even Islamic nessam it is in fact Ramallah who is the closest relation to the Prophet system in terms of the patrilineal societies okay and of course she is a pure prodigy of course ya know your father's any Abu Sufyan I mean what more do you want and her mother is also from the Umayyad clan and she is Sofia binti Abela us and therefore Sofia bentover house or if the man even a fan even a bell house this is earth man's aunt so Sofia is the first cousin of Earth man from the mother's side okay Sofia's mother earth man's father or brother sister clear sir earth man and Sofia are first cousins and of course therefore the only obvious from the knowmia they're gonna be immediate relatives Ramallah or maybe but she married very sorry she and her husband both converted in early Islam and their conversion was a source of great anger and insult to her father Abu Sufyan however it is my theory it's a complete theory and Allah knows best that having his daughter as a Muslim so early on is perhaps one of the reasons that Abu Sufian did not become ever as harsh and as antagonistic as Abu jahil or as Omega been harder for Ezra to have another beer or any of the other leaders of coalition that's because when you have a loud family member convert it changes the dynamics sometimes usually sometimes it does the opposite and you become the worst enemy but generally speaking you know your loved one your daughter converts how can you be like Abu jahil then so Abu Sufyan was always as we know he was an enemy but he was never an ignoble enemy you know we mentioned this many times in the Serie that some of the enemies they they were crass and crude they were just downright filthy and nasty and some enemies were relatively speaking noble adversaries and Abu Sufian never he like he wasn't for example of those who would Mock the Muslims he didn't torture the Muslims to death he didn't throw you know the thing on the front he wasn't of that part of that level that we find from that group and so even though I'm not saying he was sympathetic he was clearly an enemy and he fought it but that he fought at or heard but this is war gentlemen war you know you fight you fight you lose you die you win he was not but at the same time he was not in Abuja by far and Allah knows best is my theory one of the reasons is his own daughter when his daughters are Muslim what's he gonna do he cannot be that type of enemy now the story of Omaha bebas first husband is actually somewhat problematic and it has caused a lot of again controversies ube dilemma Josh I forgot to mention or obey the law even Josh and Roberto Lebanon Josh was the older brother of Abdullah he binge is a famous Sahabi who has come up in this you know many times the common story that is mention of ADA law had been Josh which every classical book of ceará mentions so much so that I don't know of any actor laughs on this regard ever in early Islam or an even immediate medieval Islam that obey the lobna Josh was one of those few people who was a ho afar before Islam and he was thinking about many religions and he had verda to Christianity before Islam in the days of jahiliya along with they the I'm livin Iranian are the famous the few people that were there the youngest of that group was a widow lobna Josh the most of them were senior to him he was the youngest of that group of renessa and he then decided to convert to Christianity in the days of jahiliya and he traveled the world as well meaning he went to Rome and whatnot so he was that person who then converted to Christianity then in early Islam he converted to Islam the first year or two of Dawa he converted to Islam along with Omaha Biba then they migrated to Abyssinia and there according to pretty much all the early books of ceará and this is mentioned even his half that had been sad and you know at Hakim's were any every book of Sirach film uttanasana then he returned to christianity right and there's also a famous story mention in some of the books that omaha Biba saw a dream where she saw or obeyed the law of a - husband very disfigured very discolored looking you know like as very sick and ghastly and she didn't understand what this was and within a day or two he announced that he is converting to christianity and he tried to force her to convert but she refused and so she left him and he left her and he then died a short while later in Habashi he died a motet now obviously as I've said to you in our last lecture which I went into a lot of detail about scratching the surface it was a lot of detail but honestly there's so much more that maybe will never be public news these are advanced classes that need to be taught but never made public lecture but historiography the history of history is a very detailed science and how history itself evolves over time but let's not go down there the point is later books of ceará they sanitized this incident and they began to doubt to array the law ever converted to Christianity and these days you find all across the internet papers being written and articles and academics modern a Muslim academics are these are all you know Muslims want to make Islam biani obviously and they want to preserve and protector slamming and they have good knee and shala they're like oh this is a fabrication and never happened etcetera etc and he had problem and so then what did happen what's the alternative and they so it kind of it doesn't really quite and obviously look where there's a will there's away if you want to approach history with a skeptical mind believe me the sky's the limit the problem comes there was no problem in early Islam about this and it's become a problem and later it's done why does it become a problem because the narrative we like to have is that how could a person who was a Sahaba for one point in time leave the faith I would say living in America that should be pretty straightforward to all of us we all know of people who are at some point may be good Muslims and then they leave the faith I personally know of many whom I at the time would have sworn they are righteous and pious and maybe they were at the time but later on something happens and they flip and they leave the faith this is something that we especially as a minority in America we are painfully aware of that lid is a phenomenon why there are many reasons now there's something I found and Allah knows best is my analysis and Allah knows best that it mentions that he after he accepted Christianity he began to drink again and he dried died a drunkard so Allah knows best that it could be it could be that it was the love of the drink there was also a motivational factor he was a drinker before Islam Christianity obviously does not make it harm to drink and he loved wine and would not and there are many many motets who leave islam not because of intellectual reasons but it's simply because it's so much easier to live your life without the laws of Allah on you yeah everything becomes how long women become Haram wine becomes Haram drugs become Haram what the heck forget all this let me just live the life I want to that and I think we've all met people like that where it just seems as if the reason the other is not intellectual is just life is easier so the fact that he turned to alcohol immediately after accepting Christianity became mood mineral humor which is basically a drunkard in India so they basically he always was drinking for the few weeks or once he had left to live and kind of in illustrates that there might be another reason as well and that's not that problematic to then reading this to that and a large don't knows best in any case everybody loved - dies in the land of habesha law far far away and now Omaha Biba becomes a widow in a strange land and her father is one of the most prominent chieftains of the Quraysh hence when hurried the finishes it is a no brainer completely understandable and again I reiterate for you all that in that culture the number one factor that made a woman attractive for marriage was her lineage that's the way they're raised for us it's somewhat somewhat foreign right we're not we don't make it a main factor well at least the cultures I've been raised it but sometimes maybe it is that you're gonna marry your your niece or nephew not nice or your cut my my niece their father is gonna say you have to marry your cousin it's in their minds maybe okay so the point is it's there the lineage issue you can only marry within our village that type of mentality they're out of zat that time they had that the most attractive feature of a woman was who her father was and the status of her father and it makes it even more important than her physical beauty and her wealth and anything else not to say that she didn't have that we don't know much about I'm saying that is the main factor and our prophet sallallaahu either you said them especially in the context of Abu Sufyan it is a no brainer it makes complete even tactical and strategic sense forget the issue of she becomes the most attractive because of her father even as a tactical you have the daughter who Sophia in your household so it's a no brainer as soon as her in the finishes the Prophet system sends an envoy he sends an ambassador basically you know Rasul Allah to Najah she because she doesn't have her father their father's a pagan or whatnot so he sends tuna Joshi a letter saying that I want to marry Omaha Biba and you will then take charge as my representative because you are the the the leader of the Muslims there right this also shows us therefore that in minority situations the wali becomes the community leader of the GEMA this becomes the worry the default what he is who it becomes the community leader here so Najah she then sent a slave girl to Omaha Biba saying that the Prophecy's has proposed for you and Omaha Bebo was so happy that she gifted jewelry that she had she gifted it to the slave girl right then and there that this is a gift to you and Josh she called the same the same morning that the messenger came the same evening he called all of the Muslims to his palace and so they came to his palace and the joshi stood up so the way that Nika took place back then and in our culture it has changed no problem this is just their culture and our culture Islamic law allows although this in their culture and this is how the marriage of the process mythology took place as well all of these marriages that somebody from the groom's side would stand up not the groom somebody from the groom's side like Abu Potter stood up right and then somebody from the bride's side would then stand up and propose and somebody from the bride's side would stand up and accept the proposal this was how the nikah was done back then right so they would give a lecture about you know their honor and who they were and etc etc and they would say we have our noble young man and we feel he's a great match for your tribe so we offer him to you and then the opposite they would stand up and they would praise their tribe etc say okay your your Kadeem your noble young man has proposed for our Kadima and we believe they're a good match so we accept this offer and that was the nikah that's how it was done so again that's in those days as far as I know it's not really done that way anymore any of the major cultures I'm aware of maybe it's done in some of the other cultures so the Najah she stood up as if he is the Wekiva of the prophesies and because he was the one keeping the work in here and not doesn't mean lawyer it means representative right what he actually means represent what color to delegate to that designate so the joshi then becomes as if he is doing it on behalf of the profits or something I am been appointed and from her side she had a cousin and uma we harden even aside even in our house the famous having his own right how did they decide also he stood up and accepted the proposal on behalf of Omaha beaver and that was the NACA right there and Najah she said I will give the Maher from myself as a gift to the professor Salem and so he gifted now he's a king so he gifted 400 dinars and hence Omaha Biba became the one wife who had the largest maha ever because the processor would only give 12 and a half o clea of silver right and he gave much more than then was typically given and when the Muslim stood up to leave Najah she said where you going they said what we did the Nika he said it is not befitting that the nikah have a prophet takes place except that there's food so they had a royal feast in the palace of na Joshi this was the most festive and the most exotic and the most luxurious of all of our processing but he wasn't there others inhibition enjoyed and will I they needed it they needed something to enjoy after all the hardships and whatnot this was an indirect gift to them that they were treated to a royal festival and Joshi treated them out with a beautiful feast on the day of the Nika of Omaha Biba and the next morning and the JA she sent her as hit her a slave girl as a temporary gift while she was there I'd as far as I done my research and I could be wrong because I didn't have time to look up every book that I have but as far as I could tell this lady did not come back to Medina and I'll tell you why in a while but this lady lived with her for a while and this this slave girl and her name was Oberoi Oberoi Oberoi Oberoi Oberoi Abraha Rene was a bruja and she brought with her amber and rude and perv and silk and garments so royal gifts are being given to Omaha Biba from the palace on behalf of the process and even though he didn't ask Natasha but now josh is so happy that he's gifting all of this to Omaha Biba and the marriage took place in the sixth year of the Hegira but where is the process of it was Omaha Bieber so when did Omaha Bieber return she returned when Jaffa returned after the Battle of hiber in the seventh year of the hijab so for one year there's no contact at all and Omaha Biba enters the household basically in the end of the seventh year of the hijra to only live basically two and a half years three years with the Prophet solo I said of her marital life begins after labor and therefore even more reason we have so little information about her who's gonna narrate what happens inhibition Abyssinia and then obviously there in Medina was going to happen and one of the things that is mentioned about this slave lady Abraha as we mentioned this lady that she had ends up embracing Islam and she would tell Omaha Biba that go make sure when you go to the processor Mew tell him about me and my freedom of you go tell him what I have done and so she kept on reminding him of this until the last thing that she said before him have you ever returned back was that make sure you remind the profitsystem about me oh you do not remind you tell him about me and so when she did go to the process and she didn't mention the stories of Abraha and this made the process I'm smile and laugh and he made dua for this slave girl so many thousands of miles away in it beautiful anecdote that her main wish was you just mentioned my name he knows who I am and the process and then didn't know who she was and mentor for him even sad reports that when I was Sophie unheard of the marriage he became happy he became happy and he used an expression in Arabic which translates as a sounds crude but it's not meant to be crude as an expression in Arabic that had a feelin this is a stallion whose nose shall not be injured you know in those days they would they would either put the nose ring on or they would put the stamp what do you call that what you call around me the branding they would do but there were some animals that were so great so beautiful you don't do it so they became an expression and the expression means that this is so great you should never do anything to hurt or harm it so when he heard that the process him had married his daughter this jahaly expression blurt it out which basically means that I can never now do anything to harm the image of the prophets awesome and so what I said about the psychological impact now becomes ten times more and this takes place in the sixth year of the Hydra which is essentially after the treaty of hudaibiya and the end is about to come anyway right so it is very clear that this move had a tactical impact now was this in the NIA of the process of this tactical impact we don't know we don't know but why not it makes sense you are marrying the daughter of one of the leaders of the porush it makes sense so it is also mentioned one of the tap your own one of the tap your own men made a tough seer of the ayah this is a tough seal from early Islam it's not in the Sunnah it's not the process to say this I wasn't one of the tempura said a Salah who I am and yeah John a Boehner comb what they needed in a day to mean whom by what death it is possible that a law will placed between you and those whom you despise love and one of the tablet one said this was the marriage of the profitsystem with Omaha Bieber so some love came between Abu Sufian and the Quraysh his version ran between the process um so he made at the seed of the ayah as sallahu an agent of a nakum well they in la-de-da-de-da minam my what so we don't have much information about Omaha Bieber of what we know is that very interesting anecdotes some of which we will mention here in the machinery she also narrated around it doesn't Hedy so Jo ad only has four or five Omaha be bars around a dozen or so and I'll mention some of them right now so of them is that at some point in those three years she was with the professor no she offered her own sister as a co wife another daughter Abu Sufyan and she said yeah Rasul Allah why don't you marry my sister and the Prophet said would you want me to do that you want me to marry another lady thank you as my wife you want me to matter what type of like is that that's not normal right so she said ya know so Allah it's not as if I am all alone with you just me and you there's a lot of other ladies so what will one more do basically and I love my sister and I want her to have the fair that I have as well okay so she has a very logical response like look if it was just me I understand I wouldn't want that but there are already six now so if I add my sister what's the big deal so why is she offering her own sister it is clear that she felt that the quranic ayah was for the rest of the Muslims and it didn't apply to the prophecies because we know that the four didn't apply to him hmm the four didn't apply to him so she felt that the prohibition of sisters also doesn't apply to him and this is proven by the next phrase so the process um said she's not allowed for me it's not a lot for me to marry your sister and she then replied but we have heard that you are interested in the daughter of Abu Salama I will sell MMS ulema fame Oh Misenum Abu cinema and they had a daughter and the daughter's name was we went over her name guys come on is the most common name of early Islam my own daughters named this Zana zaynab bint ABI sanam zeyneb into Ole Miss enema I said she's one of the main areas of hadith from ever mentioned this is that she grew up in the house or the process in him so oh man he was saying we heard that you want to marry the daughter of abu salim so he quizzically said the daughter of Oh miss anima like from Abu Ahmad or the daughter of Ole Miss cinema even if she were not my Aviva Andhra Biba is the the daughter being raised in your household by text of the Quran by text of the Quran what about Abu Kamal at if he who judical mini-site accumulated the Hulton be enough for in them to come to the whole domain of originally this is the text of the Quran of the women that were Haram for you or your aura bebas who is a Reviva Habiba is the daughters of your wife so he said even if she were not my rabii but she issues Haram even if she were not she would still be Haram for me even if I hadn't married who my cinema she still be alone for me why because Abu Salama and me we both had to weigh Biba as a foster mother right so the president keeping track of who his foster brothers would not are so and then he said so do not offer me your daughters and your sisters it's not allowed for me do not offer me your daughters and your sisters so this is an interesting hadith from the heavy but that she offered her own sister another daughter of Abu Sufyan and of the incidents that are mentioned about her and I did this incident but when we did it that after the Quraysh did something to break the treaty of hudaibiya and the process some then sent a message because of this attack the treaty is broken were went over all those details so Abu Sufyan became very worried and he became afraid that the process would attack Makkah and so he traveled to Medina this is one of those iconic moments that how we wish we had more details for after all that has happened now the tables have turned right from being the leader of the hora now he becomes essentially begging for the freedom of Krrish right and he has to travel to Medina alone as a representative of the Quraysh to beg the process them to not attack and he enters Medina and he doesn't go to the prophet saww sudden he goes to whom his daughter thinking I will use her to get to the prophets of allah sena and she hadn't seen her since Makkah because from Abyssinia she went straight to Medina right so since before the Hitchin are like nine years have gone by she hasn't seen him he hasn't seen her so all of this timeframe and there's been no visiting obviously where where Nozomi we're going to see her father and Abu Sufyan enters in to Omaha Biba complete surprise she was not expecting at all I was who fan to come as a complete out of the blue thing and after the preliminaries and whatnot he goes to sit down on the one mattress in the room there's only one mattress and Omaha B but jumps up and fur curls up the mattress so Abu Sufian said that I don't know are you saving me from this mattress or saving the mattress from me is it me who shouldn't sit here because of me you're gonna give me a better mattress or is the mattress not good enough for me what is it so she said this is the mat of our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom one tell Roger una Jason mushrik and you are not going to sit on the mattress of the prophet sallallaahu you said when he heard this he realized there's no point in even bringing the conversation up about the Shiva right and he said you have changed for the worst after me then he went to Abu Bakr kicked him out of his house he went to Omar who laughed and said you want me to make Shiva for you against the Prophet SAW sort of and he went to audit of the allahu on and ID at least spoke with him a longer time but said no and he turned to fatima directly in his yeah boon a yellow little girl can you speak to your father and your husband and do something nobody did anything and he left a he really a tin man for a brief period of time because Allah didn't guided him to Islam and of course he accepted Islam after the conquest of Makkah as we know and he died a a Muslim and we're gonna mention a very interesting hadith at the end of today's talk so this is very clear her love for the process more concern for the process is shown and of the interesting a hadith that are mentioned and I'm gonna quote it straight from the most nod of Imam Ahmed straight from the Mustafa maha is a very beautiful narration and because it's so beautiful I wanted to quote it directly from the most nut it is a later hadith okay so this is the one yeah so Imam Ahmed in humble narrates from his teacher Muhammad in a jar affirmed from short but from normatively salim from a be no waste from embosser a banana be sufyan from his sister o Habiba so ambasa is a younger brother tomorrow eeeh okay so i'm basa even abu sufyan narrates from his sister I know ta habiba the wife of the Prophet saws I seldom that she heard the prophet salallahu alayhi wa seldom say that any Muslim who prays to Allah every day twelve raka add extra from the Fatiha ba shall have a palace built for him in Jannah you all know the hadith right this version says 12 and some versions say 10 so Omaha Bieber's version says 12 Omaha Biba said for all that Omaha Biba I have never seized to pray those 12 raka at the day since the day I heard the process I'm say that her brother Amma said as he narrated the hadith and I have never ceased to pray those 12 raka odd since I heard my sister narrate that then Norman even Salim sorry I mentioned her brother than the narrator on what I mentioned I skipped one so her brother says the same thing Oh says the same thing I never ceased to pray 12 rakaat since I heard Ambus and narrated and then normally bless olive said the exact same thing I never stopped praying 12 rocket since the day I heard my share I'm gonna be a waste from ambassador soo-hyun from Omaha Biba narrated this hadith so the question is are we now going to that was the purpose here paka paka bata inshallah we're going to now make sure we try to do this every single day look at the Iman four generations of narrators right from the teachers of a muhammad all the way back to Omaha Bieber everyone saying as soon as I heard this hadith from that day I never stopped praying and every one of them is now doing it and then he makes it a point to tell his student this and this is called an era because since it and science event called silsila the since that means you are going to keep on doing what the teacher did so it's a beautiful hadith the silsila of praying twelve raka at every single day and it has started from omaha Biba so from that obviously we learned the the the her eagerness to follow the sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom and of the narrations as well we'll go straight to mr mosz muslin here of the narrations as well is that omaha Biba where did it go i forgot this one Omaha Beiber okay I will miss it from this one then I'm positive it was in was named by Mohammed maybe it could be in here just sorry my bad okay so zaynab bint ABI Salama the one we talked about said I visited Omaha Bhima what did I say Zeynep is the main narrator of the next generation from the women Sahaba and we see her name over and over and over again this is the same day enough that Omaha babe I said I thought you're gonna marry her what do you mean I would never marry with that zeyneb said that I heard that I visited Omaha be event a Abu Sufyan and she had heard news that her father Abu Sufian had died and on the third day she called for perfume and she applied perfume on her arms and she then said I have no need or desire for any perfume but I heard the prophet sallallaahu I said him say lay ahead on American to me beloved Yamanaka and to hurt the enemy and focus a title aeyden in LYLAS origin Alberta shouldn't wash off it is not allowed to perform if dad and dad is to demonstrate your sadness by essentially cutting off from the world by wearing clothes that are not normal like they just don't care about your appearance you know just don't eat and drink normally so and they would do an actual ritual and in many cultures and civilizations it's still very common in the Jewish civilization there's something in others they have an actual ritual that when somebody dies you demonstrate that by wearing different clothing for example sad clothing or what not right even this culture they were black and whatnot that's the type of it that they do so the out herbs had that and in our Sharia a type of Haddad is allowed it's not wide you it's not much to help it is allowed for three days so for those three days you just be extra morose you know sad life is not normal for you you know is fine okay call us Michelle had no big deal any it's not you're allowed to do that but on the third day you have to get your act together and move on to the best of your ability this is what the hadith is saying that Oh miss LMSs re o my Habib is saying I have no desire and I don't even know each other the president's passed away I don't know desire no need no desire no need what is then he just to follow the hadith that if that should not be observed for more than three days except for the wife she does at four months in ten days and so she put on perfume just to obey the commandment of the prophet sallallaahu idea he was sending them and for the rest of her life she lived a very quiet issed life and she in the 44th year of the Hydra during the falafel of her brother Muhammad subhanAllah she lived to see Morales Khilafah but very interestingly she did not get involved in the civil wars between Huawei and Ali and that's very profound she didn't do that even though her blood was one way and her statement would have had a big impact but she did not get involved and this shows her her intelligence in her EEMA that she stayed out of this even though her own blood was involved and we don't have any and it is authentic Larry that more our way when he visited Medina he would visit his sister what a few people get they can't visit but she didn't get involved in politics it remained you know blood brothers sister but no politics there and she on her deathbed she called to her chambers to her room and she said to Ayesha that we have had our issues between us as what happens between Cole wives so now I pray that may Allah forgive me and may Allah forgive you meaning whatever happened in the past I'm about to die let's just forget about anything trivial that might have happened and Asia said may Allah forgive it all and from my side I have no complaints against you you are completely there is no issues from my side you know as we say mouth curly everything is gone no problem you know it happens between co-wives this is something that is natural harsh statements words happens and so she wants to make sure on Judgment Day I don't have anything so she brings her to her chambers she's on her deathbed and she goes look anything that might have happened you know can we now forget about it and she says yes from my side completely gone and so she says that you have made me so happy now I pray that Allah makes you happy as well and this shows the imminence of God that both of them had and she'd ended did the same - Oh miss ulema these were the you know the only two that were alive at the time when we said I'm an ayah they both came and this was done at that time now we conclude today's lecture with somewhat of a problematic hadith in terms of its content not it's not problematic there's a political correctness it seems to just jar a lot a lot of things up and the problem is compounded in that it isn't so a Muslim and this has caused a lot of controversy and Omaha bebas name is mentioned so I need to bring it in here the hadith is narrated from Evan Abbas who says that Abu Sufyan was being boycotted or treated harshly by the rest of the Muslims this is after embracing Islam so I was Sufyan was being treated coldly pause here why wouldn't he be after all that's happened there's a lot of history and baggage and it's difficult to ignore people have lost their husbands fathers sons daughters because of and better because of the tactics of Abu Sufyan even if he's a noble enemy he was an enemy and much happened he was the commander of budget right and he was one of the commanders of hood and he was one of the leaders of the whoreish so clearly there's a lot of irritation and whatnot so people were boycotting him coldly so he came to the Prophet SAW said I'm asking him three things number one he said ya rasool allah i have omaha Biba the best of all arabs and the most beautiful of all Arabs I will give her to you in he said yes I accept number two my son mo'orea take him as your secretary cat and cat it doesn't just mean scribe here all the times you see the books transit as described cat it is your personal assistant cat tip is your secretary right take him as your secretary he said yes number three command me to fight against the mushrikeen as I used to fight against the Muslims he said yes I command you and by the way soo-hyun died in sham fighting against the Byzantine Empire so he died in the battlefield nei Shaheed so Java is obviously is all forgiveness as a hobby so he said yes and the narrator says even Abbas says and I was Sophia knew the process and never said no so he asked him these three things knowing he would say yes now why is this problematic why is this narration problematic well then it has already done Danica has already done so what is this point of him saying I have only Habiba marry her who's a wee joker yeah I'm gonna marry her to you how is this there and this has led to a lot of commentary in the books of hadith about this hadith and by the way this also shows you the difference between Buhari and Muslim generally speaking there are quite a few problematic hadith and Muslim almost none in body if you know your sciencism hadith and you study a hadith and you study that the the the books of hadith truly Pahadi is in a category of its own and anybody who studies this knows firsthand it is the creme de la creme even number 2 Muslim is a market difference and this is just one example this highly isn't say Muslim and it is quite problematic and it has led to a lot of controversy and a lot of opinions have come so some have said and this opinion is discarded but there is one or two early historians that said o my habib ax was married after the conquest of Makkah based on this narration but that makes no sense it goes against everything we know marriage to place in Abyssinia and there are many narrations about this and Omaha Biba came back with Jafar etc is like everything falls apart this hadith is not definitely going to contradict everything that we know okay this narration so that's clearly wrong another interpretation is that Abu Sufyan is saying let's renew the contract let's reaffirm the contract and the responses since when is that something Islam does once the nikah has been done you don't have round two of the nikah right it doesn't work that way by the way I've been asked this question many times by people who might have done a smaller in the gasps ceremony in the Masjid and then they're like oh but now we have the money to have a big feast can we do it all over again I was like you can do whatever you want it's not gonna be any guy you know you can call it whatever you want then the guy has taken place you know you can have a big festival ceremony but you can do kitab kitab and the job al-kabun is just gonna be a show doesn't matter so the point is the second opinion as well it doesn't make sense you don't renewed you don't redo the contract once the contract has been done there is no sense of this so the third opinion is a modified and that is that no he's not renewing the contract he's basically saying that yaa Rasul Allah now I happily give you my my my my permission because I didn't my affirmation like you have now my blessings right and the responses nobody needed his blessings and that's not the wording of the hadith is a Whitaker I will marry her to you so that also doesn't make sense and Imam and Barak they says that perhaps this phrase was uttered before the conquest of Makkah maybe Abu Sufyan met the process some somewhere else in the 6th year of the Hegira and said this conversation with him but we know Abu Sufyan of Rasul never had a friendly meeting until he accepted Islam so again these are all interpretations that Allah who are them even has them says this hadith is mode or without a doubt be logic that is since I'm Aslam which is also problematic ok many scholars have said well it's not mold war but a mistake has been made one of the narrators messed up and they point to a particular figure well-known narrator of hadith his name is Eric Rhema even amar ikrima even amar fYI we have some time I'll give you a two-minute personal anecdote so my undergraduate for Medina's in the College of hadith in our third year so every year I had the old system of Medina these days they watered it down and everything has changed and it's a nothing compared to what it used to be in the good old days in the mid-90s when I was there so we had a term paper we had to do every single year a major term paper like you know 70 80 pages of big term paper and so in the third year of our undergraduate we had to do a term paper on one narrator of hadith the whole 70 pages on one narrator of hadith and my narrator was this particular character it clearly been a mom so I know academia I'm not pretty well because I have 70 pages written on him I still have it in my in my library somewhere so I compiled everything ever written about a chimera all the hadith he's done do a thorough it's called Java the idea you you do a thorough survey of what people have said about him his narrator's whatnot and essentially in a nutshell I reckon even tomorrow is problematic and he has like a c-minus d-plus type of ranking ok he just barely passes yet there are some question marks about him and this hadith is one of those problematic hadith as well that he is narrating that his memory is memory I'm talking about it seem as it was his memory was it as a Muslim he was a good person he's in the the fourth generation of narrators but he's basically a little bit off so a lot of said this hadith is weak because of Erica remark and frankly there's a good that's what I lean to Allah knows best and even though I am and I'm Anika Theo said so it is weak even though this is a Muslim and I lean to this I don't have a problem saying this even al fayed even cos here they have said that Abu Sufyan offered his other daughter the same way that o habiba offered her sister he offered another daughter and one of the narrator's then made a mistake and mentioned it as Omaha be ban Allah knows best the the fact of the matter is this hadith is not easy to reconcile it doesn't make sense what is going on and perhaps just to say that a claim I messed up and his memory just faltered and he just did something you know let's finish the Shoshanna do that so with that each other me just do the few a hadith that I still wanted to do from Omaha Bieber and then insha'Allah we will then open the floor for Q&A so where are we I said I asked Omaha Biba somehow he is narrating hadith from Omaha Bieber I asked Omaha Bieber did the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasalam pray in the garment that he would sleep in his sleeping clothes and she said yes as long as he didn't see any other you get the point anything that was there that was yes as long as there was nothing that was see visible there you could put it so it is permissible to pray in the clothes you sleep in as long as there's no spot something on there that should not be there then in that case you should cleanse that point Omaha be binary I did that and this is Johanna law so many of our mothers and so panel also shows us the the character of our prophet system oma have you been aerated that the Prophet system would kiss when he was fasting doesn't break the fast and there's a narrator from almost all of our mothers and I already mentioned the hadith of putting perfume on the third day that is also mentioned there Omaha Biba said that when the Prophet SAW some heard the Athan he would repeat after the mother then until no more than was quiet we all know this and it is narrated from Omaha Viva Omaha Bieber narrated that the prophet saw some said that the angels do not accompany a caravan in which a bell is used so the Bell that is being used those days they had a belt the angels do not accompany that caravan um have you been narrated that she said I heard the prophet sallallaahu idea he was sending them saying whoever prays for rakaats before the her and for rocket after the her Allah will make Jahannam Haram for him okay so this hadith explains the twelve because there's two D Wyatt there's two dy at twelve and ten okay and if you follow this one now again how you do the twelve there is still out between the midnight one version is this one for before the whole for after the her the more common that one that would the hand of his know is four before and two after right and then other method I have two before - after so all of this is narrated and the Sunan a relative are not for either so you can have a little bit of leeway but Omaha Biba was of the opinion it should be for before and for after so this is what she would be doing as a part of her 12 and which means that she was then change around some other ones which again I don't know which one it was how she would do that Allah knows best but with that is shallow tada we finish Omaha Bieber binti ABI Sufyan and our next lecture will be the final lecture for the mother of the believers and insha'Allah in June before I leave we will have 1 Utama who Miskin sha Allah Allah lecture based in Italian shop ok any questions you have a question quit so this is a so this is the third opinion there that I mentioned that he's basically trying to say that my daughter is your is your wife right so she's trying to give himself some prestige by saying this in public and it's it's a I mean it's not unreasonable it's not unreasonable it's plausible it's simply the wording is like I will marry you my daughter he should have said that my daughter is married to you so the only reason is the wording is problematic the word was a Whitaker yeah which is as you know I will marry her to you which is I who shall do this and she's already married it is very plausible which is why of these opinions two of them are essentially the same thing that either renew the contract or I'm reaffirming the contract and that's I'm not saying it's unreasonable it could be the case Allah knows best and which case the hadith should be considered authentic that no problem in that case inshallah anything else yes no kotoba does the market ever have to be accepted there are if they laugh amongst the Messiah does the mo kotoba of the slave have to be accepted and the Quran says Kat Ibrahim in Adam comfy him hi-yah do the MOCA Taba if you see good from them and the majority have said that the good here refers to if you see good from them you must do MOCA to Islam it's not very good Islam so the Muslim slave it is wajib to the mukatte above now you will say but isn't this making the slave want to convert because of no kotoba and we respond what why not give him any and every perk give him any in every perk so the quran mentions and this is the majority interpretation the Muslim slave it is wajib to Democrat above so it's an incentive when the slave converts then he demands freedom Halas you have to negotiate a fair price and then collapse bismillah and that's why like I said the Islamic concept of Rick was so different than the Western concept there was never a slave class in this culture you had the master race you had the slave race right and it was perpetuated for 400 years we see now the problems that never happened in Islam never you acquired one batch of ripp and they were absorbed into society another batch comes they are absorbed into society another batch comes and that batch is not monolithic you have people of all backgrounds and all skin colors right and they're not treated obviously the way the so the whole issue is very different in this regard so this issue of no kotoba is one of the main mechanisms that allowed slaves to integrate into Islamic society people and as fully equal and as people who then their children and grandchildren will be a part of the broader society and that's what we see in a history child was another had before I get to yes bismillah is good no today we have to do this with Mila anything else is good he just asked can we ask non helical questions I said no all you talk about we don't know jack sorry I didn't get it okay okay so a beta live Natasha issue obey the lobna Josh his rid occurred in the sixth year maybe the end of the fifth year of the Hegira right it is most likely plausible that the laws of ridah had already been finalized by this time most of the laws were revealed within the third fourth fifth years so it is very likely the default would be at this point in time the head of Lydia has been revealed now the question comes firstly living in a minority situation the Muslims understood that they don't have the soul per the authority to implement these laws in a minority situation and that is very clear from this incident so Obeidallah even ajosh was free to become aware that he became a more Ted and the max that the Muslim community do which it did do was to socially boycott him social ostracize ation the house you go we we are welcome Dido Kamala D so this is something very clear and therefore even the most ultra conservative DynaMed happy Wed to the tradition Hollis this is your way out you cannot implement the laws of punishment in the minority situation that requires the state behind you that is going to and it requires a judge requires the law you don't just set up your own informal kangaroo courts under a tree in the middle of nowhere and you start doing this no you need the law behind you and you need the official sanction of and the the blessings of the the the state behind you so in a minor minor situation clearly this is not something to be done you're asking as well of a very very sensitive issue and as usual as I've learned from my experiences people love to take these clips that I do and find 10 seconds and then put them on YouTube that oh so-and-so says this and then they misinterpret it right and I have gotten into a lot of trouble for 10 20 second clips that are taken from my serie lectures and from this one you're asking you a very detailed question should they be applied in our times there's no easy answer I will simply say I am very open to rethinking through this this issue for the simple reality that the modern nation-state does not take the place of a Halawa for the simple reality that any nation state whether it is even the Blessed land of Pakistan in the end of the day Pakistan is a nation state in which case its citizens by definition have to be equal that's the definition of a nation state your citizens of Pakistan are all equal if they're all equal then you cannot have two sets of laws generally speaking between different sets of people right federal laws may be personal laws that's why in some countries you have so the whole nation state trying to reconcile it with the Sharia is a very difficult project and you have of course some very influential thinkers like while halluf mentioned it is impossible he has a very famous book called the impossible Islamic state right and in it he basically argues that having a nation state based upon the laws of the Sharia is impossible not because the nation state is so grand grandiose and beautiful an ideal but because the Sharia makes a lot he's a non Muslim it's an Arab non Muslim Whitehead laughs is a non whoa somebody's is a very one of the most famous professors of Islamic studies alive today and he's written a book that went viral it was the impossible Islamic state and in it he basically says the laws of the Sharia makes so much sense they are cohesive they're logically we were talking about by laws you mean how you deal with your Ummah and the difference is between Muslim non-muslim etc and he said the nation-state is actually an illogical enterprise the concept of a country is imaginary and so because the nation-state is a somewhat of an imaginary figment of the collective imagination of the people who believe in it and the Sharia has these codified laws that make sense if you're a Muslim this happens if you're not Muslim that happens you cannot reconcile the two because this is not gonna match with the the imaginary is not going to match with the real is that that's his premise here and there's something very interesting to think about also in the old times these blasphemy laws they served a purpose do they still serve that purpose now laden with the age of modernity and the freedoms to do everything so I am somebody who definitely loves the tradition wants to stay with the tradition but there are times when we have to ask ourselves does the tradition allow us to break away from the tradition if it does and only if it does then we should rethink through so even the social boycotting in modern times is a problem in the western lands because the motet of our times in these modern countries subhanAllah if you're gonna cut off totally they're gonna go even farther away so it makes sense to have some relationship with them so the point is I'm not giving a concrete answer to your question I'm not giving concrete answer and neither am i qualified to but I do think that we are between two extremes and I'm a critical both of these extremes on the one hand you have these essentially progresses who are embarrassed at the laws of the Sharia and they genuinely have an inferiority complex and so they just want to change change change not because of the Sharia but because they're embarrassed and on the other hand as a reaction to those progressives you have the ultra fundamentalists you have the uber literalists like Hollis the textbook says it or the books of fix say it and I don't care what anybody says and it must be happened what not and real Phil is not copying and pasting from a thousand years ago real Phil is to really contextualize the laws of Allah in the world that you live in and that requires sometimes you stay firm and sometimes you modify is this one of those things that you modify suddenly filk is not based on one man shows soonly fitness collective work certainly felt generally speaking people come together and they and they find comfort in in groupthink in fatwas yes individuals give their fat was no doubt but a solitary fat will always be looked down upon but when you have many famous ranima saying the same thing then it adds some credibility and there are many discussions going on right now and those countries that have the option to apply or not apply there should be at the forefront of arranging international conventions talking about this topic publicly bringing the leading minds together and having these collective as for us here in North America or any Western country it's a theoretical issue in anybody who says the Sharia says this we say well maybe it does it doesn't I'm not intending to bring that aspect of Sharia to any land that is not based on the Sharia I would that is shallow we will conclude for today and they will resume next Wednesday insha'Allah items you
Channel: Memphis Islamic Center (MIC)
Views: 27,720
Rating: 4.8465471 out of 5
Keywords: islam, muslim, quran, koran, prophet, muhammad, yasir, qadhi, shaykh dr. yasir qadhi, memphis islamic center, mothers of the believers
Id: G8MujXvh4r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 49sec (5509 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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