2012-03-15 - Seerah - Part 26 - Yasir Qadhi - A Mercy to Mankind - Life of Prophet Muhammad Series

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al-hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen salat wa salam ala l-mursaleen muhammadin wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in am bad we were discussing the stories of the serie and we're trying to lay the foundations for the actual serie of the Prophet The Hitcher of the prophets of allah wahda you seldom we discussed many of the other hydras that took place and the point that we need to underscore the profitsystem was really one of the last if not the last adult Muslim to emigrate to Medina the only people left after the Prophet SAS other more some of the women and children such as the family of abu bakr such as andy and otherwise basically all of the adults had migrated before and there's only one story left before we get to the actual story of the Prophet SAS Allah and that is the story of Omaha table which is a very brief story and it shows the bravery of Umar and the the the methodology that remember the hot table had I didna be thought of narrates that I don't know of anybody who did the hijra publicly except for Omar I don't know of anybody who did the hey Jenna publicly except for tomorrow everybody was sneaking away everybody was doing it in the middle of the night except for Oh madam na kabob he was the only Muslim to do the Hegira and make it public he packed his bags he armed himself and wore his shield and his arrows and everything and he went to the Kaaba and did fall off seven times and he's dressed as a traveler he's prepared as a traveler and then he makes a public announcement oh people of Mecca whoever amongst you wishes that his mother lose him tonight or that his children become orphans or that his wife becomes a widow then know that I'm performing the Hegira and you can meet me outside of Makkah and such and such a valley this is the only person who performed Hajj Allah making it public and of course nobody took up Ramadan that challenge and this again shows us the status of our mother and this is why our professor amadora Elohim is an Islamic a habanero morena awake that o Allah bless Islam with the more beloved of the rumors to you the other one was being abou jihad because his name was also amber and so amber is type of Ramadan one of the means of ways of saying Roma is Amber and and and their way mid and I'm at all of these from the same root of amber and Omar and so the process said bless Islam with one of the two Omar's who is more beloved to you and so allah azza wajal loved her maternal hot tub and Abu jihad has a different fate as we know so this is the final story that we have of the hydras of the other Sahab and I mentioned the rest of them before so Haber Rumi and I yeah Shivan Ravi on and sedimentation I mentioned all of them last weekend so we now get to the actual Hitler of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom and as usual we need to piece together the incident of the hit off for many different stories again one of the problems of the serie is that the serie is not written down in one story we have different reports just like we have for Israel meteorologists like we have for better we need to piece together the puzzle so we have a number of stories the first of them the most authentic of them mushiya narrating in sahih bukhari the first person is generating her memories of the Hegira as a young girl i shed this time is around six or seven years old so this is basically her first memories of islam and aisha radi allahu and her says and the hadith is embody so it's fully authentic I don't remember any day except that my parents were Muslims ie as far back as I can remember my parents were Muslims so ah assha obviously was born and abu bakr was already a Muslim at the time right aisha is born in the buckers already a Muslim and she is the younger of the two asma bint ABI bakr is older and asthma has a different mother and ass mother was not a muslim she was a mission extol bakr divorced her a worker divorced asthma's mother and he married ishes mother and so i she says i don't remember a day except that both of my parents were upon the religion of islam and i don't remember any day except that the Prophet saws and would come visiting us in our house so her earliest memories everyday rasulullah sallallahu SNM is coming to us sometimes in the morning and even in the evening and then I shanna rates that when the professor Salaam was given the permission to migrate and he told the Muslims to migrate Abu Bakr prepared a camel to migrated to Medina and he asked the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam for permission every Muslim asked the process of permission for everything that he did and the Prophet SAS Adam said wait for I hope that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will give us permission I hope that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will give us permission for any other join you then ad meaning I waiting for a lot to give us this permission so so Abu Bakr understood that the permission that the profitsystem is waiting for is permission for him to accompany the Prophet SAS at him on the Hedgehog and so when Abu Bakr heard this he asked a saheba Rasul Allah are you hoping for my companionship meaning can I be with you is that what you're hoping for and so the Prophet SAW said yes this is what I'm hoping for and it shows us as well that the Prophet SAW sort of never did anything except with the permission of Allah and after asking Allah the prophet system did not undertake any major decision without getting permission from Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala and so everybody's allowed to emigrate but he's not migrating why because Allah did not tell him to do so yet so he says wait I will Bakr I hope that perhaps you might be given permission so when Abu Bakr heard this he prepared two camels instead of one he prepared two camels what does it mean to prepare a camel you all know that a camel is the ship of the desert you all know that a camel is able to carry its food and its water on its back right but in order to do so you need to feed the camel special diet and you need to cause it to drink extra water and you actually have to give it salt in order to cause it to drink water believe it or not obviously you have to give the camel salt so you force it to drink water so you prepare it for a few weeks and then the hump appears you give it a special type of diet you keep it locked up so that it doesn't burn its fat and you just feed it feed it feed it and you give it water and it will have that extra hump on his back so this is what I'm about cut is saying I'm preparing two camels one the process and I'm said this I prepared two camels and he said I did this for four months now scholars say this might be like a little bit of an exaggeration because it's actually been three and a half months so he's making it up to four right so because when the process I'm told the people to emigrate and then when he emigrated this is an interim of three and a half months so he's just rounding up as we say none exaggeration been rounding up not three and a half but rather four months and this took place in the nature of the thirteenth year of the mission the hedge of the thirteenth year of the of the to be more precise okay literally more precise the twelfth year of the prophetic message in the month of the edge' and then Muharram it becomes a thirteenth year right because Muharram is when we begin the year so in the Muharram of the 13th and then the suffer the prophets asanam according to our best estimates he didn't say this is not in any hadith but we're trying to estimate according to our best estimates how do we estimate we know a number of details we know that he was the last to emigrate we know that he emigrated on a Monday because if in Abbas as a sign was slim that the prophecies have reported that on Monday if khat was revealed to me I became a prophet and on Monday I was born and on Monday I emigrated so Monday is a day all of these things occurred so looking back at the calendars that we are able to derive we see which of these days corresponds to a number of facts and the closest date that some of our modern researchers have have developed is the 26th of safar the 26th of Safa in the 13th year of the Dawa this would basically be the first year of the Hitler right because the Hitler actually occurred in suffer and not in Muharram and I mentioned in other places in a halt about why the Sahaba chose Muharram to mark the beginning of the calendar that has nothing to do with the profitsystem it has to do it something else so muharram of that year then suffer the twenty-sixth of suffer the prophecy sanam actually emigrated what happened on that day in the daytime in the daytime of the Monday ah issues narrating the same hadith that when we were sitting in our house at the peak of the heat of the day at noontime death Allah here Allah it's a hot day and in Arabia in fact in every hot climate in Spain is one example of this they have the siesta and all of this in every hot climate in the middle of the day everything just shuts down and people just take a nap because there's nothing else they can do it's too hot to go outside Sceptile ooh that's a siesta you take a nap and this is a culture that not only did our prophecies don't find he encouraged it and he encouraged the Muslims to take this afternoon nap and everybody knows scientists doctors they all tell us didn't you take this nap it makes you energetic and it makes you better prepped for the day to have a little nap in the afternoon so the processor advised us and encouraged us to have this afternoon nap so this was the time in this nap time where our issue says that in the in the that how in the hot time of the day we saw a figure approaching and the streets were deserted nobody's there and the figure had wrapped his turban around his head Mahon man is the it's like the man who wraps the turban around his face you cannot see him until we recognize from the distance that it is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sending them now obviously when you know somebody very well even if they cover their face you can recognize from the body from even the thobe anything you can recognize this is that particular person and so we said well la he the only reason he must be coming into something very grave to have occurred this is an emergency nobody comes at this time for something very grave to have occurred so the Prophet Sasaram asked permission to come in abu bakr granted it to him and he said remove everybody from the room now in those days the houses were not divided into different rooms they were divided into compartments hurons the houses didn't have these massive mansions as we do you walk in here they're rather you built a house and then you would have chambers he would have curtains that would have private rooms in it right so the profit system does not know who's inside these rooms so he tells abu-bakr get everybody else out whoever whatever woman is here get her out an abubakr said Jaros or allah they are but your family that's it eyyy eyyy she and her sister that's all there was there and of course I I had already been engaged to the professor said Anika had been done in the consummation and not yet occurred so the nikah has already taken place and and abu bakr says yeah no so allah this only your family nobody else is here and so ash's narrating first person she's hearing from behind the curtains she's hearing because she's in the house so ash's narrating first person this story and so abu bakr says there's only there's only your family here meaning a bovine and a SMAP and so the prophecies and i've said allah has given me permission to emigrate allah has given me permission to emigrate now Bakr was waiting for permission to come to him as well and so he asked him he had a suit allah Asuma Oh Messenger of Allah did Allah allow me to be the companion Garrus or allah azza the other enter on me I beg you by by my mother and father did Allah give this permission and the prophets Allah sent him said nam yes the permission has been given for you to accompany me Aisha says this hadith is and Behati and this edition is an urbanist ha ha Aisha says that I saw Abu Bakr cry and I had never believed that people could cry out of happiness until I saw Abu Bakr cry out of happiness on that day I should saying I never believed that people cried when they got happy crying is something you do when you're sad when you're worried when you're distressed I should says I never believed that people could cry when they're happy until I saw my own father Abu Bakr cry when the permission was given to migrate with the Prophet sallallaahu either he was sending them and so the Prophet SAW said I'm told Abubakr that he was going to migrate with him Abu Bakr said ya Rasul Allah I have prepared two camels one of them is yours somehow although the process M did not have a camel even in Mecca he didn't have a camel I have prepared two camels one of them is yours and the Prophet SAW said Allah be FEMEN only if I pay you the price of the camel - till it becomes mine I'm not going to take it as a free gift I'm not gonna take it as a freebie subhanAllah why because this is of the perfection of his manner so Allah vario-sonnar is the perfection of his manners even though he's a Rasul Allah he doesn't take advantage and flout to do this and do that until I pay its price then I'll take it from you and also because he wanted the full reward of doing the Hitler because as we all know if you help somebody doing some good deed what happens you get a share and so the profit system wants the full reward I'm gonna pay for it myself and I'm gonna migrate on the camel that I own and so Abu Bakri basically forced to take us home from the Prophet system to give him that camel and ass map who is his older sister it's just too young to do anything and asthma is at least 15 years older than her 10 to 15 years older asthma is basically adult already and Aisha is a little girl she cannot prepare anything so Asma had already prepared food and reserves for them and so in the panic of the moment she bundled up all of the food and she didn't have anything to tie the bag with and so she took off her belt and in those days the belt is nothing other than some you know group or something she took off her own belt and tore it in half with her teeth and used half of a belt for her own garment and then used the other half for the bag of the Prophet SAW sermon Abu Bakr and that is why she was called that own little pain she of the two belts this is this is the lockup this is the title if anybody says who is she of the two belts this is the title that was given to a SMAP bint ABI bakr because of this incident but she took off her own belts cut it in half and then she just used half of it to try to keep her own a blouse and skirt on and the rest of it she used for the food of the prophet sallallaahu either he was sending them and abu-bakr had at this point in time five thousand dirhams and eben is half narrates that when abu bakar accepted islam he was a wealthy man who had 40,000 in hams and by the time he emigrated 35 thousand of them had been gone for what for saving people like banana for basically purchasing almost every single slave he could find in Mecca that was being persecuted he spent 90 percent of his wealth completely for the sake of Islam and when he emigrated he took the entire amount with him five thousand dirhams he took with him and sigh tangent here but when he took this amount i'm Walker's father Ibaka hoffa Andamooka Hoffa did not accept Islam until after the conquest of Makkah alcohol was an open enemy a sarcastic enemy in that he always mocked his own son how could you have accepted the faith of this man and he was already a bitter old man he was a blind old man who had a sharp tongue already had a sharp tongue and Ibaka hoffa when abu bakr left with the process and we're jumping the gun but just to tell this story ibaka hoffa came to a SMAP mocking abu bakr for having abandoned the two little girls without any money what type of father is this he has left you with no money he had all of this wealth he's taken it all for his companion has left nothing for you and so a smash from how to look at her iman and her intelligence and he's a he's a blind man a smack took the money jar it was in a jar it was a sack cloth that a luck had kept his money in and quickly picked up some pebbles and threw them in there and wrapped the money jar in some more cloth and said no my grandfather he has left us some money here look and she gave him the bag that Abu Bakr kept for his money so you know this is the bag that is the money back and so he felt it and he felt it a heavy amount right so he said okay I'm mistaken if this is what he has left for you then there is nothing to blame even though a smart says he didn't leave us a penny why because he wants every penny for the professor said him and he expects somebody will give them food and water and they're not gonna starve to death in Mecca they're not in the middle of the desert there are people that are gonna give them the basic to live we are going in the middle of the desert we don't know where we're gonna need this money who were gonna have to pay off so he took every last dinner home that he had and he left nothing with asthma and inertia and of course Allah took care of them and eventually they made their way to Medina now there is uh this is the version of Behati and the version of Behati is as always Bo hotties versions are always the most concise the least detailed you want the juicy details you need to go to the other books and the problem with the other books is many times they don't have authentic it's nuts right so as we said many times over and over again these types of traditions no problem in narrating them but we should sift through that which we know as a fact versus that whose miss nots might be slightly weak when we turn to muslimah Mohammed we have a hadith that gives us a little bit more description about what happened on that particular night and even Abbas says Allah revealed in the Quran one ayah describing that night the night of the Hydra and that is surah al anfal verse 30 surah al anfal verse 30 even Abbas said this is an ayah that talks about the Hydra what is salat al anfal verse 30 William cubical Edenic a fellow youth b2k Ikaruga oh yeah - look who I am coruña I am Corps allahu allahu khairan marketing when the people who disbelieved plotted secretly to either try to imprison you leave vitoca oh you horrid Jukka or to exile you oh yeah - look or to kill you when they plotted secretly to do one of these three things and allah azza wajal plotted and they plotted and Allah is the blessed best of those who plan so even Abbas says this ayah talks about that night what happened that night they came together in doubt on Ned WA now to another WA was their Parliament and they came together in the middle of the night there was a secret meeting and representatives from all of the tribes of the Quraysh came except for the banu hashim except for the Banu Hashim but the Banu Hashim did not come they weren't invited and so Abu Lahab was not invited for this meeting because it would have been a conflict of interest even though his heart would have been with them his presence would have jeopardized it this is a bit deep here think about this they intentionally left Abu Abu Lahab out of the meeting why because they were planning to harm one of his relatives immediate relatives his nephew and no matter how much Abu Lahab wouldn't have minded that he couldn't have officially given the green light for that as they say ignorance is bliss right so if Abu Lahab didn't know abou dahab doesn't have to answer even though they knew that his heart would have been with them you guys following this point here right is that very crafty of them to leave Abu Lahab out they know exactly what they're doing and they also left out another very important figure and that is multi maybe Nadi who is motive even adi motive even adi is the one who's basically allowed the profitsystem to remain in mecca it's his protection not abu lahab they've left him out because once again mole term has given his word and he cannot take it back in a private meeting right and this shows us despite their evil and conniving there is some sense of dignity there is some sense that we cannot invite these two people even though they're pagans are not Muslims but Motum has given his word right he's the one that the passport if you like the visa is from all time then I'm giving you protection so they can't invite mother him to the meeting right and I would have no matter how much he hates his own nephew and he was he's even withdrawing his protection but Abu Lahab cannot get his hands guilty with the blood cuz that would be something that forget he doesn't care but it's it's embarrassing for the public not that he loves this nephew he doesn't at all right if he had his way he would have been killed long time ago but it's a matter of tribal honor it's a matter of the customs of the time how could a bula hub allow his own nephew to get killed knowingly this would have been a shame for a Buddha have as long as he lived so he also was not invited who was invited the rest of the seniors and the elders and in one so basically the the descendants of abdomen of the descendants of cosine the descendants of other sub tribes of the Quraysh not the benoit and not motor i'm evan ID and it is also said in a narration that has a slight missing link in it patada who's at a barre narrates from from this time and he never saw this time there's a missing link that an old man came knocking on the door in the middle of the night I mean this is its secret meeting nobody is supposed to know about it and when they opened the door they saw a man they could not recognize who he was they said who are you he said I am a leader from the Nejd I'm not from here I'm the leader from the nudge and it has reached me that you're having a meeting and allow me to come perhaps I can benefit you with my wisdom about what you're planning to do and even Abbas says this was Shaitaan this was Shaitaan who wanted to seal the plot make sure that the actual plot that was done was that of assassination when they came together they began talking to one another and they said the Muslims have now migrated to another land and we are scared if we allow this man to leave they will become a political threat to Mecca because again up until now the Muslims have been in their control up until now they've all been in Mecca now everybody has migrated they all know that one person is left that's the prophecy with Abu Bakr everybody else has gone so they have a meeting the very night of before the hijra the very night before the immigration they have a meeting and they say we need to do something now realize the Hydra was because of this meeting right the Hitchin of the timing of the aedra was because of this meeting because they plotted a lot as the witch applauded that's what a lie saying so they came together on that night and they gave some suggestions the first suggestion let's imprison him in a house now there's no such thing really as a prison in Arabia at the time they didn't have a concept of a prison and if they had to imprison somebody it was an exceptional thing it was not the concept of putting somebody in jail was not known to the early Muslims or to the Arabs and if you think about it's a very inhumane concept to lock somebody up for 20 years in room this was not known to the Arab so they said let's basically put a house and put him into that house and this is what Allah is saying loose paducah they want to tie you up put you down and the old man basically beliefs said if you were to do this his words would still reach his followers people would smuggle out the Quran and whatnot to his followers it's not a good enough plot another said let us send him into exile Oh Yahoo Jukka Allah says in the Quran let us send him into exile at least he'll be rid of us here in Makkah again it beliefs said sending him into exile is to send him back to his followers it'll strengthen them rather than weaken them you can't limit you can't get rid of him and here is where Abu jahil of course was in the audience and Abuja has said you still haven't said the point that is on everybody's mind but they're scared to say it every one of you is thinking this but nobody has the guts to come and say it well let me say it Abu John why don't we kill him but now the problem would come and I've said this many times before it's a matter of honour for the Arabs it's a matter of law that you don't kill one of your own but something that they have never done before you don't kill one of your own in cold blood this is something that is it's something they for them it would be a mark of humiliation it would be something their enemies would criticize for the rest of the Croatians lies they'd be criticizing this right so abu jahal said but we'll do this in a way that nobody can get angry at any one tribe and this was the dastard plot of abuja abu jahil said rather than one of us attack him why not every single tribe sends one representative and they fight him like one man such that by the time he's dead their blood his blood is on all of their swords so nobody knows who killed him and all of the tribes are equally to blame if we do this no one tribe can be made fun of because they're all guilty at least the ones in the room the tribes that were in the room and he said the banu hashim will have no choice but to accept the blood money otherwise the Banu Hashim earth had to declare war you see this is again tribal honor has nothing to do with the fact they love where they hate this man it's tribal honor it's gang mentality you harm my gang I have to kill one of your gang you kill me we're gonna kill you back it's gang mentality so the Banu Hashim if any other tribe had attacked them the Banu Hashim would have had to declare war until they killed a good amount of the other enemy and then they said okay this is the sauce now if all of the tribes in Mecca and in the surrounding regions equally participate the Banu Hashim cannot declare war against all of them so what are they gonna have to do they're gonna have to accept the blood money the deer and the the concept of blood money and cos øz was pre-islamic Islam came and gave it some rules Haneen but the concept of having blood money diya and the concept of having cos øz it is pre-islamic Islam fine-tuned it and made it precise and so they had this notion of blood money so the abuja has said if we do this the banu hashim will have no alternative except to take the blood money and QALYs it will be a done deal this was one italy stood up and said this is this is the latias city this is the smart decision this is the intelligent decision that there is no other decision to take other than this one and this was therefore what they all plotted to do and right then and there every one of the tribes people thought of one person in their tribe they a young strong man whom they could choose for this deed and they sent them immediately to the house of the prophet sallallahu aleyhi was sent them and this was when gibreel came down to the Prophet system and formed him that you must make the Hitler now so this was on the same evening that he spoke into Abu Bakr the same evening he does not know what's happening but gibreel comes and tells him you need to leave right now and so allah subhana wa ta'ala informed him of that plot and even his hoc reports without any east nad and so there's no it's not at all but this is the famous report that we all know that as they surrounded the house of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa seldom the professor sanam went outside reciting surah yaseen reciting surah yaseen and they did not recognize him or they did not see him at all because Allah Azza WA just says what John elevated him said there were five him said then fell Shana whom from now you will soon we put barriers in front of them and behind them so we caused them to go blind or we covered them up and they couldn't see anything and so the prophecies are recited surah yaseen the first verses and they were blinded to his presence they didn't see a thing and even his half mentions that he threw dust on their hair he threw dust on their hair as a sign of humiliation like it's something that is disgusting even if one of us has dust on us we don't like it right so he threw dust on every one of them as he walked out and they didn't even see this until after he had left until after he had left and it is said that at the time he was still living in the house of Khadijah of course because Khadija has passed away so he's living in the house and with him is of course idly because he's supposed to be taking care of Ali and he grew up in the household of the Prophet sallallaahu ayah he was seldom and Ali at this stage Adi is a young boy at the time Ali is a young boy at the time he's a teenager he's a young man I should say he's a teenager because Ali has been a Muslim since he was around seven eight years old so he's around nineteen eighteen nineteen now at this time he's a young man at this time and Ali was told to remain behind in the bed of the prophets of Allah why do you send him you know they didn't have closed windows you know for them there is this opening there you look inside and you will see the people inside the house and so he told Ali to stay in his bed so that if the Quraysh looked in they would find somebody like there and it's dark nobody sees who it is they would assume that this is the prophet sallallaahu ID he was send them all of this this details of the story it is found in the Venice half but without any it's not so there is not 100% authenticity but at the same time there's nothing wrong with affirming these these stories now abu bakr radiallahu i'm had already prepared the two camels the prophecies in him came to the house of a bucket in the middle of the night the two of them in the middle of the night rode their camels and they went to as we all know the cave of thawr hari thought now hadith all is very interesting because it is in the exact opposite direction that Medina is medina is due north straight line what is owed is due south exact opposite you literally are turning your back to Medina and walking away to get to hadith Oh literally and it's a two and a half three hour walk from Mecca and so they had already devised the plot a plan to go to this cave and stay there for three days and three nights in utmost secrecy and then after three days and three nights they would then meet with a guide who would take them from a path that was unknown to the Horesh a path that only some of the better ones of other tribes knew not the main road not the highway a back road and in fact they had to circle down to what is now Jeddah and they were very close to Jeddah and then they made their way to Medina from Jeddah and so they didn't take the highway from Makkah to Madinah they actually took the highway if you like from Jeddah to Medina and the modern highway that is that they have just now built the modern highway that they have just now built I say just now has been at least 15 years but for 40 years before this back in the 60s and 70s there was a very old you must remember it uncle ever sitting here it was rumoured that old I still have memories of that as well when I was a kid there's very old highway from Makkah that's that was another path the new path it is actually called Perry Hall Hydra that's the name of the highway in our times body of college because when the engineers actually found out when they had a Maps and they still figure out what's the best way to get from this place to that place they actually figured out believe it or not actually we firmly do believe it that the best way is Federico da da da right the easiest way and this was not the way that was known to the Arabs at the time because in order to do it you have to go towards Jeddah so therefore if you're going from Makkah to Madinah you actually circle little bit towards Jeddah and then you work your way up that's the highway of our times and so the highway that you go to is actually closer to the hijra of the Prophet SAW cedam then the old highway that they had built back in the 50s back in the 40s and 50s now we had said that Abu Bakr already had this point in mind and abu bakr radiyaallahu an how to undertake this journey we're gonna get to this we're gonna get to this in a while before we get there it is said that when the prophet sallallaahu idea he was seldom left Mecca I did MIDI reports in his Sunna when he passed the final shops of Mecca cuz the souk of Makkah was on the outskirts when he passed the final soup of Mecca the middle of the night he turned around to take one final look and he would not enter Makkah again except as a conqueror so many years later except for the one interlude in in the ummah rasool allah he came for two days or three days and then left otherwise he would not enter Makkah again except as a conquer eight and a half years later he turned around and he said speaking to Mecca generically or metaphorically he said to Mecca that you are the most blessed land on earth and the most beloved to me lalala and Nepal me and were it not for the fact that my people haha Junie have expelled me I would never have left you were it not for the fact that my own people have expelled me I would not have left you and this is exactly the wordings that waraqa even know felt old him almost thirteen and a half years ago when he accepted what up Ivan nofa told him who that was what Ivan knoefel said I wish I were a young man to help you the day that your people will expel you the exact same warnings and the profitsystem said alimony G home my old people are gonna expel me he is saying thirty thirteen years later my call me a car juni exact same wordings thirteen years have gone by and this is the fulfillment of the prophecy that what Allah says because what a panoz reality what Allah knows what has happened in the past and so what after says yes every prophet has been expelled and you're not going to be any exception and so the Prophet SAW said this even Cathy has over here that he also made a long drop and he has the recorded it's a long beautiful draw where he basically asks a lot for protection he asks a lot to make this suffer easy for him he asks Allah for his mercy and his and his protection all of this is mentioned in Eibon kathira sierra i have not found it in any earlier one of the classical books Allah subhana WA Ta'ala knows best now getting back to the story of Abu Bakr and the prophet sallallaahu Hani who was send them and also the version of aja aja says that Abu Bakr had planned to stay in the law though for three nights and they had made an arrangement with two different people or I should say three people actually they had made an arrangement with three people to do three chores so Abu Bakr has been thinking about this for a long time the planning has been done the first was his son Abdullah Abdullah bin ABI bakr well who are hollow moon Shaaban thought they for luck in this era is speaking he was a young strong man very intelligent and very quick to understand abdullah IBN ABI bakr his his oldest son and he's younger than a smile the oldest at asthma then abdullah and then you have i share and then you had abdul rahman and then you had a third daughter that was born after abu bakr died his wife was pregnant and that is omaha dija no ouma kurosu ouma confirmed the very last order of al-bakr ohmic assume that when when abu bakr died he was on his deathbed and he told YCJA take care of your two sisters and your two brothers hi she said what two sisters I only have one sister and Abu Bakr said that I feel that my wife she had another wife after that my wife is pregnant and she will give birth to a daughter and he didn't even know this she was not visibly pregnant but he had a intuition from Allah he had an intuition from Allah and so he died and eight months later his wife gave birth to a issues youngest sister she's younger sister this is abu bakr's intuition that Allah had give him and he was getting back here so well what God had said to his son Abdullah he's the oldest son as well as the oldest daughter his son Abdullah that every morning he would come out with some food and drink for the cave because they're not gonna leave the cave at all so this is gonna be the provision inside the cave and he would listen to the people of Mecca what they're doing which direction they're heading in he's a young child he's not going to be people are not gonna pay attention to him he's gonna be going in the marketplace and eavesdropping what are the people talking about where are the expeditions being sent to so he would inform them on a daily basis in case they need to modify their plan so this was abdullah IBN abu bakr's task and he would do this every day he would just go around as if he's doing his tours purchasing what needs to be purchased taking out the goats doing this and that in reality this is just a guys to listen to what the people are talking about and because he's a kid nobody's paying attention to him that's why I she says he was a smart kid he was way ahead of his years the second person I assure says I read even if O'Hara was abu bakr's personal servant ie a slave whom he had freed i'm it have been for him he was abu bakr's freed servant a Wacka had a slave of what could feed the slave and so there's a clear sense of loyalty to abu bakr how many been for Hara I met him before Hara had the job of taking out the flocks he would take some money to be a shepherd for the people of Makkah right this is the most menial job you can do the process of himself did it he would be a shepherd his job was to take out the flocks and make sure that the footsteps of Abdullah ibn ABI bakr are erased away notice the footsteps of abdullah bin ABI bakr are erased away right and so how many before hara takes this flock of sheep and he grazes back and forth over the footsteps so that nobody knows where the profitsystem has gone and then there was a third man assigned for the job and that is Abdullah even our Hut or or a kilt both are mentioned abdullah of an Al Kut or or a tilt both are mentioned we don't know the exact name and his job he was not from the Quraysh he was from a faraway tribe and he was from a bedouin tribe and his job was to lead them down this what we now call Talia polyhedra because they're not going the famous way they're going away that nobody travels right now I know this is difficult for us to understand they actually did have highways back in those days believe it or not they did what is a highway back event this is a well-traveled road well travel road and they would have wells and they would even have provisions for those who are completely out of everything they would sometimes build this would depend on the political and the economic state of the of the of the people but they would have provisions on the road for those who don't have anything they would put it up if you're out of everything there's gonna be some water under some rocks or something there would be marks there would be markings people would know this is the the path right and people would love to take the path the same reason why we take the major highways and not the back roads safety security something happens a major Pitcairn will come the exact same reasons right nobody just takes a 4x4 and goes into the the desert unless they are of a different spirit you know that adventurous spirit you know that's not something the average person does the same thing happens at the time of the Prophet SAW sort of so they hired Abdullah bin Alcantara lately to tell them of this back road that nobody ever traveled you wouldn't find a soul on this road unless they happen to be of a similar adventurous spirit this would not the road that other people travel and point was where the goal was where the plan was that Abdullah even or elite would meet them on the morning of the third night three nights in the cave nobody knows and then on the morning of the third night they would meet Abdullah ibn arcot and he would take take them on this on this new road now in a narration that is Motta finale this Bukhari and Muslim - Anu Malik says that Abu Bakr narrated to us the details of the journey Abu Bakr narrated to us the details of the journey and this is the famous story that all of you know that abu bakr said that now hadith Oh some of you I'm sure have been there who's been to hadith or the two three huh you've seen it you've been inside it you have been inside you haven't been inside hadith oh so a lot of thought when you a lot of thought is not like Hara Hara is very different a lot of Hera is very different a lot of thought is a very small cave and the entrance is more on the top like you have to wiggle your way in and then jumped into not really jump but put your way into the heart now in our times if you go to the hadith wrote it's actually a small chamber that's because there's been probably five million people that have come in and out of it every time somebody comes in you know it gets a little bit bigger you know you take a little bit sand out you literally carve out a bigger cave just by walking into and out of it right this is basic geology basic you know physics I mean everybody who comes in I believe it or not every human being who walks into that cave and walks out the cave will actually expand because of that right another example is the mount of the archers Japan or Roma jebra Roma at the time of the prophecies and was at least four times higher than what it is now right nobody came and destroyed it but what happens we all go up and we go down as we go up and we go down we take a little bit of the sand with us right so what happens over the last 14 centuries this geben has become a little bit of a hill that's maybe what three times the size of this message right three four times it's very small even an elderly person can walk all the way to the top and come back down no problem that wasn't the way it was back then back then it was much higher by the way the same happens for safa and marwa Safa and Marwah much larger than they are now we only see 10 feet it was actually more like a hundred feet back then so the point being this is basic geology basic human basic sciences jeboa thought was a very small chamber and it is said that there was only space literally for two people in that Japan so it's not like a little massive chamber that there's a masha'allah ventilation and running water and no this is not it's literally a crevice that's more like what it is just a little crack and abu-bakr had planned this to be there for three days that's stay in there now Abubakar saw the flourish walking up and down the cave question arises how did they get there and this is not mentioned in this narration it is mentioned in other books Albert as URI and other books mentioned that when the Quraysh figured out that the process had not gone the usual Road because all the other Mahad you don't had taken the usual road all of the other Mahajan had taken the usual road but the haurache didn't send expeditions to bring them back right if they you you all know the story the only did it for so Haven a few people otherwise they didn't send an expedition to send them back if they got to the road then we'll call us okay who's gonna go and get them back for the prophecies and they sent out riders they sent out every direction they figure out he's not there so then Alban either he says one of the ancient books it says they hired an expert scout they hired an expert scout to figure out the traces of the camel from the house of Abu Bakr and so this Scout managed to despite all of the precautions now he's an expert Scout right so he has his ways Allah knows I have no idea how this person could figure it out but whether it's through camel dung yes camel dung because the event camels have different dongs and once you figure out which one this is you can figure this that or I don't know how the other ways as well but they have their ways so they hired this expert scout from outside of the city private detective basically right and they bring him to Mecca and they say trace the footsteps of these two men and so he leads them to the base of a lot of thought and it goes this is where I can trace it from here it's a mountain I can't follow anymore from here it's a mountain now this is skeptical it's iffy like this is one theory so they're they're not 100% sure he's on the mountain but this is the best hint they've had for the last three days so what happens they all send in the troops in the forces right Abu jahil is there and Walid Obinna is there oh my even hotter fizz they're all the big names come because this is the hint now that they've been wanting this is better than anything they've gotten and so this is the famous incident that Abu Bakr looks out and he sees a wood jihad and an O may have been - all of them that's why they were on the mountain and this is when he whispers to the prophecies at him that all they need to do is to look into this crevasse and they will see us all they need to is look into this crevasse and they will see us he says lo novara hadami Nakada may he live cerana if they just look down at their feet where they we are now they would see us because the entrance to the cave it's that feet level and so the person who's walking outside might see a little bit of a crack and they would assume that the crack is not a cave they would assume is just to crack you know how mountains have there's all these cracks so oh bugger became panicked and he whispered if they just looked down they'll see us and this is when the prophecies and responded to the famous phrase that all of you should know and memorize picada yeah abu bakr marvin dukkha Beth Nene Allahu Allah through whom ah o Abu Bakr what do you think of two people Allah is the third of them what do you think is gonna happen what do you think of two people Allah is the third of them now over here of course we all have the famous stories of the spider and the tree and the pigeons and all that and again there they are mentioned in some of the books the the story of the spider web is mentioned in musnad imam ahmed and there is a slight weakness in it and so out of all of the stories this is the best story there's a slight weakness in it as for the narration of the tree leaning down over the mouth or the two pigeons setting up a nest these are reported with massive missing links so third fourth generation reporting what happened in the town of the process in them so no problem narrating it but we should know that this is not in Mohave and muslims it's not like 100% authentic but nothing is surprising if Allah had willed it then we don't we don't have any problem affirming that so they crossed over the hearth out and they didn't realize they were in there and so after the third day they met Abdullah I've been out but around 11:00 or I failed and the three of them began going on their way to Medina towards the direction of the shore now Jeddah is at the shore as you should know Jettas at the shore medea Mecca is inside inland so they work their way down south and then from south they work their way out basically to what is now Jeddah right outside of Jeddah and then they began going northwards towards Mecca which is a road that is parallel to the main road from Makkah to Madinah but not the main road it is parallel to it right but it is not the main road and this is the road as I said today in our times this is the main highway that runs from Makkah to Madinah it actually goes this way and then upwards because we have discovered that this is actually the fastest way to get to Medina in our times and that's what this discovery was only recent and on the way to Medina a number of stories and our are narrated most important of them two stories are narrated that are clearly authentically narrated the first to them is the story of Soraka even Malik and the second of them is the story of o Muhammad SAW al Qaeda bin Malik and on the map but very briefly these are stories that all of you should be familiar with and they are narrative with authentic chains Soraka iben Maddock was from the tribe of a medicament from the tribe of joram and he was not from the Haresh basically he was from one of the Bedouin tribes and he was the leader of the tribe he was the leader of the tribe and the booty the bounty the war money of a hundred camels have been placed on a bucket and the profitsystem dead or alive anybody who finds them gets 100 camels that's a lot of money 100 camels is a lot of money the process him didn't even own one camel until the hijra but a camel is like a car imagine 100 cars it's a lot of money and so there's a hundred camels whoever catches the prophesize I'm an Abu Bakr dead or alive no questions asked Soraka a bin Malik narrates the story to us himself in the first person that's what is very interesting he narrates the story after he accepts Islam and so dr. Ben Maddox says that he was sitting with his fellow tribesmen and the news comes that they're searching for three riders because now they've discovered the plot they discover Abu Bakr and the prophecy cell and a guide three people have left so the news goes out is on the grapevine three riders in the desert if you find them dead or alive and they are the process and they would then they are you get a hundred camels so rasca says I was sitting with my tribesmen and one of my people came back from a hunting expedition and he says I saw three people in the distance I'm sure this must be the three the Quraysh are looking for Soraka got greedy and Soraka wanted the hundred for himself not to share it with anybody so immediately he lied and he says oh no no that's not those three that's the party of so-and-so they told me they were going on an expedition in that region he lied that's not those two there's somebody else I know who they are don't worry about that so he sat down the man who thought it was a camo excited he sat down conversation continued Soraka says when they forgot about the incident because he played it cool he slipped away rushed back home got his warhorse ready put on his armor and galloped at lightning speed as fast as he could to get to those three people cuz he has bows and arrows and it says dead or alive cause he can kill them without even coming close and he'll get a hundred camels and Soraka says hey Matt the story is famous after summarize it cuz time is limited that when he saw them for the first time in the distance all of a sudden my horse sunk into the ground and threw me flipped me over and it had never done this before in another version he said that I could see a smoke between me and the three riders something's clearly wrong and so he said I pulled out my Islam Islam is there their method of predicting the future as llamas like carrot cards or reading your palms or something like this they had a they had they had a type of is this Fabien Aslam which basically means they're gonna ask the gods what should be done call it a pagan salat Alistair Cara okay call it a pagan Sun after the Sahara that's really what it is okay so he said I pulled out those as them what is Islam by the way it's it's arrows that has certain things on it you know literally like you have the Thai red cards or Ouija boards it has these weird symbols and whatnot you need to interpret it your own way so he has those things with him so he said I threw out my Aslam on to the sand to see which direction is gonna go see all of that and the response that I got was do not proceed I ignored it and continued going because he wants the money right the second time I came closer once again the exact same thing happened once again I was thrown across the horse once again I took it out once again it says do not proceed I ignored it and went for the third time until finally they were within yelling distance I could I could speak to them and for the third time my horse did it even more violently and I knew that this was a force beyond me I knew that this was a man I could not reach beyond my beyond my power and he said in this hadith he said and I knew that the affair of this man would spread i Aslam would spread I knew that the affair of this man would spread so I called out to them that I am a safe person I'm not going to harm you give me permission to come close subhanAllah from the hunted he becomes the one asking permission right from the one who's hunting he becomes the one asking permission and he he narrates an interesting thing he says when I saw them in the distance I forgot to mention this when I saw them in the distance I saw that one of the two I Abu Bakr was riding in a very agitated state always looking right and left sometimes behind sometimes going to the front sometimes going back behind sometimes going to the front because he's so worried about the Prophet SAS at him that he's worried he's gonna be attacked from the back he goes in the back then his paranoid gets the better of him what if he's attacked from the front he goes to the front right he cannot concentrate whereas the other rider was riding calmly and peacefully not turning once left or right reciting something reciting the Quran reciting something the status of a book at his ass of the Prophet system right Oh bucket is very worried 22 protect and the process of him Lyle's fe2 yamino is not even looking not know II just know what catalana he knows Allah will protect him so when he finally got permission to come to come forth what a Soraka Eman Maddox says that I asked permission from the prophet salallahu alayhi wa send them to give me protection in writing Allah it's an amazing thing one minute he wants to pull his arrow to kill them the next minute he says I knew that their affair would spread everywhere so I wanted protection when that happened I didn't want to be hurt when that happened so I asked for protection a man a man means we're not going to harm you right well I amazing look at how in one instance from the hunted to begging permission to live basically and the profit system allowed Abdullah even a cut to write down on a scroll right down on a parchment a man for Soraka a bin Malik that you will be safe so doc I'm Eric you're gonna be safe we're not gonna harm you you use protected us today we're gonna protect you tomorrow whenever the need comes Soraka said I offered them some food and the both of them refused they had no need of it they were prepared for that they had no need of this but Abu Bakr said if fear and I don't tell anybody about us that's the one request we have don't tell anybody about us and so Soraka didn't tell anybody about them until finally he went when they did arrive in medina by the way Soraka told them all the story and that happened and Abu jahil wrote him a scathing poem where he called Soraka the foolish that you let them go and you did this and this and you know you're a basically an idiot basically was very harsh poetry he wrote him that Dale slipped out of your hands and Xalapa wrote back poetry there's all in him in his house and he said to him that had you been there on that day and you had seen what I had seen then you wouldn't be saying what you're saying I know what happened you don't know what happened okay I saw with my own eyes you didn't see what I saw and so eventually after the Battle of her name of course by the way in wondering why even Abdullah says this what I mentioned to you is Muslim name of Muhammad ibn Abdullah another very early author says that when Soraka turned to leave the profitsystem for the first time turned to him and said to him yeah Soraka KF a big Osaka how will you be the day that you put on the bracelets of kiss Salah how will you be the day that you put on the bracelets of kiss Sarah Soraka shocked couldn't say anything other than kiss Sarah the son of Horan was like as if we said the president there's only one president as if you said the king in any land of kings there's only one king there's only one kiss Sarah right but he kind of kissed Sarah the son of voter Moses meaning the emperor of persia you want me to wear his bracelet or I'm gonna wear his bracelets and that's it the person who didn't even respond how will you be the day that you put on the bracelets of now kiss her was well-known for the jewelry that he would whereas a man is a man but he would wear jewelry right not to mention things that you shouldn't be seeing but if you've seen the movie 300 you've seen the leader of the row of the Persians dressed and all these weird things right that's basically kiss right there that's the the idea of the idea of the Roman or the Persian emperors there be bracelets and earrings and whatnot this is they would dress like this and he had very expensive jewelry and very expensive gold and decorated bracelets well known everybody envied him for this okay so the profit system is saying how are you gonna be the day that you wear those bracelets of kisara right and on the day of her name which is after the conquest of Mecca the prophecies and conquered basically the other tribes applying Makkah and he finally conquered the tribe of Salafi bin Malik Soraka pulled out the very piece of paper that he had it's not papers actually parchment he pulled out the very piece of leather that he had that the Prophet system had written to him almost ten years ago H nine years ago and the prophecies in recognize Soraka and he gave him the security he gave him the Ahmad and Soraka accepted Islam and Soraka became a well-known of Sahabi after this and he migrated to Medina he lived in Medina the prophecies and passed away within six seven years of his death the the mighty nation of the Sassanid persians collapsed as we talked about in the battle of Casilla was the beginning of the end of the sassanids and eventually paris a polis which is still standing to this day still standing to this day paris operas which is a city outside of tehran which was the capital of the sassanids you have pillars in the middle of the desert literally like one hundred two hundred features in the air going it's amazing you just see pictures of it in our times we are astounded to this day these massive palaces completely empty and abandoned right from the middle of nowhere you see to this day it's amazing architecture the eventually persopolis was conquered that is the capital of the sassanids and as is typical all of the jewelry all of the treasures of the palace are gathered and sent to romanovna kebab and in the masjid there dubbed the Masjid that the profit system is full of treasures and gold and when he sees the palace treasure he says where is su Raqqa called Soraka for me and so Soraka is called he's found in the city called and uma puts him on his own chair and Umar finds in that gold the bracelets of kiss Allah cuz everybody knows the promise everybody knows what the process in him said these are now legends everybody's heard he finds the two bracelets of kisara he puts them on the hand of Soraka Eibon Malik and the entire congregation starts saying Allahu Akbar Allah Akbar this is the fulfillment of what the prophecies and I'm selling and in fact the version Amman Abdul bar says they took Soraka around medina can you imagine the bracelets of kisra the most powerful man now and romanovna pop said alhamdulillah who has taken this bracelets away from kiss her the Sun of Hormuz and given them to Soraka a Bedouin from the trauma of the money the tribe of the Banu mutlaq alhamdulillah who has taken them from this mighty man and given them to this Muslim as what the Prophet SAW some predicted so many years ago subhanAllah what an amazing story and it is clearly mentioned in our books and it is what are the many many miracles that are mentioned in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them we don't have time for the story of o muhammad we'll continue the story mmm but inshallah next wednesday and then as well talk about the entrance of the prophesies room to medina and inshallah also next wednesday when talk about a very important topic and that is why medina we didn't talk about this yet why medina why did allah choose this city and not so many other cities that's the question that has many responses and reasons too there's a deep and profound wisdom and that is in charlotte something we'll talk about inshaallah next wednesday if we're able to do all of that we have a few minutes left for questions and then some announcements as usual and then we'll break for so that Elisha so yeah and Charlie next weekend next Wednesday so we're gonna talk about some of the wisdoms of the Syrah one of the wisdoms of the Syrah that we learned of the Hegira excuse me one of the wisdoms of the hedgerow abdullah even our pot or rape it was not from the college by the way he was not from the Polish he was not from the Quraysh and he was also not a Muslim he was upon the religion of his people ie he was a mushrik and it's very amazing that they paid him a sum that must have been a fraction of a hundred camels he's a guide he gets paid right he gets paid a small amount they paid him a sum that is a fraction of the hundred camels but he still did it why many scholars not just me have tried to find out as much as they can about Abdullah even out of cut we don't have any references in fact we don't even know if he accepted Islam at the time he was clearly a pagan the earliest scholars even had shot himself I drove today him in Hodja says I searched and I couldn't find anything about this man after this incident we don't hear from him again did he accept did he not accept we don't even know one can assume he accepted but we don't have anything narrated if you accept her or not clearly therefore we have to assume that the prophecies and roebuck er knew something about this man that we don't know and that he was a trustworthy person and this is something we know for a fact that many non-muslims can be very trustworthy and many Muslims can be very untrustworthy right we know this for a fact so Abdullah even Alcott was somebody that they both trusted that he was an honest man and he would do this for them and not betray them for a larger sum of money and the fact of the matter Allah says in the Quran Romania heidel kitabi there are people of the irony Khattab if you were to give them a treasure there would be honest and return it and there are others if you were to give them a few measly coins they try to trick you out of it this is the reality that you will find people who are non-muslims pagan idol worshippers Hindu Jew Buddhist atheist and they're honest Islam doesn't necessarily make you automatically honest if you don't practice it correct we all know this the hard way many of us right and vice-versa as well that you will find people who have good manners Allah mentions in the Quran but they don't have Iman so AB the answer this shows us as Muslims we clearly are allowed to use the services even trust non-muslims if we feel that they're honest people honesty is what is important here and it's clear that the both of them felt Abdullah even a lot was an honest trustworthy man other questions before we have some announcements yes excellent point and I was gonna mention this next Wednesday as well Abu jahil came to interrogate a smile and in fact he beat her up until she bled but she refused to say a word so they did interrogate but he couldn't get it out hi show is too young and of course the father is baka Hoffa is a pagan he doesn't know the father wanted to criticize Abu Bakr and he ended up you know being tricked by bias by Asma so Asma was doubly punished once by her grandfather who taunted her and then by Abu jahil physically beat her Abu jahil came and tried to get it out of her but he wasn't able to do so inshallah with this wanted to make announcement
Channel: Memphis Islamic Center (MIC)
Views: 127,598
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Keywords: 2012, 03, 15, Seerah, Yasir, Qadhi
Id: WwPj7PAUQug
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Length: 67min 54sec (4074 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2012
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