2011 Dallas Mavericks Road to The NBA Finals
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Channel: David Tran
Views: 1,954,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dallas Mavericks, NBA Finals, Texas, Kobe, Road, Bryant, James, Lakers, Los Angeles Lakers, Wade, Game, Highlights, Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, Dwyane Wade, LeBron James, Playoffs, Bulls, Dirk, Jason, terry, kidd, barea, deshawn, stevenson, ian, mahimi, tyson, chandler, shawn, marion, brendon, heywood
Id: bwPMuDkCxcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 19sec (5059 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2011
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Everyone focuses on bashing Miami, but this Mavs teams was very good. They destroyed the Western conference on their way to the finals. Didn't they sweep the lakers? This team was deep, had lots of shooting and great passing.
This is a really well-made feature length doc about the 2011 title team. At about an hour and a half, it's a fine option to kill some time while you're at home.
Edit: Jason Terry getting a tattoo of the championship trophy before the season then going and winning it is one of the most baller moves of all time
Just so many comebacks that playoff run
Game 1 vs Lakers: Basically trailed the entire way down like 4 with 2:30 left found a way to win that one.
Game 3vs Lakers: Lakers up 6 with 4 min left, again Mavs comeback and win
Game 4 vs OKC: Down 10 with 2:30 left find a way to win
Game 5 vs OKC: Down 6 with 4:30 left find a way to win
Game 2 vs Miami: Down 13 with 7 min left another comeback
Game 4 vs MIami: Down 10 in the 4th, this comeback kind of saved the series.
Underdogs til the final buzzer. That's my team.
That mavs team people underrated and they were a true team....