200k Subs Livestream! ft. ContraPoints

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Olly x Natalie VidCon prom date confirmed

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AnarchoSpookist πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 17 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Watching you is mesmerizing"

Olly's a smooth criminal.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MasterlessMan333 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

oh no

sargon's in the chat

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AnarchoSpookist πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 17 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

So far I've checked this sub ten times since this thread was posted, and I misread its title as "Natalie lives with Olly now" ten times. I've got a problem.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Solarn40 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Marvel: Infity War is the most ambitious crossover of all time
Nat and Olly: Hold our beers

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ratguy101 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 17 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

ugh I love them

also I just love how deeply Nat thinks about social interactions. It's something I've been trying to do more as a result of my personal ... journey, lmao, and she's definitely inspired me by modeling empathy. She's great.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_key_keeper πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone know who the far-right wizard youtuber is?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

it sounds like Nat might be more on the rhetoric side than philosophy at this point. wonder if she's read Kenneth Burke.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/totwolips πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
you good evening and welcome to the stream welcome along everyone maybe you can hear me I hope the camera than everyone and I never know never know what to say usually action when I used to start live streaming it used to just be I would be the only one here for about ten minutes just talking to myself but hello oh good everyone can hear me good that's nice welcome welcome to the stream I know I'm a very infrequent live streamer but I like to do it whenever I hit a milestone and as a tile says it's it's two hundred thousand subscribers which is like yeah wild I honestly can't even really process it I think I stopped really being able to process it around sort of 150,000 yeah it's it's it's bizarre but I'm extremely grateful and every time I meet somebody new especially in acting and they say what do you what do you do what's the money job like what was the other job because all that just have two jobs well you know it's kind of weird I and yeah it's it's amazing so thank you everyone I have some slow Gin here it's the last of my sturgeon and don't want to get too crunk on the live stream because we've got a special guest coming on shortly hopefully if we can get the technology to work otherwise I'm gonna look like a right tier but cheers to all of you okay I'll send there I'll send the link and along to the special guest and we'll we'll hope that it works ya know it's the highest on the old air on the old tech but there hopefully it'll be good Oh somebody I knew that somebody here would ask and on there on the show it says beifong metalbending Academy it's a reference to and Avatar The Last Airbender so just plugging in my just plugging in my headphones here yeah cool right now let's wait and see whether special guest makes it appearance who knows and hopefully they will yes the slogan is just neat um yeah big Dutch courage for therefore the stream Dutch courage is an expression in English meaning and kind of courage through through like alcohol not being nervous because you're drinking so yeah but yeah it's it's says the special guest is Jordan Peterson yeah yeah well they're not good guests guys it actually is I'm gonna be talking about all this favorite recipes for cooking lobster all night that's gonna be really really fun somebody says a little bit louder you're difficult to hear no problem sorry about that I was trying to be sort of soft and and cooling and calming but I'll speak up a little bit cool well yeah sturgeon is really nice I had it once when I was 17 says arcus Mugwump yeah it's good I like it right it's really good stuff oh I've got a candle just underneath my I've got a candle just underneath me here it's just it flickers every time I laugh my beard on fire and a special special haircut and and shave just for the M just for the extreme somebody says Brazil is playing right now but I'm watching you instead of supporting my country oh yeah because it's the World Cup at the moment yeah I mean I I haven't haven't really been keeping up with it I don't really follow football all that much and a funny thing is um my my parents used to take me to see the football match when I was kid in Newcastle but I was before anybody realized I needed glasses so I was just saying in a stadium and I couldn't tell what team and it wasn't [ __ ] I couldn't see the ball so I wish I was convinced it a little some kind of horrible joke that they were playing on me and I sat in the stadium and just and just there read a book much to their embarrassment but yeah somebody says why is it called slow Gin okay so maybe I can hold it off to camera so you can see like it's not clear like normal gin it's um it's spelt SLO e that's made of them many of slow berries I'm not exactly sure how they make it but um yeah you can just drink it straight up it doesn't really like I mean I can I drink gin my normal gin straight up sometimes as well as any it's been a while but yeah you can just drink it straight it's really really good yeah what do you think of the World Cup I honestly haven't haven't been following it um sorry I yeah slow Gin drink fast pool Danielson says yeah I'm gonna have the drink it slowly because there's this well a if you drink it quickly because it tastes like juice you get pretty drunk pretty fast and B its taste really good so you just knock it back and also I'm a bit of a lightweight at the moment excited I tried to do this thing this year where I only drank on 12 occasions throughout 2018 and I thought yeah I thought like ten will be two not enough and like I thought I'd only do it 12 times and save the special occasions and that way it kind of mean something and I'm not going out and getting drunk and just for know for no reason and I failed obviously like within two months I'd sort of fallen off the wagon but what what I did succeed in doing is just massively destroying my alcohol tolerance so I'm really really cheap I'm a cheap drunk now I'd like two pints and I'm gone so I'm gonna be careful they don't get too too tipsy on the stream Oh what team did you know did my parents what what football team Newcastle United cuz because I grew up in Newcastle though I was born out of there for 20 years so you know if you push me if you absolutely push me I'd support Newcastle United um but yeah it's funny it's its way there every time every time so I have two older brothers and wherever whenever we go on holiday we always see somebody wearing in a custody night football shirt wherever wherever they are in the world and so my brothers and I have this thing where you try and find the toon fan but tune is what they call it now you try and find a fan wearing a shirt wherever you want to take a picture of them and send it to the other team and there we saw we saw a guy in there in the football strip in New Zealand once getting off a ferry and my my brother was in Lahore for for a wedding and there was a guy in a Newcastle United Football shirt just in the street and my brother was like I'm sorry and this is really weird but can I get a photo with you because you know I'm actually from Newcastle so yeah there's there's Newcastle United fans all over the world and if there's anything out there just just give them some love yes it is it is a well it's not a legend of korra t-shirt under corey yeah because that's when they learn metalbending for real I was more into em I was more into Last Airbender I kind of watch the first season of Legend of Korra and then sort of fell by the wayside a little bit um but yeah I loved I loved outlast and I thought was really good um so yeah I just got I just use it for a gym shirt and yeah it's nice have you read any Derrida no I haven't actually I probably should somebody says why did you why do you sound so southern did you go to school in the south watch me get more northern now that you've said that my voice Oh so in acting they call it code-switching right when you just can't change accents so watch me code switch now but no the reason is my parents weren't from Newcastle so my dad's from Bristol my mom's new Yorkshire and they didn't have Geordie accents at home so I was already speaking by the time I'm up school and just picked up a bit of an accent but it's car actually useful for acting because now I live in the south I can if I'm in an audition and it needs to be more northern I can kind of go all the way up to like incomprehensible Geordie or all the way into RP what they call received pronunciation which is the kind of think like ray Fiennes has that kind of RP voice where it's all sort of oh yes very much a lot of rounded vowels like this the mouth has to be very tall RP whereas you know where I'm from you'd have a bit more of a wide mouth like that right so um yeah it's good it's cool cool skill to have but if I get very angry or very drunk then I tend to like flip back up nor mine like try my accent gets on the train and shoots up back to any car spots then what's your opinion on the philosophy of Rick and Morty I did like two videos on Rick and more man I did videos I'm looking boy before it was cool now I think I did one did I do one either as a collab with PBS idea channel or or maybe they were involved in it somehow this is the thing right I mean doing YouTube for like five years and I I can't remember everything now so sometimes people come up to me in the street now I yesterday I just watched your video on that I'm like so yeah it's funny I think I've made something like 300 videos at this stage 300 and like six or something so I actually can't remember all of them yeah somebody says I've been trying to learn RP because I have an odd non-native accent but it's hard yeah it is I found learning RP tough there was one vowel sound that took me months and months to crack it's m the the vowel in the word bird or in deed word so where I'm from I say like bird it's kind of sound where I was for RP you have to say bird that's a bird over there I flipped the bird to Colin Firth or as I would say I flipped the bird to Colin Firth right so that just took me a jerk Epps in a bird but yeah it's just just practice really and literally just like drills every day do you want if you want to learn the accent it really really helps out yeah oh somebody says they watched my my mad Marx series the other day yeah years ago think I made that back when I was still living in the north and those you haven't seen that I made a four-part series on Karl Marx ages and ages ago yeah yeah I think I rewatched it the other day when I was doing the ironing because I was like I need to put something on this see let's go somebody just says what's your name what's my name it's in all my videos my name is ollie I'm ollie thorne hey nice - is this the first video of bunny watched hello welcome I mean I probably should watch some of the other ones but welcome along this is the first thing you've ever seen that's great and when I did my um when I did my five year celebration video looking back on the first photo you ever did some people said and kind of came out of the woodwork and said I've been subscribed since you had like 10,000 subscribers I was in like the first hundred and so on so if there's anyone here who's actually been watching me since like back in the day since like two or three beards ago when I had my first video I had like like really bad vertical air and back when I went through that like I went through a phase where I was really quite overweight and then I had like a really Bad's like sports phase my face blew up but there's one video I made where I had such bad acne it's now unlisted you can't watch it and also the video itself wasn't very good but and then I went through skinny fades I lost like 1/3 of my body weight when I when I got my acceptance that it's drama school I was like and I I was wrong about this and and had like some like bad fat phobia in in my brain place and I said right you know I can't be an actor if I'm fat like I need to be skinny and which isn't true but I thought it at the time and I lost like 1/3 of my body weight very quickly and very unhealthily in like four months and then went out absolutely rail-thin and was and was and you can watch them if you go back and watch my what was liberalism series I'm really thin in that or my my video on John Locke and the new world that was before I had the beard I'm like so skinny in that I my cheekbones are like really I'm healthy and then I got out of drama school in September I I just had a lot of time during the day because that's kind of a nature of the beast when your actor so I just started hitting the gym and obviously you know since vidcon's coming up wanted to wanted to look good so yeah and that's why somebody says are you a gamer do you game I'm not like well I like my video games I like them a lot but I'm always like a good two or three years behind so two years ago I just started playing the Arkham series I played Arkham Asylum because my brother has an old ps3 still in the north so when I go home I get a few guys in a nap you know I revisit some classics I like that Wind Waker or Red Dead Redemption and when I move flats hopefully hopefully when I move flats could be like any point in the next three months I want to get I want to get a switch and finally finally get my hands on the world's place so Oh somebody says what happened to Shakespeare vlogs okay so this is like this is really back in the day so Shakespeare vlogs was a second channel that I ran for I dunno maybe like two or three months and it was I did it in this the summer before I went to drama school I created this second channel and I've logged in character as characters from Shakespeare and I would start off blogging in English like maybe as Hamlet it would come up with like Hamlet act once him whatever and I would vlog in character as Hanabi like a high number II side yeah my dad's died and so on and so on and then it would just like switch into the verse and switch into the speech and it I I wanted it to be like a away of practicing for me as that as I said let's go to John school and also like a way of introducing people to Shakespeare who maybe would have been a bit put off just by the text just by the verse straightaway and you know I experiment I thought it went well I stopped doing it and they're they're all they're all private now and the videos do still exist somewhere in YouTube's Galactus brain and I can still watch them although I haven't but I took the child down before I went to drama school for a few reasons I mean first of all the videos were like they took a lot of work to make it was impossible for me to me to have one every week it was really really tough and because I had to like have a location and a lot of them are outside and not even out but I had to like memorize the text and act it well you know a whole Shakespeare speech in in to do it like really really well from performance public standard not just an audition but like performing for the public to do in a week it's like a lot so I was I was kind of struggling to do that and philosophy to you but I was like okay this is a cool experiment but philosophy tubes like when my base is and also because I felt that I felt that I kind of taken it as far as I could go I thought okay if I keep doing screen acting and I keep doing Shakespeare on my own I might get into some bad habits and then that might be difficult to like untrained because a large part of acting training isn't learning it's unlearning so I thought okay I've taken this as far as I can go and and I yeah I stopped doing it and but it's like yeah I was like please do it was a fun was a fun experiment anyway yeah Austin B says I started watching you when someone was on tumblr recommended your what was liberalism series yeah um I at the time I remember at the time I made about six months ago and I remember at the time being a little then being like I don't know if that's my best work but now I go back and I rewatch Teresa now as a car actually and I think this is some of the best stuff I've done and I watch it now and think I could have improved it I wish I've mentioned this or that I've like learned things since then that I would have put in like him I wish I could have put more stuff in there had I known it just about especially in part three neoliberalism about Latin America and the experiments that were conducted there but yeah somebody or August any August denies I've only ever seen it written down sort in how to pronounce but they said would you ever do a video on how you script an episode I mean I could but I think it'll be really dull I mean I need to tell you right now I just like to sit down and write it some sometimes if I have the idea and I'm like yeah this is gonna be great but I'll just write it sometimes if I'm like I know there's a there's a script here somewhere but I'm like trying to find it I'll just like write notes on specific texts of it okay Kant says this like a cuckoo answers this and like these are the bits I want to keep from these other bits I don't need and then it'll I kind of sit on it and just date and I like to try and think of them now in three parts you know I started dividing them up into three or four or five or six or whatever but you know I try and divide them into parts and I try and sometimes I'll only have two I'm like okay I wanna see this first and then this but like what's the third thing and then I'll see something in the news or what's this thing on Twitter that's like oh it's a new episode of whatever I'm like that's the third bit that's the way it and so I mean there's I don't really have like a set a set process for doing it really it's just like whatever whatever gets the job done really the scripting in the show like tends to fly by the seat of my pants I think a lot more than I know you guys put that used to it being like every Friday 2:00 o'clock we're like it really does sort of fly by the seat of my pants like so I've got I'm trying to find time after rehearsal tomorrow to film Friday's episode just like it's just gonna be a comments one just going through the comments from that thing that I'm that me and Peter did Peter coffin we did that collaboration together and then I go through the comments and the Plato episode as well so yeah it's gonna be a it's gonna be a fun one I hope I just got a fine time after rehearsal to film it cause on so I think on Wednesday I fly to America it's a VidCon I'm will talk more about VidCon later on I'm sure with the special guest somebody says wait did you study acting or philosophy both so first of all I did a four-year master's in philosophy in Scotland and then I took year out and then I went to drama school and became an actor I graduated in September someone says what is your what's your gym routine I mean like it changes all the time to panic or what I what I want to do like if you genuinely want to know I cut it in my phone I can tell you it is so at the moment I'm not I have bitten the injury so I'm kind of wrestling my legs and and I'm kind of happy with where my chest is at so I'm sort of giving a bit less on that I'm just kind of focus on like arms at the moment really and so just like stuff like chin-ups tricep extensions and sit-ups bicep curls a little bit of bench press and then I'm trying working some more cardio as well because I'm like I've sort of balked up a bit and I might try might lose a bit of fat and it's just that kind of stuff just have really I'm just that mainly doing them doing arms in a little bit of light chest and cardio and abs at the moment so yeah Wilson will see whether my people really give a damn at vidcon but it's actually been really interesting because it's changed the kind of roles I'm going up for and the kind of roles I'm getting seen for and the kind of roles that I'm getting cast in so whereas before when I was really skinny I was kind of going in for and getting suggested for stuff like the nerdy like the best friend or whatever now I'm going up for and auditioning for and playing like leading man roles so it's it's really interesting how the industry goes through phases like a couple of years ago it was like you had to be super skinny like oh I remember must been about 15 I saw Ben Whishaw in a play with Grint called mojo in London and we were up in the cart I could count Ben Whishaw was ribs he took a shirt at one point I could count his ribs he's like a great heart do so skinny but interestingly at my showcase so at the end of drama school you do a big showcase and you invite all the school invites agents to come and see you and hopefully sign you and known us no but the only guy is the only guys who got agents out of my showcase were guys who were like proper proper hench I've got this buddy Lance Lance Jeffries like like huge like captain around like more buff than Captain America he got an agent and my other mate Doug as well he's he was on my course he got an agent he's he's literally been a man's health model so yeah so that right now I think just like muscles are in maybe it's like a superhero thing but it's it can't just be a superhero thing because it's they they are like casting muscly guys in stuff that isn't even superhero movies so yeah who knows who knows yeah yeah a collab with ask a mortician would be amazing yeah I really like ask a mortician and I think I wanted to do a few was a few years ago I think quite a few years ago I emailed I wanted to do a video on death and like what is and what is like dying what's what's bad about dying philosophically yeah so we'll we'll see we'll see whether that goes anywhere and maybe if she's at VidCon I might run into her and what can someone do - oh it's all gone what can someone do casting I mean can like you can take classes like dance classes or agility classes - I wouldn't advise going to the gym all that much because you can get like not very agile but hello hi hi can other people see you know or do I have to make I think other people can hear while I look at the channel yay yeah how are you doing good um how are you well right thank you said you uh projects on getting cast for those leading Merrill's yeah yes thanks a lot yeah it's good fun Oh chats go mad well yeah yeah that's our special guest for tonight for us for as long as she'd like to be um yeah yeah it's good to see you yeah you too I'm well I'll see you for real next week oh yeah yeah yeah Californian mm-hmm I'm really looking forward to VidCon so for anyone who didn't know I'm gonna be up VidCon as it next week so if you see me wandering around California yes that is me I think I was in Belfast a while ago and I got a tweet from someone who's like I just saw someone that looks just like you and I was like that's because it's me so if you do see someone who looks exactly like me in California come up and say hi yeah are you gonna be involved with the actual and the actual stuff itself you do like think so so for a while a bunch of different people who have influence at VidCon had said to me at one time were that oh you definitely should be on a panel a week I can totally get you on this thing I'll get you although none of them actually did it I think that I think I'm a little bit out there for bead some of the VidCon so I don't know I don't know if they want me associated with the conference really I got well yeah I think that I mean I'm not an exactly like super friendly to corporate advertising yeah now I don't know how much of a problem that is but I mean I do think that they I just I don't know I think maybe they're worried that if they invite me then like they would do it they just don't want the trouble caused by Sargon or people like that being like well you invited this radical leftist why did you not invite for balangay Gia's right I mean that's what he's all about yeah yeah I don't I haven't really heard from him from Hank in any in any meaningful capacity since I like called him a blueish wha technocratic liberal a few years ago oh no in good lovingly I said that they I said that the internet creators guild was bourgeois technocratic liberalism when I kind of went off well I mean he probably lost my videos great yeah I don't know daddy watch his mind anymore he did what's that one but he didn't invite me either I'm just turning up yeah yeah oh I'm just I don't even think I'm gonna be at the conference I'm gonna be like in Anaheim like poolside like hosting your own yeah exactly contra con mmm nice imagine the cosplay I'll be right I'm sure somebody says talk loud I'll I'll I'll split the difference and just move you slightly closer to my face that's right I did notice that you were quiet on this a little bit quiet on the stream so I might be louder than you no worries well I can also turn myself up using the antastic editing that as I have so there we go hope that's better let me know if let me know if it's not everybody yeah I'm excited about what are you flying over Wednesday the 20th yeah I think I'm pretty late Wednesday what about you I'm coming on like Wednesday afternoon and then I think someone's picking me up from the airport I'm staying at a friend's place Wednesday night nice but I have hotel for next three days cool cool should be fun yeah I'm a little nervous feel next night yeah it's it's not really a thing to be nervous well I don't know you've met people from the internet before a lot I take it yeah yeah thank you mainly kind of British yeah it is like it is like weird to see so many of these people in person like at this point it doesn't weird me out but last last year was the first time I went to VidCon I'm like oh was weird I didn't handle it that well I took some pictures I should have taken yeah I'm nervous about I said I'm nervous that like somebody comes up to me and they're like can I get a selfie with you and then do it and then they tweet it and everyone's that that's like racist Jeff from the alt-right podcast and you've just endorsed it on my own right right right exactly yes my my 11 year old cousin Lily if you're watching Big Love has given me a list of all her favorite youtubers - trying to get it graphs she sent me this list cuz I said I was going because her dad said are you know all he's a youtuber and she was up and I said yeah yeah if you want anyone's autograph just let me know I'll get it for you and she sent me this list no idea like 14 million followers and I'm like okay yeah well that's what's funny about VidCon it is at the conference itself like the youtubers who are really big like people like you and me don't do not really make a dent in like what the conference is for which is like 19 year old boys with you know a time 2000 Instagram followers and they show up on the from the conference floor and there was just this like Beatlemania shrieking of like fourteen-year-old girls yeah I can't wait so yeah that's for asking it's worth seeing cuz like it reminds you what this website actually is like this website does not really for people who discuss politics like this is it's like a teen entertainment it's what YouTube mostly it's Teen Choice Awards like it sure it's yeah it's like the Teen Choice Awards that's like the very much the feeling of it but so I feel like super old there but it's also funny because like as scary because you realize actually a lot of the like political audience peewee people like also choir is come to come over from that group so yeah if any no no hate on teen that's all if you're like a teenager and you're in the chart like good for you will scrap along you're very very welcome I'm a teenager and I'm watching [ __ ] off yeah they're cool yeah well I'm happy to have that audience but the thing is like definitely could put a lot of I think older people don't understand is like YouTube is go is how people that age get that's their media that's how they get information about the world and like it's actually getting less scary than it was a year ago but a year ago it was very scary to think about that who would that entry points a jontron like racist makeup vloggers like that's who was who was like getting people in politics tonight yeah he doesn't got a little more civilized I have to say yeah yeah a little bit I mean I I like I I really try not to engage with much of the nasty stuff just like keep it at arm's length but I try to do less of it yeah you do really well like you and Sean an h-bomb won't really engage with it well and do a good job with it and I'm like well I used to do that I mean I did things a year ago or a year and a half ago I would never do now because I have that cut greater sense of just being vulnerable to those people but um what I do now is kind of like well there's always two still doing it like I do the fictional character thing was a good innovation because it lets me talk about a group of people without actually toss sitting saying their names hmm sort of keeps me it just keeps the title description tags clean of all references to people who we don't want to be interacting well definitely let let them realize wait that's yeah let them not realise that at all I dunno I'm like pretty biased because I'm a fan obviously but I think you like due to your fictional characters who I like who I take it you don't agree with in real life I think you do them like very three-dimensional I feel that way maybe somebody who agreed with them more like wouldn't I try to do that yeah because I think well to me that's also been interesting that's like one of the advantages of doing that fictional character format is that it allows you to sort of show in more psychological depth like what is going on behind it's not just about arguments right is that people which I see I'm not really just truly fulfill Asafa calor hard like I'm more like literary I'm an actor yeah exactly so like I think that what's interesting to me is not just arguments but like what kind of personality gleam comes up with arguments like that he's like a try so will claims to have certain positions when they like mine on right right exactly um you have to give me arcing lessons because I could pretend to work on it but apparently that's what I do now well I think yeah I never was like I've never it's like oh I want to be an actress but like I kind of do it's like here we are like I'm playing characters on the Internet I guess yeah fair enough yeah life's like I was doing with with Shakespeare vlogs a year ago yeah I did this one which is like a I just made Hamlet like really angsty and I found an old portrait in our house and had that as like the ghosts and the sorry any thought up anymore yeah well maybe if we've got any time in the US or maybe find them I'm gonna regret conversing that but I'll take them off I'm gonna bring this up bring this up when lately you're not thinking clearly yeah it's gonna be good crack it's better than taking pictures with racist youtuber acts yeah yeah who's avatar is like an aardvark in a suit yeah I see yeah oh my god I just found this new I can't even say the name because I don't want to draw attention to it so I found like a new like right way youtuber who dresses up as a wizard and like this is what's become of like Angry Men but white man at YouTube is it's not like wizards screaming about social justice we demand to be taken seriously Amanda yeah yeah I don't want a mark because I promised I promise when I saw it I would never say anything bad about anybody so that's very no all they love to the wizard guy yeah yeah you all he dreams come true except for that I mean I generally try not to mock either I accept whoa it's a delicate balance because I'll do some late mocking but I think that there's kind of a distinction between like like um just kind of like playful dragging of a person and like actually going for their like part later because there's treat everything like and oftentimes the one tries to pass it off as the other like I that's kind of what I was doing thought that just like Tiffany temples character on my channel is that she's you don't mean and she tries to pass an office like [ __ ] sass but like no like it's actually listen real cruelty yeah anyone who's had like older siblings knows that it's just yeah yeah and there's like a lot of times when that line between sass and cruelty is crossed on the Internet I try not to I try to think about that line and not to cross it and I think that even though I do I know collect repeaters and Daddy and all this kind of stuff it's it's it's kind of mockery and like a Zetas mockery right but it's not like greatly designed to be the deeply like wounding in any way you know and I think that one and my my likes and my sense of handling very fragile II certain egos I think is one reason why I manage to not attract quite as much negative attention as some other people like you know make some positive attention yes like even like I think I like the golden one like he kind of likes my videos and like it's because like even though I make fun of him like I don't do it in a way that's a deeply look like I basically was still propping up his fundamental self image yeah that's true that's a good point that's good I don't challenge in some sense fundamentally the way he thinks of himself and I just incorporate it into my universe and then make jokes about that yeah that's what I wanted that's what I would do with the wizard dude I would never doubt that he's a actually a very powerful wizard okay yeah I'm sure he it's like if you nearly want to play a wizard as a cameo in your channel I've already got the goatee that's true that's true you could you with a good help robe yeah that's but flashback to my uni days it was kind of weird isn't it that everyone dresses up as a wizard for graduation oh well I mean I went to one of the unity in the UK where you don't just work on zakat much you are all the time awkward awkward situation yeah it was like definitely Lord was Oz were red they were red and I know all kinds of rules about like how you have to wear them yeah it is so and four people in the chat who don't know I went to sin Andrews University in Scotland which is M which is where Will and Kate went and that's in future future king and queen and they're there all kinds of rules about how you wear your gown like the first year's have to wear it here and second years here and 30s depending on what stuff you do and like wear it down here if you're 48 and but if you do it wrong you require an academic curse and the only way to get rid of an academic is run into the sea nude at sunrise on the 1st of May and so yeah that had to be done a lot cuz there's awful night and gets wasted and then runs into those like the North Sea and it's totally freezing and for some reason every year there's a German news crew turns up and is this like look at these idiots yeah this is like this would never happen in America you were never have you ever found roads in school you certainly wouldn't have punishment involving running knew didn't see you but there must be some there must be some like weird academic traditions you have France and the lot of nude sea running in France yes yeah than that yeah I bet there was an economic confront tried to open a chapter in in the Uni I was in and and like the proceedings protested my refusal I know you know when I was an undergraduate I went to his court really was no frats allowed animus I think that was probably for the best hmm I know like some people sorry some people go to France and make every defenses about them because not all that were terrible I bet some of them are like helpful socially yes there was like and there's like you know like France that do focus on the kind of like Public Service ankle but there's certain amount of I bet some of them are like I better get judged by the worst ones as well yeah well in Horace ones get the publicity yeah definitely the same as YouTube oh god yeah do you even like I know so many youtubers are embarrassed to call themselves a youtuber because it just like we said we're not gonna throw shade so it has an implication of the kind of person who might say film a corpse oh right yeah okay yeah I honestly hadn't thought he hadn't occurred to me I mean I I found through that trial and error that it's just the simplest way because if I say like I'm a videos online that people are like wait like for like a company and I'm like no because if I just say I'm a knight or a youtuber people won't get it yeah that's my phone too because I've tried being like oh I'm like an independent video / - yeah media media I could see the gears turning they're faking porn oh right I was gonna say I no one's ever looked at me like that yeah like yeah so I said I'd say youtuber cuz at least that's pg-13 for sure well like yeah I I know like my friend Lindsey Ellis she called herself like what it's like a content creator or like online video creator or something like just to avoid that if the stuff I made was half as good as what Lindsey make so I feel comfortable yeah yeah yeah well yeah her stuff is obviously very incredibly well made but yeah but and then she also does a lot of stuff outside of YouTube that's where the stigma I think comes to be a thing like when you're here you know asking PBS to you know work with them for another project like you want to introduce yourself you wanted the other first word on your resume to be something that doesn't call to mind a person oh I don't know eating 500 hamburgers on camera for attention yeah that's a fair point I mean I I that often doesn't really occur to me because when I do jobs outside of YouTube they're not they're not in a kind of a real business world yeah and it's acting where no one really sort of cares right now I know it's Kentucky you know I feel if they do they don't don't say it maybe they have I was at a half man oh well ago I was saying outside an audition and it was a Shakespeare audition as well so I was like cuz I love Shakespeare really want to do it and I heard my channel trailer playing from inside I was like I just find it YouTube channel and we just sort of chat about up a bit and I didn't get the part but I'd never found out whether like it was because of that or what I mean but then equally sometimes like the opposite happens which I can't say on the stream but like like the thing I told you about that person who who found us through the last stream we did yes maybe sometimes it helps maybe oh I think I mean I think being on YouTube helps like you have a reach on this platform that you cannot get any other way later more people are gonna watch your YouTube we'll ever go to live theater like you just can't like I mean I think thing about this like some of your videos have like if your video gets like a hundred thousand views that's like selling out Madison Square Garden for five consecutive nights like yes Oh like how are you getting people any other way than YouTube yeah yeah I hadn't thought of it like that I haven't thought of it as like multiples of big theaters yeah if you think it's so it's a terrible way to think about it you're crazy but then there's something amazing about seeing somebody well I I don't know if for me there's something amazing about seeing somebody who's like a big established screen star in a small intimate space like a stage yeah yesterday I saw um if you're in London at the moment there's a fantastic play on at the Wyndham theatre called red it's about Mark Rothko and it stars Alfred Molina who you if you don't know of the Molina he's Doctor Octopus in spider-man 2 this is like the most probably the most visible thing but a phenomenal actor and the place so so good and it's just it's just really amazing to just like see him on the stage bill that wow that's like a real like master of the craft like in person in the flesh and taller than I thought as well yeah there's something there's something about seeing a person in person that's very different well as we'll discover on Wednesday yeah oh god yeah obviously my experience with youtubers is often that they are quite like themselves in person oh I don't feel like I might be an exception to that because in my videos up maybe you have very descriptive and deliberate mmm I feel that I'm sort of playing a character on my channel like right now I'm not obviously by liking it um I'm not I feel you I don't resemble too much this like this extremely confident degenerate I play on the YouTube and press I'm like much higher I guess not it yeah I don't know I've never really I've never had anyone comment on how different I am from the screen to in person of it like not not in terms of my personality anyway the one thing the live stream is half and half and I like your you're very similar on live streams as you are in your video it's like you the same way of speaking rethink Thanks yeah I feel this like a gulf between the live stream little bit but no one's ever like no one's ever really assess it in in person like the one thing I always get every time and no one meets appears that I'm taller than they thought yeah I got that - I get that - you're home oh by the way I guess do you have a ticket to VidCon or Egypt yeah you're just doing a contra con on your own I won't be at the prom that's a good question I don't know we should look into the prom I sure let's see if I need to get a ticket I got a new suit in a minute oh yeah oh I'm not gonna show on the street sumnima chat says how tall am I am 6 1 so are the same right hmm who's eating octopus today if those of you didn't see the last livestream we did we have a week we cooked dinner and and I cooked octopus just to show off basically for no other reason and yeah it was super tasty yes we are really mature I'm not you know I wouldn't yeah you might not want to house not good for my mental health um you know I'm always afraid when I meet people in real life I'm like oh god they're gonna think I'm so boring because there's no way I can actually entertain someone the way I do on YouTube and I kept I kept I became recognized for you often now like when I leave the house so I always feel like I have to like always look good when I leave the house early oh god I'm gonna me people are gonna want selfies and then like the minute I like talking to someone who's news breaking there's no mokou cause like how do you perfect it we gon I should be so nice or they're gonna they're gonna report me to read it or whatever I know I feel that as well it's it's weird and I seem still carrying bunches to me I seem to get recognized by two or three times in a cluster and then yeah um I was actually actually I got recognized where when I was with my mum and dad a while ago somebody came up to me and was just like oh hey and I was like yeah my parents yeah it's odd it's weird and I went to the M I went to face or a while ago as well and got recognized that it's very odd yeah it happened to be it doesn't use the app in Baltimore for some reason maybe it's possible that people know that I'm a from Baltimore and Baltimore they don't wanna bother me but I went I went to New York last weekend and like I got on the subway within five minutes like some was like Natalie know everyone I've met if I ever really sweet oh yeah I was in Philadelphia with Lindsay we're at a bar and this guy recognizes us and like starts talking to us for five minutes super excited and then his date comes along I was like okay time to go what a legend yeah and what am to his date and to his day yeah definitely we weren't trying to steal him I'm so sorry yeah yeah and I'm like I am nervous about not just VidCon but like America generally I'm just I've softened before and it's for me it's always like it's like when I go upstairs in the dark and I think there's one more step than there is and then then you step in like you fall because I'll be walking along because America is like very familiar to me but then I suddenly it's not and it's very foreign and I find that quite sort of disorienting and like I was in Texas a couple of years ago and then like just just that for instance I'll be walking on oh my god that man has a gun like call the police inside know it he is the police like everyone has that air like that's fine like yeah well that's it's funny because that's exactly how I feel about England like it's I think everything is exactly the same except slightly slightly different like to like suddenly it's not yeah like every word is just like everything the word is slightly differently like you on the on the tube or whatever like and steadily I'm trying to think pretty good sample like oh so instead of like exit this I will say way out really this is not very exciting as a difference but it's a difference and like I don't know in like it's just everything is slightly different I noticed something really odd as well last time I was in America about like the way physical space is organized is very different because I was walking past some some houses and the houses were below absolute bloody massive I was in Houston and then I realized that like oh they've got a plot of land and then they built the house to be as big as that whereas we would have the land and then I have a tiny house and a big garden and I was just like wow that's so odd and the flags as well everyone's like that everywhere oh really the ton of regional baronet variants within the u.s. too like that's what you're describing is what's called a McMansion is where they build like these giant houses exactly the size of the floor glad and so you have this absurd thing thing we have a block which is a giant house with a tiny little space between the next giant house it's very Texas because you know Texas Midwest there's just there's so much space they're just like infinite space so you can just waste space and so you know the giant giant parking lots and things recovery common everything revolves around cars New York City is the opposite it's you know Manhattan as an island and it's already like completely built up so there's like no space to do anything you have to like you feel like you have to lose weight just to be in the city you like to fit places like those are tiny I'm like cafes are tiny and you're just so to take up as little space as possible and you can't park anywhere you're doomed so you've been to London before um yes anywhere else in the UK um I've been so a year ago I was with my brother no two years ago well um and my brother's girlfriend lives in Cambridge and so we stayed there for a week then we kind of drove up to like northern Wales and stayed in a hostel there and like hiked around in the mountains and then drove down drove down to like southern Wales and stayed in like a hostel that used to be a castle and then I guess went back to Cambridge and I went down to London so that I've got a little bit of like UK milling around but not a whole lot nice nice you should go to the north yeah I should i it's the best UK are you gonna are you gonna come to summer in the city in August oh yeah good question um what is that it is August the until the I'll send you the dates when I got it laughs but yeah if you want it yeah yeah yeah yeah not be good fun because some realities weird as well it's like I I get the ID never been to VidCon but I get the impression it's like VidCon but a lot smaller there's a lot of teenage girls and the screaming and the lots of things on like a very small English scale so I'm looking forward to seeing what happens when like they're like American teens just I'll at least I've seen some of the footage from my VidCon two or three years ago yeah famous video of them running up the down escalator yeah I said Beatlemania is really the best reference I'm gonna feel that really old oh yeah you're gonna feel old at all but every time every YouTube event everyone's oh my god that's like who's that oh it makes videos real like takes this like specific part of a go-kart out of the box online it's got 14 million followers it's a lot of that it's a lot of like that's my experience too is that it's a lot of like massive crowds revolving around people I've never heard of yeah you're like who are they oh my god they talk about you know right they only unbox things they review that one really specific action figure that was made in this way which is great it's awesome that people would like people with such a nice interests can confined yeah it's very interesting I love the I actually have come to love talking to industry people especially some of the city like agents and Scouts and so on because I I have I've had great chats at some of the city in the green room where people I so what do you do oh yeah I've got this channel it's got like 100 or 200 thousand subscribers and I like they do like the cartoon dollar signs if here in their eyes now are like what is it what is it and I'm like I do education yeah I give away like free it like free education online that I just going another drink yeah yes yeah I have incredible different this is a struggle for me at VidCon I am incredible difficulty summarizing what my channel is like yeah I can see and I would be I'll be like well it's kind of like it's like leftist politics but it's like very theatrical and also a joke yeah unlike it would be tough to do it without using the language of the people that would could take it if you said like I'm an ironic social justice warrior people would get it but I I won't I mean I wouldn't want to like legitimize that kind of like language will I use their terms what I've tried that before like me like oh yes I'm like the social justice warrior but like funny or whatever and like hearing people like look at people who like get weird a pie it's not good wait it's not a good way to describe it yeah I guess it's it's it's still a little inside baseball isn't it it is you could I mean there's people in the chat are suggesting that you could say that you'd make educational stuff yeah I think it's clean it that it's educational is probably the better way to go yeah especially when I'm talking to you who aren't like they don't cuz like whatever like a cab driver or like you know someone like that asks my idea my my you to shell is gonna check I always wished that like why don't I do it I wish I had like a makeup channel you know like yeah so fun to talk about this in the back of a cab but now I'm sitting here being like do I want to mention Pepe yeah thanks I don't need to understand about right-wing memes right I don't want to talk about it Rossum whenever somebody says that I've watched one of the videos I was like [ __ ] I'd help me tell like that's the first don't think like I got a recognized out the other day like at the corner store like right next to where I live and someone was like oh so how's YouTube going and I was just like oh god oh god how do you know like this is bad like but also like oh they a fan or like not right right right right you might have to wonder that too and it this is really absurd but like when someone I meet this one in real life is see my videos I was good my first reaction is it's like sting of embarrassment as like Oh God like they've read my diary like which one of these because it matt says like yeah right cuz like put this preposterous because what am i doing uploading this I don't want a hundred thousand people like psychologically there's like because it's not filling Madison Square Garden five nights in a row like in your mind in your mind it's just the type in your computer and then oh great like and you don't think you see the number of viewers but you don't really think about those people I get more nervous in front of an audience of like 50 people in person five hundred and fifty people watching this right now right honestly cowardly hit upload because if we were on stage right now and there is five hundred and fifty people in the legal Santa Theatre life I mean her mrs. Howell pie yeah I was them I was in a know this this Jesus play I was in a while ago and I was in rehearsal so for anyone in the child doesn't know I was I was in a play a while ago that was like it was about Jesus and I was I was his understudy when I okay but anyway the guy the guy playing Jesus and looks exactly as you imagine white Jesus he's got like the long hair and the beard and everything and we just kind of chillin out while the director was directing somebody else and we're on stage and he just he turns to me he goes by the way I really enjoy your philosophy videos congratulations on them it was just it was this really really bizarre to have anybody say that to have anybody say in my other life in my acting life and also to have the person who said that look exactly like Jesus but like a very English Jesus really foster Jesus I was up a little bit of posh she was the second video Jesus so he says was that at the Edinburgh Fringe no it wasn't it was in it was in London I was in there I was in Trafalgar Square yes Jesus is a fan of philosophy to you well this should be character on your channel posh Jesus lost Jesus will make it a child make a character on you listen I'll give you character my channel you can play on good friend yeah you don't need to get some colored lights yeah that's it I like when I ordered this big light which you can all see it came with all colored stuff in it and foolishly I was you know 19 20 at the time threw them away and just kept though I don't need that colored light don't in that fancy stuff just that raw bulb and then you do it more away in but I'll have to get myself some if you can recommend me some good ones I can yeah I will well I'll send you my recommendations oh well the ones I use are actually like I can hold on where's my phone I can control these we didn't vote with my phone yeah all right so like I have an app so that I can like like this one a neutral 24 percent I was gonna say your main light at the moment seems to be the Sun so if you cannot sky ever buying me it's not very light by like oh yeah I can do this just with my phone it's a lot of fun I can put it on on like color cycle too so that not just cycle color it's a Christmas tree yeah that's really cool yeah cuttlefish the bulb is [ __ ] raw system Lynch up it is it is it's just rock when I'm under my lights and I'm filming it's like so hot and just blazing down it's ridiculous you can all pink now okay mesmerizing just watching you like well I have that effect on people you know I should bring everyone to VidCon oh yeah I do yeah bring the recommendations it's really smart to bring your colored lights with you and then you can mesmerize wherever you go absolutely yeah it's my secrets day-o machina says can you to swap accents for a bit and see what happens now yeah I can try you can try what am i - a little rusty at the moment I've not ideas it in the while I can't do your accent I'm just gonna do lady flopping tonneaus like the Queen I can do the Queen yeah I'll do the Queen did you do a cowboy a cowboy but actually it's funny you say that because in my M when I had to learn American accent for a play I was was the play was called cowboy mouth it was a Sam Shepard play and I did have to play a kind of rock and roll character most unlike me that's the great thing about drama school is you can play stuff you'd never get to play in real life to play like an alcoholic like bummed out cowboy rock musician drama totally unlike me but that's where I learned to do the accent so they all sound uncommon Holly Madison says only do a Geordie accent I India Geordie accent for use if you like right that's what it sounds like that's where I come from that's pretty yeah I do not have the ear for the the fine differences like I can hear at the difference is that I could not imitate them I've seen physik amazing videos of people on YouTube being like 50 English accents and they can just like fire them off yeah it's weird that we do have it like a really we have a really big density of accents yeah I actually just be fair maybe the u.s. does as well in my ears just aren't good enough to detect it but here I get on a train for like what you'll know I'm into Wales you can get on a train apart from our people in comprehensible yeah I mean yours it's like very different a lot of our different accents but there's they're more widely spaced I guess just to fill the amount of space and yet in the US residents striking about the UK is that like you go like yeah it's a young over 15 miles and I'll be different like I suppose that the the english-speaking people in the US have like literally like been spreading out over the course of their history whereas we've always been like crammed in a tiny corner like yeah yeah yeah it has been a longer for it to develop well you know I think it's kind of amazing like how different it is look that you manage to have like New York Boston Texas you know LA Upper Midwest Wisconsin like Alabama like all of different accents is there a Baltimore accent is you is your accent like nervous isn't something to an American my accent is not really Baltimore it's not Baltimore native I didn't grow up here - my accents kind of it's kind of generic I think like its kind of generic just like vanilla American that you you sort of Adi regionalised oftentimes when you you when you sort of like go to university a lot of people shed regional acts aspects of their accent my grandparents have southern my on my dad's side of southern accents cool my grandparents my mom said her Philadelphia accents neither of which I have oh yeah if I were to talk like my dad's mom talked I would say hi like oh yeah we get we get taught and what's called janam general american and the ID and there were some Americans on my course who were like that doesn't really sound like any American accent yeah my accent Tudor was like yeah it's not meant to it's meant to sound like what a British person needs to hear in order to understand the character is American it's not meant to be accurate and he told us all these like really cool stories about how sometimes they fudge the accents so that they they're like what you're expecting rather than what is accurate so in Downton Abbey none of them would actually speak like that they would all have like really ridiculous old-fashioned accents and the creative team on the show made the decision that they weren't gonna go for a realistic accent because it would mean that nobody can empathize with the characters so they just made them kind of they made them like a few years back but not so many years back that it would have been historically accurate so it's cool the way that that they just they get us to do what's expected rather than what's a general American rather than like realistic American yes and of course like when Americans imitate English accents not an actual accent it's just kind of a series of things that will trigger recognition of English accent to Americans yeah yeah the series may I agree on the two or whatever I don't know that kind of nonsense yeah exactly which I don't know I have asserted somebody say Sharia I've never heard somebody say tootle bit seriously how could you have heard people say cheerio yeah it's a real thing crumpets actually this is place you may have been there in well have you been to Cambridge it's called the I think the orchard it's they have like very good tea and have not been to care that much but I think it's not pretty famous there I guess it's like yeah it's famous is like a place where like Vic and Stein went to like people unlike sit out on the grass other River and yeah yeah actually is good good crumpets yeah yeah I'm super gonna clotted cream that's the thing we don't have which is ridiculous because it's because super like you think Americans would be all over that stuff we love yeah I don't know why you don't have it it's like what does clotted cream it's like some kind of a sugary buttery I honestly don't know I don't know how I'd go about making it it's just it's like a force of nature then they're mine out of the ground then Dorset they pump it up a fracking it's just naturally occurring it bubbles up yeah that's good stuff do you have anything oh yeah we don't have anything like that we have cream cheese which is not sweet uh-huh he's not as distinct from cottage cheese it's Eric to see our cream cheese definitely not cottage cheese like cream cheese it's has a very smooth texture you put it on bagels usually oh wait yeah we have that but well I guess we must have imported it from yeah yeah the best is if you go to New York City get like locks like smoked salmon on bagels with cream cheese and what else goes on it what do you call those little capers tomato super good yeah nice specifically New York thing I am I remember last time I was in New York I was quite young I met there was an older couple there and we got chatting and they were doing a tour there American they were doing a tour of both York's they were doing New York and then York on our side of the Atlantic and we were like yeah you really should have done it the other way around to be honest because I reckon that York small provincial town in England with a lot of pubs and some interesting ruins but like that's kind of about it it's gonna be a bit of a disappointment after New York City yeah why don't you do like both York there's some great places in York if there's anyone in the in there chat then big shout out to you and the house of trembling madness is a fantastic pub do this they do this brilliant and this this pub I love in York they do this we'll come back run to Jesus again they do this vehicle black Jesus which they only serve in a shot glass and it's like 30% and you're only allowed to order one it's so good I wonder how New York decided to be the New York cuz they used to be New Amsterdam Yeah right I don't know wise somebody somebody from York can you know none of this New Amsterdam sure it's New York so there are loads of people from York in the chair apparently you just offended all of them no no they're loving it some of them Daniel Hughes says woo York nice New York the town with the street that it has the really long and Daffy name made us like every Sam we Oliver I notice that it's like a thing in like towns is that like heist every time the high street you'll have a high street in mom I got we do we don't really call it a high street is really called Main Street in the US and small towns so in the town I went to an uni there was a small road that was literally called butt's wind oh my god yeah w-what I wind up with ynd but I'm forever skilled in the chat says they changed it because New Amsterdam was sold to the British so I guess we changed it like actually reminds me of New England's own New England in the United States like it does Reserve resemble England more than most other places in the US because it's older and it like has more that like original colonial influence so a lot of that name is in Massachusetts for example are just like there to an American from other parts of the country they seem in prep a stress and the way that English names seemed preposterous like there's you know there's places called Wooster spelled Worchester there's there's a place called Braintree for I have no idea why every year the end of my fringe I love because loads of them loads of American tourists come to fringe and I love hearing them pronounce Edinburgh Edinburgh yeah it's great but in fairness that is how it's written it's an understandable mistake yeah we have a Washington as well not far from me and the north I don't know why and I guess it's probably not that I can't have a name mmm yeah I think it was wasn't built long ago I said we must have made it from you how impossible yeah the u.s. I guess a lot of Tottenham but like Native American names yeah yeah I guess um have you ever been to a move into New Zealand now it's really cool and all the signs there are bilingual English and Murray they made like slightly slightly more of an effort I think to incorporate the indigenous indigenous language which is like yeah pretty cool anyone from New Zealand in the chat hello and also I do know what time it is for you must be like tomorrow oh yeah she was there for like a few weeks are from that Hobbit video doesn't most diversity and put into a single YouTube video yeah yeah going to Japan and going into that forest is like dedication directed towards the wrong thing yeah yeah the dedication to to our salary yeah yeah no it's a great place new zone and it's so far but you kind of gotta do it for a couple weeks really yeah I would like to go although I don't know about bit that's like 20 hours on a plane that you got there yeah it's a lies when I win it was like 30 32 34 36 hours I told um the long way but you've got just minutes it's fine yeah I when I first went there and so when I was a little kid I really wanted to see great white sharks in the wild because I love animals and love diving and so I went to New Zealand and on my way back I went to this tiny little town on the south coast of Australia called Port Lincoln I would say shout out to anyone in the chat watching for Paul Lincoln but I don't think they have internet yet um so I went there and the only business in the town is its sharks the shot watching is the only thing and I arrived when nobody had seen a shot for a week so the town was just I really tense it wasn't really like things were closed down my people were just waiting for them to come back so just losing money and I got on the taxi and the taxi driver was like yeah everybody got quite excited yesterday the guy had his leg bitten off in the harbor they took him to hospital and tested the bite wasn't even a great white even he was disappointed because they it was so weird to have them like treat animals like dangerous animals as their business and they said oh yeah couple weeks ago in there in Queensland a girl got bitten in half lucky bastards all the tourists have gone there now didn't see a single one nobody saw a single one a week either side of me being there it was a huge waste of money in time but yeah it was just really odd this this like shock it's weird shark Town Port Lincoln on the south coast it was really yeah that was doesn't scare me about Australia New Zealand South but in wildlife is very intimidating yeah Australian well the New Zealand easy though I've seen people would not rally a post their terrible spider isn't stopped on Twitter I'm gonna say no no no no everything I know for players too so yeah that's true at Southwest we don't really have any practice okay oh yeah you do it's just it auntie tarantulas yeah does it those are on the stuttering like texts at South Texas or Southwest yeah I mean I knew I saw some tarantulas I was in Belize but I run a wild tarantula I think Kobe and of me they're not very fast though in Venice although they just think up an hour oh my god I like it just no good no no it's gonna be unforeseen yeah we don't really have that hey we've got badges I guess we do have one thing stay there not even get out just gonna run away no we don't really have anything you know that's gonna keep bears wolves oh well no we do have wolves somebody I think somebody put the Wolves back a while ago I don't know there's like three on the east coast of the US that we look for you've lost most of natural predators so they're just deer everywhere cuz nothing kills them yeah yeah places do for them I know in Scotland its up surrounded with deer in good I like them as they say in Scotland specifically to remove the entrails from a deer it's like a specific word for that in the US well there's a lot of people hunt in a rural areas and sometimes diseases justification for our common policies but it doesn't remain much sense as it turns out since most of these weapons that are used in like mass shootings are not really useful for hunting like the ar-15 like people don't know say oh you can use that hot wild boars and say okay how they give me nothing less you're gonna get sausages out of that but it's just like the trumpism a tusk ar-15 oh there's an americorps hunting wild boars it's almost none of them like the only reason to have her is though it's fun if you like guns to have oh you know I really hate boar you don't even want to eat them he just was been turned into mist yeah yeah so yeah this is a bad country I'm sorry that they have to come here I mean I'm excited about it the food's good yeah there's no one open carrying in LA so that's at least what's up you're not gonna see any open carry in LA no one carries guns around except the police said well yeah of course because the police Roy's armed yeah I'm excited about it I remember the the food's like the dessert is really good and Rach like milkshakes you need milkshakes first American milkshake in in Texas and I was like this is like crude oil it was so thick yeah this is done this is not one thing they've got right okay it took onto the Cheesecake Factory with us oh yeah definitely it's like God it's like of Donald Trump's apartment or a restaurant like as you look bigger gilded columns and things it's very tacky but like and the menu is like it's like 300 pages long and you can order anything fantastic I laughter if you come to learn of some of the say they'll have to think of somewhere like couldn't essentially British that we can go I I've got somewhere in mind that might be good breakfast do you guys are the better some breakfast really yeah breakfast is like pancakes and we do bacon as well yeah but properly couldn't none of it well is he both kinds of thinking are justifiable we're not ethically but like gustatory I know somebody in that that says what kind of cryptids does England have other than me there's a few others there's is the what Harry's Oh fairies yeah I guess Arthur Conan Doyle is authorities but there's a lot miss monster in Scotland obviously the Beast of Bodmin were down south nobody ever knows what that is I think that turned out to be like an escaped Panther or something but yeah on bodman were they like various points have found the remains of sheep and the beasts of woman um oh than that like that's about it it's like me and the Beast of Bodmin Moor yeah that's it we don't have Bigfoots I mean no one does but we don't know we all walk we all these things like that's a big country and it's like basically rates a lot of people have been sitting around with a lot of time their hands and yeah that's when these things tend to turn out you know I'm looking to details yeah man yeah laughs man yeah let's go to Cheesecake Factory Hound of the Baskervilles that's fictional though yeah rumored big cats in the UK sometimes and I don't think that was like a this is brexit a cryptid so far yeah so you know some people have gone missing oh cripton thing is like oh yeah yeah so how did the Baskervilles was was just made up it's not not based on a real not based on a real thing yeah Oh big cats that was it a few years ago yet something simply cuts escaped and then there was a lion allegedly in Essex this was a fascinating little of somebody could write and probably has written a dissertation on this that could play out over a whole morning whether the whole event played out over a morning and that somebody reported a lion was missing in Essex they say I've seen this lion and then exciting's of the Essex lion started coming in people why here it is I've blown up and twist the Essex lion and there it is and was like photos of something in a hedge and the police were out and they're like helicopters looking for this escaped lion and meanwhile somebody sat down and was like hang on a minute people don't just have Lions lying around let's call the local zoos and they just call back does anyone the lion and then the zoos were like no it's right all right called x1 you mr. lion just walk out and then they can't gradually piece together this just had never happened but it had started off as somebody mistaken or lying and that other people have received it and have been I've seen it and when they when the police put out the thing they're like there's no lion you checked people like [ __ ] what are you covering up like I've seen it here's the thing in the hedge and yeah yeah it was work it always like things seen on the corner of your eye blurry photographs rumors what you know and you can piece together a very real thing they see me thing up all that nonsense absolutely I want to believe says the chat yeah I'm gonna get a drink real quick oh go for it yeah yes I'll read the chat in the meantime yeah someone says what's the American equivalent of never of Nando's I don't know but I'll conduct a field research trip when I'm in LA I'll try and find what the American equivalent of nandus is good for a cheeky Nando's Oh best actor slash actress of all time I mean I'm biased because Mike because my friends are actors and so is Natalie now apparently according to the chat we had earlier on and but yeah I I just said my friends because they're great I dunno I do really like Patrick Stewart I mean he's got great range he's just a really good you can do loads of different stuff Daniel day-lewis yeah yeah he's a pretty nice guy I met his I met his wife Rebecca Miller a while ago she came and gave the talk and funnily enough um one of Daniels his mates was my acting teacher yeah yeah someone says what's your favorite type of cat it's a draw between Sphinx and Maine coming there you go what are you drinking it's still slow gin Christopher Lee very good actor very good actor August Ellie's or denies says in the chat that Christopher Lee is there a writer funnily enough when he got back from the war he he said he wanted to be an actor and he was told he would never do it cuz he was too tall and he was subsequently in more films than any other person ever so there you go do you like musicals yeah occasionally I'm not as into musicals as as as I could be I'm not a musical theatre actor there are some people in the UK we call them triple threats who can sue can act sing and dance I'm not one I mean I can sing and dance but not well enough to like be in a show that is about singing and dancing no you're not gonna see me in like Chicago or something but you might see me in as you like it or Midsummer Night's Dream if there's a song and a dance you know I can I can I can handle but it's yeah apparently there are people are coming up with all kinds of cryptids in the chat apparently England's absolutely rife rife with cryptids most if with them I'm gonna go outside later on and just see sort of hundreds and hundreds of them but no somebody says are you in a party no I'm just it's just me it's just me alone now I don't think I'm gonna sing I'm not warmed up for one thing Gary Oldman yeah um I've heard he's good yeah I've never seen him live for me enough um till if he doesn't eat theatre actually yeah hmm what did you think of Patrick's tear in the emoji movie I have no I've not seen that but like that just speaks to Pat's to use versatility I think that he can do voiceover like that and like he can do waiting forgot on Monday emerging movie on Tuesday you know Hamlet on Wednesday oh I'm gonna go and see Hamlet the globe in July I'm really really excited and Jimmy garnon's playing Claudius he's a really nice guy he's a friend of my my cousins last thing I saw the globe was M was king Lea yeah it's pretty decent and I can't remember the name of the lead actor now but he's a he's a man he's in Valkyrie a Tom Cruise film and he's in conspiracy he plays a Nazi or a pirate and he was he was mr. Gibbs in Pirates of the Caribbean and I saw him playing King Lear so I would just say about London theater now because people just want to UM to ask me like to ask me about Shakespearean step do I have a favorite Shakespearean role Mark Antony and Julie's yes definitely number one wakes up with a hangover goes to bed as one of the three rulers of the world what a day thinking of doing a little bit of Shakespeare not very much in my next video similarly yeah oh no so I having a Midsummer Night's Dream kind of thing in mind because um well I want to get away too much you know I've got a costume I'm making that's very like Fairy Queen aesthetic titania or yeah puck or something hmm and I will cast emo Teutonia than parka by yes I've seen I've seen puck played very like very female hmm well though I've only ever seen pop plays like really I'm like high energy and and yeah I saw midsummer at the globe this must have been at least a year ago where they because I've usually seen Oberon and indeed have played Oberon I played him like poorly because I was like 17 but as this sort of very like warlike Elrond basically um and they played they had in the one I saw the globe he was just like a just like a drunk loser used to stop my mission like so ground down by the demands of dishonor they say [ __ ] just like drunk and just like he's like scheming and he's doing things that are not super dignified for an Elrond figure yeah they just played him as like kind of a bitter it's hard to imagine like Elrond being like yeah I want you to drug my ex-wife light yeah yeah that's quite petty I don't think Hugo would ever would have would have played in this maybe I know strange you go yeah yeah yeah he's cool guy you know Priscilla Queen of the desert yeah I saw him I saw a lot of been waiting for gato in in London at the Barbican he was like it was amazing like just the the physical there there like physical acting of it was so cool he was he was always like agitated and I wasn't stopping and was always like twitching around and then at the very end when there when the second child comes on and there's Gatos not come in he's just so he just dropped oh my God he's been doing that this whole time because if he stays still for a moment the horror of it all just hits him and it was just an incredible physical performance and I I was I got to chat to him afterwards I was like yeah it was really amazing it is so good yeah yeah glad you noticed thanks a lot yeah I don't know what does I never know how I'm gonna say - anything is people they're like I don't know what to say I just like I like the thing you do like that's what I'm gonna be like on Thursday yeah yeah well yeah that's kind of what everyone's like though youtubers for me at least you I don't respect any youtuber enough to completely lose my mind like oh yeah I used to like be more like that but now that I'm doing myself I'm like yeah what are these just people and that's it makes it more easier I think you can just history with youtubers like it's like peers isn't it feels like to me right hmm yeah like that stage I like haven't even I hadn't even trained so I was a little bit you know and yeah oh there's like a few actors who if I met them I would be like I would absolutely be starstruck yeah desert bite myself whoo oh that's a good question Danny DeVito I would - good choice I would I thought of him because I just saw this amazing picture of him wearing a democracy now had an a pride parade I thought I'm like oh my god Danny DeVito as a woke up a nice excellent you know I love him yeah yeah he's cool I like him I like his voice ever work yeah there might be some there might be some people come into this show I mean in July that I can't say on stream but if you remind me on Wednesday cuz I'm like I'm breaking it a little bit but people who might turn up to come and see this thing because if the show's gonna be on at at RADA the kind of big drama school and then it's then the one that like Tom Hiddleston went to it and everyone so um yeah yeah it's gonna be a it's gonna be an interesting show what is that it's on early July I can't say on that stream when they exactly what exactly I want to reserve tickets for show industry but em because it's like very limited run it's like only 100 tickets and one of them's already sold out which is yeah oh and and unfold full disclosure for the Jack because obviously in my life is crowdfunded I'm not being paid for this role so it's not like I've got patreon wasn't like raking in millions on the side now I'm doing this work pro bono and just wanna make up and personal somebody says what is this stream about I mean closing the title it's it's me not me iris we're subscribers yeah and and me trying to not and being nervous about meeting on Thursday I'm not pretty scary I don't think yeah well I mean you know not it's not as he again when he looks like a I think he's scared oh he's lovely I'd met him before that as well it's really nice really tall very tall man interesting yeah I'm kind of nervous to meet you I think it's gonna be fun it will be fun yeah that's awkward than this is right now that's just cuz I've been drinking no audio no audience I'm trying to counting I'm getting caught up wait what time is it it's 4:30 in the army yeah no benefits of it yes there's going to be a reasonable time to start drinking I mean it's not definitely you know why not I was saying it and I was saying at the start I hardly ever do anymore so I'm just I don't like drinking s than I used to you know it helps to be the correct gender and to just be comfortable of socially in general definitely yeah I still enjoy it but yeah mmm I'm good I'm also you know getting in my late 20s close to 30 it's time to start thinking about not dying yeah and the today the 2-day hangover right yeah yeah I know it's real that's that's I thought that was a cryptid but it's not it's apparently it's a real beast yeah it's waiting for me some day yeah I saw I'm still had at that point but it is worse than it used to be um and like I gotten way better like when I was in my early I was a mess in my early 20s like I used to but but I think it's like I used to go to the BMS with no consequences like I could just be like you know room spinning drop and go to bed the next day be like yeah fine um yeah just wit not anymore so now I have talked to you got all my tolerance has just gone to nothing because I think as I don't drink as much and also possibly past regenerated so now like it's probably for the best yeah yeah big like pace tonight Martha not exactly yeah I remember I mean you Castle we start drinking really early and I guess in a in England we start drinking like three years before I mean I'm a pretty everyone in the u.s. drinks under 21 anyway but I guess with us it's even sooner and so I used to be able to just drink like a fish at uni um I remember once we I was in a I was in a production of Macbeth at the casbah the guy playing Macbeth brought Everclear like 90 98 percent stuff and that one shot of that is like eight shots yeah it yeah yeah I got absolutely rat-arsed on that and I woke up the next morning I was like totally fine no was like this is a miracle this is some some kind of like and I lived in fear that like at some point just randomly I've been walking on the street and that hangover would come back it's just like delayed it had been cast into the future and I would like just in the middle of the day just for that Oh Shrieve a lot by the individual adjourns actually I think that click green clear liquor like thought is actually the least it's it's like that's cuz I found that like the times I've gotten like so drunk I went unconscious and I woke up it was fine it's usually gin that does that to me oh no I've made a few errors involving Bombay Sapphire that program was great what's involved tight there was a gin Society in my Union that was always my oh my gosh but yeah yeah it's like it was that dispersed now you'd call it like toxic masculinity but in order to get in I had to do a shot of gin a gin and tonic and a bowl of gin and milk in 30 seconds we didn't milk it's vile don't do it it doesn't doesn't do the other two first otherwise you're going right yeah I just talked economy it was it was didn't milk it is it is next time you do the thing in the bath just put some Gin Gin in the milk yeah that's true [Laughter] somebody says somebody in the chat says David Cameron is that you and I imagine that's a reference ID but funny enough Jackson Canon up yeah he's done a lot of things drunk they become story with the pig's head springs to mind but funnily enough I did once get asked to audition to play the role of David Cameron back when he was my when he was Prime Minister and I was this this was I was very relatively early in my you should create that and somebody director saw me in a play and said hey I'm doing this web show that's gonna be it's gonna be making fun of David Cameron do you want to play him know that yeah sure I'll audition and she and so the director in her in her work played a very very right-wing character and what I would now recognize as being an alright character but it didn't quite have that name yet so she played that character and was gonna be like making fun of David Cameron or so I thought because I didn't get the role but that she ended up playing it herself interesting but later on I found out I found her personal Twitter and it wasn't a character and that she was just like a neo-nazi and she was making fun of David Cameron from the right like cut and and I was so Wow that was nearly my first job I'm really glad I'm really glad I didn't do that and she was and it put so many things in different contacts because we had a Skype interview when she was considering me for the role and she was like you know it's a political show wetware do you can't lean politically just sucking it rough in negation I was oh well you know like pretty vague but usually like further left there man it's just that his left leg burn off she was like oh right that's kind of interesting I didn't seem to be the right answer because I assumed that everyone who works in in Sydney British theatre is like liberal at minimum usually usually that's usually a safe bet yeah but no she was just she was in there nuts you know I was like wow dodged a bullet like yeah been my first job so yes the person who made fun of my hair for looking like David Cameron well yeah gladly happily I don't look too much like David Cameron otherwise I could have been in a had a very different career well yeah I think yeah you couldn't your first broken up in Cox David Cameron that's true oh I think so probably you're safe because of the left-of-center a self ID so like it sounds like this person was not gonna cast on like that yeah I mean yeah thankfully well she did ended up playing it herself and under a better David Cameron impression then I could have done and she she kenneth branagh that she wrote directed and starred um and I don't think it ever got much traction but yeah yeah usually neo-nazi productions or someone please David Cameron don't get that much George yeah it's just like not a mainstream somehow mainstreamed mainstream thing yeah quite come into a colour I'm tired of this colour changing I like that warm color that like mmm the red yeah I like oh it's the wrong one um so Ben asks what are both of your opinions on philosophy degrees I mean I'm asked if I'd reasonably reasonably pro haven't done one but what are my opinions um I think as an undergraduate major it's great Oh wasn't going wasn't your undergrad major yeah philosophy and psychology oh nice ah the Jordan Peterson twinklebell exactly yeah you know any philosophy credentials no not really um but I I think that I love doing philosophy as an undergraduate and I thought that it that actually helps you think about like other topics it actually teaches you interesting ways of thinking about any kind of problem that you want to think about and there's something really incredibly useful I think about studying the history of velocity because I think Bertrand Russell isn't something very similar to this in defense of why you should do it like I think he little quote something one wants I'm like you know reading Aristotle like you enter into the mind of this person who said incredibly intelligent who's thought very very deeply about the world and yet is from a modern perspective basically wrong about everything so it's this but it's like this practice like seeing like how could a person way smarter than you have thought all this stuff so you sit sit sit practice like a dog like it's a kind of intellectual empathy I guess where are you kind of like enter into you look at the world just provisionally right I'm going to practice looking at the world the way someone else looks at the world and then understand what's wrong with that but from the you know a perspective of having really sympathized with it for a while yeah I think that is a it's a thing most people don't do and it's one reason I think why a lot of times you know political discussions online or whatever like they get nowhere because people can't even understand why anyone else thinks the way they do think that and also I guess are vulnerable to believing their own so when they say I believe this because of X Y Zed I think people often take that at face value rather than going home it doesn't make sense and being critical about it I think studying philosophies made me more argumentative though I was in it I had a totally inappropriate argument a while ago and I was just saying as guy I just met at a social thing and he was sick he was trying to argue that it was like immoral to ride horses and I was like I got like way too into it I why though is that we wouldn't ride an elephant I was like alright elephants that what is that what he wouldn't ride a dolphin I might not domesticated and I just ended up like well suppose I just let it go like like on its I'm interested that's why that's why you do philosophy major because that personality that gravitates towards philosophy anything yeah that kind of curiosity but then I suppose also I was like I was taught that as well I didn't really take philosophy and I suppose I was like curious about it a little bit but I just did it because I was like good at in school and I didn't know what I wanted to do and what I did but I didn't know I could actually go and be a nighter and yeah my philosophy teacher at the time was just like trying to try doing that sort of fell into it really just that YouTube problem what made you start doing YouTube um I had sort of done it on and off like very amateurishly for years both like I used to upload piano videos I play the piano and I used to upload just like bad quality vlogs about things I was thinking about when I was an undergraduate and never really went anywhere I just stopped for a couple of years altogether and then I kind of - about two years I get a little more than two years ago just kind of like hit rock bottom with my life and was like well I have no plan for what I'm doing so let's just do YouTube as a last resort and that just nice just comes together yeah I mean physically like it's that yeah sometimes you just such a fail at a bunch of things mmm the last thing you try well obviously the last thing he tries I think networks you stop trying new things but nothing works but they're not to success you have to fill out a bunch of things before you succeed everything this was my experience was it when we used or so called contra points then or did it have a different you like the rush I did make videos a long time ago under the heading contra points and I had a different there's different name for a few other child where had before little noise which we shall not discuss yeah what about you um I was at uni and I was M I was doing a lot of stand-up at the time mmm unrelated reasons but I'm a girlfriend at the time said them you should put your stand up on YouTube and I've never really thought about it and um I watched a little bit of YouTube not that much and yeah but the idea of having a YouTube channel kind of stuck with me and then I thought and then separately to that because I was in the last year to to pay the old tuition fees before the government tripled them I was really upset by that and was like this is kind of [ __ ] I had friends he couldn't get a unit you wanted to so I just kind of sort of put those two together and I was like what if I just took what I'm learning in uni and just put it on YouTube for free so that people could they wouldn't have to come to lectures I could just like learn it and I just thought it was like filming the lecture and I was like I'm sure that's theft so I'll just summarize it yeah and then the end of day one I had a hundred subscribers and I was like oh well I'm kind of on something here yeah it was just the kind of combination of maybe I should do YouTube's like a platform to reach a lot of people and that I believe in the free education and want people that have it and to give away my degree for free and so yeah somebody says I want to see for speech you stand up there is a video of me somewhere on YouTube later yeah I'll send you there like I'll review it first it might be I think I'm very overweight and have very long hair yeah I got interested in it for bad reasons and so we drama school we had this we had a class and it's gonna sound very sort of back to woke up but and we had a class about examining our relationships our laughter and I I realized in that class that I'd gotten into stand-up sort of for the wrong reasons and there I because I addition for the university improv troupe the week I arrived in Scotland and I didn't get in and I saw a week later they were judging an improv contest and I was like I'm gonna show you they were judging a stand-up contest I'm gonna show you I'm gonna come along and win that contest and I did and then after that I just started doing it as a way of showing off really just be like I can write the most clever the most esoteric joke the joke that'll make the comedians laugh but the audience won't get and like it was just not really very healthy and it may be very happy so as soon as I had that classic on the scale I was like oh wow I like I don't need to prove that any more I can just let that go and I haven't haven't done it since but that video is still out there so well I'll see if I could send it to you later I've never done stand-up I've thought about it yeah it's a lot of fun it's a lot of fun I'd recommend you know that stressful yeah I guess yeah I remember it being tough if I had a lot of time to prepare I enjoyed it if I suddenly was like you've got it's a gig on Friday but I wore thanks I liked write some stuff but yeah I enjoyed it my brother does it as his job and some of his friends do as well and yeah it's it's difficult but I think it can be very rewarding I don't know imagine the scene is very different in America than it is here um yeah I don't know some people were comics in the u.s. I don't know what it's like in the UK but in the u.s. I don't know it's very difficult very very difficult to make an actual living doing it but a lot of I knew it I know a lot people who is sort of I don't know a couple you do professionally it's yeah I think here it's still a little happy to be correct if there are no it's different but the impression I get I said it can be a bit of an all-boys Club here um I do think that is incredibly a boys club here and it's very difficult for anyone who's not a white man basically like is it still at Harvard Lampoon is still yeah it's um it's just very it's very growing I guess as well I was about it like I mean I don't even go to comedy shows most of the time because like the chance of it just like his chance of comics just taking things at a very transforming direction is so high I just don't feel like playing with it yeah yeah wizkid I know yeah I know cause you are trans and do comedy but like I don't know how you do it I don't how I do it yeah um yeah it's just it's a very lazy thing to make jokes about find my opinion um which is too bad because there actually are hilarious jokes about being trans it's just that most of the people who make those jokes don't know those jokes they don't know anything transfer they can't even joke about it effectively inside baseball yeah yeah Dan man 1950 says all he was overweight yeah I was yeah I was and I was like quite quite quite a lot overweight about six months before drama school you know um in fact if I put that a comedy video out later than your Daniel and you'll see it you mentioned losing a third of your body weight that's quite dangerous yeah in a very dangerous way as well yeah very unhealthy I wouldn't wouldn't recommend it yeah would again um like basically put that weight back on again in the last six months but in in muscle which is nice and that's good to have and obviously believe me I'm not alone yeah yeah it's it's amazing how it's like changed through my casting and yeah it's wonderful hopefully I can keep it and hopefully people at VidCon will be simply simply impressed I'm already impressed very sweet thank you and I think maybe in about 15 minutes I might wrap it up and and have a cup of tea because it's getting late but if anyone wants to chuck in any any last comments or anything here's your 15 minute warning anyway the chat will go go wild man questions and yeah yeah it's how long is the flight for you from Baltimore oh it's not bad at all it's about on I think is it going from it's about six hours I think it's longer actually going in the west direction than the east direction because of the Gulf Stream or something lucky all right yeah it's not it's been all it's about it's about like a transatlantic flight is about the same are you find really if I interact hello yeah oh yeah well that makes sense yeah but that's that's a hard fight yeah and then I come back to England on the 26th oh and I'm straight back in rehearsals on the 27th because we just don't have any we do have any time to waste yeah yeah in fact I nearly didn't I nearly didn't get this role because I on the audition form they were like am there any dates you're not available and that's better yeah I'm at VidCon on these dates it was like I'll give you the role and I was like if it helps I'm youtuber so I'm like free all day during the day I could don't have to work around a 9 to 5 and she's like okay yeah well how was I found a VidCon yeah yeah okay yeah some of the itinerary and there's some like interesting looking panels I think um cheesecake factory now which I'm not looking forward to most of all yeah restaurant looks like and we're definitely going to prom are we yeah I hope so if you if you can make it if not I can't have a room I can make it happen I I don't have I'm gonna take it now but I can either get I take it that I need to or I can I can make a case to certain part well we'll have some version of a problem I've never been to a prom so we don't really have for me I don't know what you to prom and I also know I think it's it's I think it's like sponsored by Twix it's called the Twix from so you have to like pick whether you're left Twix or right Twix and then like maybe for this prom but but like they are also doing a king and queen so we we could we could try clinking a context yeah king of twigs out of here what's that that on your resume yeah yeah that's the role I've played is the Twix King yeah my Lords somebody says go is alt right Twix no your father to it and apparently according to some people Mitch at some UK schools do have problems now Wow not in not in my day young whippersnappers with you Brahms my day of like just a few years ago and we didn't have proms at uni we had people were laugh we had balls that's when they were called yeah we had like welly ball and glitter ball and we had a circus ball one year as well I found both your channels after changing my major from theater to philosophy oh what a switch should I cut away we need prom vids yeah yeah I hope that was prom than not not a typo yeah if we can if we can do if we could do Romilly as them then we will yeah definitely you good fun well I've not caught this outfit for nothing you've got a plan that you've got going in you've got to go in either red or gold well whatever Nats going gonna be spectacular so what better you know pull pull it out the bag and go for something good so so you red or gold you're gonna find out oh you got and out when I pick you up corsage something out of that and will I be vlogging VidCon I'm probably record something if I can probably the same way to sit see I'll probably like vlog it at the time and then go back and edit and later on I probably won't do it live yeah yeah yeah I'm excited wait somebody's Oh philosophy - how old are you I'm 25 just just to turn 25 at the end of April and I know I don't look it I look a little older and it's a beard if I shaved it off you'd think I was like babies what founded by babies I don't go there you're 29 yeah yeah it's a good age that's like a cool age people that you see everyone I know it's getting married it's Oh Shawn turned 30 before me that's oh my gosh she did yeah happy birthday to Shawn yeah if exactly I imagine he's celebrating not M I'm sure the happy birthday just in case happy birthday happy birthday oh yeah he's a legend yeah he's great yeah he just thought he just does the homework like yeah mouth just like every single step he's just like yeah so methodical in a 300 so I'm glad somebody asked this somebody says what is your sign what and I'm wondering like why his astrology made this comeback and I have no idea why it seems to be everywhere now it's like a gay thing all right how is it yeah that's like a lot of LGBT people love astrology I'm not one of my mum's I'm a woman of science not really but Papa but I never really got into astrology I'm a Libra or whatever that counts as not much probably and and I know that a lot of people will want to go and check the compatibility charts on that so just let me see if we probably should yeah I'm a Taurus so somebody let us know whether that's gonna work and if not all right well I think I might put the I might put the kettle on and so thanks for coming along first of all thank you - you know my pleasure and I will see you on Thursday thank you to everyone in the chat for coming along yeah I'll be sticking around in the live chat for just a little bit more to answer any more questions if anyone has them but thank you and thank you for supporting the show to two hundred thousand subs I Wow I think if I get to two fifty I get like a little I get a little thing a golden thing so that's yeah I can't believe it thank you all and so much I love this job alright take care have a lovely evening hopefully see lots of you at VidCon and see you on Thursday
Channel: Philosophy Tube
Views: 242,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: philosophy, livestream, #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa
Id: 6QVbMQ5cchk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 41sec (6821 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 17 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.