2003 Washington Redskins vs Miami Dolphins Jay Fiedler Returns

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national football [Music] there is so much pressure on NFL head coaches every single week in both Steve Spurrier and Dave Wannstedt are under the gun in their respective cities tonight may be a watershed for one of them Dave once that caught a little bit of a break by winning last week and of course Oh Spurrier had one get away from you go back to Bruce Smith for a second he never sack people yeah but everybody else in the league did a few at a punter sack you once John Hall will kickoff for the Redskins one of the free agent acquisitions that they acquired from the New York Jets and the Miami marketing department has been working overtime they are wearing orange jerseys for the first time in ever resembling those old Miami Hurricane uniforms I thought they were looking a little bit like Tampa Bay but now you're right they're more like Miami Miami's college go Travis minor is deep to receive [Applause] and we are underway from Miami Travis minor at the four [Applause] flag is down as he crosses the 25 tackle made by Brian Johnson and this will move Miami back 10 yards the dolphins were missing three starters up front last week but get one back tonight former Pro Bowler Tim ruddy is a go at center Chris Chambers has six catches for touchdown he hasn't had that much helpful the rest of the wide receivers combined have one Ricky Williams continues to be the workhorse averaging twenty four point six carries a game the heaviest load of any back in the league 246 times he is loved it and he says he expects to get it 3035 times tonight we had him in the earlier a game against Buffalo when he had a club record 42 and reaches the 12 the Redskins front has been a weak point Renaldo wind may have been the most consistent but only has 21 tackles Lavar Arrington one of the league's best athletes the Pro Bowl linebacker leaves Washington in tackles and Champ Bailey is a propyl fixture as well and playing at that level in spite of multiple injuries call it second and for the dolphin place to the throw over the middle and down the 20-yard line they said it was caught by Randy McMichael what it counted that get in there what a catch by Randy McMichael there was a sandwich he wound up right in the middle of it and really Brian Griese throws this ball the only place you can you like to throw low over the middle now keep in mind is a big tight end he gets down on it makes a nice play to catch the ball big guys have a little trouble getting down McMichael one of the most athletic tight ends in the numbers on Brian Griese [Music] throw on Thursday short Griese out in the flat bathroom is [Applause] second [Applause] if you're going to sacrifice yourself on a past play like that nous devons you've got to be 100% sure that you're going to be able to knock that ball down when you take a look at this day with Terrell number 31 on the outside watch his pass and how perfect this is he sacrifices he goes to knock the ball down it's not there but that running yeah but that Bowman takes a terrible angle number 14 one to try and help out if that ball is have put inside it goes the other way but a perfect throw for Brian breezy - James McKnight and they desperately needed a wide receiver to step up McKnight just did [Applause] thirty-eight to go 88 yards the bulk of it on McKnight's career-long 80 yard touchdown catch from Brian Griese now that was the short out just designed to pick up a few yards and because a couple of mistakes it turned to do an 80 yard touchdown well when you when you've got safety play that that's bad you're gonna wind up with people going a long way down the field chant Morton Patrick Johnson art deep [Applause] very short kick [Applause] and it's picked up by Johnson I want to show you what happens on this play okay there's McKnight there's Bowens that's David Tyrell all right what's gonna happen is she's gonna come out and run around like this and head on up but you're gonna see Bowens take a terrible angle to try and make the play if you're a man-to-man coverage underneath you count on your Safety's to help you out there's the catch from it but look at the angle bow and snake that's horrible and all the sudden winds up in a big touchdown let's get him riding that bike hold some credit he made a block downfield that was actually super Patrick Ramsey goes to the shotgun on first down they get the target drunk the backfield as Sam Madison came up from the corner the skins offensive line hasn't been as good as hoped in spite of another solid year from physical right tackle John Janssen Lavernia sculls has been everything they hoped for from a free-agent fifth in the league in yards tied for ninth in catches and Patrick Ramsey who was barely practiced because of a foot injury has great talent that maybe a sitting duck tonight he's already been sacked 20 Miami may have jumped off intercepted the mass as it was right into the hands of Jamar Fletcher that's a goodly a he's offside he gets the jump I know they're excited about getting off the ball but that's crazy Miami's front four can really apply the pressure at a wall a Ogun Lee a already has a career-high ten sacks fourth in the league Zach Thomas has always leads the club in tackles even without prototype size he produces prototype results as the heart of the defense and Sam Madison has been one of the league's best corners ever since he became the starter 29 career interceptions he's in the fourth bubble second and eight after the penalty candidate on the draw speed but can't get out of the grasp of sack Thomason jr. say out you know and that's not a bad play Steve Spurrier is calling the plays over the last previous two games Hugh Jackson their offensive coordinator has called them Steve Spurrier has taken him back tonight and starting out with a couple of runs I don't think is a bad thing to do it settles everything down you come out controlled 3m completes it defeats you mentally I think he's pacing it right at this stage since giving up on Steven Davis who has had such a brilliant year this has been running back by committee this year again and Ramsey throws over the middle that one's complete for a first down now we'll check the flag that time it looked like Jason Taylor got the early start what both of those ends look like they're in track meets a coonley a and Taylor are lined up on the outside of that offensive formation and they just decide they're coming off they fly it they gotta wait a half a second longer you have to wait you know what they're doing is they're watching they're watching Patrick Ramsey's foot then they're trying to time their release off the ball by 99 defend it's the clock fourth down Johnny Greer one of the best makes to call on Jason Taylor let's chase the Taylor now I mean he said he's having a four-point stance and now he's trying to get himself to the outside with Chris Samuel hey Chris San Jose actually plays this beautifully even though Taylor had the jump San Jose got the block Taylor said that happened by accident [Applause] to get the four point stands for balance he really likes it Ramsey under pressure throw for candidate incomplete let's go to Susie here's the latest on Patrick Ramsey's injured foot from head trainer Dean Kleinschmidt by the way spent the entire night with him giving him ice treatment and stem he came to the stadium in his protective boot kept it on to Lee put his uniform on and three games they ran through everything three-step dropped seven step drops the final test was to just throw it as far as su see that injury on the outside of his right foot it hurts him to plant it hurts them to push off trying Canada's on the draw across the middle field into Miami territory Joe from the quarterback standpoint there are so many things that you need to have to be able to throw the ball properly but certainly if you can't plant with that right foot it's got to change emotion it's the worst thing that can happen to a quarterback people I think have a misconception about throwing the football your lower part of your body is what gives you the strength and power Patrick Ramsey because it's this right foot can't push off and he's had to change his throwing motion a little bit it is a bold bruise on a fracture care of medically so he should be in pretty good shape I don't think he feels a lot of pain on it to be third and eight for the dolphin Ramsay airs it out - hi intended for Guarnere in McCants I think that's the problem right you just saw with Ramsay what he cannot do really is step up and throw the ball and get direction on that ball just took off on him when you can't step forward Paul as you go back you're right when you can't step forward it's hard to get the ball to turn over he plants he steps and there comes the throw and this also is a product of not practicing remember he hasn't thrown at all this week so it doesn't take long to get a little bit rusty Brian Parker will punt - Sam Simon hi floater and Simmons makes the fair catch up around the 16 33 yard line you know return great first series for Brian Griese [Music] our passion and the all-new BMW 5-series the ultimate driving machine one of the great natural wonders of the world the Everglades National Park there's a pair of shoes swimming around you've got a pair of those I saw in that color hey I don't go anywhere with their animals ago China woods it stays there [Music] Miami scoring on its first possession on an 80 yard touchdown strike will start from its own 17 with Ricky Williams that's a couple to the 19-yard line and the one that you're doing Ricky Williams they're putting eight in the box and you're gonna say if you're gonna beat us you're gonna have to throw to the outside but Ricky's learning how to run against they eight in the box over the last couple of weeks you see he's got over eight hundred yards only three point three yards per carry which is down from his four point eight last year but he's really had no big runs and a product of that is the lousy job the Dolphins have done on third down the offense can't stay on the field enough for Ricky to get into some momentum and the offensive line has been beaten up as well he said a couple of weeks ago he's won for this test and intercept right into the hands of Kevin Corral back inside the ten [Applause] a return of 21 yards off the tip by David Thoreau who gambled and lost on the touchdown pass dolphins wanted to spread this one out Brian Gracie's trying to step up watch - you're right that's Seth McKinney number 68 but that's not the problem the play is made by looks like levar Arrington number 56 coming in and swatting in the air it's sails on him and David Terrell winds up with the interception and Joe is a quarterback that's just got to make your heart sing somebody tips of the air first and goal run candidate lowers his shoulder stop shine the five-yard line but hey one day if the Redskins are going to get in they're not going to it by running the ball well they have not had a 100 yard rusher this year one of only four teams and Miami has not allowed one all year they're the only team in the entire national football league that has not given up a hundred yards to a Western guy and in a couple of games Patrick Ramsey has had receivers open in the end zone and hasn't got the ball killed so if they get him open they're gonna have to get it on the board and thus kids have been woeful getting points off of turnovers ramsey under pressure throws too high and incomplete out of the end zone had two receivers back there Gartner and Cole's now this is a situation if you're Patrick Ramsey or Steve Spurrier the play caller you call the play and if you're Patrick Ramsey you say to yourself alright I just don't want to make the big mistake that takes points off the boards or an opportunity if they come out of here with three points that's okay you just can't turn the ball over will they have them come out of the first quarter with much more than 300 is going one touchdown in the first quarter of this 21 total points to the year and I think the Miami Dolphins defense saved this he's not going to run with the football basically Leona lesson three third and goal in the three was good enough Jason Taylor got there the throw for the end zone incomplete and Ramsey is down [Applause] if the lid has been beaten up all year long how did he get that off I don't know how it wasn't called down before he threw it I think that they called him down they called him down now here it is Jason Tannen it's a three-man rush he just jumps inside of Chris Samuels Jason Taylor's got him they call this they call us down oh yeah and then Jason Taylor sort of just slams his side of his head into the ground Jay Williams comes from the other side watch it now here comes Jason Taylor now coming from the right there's number 91 Jay Williams peatlands Patrick's the first thing that hits the ground is his head now here is the worst thing the worst scenario possible for the Redskins because Ramsey came in hurt they only have two quarterbacks on the roster Tim Hasselbeck is the backup he has thrown three passes in his entire NFL career about a block down took a header into a thorn bush you know what scratched up okay don't worry about me the dog is what city pork I don't have a dog if you really want to take it to the game just use your visa it's the car do you know they'll take everywhere you want to be visa proud sponsor of the NFL's thing as Patrick Ramsey comes slowly to the sidelines he was slammed into the ground a three-man pass rush on third down and two of the three got there to second before it could throw it and now John Hall will try the field goal the spot at the 18 so it's a 28 yard try Hall 1720 [Applause] and the Redskins get the interception but only convert three points and here is what happens to Patrick Ramsey well Patrick Ramsey you know this kid is really tough watch what happens here Jason Taylor steps on his left ankle there now he's going down he's got him around the neck and Jay Williams as a guide is going to come in and just nail him and it looks like his head and shoulder hit the ground at the same time this is one of the toughest quarterbacks I have seen in a long time I mean John Elway to me was just a tough guy Brett Favre tough guy Patrick Ramsey belongs in that same category he may have only been sacked 29 times this year but he's been hit a ton more yes he hasn't at this rate he's not going to have a chance to have the longevity of those other guys career that's another sack Joe that's 32 they gave they gave that sack to Jason Taylor who and if I was Chris Samuels the left tackle at the Redskins I'd be really embarrassed at this point the Dolphins rushed three guys three and Jason Taylor was lined up across from him and Patrick Ramsey didn't even have a chance to defend himself you know what I really enjoyed talking to him Patrick Ramsey yesterday and again she said first of all he's got no voice he can't talk he's in a boot he limps into the room and he said hey I'm playing even though I haven't thrown the ball all week long not playing I should be ready to go Travis minor is deep good kick this time deep into the end zone and they'll take it at the 20 the Redskins score was set up by the tip from levar Arrington and he's wired for Sunday night [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there aren't many people to play with any more emotion any more skill any more athletic ability the horror here comes the Blitz Williams hit in the back kid slips out of the tackle crosses the 20 Arrington Hanuman lost them people talk about great linebackers in this league and if you're on a football team that's struggling the Redskins are four and six you maybe don't get the credit Lavar Arrington is a two-time Pro Bowl player he should be a three-time Pro Bowler after this year I put him in the category of Ray Lewis to me I think those two guys play with the same kind of motor go sideline to sideline he's asked to do a lot more different things than even Ray does and junior say I was another one of those guys that I was put in that extreme good care than any of the linebacker breezy to throw under pressure from behind and they got Reynaldo when came off the corner did Bruce Smith get there as well here comes the official sports like waiting for an error in hit does Bruce get a half a sack a half would tie him with Reggie White look here cuz Bruce Smith he's on this left-hand side over Wayne Smith now does he get a piece of it you know I think so come on yeah I give my head all the winds already got him wrapped up I gotta get you know I they give him a half and he has just tied the record of Reggie White 198 career sacks and that's a football that nobody else is gonna get now he has a chance to get another one when if he gets it another one tonight to break the rats right isn't it keep that ball too and if the Redskins win he could get a third so this could be a three ball night doesn't the ball goes to the Hall of Fame well you might send him another one Gracie back to throw instead to drop later Ricky Williams across the 15 to the 16 where middle linebacker Jeremiah Trotter got it and Miami will have to punt neither one of these two teams the Miami Dolphins of the Washington Redskins need to be in anything but third and short you know you're going back you got third and 15 or 16 and you try to run a draw and I think if you're the Miami Dolphins you start to feed Ricky and feed Ricky and get some pace going there Patrick Johnson deep for church pump which is sky high Johnson fair gets the 40 for a beautiful 40-yard punt by Matt Turk Bruce Smith has toiled at this profession for 19 seasons he is just tied the record of Reggie White pammi and Tim Hasselbeck is the new quarterback out of Boston College originally went to Buffalo as an undrafted free agent has been with the Eagles Carolina played an NFL now to the Redskins where he has thrown three passes in his four that was his fourth an attempted screen which was incomplete because Tim Bowens was right in the middle of it let's check in with Susan here's the injury update on Patrick Ramsey they're saying that he was simply shaking off and he just needs time the trainer's have been looking into his eyes working his neck working his jaw they're calling him questionable guys know how tough he is he could come back Susie we have seen enough concussions to assume that might be the problem the way they were talking to them and the look right now on Patrick Brandis face or these defensive linemen are just gonna keya off and go now [Applause] back straight back to throw sits in the pocket there throws complete I strike to rod Gardner remember what Hasselbeck said to us if I get in once the game starts we're just playing football doesn't make any difference does it does it doesn't make a difference to him but if something would happen to him they would have to go to cliff Russell a wide receiver as the other quarterback nice job is sitting in the pocket I don't think you can give this young man a chance to sit back there if I'm the Miami Dolphins and Jim Bates their defensive coordinator I'm coming after them the Redskins have not picked up blitzes this is a guy that's not comfortable in the system to bomb them I'm coming how's that for play calling though first to play easy bro now they'll give it off chef Morton in there like you know my Hasselbeck is that it I think he's at an advantage here is because I don't know anything about it they don't know what it is cadence is like and they don't know what what his tendencies are they have not seen him so when they're sitting out there taking a look at him you've got to sit and wait a little bit taking you think about what is he going to do and how's he gonna do things that first Zoe made was an excellent role that's what I would give him time I three that's right you've got to go get him because if you give him time you don't know what he's doing Chad Morton gained nine and a half yards on that carry son candidate is back in on second and inches [Applause] and Hasselbeck good bro gets good protection and in complete Lavernia skulls with the diving tried [Music] Hasselbeck has thrown only three passes coming into this game in his NFL career that was a couple of weeks ago played at Boston College was an undrafted free agent with a build then went to the Ravens went to the Eagles NFL Europe couple of practice squads and signed for the Redskins it's an ignominious beginning to a career but we have seen so many guys who finally got an opportunity and made it pay off and Trunk candidate will get the first down near the Miami 33 yard line probably the biggest one that comes to mind as a kid by the name of Kurt Warner who took advantage of an opportunity he sat down I'm telling you folks he did not look nervous about here again the way and we said him do you expect the place and I certainly do I know that night he didn't know he was gonna get hurt he's been there three weeks four drives right yeah he knows but the thing about it is though Sprayer said about him he's a very smart young man and he picked up the offense very well they haven't cut anything back for him either his brother Matt of course the starter in Seattle they talked this week to get a little bit of advice back to throw again Hasselbeck sidearms this one wasn't that pretty see this is where I think he's a little bit different than Patrick Ramsey Patrick Ramsey does not move around that well but goodly a comes on the outside he slides up inside nice job is sliding over you see a lot of moves like that at a time Brady with the New England Patriots Tom slides very well around in the pocket Tim looks like he's just running on instinct and that's the way you have to play the game and he has almost always been in a West Coast system that's what he's familiar with this is not a West Coast a state system he has had to pick everything up on the fly after they release Rob John Castle Beckett roll again drops this one up to candidate trying to get to the outside and has a first down at the 21 yard line Zach Thomas with the tackle and Tim Hasselbeck right now is living a dream well in the thing about it is if you take a look at him just look at these happens in fun he really is having some fun because he knows that they don't know him look at this the long delay action will screen out to candidate you know what I like the old ball coach is calling some play that's right he's getting the ball out of the hand of the quarterback quickly remember now Steve Spurrier's taken back over the play calling abilities there he is delivering the blow on Zach Thomas hard run by trunk candidate to get the first down back to Miami after this [Music] Miami and the Dolphins are on top of the Redskins 7 to 3 but backup quarterback Tim Hasselbeck is driving Washington down field they have a first 110 from the Miami 20 chant Morton on the draw Morton breaks a couple of tackles and gets inside the 15-yard lock now let me just say something here this is where the Redskins shot themselves in the foot all year they get a good drive going they get some momentum going and then all of a sudden a ball gets tip they miss a handoff somebody trips somebody misses the block this is a very critical Drive for them not just for Tim Hasselbeck but I think for the entire team from a psyche standpoint keep the positive momentum going and for the Dolphins their defense is their strength so they shouldn't be run that his client John back in there hole up the middle closed immediately fight Bowens this kind of an interesting run you get you got Brian Johnson is the fullback and he goes left into a hole Lin DC trunk and they go right deception fall very very nice reception and picked up a yard they can follow the full-back in the one was deceptively shortly tenth play of the drive coming third and three for the Redskins Miami changing personnel and the skins will go with one two three four wide [Applause] blitz coming and it's patted down Terrell Buckley coming off the corner leaps and knocks it down and does anybody make more big plays than Tifa I'll tell you t buckets is funny this guy you talk about timing a play perfectly summer 27 Terrell Buckley up and look up in the air big everything hit him in the face he's one of four guys free agents that were added along with junior Seau's Sammy Knight Jeff's canina and teba ball on defense for the Miami Dolphins and all of them have played very well yes they have and John Hall was already hit a 28 yard 31 [Applause] the Redskins again go deep into Miami Territory and come out of it with a field goal but now they've cut the lead to one earlier first quarter Bruce Smith got a half sack pontbriand Gracie the first time he had ever gotten to that particular quarterback along with with all the wind and the half-sack ties in with the legend Reggie White and this is what it sounded like from levar levar Arrington who's wired levar Arrington came into the National Football League in he is one of the great stars already in this league Bruce Smith that aren't even playing defensive end for 15 years so you know we're talking to Bruce yesterday I had a moment with him afterwards and he just said I I just really can't wait til it's over with I think I gotta get you know I got me there's a lot of pressure I got the sense I saw a lot of relief on his face man finally there wait'll the next one [Music] Travis minor deep to return from Miami a yard deep in the end zone he'll bring it out only gets back to the 16 yard line as if this very moment Bruce Smith and Reggie White tied at 198 Kevin green at 160 and there is no one right now on the horizon who you could even guess might get near that number you know that when you look at these these three guys have a they're exceptional but I'll never forget the night it wasn't a sack when Reggie White picked the back up and threw him at the quarter ball Reggie did some things that just made your jaw drop Tommy Cramer was was Bruce's first victim Ricki when Champ Bailey who was playing with a couple of injuries this year always so good and run support there are a lot of corners in this league that don't want to tackle I think Antoine Winfield to me that guy's special gym to complete it could be the best all-round corner in this game you got Freddie Smoot who's good of course sir tan and Madison both into the Pro Bowl but this guy here is as complete as they get he's big he's strong he struck that great hands he admits he doesn't want to come up and hit those guys he's struck and stuff he led the charge let me tell you one thing if you're gonna play action you better block somebody up front Gracie's running the play-action pass and getting nailed as soon as he turns watch this Gracie's play-action he turns around and when he does look who's in front of him 90 Halsey I would say that was an ill-fated play from the beginning because either Ricky Williams went the wrong way or Brian Griese went the wrong way because he was looking for it Williams to be faking to the left and helping out and Rob Conrad didn't pick up the Blitz because he was the screen third and 17 cranking a couple of tackles back near the original line of scrimmage and Miami will have to punt it away and here come the boo birds they don't like the call they boot and ones that at the end of last week's game which I thought was unconscionable hit 51 seconds to go from his own 20 into a strong wind and a tie game and they're booing because he ran the ball to play for overtime when they eventually won what would you like the guy to do I like this Paul I think you've got it conservatively still plenty up here ahead 7 6 exactly no it's going to be that kind of a game the other team has lost its starting quarterback they're not down 38 to 3 with 30 seconds to go in the game and they got a tremendous defense Patrick Johnson is deep we will not get the punt off until the second quarter that's the end of the first 15 minutes dolphins on top of the Redskins 7 6 [Music] who had the best day in the NFL come on grain 154 yards on the ground Matt Hasselbeck 333 yards passing Chad Johnson 3 more touchdown catches Deuce McAllister with it is eight straight hundred yard game I'm Anthony Wright with a miracle comeback Terk cutting Patrick Johnson tells everybody to get away and it rolls just across the 40 let's check in with Susie well you get the feeling talking to Dave Wannstedt that the Dolphins quarterback job is an open competition if Brian can get things going then Jay Fiedler may not be automatic for his return and I mean what an odd run for Jay Fiedler it seems the only time he's truly appreciated is when he's out the guy is 32 and 15 as a starter his backups are five and six but as Zack Thomas says when he's in the fans seem to run about and when he's out they want him in and Suzy how many quarterbacks in this league would give their left arm to be 32 and 15 it started [Music] hasil back to throw again over the middle and this one is complete into dolphin territory you know the casts run ratio for the for the Redskins right now is 12 passes and eight runs that's a good balance that is not what Steve Spurrier defines as his fun and gun and this is more an offense that he is adapting to as a professional coach he said to change along he has Spurrier's had to make some modifications and what he wanted to ins orphans I give a lot of credit for growing and learn who's having fun right now and that's Hasselbeck run candidates trying to turn the corner with a good lay a brought him down Tim Hasselbeck looks like wow you know they don't know what I can do it would I get do so that's all just get worked at Boston College hey four seven 38 yards okay give me some place Ramsey warming after being knocked out of the ballgame they are the only two quarterbacks on the roster cliff Russell who was on IR last year a flanker with backup emergency quarterback John Simon the free agent running back from the 45 is in [Music] and Simon will make the catch at the Miami 43-yard walk [Music] Jason Taylor is land up on Samuel number 60 no he comes around what his leg is going to slip right about right there he almost got the hassle back and he knows if he's gonna plan of that foot he had have been there Chang was having a tough time with this guy well you know the Dolphins you see them signaling for the crowd if the crowd can get into this and get louder it's going to be more difficult for the tackles to hear Tim Hasselbeck third and five [Applause] wide receiver set than Hasselbeck throws has the first down [Applause] Patrick Johnson makes the catch in Hasselbeck has been unerringly accurate so far Ameri now Hasselbeck practice all week long and he pretty much knows this offense but with these two he's not thinking any chances at all joke there's an open guy six yards down I'm hitting them your right paw and when I what I appreciate is the offensive line is doing a good enough job to let him get the ball out of his hands quick coach Spurrier is not trying to throw 15 and 20 yard routes he's allowing him to get the ball out of his hand quick again a little bit of a modification in what the Redskins were doing earlier in the year and these are three and five step drop spot seven down the middle of a strike to Lavernia skull the old Ball Coach just can't sit on short round skin what a throw this is for Lavernia skulls his fourth touchdown catch of the year for Hasselbeck the first touchdown pass of his professional career give him the ball watch the touch on this pass little pump fake the verniers goals downfield outruns patrick's or 10 that ball is thrown absolutely perfect Hasselbeck four out of four 59 yards and a touchdown on that drive and the Redskins have stunned the Dolphins behind the inexperienced backup quarterback Tim Hasselbeck and they lead in Miami 13 7 [Applause] country Southwest Airlines a symbol of freedom Toyota get the feeling and Miller who reminds you that there's good enough and there's better than it has to be Miller good call back in beautiful Miami and if you just joined us surprise the Redskins are leading the Dolphins 13 to 7 1206 to go in the half they're doing it behind Tim Hasselbeck not Matt Tim I don't think the Dolphins have crossed the 35 yard line tonight I mean their own 35 they've been backed up in their own in just on the one scoring play and after that touchdown they've had an interception a three and out and a three and out they've only group they've lost three yards total often having crossed that at their own 23 dry started inside the 20 are not going to get you a lot of points at some point all by the Redskins Travis minor deep this was taken by Simmons Sam Simmons tries to get to the outside of the 36 yard line taken down by John Hall the kicker [Applause] Brian Griese hoping to restart that Dolphins offense as his club is down 13 7 [Applause] there is a flag down that dolphins can't really seem to find a rhythm on offense they tried to come out and open it up they hit the one big play and then it's been a sputter with Ricky Williams Taylor Jacobs the wide receivers the injured player for the Redskins we'll check on him in a moment tonight three plays 88 yards and a touchdown since then it has gone in the tank they have lost three yards in three possessions brought Williams breaks this one to the 45 picked up eight maybe eight and a half or they needed that well the one thing about Ricky though and you look at him he gets his shoulders Square to the line of scrimmage and when he's running like this he is all downhill look at his shoulders boom he gets back square up downfield and he picks up nine eight and a half yards on the play Rob Conrad does a good job on Mitchell and then Ricky does the rest trying to move the pile searching for first down yardage in the hilum habit near the 49 [Applause] Brian Griese got off to a really good start it's James McKnight with an 80 yard touchdown reception now Lavar Arrington tips the ball up David Ferrell picks it off winds up with field position now Bruce Smith comes around gets his 198 gets a half the sack here comes Arrington another sack Bernard holes he puts him on the ground William Chambers committed to a great block from his flanker position he really opened it up Chris Chambers is one of those players that I think can be a top-notch player in this league it's just going to take a little bit of time for him to be able to get some passes get some opportunities and have this offense be moving or was that Darius Thompson at with Darien Thompson number 88 makes the block of course who as a former kourin has been a major disappointment [Music] Travis minor gets his shot at liner down to the 40 Jeremiah Trotter the middle linebacker made the stop but another dolphins first down and this was what Miami does best just grind it out all on the ground greasy has not thrown a pass and now it's time to throw a little play-action you know I really think that bird is freaking to get themselves in third I would too if I was them being that they haven't completed they've been out for 13 coming into this game on third and 10 plus straight up the middle they're really taking advantage of the middle of that Brett's getting defensive line well in the first quarter we saw the Washington Redskins just jam up the middle there was no place to run now all of a sudden the Miami Dolphins but what they're doing is Ricky Williams is breaking out to the outside Travis minor is just a little delay step to get these guys upfield breaking back to the outside well it hasn't exactly been a run defensive scares anybody there 23rd in the league giving home almost 100 in there after the breather look like the Redskins jumped [Music] prior to the snap false start number 68 offense go 2nd down Seth McKinney and we'll check in with Suzy Mike Richard Williams admits that this season hasn't been what he thought it would be he thought it would be more like last year and he led the NFL in rushing with 1,800 plus yards he said this year he's had to deal with more adversity than at any other time in his career even during his struggles in New Orleans is it because in New Orleans no one really expected them to win here are the expectations are so high you have 14 players in the team no wonder what and Suzie Rickey with another carry inside the 40 Brian Griese has not thrown a pass since the interception when he has had time as you can see on that first series he has thrown the ball very accurate and it hasn't been that he hasn't tried right been sacked a couple times since he threw the interception Ricky Williams has carried an 84 percent of the team's running plays the heaviest load in the NFL you saw Travis minor the guy who comes in to give them a breather occasionally thirty-eight again and Gracie will go to the shotgun complete it was intended for Ricky Williams and he never got his head turned around and the pass went right by him when he made it he differs Jeremiah Trotter number 54 was on him the whole time but at least the Miami offense has created some field position advantage for themselves it's a close ballgame it's 13 to 7 at least now you have a chance to back up the Redskins Turk will pump the Patrick Johnson and how about Greece's progression he plays for his father's the Hall of Famer Bob Griese replaces the legend in Denver John Elway as this punt kicks into the endzone then he comes here back to his father's home and he's got a statue at Dan Marino outside of the statement back to Miami in a moment 13/7 backed up to their own 20 Tim Hasselbeck has come on for the injured Patrick Ramsey and all he has done is hit seven of ten and thrown a touchdown past the first in his career [Applause] candidate he gets outside across the 30 gain of 11 Tim Hasselbeck has done a really nice job of moving around in the pocket gets the ball out real quick slides slides around trunk candidate comes up that when he has to sit in the pocket makes us Road good little pump they get the ball out of your hand quick and that's a perfectly thrown ball for a touchdown to Lavernia stalls well Gracie when he comes out he has an 80 yard touchdown pass and Hasselbeck is on the bench so he spots in 80 yards that's the back now has more yards throwing in greasy and Patrick Ramsey still looks like he's just not all there this week Patrick Gregory [Applause] candidate on the draw he will get a couple he felt like he had a lot more in him there just tripped over somebody's foot right at the line of scrimmage may have been Samuels is wet tackle well now what you're doing is now the play calling of Steve Spurrier has the defensive coordinator of the Dolphins Jim Bates a little bit unsettled do I come after him because they hit the big touchdown so I'm not sure do I do i flinch linebackers to stop the run well what happens if they put the ball down the field back in 2nd and 8th nestled back to throw Simon nice food they got away after the catch and Simon to the 44 yard line you know Tim Hasselbeck was with the Eagles in preseason and Andy Reid said this kid has talent he's gonna play for somebody well Zach Thomas that time misses attack though you don't see that very often and what Simon he's gonna stop back to the inside Zach it's an arm I'm if you're not gonna bring him down with an arm get Zach moving one way Sam he comes back to the other way that's another first down and you know as much as the Redskins throw the football we've talked to Zach many times he hates teams that throw the ball he wants to get up there and mix it up with paper [Applause] undrafted free agent here comes the Blitz Hasselbeck flank restraint it's kids calling the right place at the right time that one to Patrick Johnson they go with a flanker screen on the Blitz that was really pretty this was a great this was a great call here because they catch Miami up on the line of scrimmage and once all of these guys pick up the Blitz here come the blitzing guys and the look at they just zone block right in the middle almost get to Hasselbeck but he gets the ball back out to the outside the Patrick Johnson and pick up nine Sammy Knight just didn't stand a chance because Kim got the ball out of his hand so quickly second in less than a yard Chad Morton comes in is the deep back castle back calling an audible at the line mister giving the Redskins problems all year playing Flickr Hasselbeck [Applause] Patrick sir tan trips over his own feet Patrick Patrick's got the ball coming to him this was a mistake and Shawn wouldn't number 22 was back there and Sam Madison was the guy who would banged into his own player and couldn't hold it oh my they got a flea-flicker going now he just hangs this up for Gardner and Sam Madison's running with them he's trying to avoid certain and lets it go off his finger three out of six on third down for the Redskins who have not been really good moving the chains on the ground that they are this time you know what's amazing if they ran a flea-flicker into a blitz and it worked I mean he threw the ball to the wrong guy but then he held off the Blitz and run a flea-flicker that tells you how good the offensive line is blocked and normally speaking in most offenses play-action passes are the best protection you can get because it you forced the linebackers to hesitate for a second and it allows the bats to pick up that time it worked out pretty well perfect so far since Tim Hasselbeck has gone and this is the best protection I've seen from this offensive line sometimes the backup comes in the wine they have to do just that much more inside the cordon inside the 10 to the finally brought down by Madison they are cash in the middle oh the man detain you talk about blocking up in the middle of this offensive line what's the hole here for Morgan once he gets back to the inside there's just really nobody there the linebackers are gone they end up back with Sam Madison number 29 who is a right corner making the tackle 27 yard gain for Chad Morton E is carried the ball three times full of 42 yards [Applause] say I'll show splits in tubs with another blank restrained at Johnson dolphins are all over Steve Spurrier has always been somewhat of a gunslinger when it comes to calling plays he likes to spread it around we've seen him on second and short twice tonight go down the field with big plays he's not bashful last week against Carolina and in previous games he'll go for it on fourth and to backup in his own end it's hard to get a feel on where he's coming for right now he's in a heck of a rhythm now the Redskins will use a timeout facing a second and long at the Miami's 16 yard line NASA Beck doing a heck of a job coming in for the injured Ramsey puffins defense that leads the NFL in points against only 14 points seven points a game they're also best in the NFL against the rushing attack only three point one a carry and right now the Reds those statistics blitz coming Hasselbeck inside the 1510 to the five that's something a quarterback has to do from time to time you've got to take off and run but what I really like about ten Hasselbeck is there's no hesitation when you get closer to the goal line you've got to beat the sights if he goes back nice job by trunk candidate coming up and making the block there he goes down and slides to pick up the first down all right now you're talking about blocking you got John Janssen 76 on the ghuli a right here watch this the Prince hit him in the mouth but he's two feet with them Hasselbeck picks up the first down there at the five great scramble by Hasselbeck Morton Forte's collard may have lost a yard we have seen this so many times obviously Patrick Ramsey has great talent he has a brilliant future in this lake but Hasselbeck is getting an audition tonight if he can't play in the future for the Redskins he's showing he's gonna be able to play for somebody in the NFL he'll play for the there's a flag on the field and there's also Chris Samuels number 60 the left tackle is on the field and they are already missing a couple of starters on that offensive line and now a flag against the defense unnecessary roughness well this was a way away from the play Samuels a Pro Bowler the last two years out of Alabama the first round draft choice in 2000 they can ill afford to lose him Dave Fiore already on the injured reserve list with a knee injury Larry Moore who had been the center is down tonight and Samuels in obvious distress here's Johnny Greer no it's not Mike you know well there is Johnny Greer bangs just not saying anything well he is he's not talking to us [Music] Jr's say how they state once that is talked about just how important he's been to the attitude this ballclub number sixty is a left tackle Samuels and just see what happens to always is it just looked like his right leg collapsed now here's a penalty patty buck well he and Patrick Johnson both have their hands jammed in each others face mask I don't know how you can only call one penalty but because they caught him last that's right they were doing it for ten seconds last last one to poke it in the eye last guy to get poked in the eye is the guy that winds up getting a penalty in his favor Brandin whining a first-year player out of LSU a free agent gets to come in and try to block Jason Taylor the all-pro defensive end and they don't get the snap off before the two-minute warning in front of a stunned crowd in Miami the Redskins with a six-point lead three minutes in television his halftime heroes our Sunday stud update and levar Arrington wired all that coming up on the Kia halftime show the current Drive has gone 77 yards behind Tim Hasselbeck this will be the 11th play of the drive coming they've reached the Miami three two minutes to go in the hand candidate running hesitantly for maybe a yard this is really what the redskins lack is a hammer in short yardage situation rock Cartwright is down with a bad ankle Ladell fence another big bad for them not active tonight they really got Chad more trunk campaign to guys that are quicker than they are more powerful so I think if you're gonna do something down here maybe some play-action would be for Tim Hasselbeck the price cinching up the right situation second and goal cuts it back let's go that was easy that was easy take your speed outside the first rushing touchdown for the Redskins in seven game they're playing like a very inspired football team watch as pitch it out to the right side cut the Dolphins with everybody trying to come in Zack Thomas gets cut down and trunk candidates just got an easy road to the touch thick order they have some blocking on the outside John Janssen brandy Thomas I mean they just blocked so beautifully at us that was an easy cut back Steve Spurrier has taken so much grief for his plate falling let's give him some credit for this the play calling in his first half has been absolutely brilliant for the Washington Redskins and they're up 22 7 Monday night countdown at 7:30 Eastern on ESPN the best place to get ready for Monday Night Football down on ABC at 9:00 the Monday night game to Tiki Barber and the Giants against one SAP and the Bucks [Applause] you know that really really loved about yesterday with Jo a species what are you gonna do against his defense he said we're gonna do a little bit of this over there he's done a little bit of run a little bit of past I think it's been a real nice balance that right now the Dolphins have to look at this possession as a season because the England won today they catch a break with Denver losing they have got to keep pace as far as I'm concerned for an AFC wild card berth in the AFC if they want to stay alive with this tonight this Drive they can take a two-minute drive or a minute 24-second driving get some points on the board it'll get them feeling better going into the locker room Washington is one of only two NFL teams that have not allowed a single point in the last two minutes of either half the Dolphins have three timeouts in a minute 24 they got to go up top Tim Hasselbeck I was just talking to Patrick Ramsey I don't think Patrick heard them I don't I think you were I think Patrick's having a conversation inside his head right now with somebody else [Music] we'll take it there Ricky Williams and Lamar Arrington facing each other tonight the regular-season game for the first time ever and levar is wired [Applause] talking smack on your face Brian Gracie starts from his own 20 good protection sidearms it to Ricky Williams he gets out of bounds 226 to stop the clock with 118 117 to go that's Ricky's 35th reception he has been a big part of this pass offense but if they want to really get some points on the board they're gonna have to start including their wide receivers I'll tell you one thing right this this guy Ricky Williams he does not back down on oh you're not going to intimidate him and I don't care how many times he hit him or what to say that he gets stronger as a game goes on chambers and Thompson both with no catches tonight they're wide receivers here comes the Blitz Carrington coming this pass completed up to the 34 Knight who caught the 80 yarder grabs that one got three timeouts take one of them that's okay now the officials will stop the clock they want to see if it's a catch they're going upstairs they go review the play is called on the field well that saves them taking the time now under two minutes the coaches cannot challenge it's up to the replay official upstairs and he used that perogative now what you want to do if you're Brian Griese because the clock would start again if they once they mark the ball ready for play after Johnny Greer is done with his business is you call the play in the huddle you get everybody up to the line of scrimmage and you get ready to snap the ball as quickly as its marked ready for play you don't lollygag around in a huddle you get up to the line of scrimmage save yourself five or six seconds ask was completed pass thank you John that was quick pretty Greer manages a game as well as anybody who has ever done that officials job is this a catch is that a catch that ball hits the ground but he still has possession of it I think I don't think it moved around it could touch the ground as long as he has control and the question is did he have control I think so what do you think Paul I don't think so oh I get the tiebreaker again what a shot what do you think I think he did I don't think you can overturn it because the call on the field was a catch very good Michael there you go Michael see your than the rule here it is now see the nose of the ball okay he's got it that the ball hits the ground but it does all now the ball is moving it is they say if the ball is moving looking on the ground now I think it's catch yeah well I was the one I like that thing two to one we win again I like the fact that you're convicted to your disbelief please say but we don't get the final vote do what you know do you have any idea what he just said how you tried to ignore it after reviewing the play the play stands for stall on the field we have a completed guest as usual Joe and I are right thank you Mike - try follow yeah I was close came in second that's not real good on yetzer nose it is a first down from Miami at its own 34 56 seconds to go they could use something to give them a lift here Gracie scrambling on he'll take off across the 40 to the point - I was hit out of bounds not very hard but he was touched I want to taste I have a problem of what they did on that particular play it took them 10 seconds to snap the football after was marked for play 10 seconds it took them and they still have three timeouts Lavar Arrington coming from the outside look at him moving down a line of scrimmage you know we talked to him look at it and he wouldn't have to Greece's the wirings that says I have it all I can rush the passer I could play run and I could cover I do it all and he's right here he comes again Gracie go William he wants to get out of bounds and does the 47 yard line say I think now what you can do is Brian Griese has run to the sidelines Ricky Williams has run a couple times you now have this defense stretch sideline to sideline you have three timeouts now you can throw the football in the middle of the field you try and get a Ron de gatz and who's been activated and is now back on this roster you try and get Darius Thompson you try and get Chris Chambers into the middle of the field [Music] Gracie now five out of seven hundred nine yards passing steps up under pressure throws on the run hits another one down to the 30 [Music] that one's caught by Darius Thompson the former and a timeout for Miami you know that greasy went to Johnny Greer five seconds ago and said time out with Jenny Brewer was waiting for the play to stop while we have a second let's check in with Chris Berman boomer what do you have Bart Michael thank you at halftime the fastest three minutes we need a fastest three hours to show you the overtime games like the one between the Ravens and Seahawks Patriots in the Houston Texans and st. Louis and Arizona our halftime heroes plenty of them from that Baltimore SEM game we're chock-full old stuff all right Christy wonder you watch the scores come in they just wonder what's going on how about Dave McGinnis with that with the Arizona Carl's I mean I the season career so we look ahead to the second half with the Redskins leading 20 to 10 for the Miami Dolphins what is your game plan what do you do on offense you stay conservative or what well I don't think you stay conservative my god take the Dolphins here because he wants to he's fighting me over the Redskins I don't go to sworn I said what Paul I know but I'm going then I think what you do is you do what you did in the first half I think you run Ricky you don't take him out of the game but you've got to get the ball down the field to your wide receivers give Chris Chambers and Darius Thompson the chance to make some plays James McKnight again Chadd Morton will return to kick off here in the third quarter and Morton wrapped up inside the 20 moments ago Susie caught up with Dave Wannstedt Dave an uncharacteristic night for your defense how much more difficult is it to play against an unknown quantity like Tim Hasselbeck nothing we haven't seen before I mean it's a bad field position early on and then we give up a cheap touchdown I mean they're off balance a little bit you know with the run in the pass and we just gotta come up and make a couple of plays on defense you know we haven't come up with the interception and we haven't come up with the big sack which we generally have we need to get out here we need to get back to basics I mean it's gonna be blocking and tackling and that's what we're not doing a good enough job thanks coach Paul let me ask you about the Redskins what are you doing the second half just keep trying to do the same thing can I do this show okay yeah he's not gonna I don't think fur he's gonna pull the reins in on this guy you got to let him just play the way played the first step if anything if anything I would think that the Spurs gonna let this guy throw the ball more downfield that he did in the first down from the 20-yard line [Applause] Hasselbeck out in the flat and just off the fingertips of darn Aryan McCann's [Music] Hasselbeck who has been with his team for a month most of his background is in the short passing area which the Redskins don't run although they have tonight he's 11 out of 1,500 six yards and a touchdown and the scrambled effectively twice the thing about him is though he eaten we saw him yesterday he is very very calm [Applause] bullets coming Kent of the draw play goes to Chad Morton and Morton brought down shine the twenty five by juniors say out good hustle play on the Veterans Park that's exactly what you look for from your defense to start the second half the defense has been the spark plug in the Miami Dolphins all year they've done their job now the dolphin offense should get reasonably good field position they're gonna have to do something with it to turn momentum in their favor in this game Parker will kick to Simmons who waits back at his own 30 yard walk low line drive kick Simmons from the 36 [Applause] toned as he got to the 48 yard line Lemar Marshall down to make the tackle now it's up to Brian Griese down by ten third quarter Southwest Airlines a symbol of freedom Guinness Draught style enjoyed responsibly the world over and Porsche Porsche there is no substitute aerial views tonight courtesy of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company with us Goodyear blimp Stars & Stripes event the controls captain Dan Thomas from Pompano Beach [Music] dolphins first you can own 48 yard line down 22:10 and airing got a quick start Buster's back away from the Conrad as Ronaldo wind drops out in coverage you have two flags on this plate one's gonna be passenger fare it's also Lavar Harrington is offside of it but this guy said it was there are egos at stake tonight because of all of the all-pro linebackers the bar Arrington do you think he is a possession of diskette he's after Whitney winning gets him there gets him there let's just move it back to the other side gets I'll tell you what that was travelers find the last time but this guy is all over the field he just mean one thing he said to us yesterday which is all players should have and that's part he said I played with part Williams off the right side stuffed as he got one to the Redskins 46 yard line well things started off very well for the Miami Dolphins couldn't have been any better three plays 88 yards and a touchdown then yikes nothing until that last Drive in the two-minute drill that resulted in the field goal second and for what's coming get outside for 37 yard line and a first down dog RUP Conrad got a great block Jo on the bar Arrington he saw him come up and Rob Konrad just takes him on look at number 44 here he comes again he takes the bar area it just runs him out of the hole Ricky Williams cuts back inside picks up the first down North Turner the offensive coordinator of the Dolphins has just callin his game he realizes it's still a close game and Ricky Williams is his guy that has to shoot this offense moving Gracie nice play pegs still looking for somewhere to go dives for a couple of yards inside the 35 yard line just like we saw Tim Hasselbeck down around the goal line do that with for the Redskins these are the kind of things that Brian Griese has to do more that's what they miss when Jay Fiedler is not a part of this offense Jay Fiedler for example has had 18 carries this year for 70 yards Brian Griese has had three carries for four yards up until that particular play it's important that a quarterback move around make plays with his legs LaRhonda gets to number 86 is checked into the ball game signed this week yes employee will the regular-season game here he is an excellent receiver he's not going to be too many people deep most of the time but he has wonderful hands and is a big target Lionel Daulton on that on the tackle that time the big guy in the middle the redskins defensive front that be zelner was added late darryl Russell was added late Lionel Dalton was added late they bet they've had somewhat of a shuffle on the inside all year there's only two guys out of nine defensive linemen that have been here more than ten game they lost in Wilkinson and Gerald Gardner who hadn't tackles a year ago what when she throws and it's complete down to the 25-yard line to a Rhonda gasps and forgets a tremendous hand you know when you just talked about him with here is a guy in a blue inside and catch the ball he's a big target he's got an excellent concentration on the ball and that passed by Gracie had to be perfect the only reason he's able to get this off his watch the pickup of Ricky Williams number 34 you saw him on the left side of your screen on the block Ricky Williams does a terrific job boy and Champ Bailey was right there at the moment the ball got there but couldn't prevent Gadsden for making the catch you know you're gonna get hits a mother catch it anyway by grace according for the end and this was picked up by Alma rashad bellman with his second pick of the season snuffs out to drive on a pass that was underthrown what he was in Chris Chambers hip pocket all the way across the field the play-action fake comes with Shawn Bauman just jumps in and snatches it out of the air [Music] access nfl.com to vote behind chambers and the ball was intercepted after a good drive but that first drive is still the one they're thinking about Redskins take over at the three blow to the ghan-gheng absolutely nothing there Brian Gracie tries a little play-action fake on that last series you see it they're lined up in a slot to the left side that's Rashad Bauman you're gonna see Chris Chambers just go across the field doesn't really help out the quarterback much with the move and there's the ball going down the field that Baumann just jumps should be a clear-out Thalmann just hangs in you got to get credit to the defense every now and then that was a heck of a defensive play on a trailer has run the ball 14 times tonight 11 of them for one or two yards this one he breaks to the outside steps out of bounds across the 20 it's a first down well this is what happens when you get your whole defense and there it on the goal line you've got a brand-new quarterback in there they figure he's not gonna throw so we're going to jam everything in the middle and what happens is a electronic candidate bat bounces back to the outside this is all trunk candidate what's this boom back to the outside Zach Thomas misses nobody is out there Sam Madison number 29 as a corner he's responsible for turning that thing back to the inside he doesn't do that trunk tentative picks up a first down now Steve Spurrier can open up his offense a little bit throwing the ball blitz coming flanker screen to cold gets a blocking he gets up to the 28 yard line Lavernia Scholz is one of the guys that was added in the offseason by daniel snyder they went out got Randy Thomas at the right guard pulls at the flanker trunk candidate at halfback in Chad mornin halfback and on this one you see Kohl's just jump inside this is the third quick screen they've run tonight one of those four free agent additions to the offense interesting Miami adds four guys all on defense Washington has four guys forced this one he was 15 all on office that's the personality of the coaches reflected in that candidate on the de wire up near the 34 let's go to Susie Mike Lavernia school got off this is a hot start this season and then cool but a lot of top receivers in the league make waves asking for the ball he's told me before the game his role is to be there for the coaches he was up questions about what's been wrong with the offense he says he's got their back his role is to stay positive no complaining or wiling last month he was actually critical of himself when to the coaches and said I know I can play better the quarterbacks call them their pit bull that's a pleasant change isn't it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] again to the 41-yard line drunk candidate was a first-round draft choice of the st. Louis Rams and Mike Martz I'll never forget the story he said he hand timed him in for two and it just took his breath away but trunk candidate had multiple opportunities in st. Louis and eventually was demoted to third string running back then was available to the Redskins in a draft and then in a trade rhythm Marx wanted him because he likes speed and he felt like on that surface trunk candidate could be the guy in case something would happen tomorrow second and three Morton comes in tries to turn it outside does turn the corner and has the first down you know speed can vary a day right now Sam Madison found out what speed is Chad warden just runs like it's a Madison's right yeah nice play he just works it's blessing with speed that's what speech outside first down one thing I've always noticed about the Miami Dolphin defense when you get Zach Thomas blocked and he can't go sideline to sideline people run the football against them the Redskins are doing an excellent job of blocking number fifty-four all night first down and Hasselbeck has to use a timeout the Redskins leading in Miami 2210 third quarter throwing a surprise the Miami Dolphins and they couldn't be more surprised by seeing Tim Hasselbeck in a quarterback both backups playing tonight greasy the scheduled starter because Fiedler is not yet a hundred percent healthy Hasselbeck comes in because Patrick Ramsey was lured early to do is they have to get their linebackers involved in Blitzen you better block this guy folks number 55 cougar say up now you know when you see this guy come across this experience guys will run by junior say out with his experience bursty checks the runner then you go to the quarterback who took the runner chat Wharton you think there's still a little gas to tank boy that's eight you think he is you look at this guy he is always on go see now even though you've done five defensive backs six defensive back she's good second and 12 but Gumbel the form analyzed Hasselbeck throws under [Applause] in the 40-yard line Guarnere in the camps with a circus catch Tim Hasselbeck threw this one out of a pothole yes it did watch the pocket good job by the line they just hangs us up out and look at the catch one handed now you know what they ought to take a look at that you know what the officials said is he was forced out of bounds he made the signal on the sidelines there was a catch and forced out and that is not reviewable thank you Michael well you know these non-renewable food may be things that was some catch though now they're going to do something now Johnny Greer is going to go over and explain to him exactly what he's gonna say you can't challenge this so don't bother throwing the flag [Applause] now you're a later you can see Johnny Greer saying that was a forceout yeah he's saying the possession is reviewable but the forceout is not okay so Dave says forget it done forget there was no challenge or deploy well I just love doing a game that Johnny career does he's terrific he explains things he really does a terrific job I think as an official and his entire crew because they keep them all together in it Patrick Ramsey right now on the sidelines looking a little more animated than he did earlier in the ball game that's a color bag yes facing the Redskins from the Miami 48 Hasselbeck trying to escape throws on the road to the holy cow there's a flag on the play back in the 50-yard line even if this comes back illegal man downfield what a remarkable play by passel but when you look at it and I know we're going to see it is it don't just be the downfield [Applause] that's Randy but I'll tell you what he does you watch him get his shoulders squared to the line of scrimmage and that's why he can make this throw here comes Tim Hasselbeck to the outside now watch him turn to get himself square once he gets himself around now that ball is downfield that's a beautiful throw man Joe you used to be so good at running to your left and throwing that's got to be the hardest thing a quarterback can do it is the hardest thing but he and Paul brought it up very well once you get your shoulders and hips turn it's no more different than throwing to the right when you're stepping but when you turn your shoulders you slow yourself down that 300 guide the trainer Pentagon is trying to kill his record face this time Jason Taylor has a shebang there is a flag down in the secondary however no no it's a flag down it's probably going to be a facemask against Jason Taylor there's a flag into secondary also they got them all over we got a flag at the quarterback just ready to say the Redskins offensive line done a great job against a goodly delay of game offense personal foul face mask on the defense wait a minute rule the 15 option three will be in fourth now wait a second that means that the play was never run you cannot run if you have to lay it there what so close that a play can't be run see I would I would definitely agree with Paul if there's a delay a game that means that the snap never got off on time which means quite simply that the personal south could have never occurred after that okay here tell Teresa Taylor on the outside and he's the one up against whiney in the goolie goolie that worked out and hit ready to get sit at the at the quarterback I think what the call is going to be is for an illegal substitution which is technically a delay of game you would have been right at the play clock ran out then the play never started let's kids run asleep this time for a couple but an illegal substitution is referred to in the rulebook as the delay of gain and they are they refer to it that well they ought to change that and make it more clear we just did okay even if there is a whistle a personal foul is always enforced after a play and the Dolphins just continue to make one mistake after another and give the offense light and Tim Hasselbeck is making them pay this defense is getting tired then I used to be after this law Hasselbeck under pressure in that another big-play from tea Taebaek plays tune Mass Effect he found trunk Kennedy coming out in the screen and he got the ball in his feet Terrell Buckley is making the Blitz here he comes they don't let him block him look at Hasselbeck he hits him but he gets the ball back to the line of scrimmage I don't know that I have ever seen a guy like Tim Hasselbeck when we talked to him in our meeting throwing three passes in his entire career you would have thought you were talking to somebody who's been doing this for 10 years let's just start Paul made a great point he practiced all week mansik Ramsey did not so he had a comfort level about what he was doing pulls in lotion they'll play below this play dead as much as I appreciate you saying he practiced the line this is his second career game couple things in his favor first of all you're going up against a defense that doesn't do a lot a lot of movement so the offensive line is going to give you a little more protection secondly Steve Spurrier has modified his plate falling so there aren't as many audibles so it doesn't become that difficult keep in mind Tim Hasselbeck is not wearing the cheat sheet on his arm these things are being called in by coach Spurrier he's communicating in to the team he's a pretty bright kid third and 13 Hasselbeck close knocked away at the last moment by certain he had darn Arian but Hansen looked like a good throw but sir tan who was one of the best as is this entire secondary knocked it away when they went with a three-man rush in Jason Taylor and a googly a crook both got back there he only had time to throw that ball that fast seems like every time the Dolphins go to a three-man rush the offensive lines confused to the block and there's pressure on the quarterback [Music] barker to kick the Kendall and nation Louisville Redskins Dave Wannstedt is standing on the sidelines in total disbelief of what he has seen how do you blame a coach for the kind of things that are happening Kendyl loosen who had had problems catching the ball in the passing game has a problem catching it as a punt returner took his eyes off of it and the Redskins Aaron Fleming sir the tight end with the recovery a huge break that was also a knuckleball that came down the Redskins right back in business and Hasselbeck to throw for the end zone plate off the hands of Rod Gartner I'll take what this ball is perfectly thrown in the air Hasselbeck you know if you just tuned in your watch this deck but you think this guy's playing for a long time look where he puts his ball grinder this is up in here Terrell Buckley plus there doesn't mean no doesn't even get a hand on look at this that ball is absolutely thrown perfectly I don't know if he got an inbound you're not boy he hasn't had many bad ones even right on it steps up throw sidearm to the six he is grown up from all angles to all receivers now the tackles are doing an excellent job what they're doing is they're running Jason Taylor and a goodly a around the cup and Tim Hasselbeck just continues to step up this is a guy that has content Odle control of everything he does he looks down the field now he sees his route led man out to the right Chad Morton makes the catch picks up the first half you've got a backup quarterback you have a backup left tackle and Brandon lining he's got a face Jason Taylor Morton hit in the backfield and jr. just came flying in there's another example too - you stay out going to the back first and then go to the quarterback second junior Sam this is experience a lot of guys over run this thing watching cutback down inside he locates the ball is what he does then the ball is in the running back he goes right to the running back has there ever been anybody more fun to watch in this game good junior guys that are just as much fun Ray Lewis leVoir Arrington and junior Hasselbeck and that one the overthrown for rod Gartner who was covered perfectly if the by a me dolphin defense you can stop the Redskins from scoring a touchdown here it just becomes a simple two touchdown game form they had a good drive through the third quarter got down there when Gracie let it get away excuse it but they can do it simple not really but sort of simple it's been less than simple more than 27 to 10 third down four wide receivers for Hasselbeck three-man rush draw one Morton to the three there's a flag down offside Miami holy cow the only thing that works in their favor it's going to be half the distance to the goal and it's still going to be third down and this is a veteran unit that is killing itself with mistakes and Dave Wannstedt I'm guessing is going to change quarterbacks once they get the football back Jay Fiedler worked a lot this week in practice and I think this football team needs a spark Brian Griese was at the sideline talking with Jay Fiedler outside 99 third down it's two offside calls against Jason Taylor [Applause] there is Jay Fiedler been out with the bad left knee now this is what happens when you're on defense and you're trying to win the football game and you know your offense is struggling so you're just trying to get that extra jump you hurt yourself horton won't go out as a wide receiver this was tipped incomplete intended for blemish sir Steve Spurrier's trying to call the timeout area is trying to call timeout timeout timeout nobody's looking at the coach only offense has his back to him so there's well I don't understand Lavernia Scholz is not in the game you got chant Morton out at wide receiver and Flemish dirt the other wide receiver down around the goal line little confused on that man I think Tim is as well but I'd say what he didn't do is make a mistake and give the ball up John Hall Oh is hit to short range field goals will try another one those 22 yards and got it through in the Redskins increased their lead to 23 to 10 in a game that is just flying by here in Miami [Music] ten late third quarter to the Washington Redskins and can you believe this the Redskins were the 119 yards rushing the Dolphins only give up 85 a game the Dolphins have only rushed 471 they have one of the best ground games in the league time of possession nearly two-to-one in the score is 23 to 10 [Music] Travis minor deep to receive in the Hall picks up two yards deep across the 20 25 near the 29-yard [Applause] offside by the Redskins [Music] pretty good return out to the 29 offside number 48 of the kicking team it's declined we'll see if the Dolphins change from greasy to Fiddler's when we come back the time out to probably the biggest ovation he has ever heard since she's been to Miami Dolphins quarterback 33 and 15 his overall record one of those wins came in Jacksonville now he is on to try to bail out the Dolphins offense and the Redskins immediately come with a blitz things were with time down [Applause] first of all that offensive line really gave him some time because Peter had a chance to step up and throw the football Wow you just need a little spark look at this look at the time he has and the Redskins were in the Blitz what a tremendous catch by Chris Chambers Wow this guy is a tremendous athlete 45 inch vertical jump they get the play off just before [Applause] [Music] takes his legs out from under mr. 30 that's the end of the third quarter as Jay Fiedler tries to bring the Dolphins back at 23:10 they're high definition a remarkable picture you can watch next Sunday night's football game Tampa fan Jacksonville and HD ESPN HD is now available nationwide and check out the entire ESPN HD scheduled at espn.com but don't leave this we've got a Hummer here up day this is a good humdinger coming here ricky williams 13 carries 51 yards this is 14 and ricky had a couple of games in a row when he was down in the low teens and carries and it was a lot like this game they fell behind so they had to throw the ball boy this guy's numbers may be down he's only averaging on the Year three point three yards of carry but he is running just as hard as he always said they've had problems on the offensive line people are playing eight and nine men it's against him and he is earning every yard of it [Applause] first intent Conrad in motion play action piglet gross underneath and caught by McKnight now to bounce let's go to Susie Mike I watched Jay Fiedler getting himself ready on the sidelines during that last series bouncing around Brian Griese came up gave him a pat on the back and said good luck Jay walked down the line patting everybody's hand on his offense he told me before the game his knee felt great and he was just dying to get in there well he's in and he's moving the team Susie the last completion to McMichael critical game for both of these teams itself to the standards the Redskins simply to stay alive and they're playing like blitz coming Broadway was you Aaron fiddle is there to assist on the tackle is where he got to the 22 Jeremiah Trotter was the first guy to hit him Jay Fiedler has been working on a brace Lavar Arrington and they've got a couple of a couple of linebackers I said there are five of all-pro linebackers in this game the bar Arrington 56 do you think he doesn't know where Ricky is look at this and the guy on the bottom is is Jeremiah Trotter these two guys I mean you got linebacker you've got all-pro linebackers all over the place linebacker Youth it is I can stayed out there all three of the redskins linebackers have been to the pro ball we dismiss shotgun blitz coming first down into 24 yard line another strike to chambers Jay Fiedler finally has found a place that is comfortable for him I talked to the trainer Kevin O'Neill and that's what they've been trying to do remember it's on his left foot so at least he can plant and deliberate it doesn't look like he has any problems now though the last three times Chris Chambers has touched the ball have been three of the four times that he's gotten ahold of it all night and he's a guy that you just have to keep involved in the offense [Applause] blow this one dead and it will cost Miami five-year Berk snap false start number 68 often go first down south McKinney the second year Center who is playing guard because of injuries to Jamie nails and Todd Perry well Jay Fiedler tried to do is get these guys up on the line of scrimmage look at he's three for three in this Drive but he tried to get him up and go on a quick count hey there old man went to sue well remember that's five weeks he hasn't played ball so again if you're changing a snap count a little bit with a new quarterback first big 15 Williams goes in motion and feedback field Ziegler's Grove knocked away by Arrington the intended target was McMichael never I said it was a complete player not only can he rush the passer good not only can he cover the pass and not only get the run the bar Arrington this is on the tight end McMichaels watch this play hand inside perfect coverage that and that pass was thrown right where it needed to be thrown except Lavar eggs and got there first that's as good as it gets this guy is really special I loved he talked about heaven he wanted a chip on his shoulder for tonight's game he likes to be mad coming in the chip when the shoulder was people thought that Ricky's bite here for the one [Applause] straight back this one that was Trotter I said be on all four linebackers off Britain Jessie Armstead the other guy number 98 50 well maybe they'll throw on his side next time I'll tell you what you talk about linebackers that are active and getting the job done remember George Edwards is the defense of ordinary he took over for Marvin Lewis who you want to talk about coaches of the year in Cincinnati they won again today but he inherited a pretty good group of guys over there especially at the linebacker position there's a question for you if they don't make this third long do you kick the field goal absolutely yet I think you've got at least three possessions in this quarter you have to count on [Applause] Pete Laurent 13:15 for the end zone was it natural and it's all elect a put banged into chambers now oh let's say we'll contend that pass was uncatchable I don't think so I'm the iReal chambers doesn't really have a chance to get airborne to go make the kind of catch and chambers got a 45 inch vertical jump [Applause] let's say just gets there too soon look at chambers you can't say it this isn't catchable that ball is up near dad's catchment yeah well he's going for he's not even going for the ball he's going for the receiver against Randy McMichael [Applause] and now we'll be first and goal Williams get beat man in the Bigler on quite action to the corner and incomplete that was off the hands of Donald Lee the second team tight end while Donald Lee was coming out of the backfield I mean off the line of scrimmage and they knocked him to the ground they didn't look like they the Redskins didn't allow anybody to get off the line of scrimmage and Fiedler still almost completes his pass goes right through his hands he would have probably not gotten that foot down but still Jays throwing the bola I think the next two place running Rachel Riggins region been Ricky second goal from the lon the up back [Applause] number 90 or as some people might refer to them now a brick wall Ricky just absolutely stopped watch number nine to get in the way there it is there's the world fault holds me look at that play and of course Jeremiah trailer's got him down low we know when you when you want something to slow motion Joe and you see their shoulders heads just kind of pop and gave in you know you're getting smacked it's a wall Ricky's a big guy pulls you out raisin by about 70 pounds Ricky co2 will [Applause] it will be fourth and goal for Arrington Mitchell you talk about some active linebackers now force and inches I think you've got to go for look at the bar Arrington in Mitchell you know what I would do here they are 55 VIX I would call timeout I really would I think you can save it if you get in here you're only a touchdown down I'd call timeout talk it over now you're running down close to the 42nd clock the play clocks down to nine seconds you're going to have to hurry to get to the line [Music] right now Ricky died is a statement play as well as the strategic one what a great gutsy thing by Dave Wannstedt to go for it I mean that was that was a second away from having a delay of game penalty have ricky williams and you have first and goal up to one you better not do anything but give it to Ricky Williams and get the touchdown look at him go airborne sadly he got tired of running on the ground where they were mantel to be judging here for the point after the dolphins close to within six 1024 to go from Miami [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's like beer and sake oh you can tell more about a person by the watch they wear than anything else Seiko arturro kinetic [Music] beautiful colorful Miami where the Redskins now lead by only six with 1024 to go in the game the Dolphins with Jay Fiedler at quarterback coming off the bench goes 71 yards to score certainly wanted to keep plays in that Drive the pass interference call on Oleta in the end zone who was that on 13 15 13 15 sep [Applause] 2014 start from their own 20-yard line [Applause] 1024 to go in a six-point ballgame from Miami [Music] they get eaten the balls at 34 to swallow this guy's shoulder Redskins from the twenty and it has suddenly gotten very loud here Hasselbeck batted down almost intercepted a goodly a got a hand on it let's go to Suzy guys you know Ricky Williams thought he was going to be more elusive this season he's gonna have to get beat up for the Dolphins to win you know he's gonna have to sacrifice while he sacrificed it on those first and second and third and fourth and goal calls and around coals nothing you just get the sense that this Miami Dolphins and defense is playing with a different purpose right now the offense has invigorated them as a matter of fact this is what this offense this football team has needed all year something they've got to come up with the stop Steve Spurrier's offense now they're in a third launch situation again the Redskins are they've kept the place very manageable for Tim Hasselbeck if I was the if I was Jim Bates the defensive coordinator Dolphins and I would come after I would not give him a chance to drop back and throw the ball when he's had time his four-man rush completing the first down Patrick Johnson was open and Hasselbeck hustled the ball out of there he just beat Sam Madison Sam Madison is playing Patrick Johnson manda man and he got beat look at here Patrick Johnson 84 look at Madison goes inside Patrick stays outside and the perfect throw you know why cuz Sam Madison was looking at the quarterback he was looking back at Tim Hasselbeck to see where the ball was and it got out of his hand very quickly it's hard to describe how good Hasselbeck has been candidate about the 35 Tim Hasselbeck has been extremely efficient under 15 yards tonight look at his pass chart three out of seven left to four to seven out of 11 right you see him one for four deep but that's a real departure from what Steve Spurrier did earlier in the year you would probably see a lot more numbers over 15 yards credit Steve Spurrier with a change in philosophy of getting the ball out of his quarterbacks hands quicker second and six candidates straight up the middle running hard Sammy Knight the strong safety was there to meet him say one thing I think they're doing with this kid Tim Hasselbeck that they're putting him in a tough position they're running on first and second down and then forcing him to throw on third day that's what you get paid for as a quarterback at national football this is this is a moment that defines at quarterback it's third and three I promise you it's going to be a pass play it's not going to be a run oh I know that but I'm sick it has a plague [Applause] dolphins showing blitz and they come with it screaming Johnny Morton to the 47 broken tackle and got the first down and look at Hanselman deep break he breaks a tackle again of Sam Madison Sam Madison hasn't stopped a yard shorter than yellow wide Hasselbeck gets it up Horton does a nice job now he's got him stopped right there just tackling we saw Champ Bailey the Corner make a terrific tackle Chad Morton just runs right through Sam Madison's tackle picks up the crucial first the boy was Hasselbeck going backwards just as fast as those legs had taken we had Terrell Buckley coming on the Blitz number 27 and he had to back up and back up and back up Buckley was flying and couldn't get there play action on first down Hasselbeck [Music] [Applause] can't hang on great coverage by certain well they took their shot there hey I like the way the old ball coach is calling this game here he is he just puts it up Hasselbeck throat now he's counting on Colts to do one of two things make the catch or make sure certain doesn't he almost comes down with this ball look at Patrick sir tan and Lavernia skulls fight for that football that's one of those passes where you throw the ball short when he gets hurt and going deep what a great piece of camel worked out just to see the effort these to put in a second any chance Hasselbeck dilemma straight down the middle and he is leveled by Brock Miriam he almost got a 50 he almost got himself a flag that was real close to getting yourself a flag for hitting an extended receiver here it is here 31 is Marian the reason he doesn't get a flag because he didn't go for his head he hit him in the upper body I think Leominster hit him there's another one of those defining moment a field goal would be huge for the Redskins who then get another couple of first down [Applause] Jason Taylor chasing Hasselbaink Jason Taylor has been cross-training all year because of a lack of sex it's not that he has played poorly he is such a focus but he's had to tonight it just goes right by Brandon whiny look at his feet here is speed I just got to feel a long time that's affected wait a minute that's a defensive end and I can't outrun him he doesn't even have time to get the ball loaded to throw it away Kendall loosen who must the last one is back to receive this walk the side of the foot of Brian Barca 26-yard kick when he had a chance to pin them reasonably deep 629 to go Miami down by a touchdown Jay Fiedler got them in the end zone last time [Applause] [Music] welcome to Miami 23:17 Redskins by six the defense for the Dolphins did its job now can Jay Fiedler do it again starting from his own 31 he wants to throw with a man in his face almost intercepted Champ Bailey got his hands on it and that time Chambers turned defensive back and knocked it away as Lionel Daulton planted Fiedler boy Lionel Dalton number 95 he doesn't even slowed up he came in and Fiedler was lucky to get this ball off right in the middle of your screen here comes 95 then oh well is that a good job by doc look at this he could have buried Fiedler and would have gotten himself a flag but he didn't he just grabs him holds him up sneaked old bear hug [Applause] second and ten to Ottawa [Applause] how can a guy that big be that quick speak again I shoot with Martin we talked about with Washington with speed champ and enjoys dancing right he gets himself caught inside but watch his feet here chills man yes it does watch champion he takes the wrong angle of pursuit second time we've seen a bat a defensive back for the Redskins take the rug for soot and the speed gets outside 17 yard gain for Ricky Williams he has 75 on 19 carries Travis minor replaces him on first defense quick out has the completion and out of bed McKnight who thought the earlier 80-yard touchdown one of the things that Brian Griese talked about all year was he couldn't find a comfort level with the wide receivers he played five years in Denver was comfortable with n McCaffrey as well as rod Smith here he couldn't really get as comfortable and now you see with Jay Fiedler who's been with these receivers you see the timing of their routes and the pass is much more crisp [Applause] what you're seeing is the defense I blame this on the linebackers especially the outside linebacker they are just jam and everything in the middle because Miami don't let's had a second in short yardage but watch it minor done everybody is sealed inside he gets back in the outside Trotter can't get there until after he gets the first down so you're sort of taking advantage of the fact that Lavar earrings it is so quick to react you start to go one way and make him chase the plays right uses back in first lieutenant 233 my the Ritz boy down Gabler for the end zone contact no play Champ Bailey against chambers you've got two really good ones champion all-pro and I think Chris Chambers is going to be one this is just a flat go they threw this in warm-ups and chambers had it land right in his lap and there's just a case where I believe the ball was just a little too far overthrown Champ Bailey got lucky I think well by turning his head around I think he convinced the official that the contact was incidental he was able to cut off the route just enough to make it incomplete poison Bravo the last thing McMichael number 81 was wide open what's coming this time chambers will make the catch vaguely with the saving tackle gain of I don't I don't think that offensively I don't think it's a coincidence that the dolphin offense finally looks like it has some light because the Jay Fiedler yes but more importantly because they've warrants that is getting the ball to Chris Chambers you've got to let your stars be stars well you got dirt this is for down territory and this is also Ricky Williams territory Padova Ricky [Applause] Williams first [Applause] there was nothing bad got into the secondary didn't have a chance they yards Ricky Williams you guys the point after would put the dolphins back on top wanna come back by Miami [Applause] maybe they won't burn those orange jerseys after all [Music] 24:23 Miami [Music] hums on that drive including the touchdown he's up to 99 for the night and he has put his club back on top [Applause] Chad Morton and yard Dingell hesitated right outside Morris a hand ottoman takes him out of bounds that's what the Redskins have missed all year was a big play on special teams I want to show you what happened on that touchdown to Ricky Williams it was a little bit of good blocking you see there's Jeremiah Trotter right in the middle of a middle linebacker that's a let a the safety they're both gonna fill the same gaps coaches talk about defenses fill your gap don't two of you go to a gap watch what they do to try and stop the run both up in a rock Conrad winds up blocking both of them but they shouldn't both be in the same place can Hasselbeck do it for the Redskins he's been brilliant the entire game after replacing Ramsey trunk candidate on the draw to the 45 Tim Hasselbeck who came in for the injured Patrick Ramsay has been extremely efficient he has been cool under fire and he has run this offense like he's been with a club for four years instead of four links and put the offense back into his hands [Music] second and eight flipz flags are down ball is tipped incomplete was Miami offside or did someone move false start number 30 we can't blame him I'm going to tell you that the Miami Dolphins had nine guys up on the line of scrimmage and they were all coming and that was a pack that was trunk candidate but he's still going to be one of those guys having a pickup he's acting like a tackle right now the big thing is is when you blitz there's two things number one you can't get a back out because she's usually in pickup plus you bake the quarterback get the ball out of his hands quicker we talked about Miami having two corners that have been to the Pro Bowl the Redskins who had no penalties in the first half and have five in the second half four-man rush Hasselbeck some point that ball should have been caught by promised and I think I think the Redskins here and Steve Spurrier really doesn't think twice about doing this but I believe they're in to down territory they have two timeouts left I really don't think so because they still have two timeouts to get three and a quarter to go and then put Miami weight down they're gonna try to work working in the clock oh yeah just place down Hasselbeck deep down the middle [Applause] just played 7p that is his interception and his 18th in the last four years we saw Chris Chambers make a one-handed catch you're gonna see Brock Mary and stick the one hand out and then gain control of the ball watches right hand out one hander tip it up to yourself and in game possession Juno was running the Lavernia Scholz setback thomas thomas adam sure there he is number 54 brock Marian's got him deep he gets as deep as any middle linebacker I think that's ever played this game and the one good thing for the Redskins this was virtually what they could have hoped for out of a punt and they only need to get close enough to kick a field goal that they have an opportunity if they can stop the Dolphins here now a big dose of rookie Williams coming up Lakes a couple of tackles drives the pile to the 14 this game is huge for the dolphins when you look at the AFC playoff race because the wild-card teams Tennessee at nine and to Miami could go to seven and for the division leaders automatically qualify and the top two records outside of the division leaders and Dave Wannstedt who has been under so much pressure and such intense scrutiny here I think he wants this one I think that was a heck of a move by Dave Wannstedt to change quarterbacks and put from a foot Jay Fiedler in and let him go back and see if he could bring his ballclub back I think the fact that his knee responded so well this week gave Dave that kind of confidence meanwhile the Redskins use one of their two timeouts so they know they have to stop them on this drive and the other thing we talked about Wannstedt going through so much he said the way he's been able to get through these tough times is because the guys in the locker room have been there he has a really strong good ballclub those long Brock Marion Zach Thomas jr. say out there were a lot of rumors going around until there's dissension on this team that the leaders stepped up and said that's Paul we're behind the ball riki over a hundred yards this time wrapped up by Lionel falton who just forced collared them and the Redskins will use their last timeout well I got the two minutes and and Miami can't take it down to the two-minute warning the Sunday stud winner by 40.6% Matt Hasselbeck of Seattle he threw five touchdown passes in a losing cause his younger brother his playing in this game and has a chance to be a hero as well Anthony Wright finished second for Baltimore he had a brilliant game in that comeback he threw for scores of his own the winner finished second in the poll that's right one day this young man here a big proud young man because you did a hell of a job tonight while the Redskins down know that they have two quarterback young can play and I think that not that it's a consolation to Steve Spurrier this is a huge third down for his defense but he knows now he's got a couple guys who can run his off the Redskins lose therefore and seven there's not going to be much consolation everybody up around the line of scrimmage down third and three did they go with Ricki again tried to pull him off side and Ricki dives he's going to be about a yard and a half shy of the first down that there's no flag yet big play there's a flag now it isn't a big emphasis shoot by the teeth and that was huge a shoe isn't gonna hurt of Mehsana not a shoot now they'll let the clock run down as long as possible it will not get to the two-minute warning before Matt perfect Matt Kirk has to kick it away and Patrick Johnson way back to his 40 Hasselbeck will have one more shot good Johnson back to the Miami's got it and the Miami Dolphins get a brilliant punt by Turk what a punt and the Redskins losen James McKnight recovers for Miami we reached the two-minute warning the Dolphins had the lead and the ball [Applause] [Music] interesting thought well if they were going to run a play you'd let them score but it looks like the Dolphins are just going to kneel down so the Redskins can't take advantage of that opportunity because that would be the Redskins only chance at this point right let them score kick the extra point and hope you can come back and tie it but Miami is not going to play the game what's going to happen here ultimately they'll probably be some time left on the clock so the Dolphins should try and kick a field goal to make it a four-point game forcing them when do you think the last time it was that Miami won a regular season game when they trailed by 13 points in the fourth quarter 1980 very good September 28th very good oh just right off the top of your head just pulled it right out of my hand the Dolphins will take a knee the Redskins cannot stop the clock Miami will go to 7 & 4 the Redskins will fall to 4 & 7 the Dolphins in the orange jerseys for the first time will live to fight another day and Steve Spurrier may have found out a lot about his ballclub tonight but he is still going to come away with a one point loss and if they the Dolphins are playing Thursday but they don't needed this I mean they really needed this no they're playing one heck of a good football team the Dallas Cowboys won a tough one today against the Carolina Panthers the Dolphins will travel and date warrants that told us this I need this we need this for a momentum going into Dallas it's a short week and if we can win this one will feel a whole lot better about ourselves congratulations to coach Wannstedt made another great point he said if you win this game the adrenaline carries you through the next Thursday you really don't feel the bumps and bruises as much as you think you would and they did everything they possibly could do to lose this ballgame what a terrible birthday present for Daniel Snyder who turns 39 today just a heck of a ballgame and Tim Hasselbeck was Bruggen in relief of Patrick Ramsey for Joe Theismann Paul McGuire Suzy Kolber and our entire ESPN group this is Mike Patrick good night from pro player stadium in my
Channel: matt revels
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Length: 126min 4sec (7564 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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