Cooking My Boyfriends Favorite Meal!

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hey you guys it's weird I'm not high that's how I intro my literally outside yeah it doesn't matter though cuz then if I definitely like night like you're not even trying died well no but a lot of people get sad if I don't do it and then a lot of people still say like that's so cringy but then if I don't do it there's also an uproar I mean people actually don't really care oh you got to stop with the lip gloss it's my new thing he's turning me into you would like kick me the lights I hate it I hate how it like using your favorite applicator was a Givenchy okay hold on hey guys today we're cooking but first let's let Shane cuz I took a paintbrush okay it feels nice but I hate actually having to have it on my lips why you're shining shining around a lot of people have been heavily requesting that I cook again and the last time we cooked it was baking and I followed box brownies but the first time we actually used blue apron who reached out again who makes cooking easy for people that aren't smart like me or that just don't have experience in the kitchen so on my kitchen journey this is like perfect [Music] what do you mean no I mean I'm really promoting that blue apron is offering the first 100 people to click the link in my description section below $60 off over their first three weeks of using the loo you guys want something I need something if I'm cooking I just realized that that painting looks like a weird vlogs wad podcast a promo picture why you can't wear her lip gloss though because it's always like a ruining it we'll watch this nobody wants that disgusting no that was the Jiwan shoot on the menu for today is crispy curry chicken or ski-doo curry it hurts my stomach okay so do you prefer cauliflower Stromboli Lee yes I cook pizza with Morgan last time notes I don't want to eat curry this is also I feel like the more challenging of the two here's why blue aprons good.we postmates literally everything all of our food is post mated so this is actually helpful for us because I don't have to go to the store because they send you all of the ingredients perfectly packaged in a cute little box that all you have to do is take out and I can hopefully start cooking from home what's this we're gonna have to wow that's about that much time at all that seems pretty convincing but I think the whole thing is that that's like what one-fifth of the time that it would take me pokes me we take an hour and a half and it would be home yeah at the grocery store like you don't have to drive to the grocery store you grab the girl true star workers and the Pope in our area they literally take at least an hour how do you say how are you doing thank you for watching my video oh wait [ __ ] me I'm looking at the wrong lesson Oh God this is I wasn't eating anything else I'm the only eating blueing in the box they give you your cute little step-by-step instructions as well as all of the nutritional information for your meal so you know exactly what's going into everything what are you doing that's not blue apron it oh yes the blue apron peanut butter company I don't think that was there yes no really making pizzas fun this is like 30-minute meals with Rachael Ray I wish that you would just like help me can you say white and help me some eat up oh my gosh Julianne Jenna are cooking all the time whining jennamarbles cuz Jillian's right on this situation yeah why can't you just be my Jenna this better be good I know how to smash garlic wait really it doesn't seem like you dare oh no wait hold on oh I did it sorry I just I wasn't really hot I was excited all I did was just an egg all came out I hate garlic not blue aprons garlic but just in general I don't like garlic because then I come to tell me that my breath smells he literally is like okay here's the thing my breath is bad yo it's not every time I Anna when I take and just literally was like oh my god how many times a day do you floss and I said none and then he goes whoa he has great teeth but let me tell you if you're in a relationship me I like doing a solid and telling people the truth if his breath smells I'm like hey can you just brush your teeth really fast and he gets so insulted and then it's a whole thing but then the other night he came to bed and he said Oh your breath smells at night I can't even kiss you without having to like cover my nose man I think I got the title for this video cuz my ex-boyfriend dinner fiance my ring oh my god oh my god scandal in the next video then you're gonna freak out your breath smells a lot all the time my breath doesn't really smell that much nobody's ever been like oh my god change your breath smells see but it comes my body like means itself it's weird it does that is what's crazy about Shane like he I brush my teeth and mouthwash and floss all day every day and he like barely does that and he goes to the dentist and the dentist is like oh my god you have perfect teeth yeah it's so annoying should we all drink like a lot yes I think somebody has to dry I can't drink alone that's Zach well I feel like I should I got a need to go energy drink or I gotta go out I wanted to oh right right right okay well why I figure out what I'm doing you swing something swing you need scissors they include that I also didn't include the stove's yeah no they have things on this isn't even part of the sponsorship you can literally like pair wines or plates or pans they have like all different I don't think they have stoves but I could be wrong no you cannot postmates Shane I'm gonna do such a good piece that's gonna blow your socks off oh my god Ethan Dolan tweeted that he just almost accidentally ate dairy what do you mean again probably oh my god guys I gotta go what's really cool about blue apron is all of the portion sizes start as low as 749 per serving which is honestly really cheap when I post mate it's like for myself at least 20 dollars so this is saving you a lot of money they have three different plans that are all marvelous okay so they have a two-person plan you can choose 2 to 3 recipes from and they're designed to serve two people they have a four person family plan where you can choose 2 to 4 recipes a week and they have a Weight Watchers free style plan or you can two to three recipes from the Weight Watchers menu designed to serve two people one of the teen moms had a recording that they didn't know was being recorded of them telling their husband I'm going to [ __ ] stab wait that's you're still on I don't know but oh my god ah the quotes are crazy I'm ashamed what whoa nobody would ever do that wait which mom was I need the audio no apron has over 16 recipes you can choose from every single week and you can mix and match any combination of recipes within your specific plan it's a lot of food well I think this is like the meat because it's a cauliflower piece oh we really aren't you leaving so let me - Here I am Wow and then this is what I see chefs don't like that wait I could do that thing where I pan down and then we taught and then you like get a mustache on back up you like do it on your face oh my god yeah so Shane and I have been really into horoscopes recently like we went down a five-hour whole one Saturday night I'm a Taurus tried and true Shane's a cancer over here Shane I can't like we're too far away I want to talk to you next time no literally like he he's very emotional which is what the cancer is what Taurus is and Andrews Oh leo oh yeah Andrew and Morgan are both Leo's the answers sitting right in front of your face most likely you didn't expect the answer to be so simple and you neglected to see this as a possible solution you don't have to conjure up any wild schemes to uncover the simple truth dig deep into matters of the heart with a psychic loved reading click the link Oh a sweater whichever you dozen mine says that it's well worth going back to school ok wait let me see what entrances ooh and how I knew that right now you need to resort us an in-depth conversation to capture the one who you secretly adore who are you adoring lately you just wait I don't know if that's it's a finally Charlie's doing ooh I can't ruin that Chrissy tipping pan but I also can't ruin the pizza Oh God wait this is supposed to be pizza crust no no no cauliflower is the what goes inside this is the dough they made really easy with the waitress everyone who's watching this that has cooked anything ever is screaming at me right now too quick and I'm not ahead of the curve we're gonna get lost I like that they include a checklist because I thrive on lists okay Anna large pan salt pepper oregano five to six minutes okay we're gonna still follow it Ian Geoffrey [Applause] three times today yeah I think you sideways Wilhelmina Models yeah what's with it speaking of should we not get post mates or no oh my gosh oh just to grade the cheese I don't know we have a change yikes wait what do we do without a cheese grater is that really something that we don't have ooh well I'm grading myself Julian he's a little disappointed we understand I know I watched Julian's cooking videos and he's like so professional and so good and knows what he's doing I just never can relate and then I'm over here without a cheese grater hey can you help me add the red pepper place to my yeah [Music] we're adding the red peppers to that wait honey this actually is Ellie this is gonna be so good do we like capers or our capers ooh I like them they're like um they're not fish are they I think they might have something to do with fish oh yeah right no they don't they're not like a pit well they're just like really salty oh no those can go in the pizza Oh yeah not a lid you have a lid from the pan okay no I'm sure you do a lot I probably came oh dear here we go home that's gonna all right no that's gonna melt thanks on your it is plastic oh yeah and you can't put that in a microwave hood the only thing I have is this we can do a little bit at a time wait no you should do this yeah this Chrissy over that Chrissy okay I didn't finely-tuned it enough I think they're really supposed to be well I guess it's just like chunky neat so now we're gonna start adding everything what do you wanna do it would work just combining everything so the ricotta do I mean that's cheese who doesn't like cheese Milo she's just away with a knife I mean who don't use oh sorry god I forgot I can't do it all right can you bring the cheese ooh do you want to stir for a little bit what is this it's a potato no that's the feeling it's her mushrooms in this cuz I know is that a huge chunk of garlic no I know that's cheese I didn't put a clove of garlic in and you think that's Karnas what are you trying to do don't eat it I just literally call for yeah it's my cauliflower mm-hmm something I forgot to say earlier is that what's really cool about blue apron is you can cancel at any time so like you know but you can cancel at any time it's not like you're locked into a monthly plan you can use it one week cause the next week use it the next week and it's literally I mean I'm gonna start cooking I'm gonna be domesticated I'm gonna get ready for us to have kids so I can cook some meals so now I just need to not screw up how this gets placed on so you put this the mental illness and then we can fully put it any other yes for 22 minutes that's a steep order there's a lot of toppings I need to spread this out this anymore wait wait that was like whoa look at that I know right okay now why are we away from the oven to preheat you drink when I say duck like like get down literally such a waste of space in this memory I'm getting judged hard as hell real talk made you think that there's value for this this is much more of a bonding experience that I should just post mating in that all gathering on the couch well what should we do like drunk Q&A while we wait there what he could do his makeup I can dream wait what is this oh is this a video is it a video with makeup what what am i doing you where are you gonna put this on Instagram well yeah I was gonna ask them to ask us questions and now everyone walked away and I have I thought I look nice I thought I look nice I was under the impression that I looked okay but interesting [Music] now they turned off the light we might look good in a photo this is what we got okay let's see if anything's coming rolling in yet oh my gosh how's Andrew Andrew how are you I'm doing well I feel energetic I wasn't but now I am because I drank that energy drew that's the tea lukewarm okay let's wait for a minute oh you need more light there you go oh you know what there's under lights as well but look it really makes me go crazy they're yellow they're yellow dude at what that had to be a mistake had to have been nobody want I mean I'm very thankful to have lights under I'm serious you never know nowadays I feel like I can't say anything with people being at the tungsten squad I just think if you're gonna take the time to put lighting under the cabinets you might as well make it a color that people can appreciate whoa and yeah I was a girl would I be a lesbian yeah that is confusing I don't know I mean ya know like good yeah I guess I'd be straight oh my God if I was a girl I'd be straight because I like penises are you ready for fall personally no I am a lot of people are asking if we have any plans for the wedding yet we haven't even started he's busy he has a lot of work going on next year we'll start thinking about it we're very happy oh my god what'd I say Shane is more girly than me how do we do a stress oh this is no I think each person will have a very different take Shane Shane don't I work out Andrew you know what I do I go on like three hour walks and I put my earbuds in but I'm talking to myself yikes not like super loudly but I'm just like like thinking about things and thinking out loud it helps me process myself what are you listening the podcast music oh that's just so people see me kind of like it is they think I'm like just talking to somebody your makeup looks pretty good I'm not gonna lie we're going to talk about that oh I didn't think you know like I'll just be like in my headphones on like that guy whoa what do you mean that guy like when you cross them on the street you're just like honey and you grab your kid because they're like talking to themselves I talk to myself I'm gonna own it I'm kidding I think that that's a great thing I like if I didn't have all my thoughts in my head I get overwhelmed I get stressed and then if I like to say I'm out loud I can kind of see them in front of me and then I could be like you know what I'm gonna stop thinking about that whoa that is beautiful it's done thank you guys oh my god it looks so good maybe tragic so oh yeah I think it's done she smells delicious now heat up the sauce oh it looks good do I need to cut holes though like the display picture on you shoulda done it before I'm just not smart enough I think it's gonna be great I'm gonna put our sauce in this whoa you can pick it up look how sturdy this is you know I just realize the value of cooking is that it builds up your anticipation your hunger so that when you eat it it's better and what's even better is when you clean before you eat you can eat and you have to do anything you have to also achieve something so you get a little dopamine boost I agree I worked hard for this and I would like to add that really well you're helping cuz you're filming Shane's doing literally like a parent I don't know I feel like even the brewery blew a trip you'll be like jimmy praboo yes you're talking about it's it's supposed to be pretty simple oh we should never have you talking about naming yes wait what are you doing don't ruin it oh my god cutting in half okay aren't over here they're a Big Macs where is it what I love it [Music] in our hand burning oh my god Riley don't burn me not at all it's cool dad now because you could you oh oh no it's what's happening I'm gonna fit you see the physics of it all like that that's pretty good right Wow I'm actually like shook I cannot believe that I created this I mean with instructions but still right with my instructions where you packaged ingredient portions and delivery right to your door I can't believe you created this I can't believe I was able to follow yeah I'll give you props you went to the check that the wheelman Wow and we still have leftovers we'll see you like it's gonna be me don't do it again oh my god I didn't wait to hate you oh oh the noise okay so I filmed this video a long time ago that I'm actually going to toss to where Shane discusses his well here watch this he does have Mesa phobia is where he gets really triggered by chewing anything you ever notice that you can't hold on yeah it's not chewing its certain annoys and certain people's chewing doesn't bother me like mortgage chewing is fine Oh cuz I'm very cautious you're chewing makes me want to just kill myself okay I know it makes me want to kill myself because sometimes we're like watching YouTube eating dinner and I look over it shames like quickly so because I it's not like I'm going as you are maybe your bigger teeth than me but I don't like my chewing so I have to turn the tv up early yeah if he's eating it's like volume a hundred and I'm like okay where are we I always wait until he clicks on a video before you know it really is sir I was over your crunching my salad I didn't hear wow it's a real thing though like I used to just get annoyed about it but then when I found out it's a true condition that people have just like my misophonia coming out oh my god wait yeah don't pay what I did the mic oh my god no whoa oh my god what is your oh no actually like I didn't think I was gonna like it but I do like it what are you doing oh I was sucking out the ingredients but what No oh my god no the honey mixed with the peppers is where it's out can you feel me Andrew talking about I feel like he's more of like a piece of person you know I'm afraid to make noise oh it was hungry I'm getting less hungry it feels good it tastes good I'm sorry I'm sorry I've already eaten my whole piece of this actually legit this is like my kind of pizza though I don't know if it just tastes better because I made it guys but I'm so happy well I'm proud of you I'm proud of myself for not failing all right guys well I hope you enjoyed this edition of with Ryland Shane and Andrew and I hope you're proud of me for leveling up in my cooking skills we're gonna I won't we've already eaten half of this pizza but I'm gonna finish this pizza and I'm gonna go to bed happy Friday for you it's probably not Friday but come back I'm so glad that this exists in collecting proof for the haters [Music]
Channel: Ryland Adams
Views: 10,485,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryland Adams, Shane Dawson, Andrew swicki, Cooking, DIY, Funny Fails, tutorial, Makeup, Baking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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