20 Weirdest Monster Motorcycles in the World

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] as kids we've all dreamed of one day driving our very own motorcycle from the loud roar of the engine to the wind's gentle Embrace these two-wheeled mechanical wonders offer an exhilarating blend of speed and style but some motorcyclists out there want to take their ride to new heights literally from insane Custom Creations to exquisitely modified classics we've compiled 20 of the weirdest monster motorcycles in the world be sure to watch all the way to the end because our number one spot will make your jaw drop so grab yourself a helmet and let's hit the road number 20. the Lazarus lmv movies featuring flying bikes always seem like science fiction until Lazarus came along this French company has always been making waves in the bike industry for its Innovation and is renowned for creating motorcycles that are truly out of this world the Lazarus lmv 496 is one such creation and with a hefty price tag of almost half a million US dollars I bet you're wondering what this Beast can do what makes the lmv so special is its ability to fly it's extraordinary vehicle comes equipped with a 96 000 RPM jet cat turbine installed in each of the bike's four-wheel hubs giving it an astonishing 1300 horsepower just flick the magic switch and the wheels begin realigning horizontally as the powerful turbines Propel the bike into the sky regrettably it only holds enough fuel to hover above ground for about 10 minutes which admittedly doesn't seem like much but still flying bikes the Lazarus lmv 496 is truly one of a kind and is sure to turn your neighbor's heads as you soar through the skies or their back windows 10 years ago a man wanted to enter a local competition for the best looking motorcycle what started off as a part-time interest however soon morphed into an obsession he realized he wanted to create the world's most beautiful motorcycle a true work of art something so captivating and eye-catching that it would take people's breath away and so he began building his Masterpiece a shining Colossus of chrome and steel he used the finest materials available to ensure it was a shiny and reflective as possible a variable Mirror On Wheels almost the entire body of the motorcycle was made from crumb giving it an ethereal glow in both natural light and artificial light when the time finally came to enter the competition he believed that this machine was one of a kind something so stunningly unique that it would be remembered for years to come and he was right while the primary goal was to make something eye-catching mainly reserved for promotional events or the occasional photograph the end result was nothing short of spectacular its shiny Chrome exterior glimmered in even the faintest light mesmerizing All Eyes around it it became known as the shooting star a luxurious ride that proudly favored form over function if outshining the competition was the goal then this motorcycle certainly hit the mark comment down below with the hashtag Untold topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen with that said let's keep things moving number 19 Kawasaki concept J a Superbike is a term used to describe a high performance motorcycle with a relatively higher engine capacity while Superbikes are usually associated with speed and power the Kawasaki concept J takes a wider approach it's got plenty of power don't get me wrong but it's the ultra futuristic aesthetic coupled with the groundbreaking engineering that makes it stand out from the rest for starters concept JS were built from the ground up with one objective to adapt to the rider instead of the other way around this essentially means that it has a versatile physical layout allowing the rider to easily switch between a sport bike Touring bike or in-town cruiser the design is especially clever because it also changes the rider's posture shifting their body from the Crouch position typically seen in high speed racing to the more relaxed upright position and vice versa and the suspension is just as flexible allowing for the distance between the wheel hubs to change on a Wham going from narrow for that adrenaline pumping Rush down on an empty highway to wide for the leisurely ride home other than that I mean do I need to stay the obvious just look at it you could probably donate Cape drive around in this thing at night biting crime and no one would bat an eye so cool also don't do that number 18 War Horse don't let their impracticality fool you mono wheels are more than just a curiosity of the past they've become a symbol of futuristic engineering achievements thanks to the advancements in self-balancing technology it is now possible for these machines once thought of as unviable and dangerous to become a legitimate form of transportation enter the war horse this massive mono wheel motorcycle was made from laser-cut carbon frames powered by a Honda GX200 engine it can reach speeds of up to 60 miles per hour that alone coupled with its unique design is enough to make any daredevil on two wheels jealous in fact the war horse was fast enough to enter the 2017 Guinness world records book as the fastest mono wheel motorcycle speed now for the brainchild of a group of grown men with day jobs to keep them busy that's impressive the world of one-wheeled motorcycles is a largely untapped landscape while there are many unique and interesting designs out there there are still improvements to be made in terms of safety features cost and fuel efficiency until then mono Wheels like the war horse will sadly remain relegated to the sidelines for now number 17 the TMC Dumont the TMC Dumont is outrageous unheard of and undoubtedly unique it uses the biggest hubless Wheels ever seen on a bike 36 inches in diameter they're so tall in fact that they occasionally block the rider's view as for the extraordinary frame it's certainly a beauty to look at but the real piece to resistance is the muscle that's powering it an enormous 300 horsepower Rolls-Royce aircraft engine got goosebumps yet TMC Demotte was created by The Talented Brazilian X Formula One racer and custom motorcycle builder tarso Marquez he named this vehicle after the legendary Brazilian aviation pioneer Alberto Santos Demotte hence its incredible aircraft engine the combination of 300 horsepower and those massive Wheels makes this machine stand out from the crowd like nothing else it's certainly a monster motorcycle that you won't want to miss number 16 world's tallest ridable motorcycle no this isn't photoshopped the world's tallest ridable motorcycle is a real monster and I'm not just talking about its size built in 2013 this Chopper's monolithic frame stands at an astounding 5.10 meters tall 16 feet 9 inches making it taller than some buildings it's powered by a v .7 lv8 engine that produces 280 horsepower and believe me for a bike that size you need all the power you can get now the real question is where do you even find Wheels big enough for this thing industrial grade excavators obviously this Beast of a machine was created by product designer Fabio reggiani of Reggio design based in Reggio Emilia with a team of eight people Fabio rode the bike during its official unveiling covering 100 meters on the course at montechu Emilia to make sure it was as stable as possible he even added extra wheels for balance which is probably necessary when trying to ride a motorcycle almost three times your height the bike was entered into the Guinness World Records all the way back in 2013. a title it still holds to this day we can only imagine the public reaction Fabio gets to this one-of-a-kind piece of engineering but you've probably earned himself bragging rights until the end of time number 15. Frogman rocket 2. have you ever wondered what happened if you took a racetrack engine strapped it to a shiny three-wheel steel frame and called it a motorcycle well don't you worry because John codrell's here to answer that question for you John has always been a creative innovator and his talents extend not only to Art and Design but to vehicle fabrication as well one day he was inspired to build something remarkable a three-wheeled trike boasting an impressive eight-cylinder engine years later John met Michael Leeds of blastilene who helped him bring his idea to life this one-of-a-kind motorbike became known as the rocket II to power this Behemoth they went all out with a 426 Hemi block an engine originally nicknamed The Elephant engine built specifically for racing and capable of producing 1000 horsepower the end result a trike that can go from zero to 100 miles per hour in just under 4 seconds number 14 full moon Maiden this isn't your average hog the folks over at acrapovic a Slovenian company that specializes in custom car exhausts had teamed up with Slovenian dream machine motorcycles to create the full moon Maiden a one-of-a-kind concept motorcycle what makes it Stand Out Where Do We Begin how about its gigantic 30-inch front wheel constructed from both aluminum and carbon fiber The Frame and Body Work are made entirely of sheet metal forming an extension to the exhaust system in fact the entire frame can be regarded as an extension of the exhaust system essentially turning the whole bike into one giant exhaust with wheels but hey if that doesn't get you revved up a powerful 1524 CC SNS knucklehead engine slumbering underneath should do the trick not to mention its other high-tech features such as automated steering LED tail lights and the fact that it can stand upright on its own when parked courtesy of its hydraulic suspension this monster certainly has enough power and style to put any motorcycle Enthusiast on high alert number 13. dream big monster cycle the dream big motorcycle was constructed by Gregory Dunham from the United States standing at 11 foot 3 feet tall and stretching 20 foot 4 feet long it was previously considered the tallest in the world and weighed in at a massive 6 500 pounds almost three tons this Hawking steel monstrosity was powered by an 8.2 liter V8 engine with tires that reach an impressive 74 inches with 500 horsepower coupled with a two-speed transmission it can Rumble along at an exhilarating 65 miles per hour an impressive feed considering its Hefty size but what's even more fascinating is how it came to be Gregory spent three years and invested three hundred thousand dollars to make his dream a reality he salvaged parts from online shops and car wrecking yards leveraging his experience from working in car body and Chassis repair during the whole construction process when riding his bike Greg steers it from a built-in cage below the handlebars rather than straddling it in a normal riding position while some argue that's technically considered driving I'm sure that distinctions lost on anyone witnessing this Behemoth in action number 12 the gun bus 410 if you've ever wanted to stand out in a crowd this is probably the motorcycle for you it's not every day that you see something like the gun bus 410 this Goliath of a machine was designed with a very specific purpose in mind its German creators describe it as the most perfect combination of performance potential and well-balanced design at 1400 pounds the gun bus still packs quite the punch thanks to its 350 horsepower V-twin engine unlike most of the other Mega sized vehicles on this list the gun bus is road legal in most countries despite its size but with its 11 foot long body and huge 42 inch tires it'll probably look like a motorcycle driving itself from far away the real bad news if you were looking to hop on one of these you better start saving up because it's a pretty hefty investment this high-end motorcycle costs an eye-watering 350 thousand dollars but I'd wager that's a price a lot of people are willing to pay number 11 Dodge Tomahawk the Dodge Tomahawk is definitely one of the most fascinating bizarre and expensive motorcycles out there costing well over five hundred and fifty thousand dollars when it was originally released back in 2003 it made a huge Splash in the motorcycle world with its bold and ambitious design you might be disappointed to hear that this rolling sculpture as Dodge called it wasn't intended for mass production or street legal use it was just Dodge's way of flexing its engineering muscles and frankly when you look at what it can do you can sort of begin to understand why that is sporting a massive 510 horsepower V10 engine experts estimated that the tomahawk could reach speeds of up to 400 miles per hour for a little context the turbine-powered mtt420rr considered by many to be the fastest modern production bike in the world can only reach speeds of up to 273 miles per hour and the tomahawk was released almost 20 years prior number 10 white lock Tinker toy this one-of-a-kind bike created by motorcycle Enthusiast Simon whitelock is an absolute Hulk of a machine that currently lays claim to the Guinness World Records title for vehicle engine with the most cylinders how many 48 you heard me the vehicle with the most cylinders isn't a car or a plane it's a motorcycle the Tinker toy as Simon calls it features 16 three-cylinder engines arranged in six Banks of eight all connected to form one giant 4 200 cc Powerhouse for the Tinker toy to reliably function Simon had to custom craft a great deal of its components including its fuel system exhaust system throttle and ignition systems plus a few parts from other vehicles and Brands his hard-working determination culminated in a road legal bike weighing in at 1 300 pounds when asked if he could ever be persuaded to part ways with his bizarre creation Simon stated that 500 000 British pounds might be enough to sway his mind just as long as his wife never found out number nine the big toe yet another Goliath of a motorcycle makes our list the big toe measures in at almost 5 meters long and weighs 3626 pounds it was named after the American monster Pickup Truck Bigfoot it's a sight to behold no doubt but what makes it really stand out from the other entries on this list isn't its intimidating size but rather its unique engineering and design all done by a single 30-something Swedish guy because he thought it would be fun conceived and built by Tom weiberg the big toes Firestone tires were originally intended for tractors while its hydraulic drive system was adapted from a wood processing machine to make matters even more complicated big toe also has reprogrammed circuitry for computer control and a pair of rear mounted support Wheels borrowed from a light aircraft both of which can be raised and lowered with the Press of a button steel Billet was used to machine the arms for both the front and rear hydromatic suspension systems the gearbox housing was painstakingly crafted from a solid block of aluminum long story short most of the components on this thing have been customized or modified in some way the sole survivor was the V12 engine Tom still kind of tore it apart and rebuilt it from the ground up but he decided against tuning believing the 300 BHP stock output to be more than enough for what he set out to accomplish gotta respect a guy who knows when to call it a day with all these features the big toe is considered both a visual spectacle and a technical Marvel it's no wonder it cost anywhere between fifty thousand to eighty thousand dollars and took Tom six whole years to finish number eight panzerbike what do you get when you cross a motorcycle with a tank well you get this Catherine the Great as it is affectionately known was crafted from an array of World War II military materials most notably a 38 liter German Panzer Tank Engine these panzers played a significant role in World War II and now their legacy lives on in Catherine the Great the um bike was built by harser bike Schmid a German company it weighs an astonishing 4.7 tons and can reach speeds of up to 50 miles per hour due to the powerful V12 diesel engine hidden underneath its post-apocalyptic exterior giving it an impressive 1000 horsepower if you thought revving a normal motorcycle was loud enough to wake your neighbors just imagine how loud this moving fortress on Wheels must be it's safe to say you definitely won't miss hearing this monstrosity coming down the other side of the road or The Neighborhood number seven Alpha bullet the alpha bullet bike is yet another awe-inspiring Masterpiece of design and ingenuity its creator Mehmet Doric erdem was inspired by the lane speed record bikes in the 2005 movie the world's fastest Indian and was determined to put his own spin on it he drew inspiration from one of Nature's most terrifying yet majestic creatures the great white shark the bike Sports a unique two-piece Bodywork that mimics the anatomy of a shark the front end has a smooth clean aerodynamic surface while the back part is more rugged and bulky giving off a more powerful intimidating Vibe just like a great white's Tale the two opposing Styles may appear to be an unseemly designed choice but an erdem's own words it is the biker who Bridges these two concepts together the rider must be the connection between Beauty and the Beast to bring Adam's Vision to life Basalt strings Basalt being essentially lava rock or combined with a carbon Basalt land to form an incredibly tough outer shell which was then used in the manufacturing of the alpha bullets front end powering this visual Marvel is a BMW K75 three-cylinder engine although the alpha bullet could be made street legal since it technically has most of the prerequisites such as lights turn signals and a horn many riders find it too intimidating or difficult to handle however those who managed to tame its Wild Spirit will be rewarded with an unparalleled experience on the open road number six gangrina bike if you're a fan of the Mad Max films you'll love the menacingly powerful gangrina this custom motorcycle built by Russian Builder all Tim baldreev is powered by a mammoth 300 horsepower Lexus 3uz Fe V8 engine and draws heavy inspiration from the post-apocalyptic aesthetic typically seen in Mad Max it boasts a functional Mad Max style fuel tank which is used to breathe life into the gargantuan engine powering this fearsome Hulk of metal but the post-apocalyptic Vibe isn't complete without a custom Fallout inspired helmet in line with its unconventional theme the bike features components sourced from all over the place utilizing an automatic transmission from a Toyota Mark II blit all-wheel drive brakes taken from an old BMW and handlebars into headlight Salvage from a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and since artem kept it under 3 meters in length it's actually road legal although I wouldn't want to see this thing in my rear view mirror anytime soon number five monster bike from hell so far we've uncovered some of the tallest longest and fastest motorcycles out there but what about the heaviest that title solemnly belongs to this bad boy aptly named the monster motorbike it's actually quite deserving of that title because while our prehistoric monolithic entries mainly focus on the looks this one takes a different approach built by Australian X stuntman Ray Bowman the monster motorbike took three years of hard work and dedication to fully build this massive two-wheel giant is nine meters long and three meters tall weighing over 13 tons that's more than a double decker bus the huge tires came from a 26 ton construction loader and give this bike an extra level of stability when it needs to do what it was made for smashing through cars and ravaging through Caravans Ray himself said we've decided not just to be big but to smash things up and that's what people really want to see we're in the entertainment business and you've got to give people what they want by taking his stunt show on the road Ray is giving us all the luck at something truly unique in size brute strength and Chaos number four steampunk scooter what do you get when combining a musical instrument with a motorcycle you get this this steampunk-esque masterpiece of Arthur vanpopo is a work of art literally its curved frame golden glimmer and numerous gadgets and gears make it an incredible sight to behold but this scooter isn't just for show it's fully functional when it comes to conveyance and is also capable of some sweet Melodies thanks to its built-in guitar drums amp and horn section and of course no show is complete without a little pyrotechnic action with its unique design it can take you anywhere while surrounding you with lovely sounds either of your own choosing or your own making whether you want to listen to music or put on a show with your own musical skills this Scooter's got you covered it's functional art at its finest number three the Tron bike undoubtedly the most futuristic looking bike on this list the Tron bike is essentially a street legal version of the Tron cycle featured prominently in the movie built by the Parker Brothers Concepts who used actual blueprints from Tron legacy the earliest iteration ran on Suzuki 996 CC V-Twin engines but that soon was followed by an electric variant known as the Xenon what's so amazing about the Xenon is that it could reach speeds of up to 70 miles per hour took three measly hours to fully charge and only retailed for around 55k needless to say customer demand was through the roof so the company continued improving on the design of these electric motorcycles which are now called Neutron the latest iterations of the ante even more offering a whole new level of performance and excitement with features such as high-powered AC induction Motors lightweight but powerful lithium-ion battery packs and an array of upgraded Bodywork elements the vehicle is available in multiple versions and potential buyers have the option to personalize features such as colors lighting digital display and so much more number two Tower trike what's the number one thing everybody criticizes about motorcycles they're unsafe well luckily a man out there is set to make a motorcycle so safe you wouldn't even need a helmet the tower trike is a motorcycle literally too big to crash tired of so many close calls Jim Gusto took in well call it unconventional approach to Road Safety by building a trike so big literally no one could run him over even if they tried the tower trike is a massive vehicle weighing over five tons it runs on a supercharged diesel engine producing 335 horsepower even with all that muscle top speed is limited to around 100 miles per hour by the transmission and gearing it can probably go faster but according to Gusto himself I don't think you should go faster than that anyway unsurprisingly the tower trike comes endowed with all sorts of safety features such as safety belts elevator drive replacement and dual steering tires for better handling number one the motoroid we saved the best for last the Yamaha motoroid concept bike is quite literally a living machine it's so meticulously designed so Cutting Edge it seems more like something out of a Sci-Fi fiction novel The award-winning bike is equipped with an artificial intelligence system that allows it to recognize its owner's voice face and gestures it can even come running to great then that's not even scratching the surface it also makes use of self-balancing technology and a unique tactile interface that wraps around the hips meant to bridge the gap between Rider and Machine by encouraging non-verbal communication with superb technological innovation and phenomenal execution it's no wonder the motoroid as when several International Design Awards I guess the only downside to it is it'll probably be a while before the motoroid hits the market but we're willing to bet it'll be well worth the wait
Channel: The Untold Facts
Views: 571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Untold Facts, Facts, Caught On Camera, List, Top 15, motorcycles, 10 weirdest motorcycle world records, weirdest monster motorcycles, monster motorcycle, weirdest motorsycles, weirdest cars ever made, weirdest cars, weirdest motorcycles, weirdest vehicles, world longest motorcycle, best motorcycles, coolest motorcycles, motorcycle world records, custom motorcycles, diy motorcycles, innovative motorcycles, most unusual bikes, Kawasaki Concept, Future Bikes, speedest bike
Id: 5rmXh9dU_1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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