This Is Why This Dog Is Illegal In Most Countries

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a woman in New York has been arrested after her two pit bulls attacked two men does not belong outside with anybody put that dog down according to the centers for diseases study there are approximately 4.7 million dog bites happening every year just in the United States at least one out of five of those requires medical treatment with the bite force of some breeds exceeding 700 PSI it is understandable that dogs have to be treated as a potential threat to the public so it's no wonder many countries have a list of banned dog breeds today we explore the most notorious ones from the butcher's dog of Rothwell the Czechoslovakian Wolf Dog this is 15 most illegal dog breeds in the world number 15. Dogo Argentino the moment you lay eyes upon this dog you know there's no messing around its physique is muscular and firm and its gaze is always so serious you just feel it in your gut this dog means business hey hey they were first bred in 1928 in Argentina by Dr Antonio Nores Martinez in Argentina the idea was to combine several purebreds to achieve a stable temperament power and versatility essentially it was bred as a hunting dog capable of traversing vast territories with difficult terrain it was supposed to help with big game hunting such as wild boars and mountain lions so understandably one of its main features is courage and tenacity which originate from their incredible prey drive and stable temperament but since the breed's Inception it has found its place in many other areas it is also a highly intelligent and powerful and has a great sense of smell so they have found their place as guard dogs in search and rescue military and police work maybe it sounds strange but many consider them a great family pet and even though they are incredibly loyal and affectionate these dogs are work dogs and they require a specific kind of owner Mistakes by owners have led to unstable and overly aggressive dogs which can sometimes result in attacks with devastating consequences so in many countries such as the UK this dog breed is actually banned do you like Dogo Argentino would you ever own one number 14. the butcher's dog of Rottweiler the Rottweiler is one of the most fearsome dogs in existence its Origins can be traced to the huge Mastiffs used for battle by the ancient Roman Legions however the breed was actually created around the German Town of Rothwell and even though their nickname the butcher's dog of rottweiler evokes images of Carnage and Slaughter it was actually intended to protect cattle when it was brought to Market there were many thieves out there and the cattle needed someone to guard them and if the Rottweiler has anything in Spades it is their protective instincts then the railroad cattle Carriage came into use in the 1800s and the Rottweiler was found to be extremely useful in military and police work they were among the first dogs to be deployed after disasters at Oklahoma City and the World Trade Centers but contrary to its fearsome reputation the rowdies are often considered aloof they are playful and sometimes even silly but people often forget that owning a dog especially the working kind is not just an honor but also a responsibility the key as with any dog breed is early socialization and training sadly many owners failed even though simple steps so we end up with a lot of maladjusted dogs that wreak havoc if set loose even today there are often reports of Rottweilers hurting people and even children in addition to their nickname this has caused the breed to be banned in many countries all over the world number 13 Kangal Shepherd dog the candle is anything but aloof it is more like the Dargo Argentino always serious and ready for action the first thing you notice when looking at this Beast of a dog is its sheer size growing to be 75 to 85 centimeters it is truly a giant of a dog its fearsomeness is equivalent to its awe-inspiring physical appearance the candle is actually a shepherd dog used to fend off wolves bears and other Predators so safe to say it's afraid of nothing not even a truck the breed originated in Turkey in the Kangal District of the civis region similar to many fearsome breeds it is thought to have originated from the Asian Mastiffs of all many believe the Kangal has the strongest bite force of all dogs standing at 743 PSI but this hasn't been officially tested by any recognized Authority those who know this breed say that kangels are actually not aggressive unless they are provoked or until someone or something enters the their territory if that happens their true protective and courageous nature comes out and they become Fierce protectors the candle is a faithful companion but one thing that must be considered at all times is its size the owner has to be capable of restraining the dog at all times and with the candle this can prove to be an impossible mission for a person of smaller stature so if you want to have a candle as a pet better hit that gym as soon as possible number 12 the band dog now we come to a breed that isn't actually a breed not according to the usual standards at least there are two periods important for the history of the band dog the breed is thought to have originated in Middle England around the 14th century its original intention was to be used for fighting hunting and guarding property its name actually refers to a dog that has been bound because of its aggressive nature it was customary to keep these dogs on a leash during the day but then set them loose on the property at night so they can protect their territory from Intruders the Revival of the band dog started in the 1960s when a U.S veterinarian started Crossing several breeds most probably the American Pitbull Terrier the American Bulldog and the Neapolitan Mastiff but a distinctive breed of this dog was never developed the point of creating a new breed is the ability to develop certain traits like courage tenacity intellect and calm temperament and then keep those traits further down the line that's how we know what a breed is and what to expect in terms of dog behavior so if there isn't a clear breed where we can follow these traits we can never know what to expect from a dog that's the main issue with the bandok people say they are affectionate great Companions and even used as therapy animals but in reality you never know what you might get and due to their aggression they are banned in a host of countries number 11 the Czechoslovakian volcak I remember seeing White Fang for the first time watching a young man develop a deep bond with a wolf dog maybe want to have a pet like that too loyal and devoted yet still wild in its heart I had no idea there was a dog breed just like that and not even far from where I live it is the Czechoslovakian volcak now we all know dogs are descended from wolves and at some point in history humans domesticated wolves and started using them for various purposes and even though the volcak looks like a wolf that's strayed from the forest and into someone's backyard it is actually a dog the breed was developed as a border patrol dog in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s the Army wanted to combine the temperament entering ability of a German shepherd with the ruggedness and stamina of a Carpathian Wolf the resulting dog breed is considered highly intelligent powerful loyal and devoted to their family but they are also extremely active dogs and are by no circumstances to be handled by a first-time owner the volcak has Superior eyesight hearing and sense of smell and their stamina and endurance are unparalleled so if you have experience with dogs if you are familiar with canine psychology and you like outdoor activities such as biking running or hiking the volcak just might be the perfect companion for you still wolf dog hybrids are banned in most countries so if you want one you should check the regulations where you live number 10 Caucasian Shepherd even though breeds like the cane corso and Rottweiler instill fear with their muscular look and killer gaze the Caucasian Shepherd instills a different kind of fear it is like the Kangal gigantic and extremely territorial even if it wasn't for its huge teeth and Incredibly powerful jaw just imagining this thing jumping on top of you is enough to make your heart skip a beat the Caucasian Shepherd is agreed not to be taken lightly even though it is often kind devoted and even enduring to its family on the other hand it is bold fearless self-confident and fierce when it comes to other people I mean just look at it what has it got to be afraid of an elephant maybe but you don't see that many elephants roaming around the streets now do ya and with mouse breeds that are big and strong this one is often stubborn and independent that means it takes a lot of experience to handle such a dog and especially train it in obedience sadly many owners either don't know this or don't want to think about it and when a Caucasian Shepherd who hasn't been properly trained gets off the leash all hell breaks loose that's exactly what happened recently in the small English town of Formby when the wind loosened a hinge and opened the gate to a man's yard his Caucasian Shepherd strolled out and started doing what he does best defending his property five persons were mauled by the dog including a 15 year old girl number nine Mastiff of Bordeaux the Mastiff of Bordeaux is considered one of the most ancient dog breeds in France it is so old that it is virtually impossible to pinpoint the exact time the breed was developed According to some theories they are descendants of the war dogs used by Julius Caesar and his Legions in the first century BC the first thing you notice on E dog de Bordeaux or any Mastiff for that matter is its huge head and loose lips that often slobber when it's hot or if they're hungry males can reach 27 inches and weigh up to 110 pounds imagine such a dog running towards you with a menace in its eyes it's enough to make even the bravest of men poop their pants that's one of the reasons this dog breed is banned in many countries such as Denmark quality specimens are kind and are often described as sensitive Souls they are Vigilant Watch Dogs and will be affectionate to each and every family member regardless of age however there are many breeders that fail at their job and if not trained by a firm hand from an early age Mastiffs can become extremely stubborn and will attempt to dominate everyone in the household when even starting to think of owning the dog of Bordeaux just keep in mind that owning a dog is a privilege as well as a huge responsibility in addition to providing your dog with food shelter and love you also need to provide discipline in order for them to develop into a kind and loving pet number eight Cane Corso when we disregard people who are intrinsically afraid of muscular looking dogs with big heads the first impression of the Cane Corso is often affectionate and Majestic when I first saw one I was in awe of its chiseled body and almost aristocratic stance like many breeds that originate from Mastiffs these dogs are strong-willed protective and intelligent and wherever you hear that a dog belongs to a working breed you immediately know that these animals require a firm hand training and lots and lots of exercise remember the exercise part because I'll get back to that the history of the breed traces back to the ancient Romans and even its Latin name roughly translates to bodyguard dog but now let's get back to its notoriety there are numerous cases of attacks by King Corso recently a fatal attack happened in New York when an aggressive Cane Corso was left alone with the kids now the first mistake even prior to that was keeping such a dog in an apartment all working dogs are highly energetic and they need somewhere to expend that energy if they don't have that opportunity it makes them anxious which can lead to aggression and this same behavior pattern exists with all dogs from Pomeranians to huge Shepherds but secondly we come to the elephant in the room if you know you have an aggressive dog who already killed the family rabbit what possessed you to leave him alone in the room with three children safe to say Cane Corso is banned in numerous countries number 7 Pitbull Terrier the pit bull is an umbrella term that describes several breeds like the Pitbull Terrier Staffordshire Terrier and the American Bully they were bred in 19th century England for the inhumane sport of Bull and Bear biting hence their name naturally these dogs needed to be fierce and aggressive so their bad reputation started from the get-go however after some time people realized that this breed is incredibly affectionate and caring towards humans for other animals not so much but with proper socialization at an early age this problem is easily sorted out all pit bulls are naturally muscular and athletic they have distinct square-shaped heads and almond-shaped eyes the most distinct feature of the pit bull is its muscular body and big head with an extremely powerful jaw when a pitbull bites into something it's extremely difficult to make him let go that is why if an attack does happen it is usually with dire consequences these dogs are notorious around the world for being vicious and aggressive however this is mostly due to the criminally negligent owners criminals that host dogfights like to use pit bulls for their strength agility and tenacity and this has only caused them to be banned in countries worldwide with proper socialization firm training and regular exercise the Pitbull turns into a loving and caring pet and a Vigilant protector some people say that Shepherd dogs bark a lot to keep Intruders at Bay a pitbull thought remains silent lets The Intruders walk in but doesn't let them walk out do you think that's true number six tosa Inu we've talked a lot about mastiffs and they seem to be spread around all over the world in different variations the next one comes from Japan and it's called tosa Inu or the Japanese Mastiff this breed is the largest of all Japanese dog breeds the tosa is wary of strangers and it will protect his family no matter what but people that do not pose a threat are met with a smiling face their demeanor is Goofy and aloof and they are very devoted and affectionate with their caregivers this dog's massive size muscular body and stubborn mentality mean that these dogs need to be properly bred while socialized well-trained and under control at all times the owner needs to be calm and assertive confident in commanding tosa Inu were originally bred as fighting dogs so they are naturally very aggressive this has garnered them a reputation that is far from warranted to make things even worse dogfighting is still legal in Japan there are no licenses or Registries so no one knows how many dogfights are organized every year but between 60 and 100 dogs usually fight in just a small tournament many animal rights organizations are trying to have them banned but so far only five of the 47 Japanese prefectures have laws against dogfights what do you think do you think it's okay to have dogs to fight to the death for people's entertainment or does it need to stop number five Chow Chow at a maximum of 20 inches high and weighing up to 70 pounds the chow chow might not be the largest dog on this list but it is most certainly one of the oldest breeds known to man its history can be traced 3 000 years to China's Han Dynasty throughout the three Millennia it has existed chow chow had different rules but the idea from the start was to create a dog that looks like a lion hence their nickname the lion dog it was conceived as a hunting dog but later became a pet for the nobility a guard dog a sled pulling dog and an overall working dog by some accounts it was also bred for food but let's not get into that right now these little fur balls are actually known for being possessive and overly aggressive because of these traits it can be difficult to socialize with other animals when you look at a Chow Chow you see a cuddly for a ball especially if it's a puppy but in reality these dogs have been known to be more aggressive than a Rottweiler don't get me wrong if you have kids your chow chow will be extremely protective and get in the way of any danger that might be coming their way but without proper training and Care these dogs can become a menace and cause serious damage according to pet helpful from 1982 to 2013 there were 58 attacks by Chow Chows resulting in seven deaths and 39 cases of maiming number four Doberman it seems like I have lots of favorite dog breeds and Doberman is surely one of them it is like a small horse with sharp teeth it doesn't walk it trots like a horse this breed is extremely intelligent and fearless that is why Dobermans have been used as guard dogs for ages it all started with one man Carl Friedrich Louis Doberman Mr Doberman was a tax collector and he quickly realized that nobody liked Tax Collectors After experiencing many hostile situations Doberman decided to create a dog that would be His companion and keep him safe as he did his rounds the resulting breed is nothing short of a masterpiece apparently he crossed the black and tan Terrier the German Pinscher Rottweiler and other smooth coated breeds what he got was a dog with superb qualities and soon words spread across the world Dobermans soon started their work as excellent police and military canine dogs but also as therapy dogs and service dogs for the disabled and search and rescue dogs they have an extreme sense of empathy and many owners report their Doberman sense and respond to their emotional state but they are also a bit clingy which is a nuisance for many owners like any working dog without proper training and socialization the Doberman can become a huge threat to anyone including its owners since 1982 there have been 23 serious attacks by these dogs resulting in 12 maimings and eight deaths number three Presa Canario pera de Presa Canaria means the canary dog of prey its history is a long one and dates back to the 15th century and the time the Spanish conquistadors conquered the Canary Islands it is not sure if a large dog breed already existed there or if it was introduced by the Spanish or if it is both the original dog was used for farming herding cattle and hunting the breed depicts a moderately sized malasoid dog that has erectolinear profile in Black Mask it is a very robust well-proportioned and muscular dog with a balanced temperament and a high dose of self-confidence as we've seen so far being overly confident requires socialization and training from an early age and the price of Canario is no different in this respect it is highly intelligent obedient and devoted to its master but then strangers start lurking around and that's when problems might occur safe to say price of Canarios were used in dogfighting until it was banned in the 1940s this caused the number of these dogs to deplete rapidly especially after introducing breeds like the German Shepherd Doberman and great dane to the islands the nearly extinct breed had a Revival in the 1970s and the breed became renowned for being hearty able to withstand even the harshest punishment without backing down the most known case of an attack by this dog happened in 2001 when two Presa Canarios attacked a lacrosse player mauling her to death number two American Bulldog said to have originated from the English Bulldog the American Bulldog is relatively short and stalky muscular and fierce when these dogs were introduced to the states in the 1800s they were used by small farmers and ranchers as guard dogs stock dogs and to catch unwanted animals that intruded on their property in the southern states the breed was used to hunt down and catch feral pigs as with any other breed the American bulldog has evolved through time today it is a beloved breed in the USA with their loved ones they are gentle friendly and affectionate but they have a sturdy temperament and unbreakable resolve so when they perceive someone as a threat they are not backing down from a fight this protective Instinct was often perceived as aggression giving the American Bulldog a bad name in reality it is the owner's fault if they do not train and socialize their dogs Bulldogs are notorious for being aggressive towards other animals what starts out as a friendly rough play when they are young quickly escalates into aggression when males reach maturity and this video proves that Bulldogs have courage in Spades as one apparently angry dog attacks two police horses when their confidence is not kept in check the Bulldogs sometimes turn on their owners which happened recently in the UK a bulldog went rampant in a children's play park and ended up biting its owner no wonder many countries ban them number one the Tibetan Mastiff it seems like half of our list is about Mastiffs so it seemed appropriate to finish off with a beast that is considered one of the most dangerous in the world the Tibetan Mastiff the history of the breed is unclear these dogs are so ancient and Tibet was so secluded from the rest of the world for so long that no one can really say how this breed came to existence It is believed that they have been guarding the Himalayas for Millennia and some experts think this breed was the progenitor of all other modern Mastiffs in the world but unlike the short-haired Mastiffs we know of the Tibetan kind is full of hair I mean they kind of have to be in order to survive the chilling temperatures of the highest mountains in the world they are considered ever watchful imposing and intimidating many think of them as Supreme Watchdogs they can be mellow and calm with their family but are always wary of strangers standing 26 inches at the shoulders and weighing well over 100 pounds this Behemoth of a dog is a mighty deterrent for any whoopee Thief however with such power comes great responsibility and that lies solely on the owners in 2020 a businesswoman's Tibetan Mastiff was put to sleep after not one but three attacks on unsuspecting people in the end it was the dog who paid the price for its owner's negligence as he was put to sleep thanks for joining me today I hope you enjoyed our list of the world's most illegal dog breeds if there's one thing to learn from today it's that dog owning is a privilege and a responsibility so even if you need a guardian dog treat it with the respect and care it deserves feel free to like share and subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: The Untold Facts
Views: 28,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Untold Facts, Facts, Caught On Camera, Top 15, most illegal dog breeds in the world, illegal dog breeds, illegal dog breeds in the world, most dangerous dog breeds in the world, illegal dogs, dog breeds, dangerous dog breeds in the world, top 15 most illegal dog breeds in the world, most dangerous dogs in the world, banned dog breeds, Illegal Pets, Blacklisted Dogs, Hyper Aggressive Rottweiler, Dogs attack, stray dogs attack, fatal dog attacks, Men Attacked By Stray Dogs
Id: Z336MB9cb8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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