I Bought a Brand New "Antique" Harley Davidson Motorcycle

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all right so you guys might not believe this because I'm having a hard time believing this but I got an email of one about one of the craziest rarest Harley-Davidson motorcycles of all time and it's brand new and still in the crate and what makes this thing even crazier is that it was left in an unpaid storage container let's go get it all right so I don't think we're gonna be able to film there because when I asked him if we can film there he said no you cannot film there but he said you can film outside so there might so we'll see how we'll see how that goes we got we got the money all right we got the money good all right hopefully he's got the title for it and hopefully he's able to he's able to sell it and hopefully like the majority of Craigslist deal meetups he's not gonna kidnap us this is under a bridge down by a river where is it leading us under the bridge no no no no we are getting kidnapped this this is where we're getting the bike guys this is where we're getting the bike and this place is looking rough [Applause] I'm gonna go find the guy he said No cameras all right good luck guys we got it the guy was nice he just didn't want us filming he didn't want to show anything that was inside there I'm surprised being able to sign ndas so I'm just going to strap it down and Dan you'll believe what we saw in that building and we can't talk anything about any of it let's do it [Music] okay good news we did not get kidnapped and we got the bike loaded into the truck and I made a few phone calls and found the perfect place for us to box this bike and that perfect place is it's home it's origin Place Milwaukee kids apparently is not a state it is a city fun fact I just learned that it was just .4 miles away from where we found this motorcycle the plot thickens and this is where I plan on unboxing this bike with the help and knowledge of the legendary Harley-Davidson Alchemist Alchemist no Harley-Davidson archiving still no that's not bill it's Matt bit bills we got to go find them and hopefully we'll get this bike running today I can't wait let's unbox this thing foreign specific we were at the Harley-Davidson Museum complex which is an amazing place that you can spend days and look at all the cool stuff the museum not only tells the story of Harley-Davidson it's where the heritage of our passion comes to life okay I didn't I didn't write that myself I stole that right off the website because I really liked it all right so I cannot wait to get into this thing I know what you guys think and you're thinking Sean you're missing something my pocket knife actually I got it right here I got it right here I got everything I need I don't know how does this box come off it looks like it already wants to come apart is it stapled all right I got another idea [Music] the first time this bike has seen daylight since 1999 I guess maybe it's made in 1998. this is the extremely rare never made for the public Harley-Davidson mt500 this is where you mounted your gun this is where you mounted your something else got a little key lock that's freaking dope this is the dirt bike they made for the military and they ended up never getting the contract and this actually only wants a foreign militaries I think the number I saw on Google was less than 500 of these were ever made you don't believe what's in here what hold on hold on hold on check this why you know you guys saw that we went from the place right to here this is less than a mile away a bullet this does not come from me the Harley Museum and Erica were super awesome said hey can we unbox this thing at the Harley-Davidson Museum complex and this place is ginormous they said we can do it here they were super accommodating this is how they used to ship the all brand new Harley-Davidsons to the to the dealerships they stopped doing this a couple years ago and a lot of the old dealerships have piles and piles and piles of these because they wouldn't just cut them they would unstrap them this is what gave us the idea for tank straps to be honest I kind of stole their idea these straps have been holding down this bike for the past 30 years the reason we went with tank straps is because I was like I won something five times stronger okay now hold on a second why was this in a warehouse so the goal is to get this thing to fire up and run but hopefully we can find out about how and why it ended up where it did because there's just too many things about this bike just don't add up I always assume when I saw these big things on the side I assumed they were for gas but that doesn't make any sense so there's this is locked right now it's the ignition key yeah the ignition key is the same key nothing it's just empty it smells like handing us I'm not kidding dance smell it it doesn't smell like cake it smells like candy it kind of smells like candy Ben smell it plastic Matt smell it oh yeah there you go it kind of smells like candy right it does a little bit guys this is Matt he's a lead PR guy at Harley-Davidson he's the contact point of why we're able to do this and uh they sent him here to make sure we don't do anything stupid but it was up it was up high and I couldn't touch it at a dealership the way these things go on is I guess you push this thing out of the way uh here's the other one Harley strap it's got something in it what do you think's in it Skittles every single time we open up one of these bikes in boxes maybe this is the uh the exception they always have mice in them this is a mouse's dream and that's why I can justify doing this because I'm saving the motorcycles but this is a 99 that's only 24 years old this is by far the newest one as I'm taking this bike apart I'm realizing wow this is a piece of Harley-Davidson history in American history but something just doesn't seem right because as far as I know they didn't really sell these bikes in the public only other militaries because the US military wanted something that would run off of jp8 which is diesel fuel and that's why the haze KLR diesel was made which we actually have one of those go check out that video and Harley does not sell motorcycles to regular people in the crate so I'm thinking this was some Harley executive that snuck this thing out and hit it in a storage container the other idea was that this was some type of defective model That was supposed to be destroyed and then someone also knocking out and hit it in a storage container my next concern is moisture if during the quarter decade that it's spent in storage if moisture got in the tank the tank could be completely coated in Rust which one would destroy the tank but would constantly be clogging up the carburetor but after pulling the gas cap and looking inside it was bone dry and it smelled just like my dad's own ammo containers it went oh yeah that's an ammo container that's interesting all right so check this out the oil is inside the frame which is a lot better than putting the fuel inside the frame because the oil is not going to rust I happen to know a guy who might know a little bit about this thing archivist so you notice we have one bark Buster on this side this one's off hopefully there's stuff that we can get the rest of the bark Buster with that's the dirt bike company Acer bees they had they hired them out to make the uh the chain guard just like on a dirt bike see right there it's not connected which is kind of uh kind of concerning because what lives inside there oh man I should have brought M1 Moto fast detailing spray and One Mono fast detailing spray go buy it on Amazon but it's not our sponsor for this video on X's later about onyx [Music] so part of the reason why we came here one it was so close and I was like it's not a coincidence that this bike was here but I thought this is where it was you know I was like okay this is home it's his origin that's what I thought until I saw this York Pennsylvania that's 20 minutes away from where we're from wait a second are we part of the nefarious plot I don't know I mean I where you guys are from I just moved to Tennessee like a week ago but this thing this thing came from York we should be unboxing this thing back at the srk cycle shop that's a little interesting so this is Bill the archivist hey Bill hey how are you good check it out very cool so tell me about it so okay this is what we found first of all we thought it came from here it actually came from uh York Pennsylvania so I filled bill in on all the stuff we figured out about the bike and I even convinced him to smell the gas tank Tanner take a whiff of that then Bill told me what he knew like an ammo box yeah so it's an mt500 the bikes started uh with Armstrong in the UK mid to late 80s is when Harley's purchasing the rights to basically take the operation into our York Pennsylvania Factory they came in a 350 cc single four-stroke and then a 500 really low gearing like you'd see with any kind of like off-road vehicles it's got some funky stuff that only the military would ask for like luggage rack if they wanted a helicopter the bike out they could hook onto that baby and oh that's why all these are super reinforced yep yeah not a lot of luggage racks you could say that about the number I found for this year and model was 256 were built for that year wow we think that some of the bikes like as they were kind of closing the program down some of them just made it straight to the public but they would have normally gone straight to the military so the crate that you had you know once those bikes leave the factory it can get hard to find out exactly you know how do they end up in this hands or that hands but this this looks like it's straight out of the factory and nobody mess with it there's no kind of like they rode the heck out of it and then put it back in a crate kind of thing is it it's pretty cool isn't it it's very cool we opened this one up it was empty this one we didn't open up yet I thought you might want to see what's in here because there's something in here hopefully something good yeah foreign here's the other side of the Bark Busters and here's the two side covers yeah these are a gun in here how cool would that be but okay check it out they got rubber pieces inside here so your gun's not just bouncing around all over the place it's got five miles that's from the roll test is it possible that there's any more information about this down uh at the Museum so Bill took us to the museum and more specifically to the archive room to see if there was any more information there that could fill us in on the mystery of this motorcycle this room holds the entire collection of information that Harley corporate owns but as Bill explained it's not complete and there are still some gaps in the records what is that guy this is a developmental bike that never went to Market first question can I ride that no second question is that the bike from azrider that is a replica it's a very very well done replica that was purchased from a builder can I read that no he did not have much to tell us other than verifying from the VIN that it is a legitimate Harley-Davidson mt500 motorcycle took your vid number and I started by entering uh we just learned it today of course this checks out as a legitimate 1999 mt500 Vin so if it's the real deal yep but then he invited us to a part of the museum that almost no one gets to go to a place only known as the Harley-Davidson vault oh this is crazy look at another one of those bikes yep can I I could ride that one no can I sit on that bike no no no wow wasn't anything was there anything special about it only that Elvis owned it the Vault was an amazing place and had some amazing motorcycles inside of it but they wouldn't let me ride any of them so back to our project all right so let's uh let's get this thing off here I want to hear this thing fire up this thing has functioning brakes out of all the bikes we've ever done we've ever messed with none of them had brakes at work what about the rears it's awesome this thing feels so cool let's get the bags on all right so these things sit on here let's find Army Strong Forks wow it's almost like they designed it not to bump into that thing and then this is how it actually locks in it's got these rubber things I had to pull that way farther than I thought I had to pull that that ain't going nowhere you're hitting a huge 50-footer table tops I'm making a lot of assumptions let's see if we have a compression man this thing is cool the two big things you don't want for it not to move or for it to move too easily you want to feel just a nice I don't know what it's supposed to feel like but as if you ask me I'd say that feels pretty good well but a 500 cc is there a decompression switch on it if I know anything about military bikes which I don't I know very little but I know from the wlas they made a very low compression and they did that because it was not about performance it was about reliability like you feel compression but it feels like it doesn't it's not a high compression bike like a girl could kick this thing wearing like stilettos or sandals or something like that or a man can wear Crocs because men wear Crocs I'm gonna kick it over a couple times let's see if it'll crank over so before we put the jump box on this thing and make sure it cranks over that the electric system works and get it to do things this was not Harley's first attempt at an off-road bike they've done all their bikes and it wasn't their last because we also have the Pan American and if you're like me and you love going off-road but the problem is you don't you don't necessarily know where to go off-road that's why we sponsored up with our friends over at Onyx the cool thing about Onyx is one if you're like man you just moved to a new town you can you can click on the button and see all the places that you can go off-roading that the other cool thing is you can guarantee that you never get lost I get lost all time I really have a bad sense of direction you can guarantee that you never get lost even if you have no cell service you can download the map in that area track where you're going and always be able to get back home another cool feature it has is you can press two fingers on the on the thing and any two different points it tells you exactly how far away it is whether it's a couple feet or a couple miles it's one of the coolest features they're giving you guys a 20 discounts or you can get the higher option which one I have and then you actually see who owns the property that you're driving near or driving on which I think is really really cool these promo code beards to let them know that we were the ones that sent you because that really helps us out we got to get this thing fired up I'm super pumped bam that's it yeah all right we're doing stuff stuff is happening it's a four position it's which and what's interesting is the headlight is the headlight is always on so so this never got this never got the night vision let's try that one as well it's not going to start it shouldn't start but if let's see if it'll crank over foreign it's powered up I don't know I don't know if we have spark I just we'll find out that should be good because we're men let's try to kick start it who wants to guess how many kicks it doesn't like me kicking it with the kickstand down maybe it's this maybe it's like the carburetor is not actually connected like I realized earlier but I forgot about let me put the carburetor on okay I get that thing to push on there it should be it should be good enough I should get it to fire up all right chokes on bikes on carburetors on I did my best to try to get the bike started but I couldn't find the toolkit on the bike and the cheap tool kit that I bought on the way over here did not have the tools that I needed to properly troubleshoot what the problem was so I was left with one option [Music] I'm gonna say there's only one thing I gotta do foreign museum event area I took the bike and headed back to Tennessee but since I don't have a shop in Tennessee and all my stuff is still in Pennsylvania I came up with a plan what if I randomly just walked into a motorcycle shop and started working on my bike using their tools as if I belong there I could work and that's exactly what I did hey you care if I uh work on my bike here and I ended up at a shop in Lewisburg Tennessee called crusty grunt cycles and this is the owner Dave he's a Harley mechanic extraordinaire and my new best friend maybe well I'm waiting for him to check the box and send the note back that I left him that's how we do it in Tennessee all right so the first thing I want to figure out I want to get this carburetor actually connected to this part of the intake it's it's not actually on there it's barely on there you got you got any tips about getting this boot on here it's just not sitting right little fruit grade silicone okay cool thank you now I gotta see if this thing's actually getting fuel to the uh to the bottom of the flow Bowl the float Bowl train just down here just comes up here why does it do that where would you keep your really small Allen keys for that for the drain on the floor Bowl oh right there [Music] leave that in there I guess is this have you interviewed that's the battery or anything no that's the original battery and I was just going to bypass it for now if you can get it down there I can pop that thing out there we go [Applause] um so like we can fill it up we'll pull these caps off try and charge it up all right later on let's nothing and all this mechanicing with my new friend Dave reminds me of one of my favorite Bible verses Philippians 1 9-10 and this I pray that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment so that you may approve the things that are excellent in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ it's all the all that stuff being that it's a military design bike I would say that everything's probably fairly easy to get to there we go see what's in here I found a tool kit that was the tool kit from Harley Davidson and you can do everything do everything with us somewhere there's a fuse box on this thing and I need to find it all right so here's where we're at we're not getting spark nothing's really going to the coil which is I think it's good news because that means it's something not other than the coil I think that there's a fuse box inside that light fixture we're gonna take it off and find out all right still we're looking for some Spark right there there's spark from right there right there uh where is the coil still disconnected ah sweet you know what that means we're getting sparked we had the switch I had this so I had the switch wrong look how goofy is that look how goofy that is when that symbol that's on now [Music] all right so I think I think I figured out the problem turn this thing back on let's see if we get Spark [Music] all right we're good we got the battery all charged up this thing's all ready to go it is getting sparked we know it's getting fuel it what do you think is this thing should fire up right yeah it should turn the key I want to kick start it actually that's all men start bikes you know what I mean oh right [Applause] dude oh there we go all right let's try that yeah that sounds good yeah you wanna take it for a spin first this thing's awesome man take it for a spin I need to warm up that thing runs good what is that wine I don't know vibration that's a that you're hearing that's interesting the thing is running amazing and after 24 years of being in storage you know I bet this thing's pretty happy to be out I'm pretty happy to have it guys we'll see you next time I'm Tennessee Shawn and gents next video
Channel: Bikes and Beards
Views: 1,413,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bikes and beards, sean, motorcycles, srkcycles, srk, beards, bikes, harley davidson, motorcycle in crate
Id: MDgau2KRJsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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