20 Ways Native Speakers Use the Word "Deal" - Common English Expressions

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in order for you to have the language skills of a native speaker of English I recommend that you keep expanding your knowledge of idioms and common English expressions in this video I will teach you 20 different ways that native speakers of English use the word deal to mean many different things some of these expressions are commonly used in business situations but many of them are also used for other everyday situations let's get started the first expression is it's a deal it's a deal when you make an agreement when you agree to do something you want to say ok let's go let's do it you can say it's a deal I would like to buy your car for $5,000 and the other person says it's a deal ok let's do it let's go to the mountains next weekend it's a deal sure it can be used for other situations not just for business you can also say let's make a deal let's come to an agreement let's make a deal I would like to pay five thousand dollars for your car and the other person says no no I would like to get six thousand dollars for my car and you can say let's make a deal how about five thousand five hundred let's make a deal and then when you agree you can say okay it's a deal the next two expressions are used similarly it's a good deal it's a great deal that means it's a very good price when you buy something and you save a lot of money and you're very happy about how much you paid you can say I got a really good deal you got a really good deal on that car you got a great deal on that car I got a lot of good deals at the shopping mall last weekend and let's say the sentence again I got a lot of good deals at the shopping mall last weekend the next expression is a great deal of a great deal of and that means a lot of much many children have a great deal of energy he has a great deal of money and that simply means he has a lot of money the next expression is it's a done deal it's a done deal and that means it is finalized it is finished the agreement cannot be changed you can't change your mind it's a done deal after you sign the contract it's a done deal after you sign the contract it's a done deal and if you notice my pronunciation of the word deal I didn't say deal it's not deal don't touch your tongue and then release it it's not deal we're gonna say deal deal we're gonna prolong the vowel and then we're gonna add another little extra vowel deal deal and the L is going to be very soft that's the American dark L so don't release your tongue we don't say feel will we say feel real deal it's a done deal the next expression is to wheel and deal to wheel and deal and that means when you do business when a person is dishonest and they only want to benefit themselves they manipulate the deal the wheel and deal and they try to control the situation you have to be careful about people like that he made a lot of money by wheeling and dealing but he lost a lot of friends let's connect a lot of money and let's say a lot of money a lot of money and let's connect a lot of friends a lot of friends a lot of friends and let's repeat the sentence he made a lot of money by wheeling and dealing but he lost a lot of friends and the person who wheels and deals is called a wheeler dealer let's say that a wheeler dealer someone who's very good at cheating people financially for their own profit if they manipulate people for money wheeler dealer stay away from that salesman he's a wheeler dealer and let's stress the word sales and by the way we're not going to say sales man we're gonna reduce the word man and we're gonna say Munn salesman salesman let's say the sense again stay away from that salesman he's a wheeler dealer the next expression is to sweeten the deal to sweeten the deal when you're making some kind of deal when you're selling something and you want to make it more attractive to the buyer you add something extra you give something more you sweeten the deal this expression is used in a financial situation or in negotiation to sweeten the deal the seller of the house sweeten the deal by offering to leave some furniture let's say that again the seller of the house sweeten the deal by offering to leave some furniture the next expression is it's a deal breaker it's a deal breaker a deal breaker is a specific issue that will cause the deal to end because of this one thing you don't want to continue anymore this expression is also used for romantic situations when you're dating somebody and you find out something and you don't want to continue anymore that's a deal breaker when he told his girlfriend but he doesn't want to have children that was a deal breaker for her and deal breaker is a compound noun so we stressed the first word deal breaker and girlfriend is also a compound noun so we stress girl and let's repeat the sentence when he told his girlfriend that he doesn't want to have children that was a deal breaker for her the next expression is to close the deal to reach an agreement and to end the negotiation to close the deal after many months of negotiation we finally close the deal after many months of negotiation we finally closed the deal the next expression is a shady deal a shady deal when you think something dishonest or illegal is going on a contract that makes you think that something bad is going on you don't trust the person it's a shady deal something is not right the politician was involved in many shady deals with the construction companies let's say that sentence again the politician was involved in many shady deals with the construction companies let's talk about some other expressions with the word deal that are not necessarily used for business no big deal it's no big deal it's no big deal it's not a problem it's not inconvenient for me it's okay it's no big deal thank you for driving me to the airport it's no big deal the airport is on my way to work and let's say that again thank you for driving me to the airport it's no big deal the airport is on my way to work and the expression it's no big deal has another meaning the second meaning is it's not serious it's not important I heard you're sick are you okay it's no big deal it's just a cold it's no big deal it's just a cold is your car badly damaged from the accident it's no big deal there's just a scratch it's no big deal there's just a scratch it's not serious also say to someone don't make such a big deal out of it relax it's not such a big deal don't make a big crisis out of a small situation don't make a big deal out of it the next expression is to deal with someone or to deal with something and that means to accept it to be able to handle it I can't handle it I can't deal with it you need to learn to deal with that difficult situation it's no problem I can deal with it I can't deal with this traffic anymore I can't deal with this traffic anymore and the next expression is to deal cards when you're playing cards with people and one person gives the cards to everybody else that person deals the cards it's your turn to deal the cards it's your turn to deal the cards and the next word you probably know actually it has two meanings the first meaning is someone who sells illegal drugs that person is a drug dealer the drug dealer got arrested for dealing drugs the drug dealer got arrested for dealing drugs and the other meaning of dealer is someone who sells cars it can be a person or the company the car dealer gave me a great deal the car dealer gave me a great deal that means he sold me the car at a good price and the next word is dealership a dealership is the place where you go to buy the car there's a big Toyota dealership near my house there's a big Toyota dealership near my house and the final expression is the real deal it's the real deal he's the real deal and that means when something is authentic when it's excellent when it's genuine you can say it's the real deal it's true it's exact it's not fake it's not an imitation it's exactly the way it should be it's the real deal this expression is used for a person or a thing that is seen as authentic not inferior in any way he's an expert he's the real deal that politician is honest and he speaks from his heart he's the real deal I saw a jazz musician at the club last night he's the real deal I saw a jazz musician at the club last night he's the real deal practice using these common expressions as much as possible so that you can sound like a native speaker and if you like these videos and they are helping you please subscribe to my channel and don't forget to click on the notification Bell so that you can find out when I post my next video thanks for watching and keep practicing to learn all of the rules for a good American accent you can buy my online video courses at accurate english.com
Channel: AccurateEnglish
Views: 239,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: american accent, idioms, idiomatic expressions, expressions, fluent english, how to be fluent, advanced english, business english, accurate english, speak like a native, how to use deal in a sentence, lisa mojsin, slang, professional english, esl, toefl, let's make a deal, deal, how to pronounce, business expressions, masteirng the american accent
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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