Learn 17 Idioms and American accent with a native speaker

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in this video we will continue the series of me talking to interesting people in Los Angeles we will analyze the way the person is speaking and you will learn many different idiomatic expressions that native speakers use all the time I will also teach you some rules related to the pronunciation of those expressions and some general rules about the American accent and for every expression that you learn I will give you other example sentences that way you can memorize them and then you can start using them when you're speaking English there's a lot I'm going to teach you in this video let's get started you will listen to my conversation with Bruce Schoenfeld Bruce is an alternative medicine practitioner in the United States most people practice Western medicine that's also called conventional medicine or allopathic medicine but sometimes when people can't find the right treatment or the right cure for the issue that they're having in their body they seek the help of an alternative medicine practitioner like Bruce Bruce practices a specialty called Rolfing when traditional methods of reducing pain have not worked for some people they see Bruce he helps them deal with their pain very often back pain Bruce is a very well-spoken and articulate man articulate means he uses language well he uses words well I think you'll enjoy listening to him speak and I think he's a good person to imitate if you want to sound educated and advanced in the way you're speaking English you will listen to the conversation that I had with Bruce I was particularly interested in asking him about how we are using our bodies today in our modern lifestyles especially related to the fact that we sit in front of our computers sometimes all day and how that's affecting our back and maybe causing back pain and definitely affecting our posture that's a topic that Bruce knows a lot about I think you will find this video informative first you will watch the video of Bruce answering my question and then I will come back and we will analyze the many different expressions that he was using in addition we will practice imitating Bruce's accent okay let's watch the first clip of Bruce hi I'm Bruce Schoenfeld and I'm a certified advanced ralpher my practice is in Santa Monica California it's really about addressing your whole body from head to toe a lot of people have these sedentary jobs where you're just sitting in front of the computer for hours on end and potentially not taking any breaks and you just the force of gravity is relentless in a worst case scenario your chair isn't really at the right height there's not a lot of shock absorption at the cushion or the interface between your tailbone your gluts and the chair and you're just kind of not responding to your body's signals that it's starting to get a little irritated and you've just got to get up more frequently and offset the force of being sedentary with mobility just getting up and walking around you need to take more breaks which can be short breaks and what you said couldn't be more truthful in the sense of the old story was your workout needs to be something that's you know 20 to 30 minutes and is very robust but in fact something is better than nothing just a little walk around the park is better than no walk at all stand up wiggle around standing up and dancing is great do a flight of stairs if you like yoga bring your yoga mat if you just want to crawl around that's terrific I'm basically saying that you're built to move you're born to walk you're born to run you were born to be active you're not you're not designed to be sedentary so in some very generalized way I feel like science has spoken to us and it's basically just said exercise it's good for your body it's good for your brain it's good for your blood hello it's good for your psychology let's look at the word address Bruce said it's really about addressing the whole body it's really about addressing your whole body it's really about addressing your whole body first let's look at the pronunciation of the word address sometimes this word is pronounced address and sometimes it's pronounced address do you know the difference when we stress the first syllable and we say address it's a noun so for example I can say please give me your email address or what is your address but if we say address when we stress the second syllable that's a verb I need to address this envelope but Bruce used it like this to address the whole body it's really about addressing your whole body and to address means to deal with an issue to give attention to an issue or a problem he addressed that issue at the last meeting he addressed that issue at the last meeting the next expression Bruce used was from head to toe from head to toe from head to toe let's pronounce those four words as only one word and let's reduce the O in the word to it's going to be to repeat after me from head to toe from head to toe and that means the whole body the entire body he's dressed in black from head to toe he's dressed in black from head to toe the child is covered in mud from head to toe the child is covered in mud from head to toe the next expression is for hours on end and Bruce said you're just sitting in front of the computer for hours on end or you're just sitting in front of the computer for hours on end and potentially not take any breaks for hours on end let's say that together for hours on end let's connect all those words we're going to reduce the oh and for we're not going to say for we're gonna say four hours for hours on end and that means for a long time for many hours without stopping continuously you can also say for days on end or for weeks on end or for years on end when something continues for a long time without stopping those boys play video games for hours on end the next word is relentless the force of gravity is relentless the force of gravity is relentless he said the force of gravity is relentless let's pronounce that word correctly it's a little bit difficult because we have three consonants next to each other in the middle be careful how you pronounce that T we don't pronounce it too strongly we don't say relentless but at the same time we don't eliminate the T we don't say relentless we have to hold it like this relentless relentless let's say that again relentless the force of gravity is relentless the force of gravity is relentless the word relentless means persistent constant something bad that keeps going on and doesn't stop to relent is to stop doing something bad or harsh or cruel but if something is relent less the bad thing keeps going it doesn't stop I'm tired of the relentless noise I'm tired of the relentless noise the next expression is worst case scenario let's listen to the way Bruce used it in a worst case scenario your chair isn't really at the right height he said in a worst case scenario your chair really isn't at the right height let's pronounce that correctly first we don't say worst we say worst worst don't pronounce that oh it's not or it's a worst case worst case scenario and that means the worst or the most serious thing that could possibly happen in a situation that's the worst case scenario even though we don't expect a big earthquake we're prepared for the worst case scenario the next two words that Bruce used were offset and sedentary let's listen to how he use those you've just got to get up more frequently and offset the force of being sedentary with mobility and offset the force of being sedentary with mobility a sedentary person doesn't move very much they're sitting all day if you sit in front of the computer all day in your office you have a sedentary job so he said instead of being sedentary we should be mobile that means we should move we should have mobility and offset the force of being sedentary with mobility to offset means to compensate to do something in order to restore a balance so if you're sedentary all the time you need to offset that by mobility by moving by exercising they laid off some employees to offset the cost of production they laid off some employees to offset the cost of production his lack of skill is offset by his speed his lack of skill is offset by his speed let's listen to the expression groups used what you said couldn't be more truthful what you said couldn't be more truthful he said what you said couldn't be more truthful I'd like to teach you another way to use this it's a really common expression people say nothing could be further from the truth let's say that again nothing could be further from the truth and that means it's completely false it's not true at all nothing could be further from the truth people think she's in love with him but nothing could be further from the truth the next word that he used is wiggle around stand up wiggle around stand up wiggle around to wiggle or to wiggle around means to move from side to side and up and down in fast motions to wiggle around there is a common expression that I would like to teach you that has the word wiggle in it and that's wiggle room wiggle room that's a good expression to know when you have wiggle room you make room for other things to happen especially in negotiation you give yourself other options you leave wiggle room when you're negotiating you need to leave yourself some wiggle room when you're negotiating you need to leave yourself some wiggle room is there any wiggle room on the price of the car is there any wiggle room on the price of the car Bruce said do a flight of stairs do a flight of stairs do a flight of stairs a flight of stairs is a group of stairs uninterrupted between floors so each flight of stairs takes you to the next floor I walk three flights of stairs to get to my office I walk three flights of stairs to get to my office and maybe you know the next expression to crawl around if you just want to crawl around that's terrific if you just want to crawl around that's terrific let's make sure you can pronounce it first with an American accent in British English it's pronounced differently in British English it's more rounded your lips are pushed forward more it's more like this cruel but in American English it's a crawl crawl american vowel sounds are different from British vowel sounds and by the way if you would like to learn all of the different sounds that American English uses and all of the different rules that you need to follow for a good American accent you can get the American accent course which is sold on my website accurate English comm I teach you everything you need to know all the rules that you need to know so that you can speak with the good American accent now let's talk about what crawl means if you walk on your hands and knees like a baby you are crawling so Bru suggests that we crawl around it's good for our body to move that way you can't walk yet he's still crawling he can't walk yet he's still crawling and now you will watch the second clip of Bruce talking in this clip he's answering my question I asked him what to do when we have to be in an airplane for a long time and we have to sit in the airplane seats let's listen to him talk about it and then I will come back and we will learn more expressions yep I mean I'm a Nile cedar for exactly that reason and that's my advice to my clients that have issues you kind of want to be the person who's back by the bathrooms again you know stretching out or just hanging out because those seats if you're not flying you know first class are terrible they're too low to begin with so you've got the height as an issue the interface of your tailbone on the seat itself is an issue and then there's duration and that's the perfect storm of bad sitting those three variables all working against you but again even if they're perfect you still need to get up more frequently Bruce said that when he flies in an airplane he's an isle cedar I'm an isle cedar for exactly that reason I'm an isle cedar for exactly that reason let's look at the word isle notice the S is silent Isle in an airplane we have three possible choices of where to sit we have a window see we have a middle seat or the aisle seat the next expression is a really common one I hear people using this one all the time and I want to make sure you understand what it means he said you kind of want to be the person you kind of want to be the person who's back by the bathrooms again you kind of want to be the person who's back by the bathrooms again first let's pronounce it correctly he didn't say kind of want to he said kinda wanna let's say that again you kind of want to be the person who's back by the bathrooms again kinda wanna remember that's an expression it has a different meaning from he wants to or she wants to or I want to the meaning changes if you say you want to do that it means I suggest you do that this is my advice this is what I recommend for you you want to listen to your lawyer you don't want to yell at your boss you don't want to yell at your boss and that means I think you shouldn't do that remember that's a different usage of the verb to want the next expression is to hang out let's listen to how Bruce used it stretching out or just hanging out stretching out or just hanging out he said stretching out or just hanging out to hang out is an informal expression it means to spend a lot of time at a place or with a person what are you doing I'm just hanging out at home tonight I'm just hanging out at home tonight the next expression is to begin with they're too low to begin with they're too low to begin with Bruce said that the airplane seats are low to begin with that means this is my first point this is the first thing I'm going to say but I have some other things I plan to say after that I don't want to go there to begin with it's too cold also it's too far the next expression he used is the perfect storm so you've got the height as an issue the interface of your tailbone on the seat itself is an issue and then there's duration and that's the perfect storm of bad sitting that's the perfect storm of bad sin it's a combination of different events that create a bad result that's called the perfect storm foggy weather a young driver and talking on a cell phone it's a perfect storm for a car accident I made a film really about the world that I work in it's called The Secret Life of fashio it's to help my clients and other people's clients understand a lot of the questions you're asking me about today like how does the body work is about using your body in a more diverse way in a more dynamic way I'm easy to find my name's Bruce Schoenfeld I'm in Santa Monica California I practice at Sundance physical therapy which is on Pico and 22nd Street my website is advanced Rolfing dot-com my movie is available at the secret life of fashio dot-com and you can just get linked up to everything there you learned a lot of different expressions in this video I like making these types of videos because I believe they're really gonna help you to take your English to the final level of fluency as you can see people use these types of expressions all the time and the more expressions you know the less likely you're going to say I'm sorry I didn't understand what you said or maybe sometimes you have that expression on your face where you're smiling and you're nodding your head like you understand but you really don't quite understand the message very often that's due to the fact they're using expressions like this if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet make sure you subscribe and click on the notification bell to find out when I release my next video thanks for watching and keep practicing your English to learn all of the rules for a good American accent you can buy my online video courses at accurate English calm [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: AccurateEnglish
Views: 446,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American accent, english idioms, idiomatic expressions, native speaker, fluent english, Bruce Schonfeld, how to sound like a native speaker, english pronunciation, accurate english, lisa mojsin, english in Los Angeles, how to speak fluent english, advanced lesson, advanced english, esl, english conversation, TOEFL, mastering the american accent
Id: 4ffZinh-ZHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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