Arriving in Thailand - DO THESE THINGS FIRST at Bangkok airport

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hey guys we just arrived in Bangkok after like a uh 16-hour travel from Amsterdam we're going to take you through the first things that we do here in suan abomi airport it is 1:30 in the afternoon first thing we're going to do is to go through immigration we're going to get some money we're going to get SIM cards show you around think about immigration you cannot take videos over there so I tell you afterwards if it was busy or not uh do not take any pictures over there we once saw a guy do that and he was just jumped by three cops right away so be careful you don't do that we're going to go through immigration uh for us we don't have to do anything beforehand we are from the Netherlands we can just get visa on arrival for 30 days let's go see you on the other side when we have a stamp in our [Music] passports so first you go through immigration we just did it took us like maybe 20 minutes but we could go to like a priority Lane because we have Mia Mia is an infant that also goes for if you're like in a wheelchair or pregnant and elderly people 7 plus you can go into the priority Lane they will most of the time they will tell you just like uh they just did with us so after the immigration you end up here first we're going to get our our suitcase maybe a little something to eat we're a little bit hungry was a long trip and take a look at the transportation cuz we're not in the middle of Bangkok yet we need to go there so let's see what we can [Music] do guys if you want to support us please like this video and help our Channel thank you so we're going to the the B basement basement level and that's where you can find the airport link that connects Bangkok suenomi Airport to the center of the city uh it's a lot cheaper than going with a taxi I think it's like only a couple of Euros couple of dollars uh taxi we will we're going to take a taxi because we are now with four adults and Mia of course we have a couple of suitcase like three suitcases some hand Luggage So for us it's not super practical to go with the airport link we'll tell you what it costs when we get there because you can get the taxi will show it to you you can get the taxi here taxi meter so of course it depends on where you're going in the city we'll let you know when we're there how much it costs us but we're going to go to the airport link now because over there is the money exchange that we want to check out if you take money from the ATM the fee is quite High so every time you take money from the ATM ATM it will cost you six or seven dollar or [Music] Euros so this is the basement level it's one floor below where you take the taxi let's see if we can find this Exchange ATC super rich I already see like a shop from True probably where we're going to buy our SIM card we got true last time and it was fine speed was good everywhere we were connected so let's [Music] see [Music] behind me is the airport link and also the airport hotel if you want to stay in the airport this is where you go I'm going to get our money and do some [Music] exchanging [Music] so if you want to find the super rich where you can exchange money have to go down the little escalator towards the airport link we were checking uh like before you go to the airport link so we couldn't find [Music] it [Applause] [Music] so we've got some cash now I had to show my passport when exchanging the money but now we have some cash to buy some ice cream for Mia so the super rich is indeed a lot better the exchange rate so you know if you bring a substantial amount is worth it to uh go down here and exchange it [Music] here so we're going for true we got a uh unlimited data and 5G package for 30 days it's 1,200 BTS so that's about30 $35 you have to show your passport they take down your details in Thailand there's a lot of like forbidden websites also be careful because you're going to get like phone messages with links it's pretty common knowledge not to click on those but be extra careful not to click on those in Thailand because it's connected to your sim your Sim's connected to your passport and you don't want to get into any trouble right so it doesn't really matter where you buy your sim cards they are all over the place placees where you can buy uh SIM cards you've heard many good stories about many providers so I don't know which one's really the best we went with true because we had it before it was fine [Music] and the most important piece of information if you would ask Mia the 7-Eleven on the third floor has ice cream yeah we found them so a change of plan it's not going to be the 7-Eleven ice cream but this one so this is the first floor this is where you find the meter taxis you go outside you see behind me and outside they will help you get a ticket and they will assign a taxi to you it's with a meter and you'll pay the best price behind me is where you can get the meter taxi just choose your line just small taxi large taxi at the top of the line there's like a machine with some some instructions click it and you get a number and the number is one of these taxi stands in the back usually there's always somebody to guide you what you do you have to go to that that place so if you have like number 37 grab your suitcases move to 37 and your taxi will be [Music] [Music] there [Music] don't forget to share this video with someone you'd like to go to tailon with and if you enjoy this video please consider subscribing to our Channel it will help us a lot thanks so [Music] much [Music] so we're here after like 35 minutes 40 minute drive from the airport the price is 330 Bots plus what was it like 60 BS on the expressway the toall way in the end we got like a bag charge of 20 BS per bag it's the first one but it's okay always ask for the meter taxi because this guy also tried to get us for a fixed price and he offered us 700 bu so in the end it was like 440 for everything so go for [Music] Meer
Channel: A Little Sunshine with Jay and Bee
Views: 19,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: f8G2gUEH60g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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