20 Scary Skinwalker Stories | Cryptid Collection, Skinwalkers, Wendigos Compilation

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you [Music] it's been six days and my world has changed entirely I guess anything can be possible now like if I saw a unicorn fighting a werewolf tomorrow I wouldn't be shocked after everything came to head six days ago I'm 17 years old and it's summer vacation I won't say where I live but it's in the north of the US I have a sister who's 15 we're very close we live a bit off the beaten path town in school are a good 20-minute drive from where we live in the woods we have no neighbors out here we never thought anything of it until recent years when we'd want to hang out with our friends but town is so far off I guess that's why we're so close we've always been kind of isolated from other kids but we grew up in this old house with our mom and dad so we never knew any other way our family is was our family was pretty solid and stable the only thing that ever caused any issue was my mom my mother had schizophrenia this usually wasn't an issue because she took her meds but every few years she'd skip a dose or just stopped taking them she would get weird mean paranoid delusional and scared more than anything since my dad owned a business he was at work as my sister and I were left with an authority figure whose perception was way off she would just arbitrate rules and punishments for us based on events that she believed to happen during one bad event I feel like I was grounded for a year for doing things I never done it would go on like that until she got bad enough that the police had to be involved usually because she'd run away get lost in the woods and she'd be involuntarily committed stabilized and come back as our kind wonderful mom again anyway my sister and I were joying our summer break staying up late goofing off in the woods and something new I could drive now and I had saved up money and my dad helped me buy a cheap used car it was 13 years old but it was in good shape it had been owned by an elderly couple who didn't use it much so my sister and I had the freedom to independently drive into town go to the mall up with friends I'm sad to say what started as the best summer ever looks like it stopped abruptly as it started and there's no going back my sister and I decided one afternoon to meet some of our friends from school in town for lunch and spent the rest of the afternoon at the lake mom had been acting a little strange and we'd wondered if she stopped taking her meds she just seemed a little bit more scared than usual which is generally the start but none of us wanted to hurt her feelings by asking just yet she told us to be home by dark and we were I guess dad was working late because he wasn't home mom's SUV was in the driveway but all the lights were off in the house when we went inside my sister announced hey mom were home but mom wasn't there we looked in our parents room our rooms then the rest of the house we started to look in the yard and we heard her voice further out in the woods but we couldn't make out what she was saying we didn't stop to think my sister turned the flashlight on her phone on and we started out into the woods this was our mother if she was lost out there she could get hurt and there was the concern because of her frightened behavior and her mental health history we walked quickly for about 15 minutes into the woods and we realized we were going further in a direction we'd never been all of it was unfamiliar outside of the little trails and familiarity of what was nearby our home was nestled between a human Street and wilderness what my dad called the deep woods while he was leery of us getting too far into the deep woods in general he specifically forbade us to never be caught out there after the Sun was down we were both realizing this when we heard what sounded like our mother's scream and animal growls we didn't say a word but blindly rushed through the trees dodging twisted roots and thorny vines in the direction of the noises we came to a stop in a little clearing the trees were thick on all sides the sky was visible but dark no bright moon out to illuminate we heard rustling in the nearby brush and my sister wheeled around with her flashlight looking for the source we saw branches of trees and bushes quivering as if we were surrounded but we saw nothing we heard our mom's voice again which was disturbing her tone was conversational and we could hear it well enough but the words or sounds didn't make much sense then it stopped everything went silent everything stopped moving that's when the smell hit us the scent of decay something had crawled somewhere to die and be discovered days later by the scent what is that smell I asked my sister in a whisper she was about to respond but my scream cut her off while she was looking at me something stumbled into the beam of her light something with the red reflective eyes and she totally went still in silent I did too as we tried to make out what this thing was in front of us it looked like a buck standing on its hind legs but it was all wrong it stood about eight feet tall and the more we looked at it the more wrong it was its head was in profile now the red eyes had been replaced by black empty sockets and I realized its head was a skull with bits of flesh and fur barely hanging on it looked more like a canine skull its jaws seemed to turn up in a sinister grin from its torso it had two arms ending in almost human hands but with deadly claws instead of hooves of a deer its legs look more like those of a bear it was covered in blood and here and there the flesh was gone and the skeleton was visible beneath it turned back to face us defying everything natural as its head turned the face and the rest of the creature went black like a shadow in spite of the light shining on it it looked like a silhouette and then some red eyes opened and we could see the yellow fangs grinning like a man's face it looked like it was laughing but then it began screaming it was somewhere between a human and an animal's cry the antlers had begun to change wriggling like snakes then the thing took a jerky step toward us then another then another as this thing started running on its hind lakes our fear paralysis broke and my sister and I both broke into a run she was ahead of me with a flashlight I was behind her and I'll admit I had tears streaming down my face and pure terror even though we have never been far out we seem to be heading in the right direction we could see the lights from the house had we left that many lights on dad must be home I didn't look back for fear that thing would be there in pounce or whatever it would do then I heard my mom's voice that made me stop I turned to look my sister ran a bit more then realized I'd stopped come on are you crazy let's go but I had heard my mom I swore I could see her through the darkness peeking out from behind a tree beckoning me to come back and I almost did my sister grabbed my arm and pulled me back onto the trail and we didn't stop running until we were at the front door which was open we hadn't left the front door open so this was strange we took a minute to investigate my dad's truck was in the driveway but not parked like he normally does the doors of the truck were open as we walked into the house we saw dark tracks leading in on the hardwood like those of a dog or in some places a bear these tracks look like mud but became bloody we followed them through the living room to the kitchen we swung open the door to find our mom pushing a mop decidedly cleaning up the mess we were so relieved I think I approached her to give her a hug but my sister grabbed my hand and stopped me she wasn't mopping right away I don't know how to describe it she was just kind of raking the mop back and forth in a jerky motion and the mop bucket wasn't out so she was just using a wet mop to move dirty water back and forth across the floor she actually wasn't standing the right way either her head was facing down but rolled off awkwardly to one side her lakes positioned in odd angles where she stood she stood up at us for a minute I almost screamed again her eyes were hollow and her mouth was full of crooked fangs that didn't fit in her mouth but I blinked and she looked normal except the face I don't know how to describe it her eyes didn't shine like they normally did and in spite of a definite grin her face seemed flat hi guys how was your day she asked pronouncing some words strangely in a bit of a staccato good where's dad my sister asked dad is gone she said cryptically although a bit more natural he's been having an affair he decided to leave us with no emotion in her voice normally this would be a huge shock but I think we were both so overwhelmed with fright as it was we just left the kitchen without a word walk straight upstairs to my room and lock the door we just sat in silence for a while then my sister asked what do we do I don't know that isn't mom that's the thing from the woods the walking deer thing what are you talking about apparently my sister had seen a wolf the size of a horse but where the tail end should be was another wolf she said she saw it go all shadowy and transform into a giant figure with human-like features and the writhing antlers too before it began to chase us skinwalker my sister said I felt like this quickened some memories in me we had always been fond of spooky stories and supernatural sort of things from what I remembered a skinwalker was a Southwestern story a Navajo witch who can change shape to do wicked things like the Navajo version of a werewolf I mean after what I've seen now I certainly don't doubt this we were in the north though the native legends and lore surrounding us spoke about a creature or God called the Wendigo I couldn't remember the term at the time so I think I called it the dead god I was trying to remember there was different tales about the Wendigo most often a giant emaciated corpse with antlers and fangs like a Frankenstein monster made of animals some stories say the Wendigo was cursed for committing cannibalism and transformed into a flesh-eating monster while another story a friend of mine whose culture takes these things seriously told me in a hushed tone that the Wendigo was the god of the deep woods and the god of death it's spiritual touch could turn men into cannibals and would raise the dead making host bodies of animal carcasses but possessed human bodies when it could to spread its influence after I explained this I think we both silently accepted this as a possibility what if mom wasn't sick all these years what if it was the Wendigos influence over her trying to get to the only human family in the area we didn't have a lot of time with our thoughts because there were crashing sounds from the kitchen pots and pans dishes breaking and an instant later a pounding at the door it's like this thing knew our thoughts and it knew we weren't fooled that it was in mom's body our little mom who was about five feet tall and 115 pounds with blond like hair and big blue eyes she always looked so sweet like a doll it was unsettling to think that something so sinister might have gotten to her and maybe dad too where was he the pounding on the door stopped the imitation of our mother's voice was more convincing now as if by me thinking of her gave the thing more knowledge hey guys open up I want to talk about dad clearly this is traumatic she sounded so kind and so sympathetic my sister is a tough girl though she screamed stay away from us silence then a growl then the pounding on the door was oom it was so forceful though the door was going to break for sure before we knew what to do a bone white antler stabbed right through the door showering splinters and creating several large holes through the cracks I saw a brief broken vision of a bucks head in a wolf's jaws covered in rotten flesh but through another it appeared to be totally skeletal it laughed or made a noise like a deep creepy laughter that's when we jumped off my bed it started ramming its antlers into the door breaking in but we were already out the window climbing down the lattice that my mom grew jasmine on we heard the thing break through the door looking up I saw its enormous terrifying silhouette with huge antlers the hole totally obscured in black except it's glowing red eyes I had my car key still in my pocket we jumped in my car and I started her up and began speeding out in such a hurry my sister had to cry out turn the lights on I did but wish I hadn't this was taking place over seconds we had just seen the thing stairs and I had to slam on my brakes as my mom or whatever was in my mother came limping out in front of the car it was literally dragging its feet behind it it didn't know how to use the body properly then it stopped blank-faced empty holes for eyes it raised my mother's hands trying to signal us to stop my sister urged me on what are you waiting for that's still mom no it isn't either get around it or run it down I wasn't sure how I felt about any of that and tell what I saw in the headlights now I could better see dad's truck hanging out of the open front door was what was left of my father covered in blood and his tattered work clothes his forearms and hands were intact but that's all I could see I was filled with immediate sorrow and fear then a blind rage took over and I screamed I slammed my foot against the gas and plowed into the shape of my mother it flopped like a rag doll over the hood then clung to the windshield it looked at us with red glowing eyes for a moment then the eyes went dark as her back split open a dark shadowy figure jumped out vanishing into the woods in a single leap then the body went flat like a popped balloon or an empty snakeskin it seemed to just blow away too we drove to the police station in town neither of us spoke the way there my sister hasn't spoken since or so I'm told she's in the mental health ward of the hospital they've asked me vague questions and treated me physically I'm fine but from what I understand there's a lengthy investigation going on I guess the house and some of the woods caught fire from a flash lightning storm sometime after we left I'm just now able to access a computer so I thought I'd write this all down and try to get it out there before the doctors and the police start making the answer questions try to lock me up too my whole life that I've known is gone nothing will ever be the same I just want people to know what really happened before they say I've lost my mind if anyone can offer help or advice I don't know if I'll get it in time but please help me [Music] I live in a partially suburban area in Ohio there is a small wooded area with the Creek next to my family's property I'm sixteen years old and sometimes I like to go down there and catch things like crayfish and minnows I have a room in the upstairs of my house but it gets really hot in the summer and I do not have air conditioning so I instead sleep in the basement which is a lot cooler there is also a ps4 down there so I can stay up late watching movies and playing games in the basement there was a very large window and it is right next to the couch where I sleep it all started one night when I heard strange howls that sounded a lot closer to my house than usual at first it didn't scare me because I often hear coyotes howling at night and I just figured that there was one a little closer to my house than usual big deal however there was something off-putting about each howl first of all it didn't sound like a coyote which have very high pitched howls and usually there are multiple coyotes howling at the same time the howl that I was hearing was very low-pitched and went on for probably about 15 seconds at a time I still brushed it off and I figured it was a large coyote that was maybe lonely these howls went on for a few more nights and one thing that confused me is that I stopped hearing the occasional regular coyote howl instead every night there was just this howl remember I had mentioned that this howl sounded closer to my house than normal but that wasn't always the case in fact the howl seemed to change in volume every few minutes like the coyote was moving while it howled I did not see how it was possible but the coyote was either moving at an impossible speed howling at different points in the forest or maybe they were multiple but the howl didn't even sound like a coyote to begin with so I just assumed that maybe an odd family of coyotes moved into the forest and scared all of the regular ones away some nights the howl sounded close to my house and then in the next minute it sounded far away this made me feel a little bit uneasy but I just ignored it so I woke up in the morning and did my usual routine of feeding my chickens practicing driving and going for a swim in my pond then once night came I went down into the basement to watch Thor rack then right about the time when Thor was fighting the Hulk in the arena I heard one light tap on my window this instantly broke me out of my investment into the movie and made my heart jump into my throat I have always been a paranoid person at first I just laid there not able to move and then once it had been a while I relaxed and decided it was probably just a bird or something but then abruptly I heard another tap at the window and at this point I had reasoned that it was a bird so I didn't feel scared of moving the curtains to see if there was a bird sitting there stunned when I opened the curtains I immediately wished I had been more paranoid what I saw was not a bird it was a face a terrifying disfigured human face I only looked at it for about two seconds before I ran upstairs to wake my parents but I will try to describe it the best I can its face was longer than any person's face I had ever seen it had no lips and its teeth were yellow and so pointy it looked like someone took sandpaper and did their best to carve spear points for their teeth its nose was gone and had no eyes only sockets filled with blackness and the most disturbing part was that the whole face looked like it was decaying when I woke my parents my dad agreed to come with me down to the basement to see what was there but when he went down there the creature was gone needless to say my dad didn't believe me and just said that if I was scared I can just go upstairs to my room to sleep that is exactly what I did I didn't care if my room was hot I just wanted to feel safe so I went into my room I locked all my windows and locked the door then I went on to the internet to see if anyone else had any encounters like this it turns out that what I think I saw was something called a skinwalker and it started to make sense since skinwalkers can shape-shift and turn into animals they kill that would explain why the face looked like it was decaying but then it hit me this skinwalker had the decaying face of a human on it I have never seen the creature again and I hope I never do but it still terrifies me to this day why was the skinwalker at my window and who did it kill to get that face [Music] today is the anniversary of me destroying my lower back I am not paralyzed or anything but I've got two herniated lumbar discs and a compressed sciatic nerve I know that today it's not a big deal to have surgery and fix the bulging discs but due to an unfortunate family history with the medical practice I'm not entirely trusting of doctors usually one wouldn't bother remembering the exact date of an accident that didn't cripple them after a few months but I remember I feel like I have to remember that day I injured myself taking a nasty fall travelling in the Judean mountains close to calm rain where the Dead Sea scrolls were found one moment I was standing on a hilltop and the next I found myself tumbling down into a cavern the fall didn't feel serious I say that it hadn't felt serious because I landed on my backpack and the impact mostly sent waves of adrenaline through my body now I obviously know better I fell about ten feet down the surrounding space was spinning for a few moments and could hear my pounding heart in my ears I looked around frantically I didn't feel any pain at that moment so my biggest concern was being trapped in some cavern with no way out just as I was beginning to panic I noticed a stream of light coming into the subterranean cavity I landed into I collected myself and got back up on my feet walking around the cavern for a bit I made sure that the source of light was indeed an exit which it was feeling adventurous for a lone traveler who could have died mere minutes ago I opted to go look around the cave for a bit I guess the adrenaline rush hadn't worn off by that point yet anyway I pulled my flashlight and started walking into the depths of the cave for about a half an hour I couldn't find anything other than an endless maze of cave formations sprawling seemingly into infinity the various spiky mineral deposits forming the floor in the roof of the cave gave an appearance of some ominous colossal aliens mala it was almost mesmerizing to look at endless stony tendrils sticking out in all directions for what seemed like miles upon miles I heard someone call out from the depth of the cave just as I about to make my way out a man's voice boomed from the deeper parts of the cave it sounded almost worried who's there the sudden vocalization made me shudder in surprise and I turned around calling back hey is anyone there hey the voice trailed off I thought someone was deeper in the cave in my mind it could have been someone who got lost or a patrolling ranger helped me the voice called out again seemingly closer to me my heart raced and I was sure it was someone who needed help I took a deep breath and started pacing hastily towards the source of the sound as I walked out I called out hey are you alright do you need help who are you the voice called out again seemingly closer to me I was cut off stop right there who is that the voice called out something about it sounded odd my instincts were practically screaming at me to take my feet and turn around and run for it as fast as I could instead of listening to my gut I just stood still and started explaining who I was and what I was doing in this cavity no response came thinking whoever it was might be too hurt to keep on responding I decided to run towards the location from which I heard the sound what are you that question was screeched at me from a close distance my heart sunk as I was beginning to realize that I was in a bad situation I she pisha lee called out hello as I carefully shined around my flashlight I just want to help you I had called out again before I heard the sound of an animal claws scraping against the rocks it came from above I didn't want to look up I knew I should have just blasted my way out of there and never looked back but I didn't I didn't do that because I felt something dripping on my head help me something said close to my ears that's when I looked up as the light hit the cave ceiling I nearly had a heart attack not to mention that I cursed under my breath above me clinging to the ceiling like a lizard was some sort of emaciated sickly yellow thing it looked human-like but it was so skinny and freakishly long as I stood there frozen with fear slowly building up in every fiber of my being that thing it screamed at me reviewing it's rancid serrated yellow rows of teeth times seemed to slow down at that moment the same moment I had noticed that this thing had no eyes at all there was just terribly stretched sickly skin over most of its head without even consciously deciding to run I felt my legs move on their own I managed to move a few meters away from that thing before it jumped into the air disgustingly twisting its body in the air landing on its all four limbs it charged straight at me managing to grab a hold of my backpack this thing tore it straight from my shoulders I felt a tug and a lot of weight taken off my back I just ran as fast as I could assuming this thing was occupied with my backpack moments later I heard the noise of scraping claws on the rocky surface again followed by more calls for help they were getting louder and louder with each passing moment I ran and ran without looking back the cave seemed to go on forever eventually I could see the penetrating light of the Sun the exit was in sight as I was about to escape from the cave I heard the creature call out to me my heart sank it uttered the opening words of a prayer I was inches away from the exit of the cave and a surge of a sharp pain shot through my spine starting at the center of my lower back and traveling all the way along my right lake it was so bad I just froze and that monster slammed me to the ground it growled at me scraping its bony four limbs at my body the weight of this thing sent further waves of agony along my lower back and lake the pain was unbearable but I knew I had to keep trying to escape from this thing I twisted and turned my body underneath that thing and it bit my shoulder I felt liquid running down along my arm my heart was racing at this point and something snapped in me I started banging my fists on this thing I don't know what I hit I couldn't tell all I could feel was its leathery skin it let go of me for a moment and I turned my back forcing myself to kick the thing that was now looming over me it barely budged backwards it just screeched while displaying itself like some sort of bird as if to tell me I have no way to survive this encounter whatever this thing was it's was completely twisted on itself it looked like it had been snapped backwards I kept on kicking at the abomination while slowly crawling towards the exit I have no idea why I did that I just wanted to create some space between it and me I felt something stabbed me in the hip sending another gut wrenching wave of needles down my lake I turned to my side and as I did I felt my hand land on a rock instinctively I tossed it at the monster and it retorted by pouncing at me but I managed to roll out of its way and it landed in the light it screeched and how old before bouncing on one of the cave walls again and scurried away into the darkness while it let out some curse words I uttered when I first saw it a mixture of fear and confusion took over my senses as chills ran down my whole body at once I heard the thing mimic my speech almost even mimicking my voice my heart was about to burst out at that moment and I forced myself to limp out of the cavern I was lucky enough to encounter a couple of patrolling Rangers I told them I had fallen and gotten hurt as a result at the moment I didn't think telling anyone about the creature was a good idea legend states that King Solomon banished all of the demons and evil spirits from the land of Israel knowing what I know now I can wholeheartedly say Solomon was certainly not very good at banishing demons [Music] I must tell this story before they find me I'm writing this on a library computer on an account I made to tell the story for this story to make sense there are three things about me to keep in mind I'm a female I've lived in Tucson Arizona my entire life and I speak fluent Spanish back in 2016 I lived in a small apartment near 12th and Valencia the same main street as the airport if you go several miles down Valencia you can visit the Saguaro National Park though the street more or less becomes off-road past Wilmont it's basically a straight line my boyfriend I lived within the apartment knew this and thought we should spend a day out there we took his old truck out there I'm not experienced on automobiles in any forum all I know is that it was a Chevy and my boyfriend will call Adrian would often talk about the lift kit he put on it so that it was raised even higher off the ground if I asked him he could probably give a lot more details on that truck but that's not important to the story all that really needs to be known is that it's great for off-roading and we often went up on the mountains together in it it was a cloudy day in November I'd say it was probably 80 or so degrees out when we went to spend the day at the national park we'd been planning it for ages and I was really excited for this but that was all going to change I remember this since it's been haunting me for nearly three years we had spent the majority of the day hiking and smoking weed in an assortment of different locations just enjoying the cacti in the snacks we brought along it was starting to get late it was getting on to be winter so it was dark around 5:00 p.m. and yet we weren't back in the truck until about 8:00 p.m. the truck was off with the windows open before I could speak he put his hand over my mouth and held up a single finger having been sitting in the dark for hours my eyes were well adjusted and the glow he pointed out to me in the distance took all of my attention what appeared to be some sort of fire light was about a hundred or so meters in front of us but behind us was the sound of movement it was like a group of animals thrashing about Adrian turned on the truck keeping the headlights off to roll up the windows before promptly turning it back off I was so out of it at the time I wasn't sure what was really happening all I was sure of was he needed me to keep quiet and remain alert when the thrashing sound came closer it was apparent that it was stomping and chanting they were clapping and chanting about Santa Muerte now Adrienne doesn't speak Spanish though he's full Mexican he just never learned so I ended up whispering the translation to him it was like one of those prayers on the candles you can buy it spoke about asking the holy death for a blessing but I don't remember what they wanted very clearly what I do remember was the slam of a hand on the hood of the truck and the wild eyes of a boy he looked to be somewhere between the ages of 18 and 20 not very old but not a young teen he had paint around his dark eyes and it haunts me in my dreams to the best of my knowledge this boy was all who knew of us at the moment Adrian swore but he didn't move instead he just watched the boy and I watched him Adrian has always been the type of guy who's confrontational and he's always been insistent on solving any issues we faced and being someone who hates confrontation I was rather reliant on him to face the issues for me the boy yelled for others to surround the truck in Spanish in the moment something in me snapped and keeping my eyes trained on the mirror on the passenger side I told him to reverse darting my eyes back and forth between the boy and the figures coming out from the cacti as Adrian reversed and turned any huge jerky motion before hitting uneven road we were originally just parked at the side of the road the feeling of being watched hunted even compelled me to tell him to head downtown where we ended up spending a few hours at the shot in the dark a cafe that's long since closed for two months following that night I had gradually got more and more paranoid about it and although Adrian tried to convince me that I was overreacting and there were no chance that we'd ever encounter them again I just couldn't believe him despite how desperately I wanted to it was when we were nearing three months since that night when the previously fixed hand dent was back and heavily multiplied it was like dozens of hands tried to peel the metal back to get in I haven't had any other events since Adrian had his truck fixed and sold but recently he bought a similar one and the paranoia has been seeping back into my bones when I'm not at work I don't leave my house unless I'm going to be indoors because I can't risk the thought of them finding me again the thought of them finding me vulnerable alone or not it leaves me shaken I can't remember what they wanted but I remember the way he smiled when he mentioned wanting to get into the truck and to have us surrounded and I would rather I never found out what he planned that night [Music] in July of 2016 I went with three of my roommates on a camping trip in New Mexico we decided to hike into the Pecos wilderness because of the beautiful pictures of the lakes and trails on the preserve I don't know if camping on the preserve is actually allowed but we were carefree and didn't check to see if we could we hiked until we reached one of the lakes by that time it was dusk and we were starving and tired we decided to set up our tents about half a mile from the lake we brought hot dogs and beans to cook on the fire classic camping cuisine we split up to get stuff for the fire dead branches twigs and stones while getting firewood I noticed a lot of coyotes scat in the area I made a mental note to keep my pocketknife close even though coyotes aren't a huge threat when I came back I told my friends but like me they didn't think much of it after dinner we sat talking about things that went on that year it soon became pitch black and the only light came from the fire and a couple of electronic lanterns we brought my roommates went to bed one by one until like in normal horror story fashion I was alone i sat stoking the fire making sure it was a controlled burn before I could brush my teeth and change into sleeping clothes I walked a half a mile back to the lake with one of the lanterns and used the lake water to brush my teeth and wash my face while washing my face the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I got the feeling of being watched I'm crouched at the edge of the lake realizing how vulnerable I am only a pocketknife to defend myself there could be a deranged camper out there I stand up hand to my pocket on my knife when I hear coyotes howling I relax thinking that it may have just been coyotes watching me so I walk back to the campsite I make it back and go into my tent to get sleeping clothes out of my backpack I'm about to start changing when I hear twigs break I just thought one of my roommates came back out of their tent to go take a leak I stuck my head out of the tent when I saw a coyote near the campfire I froze trying to take in what's happening it looked like a coyote except for a few characteristics its eyes were really bright yellow it looked taller than a normal coyote be and it was crouching near the fire crouching on its hind lakes I'm frozen being stared down by the coyote when one of the roommates tries to get out of the tent he sticks a foot and head out before he sees it he stares and yells what is that the coyote runs at a breakneck speed into the darkness but not normally on its hind legs my roommate continues to yell and wakes up the others they asked what happened and we explained to them what we saw they thought we were trying to fool them and didn't believe a word we said the roommate and I decided to sleep in the same tent since I was the only one who brought a knife along we layed there cramped in the tent too terrified to sleep when we heard noises twigs were snapping around our campsite as if it was circling around us we stayed motionless in the tent not daring to see the time go by on our phones eventually daylight came and the noises grew further away our two roommates didn't hear the noises and had to force us out of the tent in order to leave we walked miles back to where we parked our car and decided that we should get a motel and spend the night in Santa Fe when we get to our room I immediately googled the events of what happened the previous night and learned of the Navajo legend when you go camping make sure you have something to protect yourself and a way to get out of there at an instant nothing about my life is exactly what you would call extraordinary I'm a 25 year old male who's been cut out of work for about a month now and single for longer than I can share seeing how I live alone in an almost empty apartment complex in the middle of West Virginia there wasn't much entertainment to be found I picked up my smoking habit out of boredom more than anything this means I had to make routine trips outside a new activity for me sadly my overpriced apartment lacks a back porch or patio to go out and smoke on however there is a rarely used park between both apartment buildings with a few wooden benches amongst weathered swings and playsets the whole apartment complex is surrounded by practically nothing other than miles of dense forest and a highway that's a bit off the beaten path so it's quite a secluded spot at first it was pretty relaxing just to sit outside unoccupied allowing my worries to wander with each drag off my cigarette however it only took a few nights before I started to feel uneasy whenever I went outside almost as soon as I would step out of my apartment I would get an overwhelming feeling of being watched as if a pair of eyes were constantly following me although as soon as I look towards the thicket of the woods behind me the feeling would instantly disappear at first I shook it off as either being too paranoid or that perhaps a noisy neighbor was simply spying on me however I would soon come to learn that neither of those guesses were correct I quickly decided that the uncomfortable feeling of being watched wasn't worth the trip outside so I began to drive around and smoke whenever I got a craving for a cigarette I smoked nearly half a pack before realizing how long I had been gone just driving around so I began to make my way back to my apartment I wondered if perhaps my suspicions was also afraid of whatever was lurking in the woods behind my apartment I arrived back to my place around sunset the moon and the Sun both hung ominously overhead cradled by swirling amber skies as I pulled into the parking lot I noticed that the door and the second floor of my building had been left open this seemed odd to me as I hardly ever see signs of life aside from the empty pizza boxes left outside of the other apartments and the occasional muffled yet still loud arguing of the couple that lived below me it wasn't until I got closer that I realized it was actually the front door of my apartment wide open not wanting to investigate in the dark that the encroaching nighttime would bring with it I crept up my apartment afraid of what I might find inside even though I tried to walk as quietly and carefully as possible each step boomed and reverberated through the concrete structure I stopped in my tracks once I reached the top of the stairs there were large muddy hoof prints leading into my apartment but none leading out whoever or whatever had broken in was still there feeling a newfound sense of bravery I began to creep closer in my apartment when I suddenly heard a floorboard right next to my door creak I immediately turned around and booked it down the stairs and back into my car without looking back once I got in my car I locked all the doors before throwing glance back at my apartment the first thing my eyes landed on was a leathery black clawed hand wrapped around the doorframe right above it was a single piercing yellow eye glaring right at me before quickly retracting itself back into my apartment slamming the door shut regardless of how terrified I was I couldn't look away from the spot where that person or thing was just seconds before I was paralyzed in fear for a few moments before eventually snapped myself out of it and searched for my cell phone I hastily began to dial 911 I realized how ridiculous it was going to sound when I told them that a black clawed creature of some sort had broken into my apartment regardless there was absolutely no way that I was going to step foot back into the apartment alone and unarmed I decided that I would tell the police that someone had broken into my apartment and I believe that they were still there it took about 45 minutes before I saw the signature flashing blue and red lights pull into my apartment complex I promptly met the cop in the cruiser and briefly explained the situation to him leaving out the part about where the intruder possibly being inhuman we walked up the stairs together with him leading the way and me following behind he stopped abruptly as soon as we reach the top of the stairs even though I was still behind the officer I could tell his eye line was still fixed on the hoofprints leading to my apartment without hesitation he slowly but confidently unholstered his handgun and gripped it with both hands ready to shoot he told me to stay at the top of the staircase as he went to investigate further I watched as he pulled the Apartment door opened announcing his presence and for the intruder to come out with his hands up there was no response the following silence hung thick in the air he began to take a step forward into the apartment when I heard the same floorboard creak again a quick flash of black shut it out from inside the apartment and slashed the cop across the face before pulling the door shut once again leaving four distinct claw marks engraved in his skin the cop fell back stunned before quickly gaining his composure he jumped up pushed past me nearly tripping over his own two feet as he sped down the staircase and back into his cruiser I yelled out to him but he didn't even bother to look back I ran down to try to stop him from leaving but he had already put the car in verse his tires spun furiously in the gravel throwing a cloud of dust and rocks at me as he sped off I couldn't believe my own eyes I shake Lea dial nine-one-one once again and explain the situation to the operator but there was a strange tone in her voice it was if she knew something more about all of this than I did they simply told me that there was nothing else that they could do and to call again should any other problems arise if the people who were put in charge to protect can even help me then what else was I to do I fell down on my knees feeling defeated as tears began to pool in my eyes suddenly I heard the apartment door creak open slowly followed by - thunderous stomps I felt the creatures eyes staring at the back of my head I was frozen in terror afraid to even take a breath or look back the steps began to get closer with each one being louder and more doom-laden than the one before I started to accept my untimely demise when I heard a vehicle squeal into the parking lot a young girl with ratty brunette hair swung open a passenger door her mahogany eyes burned with a rugged ferocity we didn't even have to exchange words her curt demeanour said it all and I made my way to her car as fast as my feet could carry me I heard the pace of the footsteps behind me quicken along with the demonic yet primal growl I barely had both feet inside the car before it sped off towards the exit the creature swiped at us one last time its claws scraping the passenger side of the vehicle I turned around locking eyes with the creature once again it's glowing yellow eyes and a wide fang smile faded away swallowed by the blackness surrounding the edge of the woods despite the pure unbridled terror and confusion I felt at that moment I somehow knew I would be back I live in a big house by a country road in Pennsylvania I love the outdoors often I go hiking hunting fishing or ride my ATV whenever I have a day off from work there's a massive forest behind my house and I have had countless adventures in those woods sometimes during the night animals visit my backyard I don't mind they never cause me any trouble but I have a security camera that monitors the backyard just in case most of the time it's just deer foxes and one time a black bear there are not a lot of houses in my area so the animals are essentially my neighbors last year I invited my friends and family to my place for a barbecue cookout during the fourth of July the adults and I were on the deck telling silly stories of things that happened at work their children's were either playing in the backyard shooting nerf guns at each other or inside playing games after the party ended I cleaned up around the house around 10:00 p.m. I was in the living room watching the news and started to hear loud shrieks coming from the woods I turned on the lights in the backyard and looked through the kitchen window but saw nothing I didn't think much of it and just assumed it was a cougar I have seen them a few times throughout the summer while hiking in the forest late at night I turned the lights off and I went to bed the next morning I decided to check the security camera to see if any animals came into my backyard but nothing happened that night I was off from work that day so I took my ATV and ventured into the woods about ten minutes of driving through the forest I came across the remains of a deer covered in claw marks lying in the dirt his eyes and tongue were ripped out upon further investigation there was a massive slit under the belly and all of its organs were removed this was rather unusual and I assumed that the deer was attacked by a bear but I brushed it off and continued to ride my ATV through the forest after 20 minutes go by I got thirsty and stopped by a small rocky cliff near a creek I drank my water while sitting on the cliff it was very relaxing hearing the calm stream of water the birds chirping in the trees I saw a red-tailed hawk swooped down into the water and grabbed a large fish this was an incredible sight and things like that is why I love going into the woods just when I was about to go back to the ATV and drive home I noticed that a corpse of a young man was lying at the bottom of the cliff and red was smeared all over the rocks around the body I walked to a nearby hill and got a closer look and much like the buck I saw earlier the corpse was covered in claw marks and it's tongue and eyes and organs were gone this unsettled me so I took pictures and showed them to the police when I got home the police recovered the body for further investigation and told me to contact them if I find anything else suspicious in the forest after they left I went to the diner for lunch with my best friend George something strange has been going on in the woods I said I came across the husk of a deer and later a young man both of them had their organs eyes and tongue extracted by something George had a curious look on his face I recently got a job with the local police and there have been numerous reports of cattle even human corpses with the same conditions for the past week he said what he told me gave me an uneasy feeling some farmers think this might be aliens abducting people and animals but that's just ridiculous George said he drank his coffee and asked a waitress for a refill he noticed a nervous look on my face what's wrong you think aliens are doing this George left no not at all I'm probably still in shock from what I saw in the woods earlier I said George nodded his head I would be spooked too if I was in your shoes well at least you didn't go Logan Paul recording the body and making a joke out of it George said I chuckled from this comment and after lunch I headed home as much as I loved the outdoors I didn't feel safe going into the woods anymore so I locked all my doors and windows and played my ps4 for the rest of the afternoon when it got dark outside I started hearing the same screaming that I had heard last night I turned the lights on in the back yard and for a split second saw a pair of big eyes in the woods reflecting the lights before rushing deep into the woods I kept hearing screaming throughout the night so I went to bed with headphones on listening to relaxing music and I had a pocket pistol under the pillow just in case something enters my room luckily I was able to sleep well for the night when I had breakfast the next morning I checked the security camera nothing came into my backyard until 3:17 a.m. I was shocked at what I saw a hairy humanoid was 6 long limbs crawled into my backyard it had dark shaggy hair hanging from them like an orangutan there was an arm directly on top of each shoulder it had big glowing eyes with no pupil massive claws on each hand and its mouth gaped open with long sharp teeth it was dragging a massive bear covered in claw marks the creature then began to eat the bear when the creature finished eating it came to the backyard and scratched on it like it was a dog trying to get inside it snarled and slowly crawled its way back into the woods leaving behind the bear skin and bones of all those years I spent in the woods I have never seen anything like this I went to my backyard and sure enough the empty husk of the bear was lying in the grass I checked my door and there was no damage I called the police immediately and George came with them I showed them the bear husk and the security footage this is horrifying cried George whatever that thing is it's probably the one that got all of those animals and people George and the other officer decided to contact the State Police shortly after a squadron came and searched the forest after several hours they didn't find anything so they left the area when I came home from work that night I began to hear the same screaming sounds coming from the woods I was outside and I heard the sound much clearer it sounded like a dog or a hyena but much deeper I could not let this creature harm people in their livestock I wanted to end this once and for all I grabbed my hunting shotgun pocket pistol cellphone and flashlight I then started to walk into the woods as I journeyed into the woods the screams echoed all over the place the creature could be anywhere suddenly I saw it several yards away from me eating an elk I carefully aimed my gun at the monster and then it noticed me I pulled the trigger and shot the Beast fell over but quickly got up brushing it off the ape creature gave out an enraged roar and charged me on all six limbs I shot at at four more times but they only slightly knocked the creature back my gun suddenly jammed and the creature jumped towards me I swung my shotgun at its head like a baseball bat I heard a snap in the creature cried it fell to the ground and its top pair of arms snapped its head back in place the creatures snarl dat me and I ran deeper into the woods I tried shooting at it with my pocket pistol but the creature got away exhausted I walked back to my house I checked my phone and it was 11 p.m. I locked everything and went to bed I woke up at 4 in the morning and started hearing loud banging coming from my back door I put on my pair of night-vision goggles and looked through my window I was startled when I saw not one but three ape creatures standing on my deck one of them was able to smash the door open and they crawled into my house one by one terrified I tried calling 911 I could hear the beasts walking through the house they curiously looked around the house interacting with objects around them I then noticed that one of them was right underneath my chandelier by the front door I shot the chain holding the chandelier and it fell on top of the Beast I then ran downstairs to the front door the other two creatures began to chase me one of them walked on the broken glass and cried in pain the other one observed the two injured creatures and then climbed on the wall avoiding the glass as if it were an insect I put my shoes on and ran for the car just when I was about to start the engine the ape creature slammed into my car nearly pushing it over I started the engine and drove away from the house I headed to a hotel near the highway and asked for a room on the top floor I spent the rest of the night there sleeping I called off work the next morning telling them I was sick I was able to charge up my phone in the hotel room and call the police besides the chandelier and backdoor not much was damaged in my house when the police investigated my house all the creatures were gone however the police were able to find clumps of black hair around the house as well as some blood around the broken glass the samples of hair and blood they collected has only added more Street - what happened at first it didn't seem like anything unusual but one of the scientists in the crime lab discovered that their chemical makeup wasn't only organic it seemed to be unexpectedly mechanical an organic machine the samples were then sent to a hospital lab for further research after I got the damage in my house repaired I adopted a young German Shepherd from the animal shelter I take her with me whenever I go into the woods and stayed out of there whenever it was dark outside I haven't seen the creature since then but every once in a while I hear them screaming in the woods occasionally there are still reports on the local newspaper of animal inhuman husks being found in the area every time I am reminded of those things I keep asking myself what are they but more importantly how many more are out there [Music] I've been working second shift for a couple of years now and I have to say it's come with some distinct advantages the biggest one that I can tell you is that by the time I get off work most people are home and either asleep or ready to go to sleep this means my drive home is peaceful with few drivers to look out for and almost no one to slow me down but last night my drive home ended was something I cannot fully explain I need to give you all a bit of information about my drive home I live on the outskirts of a mid-sized city the drive itself is only about 25 minutes I cut that down to 20 at night when I get to speed home the most important thing to know is there's lots of fields on both sides of the road for most of my Drive roadkill is a common sight deer were unfortunately the most common they'd sneak out of the fields trying to cross to the other side only to be met with a car going a little too fast to stop in time it's unfortunate but they would be left on the side of the road with contorted limbs a bent neck or Gore spilling from their body sometimes all of the above a pretty gruesome and violent way to go but something most people are desensitized to with how common it is day by day the corpse would slowly rot each day I would see the decay as I drove by until that day where it was just gone I still have no idea where those dead deer go I just know they sit there for days rotting and then suddenly they're gone and the side of the road waits for its next piece of roadkill nearly every night as I drove home from work I would see a doe that would linger on the edge of the field like she was waiting for her chance to cross I would also slow down to make sure she didn't do anything stupid there were a few times she stood in the centre of the road and I would just have to lay on my horn to get her to move I had figured that I'd see her on the side of the road after a while hit by some speeding driver well last night I was in a bit of a rush to get home there was no particular reason for it maybe I was just hungry and wanted to get some food in my belly or maybe I just wanted to get home and relax I'm not entirely sure myself but I found my foot pushing a little too hard on the gas as I sped down the field lined road watching as my speedometer crept ever higher I think by now you have a clearer idea of what happened I slammed into the deer at maximum speed there was a loud thud and the car shook from the impact she flipped clear over my car and landed behind me as I pushed my foot down on the brake pedal I barely kept control of the car until it finally skidded to a stop my immediate thought was to check and make sure I wasn't injured I felt fine other than the jerk forward from braking so hard there was no reason to be injured I looked myself over and everything was fine I shamed fully must admit that the next thought was not the deer who lay on the road behind me but instead it was my car I took a deep breath and opened my door stepping out into the dark of night I moved to the front of the car to inspect the damage in the dark it was too difficult to see but the front bumper in the hood had received damage though it was nothing catastrophic I hope my insurance would cover it as I cursed aloud at this situation lastly I decided to check on the deer it was immediately clear that she was gone her head was bent so far back that it nearly touched her back and I silently cursed myself for not slowing down and paying more attention this could have all been avoided I returned to my car to fetch a pair of gloves from the glove compartment I wasn't gonna touch that thing without some gloves on but I had to get that deer out of the road so other drivers don't continue to run her over it was the least I could do so I grabbed the lake's and began to pull the deer off the side of the road she was heavier than I imagined but it wasn't far as I got her to the side of the road I let go of her legs and notice something odd on her side I could see a pulsating pattern like the muscle underneath was moving a death spasm perhaps or maybe some sort of twitch it was a violent way to go so it didn't seem out of the realm of possibility I watched as it continued curiously placing my hand on the area and feeling the rumble underneath but then something happened and the pulsating grew more rapid more violent I removed my hand out of fear as the area began to bulge like something underneath the skin was pressing to get out I watched the skin bulge then relax each time getting bigger stretching the limits of the deer skin my heart rate was skyrocketing but things were only getting worse I was backing up now but I could still see clearly when the skin ripped out came a red hand a human hand I had seen enough I ran to my car and tried to start it but I was fumbling with my keys out of nervousness I started to panic as I got the keys in place and started the car looking in the rearview mirror I could see an entire body emerging from the deer it had the head of a buck complete with a set of gigantic antlers but its body was human covered in what was left of the deer it stood on two lakes being nearly eight feet tall by my quick estimation it wasn't even possible for something like that to fit inside of a deer I didn't have time to speculate on what it was or how it came to be I put my car into drive and sped off as it turned around I kept watch on it through the rearview mirror and saw get down onto all fours and to my horror it started to run after me the way it ran on all fours with a human body was startling the unnatural creature somehow landed itself to a furious speed its eyes were filled with malice and copious amounts of drool dripping from its mouth I floored it as it gained on me there was no way it could outrun a car but my car struggled to accelerate and I could hear a low grunting noise coming from the deer creature he was so close now my nerves were shattering I had a crazy grip on my steering wheel as I prayed for my car to move faster its antlers scratched the back of my car as it disappeared from my rearview mirror and came back into my sideview mirror as it made its way alongside my car with quick thinking I turned my wheel ever so slightly to the left in an effort to push him away to my fortune he stumbled and fell losing all momentum my car having finally gained enough speed roared down the road without an issue I made a few last checks in my rearview mirror but the deer creature was gone from sight I got home safely but there was no way I could sleep after an event like that i altered between anxious pacing and sitting at my computer to search the internet I searched everywhere for some sort of explanation I read about skinwalkers Wendigo ghosts demons but none of it really matched or explained what this thing was half of it was fictional stories that people cooked up and the other half were likely just fake - as I paced past my window for probably the hundredth time that night my motion sensing light in my front yard lit up to my horror it stood there on two lakes in my front yard the dear creature arched its head back and forth almost like it was sniffing the air I crouched down below the window and before I knew it I had found myself lying down on the floor in a fetal position trying my best not to make any noise terrifying thoughts of him catching me and goring me with his antlers ran through my head I don't know how long I laid there but I only moved once the Sun started to come up I cautiously checked the front yard and it was clear I looked out every window in my house to make sure it wasn't just waiting outside but I didn't see any sign of it I tried to convince myself I was delusional it was all just my imagination where I was sick but my car still is the damage from hitting the deer and scratches all over the back from the things antlers there was no denying that a quick shower and a change of clothes had me feeling a little more at ease but my lack of sleep was starting to catch up with me I had to go to work though and that meant going back down that road I could detour around it but I wanted to see if that deer was still laying on the side of the road the car started as usual and I found myself driving to work on autopilot my thoughts went back to last night's events and I nearly lost my nerve to keep going but I reasoned that in the day it would be safe for me to go down that road traffic was heavier during the day and for once I was thankful there would be more people than just me on that road but when I was approaching the road I saw multiple police cars with their sirens on they were blocking off the road testing my luck I rolled down my window as I approached the turn and decided to ask the officer what was going on this road closed something happened down there I asked the officer yeah the roads closed for now you can go up the next road and cut through there if you need a detour he was not forthcoming on the reason so I tried a second time can I ask why you're closing it was there an accident right now I can't say anything for certain the policeman looked around before leaning in and speaking softly this was no car accident all I can say I gave him a quick thanks and began to slowly drive off peering down the road as best as I could I noticed an ambulance there an ominous feeling came over me and I started to think about the deer creature I saw a group of men who appeared to be field workers judging by their slightly dirty clothes and gloves they all frowned as they silently sat outside the barricade at the police cars and one of them appeared to be crying I pulled my car over and decided to ask if they knew anything you guys know anything about why the road is closed I asked the group of guys just looked at me and then at each other but one of them stepped forward and spoke to me reluctantly a no easy way to say it but there's been a murder down on that road one of my workers there was a long pause and I thought he might stop there but he offered more details well he usually is the first one here every morning but this morning we came and found him on the side of the road gone look like an animal got him he had holes in him and looked like he had been charged several times but I ain't ever heard of a buck getting someone my blood ran cold as he told me this I shudder doubt something about being sorry for their loss and turned around to head home whatever that thing is I can only hope it never finds me again this is one of the most recent encounters I've had last night was a cold one even for South Carolina and my friend and I had just come from downtown Charleston oddly enough we were on the hunt for any unnatural things hoping that we'd attract yet another set of terrifying or suspenseful circumstances suffice it to say I wish had been granted so without further ado let's begin my friend and I had a long day filled to the brim with fun and adventure investigations and whimsical things after we had spent most of the day in the downtown portion of Charleston enjoying the frigid breeze and watching the rough waters roll against the docks we decided it was best to head back before nightfall some time had passed and we eventually arrived back in our city of Somerville but our appetite for the supernatural and otherworldly hadn't been sated just yet so we decided to drive around and look at a newer town that had just been added close to us the town of Somers corner it was a nice town sure enough but the energy there had just felt weird mysteriously speaking it was heavy and almost suffocating that wouldn't deter us as we're quite a resilient bunch always moving forward keeping a smile on our face even if the circumstances are pure unadulterated agony about half an hour into the drive we discovered a street called Navajo Boulevard which had immediately piqued our interests as the name itself is similar to the Native American tribes of the Navajo people the exact people who hold within their traditions one of the most scariest entities to haunt our world the skinwalker so we start to drive down the road it's dark and the energy there is thicker than the rest of the road we had our windows down so we could truly feel the atmosphere and its energy its vibrancy and we were not disappointed immediately we felt watched not by multiple things but one entity this thing did not want us there at all and we felt it come closer to us it's present was intimidating quite malicious as well and it put us on edge our eyes peeled and ourselves readied for whatever might happen next the night grew quiet all the noise ceased and the silence fell around the surrounding area where there had been no prior wind before a heavy gust slammed itself into the side of my car and nearly shoved it off its left side that's when we knew this was no mere entity just then we saw a face in the front of our flickering headlights grotesque reddened with malice and spiteful things its eyes as pale and silver as the moon gazed into our souls sending nothing but fear throughout our entire bodies we were motionless now ourselves shrinking into our seats as this abomination grew closer and manifested more into view it unhinged its jaw and let out a horrific scream much like from the first one I heard of a dog's bark a goats bleat and additionally a fox's scream and an eagle soaring screech enough was enough I put the car into reverse and we drove the hell out of there unfortunately the feeling was only intensified as we got back onto the road and sped away the intensity and dread grew ever more as a gained speed another gust of wind slammed into the car suddenly my friend yelled for me to look out the window right behind my seatbelt on the outs out of the car that's when I saw this awful thing in its entirety reddish pale skin eyes that seemed to have no end with goat and reptilian like slits and the pupils too stubby little horns adorned its head sprouting out from atop the brow Ridge and rising just above its forehead it opened its mouth and revealed rows of sharp gnarled teeth a hand with long stained claws scratched at the glass making a scream to high heaven my foot pressed the gas pedal as hard as it could as we were about to drive out of the neighborhood the thing smiled at us and faded away the breeze scattering the leaves on the road against where it had been perched on my car's side it was gone but we heard a very audible whisper tell us that he'd be back real soon then it was quiet again the heavy energy subsiding and gaining some neutrality as the night dragged on all of this goes to show us my friend and I that just because we've experienced our fair share of unnatural things and even more together that there's always something out there waiting to show us more of the true world we live in the world that we share with these entities beings that cross from their veil into ours so I used to live in northern Arizona in a town called Paige the town is on Lake Powell and nearby Horseshoe Bend which are both massive tourist attractions recently it also happens to border the Navajo Reservation and has a population that is majority native I'm currently 18 I moved away less than a month ago so I lived my whole life in the town essentially I have heard stories many stories from my friends their parents as well but these two stories are my actual experiences the first story happened a year and a half ago since Paige is a 60 mile drive from the next closest town the nearby area is very popular among locals for Jackrabbit coyote and Bobcat hunting this particular day I was out on my own pretty far back on some local dirt trails pretty recently after I started hunting myself my target was coyotes this was before I had a call so I had to look for them or bait them and my firearm was a Springfield st. a ar-15 loaded with American Eagle 55 grain AP shells which yes is an important detail it was probably around noon and I had wandered down into the wash that ran up into and across the bottom of one of the sandstone cliff sides of the area while walking through the wash I scared probably the biggest coyote I had ever seen up the side of the cliff face as it was scaling I took three shots at it and I was able to hit at least one because it started bleeding as it made its way up and over the top of the hill cliff I gave pursued and probably scaled the face in three to four minutes of winded climbing at the top the cliff turned into a flat Mesa covered by shrubs and dried up bushes probably about knee-high at most with no coyote in sight I started to follow the blood trail after about 20 minutes of following I was confused and somewhat concerned the trail was still thick too much was being spilt to allow the coyote to continue in a straight sprint for that long and I was hunting with the round that would drop a mountain lion in its tracks after about ten more minutes the tracks from the coyote met up with the tracks from what I'm assuming were goat tracks this is where I turned and got the hell out of there both of the tracks were recent deep and the sand was still loose enough to fall when I kneeled down to take a look at them the tracks split from each other the Coyotes going far off to the left and the goats going to the right the blood trail though no longer followed the tracks of the coyote but instead indicated that the goat had been shot the tracks led down into another wash known in the area for being bad news so I got back to my truck fast after that the second story took place near the outskirts of town and has a video that comes with it my friends and I were out around 10:00 at night near one of the local jogging trails at the edge of one of these trails a storm drain tunnel sticks out we used to joke about skinwalkers using it to hide from joggers or bikers but had never paid it much attention this night though we decided to go into the storm drain to see for ourselves I of course was the first one in and had five people behind me we were probably 300 feet in when I heard what sounded like claws scraping against the concrete ahead of me I could only see about 50 feet in front of me with my light so I shush everyone behind me as soon as we got quiet a moan resonates through the tunnel I had never backtracked on all fours so fast in my life the storm drain leads to a nearby road which the people who were too scared to go into the tunnel were looking at but they were not on the road or anywhere near the opening of the road and we're taking snapchats at the time of the noise showing us that one it wasn't them and two there were no cars on the road at the time I can't prove these risk in walkers but they definitely weren't any person or animal I've ever encountered in my lifetime here's the video [Music] [Music] to start this off I wanted to give some background information I'm fourteen female and half Navajo I've never been on the rez and my mom and grandma never told me about these things I'm pretty small and rabbit-like with how I act pretty much everything scares me but given the chance I won't hesitate to break someone's jaw my girlfriend is 16 and mostly Russian she usually puts herself in front of me to try to protect me if need be these are important later on in the story in my town there's a plot of land that I believe that may have once been a golf course I go to this plot of land with my girlfriend we'll call her Kacy and my friends this piece of land has become overgrown after no attention for a few decades and is almost a plot of woods it has long grass vines bushes and trees it's always full of life - rabbits and squirrels in the spring and summer deer foxes and raccoons in the fall and winter and it always has blue jays everywhere it was a really beautiful sight all year long we call this plot of land wonderland flanking wonderland is a set of abandoned train tracks that goes all the way through the town we call this the deer trail because we see loads of deer all along at every fall in Wonderland there's a small shed alongside one of the deer trails that we call the devil's toy box which overlooks the majority of Wonderland because of where it sits up on the hill is a circle of trees that we call the arc because we're big fans of Marble Hornets and needed a name for it so hopefully this sets the scene for you again all important later on this happened sometime two years ago it was about a week before Halloween and I was walking home from school Casey didn't join me like she usually did because she was sick that day so it was just me the way I walk home usually takes me down an alleyway near Wonderland so I figured I'd stop in Devil's toy box to rest I popped down inside and sat my stuff down as well I took a moment to look around Wonderland to enjoy the beautiful fall colors being by the Sun up on the hill emerging from the ark was a massive buck with these huge antlers I just started to awe at the size of it all at once all of the bluej stopped chirping and the Sun disappeared behind the clouds there was a distinguishing stench in the air that I can only describe as burnt hair mixed with old dog crap it was completely awful i gagged and struggled not to throw up while the deer snapped its head and looked at me the movement was all wrong its head and neck moved but the rest of it stayed completely still and rigid kind of like a statue I studied the buck further and saw its skin was loose and seemed to be just draped over its body I also started to realize that it was bone thin and I could see its ribs its eyes weren't the dark eyes of a deer they were strangely human and bright yellow as I grabbed my bookbag and prepared to book it out of there the thing stood up on its hind legs I know that deer can stand on their back Lakes to get a better look around but I do know they can't walk for very long and sure as hell know they can't run like that it started running at me I heard an ear piercing shriek that gives me chills to this day it sounded like an infant's crying with a grown man's baritone screaming underneath and it was all distorted I threw my book bag over my shoulder and started running as fast as I could down the deer trail I could hear its hoof steps behind me when I got about halfway down I turned around to see if it was still following me it was standing at the edge of the deer trail and just staring at me with those evil evil eyes I burned sage and smudge myself in my room as soon as I got home my room smelled for a week the next day Casey was back at school as we were walking home she noticed a set of deep deer hoof prints in the dirt next to the deer trail Kate she said as she looked from me to the hoof prints and back what are these I explained what happened the day before as I talked I could see her eyes growing wide let's go she grabbed my hand and pulled me along the tracks the next time we went there we brought sage bundles and other cleansing stuff we haven't seen anything like that again after that but the fact that something as evil as that thing was in a place of such serenity gives me chills this has left me feeling extremely shook and I'd love some opinions especially from someone with experience last year I had a very strange experience in the national forest out in California I was by myself on a road trip with my dog and I was driving pretty far into the Mendocino National Forest I like to camp in national parks and forests because it's isolated so my dog can roam and they're free of charge a trade-off for the sketchy rough drives into the park sometimes and a lack of service assistance anyway I was driving up this dirt road kind of curling up the mountain maybe around 5:00 p.m. it was very nice out sunny and warm with a light breeze nothing serious happened but I felt extremely uncomfortable driving into the area and that feeling didn't let up driving up the mountain I felt like I shouldn't stay there and I even texted my boyfriend about it for as long as I could before my phone completely lost service I was looking around for a sign of another person having been around the area lately but didn't see anything I pulled over and got out of my car with my dog and looked over the edge and noticed a dead squirrel and some broken glass mixed in with the dirt and gravel road Yuuka my dog starts growling slightly she's vocal but I've almost only ever seen her growl at other dogs I did see her growl at opossum once so it could be something she smelled maybe this place continued to make me feel quite on edge but I pride myself on being an independent traveler and backpacker so I decided to continue at least a bit further with my grumbling pup to see if I could find a good place to camp I continued to notice more dead animals keep in mind no one is going more than five or ten miles an hour up this thing and that's if there's anyone up there I hear men's voices they sound close and I think I should call out to them so I stopped my car but then I kind of freeze up and feel like I shouldn't I can't really make out what they're asking I don't see any sign of people anywhere and I get back into my car and continue to slowly drive forward and cautiously look for worth of could be heard from I've never ran into other people in the National Park or forests when I've gone this deep in the unsettling feeling grows about the voices which have sort of come and gone a few times and I give up and begin to turn my car around I honestly don't remember how Yuko was acting on the way down I was scared and focused on getting out of there I just distinctly remember being surprised at her grumbling when we were standing outside of my car kind of dangerously I quickly went down the mountain and not seeing any sign of anyone I decided to spring for luxury and get a hotel for the night I figured I was just fine huge and open spaces can be intimidating they told myself and the voices could have been echoing from somewhere off in the distance and they just sounded close animals died glass gets broken nothing happened cool but I remember this place it sticks with me whenever I'm watching scary movies if I'm walking my dog in the woods at night nothing compares to that feeling I had driving up in the mountain and it's honestly kind of interesting to me as well as frightening I recently happened to cross some information as well as some Native American lore that made me extremely uneasy fast forward a year I mentioned this place to a few people and the haunting vibes it gave me but nothing much more I googled the National Park once and didn't see anything but didn't look much either I like scary movies and things of that nature hence my fascination in this little event so my boyfriend and I were coming up on finishing our road trip just yesterday we were in Wyoming for a wedding there were only two to three hours left and the Sun had to set so we decided to listen to some scary podcasts and YouTube videos we went from no sleep podcast to x-files and ended up on true stories video dealing with a Native American lore I'm half paying attention petting my dog playing Pokemon on an emulator and I hear the narrator mentioned skinwalkers and Wendigos very briefly says what they are and casually mentions they can mimic voices I mean it when I had the most horrible chills I had ever had in my life crawl down my spine and I stare at my boyfriend and ask him if he remembers the National Forest he says he does and reminds me that he texted me I was probably close to a skinwalker he did I remember him saying that but I didn't know much about their lore and thought he was just being funny like yeah Bigfoot is probably stalking you or some other dad joke and he was like no I mean I was mostly joking but I said it specifically because you said you were hearing voices that you couldn't find a trace of I feel strange and I start googling skinwalkers etc they are allegedly able to mimic human voices and they would live in that sort of area it all matched up obviously there's a ton of questionable information out there but I tried to find more reputable websites and authentic experiences I then specifically looked up missing persons in the area and the first headline that catches my eye is another family goes missing in Mendocino and I went through different websites and news articles of people going missing but they are all a little hidden underneath the National Park websites and pictures of trees I remember looking up the forest about a year ago and didn't see anything and realize these stories didn't seem to be talked about much which also peaked my intuition it has also stated that well over a hundred people in the past eight years have gone missing and have not been found on top of many which are found dead it just has my intuition super spiked remembering how unsafe I felt and how much I wanted to get out of there terrifies me and I felt so uneasy about what I was hearing and due to this day my dog and I are very close she was a stray that started following me one day and I ended up bringing her home from Costa Rica so her little growls along the way makes me feel like there was something wrong even though it was just a storytelling video those stories originate from somewhere I have done a lot of solo traveling both in and out of the country and I have never had such a bad feeling on top of seeing an unnecessary amount of dead animals and national forests which just seems strange I don't think I'll be doing more solo traveling unless it's around civilization I used to love going for night drives but I never want to do it again my friend and I would go for night drives all of the time sometimes Jamie and I would find a spot where we could see the stars really well and just lie back on the hood of his car driving around at night we've had some incredible conversations and occasionally we see some really cool things driving his Jamie's thing he loves it last night Jamie was in an awful mood he called me saying he needed to go for a ride and didn't want to be alone but when he picked me up he could barely talk to me he was speeding but he's a good driver so I wasn't concerned we got pretty deep into the countryside and I didn't recognize the area at all we've been driving for a long time though at this point it was just dirt roads and no streetlights I suggested we go back but Jamie says he couldn't go home right now so we kept going a while later we were driving through the wooded area and Jamie pulled over to announce he had to go to the bathroom don't go too far I told him Jamie and I had explored enough forests at night and I wasn't even slightly worried and I thought he'd be back right away I was looking down at my phone scrolling through Reddit for what felt like a really long time I looked up to see if I could see Jamie heading back and I thought I saw a person standing straight ahead about 20 feet in front of me I flashed the car lights just to make sure and sure enough a man was standing there staring at me once i flashed the lights he started groaning very loudly and just kept staring I immediately locked the car doors we were in the middle of nowhere and I hadn't seen another person or passing cars and ages I called Jamie but I could hear his phone ringing he had left it in the car my stomach dropped there was no way it could take this long for him to go to the bathroom he should have been back by now I started looking out the passenger window looking for him making a silent deal with myself if he wasn't back in three minutes I was going to call the police and drive away to somewhere safe when I looked back straight ahead I saw the man was only beat away now and instead of groaning he was weeping still staring very intensely at me I decided to screw waiting three minutes and just take off when Jamie reappeared the man stopped weeping I unlocked the door for Jamie and let him into the car Jamie looked super pale and very stone-faced I started freaking out and screaming at him that we had to go but he just sat there suddenly a bunch of people covered him body paint emerged from the trees I started crying and pleading with Jamie to start driving but it was as if he couldn't hear me that people set the man on fire the men didn't make a noise and the people started chanting Jamie started howling with laughter he then proceeded to turn the car around and we drove away he was speeding faster than he had ever done before I started to dial the police but Jamie grabbed my phone don't call the police or you'll be next he then gave the phone back to me after that Jamie returned to being emotionless and refused to talk to me but he was muttering a ton under his breath I couldn't understand any of it though it didn't even sound English I was too petrified to say or do anything and Jamie dropped me off since then Jamie texted me every hour on the hour saying do you want the fire to spread I haven't responded to any of his texts yet something happened to Jamie in the woods I'm sure of it he sent me a new text a few minutes ago saying let's go for a drive I want to show you something I don't know what to do [Music] to start off I'm not a believer in anything paranormal magical or voodoo none of that the extent of my creepy ghost-like or urban legend experiences until now had been through my friends and most of them chalked it up to the usual it was a cougar Fox scream not a woman's the wind did that it was just a messed up homeless guy stalking me and then left it at that but I cannot logically explain to myself what I just witnessed in any terms other than saying it was unnatural at best or terrifyingly unworldly at worst so this all happened just a few hours ago when I decided to do something different after work and take a hike by this little park my shop is by I'm a mechanic it's something my wife loves to do and I decided to take some trails she likes to go on now the thing about this park is it's basically just an oval some roads to look at the scenery and a place to fish in dock boats in the lake nearby but after that it's mostly trails the trails go out into the woods about ten miles and after that it's about a thousand acres of no man's land woods and blind cliffs owned by the state people get lost go missing all of the time because idiots think they can rough it and my wife had her own stories of going off the trail for a second and getting instantly turned around in my college days I used to do the same thing but not anymore since I've had my fair share of getting scared after getting lost in places like that it's by the grace of God I could always find my way back but it's never a wise thing to do even if you are confident in your navigation skills I think you're getting the picture of the place that I was in when I get there I'm parked and I decided to take one of the relatively shorter routes a two-mile trail since it had been a while since I hiked the trails and they didn't have any gear on me plus it would be dark soon I grabbed a map from my office right by the start of all the trails on the off chance I got lost or something and thank God I did I was pretty confident that getting lost wouldn't be that big of a deal since one of the longer trails also a round trail about ten miles made for camping on went all the way around the parking and my trail in my car being in the center of the whole thing when in doubt I could walk in any one direction and find it and get back home so starting off the hike I wasn't worried just ready to get some walking in and then brag to my wife how I finally went out to see her favorite place I'd say I was even excited the weather was amazing the wind was just the right speed and I would have something to talk about I'd say I got about a quarter mile in before things got a little weird it wasn't that there was anything visibly off or anything just that I started to feel uncomfortable kind of like a nagging feeling in the back of my mind saying you should probably leave I had already started and didn't really feel like turning around so I kept going looking at wildlife enjoying the view when I could and generally taking it slow but that feeling never did go away it was at the halfway point at what my map said was the crest of the trail that feeling got overwhelming it was suffocating like my whole body wanted to just up and run out of that perfectly fine looking trail but I had already come so far and there was no use in turning around since I was at the halfway point I thought maybe I was just getting freaked out since I hadn't done it in a while or maybe I was just having a panic attack from all the stress I'd been under for the last few days so I decided to sit down and take a breather to calm myself down it didn't around five minutes into me flipping through my phone and reading some random reddit stories I noticed how quiet the woods had gotten the air was completely silent there was literally nothing you ever hear the phrase silence can be deafening well in that moment it was so quiet I could hear my ears ring it hurt it was so silent and it unnerved me to no end so I did what any husband does I called my wife for guidance the conversation went something like this at full speaker volume since I was so desperate to clear the air David what's going on she knew something was up because I rarely ever called even for emergencies hey don't worry I'm gonna be a bit late since I decided I was gonna hike that two mile loop today but I had a question for you what does it mean when the woods get like suddenly quiet she went silent for a bit freaking me out more where are you on the trail like how far in about a mile why I want you to get up and grab a big rock or a sharp long stick or something and finish the trail as quickly as possible but don't run it's quiet because there's a predator around maybe a bear or a cougar something big at least I don't want to freak you out but I want you to know that it probably already knows you're there and if it's a cougar it's probably been following you make it know you're there and don't run I'll Drive up to the trail and meet you when you get out she hung up before I could properly freak out rather than puking up my anxiety or running as fast as I could I got a stick broke some of it off so it would be sharp and sent a quick I love you thanks text to my wife our house is closed so I knew she'd be there in about 15 minutes or so but it didn't calm me down not at all for the next half hour I'd slowed down to about a crawl as I looked around for whatever could be near me all the while the woods were still quiet at this point I was so anxious I wanted to barf and I might have if I wasn't so paranoid that closing my eyes just for a second would alert whatever was making the woods so quiet attack so I just went on looking over my shoulder every few seconds and stopping to strain my ears to hear if there was anything walking around me for a long stretch of time there wasn't still no sound still no wildlife still nothing just my heart racing but as I went onto the trail into some thicker parts of the woods I began to notice how my footsteps seemed to echo ever so slightly it was hardly noticeable and had I not been so on alert I wouldn't have even registered it but once I heard it it was deafening when I stopped to check behind me though there was nothing at first I thought I had just gotten so worked up but I was hearing things that the quiet was messing with my head and my brain got bored so I tried to ignore it but after a while I just couldn't it was so unnerving that I started to play with it I'd quicken my pace ever so slightly stop go go nearly into a full sprint and every time and almost perfectly in time replicas would follow I hated every second of it it felt so unreal that I could feel my body begging me to just book it but I couldn't if it really was a cougar it'd get me so I tried one last effort to see if it was really in my head or not I took a few normal steps and then acted like I was about to put my foot down before I stopped just above the leaves crunch I had never gone so still in my life I couldn't breathe as the sound of an extra footsteps echoed in my brain and somehow I knew just knew deep down despite never being involved in this type of stuff that whatever was behind me was unnatural for the longest time I couldn't move and sure as hell didn't want to look behind me I'm 5/3 and wouldn't last a second after what must have only been a few seconds now that I think about it I started walking again faster this time the echo admittedly didn't return but I still had a suffocating sense of dread and terror pumping through my veins I only had a quarter mile left to go and I was sure ready to get out of that place I wasn't any less scared than I was but at least I had the solace of still being in one piece and getting one step closer to my wife I thought it was all over at this point and that it was just going to be a moment of me having a freakout moment and laugh about it tomorrow and after being a few minutes of footstep free and hearing my wife call my name a little ways up the trail their relief washed over me had me thinking just that I had been walking slow slower than usual so I wasn't even shocked that she had to come meet me on the trail from the exit it would only be about a 15-minute walk from her quick pace she was the type of person to meet you if you were freaked out even in the middle of nowhere what else was I supposed to suspect so I keep walking and hear her call me again I reply with some I'm coming I'm here I'm safe keep on following the trail there is nothing that threw me off not a single thing so I just kept going the only thing that I had even detected was off was that no matter how much further I got her voice didn't get any louder it was odd but I thought maybe she was trying to lead me to the exit or thought I went off the trail or something and when I heard her voice subtly switched from in front of me to my left those suspicions were answered at least they were for a split second I was blurry from all that fear I knew that and when I remembered who was calling for me I knew for a fact that that woman had learned her lesson on getting lost in the woods the last time had nearly been over a year ago and she was lost for a whole night she didn't go hiking for a few months after that and was so shaken up and had to go to therapy for weeks because of it she loved me but she wouldn't go into the woods for me not again but what else could it be so for a second I just listened as her voice subtly got closer still calling my name the more I listened the odder I noticed it was it was the same every single time she said it it sounded exactly the same same intonation same speed everything no other words but my name none and it kept getting closer hon is that you answer me yes or no I don't know why I asked that I honestly don't but I'm sure is how glad I did for about a second it had stopped back to the silence and I thought my heart was gonna implode from the anticipation it nearly did when I heard the most curdling scream I'd ever heard from a woman it just kept going and going there was only a stop like for a gasp of air but the sound never weakened or broke like anyone in pain would it was just an ongoing sound that would pause for a second and then just keep going and did my panic I booked it as fast as I possibly could because all of the things I knew and I didn't that thing wasn't my wife running at the speed I was in a hurry I didn't even notice I went off the trail since they weren't well cleared this time of year and I didn't know I was lost until I knew I shouldn't have been out in the woods but I couldn't stop I didn't want to turn around and run back because that thing was still screeching and it still wasn't getting any closer to me I could hardly see from the tears in my eyes as I just kept running bolting until my legs were nearly about to collapse and until my lungs felt like they were being pierced I hadn't even gone a full five it's before I had to stop with that screeching still behind me there was nothing I could do I was in the middle of a gigantic forest I had dropped my stake and something that wasn't a cougar a bear or a fox was following me that 10 mile loop was at least a mile or two away from where I ran and if that was my only bet it would be dark by the time I found it it didn't even matter since I was so out of breath all I could do was hide since the trails themselves were getting pretty messy when they weren't all forest I raced to find myself some rocks and ended up squeezing myself between them thinking back now this was the stupidest thing I could have chosen to do but in that moment it was the best I had i sat between those rocks holding my breath sweating up an anxious smelly storm as my bug eyes looked around to see what I could see from my hiding spot the screaming never did stop but the footsteps returned it was a very quiet very subtle crunch so predatory in nature but I think the worst part of it all the part that may never leave my mind is that this thing's footsteps moved right behind me to the back end of the rock and totally covered me that screaming never got any louder even when it was right behind me the scream stayed the exact same volume until out of nowhere it just stopped on a dime I heard the footsteps explore around for a long long time but eventually they too went far away and I couldn't hear them I didn't dare leave my hiding spot for what I determined was about an hour trembling and the light headed as it got darker when I finally pride myself out of the rock cheeks that saved me for that moment I walked as quickly as I could towards the 10 mile loop hoping to find it and some campers before dark I made it to the trail just after dark exploring for two hours and found a ranger cabin just a little ways from where I started on she had just been getting the missing-persons call from my wife when I knocked on her door pale as a ghost scared before she took me back which was thankfully a short drive on her four-wheeler I asked if I could use her toilet and threw up more violently than I had ever have in my whole she didn't ask me what happened just took me back and on the whole way from the cabin to the parking lot holding on to her a lot more tightly than someone with dignity should I had a distinct feeling of being watched my wife nearly sobbed when she saw me five hours later to the parking lot that I was meant to be the cops and the Ranger checked over me and determined that those shaken up I was fine my wife and I left and she pulled over into a nearby gas station to calm herself down as she looked me over utterly silent I thought you had gotten attacked by a cougar or something David all I could say was it wasn't a cougar the silence that she gave me then the look on her face as she just stared at me will never leave my mind before she said freakier stuff that I could manage to describe what I had just been through I know I just got home about an hour ago and I haven't spoken to my wife about it any further we've just been quiet I still have sticks in my hair but I'm terrified to be alone what did I just witness [Music] this story takes place around a few years ago when my dad left town for a business trip I've never told anyone this story but I guess I now have I used to live in a fairly wooded area with about a two storey house in a small town in the United States this house was kind of creepy though I don't know how to exactly describe it but it's always just settling after being there for maybe decades if you really shut up and have no source of sound you can hear a noise like a muffled crack with a drag that lingers a small amount too long for comfort but the story's not about that house it's about something even scarier about five metres behind the house it's nothing but forest for approximately three miles I'm one of those people who is just absolutely fascinated by the wilderness but never likes going out knowing that my dad was out for a business trip and he thought I was adult enough to stay out of trouble whilst he was gone I tried changing my ways and decided to go into those woods little did I know that would be the biggest mistake of my life it was approaching the late evening when I embarked on my journey I had a little caution in my step since I was deathly scared of mountain lions snakes coyotes and the like but as I went along some trails I felt better and got more of a pep in my step I even got confident enough to hike a bit away from the trail thing is I kind of ended up getting lost I started to panic I tried to find my way back to the trails being a coward and the sensitive teen child I was shaking and my sneakers was my first instinct mind you I was only 15 at the time I started to walk around growing increasingly anxious the walking turned to running the running turned to sprinting and eventually the sprinting turned to sitting and crying I was huddled up against a rock and he's to my chest sobbing silently this was it these are gonna be my last moments out here I don't have the guts to get an animal and I wouldn't know how to light a fire if it wasn't starvation I'd definitely be taken by a vicious predator with malicious intent it wouldn't be by natural causes or in the military or saving someone no I'd be gone because of my stupid decision to go off of the path I started to think about what it would be like would I be reincarnated would I be in an empty void for nothing for all eternity would I be with God in heaven until the end of time and even if I went to heaven would it be for the better I was raised in a Christian household and raised to know heaven as a paradise but there was something scratching at the back of my head maybe heaven wasn't a great place as it was chalked up to be stuck in my own thoughts I slowly slipped into a deep sleep scared and waiting for the inevitable maybe I would go in my sleep hopefully it would be painless except I woke up it was late at night but the worst part was the ear-splitting screech that seemed to be a few feet away from me the screech was just something incomparably terrifying it sounded like a shriek when you would hear from a woman that saw something scary in a horror movie but something was off it sounded like a wounded animal at the exact same time I don't know if whatever it was got the animal or if that was the noise that just made I didn't want to stick around to find out fighter flight was activated I joked it up and ran as fast as I could in whichever direction was opposite of the noise due to my panic state I ended up running so fast I didn't look where I was going and tripped over a log I face-planted into the dirt I didn't know what happened other than I could taste the dirt and leaves in my mouth I spat out what I could and when I looked up I was in shock I was always a skeptic but I always loved hearing about folklore and mythical beasts I looked at the creature its eyes were sunken into its head its body withered to the point of emaciation to where you could see the bones under its skin its body color was ash gray lips tattered its body emitting the scent that which I could only describe as the fresh scent of decay I just stared and based on this thing's appearance it was the face of a Wendigo my body froze as I looked into its eyes it had no eyes that's what made me panic staring into a horrifying creature that was just itching to tear me to shreds I thought of my family I never really liked them but I wanted to see them as I was thinking I noticed that the one to go was already leaping towards me and that's when I saw my short life flashed before my eyes my elementary years my family middle school years my family was still all I could think of I wasn't even supposed to be out there and by some miracle I was able to move I scramble onto my feet but I felt a sharp sting on my back I didn't care adrenaline pumped through me I ran faster than I thought humanly possible and by some miracle I guess it lost interest or something because after a while of running I came across a trail with a few people trying to investigate the screech I heard a while back before I started running they saw me and they watched as I collapsed a wound in my shoulder and my shirt ripped they asked if I was okay as one of them patched my shoulder up with the bandages in their first-aid kit I explained what happened their original plan was to call an ambulance but I told them not to it would be stupid my family would scold me no one would have believed me and I had a phobia of hospitals and thinking about the creature the Windigo made me think about death and knowing that there would be a lot of that in a hospital I wouldn't be able to bear going I'm not sure if they believe me but they helped me to my house I didn't feel safe there though I asked if they could escort me to my neighbor's which was maybe a few hundred meters away it took me a bit to realize that the sting I felt it may have been a claw a claw from a Wendigo I didn't care I made it out alive I made it to my neighbor's safe and I haven't had an incident yet I'm still waiting I feel like it will come back it felt weird how it just left me alone knowing that I didn't get too much sleep that night it scares me to even think about the incident and even now and then I can hear the same screech yet it's usually so quiet so quiet to the point I can barely hear it and it almost sounds like the cracks in my old house [Music] this story recollects what happened during the Navajo Nation fair season of 2015 my roommate and her boyfriend decided to head back to the reservation to take part in the festivities rodeo parade and carnival my roommate was the offspring of divorced parents and spent her teenage years half on the reservation in Window Rock Arizona with her mother and half with her father in Phoenix she was raised as a devout Catholic even attending Catholic school nothing paranormal had ever occurred in her life up until this point her boyfriend was an urban Navajo who was a Christian having been born and raised off the reservation in Phoenix Arizona I am declaring their religious ideologies and affiliations because neither of them believed in Navajo traditionalism or ghost stories late one evening after both of them got off work they decided to head out to make the most of their three-day weekend my roommate made prior accommodations with a good friend from high school when my roommate was a young adult her mother decided to move away from the res if her mother still lived in Window Rock she would have simply stayed there the accommodations were as follows her good friend opted to stay close to relatives and offered her a two-bedroom two-bath manufacturer at home at her disposal the trailer was located off the road between st. Michael's and the first four-way intersection when you are heading towards Window Rock from summit many have called it the back road to st. Michael's the old original township of st. Michael's that is as you can imagine they arrived to their Navajo fare B&B pretty late the trailer was off to the right of the main highway and was situated at the foot of a large rolling hill there was no streetlights first order of business my roommate calls her friend to let her know they arrived safely they walk up to the trailer and unlock the door and give themselves a tour of their accommodations they turned on all the lights in every room they toured my roommate had driven the entirety of the journey home so she was a bit more fatigued than her partner she asked him to get the luggage from the car it was a hatchback the car was parked about 40 feet away she explained to me that it had some weeks before and the dirt road leading up to the house was wrecked to avoid bottoming out she parked on level ground she walks into the guest room and her boyfriend has already laid out on the bed she pleads with him to go get the luggage and most importantly her makeup bag so she can remove her makeup before bed she compromises with them that she'll go out with him if he does the heavy lifting she doesn't want to put her heels back on so she decides to watch him from the porch yes heels she worked at a bank and always had to dress professionally in a pantsuit in heels so she is standing on the top stair of the small three stair porch with the front door slightly ajar her hand on the doorknob her boyfriend walks off into the pitch-black the light from his phone serves as the only beacon of light signaling his location as she watches his light grow dimmer and smaller in the distance she hears what seems to be a pack of dogs howling and barking she said it sounded like a rumble a pack of feral dogs or coyotes fighting the pack of dogs come barreling down the large hill behind the trailer she hears a loud thud against the back wall of the trailer the thud was so loud that she heard the rattling of Picher frames that were hanging at this point fear begins to creep in her mind she calls out to her boyfriend and hears no response she shouts for him once again that's when she realizes the dogs have all gone silent all at once in a fluid succession of motions she said that something from inside her trailer slams the front door so fast that it creates a gust of wind she said that if she had been holding on to the doorknob it would have knocked her off the landing off the front steps the porch light flickers and then goes dead she is standing there barefoot in the darkness she tries to open the door and retreat back into the trailer she was able to turn the doorknob until it clicked the door wasn't locked something heavy was pressed up against the flimsy manufactured hollow core door from inside at this point she said she didn't realize she was crying at the brink of an anxiety attack adrenaline took over her and she began throwing herself and all of her weight against the door she saw it inch open and the light from inside flooded the doorway for a split second before it slams shut in retaliation fighter flight she decides to run barefoot into the darkness to find her boyfriend his account he leaves his girlfriend at the top of the front door steps as he walks off into the dark with only his phone serving as a flashlight he's being very careful where he steps because the earth has turned up and twisted and gnarled deep ruts and grooves from a vehicle driving in the mud before it hardens into crust he is afraid he might twist his ankle he - here's the frenzied howls and barks of the dogs he turns around to look at where the sounds are coming from in the distance he sees the faint light of the porch go off he rationalizes to himself that the barking dogs frightened his girlfriend and in fear she ran inside and unintentionally turned off the porch light he continues walking in the direction of the car he hears a thought of a heavy footsteps behind him mimicking his own stride not exactly in tune with his following a split second after his own thud almost echoing intentionally figuring it might be his frightened girlfriend running out to him he calls out to her to no avail he sees a dim flicker in the distance the light from his phone bouncing off the reflectors of the taillights of the car his body floods with relief the relief quickly drains to despair his phone erratically stops working and won't turn on his heartbeat almost beats out of his chest how could this be he wasn't on his phone the entire Drive back it was fully charged he takes a few urgent paces towards where the car was before the lights turned off his palms are sweaty and he swears he could feel his heart pounding through his hands he desperately reaches into his pockets for his car keys he begins frantically pressing all of the buttons the lock/unlock panic and open hatchback buttons nothing he even stretches out his hands in the dark as pressing the buttons thinking that he is on the cusp of the electronic radius of the vehicle to respond still nothing the footsteps behind him hastened and almost sounded like he was going to be charged from the back he is too terrified to look back at this point he realizes the dread that he feels in the pit of his stomach means it's something unnatural his shoulders drop as he instinctively braces for some sort of impact the sound of heavy footsteps would in that he would have been hit by now nothing the footsteps loudly led directly up to him to his heels and nothing he opens his eyes and hears something like a coin dropping hit the top of his car he turns around to the patter of bare feet on the dirt road his girlfriend charges into him full embrace hugging him mind you his feet stay planted he doesn't take one step forward her back the car keys are still in his hands his thumb presses down a loud click the familiar sound of the hatchback opening and the lights from inside the car quickly floods their immediate surroundings they grabbed their luggage and a pair of flip-flops from the car and slowly make their way back to the trailer oddly the front porch light was on now my roommate makes her boyfriend go inside and check all of the rooms before she goes back in he opens the door with ease he checks each room meticulously there is no one inside all of the windows still locked from the inside I have never retold this account to anyone but thought I would finally share it before time and life erases the details from my memory once in the safety of their trailer her boyfriend pulled out his cell phone and turned it on to the exact same battery percentage they corroborate their experiences to recount what happened to each other both of them were dumbfounded at the fact that they were shouting at the top of their lungs for each other at one time or another but neither of them said they heard the others yelling growing up on the rez you hear your fair share of skinwalker and ghost stories but this was the first time I heard one where the perpetrator manipulated electronics to a great extent or even at all it was also the first case where the perpetrator manipulated sound waves both of them swore that they were easily an earshot of each other but weren't allowed to hear each other's cries there were no structures or trees between them obstructing the sound waves he had heard the pack of dogs but wasn't allowed to hear her screaming out for him what also spurred me is that this massive amount of questioning from some reddit users if they exist why haven't they been filmed or caught on camera skinwalkers are just as modern as you and me wicked as much as they may be they are not stupid to deal with smartphones and technological advances as much as anyone they walked the world as normal people during the day this is an experience my mom and dad had that happened in December of 2018 they were coming back from dining out and pulled over in the driveway in parked the area where they live is moderately wooded in a large plot of land about 20 acres they got out of their car and started walking up to the door when they heard a blood-curdling scream coming from only ten feet away from them not only was the scream terrifying but it was extremely loud my dad is a state trooper and served in the US Marine Corps so not much actually scares him he's the guy to watch a horror movie at 3:00 a.m. with all the lights off and the curtains open however that night he said he was genuinely terrified they snapped out of their trance and ran inside he came back out with his gun in his patrol car and started checking around the area he shined a spotlight down into the pasture and around the property but couldn't find anything the fact that he did this was alarming because he would never pull out a gun if he was joking I've only ever actually seen him pull out a gun two other times in my life only about a week after I came home from college for winter break I sat on the porch late one evening drinking coffee it was pretty cold and I was reading a book when I heard something eerie coming from the pasture to the east of my house it sounded like creaking but there was no wind blowing and I know the area clearly and there wasn't a hanging branch or anything for that matter that would justify the sound even though it creeped me out I refused to think anything of it and brushed it off as strange but explainable thoroughly chilled I stopped reading my book because of bad lighting and went inside after a while I found I forgot my book outside and went out to grab it this time I heard a low poor howl the only canine creatures that live in this place are coyotes and when you hear them it's a mixture of yips and short pitch he howls hearing it and having my fears proved that it was some otherworldly being I grabbed my book and ran inside about 20 minutes later my brother comes home from a friend's he walks in and doesn't say anything other than hey I tell him about what I experienced to my surprise he said he heard the exact same thing just a couple minutes earlier when he was walking inside the sound had moved from its previous location southwest of my position and was now to the northwest corner of the property he said the sound was long deep but poor or weak kind of like the one I heard my brother seemed more spooked with his encounter than I did with mine he said that the duration was so long and then just sounded very fake like a poor imitation after that there wasn't any more sightings the entire time I was home it's since been ruled out as a deer since we have a lot of them and they don't make strange noises like that but after reading through Reddit I feel like this may be a skinwalker issue or something of the sort we do live near a spot where Native Americans hold their rituals and there is a house in our neighborhood that was built on a Native American burial ground so it wouldn't be a surprise to me that this may be the case I have experienced other strange sounds and being whistled at in the dark but no sightings so far I ant told me this story we are related by marriage so she has a whole new set of skinwalker stories that I would like to share with you this story took place when she was a child my aunt's family lived in a community about 20 miles south of Gallup New Mexico the area is far different from where I live my house is surrounded by desert and you don't really see trees until you move into the Canyon bread Springs is a forested area and where our story takes place like many people on the reservation my aunt's family didn't have running water or electricity so in order to have water they would have to drive into town and haul water back in large containers the containers are huge and easily fit in the bed of the truck her family would place two containers on a long flatbed trailer to make the best of each trip her family went into Gallup filled up the containers and went into town to do other types of business back then seatbelt laws weren't so strict and so my aunt and her siblings sat in the bed of the trucks as they went around town it began to get dark and so the family started to go back home most roads weren't paved so they had to drive carefully because of the attached trailer the lights of the town faded away in the distance and soon the vehicle was surrounded in darkness they drove and the kids sat in the back and talked amongst themselves that was until my aunt noticed something a figure was crouched by the farthest water container on the flatbed the truck wasn't barreling down the road but it was going at a speed that it would be impossible for someone to run and jump on my aunt nudged her siblings and they all paused to look at the dark figure they sat silently and squinted their eyes to look it was too dark to really make anything out and so they ignored her and continued to talk my aunt kept her eye on the figure and pulled hard on the sleeve of her brother when the figure began to crawl over to one of the water containers the kids all stopped and watched in horror as the figure began to move carefully over at the second container my aunt said the figure looked like a person however the limbs were abnormally long these long limbs pulled its body closer to the kids at this point they began to scream and cry they banged on the window of the truck at this time the creature was reaching for the tailgate of the truck due to the huge commotion that was now going on in the bed of the truck the driver slammed on the brakes the creature hit the tailgate and fell down between the truck and the trailer the driver rolled down the window and asked what was going on the kid screamed at the driver to go they weren't sure they were safe until they saw the trailer move up and down as if it ran over something large when my aunt told me this story I sat and disbelief she told me that she was uncomfortable when this thing was crawling on the trailer but true fear rank through her body when she saw its eyes I asked her what she meant she said they were like teddy bear eyes I didn't quite understand what that meant until I pressed further she said the eyes were shiny when you shine the light in the eyes of an animal they reflect back the brake lights were shining and whatever they saw that night had eyes that glowed back [Music] I'm going to be honest I already wrote this out one time and deleted it because I'm honestly unnerved about posting it on one hand it's been 16 years since it all went down and the primary skinwalker in question is locally dead as she was very old when it occurred on the other hand I was also silenced a long time ago for talking too much so peers try to the area that we lived in initially was slightly out of town a neighborhood near a park that was a sacred site to the tribe because of its location it was a bit isolated and the homes were all company owned most of them had stood empty for who knows how long but the company Maya so worked for at the time had just started opening them up for their employees there were maybe 15 homes in this little pocket neighborhood with lots of space between them and only three of them had anyone living in them including ours on our street there was a single empty house across from us some basketball courts next door and up the street an empty house next door and an occupied home at the top of the road with its back to the park streets out on the rez are pretty dark even in neighborhoods for this one long road there was just two streetlights one at the bottom of the road and one at the top being in the middle it was quite dark and pretty awesome for stargazing our house was nestled at the bottom of a steep slope so the road in front of it was up on about a six foot ridge I'd been out there for less than a year when it all started I was a smoker and so in the evening I'd go outside and sit on my bench smoke a cigarette and bounce between looking at the stars and checking around my feet for scorpions the first thing that I ever noticed was hearing a kind of mad chaotic flute song it sounded like somebody had handed a recorder to a toddler and that's how I rationalized it some poor parents in this practically empty neighborhood had given their kid a recorder and were being tortured with it I kind of laughed at their imagined misery and didn't think much of it the next night around 9:30 again the same thing happened heard the flute laughed at the poor parents and didn't think much else of it and the same night after that on the fourth night though I was up later than usual much later and went outside to have a cigarette I heard a strange sound come from where the basketball courts were next door but I couldn't figure out if it came from a small pocket of trees between me and the court or the court itself it sounded very human so I decided to call it a night and go to bed the following night I went outside for a cigarette and was sitting there when I saw something small and distinct moving through the trees but on the road i sat there smoking and watching it trying to figure out what it was I wasn't too worried because my Esso was awake and in the front room with this door open so if anything was gonna make sounds at me he would be there in a second whatever it was didn't look human it was far too small and low to the ground so I just watched it curious to see what it was its fur was very light-colored and when they cleared the trees it started to casually continue up the road in front of my house I figured it had to be a cat because of its size and color of its fur there was no way it could be anything else and on top of it its fur was so clean to me it looked like somebody's cat had gotten out of their house I was still pretty new to the res and didn't realize that most Navajos don't have cats in the house I got worried about that as I watched it walk up the road because the house of the family on the top of the road had some big dogs so I got up put my cigarette out and decided an intervention was an order I made my way up the driveway and slowly tried to catch up with the cat because I didn't want to scare it off and send it running straight into the dogs there didn't seem to be much of a rush though as the cat had taken to meandering on the road ahead of me so I started calling it softly trying to coax it over to me so I could rescue the poor thing I got within 10 feet of it however I realized that there was some serious problems with this cat it had no tail and its body was lumpy and odd it looked like it was floating above the ground instead of walking and its legs swung back and forth rhythmically instead of stepping the head didn't even appear to have ears I felt absolute terror as I had no idea what I was looking at because this thing was so not right I ran back down the road down my driveway and had my hand on the screen door to go inside when I stopped myself and turned back to look at it one more time the skinwalker had stopped where we had just been and was just sitting there with the ridge and the chain-link fence between us dummy and the screen door right there to run inside I figured it was safe to keep watching it and tried to figure out what it was I let the screen door go and turn to watch after a few seconds the skinwalker started to walk its way up the road again towards the house at the top just before it got to where the light from the streetlight shone down though it stopped at the dim light and started to roll around furiously in the clay alongside the road all I could see was fur and dust but then it stopped and rose up this time appearing much larger than the cat before with its fur all dusty from the dirt it moved into the light and that's when I saw it was an elderly woman under a skin that covered up the top of her head and ran down her back she slowly walked on all fours until she positioned directly under the streetlight and then crouched down to stare at me I don't know how long we stared at each other but at that point my Essos potted me outside the door totally frozen and came out to investigate I didn't say a word and he looked over to where I was staring unheard some scared obscenities grabbed me and dragged me into my house bolting the door behind us he was Navajo and he was pretty upset that I was going at a skinwalker instead of running inside and locking the door behind me like a sensible person he was even more livid when he found out that I had actually thought it was a cat and tried to capture it nice moves on my part I didn't sleep for the rest of the night and had to deal with my friends and even my own mother who knew I've never done drugs or drinking implying that I somehow either got high or drunk to experience this thanks mom the rules totally changed after that night I wasn't allowed to go outside at night anymore without my s oh and never after he went to bed on our next visit shortly after this we were eating dinner in the kitchen when my cat very uncharacteristically jumped at me climbed on top of my shoulder and started hissing and growling at something behind me the only thing behind me was the laundry room with a small window when my s oh and eldest saw pasty globby white face of a skinwalker peering through it watching us eat dinner all we could really do is just shut the door to the laundry room and not go outside that night at all out on the rez where we were at the garbage cans were kept in these elevated cages to keep animals especially wild dogs from knocking them over the next morning we came to find out our garbage cans had completely lifted out of the cages and our garbage was all over the road when we put them back we spotted dusty Mountain Lion tracks on top of one of the lids to me this was really interesting because it wasn't like a random collection of paws like you'd imagine they were neatly lined up they were definitely not legitimate animal tracks but more like something stomped on top of it with a mountain lion paw it was at this point my Esso decided that we needed to contact a medicine man what we didn't know at the time was that during all of this my oldest had woken up in the middle of the night and thought he heard me up so he turned on his light to come see me it took him at least 15 years to tell me about this but apparently when he came out of his room he realized our door was shut and the lights were all off in the house he looked down the hall and saw two yellow glowing eyes he did what any six-year-old would do in that situation he went back to his room shut the door and hid under his covers anyways my a so called his uncle whose father was a medicine man and told him that we were getting visited by skinwalkers our medicine man was a crystal gazer and singer and that was really interesting we didn't tell him anything about what we had seen at all but somehow he knew everything he knew that I had seen a very usual colored fur and told us that the skinwalker that I had seen was actually a head of the local skinwalkers she was very old and the only one that had the right to wear that fur her purpose out there that night was to teach two young skinwalkers the art of skin walking and there was a fourth skinwalker there to guard the children who was a mountain lion unfortunately for us because I reacted the way I did this elderly skinwalker decided that I must have some sort of power that she had not seen before and so there was nothing that we could do because she was now interested in me she wanted to find out what my power was and if I posed any threat to her and if I didn't then she wouldn't kill me lucky for me I didn't have a power other than equal measures of abject stupidity and curiosity unlucky for us because of this she never figured out what my power was and maybe she was resentful of the fact that I didn't get completely duped or rush inside the house after that it didn't matter what house we lived in on the reservation the flute would start up and skinwalkers would show up after [Music] note this story happened to a very close friend of mine I found it so interesting and I wanted to share it it's written in his perspective this incident occurred sometime in the fall of 2006 I grew up in a secluded part of Ohio my house had fairly dense woods located directly behind it as a child I had a passion for exploring I especially loved exploring those woods it was my favorite place to be prior to the incident I had wandered through those woods many times always with my mother's permission there was one tree in particular that I frequently enjoyed to climb usually about to the halfway mark so I could perch myself on one of the heavier branches and just relax as I listened to the peaceful sounds of nature climbing that tree for the first time was quite an accomplishment from that position I could partially see the back of my house on that day after a fair amount of exploring I carefully scaled my favorite tree i seated myself on a sturdy branch and took in the view naturally being in late October the Sun inevitably began to set within a few minutes I always felt a little saddened to see the darkness approaching the woods were more like my sanctuary I could entertain myself out there for hours when the darkness began to fall however my mother would stand at the edge of the woods and call my name until I obediently returned home so not to be stranded out there after dark after watching the Sun until I could no longer see it I begin my descent down the tree I was nearly at the bottom when I heard my mother's familiar voice calling my name I thought nothing of it at first as this routine had occurred plenty of times before then I realized something strange as my mother's feet touched the ground my mother's voice was coming from behind me deeper in the woods rather than towards the entrance where she always stood when she was calling me home my mom had never entered those woods before I was eager to find her and show her all of my favorite spots before it grew too dark that's when I realized something was off how could she have gone into the woods ahead of me certainly I could have missed her but as I said she never entered those woods she continued calling my name but there was something strange about it she sounded absolutely frantic almost angry fearing that I was in trouble for reasons currently unknown I froze in place as her voice drew closer I squinted my eyes to see if I could locate her and determine exactly how angry or upset she appeared to be however I didn't see anyone or anything unusual suddenly I heard her voice calling my name from the direction of my house sounding much calmer seconds later from somewhere within the woods yet again it wasn't an echo I wasn't imagining things I was literally hearing her beckoning me from the edge of our backyard as well as ahead of me my leg suddenly turned to jelly I couldn't quite comprehend what was going on come here right now the voice that I originally believed to be her screamed just ahead I realized that whoever or whatever was mimicking my mother was drawing closer I didn't question which voice was actually my mother's as there was something about the way it sounded that unnerved me terrified of what I would see if I stood there much longer I turned around and ran towards the exit of the woods as quickly as my lakes could possibly carry me it was amazing that I didn't trip over anything in my hustle even though my house wasn't very far away from where I'd been standing those woods have never seemed larger to me than they did in that moment from behind me my mother's voice continued to call my name now sounding desperate panic set in as my actual mother finally came into view waiting patiently as she usually did until I returned home in my frightened state I absolutely refused to look back as soon as I was out of the woods and in the backyard next to my mother the other voice was suddenly gone rather than fading away it seemed to stop the very moment I stepped foot into my backyard I must have looked as frightened as I felt because my mother asked me what was wrong slowly but surely my panic subsided I didn't say anything until we were safely inside of the house with our doors locked I asked my mother if she had entered the woods appearing confused by my question she told me that of course she hadn't with that confirmation I hesitantly asked her if she had heard anyone else calling my name and yelling the answer to that question was also no although I was still very much shaken up I managed to explain everything that happened as clearly and rationally as possible my mother was surprisingly nonchalant about the whole situation explaining that I must have imagined it that I was spending too much time out there by myself the incident in those woods have stayed with me to this day I can still hear that voice as clear as bell whoever or whatever was calling my name sounded exactly like my mother but I know it wasn't her not only was she waiting for me outside but the voice also sounded strange in a way that I still can't fully explain I didn't go back into the woods until I was 17 years old and even then I never hung around for long I've carefully gone over every possible explanation but none of them seem entirely plausible it certainly wasn't my mother playing a prank there was no way that she could have pulled it off not to mention the fact that she'd never been one to play pranks I also highly doubt it was anyone else because as I stated before we lived in a secluded area the closest neighbor was at least a mile away and I wasn't personally acquainted with any of them how could they have known my name and where to find me we've since moved out of that house but my mother and I occasionally discussed the incident she still claims she had never heard or saw anything unusual out there I know it probably shouldn't but what happened in those woods continues to bother me I spent many hours out there prior to that day and never had anything out of the ordinary occur the best explanation I have at this point is a doppelganger or possibly a skinwalker but I'm unsure if anyone has any possible explanation as to what might have happened I'd love to hear it thank you for listening you
Views: 52,413
Rating: 4.7475872 out of 5
Keywords: Scary, Stories, Creepy, horror, narration, TRUE, scary, stories, nightmare, fuel, 20 Scary Skinwalker Stories | Cryptid Collection, Skinwalkers, Wendigos Compilation, true scary stories, scary stories, skinwalker stories
Id: QaUn0eOAmPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 34sec (8434 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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