True Scary Stories | Walmart Stalker, Middle of Nowhere

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you this happened to me a few years back when I was in my early 20s I'm a 4 foot 10 140 pound female at the time I worked in a department store at the makeup counter this job relies heavily on good customer service and building relationships because you want people to come back and spend money on your products we are given personalized business cards so that we can build up our own client base very important for a commissioned department it's not uncommon to be familiar with the people who frequently shop in the store as workers our training is focused on being friendly and accommodating one day while I was working I had to move to a makeup counter that wasn't my own to cover someone's lunch break it was a really slow day so I was just leaning on the counter people watching I could tell that most shoppers were just browsing so I kept to myself one of the people that I noticed was a very tall broad man he walked very slowly almost hunched over his face was fixed very aggressively like he was angry but focused he circled around the counter a few times but I could feel his gaze on me instead of the products after a few rotations around the department I decided to greet him in case he needed help it wasn't until he directly came over to me that I realized how big he actually was again I'm a four foot ten hundred and forty pound female so I feel pretty small regardless but even with his slouched posture he was over six feet tall and well over twice my weight I'll never forget his teeth they were completely black in the front your eyes couldn't help but go right to them despite his menacing appearance he was soft-spoken truthfully I could tell he wasn't all there by the way he talked he told me no when I asked if he needed help but requested my number so direct we had never spoken before I declined and said I was in a relationship and that it would be inappropriate he then asked if he could have a business card for the counter in case he wanted to get products since I wasn't on my normal counter and I really wanted him to go away I handed him my coworker his business card and told him to call if he had any questions it worked and he walked away after that filling me with relief only a couple minutes later the phone counter rings I answer with my Pepe customer service voice and say thank you for calling how can I help you and immediately I know what was the same guy when he starts talking he asked me again for my personal number and I explained once again I cannot do that but he just wants to talk he explains since he wasn't getting the hint I say I should have told you that I'm married you can't have my number politely he apologizes and hangs up I thought that would be the end of him but for the next few weeks or so I spent much of my time at work anxious that he would show up I would see him every week and he would lurk around the counter looking for me anytime I would see him I had immediately dropped what I was doing to run and hide or run to the closest customer and offer any bit of assistance to make it look like I was busy so he wouldn't talk to me I successfully dodged him every time and it came to the point where I stopped seeing him I was thrilled I had almost completely forgotten about him until one day I decided to go to Walmart by myself to pick up a few things on my day off I generally like to shop alone I can take all the time I need and I like to leisurely look around I grabbed a basket and made my way over to the cosmetic hair and wellness section since that's where most of the things I needed were I only managed to grab a few things before I locked eyes with them as I walked by the supplement aisle I recently changed my hair and wasn't wearing my work uniform so I didn't think he'd recognise who I was I was ready to just go about my shopping and ignore him until I noticed that he had dropped all of his items he had in his hand and started heading my way I panicked and picked up my pace immediately I thought to myself he's not going to really follow me through the store right but as I turned around to look I could see his humungous body just plowing through people with that same terrifying look on his face only meaner his black teeth growing closer with a snarl since the direction I was walking was opposite of the exit and there was no way I was going to turn around I decided that my best course of action would be to follow the perimeter the store and cut down the center section which would bring me close up to the registers I speed walk the entire time in hopes of losing him amongst the people but never once turning around again by the time I made it to the register area I could actually feel him behind me still not wanting to turn around to look I glanced in the reflection of the soda machines that are in between the register aisles to see how close he was to my horror there was only about one and a half to two feet between us I was afraid to just drop my stuff and run to the door in case he followed me to my car I parked in the far back of the parking lot and I didn't want to risk it I also didn't want to get in line at the registers since the lines were long and I would just be standing there out in the open alone instead I walked into a cluster of people crowded around the self checkout line I noticed another large but older gentleman with his cart in the middle and ran straight for him the people were so closely clustered together that the man following me couldn't make it through I ran over to the man in line and grabbed on his cart I said I'm so sorry I'm not cutting you but there's a man that's been following me through half of the store and I needed to stand with you he was so sweet and let me be with him while we waited in line and even let me go ahead of him so I could leave quicker as I was cashing out I could see in my peripheral vision my stalker was staring at me and pacing about but he couldn't come near me since the self-checkout was somewhat sectioned off by the time I finished and grabbed my receipt I couldn't see him I looked around but he was nowhere I thought about asking the older man to walk me to my car but he wasn't finished at his register so I decided to call my boyfriend and make a run for it staying on the phone I explained to him what was going on as I sprinted to my car in tears frantically looking around in case he tried to follow me outside I made it to my car safely and rushed right home breaking down to my parents about what just happened I could feel it in my bones that this man wanted to do something to me and thankfully I didn't find out what that was his aggressive aura was palpable to this day I can still remember the adrenaline nervousness the sheer terror I felt when he followed me I had never felt so vulnerable and help even with all of those people around I quit my job roughly two years later I had only seen him one other time there since the incident but I live in constant fear that we will cross paths again I'm afraid to shop alone something that I wouldn't give a second thought to years before so to my stalker with black teeth let's not meet again I [Music] used to lead an outdoors club and one of the trips I would always take people on was the Smoky Mountains in mid-october the Smokies are beautiful and we would do a four night backpacking loop using the backcountry three wild shelters along the Appalachian Trail the weather was perfect fall colors cool nights and the classic fog that gives the Smokies their name it was the last night on the trail and we were staying on top of Mount LeConte one of the tallest mountains in the Smokies I had reserved all of the spots in the shelter about 12 and there were no other campsites on top of the mountain so I knew we would be alone here's some background bear with me the top of Mount LeConte has a western lookout point an eastern lookout point and a half mile trail called the boulevard that connects the overlooks and runs the ridgeline of the mountain the trail is covered by scraggly evergreens that cling to the top of the mountain and there were a thousand foot drops along the trail edge the shelter is about midpoint on the trail all of my friends and I decided we would sleep under the stars next to the shelter because the Milky Way was incredible then at 5 a.m. we were all going to walk with our sleeping bags to the eastern lookout point to see the Sun Rise but we stayed up late and my friend tonight decided that he and I would just go to the eastern lookout point at 3 a.m. and chat until the Sun began to rise it was a chilly night about 27 degrees Fahrenheit and the fog had rolled in it pushed through the dense evergreens and limited our visibility to the bright white cones from our headlamps my friend and I grabbed our bear spray in sleeping bags and started walking eastward on the boulevard once we started moving I realized how bad the visibility was the trail sneaked through the foggy trees and you could never see what was around the next bend there were reports of bears in the area so I kept my bear spray out and made as much noise as I could the fog rolled through the trees like a haunted house as I turned the bend I nearly ran into a man he's standing alone in the middle of the trail facing me not moving no flashlights at 3:00 a.m. in the wilderness just standing in the darkness I also realized that he's wearing a t-shirt and has only a small book bag keep in mind it's about freezing with my bear spray leveled I stammered hello no response I asked him where he's coming from and where he's going I don't know his facial expression looks lifeless I asked him where he's planning on sleeping tonight given that he has no gear I don't know with you oh no I could put it together pretty quick this guy was definitely on a lot of drugs he eventually admitted that he had walked from a town about 30 miles away but he kept on saying that he wanted to stay with us at the shelter then he would speak some nonsense suddenly he said I'm being followed by a dog I figured he's just seeing things and asked what it looked like it's big and black and it has an orange collar I realize that it's probably one of the tagged bears in the park this sketchy guy is being stalked by a bear and leading it towards my friends who are sleeping in the shelter I tell him I know of a spot he can stay a luxurious cabin compound about 15 minutes down the mountain where they can call the NPS I tell him to walk in front of me and I start directing him on where to turn I figured that if he tried something erratic I could blind him with my light and follow up with bear spray I eventually get down to this cabin and wake the employees to let them know he needs help they tell me I can leave so I head back to my friends and tell them what's going on before I go to sleep I jog back down to the Rangers to make sure everything is fine we don't know where he went he stepped out the door and now we can't find him creepy man in the fog let's not meet again [Music] so just over ten years ago I was fresh out of college and moved back with my parents house for free rent and food for nine months or so before I was leaving out of the state for graduate school now my parents are super chill and gave me my own space in the house but being a 22 year old single guy living at a house in the sticks is certainly not ideal but I didn't have any other options so I started looking for some work more so to pass the time than to save up money anyway so summer turned into winter and I still hadn't found anything solid by then I desperately needed to spend more time out of my parents house so I took a part-time gig doing some light bookkeeping for a small business owner guy that my dad knew I didn't really want to do it since it didn't pay much was short term and wasn't even a real office setup but again since my parents lived in the middle of nowhere Midwest I knew I had limited local opportunities to make some cash and this guy was going to pay me under the table as well about the same time a friend of mine in the city said that if I just paid him $200 a month and helped clean up he'd basically let me crash in his living room until I was ready to move out of state that was all I needed to hear I took the job so my dad's friends family had a construction type business they helped out with building stuff a little but ultimately was more focused on renting out a few bobcats and large augers they owned also other various drills and then odds and ends like generators or other low-level construction or farming equipment that someone in that area couldn't afford to purchase but needed to use from time to time this was a small mom-and-pop thing where everyone knows everyone and the office only opened up on the days that someone was coming by and was just generally a mutual beneficial situation for the business owners and the locals since I had minored in a business adjacent area and my dad recommended me they trusted me to go there for about 15 to 20 hours a week and check and file the rental forms make sure nobody missed a payment date if there was a payment plan in place answer an email or to discussing prices and availability etcetera super easy gig the old building where I worked was about 90 years and at the top of this little hill and the downstairs used to be an old country bar until the 1970s when this family bought it cheap cleared out the bar and fenced in the property to use its parking lot area to store their rental equipment and gear I could generally come and go as I pleased work any hours I wanted as long as the work got done so if things were slow and there weren't any rentals for a couple days I'd usually go in after 7:00 p.m. and stay until around midnight or 1:00 a.m. since I'd knew I'd be alone and could listen to loud music and take my time and all that the office where I worked was on the second floor of a building above the old bar and looked out into a long driveway from my seat I could easily see out the window and once or twice a family of deer or raccoons Stamper bye and I always glanced out the window when I saw movement since it was very noticeable it was incredibly remote very still and quiet so if something unusual occurred or if something felt off I definitely noticed it one night during the winter it snowed a few inches and my dad told me to stay in just in case the roads were bad but I had an old SUV and more than that just really wanted to get out of the house so I went to work about 8:00 p.m. and was going to stay until just after 1:00 a.m. I always left the gate open at the bottom of the hill since believe me that when I say nobody ever showed up at night since we were literally in the middle of nowhere I think the nearest occupied house was about two miles down the road and to even turn on to our short Road you had to be coming to our specific building and probably know it was there beforehand it was a locals-only type thing and very small since the family inherited a lot of money and kind of did a rental thing on the side basically someone would never just get lost and end up at our building so I'm jamming to some music and having some coffee and kept glancing at the snow outside here and there since one of our street lights reflected on to the ground at the gate and was causing the light to shine off of the snow in a really cool way at one point around midnight I went downstairs to the big bathroom to do my bathroom business and then came back upstairs to get settled back into my work I probably did about five minutes of work when I glanced outside and saw a huge imprint of something fresh in the snow below the light it seemed like it must have been a huge dog or substantial animal had just rolled around on the ground on its back or something since I didn't notice it just 15 minutes before it had to have happened while I was in the bathroom or maybe when I had my back turned since I would have seen that type of movement for sure I shook it off and assumed a dog or maybe even a farm animal had gotten loose and maybe was attracted to the light or something who knows around 2:00 in the morning I was leaving and to be honest I had pretty much forgotten all about the imprint in the snow but when I looked down I was shocked to see that it wasn't just some disturbed snow it was undeniably an imprint of a human-made snow angel if you don't know what a snow angel is it's when kids land their backs in the snow and push their arms and legs back and forth so when they get up it looks like an outline of an angel I used to do this when I was a kid so I a hundred percent knew for sure that that's what it was and it was deliberately made underneath the light post but it wasn't from a kid it was from a very large person or at least a normal-sized adult wearing tons of layers of big winter clothing I looked up and saw what I had already knew that whoever made this snow angel could easily look up and seen me through the window so he must have waited for me to head downstairs to make this snow angel now I definitely would have seen or heard someone drive up to our building even if I was in the bathroom so I knew someone would have had to walk into the deep freezing snow and cold for a few miles stop in front of our building and then do the snow angel in the small amount of time I wasn't sitting at the front of my desk window I glanced around for tracks in the snow and saw that there was one set that led to the nearby woods to the right of the building so it was clear that the person didn't use the road but instead came from the opposite side which made me instantly uneasy since that side was just trees and darkness for miles and miles I was definitely a little freaked out now once I realized that someone had just been this close to me secretly in the middle of the woods and I looked around but I didn't see anything amiss at all and now just wanted to get out of there when I got back to my car and drove a few feet I realized that my boss would be there in like four hours and might see the snow angel and assumed I did it since he probably assumed that I kept the gate locked when I was there it wouldn't have been that big of deal at all but I was young and felt like I might be made fun of by him if nothing else so I opened the gate back up real quick ran over and kicked the snow around a bit to hide the angel locked it up again and went back to my car also I should note that this is what really happened at this moment but I almost lied here and said something else since it seems fake since I assumed the average person wouldn't get back out of their SUV and not just flee in their car because they'd been embarrassed about the snow angel but at that time I was insecure and cared a lot about what others thought so unfortunately this is what I did also I wasn't exactly fully terrified at this point even though it was certainly unsettling I just thought it was really weird and could have been an illegal hunter even though hunting at night in the cold didn't make much sense either way the imprints were made two hours earlier and I assumed they were long gone but that's when I heard it when I was getting into my SUV there was the loudest high-pitched laughing coming from the woods it almost sounded like a fake laugh like the witch in Wizard of Oz or something like someone was doing it fake on purpose to show they weren't scared of me or how I'd react at all once I knew they were laughing at me on our property it was close enough that I knew they probably could see me but I couldn't see them at all since other than the streetlight I was under there was no illumination after a few seconds of laughing they stopped and then it was just silence everywhere except for my heart beating through my ears then the laughing started again though louder this time more like screaming and laughing combined I sort of froze for like five seconds listening in panic now I spent a lot of time in that area and I know what coyotes and foxes sound like at night with their high-pitched screeches so I can't completely logĂ­stica Lee rule that out but to me it honestly felt like an adult man trying to emulate a woman laughing like someone was deliberately trying to make a fake scary shriek laughs in order to scare someone well it worked after that five seconds I was immediately filled with adrenaline got in my car and drove away from there as as I could without sliding off the road back home I was up all night trying to figure it out and told my parents the story when they woke up after talking about it we all decided it was one of two things it was either my brain somehow convinced itself that the snow formation was angel shaped when it was really just caused by some animal and then the snow tracks and laughing was just a coyote or a red fox though I don't think that's what it was what I truly believed the second thing which is some local was out walking around for some reason and decided to mess with me I didn't have any close friends left in that area that would do this and if they did they would certainly have brought it up to make fun of me for speeding away in terror I found out later that the nearest house was a super old couple so I doubt it was one of them which means whoever it was went out into the woods in the night in the freezing cold just to mess with a stranger I don't have any mental issues or any family history of them I didn't do drugs I drank socially at the time but certainly didn't that night I also don't believe in the paranormal so I never once gave that a thought in my heart I know someone was out there I worked there another six weeks or so and never had a single issue though I knew where my boss kept his gun and I always made sure it was there when I started my shift and I certainly always locked the gate from then on thinking about this experience that night the part that freaked me out the most was that he had to have waited around for me to leave for around two hours just to do that laughs he didn't know me I could have been crazy and the type of person to get mad and try to find and attack him yet he didn't seem scared or to care while he tried to mess with me for some random dude this is probably a story he tells from his point of view to make all of his friends giggle hysterically but for me that dude the one I call angel in the snow guy the one who's laughs I'll never forget let's not meet you [Music] you
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Rating: 4.8877192 out of 5
Keywords: Scary, Stories, Creepy, horror, narration, TRUE, scary, stories, nightmare, fuel, True Scary Stories | Walmart Stalker, Middle of Nowhere, walmart horror stories, true scary stories, horror stories, middle of nowhere stories, just creepy
Id: wUBla05Wd4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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