5 Terrifying Home Alone Stories

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did you ever have to come back home from school or sports and have time at home alone for a while or maybe you didn't need to go to school or work one day and stayed home by yourself all day being home alone is so chill but don't let your guard down because being alone means you're vulnerable and that's when the dark things of this world can make you disappear these are five allegedly true scary stories about being home alone if you have a story of your own shared with us at dark stories org now let's begin tagging from anonymous some years ago I lived in st. John's Newfoundland Canada it's right on the ocean and it's quite beautiful there are a lot of bars and places to explore there and the people are very friendly st. John's has lots of stories and a long history there are ghost stories about people who came back as ghosts after shipwrecks there are spooky stories of vampires too you name it one story everyone tells you about is something called hacking apparently visitors to Newfoundland often experience what is known as hacking which involves someone falling asleep and waking up with the apparition of someone usually a demented old woman on your chest and the victim cannot move a phenomenon common with sleep paralysis victims of course when I heard about it that's all I thought it was just sleep paralysis I mean what else could it be after all sleep paralysis involves not being able to move and often comes with hallucinations it fit perfectly that's not it at all my friends would tell me it's really something different at this same would usually roll my eyes and ignore them but my assumption was dead wrong one night I was going through my usual ritual I fed the cat tidied up the house and made sure the doors were locked I always did that last without fail because there was an old woman in our neighborhood who would sometimes walk around at night yelling she was harmless but she was obviously quite ill and the last thing I wanted was for her to get inside especially as I lived alone so I was always very careful about keeping both sets of doors locked I had two sets of doors in fact you entered through one set of doors into a mudroom and then you needed another key to get in through the second set of doors the second scent had a deadbolt which I always slid into place so I locked up and read my book and I began to fall asleep but in the middle of the night something woke me up I know I was awake as awake as I am now typing this the moonlight from the window shone through and in between the window and my bed I could make out a tall man with a wide brimmed hat he was just standing there and he was mostly in shadow I could see his details such as the white cuffs of the shirt and his long hands I lay there staring at him I could even see him breathing in and out then between one blink of my eyes and the next he disappeared just like that he was there one second then gone the next I shot up from my bed and ran downstairs only to find both sets of my doors were now unlocked even though I had just locked them the deadbolt though oddly enough was still in place none of it made sense and I stared at the doors for a long time almost hyperventilating if someone broke in and got back out they wouldn't be able to close the deadbolt inside the house and just get out I grabbed a baseball bat and turned on all the lights doing a check of the house room by room I even checked the closets there was no person in the house except for me of course but I almost screamed when I walked into the bathroom my bathroom cabinet now had the mirror which always faced me facing toward the shelves to do that someone would have to unscrew the mirror and the hinges and rearrange the mirror towards the shelves I went into my living room and started to sweat the mirror above my mantelpiece the heavy mirror that had been there when I moved in was now turned around to so that the glass faced the wall the top of the mirror was near the ceiling there's no way someone could heave that heavy mirror into place without a ladder let alone without making a sound that I would notice again nothing made sense but I kept trying to make sense of it somehow I checked all the windows but they were closed and they were the kind of windows he roll outward they can't be open from the outside unless you break the glass to access the handle and none of the glass was broken I didn't call the cops about this what would I have said literally nothing else in my house other than the mirrors were disturbed nothing was taken neither instead I called a local handyman to come and fix my mirrors he didn't ask questions though he noted that the mirror was way too heavy for one person to lift so we had to call in another helper to bring a ladder and to help him turn the mirror back around I paid him extra and I thanked him for helping me so promptly nothing else strange happened to me in that house but I never called hacking sleep paralysis again what I experienced can't be explained away by someone pranking me or a sleep disorder or anything else that I can even make sense of I moved away from st. John's a year after that I've not had any other disturbances while sleeping but I never did figure out what that thing in my bedroom was short home alone horror from anonymous I was 14 years old I was in softball I had just got a new bat and a bat bag to start using back then I used to leave the window unlocked in case one of my friends or my boyfriend wanted to leave me a note I never locked it and I never really had a reason to worry about unlocking it until that day it was 7 p.m. my parents and my sister were out getting something at the store and were to be gone for hours I was sitting downstairs watching TV when I decided to pack my new bad bag when I was almost finished I realized I had left my new bat upstairs and I wanted to pack it so I would not forget it tomorrow I ran upstairs to my room and grabbed my bat and as I turned to leave I heard something I turned and I froze my heart stopped when I saw a man a man I did not recognize crawling through my unlocked window I watched him as he made it into the middle of my room he reached out for me I remembered the softball bat in my hand I closed my eyes and swung as hard as I could I heard a deafening crack and then I heard him tumbled to the ground when I opened my eyes he appeared to be unconscious I bolted out of my room and down the stairs twisting my ankle along the way I dialed 911 as I could telling the operator what happened me being stupid i hobbled upstairs to check if the man was out cold and to grab my ankle brace but when I arrived my room was empty and the window was wide open when the police arrived I gave them a brief description of the man I never got any updates as to whether or not they found them I got in trouble for unlocking my window and now I leave it locked and it's going to stay that way from now on I'm 16 now and I still remember it like it was yesterday if you take anything away from this remember lock your windows and it doesn't hurt to have a baseball bat in your room scary things when I'm alone from anonymous I'm a 29 year old guy who lives alone I live in a three-story three-bedroom house it's my childhood home that I inherited through some upsetting circumstances it's just me in my pit bull bear and a house that is far from necessary for what we need I choose to live alone because I'm a solitary individual plus with the life insurance and inheritance I receive I can live alone comfortably with that being said I'm a chef by profession I work long hours and come home late at night my brother has a key to the house but only to let bear out and to make sure he has food and water if I'm working too late for him out of town you might be thinking why not have my brother move in well way back in the day when my parents divorced he went with my mom and I stayed with my dad anyway my story begins with one of those long nights I spoke of I informed my brother that I'd be working late and to take care of bear he obliged and all was right I ended up getting home around 1:00 since the kitchen closes at 12:30 and we had a lot of cleanup to do I got home and bear was there to greet me as usual happy that I was home I cooked a quick dinner and headed upstairs to go to bed now when I close down the restaurant and I know I have to work the next day I always hang my chef's coat on top of the banister leading up the stairs this way when I get up and get ready to leave if I can easily grab it and get going so as bear followed me up the stairs I placed my coat on the banister a normal night in I began drinking because I felt like it but all the beer was in the fridge in the kitchen the kitchen being on the second floor in my room on the third I went ahead and grabbed four beers so that I didn't have to go back I went back to my room and let bear in he soon fell asleep on my floor as I drank and watched random YouTube videos of unsolved mysteries and things like that once the four beers were gone I kept taking trips back to the fridge even though I had planned against it I would just step over bear and leave the room to get more beer as I began to become mildly intoxicated my coat hanging off the banister would startle me when I walked out mind you all the lights in the house are off I would head up the stairs and see something and be scared for a second then snap back to reality this was commonplace but alcohol makes you forget reality I would take the second of being scared and then laugh at my own stupidity it's your coat dummy you know this why are you so jumpy I would tell myself well around the end of my seventh beer I noticed I needed a new one so I stepped over bear and headed downstairs I got my beer and began to ascend back to my room I'd have made a mental note not to be scared of seeing my coat again at the top of the stairs only this time my coat was not there I froze fear and confusion crippled me but I thought because I left my door open bear got up to look for me and accidentally knocked it down then maybe he realized that would be coming back and went to sleep I climbed the stairs and my coat wasn't there I entered my room and bear was sound asleep but no coat I had turned on the hallway light and it wasn't in the hall at this point I was on edge I did one more sweep of the hall and didn't see it terrified I closed my door and locked it blaming my thought process on the alcohol hours after that I managed to fall asleep the following day I had work again that's why I put my coat on the banister in the first place so before I left I needed to find the thing I searched I and I searched low but nothing then I realized the only place I hadn't looked was my dad's bedroom I kept the door closed after his passing I didn't want to go in there that's the only place it could be though I reminded myself so I opened the door for the first time since his passing and on his bed neatly folded mind you was my coat ready for me to take my blood ran cold and chills flooded over my spine I couldn't believe it did my dad do this did something else do this my house has a security alarm so I would have known if anyone broke in so it was just me and bear that was only the most recent occurrence the other one that made me feel this way happened years before while my dad was still alive I used to work as an overnight manager at McDonald's my shift was 10:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. so I would sleep during the day and wake up around 8:00 p.m. to get ready my dad would work nights and was not home until I was getting ready to leave one summer day I was sleeping because I had work I was awakened by bear barking his head off I'll preface this by saying bear is a rescue dog he was used in pit bull fighting so with that my dog hates other dogs and will only bark when he sees one through the giant front room windows when his barking woke me up I figured it was just that I shouted at him to shut up which normally does the trick but this time he didn't stop so I had to get up and go to find him once she leave my room you're in the hall and are immediately facing the staircase that looks directly in the front room he wasn't at the windows he was still barking however as I stood at the top of the stairs I had to find him and see what was wrong all while shouting at him to stop once you go down the first flight of stairs you take a left and you're in the kitchen that's where I found him he was sitting at the top of the stairs that take you to the basement ears standing straight up along with all the fur on his body I was annoyed he woke me up so I shouted what are you barking at you stupid dog that's when I peered into the basement against the fireplace was a shadowed figure which is the only way I can describe it it was probably seven feet tall but definitely the shadow of a man I froze then when my census came back I shouted at the man you better get the hell out of my house I ran to the kitchen drawers and grabbed the biggest knife I could find when I looked back in the basement I caught the shadow moving into the laundry room there's a back door in that room so I ran down the stairs ready to defend myself from someone but no one was there the back door in fact was still dead bolted and the handle was locked I was alone in my house as I had been this whole time apparently the dog and I both saw what was in my house that night he alerted me to its presence like a good dog for the first incident mentioned I continued to live alone here but I know it's not just the dog and died in this house my shadow demon from Jiji bjq all of these events spread out across a year but some of them are ongoing I'm a 21 year old girl in college this started when I was 20 at the beginning of 2018 to be exact it was about 2:00 a.m. and I had just gone downstairs to get a midnight snack I sat down at the kitchen island after making myself a plate of nachos and turned on some youtube as I ain't like I always do after about 20 minutes of this I was in the process of choosing my next video when I got the sudden urge to look towards the living room as I did a large dark black figure seemingly floated past the hallway towards the front door area it's head almost skimmed the feeling making it over seven feet tall it resembled the grim reaper wearing a hooded cloak that went the length of its body down to the floor but it wasn't carrying any type of scythe or weapon not that I could see most people would have been freaked out would have been scared at least but to be honest the only thing that went through my head was whoa that happened then I went back to eating and watching my video I've seen enough horror films to come to this conclusion the second do you want to snitch about something that's when you get trapped in your house or mysteriously killed so I wasn't going to say anything out loud or bring it up to anyone or even show any signs that I acknowledged it fast-forward a couple of weeks later there's no more activity for now at around six o'clock one evening though I was home alone both parents were on work related trips I was lying on my stomach in my bed playing some game on my phone there was no music for the game as I had my phone on silent that's when I heard it as clear as day coming just from the other side of my closed bedroom door a very demonic male voice I froze for a moment I could clearly tell that not only did the voice come from the other side of the door but whatever called out my name was bent down and spoke right through the gap in the bottom the same thought went through my head again she just ignore it and it won't do anything to you I went back to playing my game quickly forgetting that it even happened until something a little bit more creepy started happening it had been a month or two since the previous incident and I had completely forgotten about the thing I started calling Shadow Demon I woke up on a lazy Saturday morning I was too lazy to actually open my eyes all the way and get up so I stayed in bed curled up in my blankets listening to my music still playing on my phone from the night before my eyes were closed and I hadn't moved from my original waking position lying completely still I suddenly felt the corner of my bed being pushed in like someone had placed their hand there and began testing the firmness and bounciness of the bed I immediately thought he is back so I laid totally still not wanting to let it know that I was awake and after a couple of minutes my bed sunk down like someone had sat down on it now I was actually kind of freaked out this thing was watching me supposedly sleep what kind of creep does that I thought honestly trying to make myself feel better and more calm about the situation after about 10 minutes the wait finally lifted this actually happened every morning for the next week or two what really creeped me out though was that on the mornings where I didn't think it happened I realized it probably did and I had just slept through it when it all died down again nothing happened for another couple of months I knew he came back especially when he started sitting on the bed again only this time he seemed like he was trying to wake me up by bouncing on the bed more violently I stayed completely still again just waiting for it to stop and go away so I could go out and get some food the creepiness of it all had waned a bit fast forward now in 2019 around Layton me he'd stopped again for a few months then he came back suddenly with a bang I was laying in bed minding my own business and watching Netflix in the computer when something slapped the end of my bed extremely hard it scared the heck out of me and I almost smacked my phone off the bed and fright I figured it was that shadow demon so I ignored it and pretended it didn't even happen I'm probably being stupid at this point but I don't care a week goes by and I'm disturbed again this time something bumped itself against the bottom of my bed as if there was something alive underneath it honestly I tried not to chuckle at the thought of a huge demon accidentally smacking its head against a bed frame not much more has happened since then except for my cat taking an odd liking to one corner of my room the corner where at one point I swear to God I saw something inhuman standing there watching me but that's the end of it for now when things do happen it's random some of its creepy and some of it I'm used to but I am deep down I've been afraid that something especially terrifying might happen a ghost story from Erin 1999 this happened a few days ago as of submitting this I live with my landlord who works every day away from home so I'm frequently home alone which is something I'm not too fond of I frequently hear small noises and things moving around here er there by themselves but what happened the other day really freaked me out and I've been on edge ever since I had just arrived home from work at 7:30 a.m. as I worked the graveyard shift at a nursing home due to a bad fear of the dark I laid down on my bed getting ready to enjoy my next two days off I started playing some GTA 5 on my xbox when I got the urge to go to the bathroom so I get up to do my business but I leave the door open as I was home alone and didn't feel like closing it as I finish up I hear a couple of noises like something stirring around just outside now it's important to add these key details about the structure of the house I live in a house built in the late 1800s but on the inside it's relatively modern there's a door that separates the downstairs to the hallway leading to the staircase to go stairs and that door always stays shut walking down the short hall to get to the staircase there's the front door and to the immediate right is the door to the living room that stays shut also with a staircase right next to it anyway I didn't think too much of the noises as by now I'm used to them but I did notice my cat who was sitting on the table by the toilet she perked up her ears telling me that she heard it till cautiously I proceeded back to my room and as soon as I walked into my bedroom I heared the door separating the downstairs dining room from the upstairs slams shut now I knew that it was closed as I had shut it when I came upstairs when I got home I was half expecting my landlord or dad who had been working in the garage to come upstairs but when no one came up my cat let out this low growl and bolted away I realized that I was indeed alone in the house as I had not locked the door behind me when I came home and all the other doors are locked 24/7 anyway when I managed to get the courage to see what the heck was going on I proceeded downstairs I turned to go to the door opened it up and went through into the dining room then through the kitchen to the back door I needed to see if everything was still locked down and it wise so that rolled out any intruders actually getting in I've been called my landlord had asked if she had come home early and she said no I locked myself in my bedroom filling on edge ever since that whole night I felt watched there was a feeling of terror so bad that I only opened my bedroom door whenever my cat needed to use the litter box this story may not be the creepiest but go ahead and tell me how you think a locked door opened then slammed shut and locked itself all on its own because I don't have a single explanation myself here are some rules of survival don't be the last in line don't eat the weird red stuff on the floor and for the last time don't get caught at home alone good night if you enjoyed this episode of darkness prevails be sure to like share comment and subscribe if you want to support the show check the links below there are links where you can share your story where you can donate to my patreon or where you can check out my merch store now as usual here are my five favorite early comments from the previous full video about 5 horrifying monsters seen at night Rainn says the title is me seeing myself in the mirror at night then the ultimate navigator 1 says you must look pretty darn awesome then look at my commenters being so dang wholesome heck's arcana says the first story when you play red light green light with a cryptid but losing is deadly I knew there was a reason I like that story Johnny Truong says I'm a dude but I still want you to whisper sweet scary nothings into my ear huh maybe that's why my wife fell in love with me anyone else would just be creeped out don't gym angeas says um you've never heard of Johannesburg that's definitely not how you say it I mispronounced it as yo.hannes burg in the video and to answer your question no Jim I've never heard it said in my lifetime is that so hard to believe some folks act like I slapped their grandma when I mispronounce something but I do my best and I talk and read a lot so some things are gonna get mispronounced probably like your last name but I'm not doing it on purpose and Willy diesel says easy on the spam what spam unless you mean the delicious mystery meat treat that I love to fry for lunchtime if that's the case no I'll never go easy on the spam well that brings us to the end of this darkness prevails episode but don't you worry because more scary stories are on the way until next time here are the credits to my amazing patrons who continue to donate and support the show thank you remember stay safe out there and stay creepy because this world is a strange one
Channel: Darkness Prevails
Views: 44,553
Rating: 4.914856 out of 5
Keywords: home alone, home alone stories, scary home alone stories, home alone horror stories, home invasion, home invasion stories, break in, break in stories, scary stories, creepy stories, horror stories, ghost stories, real ghost stories, true stories, haunted house, haunted house stories, darkness prevails, scary stories from reddit, reddit horror stories, reddit stories, lets not meet, lets not meet stories, scary lets not meet, home alone bandits, home alone burglar, creepy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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