Making Money Full Time RVing (HOW THEY DO IT)

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welcome back to our second video in the series of tips from 12 full-time RVs that's right we hope you're getting a lot of information from this series we had a great time getting together with everyone asking them the questions and what I really love the most about it is everyone had a different answers yeah that's the fun part about it you you can ask a hundred people and you're gonna come out with a hundred different answers yeah that was pretty cool yeah so even though we're all full timing we all may do things a little bit differently or have a little bit of a different idea on how to full time because there are many different ways to full time yeah absolutely and the way we're doing it may not suit other's needs as well so this is kind of cool yeah it is interesting alright so the question today is what do you do for income [Music] I'm a nun Thomas and we're on net loss of our beam we are currently are being in a 2014 Itasca Viva 23 rear bath yep we started out in a 30-foot travel trailer in June of 2017 in the movement small time June of 2018 we've recently got this vive about three weeks ago we're loving it so far so what do we do for income we get this a lot because we're in our 30s or early 30s at that and the answer is we were both in law enforcement prior and basically after an 18-month long career I was injured in the line of duty yes they ultimately medically retired me for that injury and my pension is 1450 a month so we get that and that covers the basic bills you know rrb insurance food gas those sort of things that's not enough to cover any extras like no so we'll go into a museum or something like that yeah we have no budget we have no money in our budget for staying places so we try to your driveway server for work camp or boondocks welcome whatever it may be to live for free and as far as a income basically what we do now is we have our own YouTube channel and that's how we make our income it took a long time to get there and we definitely don't make a lot of money but it's enough to get us by and we are more that it's crazy how how things work out it's been awesome so far yeah so our YouTube channel so far we have almost 12,000 subscribers and it's taken us 18 months to build up to that commercials alone we're only making about four or five hundred bucks on commercials so that's gonna give you guys an idea if you do want to start a channel it's not something that happens overnight it does take a lot of it took us six months to make our first $100 yeah it took three months to make $18 so and when you realize how many hours and how many videos you put out in that time frame this is way less than minimum wage it could appoint work at McDonald's and made more money but yeah the payoff the people we've met we've really to networking the potential and the people is what has made it worth it for income we're both retired military and disabled veterans so we get a pension from the Department of Defense and we also get some disability pay from the VA we also get money from our website doing affiliate income our books how else also from our partnerships with other people with those businesses like I'm in blogging Camp Sean has a podcast and for the first three years that we were on the road I actually worked full-time remotely a regular nine-to-five job it was after we had saved up enough money and our blog had started making enough money for me to quit that job but Sean instead of fully quitting just reduced his hours so he still consults what maybe 20 hours a week maybe 10 now I haven't told her yet but maybe 10 hours a weekend I actually have had two careers I did a 26 years with the Marine Corps so I retired from the Marine Corps I have a military retirement were blessed with that and I also worked for 11 years flying as pilot both teaching role and a line pilot wall and we were able to save up some money to help add this lifestyle so and we're reaching social security so we'll be using that as well so it's a combination of streams of income and that's probably a good advice for anybody is don't rely on just one stream of income get as many different streams you can so you could be comfortable in this lifestyle firing can we've done our retirement and now we're security so for income on the road I have a full-time job like we mentioned I have telecommuters for the last eight years at my job so it was a pretty easy transition for me the biggest hurdle was full-time internet we got a video on that but it is it that was the biggest hurdle was making sure we have connectivity because connectivity is key so I work I'm a programmer I work for a large company that allows me to telecommute Tara now does all of our editing yeah I used to be in sales and then I got sick and all of that went away I lost all my ability to really be able to handle any kind of full-time job at all I found that I really enjoy editing the video so that's been great that's been great for my brain and for my just my general well-being to actually feel productive and I and I like it but I can do that at my on my own schedule at my own pace what we do for income is I'm self-employed not just I'm continuing the same employment I'm a structural draftsman a structural detailer which is basically I build 3d models of steel buildings and repair shop drawings or people to be able to build from it's kind of boring but that's what I did I've been doing it for 30 years and I'm still able to do it as long as I have internet connection a decent internet connection yep and he makes the money yeah I quit my job to go on the road so right now he's the only one working but um I'm gonna explore other options something that I'm passionate about it's something that really interests me and I'm just gonna wait talk on that all right so what we do for income really or I should say what I do is nothing what Bill does she's a mooch off me that's what she does no really in all seriousness we right now have my military retirement that we are currently living off of what we're full timing because because I'm in between jobs right now in between contract jobs right so and with the government shutdown right now there's no telling when that would get picked back up yeah so Phil also is a remote Navy contractor right so he actually was doing that whenever we went full-time and that job is what made us realize that we could actually go full-time so of course two months after we went full-time that contract ended and we are anxiously awaiting the next but we knew that was coming so we were prepared for it but it still gave us the green light to go ahead and fulfill our dream of hitting the road full-time right unfortunately my job did not convey very well but I do have many options with my degree of course but to be honest I haven't really made any effort she's kind of loving doing this full-time gig without any major responsibilities which is kind of cool well it's really it's totally different than what I've done my whole life which is you know work anywhere from 40 60 hours a week nose to the grindstone I'm sure many of you guys are doing this right now so you understand where I'm coming from it's been really nice not to have that hour commute to work and another hour home from work we have some padding so we're not really worried about that so the next star will come yeah we just have to tailor our lifestyle just a little bit um so that we didn't go you know hog-wild and spending and eating out and doing those things but we've managed to keep a tight rein let me back up she's managed to keep a tight rein on the budget and keep us focused so that's helpful yep so what we are launching to do for income it's really kind of along three lines right we're buying two franchises we'll have a mapping business we'll have a travel agency business and we're going to do all that social media YouTube and Facebook and vlogging and try to get that as monetized as possible so we're going to diversify our income and revenue streams and probably not make a ton of money from either one of them but hopefully the combined impact will allow us to defray the cost of traveling around and have some really great adventures agreed hi I'm a project manager slash software developer slash market trader and you working from the road yeah she was gonna take a month off and we were just gonna go travel offer savings and then she'd find something but we were both blessed in the fact that both of our employers wound up keeping us so we're you know we're lucky you know it it kind of hinders the the travel part of it you know we have to we have to really plan around it and travel only on weekends which is when we would normally want to go out and explore but but we you know we still get to make a paycheck and and have benefits and yeah I mean a Dania suggestion I have the people out there that are looking at this lifestyle and do have some debt or if they need to be able to work and have a steady income is that you have to think outside the box not just at your your title or what you do because there are so many jobs out there and so many other positions that you could do with your skill set when I went in gave my notice I had to really sell it to my boss who thought this was a vacation or we were just kind of retire and lollygag around I don't know but I had to sell it to her to say this is a lifestyle we are still gonna be working our forty hours were dedicated and before you know it they came back to me three days and offer me the remote job the biggest advice I could give is it like you said about selling yourself is to look at it as almost like a job interview that you need to go in and sell yourself you need to go in and sell the idea and think ahead how you could make remote work if it were to be with your your current employer there may be something different that you can do with them that would work remotely and working remarried even though we are traveling because we have to work full-time both of us our traveling revolves around that and it's a beautiful thing because then we travel how we need to travel with our lifestyle and what's working so we don't move as frequent so right now we're living up savings we for several years before hitting the road we saved money we lived in California it did not buy the expensive California home and we're starting a business we are treating it as a start-up you're giving yourselves a one-year runway to figure out what's gonna be is gonna blog YouTube maybe ebooks maybe products or something like that yeah kind of giving ourselves time to figure out what works for us and what other people find useful for me i think i used to work in product management and so i really want to use this first year or so on the road to really understand the community and the people and some of the products that we're working with and it's great when we turn up to events and rallies and things when the manufacturers are there and i think they're really starting now to listen to consumers and so for me i think i want to to really understand that as well and see if there's opportunities there for us to help out I work for a company and I do accounting so I'm hoping that I don't necessarily want to do that on the road because I've been doing that for years but I'm hoping to find something that I can do on the road once I go full time for income I have a pretty good military pension Lisa does some contractor work yeah and I'm a blogger and that content creator for a couple different RV related companies and we also monetize on our own vlog for income we have our own budget lines established I'm retired now so I am too and we've we've got steady income coming in from our time resources and our finances that we've saved in investments that's it plus we also did extra on it we wanted to make sure that we were totally padded and make sure we were gonna be okay and so we've got extra Roth IRAs and traditional IRAs and stuff like that so I'm thinking we're gonna be okay so I hope you've gotten a little bit of insight on what some people do to support themselves on the road you know there's more out there than just being retired so if you're not at retirement age there are many many different jobs and many types of jobs that you can do even if it's something that you're not currently doing right now yeah absolutely and that's what makes this full-time adventure pretty neat I mean we've talked to people and as you've seen in the video that are doing all kinds of things this is just a I mean a small snippet of what you can do all in the room to support yourself you know everything from work camping to temp jobs to remote jobs there are so many remote jobs out there that you're not aware of that you can that you can find and do it's crazy what's out there yeah and then the real nice thing is you don't have to be connected 24/7 for some of those jobs or some of those jobs where you have to punch in and you're on the clock and you I mean you could really just find a decent job that requires connectivity yep in steady-state working that way yep and and more and more companies are going to remote workers because it's cheaper for them and really if you look at all the data remote workers are way more productive than workers in an office right I know when I first started my remote work job I was literally putting in more hours than I thought I would just because I had the time less distractions and I felt more obligated to prove that I could do this that it was that it would work for the company and for myself yeah justice it can be done we're seeing it firsthand out here on the road from many people in many different jobs many different companies so I hope this answers a question a little bit I am hoping to put together another videos with very specifics on how to's as far as working remotely and getting jobs remotely that is in the works but until then be sure and hit that subscribe button give us a thumbs up and hit the notification bill and know there are more videos in this series coming this is just the beginning so make sure you subscribe to you and get the whole series and if you missed our first video go back and watch it because this whole series is pretty interesting you want to get all the answers yep and until then we will see you on the road welcome back to the second video in our series of full-time hey snap shifting all over dude I'm rocky there it's like I'm holding a baby what are you doing yeah so wait actually Paul because it's gonna be a difference one that we posit that we are okay now did I I'm enormous remember pushing record oh yeah you shouldn't mean I was my best stuff feeling good welcome back to our second video got some voice and she's happening yeah you
Channel: You, Me & the RV
Views: 203,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Full Time rv, fulltime rvers, full time rv living, steps to full time rving, how to full time rv, rv redo, making money on the road, making money full timing, jobs while rving, income rving, make money while full time rving, make money and rv, make money and travel, make money rving, how to make money full time rving, full time rv income, rv living full time income
Id: AMJvvbunXrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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