20 of the best indies to put on your radar in 2021

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Awesome video. Love seeing proper indie coverage. We see tons of complaints about stalled series or money milking yearly releases, and indies often are improving more and more each year and provide such a wide and colourful coverage of many genres and approaches to those genres.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 75 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/crim-sama πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not bad. Death Trash, Anno, and Unmetal look pretty dope. Gonna check those out.

Not mentioned in this video but Eldest Souls is the indie I'm looking forward to the most this year.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 43 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ThaNorth πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sable demo did not inspire confidence, but maybe there's a great game hiding under those awful, choppy animations.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/brainstrain91 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone know what all games he showed off at the end of the video were? They didn't look like they were from the rest of the video outside Anno.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/whatdoinamemyself πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

They Always Run is the game that most appeals to me from this collection, despite being an honorable mention. Check out the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjk2JYlYjuI Looks so dang stylish!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chunes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm surprised Industria made it onto his list. I was fairly lukewarm on the demo.

The gameplay, however simple, was good, but I felt that the story bits they presented following the prologue were disjointed and not all that great a hook. Still interested, hoping it has a solid release.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YourAvocadoToast πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I also do quite a bit of game discovery myself, but I've not touched Steam's game festivals since they usually come on a bad time for me (especially the last one).

Anno: Mutationem was already on my wishlist for a long time now, but after the last E3 trailer my interest has died down quite a bit. Hopefully it was just a bad trailer.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This channel is a must for everyone who likes or is interested in indie games. https://www.youtube.com/c/GetIndieGaming/videos

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EmiliaEMT πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel like I am always missing out on good indie games unless I happen to come across a video like this at random. What's the best resource to keep up to date on these releases? Does anyone know any good blogs or something

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ohyook πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
this video is brought to you by squarespace stick around to the end of the video for a special offer they're making available through my channel increasingly i'm interested in game discovery what does that mean well you know how dungeons and dragons dark alliance had a trailer during the game awards and then another trailer voiced by jermaine from flight of the conchords and the hype campaign was so successful that it was the eighth most pre-ordered game after e3 2021 well that's marketing and it's a luxury that certain games can rely on regardless of quality because they're put out by big publishers who pay their ceos millions and millions of dollars a year the indie scene does not have that luxury for indie development getting your game notice is all about elbow grease and hustle and networking and luck these people barely have enough money to pay themselves let alone throw away on hit or miss marketing campaigns getting your game surfaced on a storefront is often a nightmare only this week an indie developer spilled the beans on just how unhelpful sony's approach to surface ability is charging 25 000 to have your game featured in the playstation store and giving developers absolutely no control over their discounting policy steam has long long been criticized for its abysmal surfacing with a storefront dominated by aaa games and marketing dollars indie games are very often buried under the monthly avalanche of shovelware releases to their credit though steam have admitted that this is a problem and they've put in the work to make it better there's been algorithm improvements and changes to the discovery queue but perhaps their most meaningful advancements are the games festivals they've begun holding profiling indie developers and encouraging them to upload demos of their games so that people can experience for themselves just how impressive some of these upcoming releases are last week steam held its steam next festival and i played around 35 maybe upwards of 40 demos i was guided by the most popular and trending tabs that steam had set up specifically for the festival but more than that i was guided by the various reddit and twitter threads i'd read which served up recommendations for all the best stuff so much of what i played was just so so impressive so many inventive ideas such interesting storytelling such incredible visual design to top it all off all of these games were selling for like 20 or below were completely micro transaction free and there wasn't a single live service in sight you'd love to see it even with all this going on you'd be forgiven for not knowing that the steam next fest took place since it flies a little under the radar as most people's gaze stays firmly affixed to the aaa horizon so today i'm going to do what i can to help out i want to share with you the 20 best demos i played during the steam next fest so that you can hopefully find something you might love that you didn't even know you were looking for in the spirit of that can i make two requests number one if you see something you like go down to the description of this video i've provided links to every single title click on that link and then wish listed wishlisting is like subscribing to a youtube channel it's really helpful and really valuable to developers especially those looking for funding to finish their games since they can negotiate harder with publishers when they can show that there's already strong interest in their title secondly share this video around twitter forums reddit even facebook ew the more this video gets seen the more chance developers have for their games to get the recognition they deserve does sharing a video around help me out yes of course it does but i do just find my videos get clicks and whether it's 100k views or 300k it doesn't really make a difference what can make a difference though is if 300 000 people see song of iron for the first time and the solo developer working on that sells another two or three thousand units because how could you not want to play this after seeing it game discovery ladies and gentlemen that is the goal for today and with all that preamble out of the way let's get this show on the road [Music] ano mutationum from developer thinkstar didn't appear at the recent steam next festival it was actually a demo i played at the previous steam festival at the start of the year still the memory of it stayed with me because anno's art style seared itself into my brain it's a mix of 2d pixel art and 3d modelling with more than little cyberpunks thrown into the mix and all of it looks absolutely stunning when it comes to gameplay it's a 2d side scrolling beat em beat-em-up with some tight but unremarkable combat hopefully it broadens and deepens as we get further into the game but even if it doesn't it's clear that anno is leaning more into its story and it's world building than anything else this is looking just fantastic and i can't wait to play the whole thing it's out towards the end of this year chernobyl liquidator simulator is the rare kind of demo you can play and be like wow there is a lot wrong with this but if you fix these like 20 things then you could have a fantastic game here the premise is brilliant you're a firefighter and like mario and isle delfino you strap a magic water canister onto your back and make your way into the recently exploded chernobyl nuclear power plant ostensibly the goal is to get the blaze under control but soon it becomes clear that part of your journey is figuring out what went wrong without the aid of those handy colored cards there is a bunch wrong with this game the water physics the terrible the tutorial won't stop spamming the traversal is awful the fact that there are these like conveniently placed fire hydrants roughly every 20 meters so you can refill your tank is really goofy there's a lot wrong but despite all of this the game really drew me in and made me interested to see where they take this project it manages to nail a sense of atmosphere in a way that isn't easy and you get a sense that developers live motion have a really clear vision for what this could be there's just a lot of work to get it to that place i hope they get there chris taos leaves quite an impression from developers dream uncorporated and syck it's a turn-based rpg in a classic fairy tale setting separate from its striking visuals and it's excellent voice acting the central gimmick of the game is the ability to see and move through time your screen is divided in three with the past on the left the present and the center and the future on the right and as you move through the world you can see what was what is and what will be and you can shape both the past and future with your decisions choosing to help one villager over another for example this also affects puzzles where you might have to go back in time to plant a fruit seed that you can then harvest in the present ocarina of time it also works in combat in a really interesting way here the enemy uses this big iron shield but i go back in time cast a water spell and then i return to the present at which point the shield is then rusted making it much easier to break i thought that was really clever i was really impressed with this overall package i think this has a lot going for it it's out on the 20th of this month inarguably the darling of the steam next festival was this bad boy death trash it's an isometric rpg that seems heavily inspired by the original fallout games only way weirder you awaken inside a facility to learn that you've been exiled from somewhere and can't go home a few corridors later you meet this handsome fellow a giant meat kraken who is just really lonely and needs some friends your journey takes you to a huge overworld map dotted with locations where you'll meet all manner of weird characters just trying to make their way in the world all of them wondering why meat keeps growing all around them yes that's meat oh and you can use your vomit as a source of fuel death trash's appeal doesn't live in its impressive art style or its weird world or surprisingly fleshed out rpg systems or it's simple but effective combat its appeal is just this vibe it's cool it's creepy it's offbeat it's laconic it's confident you get the feeling that death trash doesn't care if you like it or not and that sort of swagger is sexy death trash is entering early access on august 6th gloomwood is what you'd get if you take thief and then make a thief sequel that's really about it but that's awesome developed by dylan rodgers and david cemanski the team behind dusk glimwood is an immersive scene that asks you to manipulate light sound and objects to progress through its dark victorian world it's horror but not in the jump scare sense it comes from the oppressive setting the imposing foes with their tower hats and their menacing eyes the quiet terror that comes over you as you wait for an enemy to patrol past hoping they won't notice you already its physics engine is feeling so robust allowing for meaningful expression in the way you pick up and manipulate objects toss them to distract your foes turn lamps on or off to hide in plain sight so much of the demo experience was just holding your nerve as enemies stood right before you with you just having to trust that the game systems won't break and spoil your immersion they never did and i really love my time with this i can't wait until it releases soon tm greek memories of azure was one of the last demos i played and i was kind of burned out by this point since i'd played through 30 plus demos and i kind of felt like i was done i had to force myself to boot this one up i was really glad i did though because it was just great it's a 2d action side scroller with an art style very reminiscent of hollow knight only a hell of a lot brighter and more cheery it's central mechanic is that you're actually controlling two characters at once sort of holding down the right trigger will link them together so you'll control both at the same time but a big part of the game is letting the two characters go their separate ways so they can open doors for each other or solve puzzles together each character has their own movement and combat style each of the enemies i faced off against felt wonderfully designed each space i explored looked fantastic the presentation factor here is a plus and if the gameplay can hold up over the course of the game i think this is going to be one that a lot of people are going to enjoy it's from navigante entertainment and it releases on the 18th of august industria is a game i discovered on twitter and i immediately liked the look of it the developer bleak mill aren't being remotely coy about their inspirations specifically stating their drawing from the likes of half-life 2 and bioshock booting up the game and playing the demo i was like yeah this is definitely half-life 2 inspired you're a scientist something goes wrong with an experiment at a secret facility all hell breaks loose and you get thrown into the middle of it the opening segment of the facility sets up some strong art direction that feels like something out of control's oldest house but the second half of the demo hard cuts to a city setting and it's here that some might find this a little too close to the source material no pun intended industrial's world is unmistakably city 17 with its early 20th century townhouses and portico draped in cold robotic steel girdings and fortifications its gun play feels equally reminiscent of half-life striking a balance between one shot realism and arcade spray and prey [Music] yes this is very half-life 2 but i actually really enjoyed this and it's not like valve are serving up half-life 3 anytime soon if a game wants to pick up where half-life left off albeit and an indie budget and they're making a good fun game worth playing then i'm all for that industrial slated for release in quarter three of this year sable is easily one of the most beautiful games i've ever seen i think we used to call this stuff cell shaded back in the day but that's probably not the right terminology for it these days all i know is i don't think i've ever seen a game that looks quite like this before it's stark black lining creating this contrast to separate and accentuate the brilliant colors that beam from every pixel on your screen what's even more remarkable is that these visuals evolve with the time of day sinking into pastel peach and apricot as the sun swings low and arriving at melancholic blues and lilac when it disappears beneath the horizon it's absolutely stunning gameplay-wise i don't quite know yet to be honest so far its controls are a little slippery particularly when traversing and its gameplay loop is very fetch quest driven but that might be just fine if the game is able to consistently dazzle you with its locations and its soundtrack which by the way is already sounding so special there is a genre of game that is just about being somewhere beautiful and soaking it in games like journey or abzu or griss it's not about the gameplay it's about everything else sable looks like it's marching to the beat of that drum and i'm absolutely down for that sable is releasing september 23rd this year shady night is another game that wasn't part of the most recent steam festival i played it earlier this year as well and damn this is some seriously good right here [Music] there is certainly an emerging sub-genre of these gauntlet-style bullet-time driven action games games like mirror's edge and ghost runner and super hot etc there are actually heaps of these on steam but most of them are pretty trash because they can't nail the fundamentals of locomotion traversal level design weapon feedback and hit registration shady night gets all of those things right and it does it so effortlessly the second you take control of your character you're like yes this is how this should feel awesome let's kill all the things and from there your expression as a player is limited only by your skill and imagination it's a simple demo don't get me wrong but it showcases such a strong understanding of the fundamentals of this type of game that i'm really looking forward to the final release whenever that ends up being song of iron is another game i discovered on twitter long ago where the solo dev behind this posted a short clip and i was like wait what the this looks incredible [Music] song of iron appears to be little more than what it says on the tin it's a viking themed 2d side scroller that's about it but if you're looking at the same gameplay i am then you're already more than a little interested the game achieves such a magnificent looking aesthetic going to its textures its lighting the way the cloth moves the shifts in perspectives it utilizes and more in particular song of iron does marvelous things with foreground and background with enemies running into the foreground to foreshadow their arrival and distant troop lines creating the impression of a chaotic battlefield that you're charging through character animations are also top notch with a fluidity to them that's almost homeric as though you're a sort of warrior poet of old endlessly weaving a tapestry of destruction that will serve as the first draft of the histories written about you i'm not expecting deep sophisticated combat here and my time with the demo solidified that expectation combat is fine but the overall experience is a hell of a lot more than fine and that's what matters song of iron is targeting a release date in the next few months tara nill was one of the other darlings of the steam next festival and for very good reason it's really good developed by free lives and published by devolver digital terra neal is what they're calling a reverse city builder in the sense that the game isn't building civilization but rather restoring nature the demo provided you a barren to bularasa that had to be nurtured back to health by detoxifying the land rehydrating it reshaping its waterways and more later you're asked to do controlled burns to initiate the cyclical rejuvenation that mother nature usually takes care of and as you progress through the various stages of revivification you're asked to achieve and maintain a balance of forests pollinated fields and wetlands this is the perfect sort of game if you just want to sit back and relax slowly solving the puzzle that is each new fragile landscape this is certainly going to be niche but if you're into this sort of thing i expect you'll love it no release date for this one yet the fermi paradox is a game that almost didn't make this list but the more time i spent with it the more intrigued i became by it it's a text-based management game where various life forms across the galaxy appear and you can chart the course of their evolution you can squash a newly formed species before it even has the chance to crawl out of the primordial soup or you could fast-track their advancement granting them vast technological and population boons that will see them rapidly reach for the stars and beyond you'll decide if their space-faring ambitions are realised and if so what posture they'll take when they inevitably meet with other species there's a lot of flexibility in these stories for example i was able to advance one species to become space-faring and just as their first shuttle took off i triggered a mass extinction event on their home planet now the few aboard the spaceship were the last of their kind and their story immediately changed from one of triumphant expansionism to one of desperate survival on board an arc in search of a friendly port the fermi paradox isn't going to impress anyone mechanically but it does open up a space for introspection dynamic storytelling and true role playing like imagine if the choices in mass effect actually affected the ending that's fermi paradox in a nutshell it's out sometime this month the legend of tianding is a 2d side-scroller beat em up from developer cg cg based in john cena's favorite country taiwan it tells the story of a taiwanese folk hero who beats up the rich and gives to the poor though i wonder if the real life tianding was as agile and vertically enabled as his video game counterpart tiending is a classic eastern origin story where a hero learns new martial arts techniques from his kung fu master stuff like that rising dragon kick that fei long has or a flying kick like liu kang has or a one inch punch like beatrix kiddo has all the action is super tight with great hit registration smartly designed foes and a strong focus on disarming enemies to use their own weapons against them there's some platforming in there as well to paste things but it's pretty standard stuff the real highlights are the action and the really impressive visuals i just love the art style all of it pops with such charm i'm not expecting huge things from tiending just a straightforward fun 2d beat-em-up the demo certainly served that up so i'm keen for more when it releases no date yet there is no light from developer zeal art is a game that took me a while to warm up to its distinctive pixel art and vibrant post-apocalyptic world certainly piqued my interest but at first i found the gameplay a little stiff and unforgiving and not necessarily in a good way over time i came to understand that your kit is really strong if you know how to use it properly so a lot of the highly tuned enemies and encounters are just a response to how much power you're capable of bringing to the table i played a few of these hack and slash pixel art demo games during this festival and of all of them there is no light certainly had the deepest and most rewarding combat the ability to charge throw and switch your weapons in an instant created a sort of skill sealing that you really want in a game like this it certainly wasn't accessible but it was good you get the feeling that it has the sort of depth that will sustain your interest throughout a full playthrough of the game if you don't mind having your ass handed to you over and over again there is no light might ring your bell when it comes out sometime in the future no release date yet timberborne was one of my favorite demos that i played this year i say this year because this also wasn't part of the steam nexfest their demo was put up at the start of the year and it's still up by the way it's a city builder featuring beavers it's cute little beavers collecting wood so they can build log cabins and water mills and eventually hydro electric dams when i first played the demo all of my beavers kept dying of old age without reproducing and i was like what's going on here why aren't these beavers getting it on turns out i had to build more dwellings for the beavers because when they have their sexy times they like to have a bit of privacy i can respect that you don't want no david attenborough filming you while you're getting down to your bieber business when you do find out how population works in this game and when you get to grips with the scale of its world and its buildable objects you quickly realize that you can build vast cities teeming with bucktooth life a few people have commented that there's little to distinguish this from a lot of other city builders in the sense that it doesn't lean enough into its beaver motif and i agree with that in part but a setting can go a long way and i found timberborne to be one of the most chilled and relaxing demos i played because its quiet soundscape and wood paneled aesthetic just clicked with me plenty of people are quite hyped for this one it's hitting early access sometime this year i think of all the demos i played during the festival toem from something we made was the most polished it felt like you could ship it tomorrow and it would be good to go every inch of it sparkling in greyscale glory it's a simple adventure game where some weird looking creature gets pushed from the nest by his mother ordered to traverse the countryside and take pictures of whatever takes your fancy traveling by bus to new locations you'll meet a wide array of quirky characters who all seem to be in the middle of a desperate existential crisis that can only be solved by taking a photo of something and wouldn't you know it you're just the thing for the job to imply that tom is just about taking pictures though is to sell it short there's some really clever puzzle design that's gone into each of these areas some fantastic level design and some strong characterization the game really excels in this sort of micro storytelling where you meet a character and within two or three lines of dialogue you immediately get a sense of who they are and you're fully bought in on whatever weird task they've set for you i suspect this one is going to be a big hit not necessarily in sales but in the love it will invoke from those that play it toem is out at some point this year all right it's time for my favorite demo of the entire steam nexfest here we go name my name is fox jesse fox you don't seem to be russian russian me you were piloting a russian aircraft two hours ago i also drive a toyota and i'm not japanese this is unmetal and if you can't already tell it is to metal gear what spaceballs is to star wars a shameless spoof that plums the rich source material to create a gag reel aimed squarely at the fans obsessed enough to get all the jokes and references gravel voiced bandana-wearing soldier of fortune jesse fox is shot down behind enemy lines while piloting a hindi and he now needs to escape the prison he's found himself in it's a classically inspired 2d stealth game like the original metal gear games but spiritually this is absolutely riffing on the 3d metal gear solid in this way it becomes a sort of metal gear solid d make complete with codex conversations with a guy named colonel and plenty of fourth wall breaking shenanigans like this hey a coin you're not going to pick it up right yeah why not come on mike it's the oldest trick ever i honestly stepped into this thinking it would be a crappy parody game that was just using humor to distract us from the fact that they were cashing in on our nostalgia but no this is actually a very well made game already it had engaging stealth scenarios it had clever puzzles like you need to combine items to create weapons there was a boss battle that went really well and when i equipped the eye patch half the screen went black i mean you gotta respect the commitment to the bit there separate from the metal gear stuff this was just a funny game that took aim at schlocky action heroes and cliches just as much as it had snake in its sights you could remove the metal gear from this and i think it would still stand on its own two feet not quite as strongly but well enough and i think that's a huge litmus test for a title like this anyway unmetal is cool i loved it it's out sometime in the next few months unsighted from studio pixel punk was another one of those top-down 2d hack and slash games similar to there is no light but where that was rough and tough and unforgiving unsighted provides a much more accessible approach to the genre you awaken in a lab obviously freshly thawed from whatever tube they had you in and after a quick search for a weapon you're in business slicing dicing dodging and parrying your way through densely detailed environments the combat felt so intuitive in a matter of moments you're immediately deflecting enemy attacks because the clear enemy telegraphs and generous parry windows make it easy to do so the focus here isn't on a punishing experience but rather a fun one that you can move through and enjoy with relative ease unsighted seems to be offering up a little bit of everything combat exploration puzzle solving metroidvania rpg light storytelling none of it stands out as amazing but it all seems really competent and it clicks together so seamlessly i think this will be one that fans of the genre will get a kick out of no release date yet but it's out sometime this year now i'll admit i'm not much of a strategy guy i don't play many strategy games not for a long time at least i haven't played crusader kings of all of those paradox games i respect them from afar war tales then is not a title i feel fully equipped to comment on since i know that strategy games are a very unique beast still i have to tell you i had a lot of fun with this and i'd very much like to play more of it war towels drops you onto a map at the end of a major conflict your small band are essentially just trying to survive whatever dangers the countryside throws at them which is usually roaming bands of bandits and mercenaries looking for quick coin while exploring you're pushing through the fog of war to reveal forests and townships and abandoned keeps but when it's time to throw down the game turns into a based affair with some familiar but reliable combat mechanics stuff like protecting your archer and backstabbing enemies for bonus damage that sort of thing wartile shines in its attention to detail and the role-playing that comes from that you'll meet a chained-up deserter and you have a choice to free them or not but only if you have a lockpick which means you'll need a thief in your party to craft and use it every merchant you bump into on the road is a chance for either bloody robbery or unremarkable commerce every new member that joins your troop is a new chance to shape them their stats their gear their combat style their profession even their stories you may choose to sell them to the local blacksmith in return for a regular discount world towers move slowly but very deliberately and i really value any game that makes me consider all my choices so carefully wall tails is from shiro games and it's hitting early access sometime this year finally let me present to you this little gem white [Music] shadows okay so first up let me say this white shadows is still pretty rough at the moment it's a game that is heavily dependent on perspective since perspective gives the scenes their power having said that perspective often clashes with gameplay here as certain viewpoints can obscure where you should be going and what you should be jumping on this game definitely needs some work when it comes to level design clarity what carries it though and why it appears on this list is the setting and the art style and the music and the super super dark themes it's willing to lean into its world looks like a black and white rapture city only populated with creepy anthropomorphic pigs and crows and surely a range of other creatures we haven't even met yet when the perspective does work it really works showcasing an industrial dystopia of billboards and monorails and airships and more similar to games like limbo and inside white shadows does have environmental puzzles to punctuate your journey but the appeal of the game rests more in observing the background than the foreground it's world silently telling a story that the protagonist just happens to be in front of white shadows does need a lot of work but if it can get the time it needs to percolate i think this one could be a little bit special it's from developer monocle and it's out sometime this year so those were the best demos that i played during the steam festival having said that i did not have time to play every single demo during the festival because there were 700 of them and that would be insane there were plenty of demos that i missed so i want to give a brief shout out to a few games that i didn't play but heard excellent things about because i think skipping them in this sort of video would be a disservice to those developers dread templar is a classically inspired boomer shooter that got a great rap grime was one of the most visually interesting games of the show when reports were that it's punishing souls like gameplay was equally impressive lens island i'm very bummed that i missed out on this one because it looks fantastic like an isometric valheim with its mix of combat building and cultivation roguelords is a colorful slay the spy inspired deck builder with a demonic motif and unpacking appears to be a game where you just unpack stuff [Music] road 69 i mean road 96 got a lot of buzz for giving us the procedurally generated road trips that we aren't allowed to have right now carrier command 2 lets you take control of a freaking air carrier yes please they always run got universal praise for its aesthetic its animations and its tight beat em up action warhammer 40k battle sector impressed more than a few warhammer fans and forrest gump fans rejoice the video game adaptation is finally here lawn mower simulator which at one point had one of the best bugs i've ever seen in a video game that was steam's next fest or at least it was nex fest as i experienced it i really love this stuff i think it's great that playable demos are back on the menu we used to get them on the cover of official xbox magazine and various pc magazines but that all went the day of the dodo when magazines died triple a games don't go down this route either because they don't need to or because they're too afraid that a demo might upset their carefully laid marketing plans indies are out here fearlessly putting their game into the hands of players before money has changed hands and i really respect how straight up that is kind of feels like it should be the way this whole industry works but that's a topic for another video i truly hope you saw something here today that piqued your interest and like i said at the start if it did be sure to wishlist it share this video around with all who care to listen and even those that don't care to listen and if you want to do yours truly a solid you can drop a like on the video hit the subscribe button ding the notification bell thank you for tuning in and a big thank you to this video sponsor squarespace if you've been around these parts before you've probably heard me talk about squarespace once or twice maybe but seriously squarespace has been supporting this channel for around two years now they are in fact my longest running partner and i really do thank them for that i've always loved having them as a partner because they put out a great product that i'm more than happy to recommend to you if you haven't heard of them squarespace is a platform that allows you to easily create custom built websites that look professional so if you're starting a business or you want to promote your art or you want to start a blog or whatever then squarespace is the perfect place to do just that you just select template customize it in minutes enable whatever features take your fancy like e-commerce or calendars or a comment section or whatever you like and then you can publish it there are of course detailed analytics allowing you 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Id: ktIxmu9rvM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 42sec (1842 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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