20 Minutes of Sokka's FUNNIEST Moments Ever | Avatar: The Last Airbender

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[Music] stop it I need to ask you something what please come closer what is it will you go penguin sing with me uh sure I guess what's going on here you tell us how'd you get in the ice and why aren't you frozen I'm not sure AA are you all right wake up buddy [Music] [Music] you're [Music] okay what is that thing this is opa my Flying Bison right and this is qara my flying [Music] sister [Laughter] don't worry it'll wash out hey stomach be quiet all right I'm trying to find us some food hey who ate all my blubbered seal jerky oh that was food I used it to start the campfire last night sorry e what aw no wonder the Flames smelled so good the Bola mountain range we're almost there Ang before we get to the temple I want to talk to you about the air Benders what about him well I just want you to be prepared for what you might see the Fire Nation is ruthless they killed my mother they could have done the same to your people just because no one has seen an air bent doesn't mean the Fire Nation killed them all they probably escaped I know it's hard to accept you don't understand qara the only way to get to an air bender Temple is on a Flying Bison and I doubt the Fire Nation has any Flying Bison right UPA yep [Music] yep there it is the southern air Temple he it's amazing we're home buddy we're [Music] home so where do I get something to eat you're lucky enough to be one of the first Outsiders to ever visit an airbender Temple and all you can think about is food I'm just a simple guy with simple needs so that's where my friends and I would play airball and over there is where the Bison would sleep and what's wrong this place used to be full of monks and lemur and bison now there's just a bunch of weeds I can't believe how much things have changed so uh this airball game how do you play Ang seven Saka zero making him feel better is putting me in a world of hurt qara check this out Fire Nation we should tell him Ang there's something you need to see [Music] okay what is it uh just a new water bending move I learned nice one but enough practicing we have a whole Temple to see you know you can't protect him [Music] forever Katara Fire Benders were here you can't pretend they weren't I can for any sake if he finds out that the fire nation invaded his home he'll be devastated hey guys I want you to meet somebody who's that monkey ATO the greatest air bender in the world he taught me everything I [Music] know but a no one could have survived in there for a hundred years it's not impossible I survived in the iceberg for that long good point qara whoever's in there might help me figure out this Avatar thing and whoever's in there might have a medal of delicious cured meats I don't suppose you have a key the key Saka is air [Music] bending hello anyone [Music] home statues that's it where's the meat who are all these people I'm not sure but it feels like I know them somehow look that one's an air bender and this one's a water bender they're lined up in a pattern air water Earth and fire that's the Avatar cycle of course they're avatars all these people are your past lives Ang wow there are so many past lives qara you really believe in that stuff it's true when the Avatar dies he's reincarnated into the next nation in the [Music] cycle Ang snap out of it huh who is that that's Avatar Roku the avatar before me you were a Firebender no wonder I didn't trust you when we first met there's no writing how do you know his name I'm not sure I just know it somehow you just couldn't get any weirder fire B nobody make a sound you're making a sound sh that fire bender won't know what hit [Music] him lemur dinner don't listen to him you're going to be my new pet not if I get him first wait come back I want to eat you [Music] [Music] hey no [Music] fair we just made a pit stop yesterday shouldn't we get a little more flying done before we camp out he's right at this rate we won't get to the North Pole until spring but opa's tired already aren't you boy I said aren't you boy yeah that was real convincing still hard to argue with a 10-ton magical Monster look that's why we're here elephant koi and I'm going to ride it Katara you got to watch me [Music] [Music] [Music] go woo yeah woohoo he looks pretty good out there are you kidding the fish is doing all the work no Opa don't eat that a man there's something in the water what's wrong Ang's in trouble a get out of there come back here a [Music] what was that thing I don't know well let's not stick around to find out time to hit the road [Music] or we could stay a while you three have some explaining to do and if you don't answer all our questions we're throwing you back in the water with the unagi show yourselves cowards who are you where are The Men Who ambushed us there were no men we ambushed you now tell us who are you and what are you doing here wait a second there's no way a bunch of girls took us down a bunch of girls huh the unagi is going to eat well tonight no don't hurt him he didn't mean it my brother's just an idiot sometimes it's my fault I'm sorry we came here I wanted to ride the elephant koi how do we know you're not Fire Nation spies Koshi stayed out of the war so far and we intend to keep it that way this island is named for kioshi I know Koshi how could you possibly know her Avatar Koshi was born here 400 years ago she's been dead for centuries I know her because I'm the Avatar that's impossible the last Avatar was an airbender who disappeared a 100 years ago that's me throw the impostor to the unagi heang do some air bending it's true you are the Avatar now check this [Music] out sorry ladies didn't mean to interrupt your dance lesson I was just looking for somewhere to get a little workout well you're in the right place sorry about yesterday I didn't know you were friends with the Avatar it's all right I mean normally I'd hold a grudge but seeing as you guys are a bunch of girls I'll make an exception I should hope so a big strong man like you we wouldn't stand a chance true but don't feel bad after all I'm the best warrior in my Village wow best warrior huh in your whole village maybe you'd be kind enough to give us a little demonstration oh well I mean I come on girls wouldn't you like him to show us some moves well if that's what you want I'd be happy to all right you stand over there now this may be a little tough but try to block [Music] me good of course the ey was going easy on you of course let's see if you can handle [Music] this that does it anything else you want to teach [Laughter] us you've passed all my tests now you must answer one question that's not fair you said you would release my friend if I finish your tests oh but what's the point of tests if you don't learn anything oh come on answer this one question and I will set your friends free what is my name from the looks of your friends I'd say you only have a few minutes how am I supposed to know his name think about the challenges maybe it's some kind of riddle I got it yeah he's an earthbender right Rocky you know because of all the Rocks we're going to keep trying but that is a good backup okay so back to the challenges I got a key from a waterfall I saved his pet and I had a duel and what did you learn well everything was different than I expected and well they weren't straightforward to solve each test I had to think differently than I usually would I know his name you did it buddy nice flying oh you must be tired no I'm good refreshed and ready to fight some fire vendors I was talking to Opa well I was talking to [Music] Momo I don't see any guards the Fire Nation must have abandoned the temple when Avatar Roku died it's almost Sundown we better [Music] hurry wait I think I heard something we are the fire sages Guardians of the Temple of the Avatar Great I Am The Avatar we know this should bring your fever down you know what I love about Opa the most his sense of humor that's nice I'll tell him classic Opa how's Saka doing not so good being out in that storm really did a number on him I couldn't find any ginger root for the tea but I found a map there's an herbalist Institute on the top of that mountain we could probably find a cure for Saka there Ang he's in no condition to travel Saka just needs more rest I'm sure he'll be better by tomorrow not you two relax it was just a little cough I'm [Music] fine that's how Saka started yesterday now look at him he thinks he's an earthbender take that you rock a few more hours and you'll be talking nonsense too I'm going to find some [Music] medicine uh maybe it's safer if I go on foot keep an eye on them guys you guys are killing me [Music] suck on these I'll make you feel better he how is your trip did you make any new friends no I don't think I [Music] did [Music] this is [Music] tasty whoo there M lunch lucky for you we came along thanks but everything was already under control not to worry Aunt woo predicted I'd have a safe journey Aunt who no Aunt woo she's the fortune teller from my Village awful nice knowing your future wow it must be that explains why you were so calm but the fortune teller was wrong you didn't have a safe journey you were almost killed but I wasn't all right have a good one oh and Aunt woo said if I met any travelers to give them [Music] this maybe we should go see Aunt woo and learn our fortunes it could be fun oh come on forun telling is nonsense what do you know an umbrella that proves it no it doesn't you can't really tell the future I guess you're not really getting wet then of course she predicted it was going to rain the sky's been gray all day just admit you might be wrong and you can come under the umbrella look I'm going to predict the future now it's going to keep drizzling see not everyone has the gift [Music] Saka well now you got to see for yourselves that fortune telling is just a big stupid hoax you're just saying that because you're going to make yourself unhappy your whole life that woman is crazy my life will be calm and happy and joyful ow that doesn't prove anything
Channel: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Views: 110,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar, Avatar: The Last Airbender, ATLA, Legend of Korra, Aang, Katara, Toph, Sokka, Zuko, Suki, Waterbending, Earthbending, Firebending, Airbending, Korra, Bolin, Asami, Ozai, Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, Amon, Kuvira, Zaheer, Iroh, Uncle Iroh, Bending, Anime, The Last Airbender, Aang vs Ozai, Agni Kai, Avatar Netflix, Avatar Studios, Fight, Fight Scene, Video Games, Gaming, Avatar Full Episodes, Netflix, Avatar Netflix Trailer, Avatar on Netflix, Zuko vs Azula, Final Battle, Braving The Elements, live action
Id: ZyAQYge0A34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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