20 Facts You Didn't Know About Mobs in Minecraft

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minecraft mobs are one of the most interesting parts of the game so in this video i'll show you 20 more things you didn't know about mobs in minecraft most people know that creepers are afraid of cats and minecraft but did you know that phantoms are also afraid of cats it's true so if you have a phantom trying to dive after you like these two ones here and we get near our cat they will go away because they do not want to be near it so you can have these dangerous phantoms completely avoid you by simply being right next to a cat and you can see every time they try and dive down they'll just instantly go right back up because they're afraid of the cat here a mob you'll always want less of a minecraft is of course the ravager but have you ever actually taken a minute to listen to it sounds if you listen for a minute you might notice that sounds are exactly the same as those of the normal illagers vindicators pillagers things like that they're just lowered in pitch so if you hear it here it's basically like the exact same sounds as they would normally say at least the vast majority of them are but just lowered and listening to the sounds of this mighty beast you can really hear the pillagerishness to it do you hear that sound that's not us walking around that's actually the creeper walking around something you may not have known is that the creeper's footstep sounds are completely identical to the player's sounds so if you're in a single player world and you hear another player around you it's certainly not another player but it is a creeper it's interesting how their footsteps sounds are the same maybe to disguise themselves but it certainly makes them even scarier if you don't know there's a creeper around to hear these mysterious footsteps now everyone knows about the ender dragon in minecraft what you may not know is that the ender dragon's name is jean actually more specifically gene question mark this is sort of a funny easter egg by notch when he first added in the ender dragon but not only that the wither has a name called simmons question mark again these are very funny names that the developers added and recently the warden mob was given the unofficial name of william so next time you're defeating the ender dragon the wither or the warden one of the three boss mobs in minecraft you'll know the real names of gene simmons and william now you're probably rather familiar with most of the illager and pillager type mobs in the game the sort of twisted villager mobs but there's one you probably have never heard of however it has been in the game since 1.12 and that is the illusioner now the illusioner is a rather odd mob it's not fully implemented in survival or really implemented in survival at all in fact the only way you can get it is by summoning it in and when you summon it in it'll give you the blindness effect and then we'll split into multiple versions of itself you can see here there's different illusions i'm trying to hit this one but it doesn't do anything because that's a fake illusion it'll split into four different parts and actually this is sort of an updated illusion or fight because the blindness effect didn't used to be here you can see it's away now and you can notice there are four illusioners it is a little bit glitched because sometimes none of these illusions are the real one so it definitely makes sense this isn't fully in survival yet but generally the ones that don't break the physics of the game are the real ones and it can be quite dangerous as four bow wielding mobs can kill you at the same time this was planned to be part of the woodland mansion then later part of the village and pillage and now it's hard to say if this mop will ever be added into the game but certainly interested to try out nonetheless axolotls come in five different colors in minecraft but something you may not know is the rare fifth color of axolotl the blue axolotl with the orange and purple is actually a reference to the mudkip pokemon which i find quite an interesting fact as there are a couple blue axe lottles in real life but this super rare axolotl is almost like a super rare pokemon so if you ever happen to breed axolotls and get incredibly lucky to get a blue one you'll know what the developer is based it off of goats and minecraft 1.19 will rarely ram into a naturally spawned in block so for instance let's say something like this tree here there's a specific list of items that they'll ram into and when they do that they will drop a goat horn and their head will change to only have one horn on their head and there's eight different types of goat horns in minecraft and these are what they sound like first we have the goat horn called ponder the next one is called sing what's also interesting is that the sound radius of these is very high but probably a player on that mountain over there could hear it you could try the one called call next [Music] that one sounds a little bit evil if you ask me but they're all quite interesting this one's also incredibly low i'm sure all these sounds have to do with real life horn calls from back in the day either way those are the goat horn horns inside of minecraft that you get when a goat randomly hits into a naturally spawned in block now an old saying as cats always land on their feet that's because in real life cats do often land on their feet because of the way that they work and they have that special ability but in minecraft cats have that ability too so if we take this cat off this lead and push it off here you'll notice when it hits the ground all the way at the bottom there it actually took absolutely no fall damage you can see right here there's our cat completely safe and sound we can even drag it all the way over here with our lead and have it drop an incredibly large distance and still that cat will be completely fine and that's because cats always land on their feet in minecraft so they have no ability to take fall damage spiders of course generate rather frequently at nighttime and in dark places in minecraft but if your game difficulty is set to hard mode there's actually a chance that a spider will generate in with a random potion effect even including invisibility so for instance a spider here with only its eyes being partially visible is completely invisible and can kill us it'll have that effect for the entire time that it's in the world so if you've ever been randomly attacked by something in minecraft and you're not sure what it was it might have been an invisible spider and they can also have other effects on them as well such as strength so always watch out for spiders in hard mode if you see some potion effects around them you may know that skeleton horses come from trap horses which occasionally spawn in the game during a lightning storm what you may not know is that the skeleton horse has an ability unlike every other horse in the game and that is that it will not dismount you when you try and ride it under water so of course normally a horse would not do this just sinking under water but the skeleton horus does so if we drink a potion of water breathing under here so we're completely safe from drown damage you can literally ride the skeleton horse right through the water you don't even have to be on the bottom of the water now of course we can't use space bar to go up or down unfortunately you can do this to slowly glide down in the water and what you can even do is if you get down to the edge of something you can of course climb up a one block area like this so for instance we could climb up here with the skeleton horse and swim around on the ocean floor and with a fast skeleton horse combined with a speed potion you could use this for a very discreet and interesting way of exploring the ocean floor from on top of your skeleton horse walking through different forest biomes in minecraft you may come upon a wolf but did you know that you can actually tame no just kidding of course we all know that you can tame wolves into dogs but something you may not know is if you right click on them with bones and of course tame a wolf like this one did right here and to grab let's say some meat something you can eat we'll just sit down the dog here real quick now normally it has a head that's of course facing forward if you hold out something it likes it'll tilt its head what's funny though is let's say something like raw beef you can still feed it when it is tamed but you can't actually feed a bone to a tamed dog and so if we try that like let's say we'll tame this wolf over here so we have a second tamed wolf to try this out on if we try and feed it the bone it'll just make it sit up and down it won't actually work it's kind of interesting that your dog or tamed wolf still remembers the fact that it used to like bones even though you can't feed it to them anymore this doesn't work with any other item that you can't feed to them only the bones going through a cave and see a stupidly large amount of bats it may be halloween check your calendar because on halloween minecraft spawns way more bats than it usually does and you may often also see some different mobs with jack-o-lanterns or pumpkins on their heads so almost any undead mob in the game can generate with a pumpkin or jack-o-lantern on its head when it's halloween and plus all these different bats it certainly makes minecraft a lot creepier while the creepers are still angry about it either way they are probably aware of mob votes where players vote to add a new mob into the game but something you may not know about is the fact that minecraft has an addition in china called minecraft china edition in fact this version has 400 million players which is almost double the 230 million players on all other minecraft versions combined and so because of this massively large player base mojing decided to do a mob vote of adding one mob into minecraft that is natural to china and out of several options one of them was the panda and that was the one that won the votes by most of the players and so this is why we now have the panda and minecraft it's funny because i never heard talk at all of the panda being because of a china mob vote until recently but it is interesting because that's how it was added into the game and as a bonus fun fact their sounds actually come from real pandas recorded from zoos in china so next time you see a panda while walking through a bamboo forest you'll know why i was added and the fact that sounds are authentic we all love adorable baby slimes and minecraft but did you know that slimes spiders and blazes can all see the player through walls it's true so you can go behind a wall and slime spiders and blazes may still decide to chase you behind those making them just a little bit more dangerous than you might think and that's probably one of the reasons why i'm often hit by blazes so many times in the nether is because they can actually see me when i can't even see them you may wonder what creepers see around them and you can actually find this out if you go into spectator mode and left click on a creeper you will now be seeing through their vision and sorry for the screen that's blaringly green but i did not actually change this in my editor whatsoever this is literally what it looks like so basically the entire world is pixelated and also green you may also notice there's the occasional little two-line pixel things around here these almost look like screenshots from an old video game and what's kind of interesting about this is minecraft used to have a setting called super secret settings where you could basically have different visual changes to the game like this just for fun and this looks like one of them and so it's interesting that some of the code for those super secret settings is still in the game and as a bonus when you spectate on enderman it sees everything with the inverted colors so in this mesa bottom you'll see the sky almost looks like the mesa colors and the land sort of looks like the sky colors i'm sure you've seen minecraft's most colorful mauve the parrot before added in the world of color update but something you may not know is that of the five parrot colors that are in the game they each were inspired by real life parrots so each of these five varieties correspond to real varieties of parrots from the one that we all see the most commonly in pictures of parrots to the gray one to the light blue one to the green one and the blue one and everything in between all these parrots are representing different breeds of parrots that exist all around the world so next time you find a beautiful pair at minecraft you'll know that these colors of parrots exist in real life too if you walk through different minecraft biomes for long enough you're sure to stumble upon a rabbit but something you may not know is that there is a type of rabbit that does not spawn in the overworld called the killer bunny in fact this rabbit doesn't spawn in minecraft at all and can only be added into the game via commands you'll notice this particular rabbit with the red eyes and the white body is chasing me and what is interesting is that at one point this mob was actually meant to spawn in the overworld naturally as a very very small chance so you could actually find this killer bunny at one stage of the game if you get near it you'll notice its name is actually killer bunny in fact it's a bit of a name tag thing and they're incredibly deadly that one can kill you in two hits and i did not add a name tag to this but you can see this mob actually summons in with the words the killer bunny over at said which is quite funny and so if they ever add these back into the game and you happen to see a rabbit with red eyes that is chasing you know that it may be the notorious killer bunny striders are the lava walking mob in minecraft added in the nether update and if you kill one of these you murderer you'll notice that they actually drop string but why is that and of course you can kind of see that they'd be dropping a string because they have these string like things on their head however the official reason why they drop string is to answer the question of how piglins get string for their crossbows i think it's kind of interesting showing that the piglens would occasionally going around killing striders to get the string for their crossbows and so technically you could breed up striders and make a string farm but considering these are very nice passive mobs ones that you can actually even ride i think it's kind of cool that in the minecraft lore the piglens kill the striders because it shows what an evil thing the piglens are that they would kill this defenseless and cute animal the wither skeleton is a dangerous mob that spawns in the nether fortress but only ever spawns in the game with a stone sword however if by commands or some other accident they get a bow they will always shoot arrows with flame you'll notice that their bow does not have the flame enchantment on it but the arrows that they're shooting do have flame on them so it's kind of interesting fact that for whatever reason these weather skeletons have this flame power to always fire these flame arrows no matter what you do and something makes me glad that wither skeletons cannot naturally spawn in the game with flame arrows as they're already so dangerous i can't even imagine how hard it would be to defeat one if they're also combined with flame bows here's an interesting mechanic you probably didn't know about the evoker which can summon in vexes and evoker fangs has one special ability if there is a blue sheep around it it'll shake its hands in the air and convert that sheep into a red sheep while saying and i'll try that right here we'll just put one in here and you can hear it definitely an odd feature to say the least i think it's a reference to something definitely an odd feature to say the least but you can certainly do this in survival although i'm trying not to get killed by this evoker right now [Music] but you can always try whenever you want if you want to see this interesting feature inside the game plus i suppose under certain circumstances it could be a really interesting way of getting a special red sheep that you could show your friends was made read by an evoker and that is my last mob fact hopefully you enjoyed these 20 more mob facts in minecraft i also have a part one which is 20 mob facts and i'll make sure to have that on the end screen here see in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: Eyecraftmc
Views: 694,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: things you didnt know about minecraft, minecraft mobs, 20 Minecraft Mob Facts, Minecraft Mobs And Their Coolest Facts, New Player Mob Facts in Minecraft, Testing Minecraft Mob Facts, 20 Things You Didnt Know About Mobs in Minecraft, 20 Mob Facts Only Veteran Players Know in Minecraft, Weird Ways to Use Mobs in Minecraft, 20 Secrets You Didn't Know About Mobs in Minecraft, Hostile Mobs Ten Things You Probably Didn't Know About Minecraft, Minecraft Mobs And Their Secrets, Mob Facts
Id: dcGud0fF0ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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