20 Digital Product Ideas That Make Money (With Real Examples)

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hey all it's aurelius in this video i'm going to share with you 20 digital product ideas that you can start right now so whether you're a creator an entrepreneur or someone who wants to productize or turn your skills knowledge or expertise into a digital product they can keep selling over and over again and this video is for you so keep watching and let's get started timestamps and any links and resources that i mentioned in this video i'll link it up in the description box below alright digital product idea number one is to set up a tip jar or a buy me a coffee page here's an example of a buy me a coffee tip jar that i've set up right here where they can simply donate any amount to support my channel or my work so they can enter the amount say ten dollars leave a note send that tip to set up one of these tip jars it's real easy by using a service called koji in the past i have done tutorials around koji i'll link up those tutorials in the description box below so check that out later in koji use the tip jar template and all you need to do is fill in a title and a thank you message as well as a cover photo or video little tip here you can personalize and make a little more fun by saying something like buy me a tea or buy me a pizza so whatever it is that you like beverage or food then you can personalize it so rather than saying buy me a coffee you can say buy me a pizza next up idea number two is to offer shout outs or video requests for this idea you can utilize koji once again by utilizing their shoutout app and here's an example of one of mine all i'm doing is you know they can ask their most burning question about whatever topic it is that i'm offering so in this case it's digital products building an email list canva or anything else and then i'll respond back with a personalized video what you can also do is to offer shout outs which celebrities also do on cameo.com they offer these personalized video messages and if you want to request let's say happy birthday to a friend then you can get this particular celebrity to record that video and then you can send that off as a little gift moving on to idea number three which is creating an online course there's an online course in almost any topic that you can think about in my case i what i recently purchased is this calisthenics course it's a video course called project calisthenics and what you'll learn is how to basically do fitness and exercises using your body weight only and you'll be able to learn things like the handstand push up the human flag the planche and the front lever so this is what they're offering as an online course another online course that i recently purchased was matt de villa's master youtube online course and essentially he teaches you how to start a youtube channel and also grow it this online course in particular offers 27 lessons so most of them are in video form and you'll be able to go through each one and you can see what you've completed and what you still need to go through so when thinking about your online course that you want to create think about what skills or expertise you can get across and turn it into an online course and to give you some examples you can take a look at udemy or skillshare to see what online courses are offered online already by the way if you're liking this content so far i'd appreciate if you give this video a thumbs up the next digital product idea is one that's highly common and that is e-books you can create an e-book around a non-fiction or fiction topic it's entirely up to you and how i would create it is either use tools such as canva in this example you can see that i've got my launch your email list ebook and from here i can download it as a pdf document which is what you want and then what you want to deliver to your customers and sell it through your website on social media if you want to learn step by step how to create an e-book in canva i do have another tutorial which i'll link up in a card right here and in the description box below the next digital product idea is to sell exclusive articles or blog posts some examples would be in-depth reports you've got recipes maybe short stories and written courses that you can put and you can also use koji's exclusive articles koji template and as stated on the page all you need to do is to set the title add the content set a price and share everywhere the next idea is to sell locked photos or videos do you have any behind the scenes photos or videos that you want to sell and don't normally sell publicly well you can use kogi's locked photo or video koji template you can grant access to behind the scenes content reveal a secret location send a page only invitation to an event let people unlock a surprise sell early access to a music video or sell your joke of the day or stand up routine the next digital product idea is to sell a gated link or a protected link i'm currently implementing this digital product idea you can see from this example i'm selling this youtube content calendar that's basically a notion template all i need to do is to unlock this link for seven dollars make the payment and they're good to go once again i'm going to refer to koji since they offer this kind of tool to basically protect and sell any links that you want to now it doesn't have to be a notion template it could be anything that you want to sell any link and some additional ideas as stated on their website you can lock up a guide for others to view uh share a hidden deal from one of your sponsors and all kinds of things like that continuing on these next few digital product ideas will be based around templates and swipes which are really popular these days so let me share some of those with you so digital product idea number eight is selling luts and presets this is hugely popular especially for video creators and photographers here's one example that i can share with you and this is from olya these luts and presets uh the color grading that they use on their videos to get that certain cinematic look or it could be presets for lightroom so with this example you can see before and after applying that particular lut of course this isn't for everyone but if you currently do have your own settings then you may want to consider selling that to your audience the next digital product idea is to create and sell social media prompts one of the biggest challenges and i know for myself is creating content for social media so for my instagram and facebook things like that you know what kinds of things can you write about what kinds of captions and video pieces can you create these principles act as inspiration so that they know what to post example would be you know what is five mistakes that you made around this topic so those that's just one prompt that you could insert in a part of a calendar that you offer so you could put this together in a calendar format so each day you write a prompt so that example like uh five mistakes that you made around this topic and then five things that you did write you know on the next day moving on to their next digital product id and that's to sell pre-written social media captions now this is different uh to the previous tip which was social media prompts because with the captions is you know you have this social media captions pre-written so you have a set of it depending on the niche the subject or the topic that's something for you to decide on based on your audience so instead of offering prompts you're offering pre-written captions that's already written right you can either get a writer to do it or you can write it from scratch but the whole aim of writing these pre-written social media captions is to save time for your customers so they don't need to think about what to write of course it wouldn't be good to just offer the captions or to post those captions as is they will need to personalize and customize it themselves next up digital product idea number 11 is to offer white label or private label content now what is white label or private label content well the way i like to think of it is if you were to get some t-shirts printed but with your brand you would source out some sort of a manufacturer to get it printed so you would basically set your brand on it even though this t-shirt is being sold to many other brands so that's a whole concept of it instead what you would do is offer white label or private label content so with white label content all your customers need to do is to download the actual pre-written content and then they can put their brand or author name on the actual content in fact this is one of my businesses and if you go to unstoppableplr.com you'll find a range of ebooks with private label rights the next digital product idea is to sell notion templates if you're unaware notion is a workspace project management system that allows you to basically organize all your projects and your to-do's in one location here's an example that i can share with you we've got a meal planner essentially what they're going to get or the customer is going to get is a meal plan right you've got meal plans right here you've got the ingredients that you require and instructions for it here's another example of a notion template we've got a gardening dashboard this helps the avid gardener keep track of where they last watered or when they seeded or when they can harvest their crops i want to give you another example of selling notion templates we've got a dashboard or a home page that one can go to and refer back to all the time and i can easily sell this really i can sell this template and that's a digital product idea right there speaking of templates the next digital product idea is to sell canva templates canva allows you to share your designs as templates and here's an example we've got a presentation let's say we want to sell this as a template and offer it to our customers to enable the shares template all you need to do is to click on the share button and at the bottom here you can simply click the down arrow and share a link to use as a template and then what you'll do then is to copy the link and that's the link you would share to your customers your customers will then be able to open this particular template in their canva account and then modify anything they want of that canva template if you want a detailed step-by-step tutorial on how to create and seal camera templates i do have a tutorial on that i'll link up a card right here to that and in the description box below the next digital product idea is to sell branding templates basically what you want to do is to sell templates around branding right so you've got business card templates in this example from creative market you can create these sorts of templates and sell it here's another example we've got a particular social media template in this case with a youtube branding kit in this package you're going to get a channel art templates like here and some other things that match the branding like the end screens and the outros a good place to start if you want to get some ideas and inspiration is to go to creative market go under templates and then you can see right here you've got business cards brochures flyers logos magazines stationing email templates all these kinds of things so that your you can get some ideas in terms of branding templates moving on the next digital product idea is to sell copywriting templates these include but not limited to landing page copy email campaign copy and facebook ad copy those kinds of things whatever it is that has to do with writing for the purpose of advertising and marketing that's what you call copywriting an example of someone that's offering copywriting templates is from yannick silva and i know this isn't the most prettiest page but he has been selling this for something like 20 years or so and i was a customer back then when i started doing online marketing and these substantially helped me in terms of writing a sales copy for my products that i wanted to sell what you're going to get 19 complete website sales letter templates so these will help you in terms of knowing what to put such as the headline the pre-headline the sub-headline the body the opening things like that so how do you know what to put that's where this kind of product comes in the next digital product idea is to sell printables if you head to etsy search for printable you get quite a few ideas here we've got a printable planner wall art cards art stickers quotes prints calendars so let's say printable planner we'll go there get some inspiration from there of course don't copy any of these use your own creativity and imagination to put yours together just by checking a few of these you can see what they're offering the ultimate life changer you've got a workbook template for canva a printable summer planner 500 happy planner printable template so these are all downloadable meaning they of course once they purchase they can just download it get instant access to these uh templates and if you choose to you can also sell it on etsy too the next digital product idea is to start a paid newsletter so you could do things like an in-depth reports or insights about your niche your subject or your industry you could share behind the scenes content that only paid newsletter subscribers have access to and you can even curate some content and put that all together in a neat kind of form so paid customers get it all in one digest the next digital product idea is to sell plans these may include workout plans social media marketing plans business plans and even meal prep plans the whole idea of selling plans is to save your customers time so they don't need to come up with let's say a workout plan they've got this regime that can they can follow and they can get results from following your plan next up you've got apps and software you can create software pretty much around anything and delegate outsource it to a developer i would recommend using a service called upwork to find a developer based on your budget of course one tip i can give you is to not have all the features created all at once i would start with the core of the product or in other words the minimum viable product as you get more and more feedback and more users actually using your product your service tool or software then that's where you can make those improvements now the last and final digital product id is to sell digital ad space essentially what this is is if you've got a website or a blog that's currently getting traffic then you can sell ad space on your let's say sidebar or at the top of your page charge them for it for their banner to be featured on there but one of the easiest and fastest ways to implement this kind of thing is actually sell ad space on your link in bio page koji's actually got an app for this called billboard i'm not currently using this but here's my linkedin buyer page i could sell ad space on this page because i'm currently getting traffic to this so this is just another way to monetize your linkedin buyer page and it's easy to do with their billboard app so that pretty much sums up the 20 digital product ideas they can start right now one of the things i want to mention is that you can house many of these digital product ideas on your koji link in bio page as you can see with my page i've got my ask me which is the shout outs or the video request app that koji offers so another one is the buy me a coffee one right here and of course i'm selling my youtube content calendar notion template right here which again is integrated with koji i simply use the link locker app and all i need to do is unlock the link for seven dollars so it's all integrated on this one page works seamlessly and you're not taken out of this page so that's a great thing about using koji to get your free account off koji be sure to look in the description box below sign up and then set up your link in bio as well as your digital products right inside koji and there you have it hope you got value from this video and if you did be sure to give this video a thumbs up let me know also in the comments which of these ideas is your favorite and which ones you'll be implementing next thanks so much for watching and be sure to stick around to watch these next relevant videos you
Channel: Aurelius Tjin
Views: 103,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital product ideas, digital products, digital product ideas 2021, digital products to sell online, digital products to sell online 2021, sell digital products, how to sell digital products online, digital products to sell, sell digital products online, selling digital products online, what digital products to sell, how to create digital products, digital products 2021, best digital products to sell online, passive income ideas, koji, link in bio service, how to use koji
Id: V2u5_kOX0Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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