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hey today we're gonna look at how to dress better for winter sports so you stay comfortable out there and have a good time I will have two perspectives in this video as I grew up in northern Sweden not far from York dick circles it's cold so I know what that's like and now I'm living in the Alps where it can be cold but most of times warm or you have both in the same day it confuses me in this video we basically cannot talk about the three layer principle and then a couple of random good things to know about clothing first out is the base layer here is important to first of all not make a common mistake to wear cotton cotton is terrible it binds and water it can even bind 27 times its own weight in water before it lets it out wait a bit it it makes it really cold so what you want to wear is either a synthetic or like marina base layer that is the two options there are more or less in market there's all kinds of blends but those two I'm not gonna say much about the marina versus synthetic has already made a whole video about that if you want to know more about merino and synthetic and what to get you check out the video there so that's the base layer and it serves the purpose of bringing moisture and sweat from your body through the base layer and through the mid layer and outwards to keep you dry and warm that's the base layers job mid layer they come in all sorts of sizes and shapes this one is a bit thick on the front for the cold days and so in Sweden for example I would probably go for this most of the time or even have a muff jacket out of down or synthetic I would maybe not always wear it but I would may pack it in my backpack as they're usually really light and they're really worn something like this thank you this is a bit similar but it's recycled wool in this one well in this one it is synthetic like this gets quite small I think it even has a pocket you can squish it into then you even ski in this one only this one quite often yeah because you think it's pretty so here's the Primaloft jacket now super warm that's um very much and it's really compact now so it's pretty sweet this is what I would wear often in Sweden or on a cold day however here in the Alps this is what I would ride with eight out of ten days probably it's a 250 gram square meter thickness so you get a feeling so you go back here again and we're really warm day it's like spring I tend to replace that base layer for like a t-shirt this is a merino t-shirt this one is a little bit warmer and sometimes also ride with a so adapt my clothing quite a lot depending on the day in the temperature on the mid layers always have a sipper in the front all the way down so you can let hot air out if you're touring hiking etcetera open jacket open that and then you know you don't have the base layer so you cool down quickly and then lastly is the weather proof outer layer there's many different kinds of outer materials we have gore-tex Yermak sucks you have all kinds I do not care really so much about what I use for me it's usually gore-tex a have been skiing in dermis facts I think it's called and it breathes a little bit better but it's a little less rain when I live in Sweden here's my old red jacket so I'd like it I would often wear something like this it has a really thin insulation if you have a thick one you know it's a one it's gore-tex out here in the insulation and then basically just have a warmer mid layer that's what it will go for in Sweden if you are cold go for something thick but if you go for something thicker then in spring you're probably gonna be too hot and you'll need a second jacket and I've been cheap all my life so I would always go for something that works all the time right now in the Alps for me I'm riding with something like this right now this is a three layer gore-tex it's a nice gore-tex jacket funny enough it feels like you get less than you pay for when you have the cortex jacket with no insulation there usually 500 bucks well something slightly insulated we go six is like 300 why is that it doesn't make sense to me so that's the three layers here are some details and make all the difference when you're out first thing out glove liners running with wool now cos have an abundance of it being sponsored by them but a big part of my ski career just been rolling with like three bucks hmm gloves like really thin gloves and they break after a couple of weeks but they're so cheap I've been riding with that but often when cotton which holds wet-nursing is pretty but it's better than no liners at all and then leather gloves I only buy leather gloves I don't trust anything else because when I was young you know I had many different gloves cuz I think my parents didn't really want to spend the money on the leather gloves it's not cheap but they last such a long time and use a nice glove fat on it every month or so and then when you use them then they're gonna stay alive for two three maybe four seasons depending on how much grabs you doing slide on the edges that tends to really my gloves next thing that makes all the difference in the world is the Gator here is a four or five year old one then it got stuck in the zipper many times got some holes in it and it's so important because any drag around your neck really cools you down and when you crash in powder always cause you know I like the thin ones the most I think I'm cut they're versatile they work all the time you have a thicker one to 15 Marino's I often wear it like this under the helmet you look stupid like this but wait I often wear one of these little beanies also helps it you know I'm bring the sweat from the head out and then the helmet so the helmet locks the Gator in place this is a lifesaver you're skiing powder and it's cool it's great cold feet oh it sucks I don't like well there's a few things you can do first listen to all the previous advice in the video dress properly and dress up if you're called if your body is cold your feet are gonna be even colder so usually if your body's warm enough your feet are gonna be more fine another thing that's important with the feet especially if you go skiing and snowboarding is that you get a footbed that supports your foot in the right way a footbed you can get for from 30 bucks 220 depending if you may get a like standard one that just has like a arch support or if you make a custom one and there's even custom wool foot beds you can get this day that's supposed to be much warmer that's such an important point here and that you always dry your ski boots properly in the night last thing gloves leather you should not put them directly on a heater it really dries out the leather and screws them up I hope you enjoyed this video about some dressing tips for some of you it may be obvious I hope at least you found two or three things here useful with your next skiing trip if you want to know more about base layer wool synthetic check out that video and leave a comment if you have some awesome clothing tips that you've learned about that I didn't bring up in this video I'd love to hear it see you next time
Channel: Stomp It Tutorials
Views: 302,882
Rating: 4.8957391 out of 5
Keywords: how to dress for skiing, how to dress for wintersports, how to avoid cold feet, 3 layers, ski clothing
Id: _cycszd5VvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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