2 Strangers Swap Lives Across the World for 72hrs!!

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most people on this planet are born in one country and live there for the rest of their lives some of us are lucky enough to travel and interact with foreign cultures but how often do you truly get to live the local culture to actually take up the life of someone in that country meet their friends and stay in their home probably never but if there's one thing we've learned while traveling instead deeply connecting with a local culture can be one of the most rewarding experiences you can have now a few years ago amar decided to swap rooms with a stranger in los angeles and ended up meeting a guy called austin who has since then become one of our best friends we learned a lot about him through this experience what he values and how he lives and because of the amazing outcome of that day we've always known that we wanted to take this idea to a whole new level so as we were talking to the google pixel team about how we could orchestrate an epic international adventure we decided that it was time to try and find two strangers who live in two totally different places from across the world to swap lives for 72 hours myself and our lead editor td we're going to start where my family is originally from in stockholm sweden while matt and amara were going to start in a place foreign to all of us and very different from sweden austin texas our friend austin joined them for the us adventure and we were ready to look for two extremely spontaneous strangers game face i'm about to ask the strangest thing any of these swedish people have ever heard here's the thing we don't know who they're swapping lies with in texas yet even if they say yes they're going to be like who's going to live in my house and we're like we don't know swedes are some of the most introverted people in general in the world i was running earlier smiling at people making eye contact and people were looking at me like drunk take that smile off your face so we're making a short film where two strangers across the world get to switch lives for 72 hours i totally would but i have a six month old baby oh wow yeah what's the catch there's no cats that's the best part where do all the cool people hang out in austin here's apparently is really good should i ask this guy hi how's it going can i ask you a question yes i'm thomas i must meet you stefan stefan good to meet you so we're doing this experiment right now where we're trying to find someone in sweden yeah to swap lives with someone in texas for 72 hours to go to texas you said yes we have two friends in austin texas right now yeah trying to find a stranger and you would go basically live that person's life and this person is going to come and live your life so and then potentially like live in your apartment we're getting two strangers from two different countries across the world to swap lives with each other for 72 hours curious the number one i have work on monday i don't know how my husband would feel about that wow this is taking a long time when can i be back in sweden because i need to be back in sweden like tuesday do you have work or something yeah i have an event like i do like public speaking and moderating etc could be possible okay wait this is the first person we're asking right now i was making a whole speech about how sweets are never gonna say yes to this i call myself a professional dreamer and i love ideas and dreams and to be open like i was interviewed this morning of being not judging people when someone come to you like let's do it i can't see any reason wait okay i can't even understand that this is real right now okay so if if we find a flight to leave and to come back so that you have time to go to the speech is it a yes yes oh my god give me a hug because this person that we don't know yet live in your apartment i have to ask my housemates because i live together with with 50 other people this person is going to arrive to 50 swedes in a big house and this is serendipity liberty written all over it awesome i get a goosebump it was his smile i saw it directly he's so innocent look at him yeah i even shaved for this it's now 8 24 p.m this rarely happens it rarely takes this long we're making a short film about the experience of two strangers from two countries across the world swapping lives for eight hours and now the pressure is on for our team to find someone who would leave with me tomorrow to stockholm and take this guy's life [Music] why would anyone not do it why wouldn't you do it i don't get it why is it no one else why is no one else sitting on this side of the passport [Applause] alex denied stockholm tomorrow no you're kidding yeah hold on okay so what time's the play oh we're booking right now are you serious hey google flights from austin to stockholm sweden tomorrow from austin to stockholm 703 we're running i guess it's happening and guess what you're going to get one of these phones that's even better okay i can't wait oh yes i'm just happy one incredible dude thanks for the life vibes and incredible communities our new swedish friend is going to come into this amazing community life is amazing dude [Music] like literally i start to realize bit by bit that we're actually going to america sorry let's get really have fun so i'm traveling with stefan and we actually have a little surprise for him it's a google pixel phone you can actually keep it and it works right when you get into the us you have google fi it has service all around the world unlimited data texting calling so we'll use it when you get to austin to make you a true american boy let's do it again [Music] i'm calling my dreams hello is this my dreams in america yes i'm coming yeah i said yes yesterday to go on this trip oh yeah you were drunk welcome thank you so much my big passion is for young people around the world to like feel the love that is inside of you like because it can be so harsh out there and i just want to encourage people to remember that they're all awesome in one way or another that i that i go around and speak about i love it my dream is to speak in america is it america something like the land of dreams or something i don't know i have this idea from here again your new home stefan yes excited to your new home i'm doing fine oh what's alex's bedroom that's amazing i want to say alex thank you for uh opening up your hearts for me to stay at your house so thank you man so today is the biggest day of the year in austin texas college football in austin is like the biggest thing in the world the two biggest rivals are playing each other to a crowd of a hundred and three thousand people wow support going straight to the game hundred thousand people in the audience yeah all right ladies and gentlemen we are currently on the google pixel and we bout to go see the texas longhorns beat ella soon welcome [Music] baby it's game day [Music] [Applause] wow [Applause] what's the score for the lsu texas game from yesterday lsu oh that's not good that is not good [Music] thank you i know it's unbelievable he lives in this communal like co-living space there's entrepreneurs there's artists there's people that work at google and like it's just a really random mix of people and actually right now from two to four there's like an event uh where they're hosting people to give speeches and you and i are giving a speech no come on it's in an hour it's a 20-minute speech yeah no and you're you're kidding no i'm not yeah there's like 50 guests up there right now 50 no yeah yeah just something like that it's fine he's one of the founders of k9 it's nice to see you so we want to give you the full experience right so you'll be staying in this smaller sleeping pod so these are this one is yours up here let's clean this guy wow this is the bed the little desk space you like it oh yeah this is awesome alex's friends have invited us to go running with them this morning fortunately stefan has hurt his knee i don't know if he's hurt his knee or hurt his knee so we're gonna have to go a little slower today ready yeah i'm ready i'm ready you ready yeah you want it so fit they've done they've run 10 miles already does everyone in america does uh i don't this if you all know this but stefan is a motivational speaker so before going out for a run today he wanted to say a few words so today it's all about the teamwork team stands for together everybody achieves more if we see someone fall behind what do we do with that person we support them [Applause] only 16 more miles how do you feel i pay my money literally in sweden tomorrow i had an appointment at a knee specialist but i had to cancel so i have literally pain in my knee stephan we need to carry him everybody get in together everybody [Music] four minutes of preparation how do we feel okay good i'm i'm ready okay perfect that's all we need well we're about to go up we have a 15 minute slot okay the heart rate's getting up right now there's this feeling this is thomas and alex [Applause] for having us so my name is thomas i'm part of a youtube channel called yes theory so our motto is seek discomfort in our world the only way to grow and reach your full potential is by getting out of your comfort zone and so the person that ended up saying yes is this man his name is alex so number one yeah thank you all for for having me it's really a pleasure to be here i honestly still can't believe this is real i'm very much out of my comfort zone i figured this would be a great way to just kind of break out of that repetitive cycle that happens every week and i thought sure i'm just going to bite the bullet yeah let's do it so we're going to call thomas we're going to do it with him say hi everyone hello family hello brother nice to meet you he's living your life right now he's giving a talk in front of all your friends oh that's so nice dream big guys have fun love you so crazy i'm all gonna thank all of you guys for listening to us and letting this man sleeping in the pod yes thank you guys i'd love to take a selfie with all of you guys if you guys are games see if we can get all of us in it i'm just gonna have to go wide boom okay okay three two one go yay amazing thank you guys [Applause] well i'm done that worked out you killed it that's so sick that's the group selfie mode on the pixel oh my god so welcome to the swedish crayfish party thank you yeah this country night right now is turning very dark very cold and so this is sort of to celebrate the last days of summer welcome to your first crayfish party man thank you guys i'm just grateful that um i'm getting to share this part of where i'm from with somebody who had like zero experience or familiarity with swedish culture let's start with a little song the [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right well take care guys take care on to the next activity we're going right now to go to sweden norway in the euro cup qualifier oh my god [Music] american okay so now we are headed to go paddleboarding this is the first time i'm in american water i'm from sweden and i'm excited to be here great great great time [Music] [Music] we're on the colorado river we're paddling real slow but we're so happy [Music] [Applause] we are about to reveal to stefan that he is about to give a speech in front of a bunch of young entrepreneurs which is his biggest dream but he has absolutely no idea that this is happening obviously you all know that staffan is a motivational speaker little does he know we've been in touch with the entrepreneurship society of the texas longhorns no and in an hour and 30 minutes you're giving a speech i always wanted to get like my words out there and here i am able to send out the positivity and the kindness i want to put out there so i'm super happy let's get pumped let's get ready uh this is a special moment for a special man you're born for this moment it's only the beginning we're so excited to see the rest of your journey one two three [Applause] first of all i want to say one thing to uh staff found like 18 years old i want to say stefan you made it to america i call myself a professional dreamer yes but i'm also meeting young people who has gone from like losing hope for their dreams and their ideas and sparkling their eyes to actually go and see the sparkling and feel the dreams and feel like okay i can't believe i can believe i can achieve so that's why i call myself a professional dreamer [Applause] because is it anyone here who has ever failed in your life with something yeah it's kind of like it's totally obvious to be with friends in this sentence here is i say that is to divide what you do with who you are when i meet people let's say i am a teacher i am a student i'm a salesperson and then i think in my head no you are not a student you're not a salesperson you're a human being and you are working as a salesperson or right now you're studying what happens if we are what we do what happens what we do if that disappears what happens if you order your work and you get unemployed so you can fail with what you do but you can never fail with who you are hey let's do it together you can fail with what you do never with who you are that's good i have this dream now to put my words and inspiration out in social media as i do live impressive i'm so afraid when i write something on social media that someone shall attack me or say something like i wish i could stay here today and say i don't care but i think it's so frightening and i think it's so scary like when you really open up your heart and put out your words there but i have decided of the district with america that i'm going all in and sharing my true hearts on social media [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] what just happened in there it's crazy man i still don't know where are we right now you're looking at right now okay it's a floating sauna so this is a boat oh sauna with a grill you're kidding it's gonna be an epic swedish sunset hey guys this is amazing yes i just want to do a quick cheers for everybody this moment right here with all of us is a very yes theory moment it's not just alex who said yes it's all of you guys who came out here we were all pretty much strangers i'm very glad to be able to show this part of sweden through our stories and to you who is visiting cheers to all of you cheers hopefully we'll all get in the water at some point one [Music] there you go thank you sir texas style bbq baby [Music] [Music] here we are dropping stuff on off please baby yeah boys love you boys you are people that will make me never feel alone again the feeling of being lonely doesn't exist you spread that to sweden no but truly i wanted this moment to forgive i want to forgive all the bullyers or all the people saying me and things and there's been some tough times when i think when i say mean things or bad things hasn't been easy but i forgive and i focus on the positive and my weirdness out there put my light out there as you said i love you all boys [Music] 72 hours after this experiment began alex and stefan had successfully swapped lives without ever meeting in person they both got immersed in a culture totally different from their own and in the end thanks to the people greeting them on the other side ended up feeling right at home we learned on both sides that no matter where you go around the world hospitality and kindness exists everywhere that even though sweden and texas are two very different places we ended up learning that we're way more similar to each other than even us had anticipated and so if you ever get to travel we highly encourage you to find and befriend some locals and truly get the immersive experience but for now let's all meet each other in the comments let us know where you're from and a reason come visit your country we'll see you next week [Music] you
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 4,777,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yestheory, seek discomfort, swapping lives, yes theory swapping lives, 3 day life swap, strangers swap lives, swapping lives across the world, stockholm live swap, texas sweden life swap, texas longhorns, texas, University of texas football, what to do in texas, what to do in sweden, what to do in stockholm, google pixel, pixel 3, motivational speech, staffan taylor, staffan taylor motivation, swapping lives with a stranger, 72 hour challenge, 72 hour life swap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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