I Secretly Took My Friend to His Dream Destination

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while us editors were filming the Australian editor series a certain someone decided to come down to Melbourne to surprise us you see them if you can see them yeah whoa now there's only one thing you need to know about Thomas and that's that he's one of the biggest Lord of the Rings fans there is so now that he's here with us we decided to put together a surprise we'd been thinking of for years so Thomas has just surprised us is it our turn to surprise Thomas what do you have in mind a little country called New Zealand I think we're on the same bed you know this idea does no so I've had this idea for a while Thomas loves Lord of the Rings we want to blindfold him and take him to the Shire my blindfold him taken to the airport put him on a plane three or four hour flight drive up there open his eyes and he's in the shower yeah that's amazing now that he's here to make it happen I'm surprises just keep coming try to keep up can't we can't kill it yeah there's so many surprises yeah the problem we've run into is that you need a visa to get to New Zealand obviously I don't know why I would considering that after we booked the flights it was a funny idea the whole thing but like when you get into the nitty-gritty of trafficking a human to another country you know it's our first time kidnapping someone so you got to like learn on the go we'll see if we can like scan his face off of the screen there's a fraud now we're going down for kidnapping and trafficking and fraud new plan is I'm gonna sneak into this hotel room break and entering I'm going to steal his passport so I can scan it I'm somehow gonna scan his face and then just leave I'm just worried is that like playfully illegal ah the law that's being in a way of fun okay so this is a it's almost apartment finders passport sir if I were Thomas where I keep my passport [Music] Bingo Swedish passport baby nice Thomas eating one block away from here stop on selling dinner with them I gotta do the handoff of the passport to Stefan so that he can get his face scanning for the Visa you've got it scan it is I think it's a little bit fraud okay now it comes to the photo can you give me some encouraging words you can do it but it's already been done Hannah hasn't cut up yet oh this is for his own good unless I'm coming for you now okay so I'm taking a photo of Thomas I applied for his Visa tomorrow we hopefully go to new Steelers New Zealand here we come well everything his reaction will be I think he's gonna be shocked maybe a little angry we're putting in so much work to give him the greatest trip of his lifetime but he's always wanted he's loved Lord of the Rings since he was a kid why is this so hard [Music] oh [Music] hello how are you this is not good news for me now can we come in I really don't like this I'm usually the one holding the camera when this happens yeah shut the door I'm not shaving my head pack your bags what we are leaving in an hour where are we going you'll be wearing this the whole time where are we going I guess there's only one way to find out like pack my bags like like we're not coming back here yes we'll figure it out trust the process surrender my to-do list is this an episode where I'm like seeking Comfort or about exactly the name of the channel it's gonna be the same as when you did 24 hours in complete darkness except that we're going to be like human trafficking you at the same time oh I wouldn't phrase it yeah oh wait I mean like kidnapping we'll be transporting you without your knowledge of where you're going well that's that's what um we can just cut to the next five who's excited [Music] smell the smells I mean you can still smell with the blindfold on okay say balls if you hear me amazing time to go oh he's got no idea two pets yes one pet no I can't hear you oh I guess [Music] um it didn't dawn on me that we like can't really communicate with Thomas should we just leave him here for 24 hours are we actually going to an airport right now I'm not actually flying right it smells funny it smells like fried food or something why is he walking like that things are going downstairs [Music] what am I doing thumbs up for oh wait you have to go through Florida yeah we're gonna cross that hurdle when we come to it he hates us right now I feel it yeah I don't know where he's going he doesn't know [Music] thank you stay mad buddy we're going through security right now and they're probably gonna need to see you without a blindfold yeah okay I can see people looking already okay people are looking at us he's getting the staff on our team [Music] a security person is just a friend you haven't met yet are we leaving the country you guys are crazy for leaving the country let's just go I don't want to jinx it but we've gotten through a lot of the hurdles the last one is going to be Customs over there [Applause] okay let's see how this goes this is him yes at every stage of the way everyone's like nice yeah he doesn't know what he's doing right now yeah everyone get in it's mine what are we doing I don't know he doesn't know where he's going yeah oh really you can't miss anyone looking at us right now this happens all the time one ticket good evening welcome on board I can't wait to watch a movie your first time in New Zone [Music] welcome to New Zealand you're the first person to say it here comes the big boy [Music] the equator [Music] so we need you to take your head phones off for a second [Music] you did it you made it I thought Customs was gonna be the hardest part as you again was one of the nicesters she's like yes Theory you guys went to the least visit the country in the world yeah that's it that's the guy oh he's gonna freak out watch oh my God it's an elevator hold on a little bit longer have you been here before Oh so we can take it into his hotel room we need a sweet a lot now to make sure there's no evidence what country we're in anything about New Zealand we're at the hotel you can take your blindfold off and shower and do whatever you like are you serious I'm pretty sure there's no evidence anywhere where we are [Music] tomorrow morning is the final leg of the Mystery Tour are we still going for am I going to be blindfolded in the morning yeah a couple more hours couple more hours what time is it it's like four or four it's four in the morning I think we call it a night no let's stay up and watch TV we could actually I'm excited for that Scooby Dooby Doo Oh [Music] and Korea you know what Let's Travel and sleep three hours to go God knows where oh my God he's becoming insane I'm having a good time first I cannot wait to find out what the we're doing ready for adventure all right we're all very excited and we're all very tired if I know good YouTube video is that this is gonna be worth it [Music] Thomas keeps asking how much longer we said 15 and he thought we said 50 and he like almost had a panic attack the person that would love seeing this the most is one Thomas Thomas all of our dreams can be true what do you think [Music] so we're here but we just need to walk a little bit and then get onto a vehicle for 10 minutes and then we're there I know you're tired of this we're doing our best uh and we're almost there okay I love you cool the more time passes the more frustrated you get no I know [Music] all right we're almost there I've not seen a smile all morning your wonderful friends doing this for your friend okay yes he doesn't seem very happy about it it seems actually really pissed off so we have a little bit of a unique situation going on we've got a gentleman over there with a blindfold on so he actually has no idea where he is in the world keep it quiet and we'll jump them on now all right this is gonna be the hard part oh yeah he's feeling his way up all right thank you everyone we're really sickness Comfort now so welcome to place undisclosed I'm gonna look off to your right here you'll see a bunch of stuff sweet team we are here at location undisclosed I can't wait for this reaction I can't wait that's voice dream come other people's dreams come true now we're going to make history yes I don't remember what life was like without a blindfold permanently with music oh my god oh I think this is it guys yeah this is it team okay we're about to do the big reveal it's been 24 hours in the making this time it's time my pulse is beating so hard right now I'm actually so scared any final words Thomas uh damn this is this has actually been scarier than I thought it would be this has been like a really good exercise of Letting Go you know just like all right sounds like we're in the jungle I have no idea go for it [Music] it's good like a few seconds it's so bright [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] my God look at all your new friends [Music] oh my God they're getting brought up it was worth it well done oh my God thank you guys is this what you always wished this is so cool how long you been dreaming to come here a long time the best surprise surprise yeah man that's so cool to our tour [Music] well welcome to the Shire [Music] you can't pay for that smile honestly yeah it's Priceless yeah I'm so glad we're here we did it wow just FYI Lord of the Rings are the best movies in the world so your subjective opinion is not relevant butter never tasted so good this is the best surprise ever like I don't think I'll ever anyone will ever talk this WOW remember that everyone yeah take that Thomas's future wife best child ever I know right I'm a massive Lord of the Rings nerd and so this YouTube thing doesn't work out I'll come work with you how many people think they should swap live for a day that'd be so cool cool look at that it's um it's cozy but the rent's cheap that's very good it's a very funny guy in heaven I'm literally in heaven wow [Music] thank you guys so much WoW okay so a little update um the surprise was a success we did the tour everything worked out incredibly and I guess that's the end of the story except for the fact that everyone wanted more when we found out there's a like a summer Harvest Festival happening tomorrow night at 6 45 for five hours so up until 11 45 meaning we'll see the Shire at night when it's the most magical surprise never stop yeah we're here for the Harvest Festival it happens quite rarely and I bet even more rarely with this kind of weather wait guys what happened to your ears wait mine aren't like that right uh well I just couldn't hear super well whoa oh no okay wait a second I was at six feet tall before [Music] I guess the food must be uh pretty spicy this is getting cooler yeah awesome [Music] thank you [Applause] I had too much pudding same you know it's been a dream to come here for so long and it could have been a more meaningful way to experience it like I don't think I could have had a better like explosion of emotion in any other circumstances strange as the circumstance was so thank you so much for bringing me such a meaningful experience it really means the world I'll be thinking back at this for many years oh yeah love you kid love you guys love you man it's ending here there's a lot of fun memories to think back on what are you guys looking at I think it's gonna be a flashback numbers over there yeah oh and on that note that's the Australian series yeah I know we're New Zealand but this episode started in Australia saying we had we hunted got tackled we even did the impossible but most importantly we discovered the beauty of a constant we've never explored before [Music] that's some incredible people along the way [Applause] we're gonna keep going on more of these editor Adventures so comment down below which country we should explore next and what we should do there and we may be seeing you very soon and hey real quick before you go I just wanted to let you know that our seat discomfort collection breathe is currently live on seek discomfort.com these designs serve as a reminder to pause and take a breath and to connect with nature and each other
Channel: Seek Discomfort
Views: 713,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yes Theory, Yes Theory Plus, Seek Discomfort, Yes Theory behind the scenes, Yestheory, amazon FBA
Id: QB6Az9kQQuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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