(2) She Was Abused But Then Was Reincarnated To Marry A Rich And Powerful Duke - Manhwa Recap

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silence filled the room for a moment before juvilian told Max that Geraldine was her Night Guard most people already knew geraldine's face because he always accompanied javilion whenever she went out juvilian already had a plan in mind she would convince her father to accept her decision to have Geraldine accompany her to the banquet as he would also protect her from the slanderers and no romantic rumors would fly around since they were cousins for a second Max was relieved by juvilian's decision which made him curious about why he was relieved when it didn't have anything to do with him Max's heart skipped a beat after juvilian thanked him for just listening to her problems feeling strange for some reason Max stood up and immediately left the room before leaving juvilian gave Max a pouch curious about what was inside Max opened it as instructed and was confused to see money inside speechless duvillian told Max that he could visit her place whenever he wanted if he had nowhere else to go Max's face turned red and he just nodded in response as the sun was about to set another potential partner for juvilian was about to visit the Florian estate when they were abruptly stopped to his surprise it was Duke Regis who asked if his identity was Ronald Hermann krocos the Duke didn't want Ronald visiting his home and suggested they would have the conversation outside instead Ronald asked the Duke why he was not qualified to be his daughter's partner to the point that he would warn him to never approach her undeterred Rommel refused to back down from the Duke's threats because he wanted to hear the rejection from juvili and herself a few minutes ago the Duke had also threatened another potential candidate named Boromir and with just one sentence Boromir had backed off feeling confident Ronald knew that he was juvilian's last option upon hearing his daughter's words being spoken so casually Duke Regis was furious with one mistake from Ronald he triggered the Duke's anger and Ronald immediately left the area to avoid certain death from the Duke himself after calming down Duke reads his plan to have Derek write up a new list for him because he did not like any of the candidates that had been presented later that night jubilian already had her plan and had also found out that the rumors came from droil since he was the only one who had seen the cufflinks that Javelin intended to give to her father for the time being jubilian planned to observe her father's mood in order to properly give the cufflinks to him when the Duke asked why jubilian was looking for him the Duke somehow felt indifferent when his pendant was returned however when jubilian handed her gift to the Duke he was silent for a moment which made jubilian think if her plan would really work when duvelian was about to inform her father of her partner the Duke misunderstood the present and told juvilian that he would gladly go with her to the banquet the Duke's response left juvilian in total shock during the night one of Max's guards was curious about what was on his mind Max was annoyed because he couldn't stop thinking about juvilian when asked by his guard if something was wrong Max told the guard not to pry into his business and to report immediately there was nothing new to report other than that Max's temporary replacement Victor was now being suspected of not being the prince under the a helmet after being instructed by Max to tell Victor not to show any weaknesses the guard felt sorry for Victor because he had to wear the armor in very warm weather the guard then mentioned that Javelin would most likely be the topic of Gossip at the banquet since she was attending when the guard wanted to tell more information about javilion Max stopped her and instructed her not to go into such details when the guard mentioned that she would be taking her leave to inform Victor Max told the guard that she could not leave yet because he would be assigning her a very important task and she must report back at the weekend the day of ducarello's banquet had come and all the noble ladies had gathered to socialize at the event the task that Max had given to his guard Freya was to help juvilian and protect her from the Slanders of the noble ladies the ladies mentioned that the Roses were really the reason why they wanted to attend but Freya knew that they were just waiting for juvilian and her partner to arrive when rumors surrounding jubilian having an illegitimate child started spreading Freya immediately toned them down and told the ladies that javilion had recently broken up with Mikhail and was most likely choosing a much safer way to avoid any more rumors about her since jubilian's love stories were like a maze Freya stated that they would just have to find out who the owner of the cufflinks juvilian had bought was after Freya successfully protected javilion's name the noble ladies changed their topic to Mikhail they were about to see Mikhail and Javelin again at the banquet and were curious to see what might happen the ladies then immediately came up with the rumor that Mikhail might be the owner of the cufflinks which drained Freya and made her unsure if she could stop the rumors from growing meanwhile Mikhail looked unstable and was waiting for juvilian to arrive curious to see who she was bringing with her Duke Regis and jubilian were on their way to the banquet when the Duke mentioned that javilion didn't have to worry about the people slandering her because he would protect her from it arriving at the party the Duke offered his hand to javilion as they got out of the carriage everyone was surprised to see Duke Regis at the banquet questions spread about whether the Duke was juvilian's part partner everyone was then silenced as duke Regis and jubilian were introduced and entered the banquet jubilian remembered her past life when she was just a side character who craved for love but was abandoned by the love of her life and rejected by her own father and thus died pathetically in her second life she decides to run away and change her life back to reality when juvilian heard the Duke say that he would protect her and that she didn't need to worry because he would be by her side she was very curious about what was on her father's mind the nobles were in awe and could not speak in the presence of Duke Regis and javilion some Nobles still could not resist gossiping saying that javilion's act of giving another pair of cufflinks to the Duke was to avoid more rumors when the Duke heard the gossip he immediately gave a glare that would make any man or woman tremble in fear everyone at the banquet was surprised that juvilian revealed the store where she bought the item Rose Marie was so impressed with Jubilee and that she revered her as an angel while the banquet was brimming with Lively music jubilian was finally able to relax when she found a private space for herself she was suffocating due to the crowded place and the constant questions from people hiding from the branches Max witnessed juvilian crying which made him curious about the reason for her tears Max was also at the party observing the banquet and how the task he had assigned to freesia was turning out however Max didn't expect to see javilion outside crying when no one knew was that Javelin cries when she yawns and she also wanted to go home already duvelian was surprised to see Max at the banquet asking her why she was crying duvilian was still curious about why Max was at the banquet but when she was about to ask him he cut her off and told her that even though he didn't know what happened he asked her not to cry and asked if someone had bothered her when Max asked for the identities of the people who had offended javilion she became confused and didn't know what Max was saying when juvilian asked if Max would teach her offenders a lesson he responded that he would devilian knew that with his actions alone he could be executed as as even speaking informally too someone could be seen as a form of mutiny tuvillian had grown quite attached to Max and didn't want him to die if Max wanted to help juvilian then she recommended that he fix his informal speech and use honorifics especially in front of others when Max asked why he would do such a thing juvilian explained that words can make enemies or Allies depending on how one uses them Nobles are sensitive to words maybe if their status system were abolished no one would need to worry about it however since that is not the case they should be very careful about how they speak devilian was able to persuade Max with her reasoning and made him agree to fix his informal speech when juvilian asked the reason why Max was at the banquet he only responded that it was work related but in reality it was to check up on juvilian when Max asked why jubilian was outside and not with her partner he was surprised to know that javilion's partner was her very own father Max knew of her plan and thought that she would be partnered up with her cousin but due to the Duke's unreadable moves he ended up becoming her partner because of her father as well jubilian didn't receive a single dance request devilian was surprised to see Max extending his hand offering to dance with her while the music was still playing when juvilian asked if he could even dance Max responded that she should be honored because Max doesn't just dance with anyone juvilian's face turned red from seeing Max's face up close thinking that she would probably lead the dance jubilian was surprised that Max knew how to dance when juvelian slipped Max immediately caught her and asked why she was so distracted when their faces were now closed to one another the Duke witnessed what happened and warned Max to get away from his daughter initially the Duke was planning to spend a peaceful day with his daughter he saw Javelin going outside and thought that she would be fine Mikhail saw jubilian going outside and thought that it was a sign for him to follow her Mikhail was surprised by the Duke's Sudden Change of attitude after reading mikhail's letter Duke Regis made it his mission to never let Mikhail get near his daughter again the Duke can intentionally let Mikhail go so that juvilian would enjoy the banquet and he didn't want to ruin it for her suddenly he saw jubilian silhouette dancing with someone the Duke was impressed and thought that the man juvilian was dancing with might be a great guy since he was able to avoid the Duke's attention the Duke wanted to let them finish there dance and investigate the man later but when he heard an alarming sound coming from juvilian he thought of the worst and sprinted towards her location when the Duke saw a man clenching javilion's hand he immediately gave a warning to let his daughter go remembering when the empress asked him to teach Max how to live Duke Regis accepted Max as his disciple but now upon seeing what they were doing Duke Regis asked if Max had any romantic interests in juvilian seeing that his father was bleeding jubilian asked if he was all right which made the Duke a bit happy to see his daughter's concerned face on the other hand jubilian was curious why the Duke was outside having trouble how to stop the bleeding and while still feeling the effects of the wine the Duke told you villain that he would ask the details later and that they should leave first juvilian was relieved to see his father's expression a little relieved when Max asked juvilian about her feet as it looked like she may have been hurt the Duke immediately stopped Max with his worries since he would now take care of his daughter jubilean supposedly knew the ending of her story but she was surprised to witness that she was now being carried by the man who rejected her in her previous life before leaving the Duke told Max that he didn't need to visit his place anymore as he would personally visit him duvilian was now very embarrassed since her father was now carrying her across the crowd of nobles when jubilian told her father that it was now okay to put her down the Duke refused since juvilian hurt her feet the Duke misunderstood the reason why javilion wanted to be put down it was not because her injuries were now okay but rather because she was embarrassed to be carried by her father in front of the other Nobles duvilian wished she could just vanish to escape their prying eyes as the Duke carried Javelin out of the party people began to gossip about her the noble ladies started talking behind juvilian's back accusing her of deliberately causing a scene to draw attention away from Rose Marie the birthday celebrant Rose Marie defended juvilian against the gossip reminding everyone that javilian had been sick recently and it was possible that she had not fully recovered Rosemarie was even more impressed that jubilian had attended her party even though she was sick she commended juvilian for her strength and courage with Rosemary's help the negative gossip turned into concern for juvilian's health Mikhail who was still at the banquet secretly listened to the gossip of the noble ladies he heard that Javelin had always been weak and remembered that she might not have been faking her illness after all he recalled the days when juvilian could barely keep up with him on their walks because she got tired so easily he now felt remorse for ignoring her all those times at the Floyd Mansion jubilian was reminded by her father of the doctor's orders to stay indoors for a few days jivelian was curious about why her father was suddenly so caring towards her when he had always ignored her before she then realized that he was only being nice to her now because it would benefit him in the long run the Duke knew that Javelin was now being considered as a potential Bride for the Crown Prince the marriage could only go ahead if juvilian was healthy so the Duke was making sure that she took care of herself duvilian had thought that breaking up with Mikhail would free her from the death flags that seemed to follow her around however she now realized that her father was planning to replace Mikhail with the Crown Prince duvelian was scared and didn't want to have another tragic ending meanwhile at Salon blooms Max couldn't stop thinking about javilion he blushed when he imagined what would have happened if he had kissed her when he caught her falling Freya thought that Max was acting strange after the banquet he instructed her to send a banquet invitation to juvilian under her name Freya informed Max that it would be difficult to invite juvilian right now when Max who looked annoyed asked why Freya explained that Javelin was currently very popular meanwhile jubilian was surprised to receive so many invitation letters she was curious why she was being invited to so many events feeling stressed about all the Banquets she planned to use her weak Health as an excuse to refuse the invitations duvelian was then informed that there was an important invitation that she needed to reply to immediately when she opened the letter she was surprised to see that it was from the hearing family the family of the late Empress the Heron family usually sent letters to her father but they had never sent one to javilion before juvilian began to worry that her father might be meeting with the Crown Prince at that very moment she felt weak and didn't feel like answering any letters she was even more annoyed because she couldn't come up with a plan to escape the supposed marriage jubilian was surprised by Max's sudden visit he was standing outside her window tuvillian was suspicious of Max because he always seemed to be able to get into her room through the window javilion remembered her father telling Max that he would personally go to him and warn him never to visit the estate again to villian then had an idea she opened the window and clumsily tripped towards Max this fell into his arms she asked him if he would like to go on a date Max was surprised by devilian's sudden offer to go on a date it had been a week since Max had been waiting for his teacher to leave javilion's home vax was confused if juvilian treated him so nicely because she liked him he assumed that she did and his thoughts spiraled out of control even to the point of thinking about having children with her before Max could fantasize about his life together with juvilian she explained her situation to him so that there would be no misunderstandings next tried to hold back his laughter when she mentioned that they would be signing a dating contract he thought it was funny because she was asking him to date her but they needed a contract for it Max was curious why juvilian needed a contract if she wanted to date him duvelian had a hard time explaining the situation to Max since he was supposedly a homeless mercenary and his time must be precious she thought that he would agree to the contract if she promised him some benefits Max was fuming a javelin he thought that she was making a joke of him when juvilian mentioned that Max would only have to date her until she could independently get out of the Floyd Mansion Max was curious why she would go to such lengths to leave her home duvilian reminded him that her father had written a list of potential candidates for her to marry soon when Max asked if juvealing could decline the offer if she wanted to she responded that she wanted to decline but it was a person that she couldn't decline Max asked the identity of the man javilion couldn't decline to before telling him the man's identity jubilian made Max promise to not tell a soul about it when juvilian told Max that it was the Crown Prince he was shocked he couldn't speak properly after finding out juvilian then mentioned that the Crown Prince would be the most likely Choice since they had the same nobility and status not only that the Crown Prince was the heir of the great Magus asht the founder of the Empire Ash had solved every problem of his people by Magic and everyone revered his Heir like a god the reverence and fear the people gave to the Crown Prince was absolute juvilian couldn't decline the marriage when the other party was from the royal family declining the marriage meant that juvilian and her family would be fighting against the empire in order to get out of her marriage problem jubilian planned to show her father that she was now dating someone after hearing her story Max was curious why it sounded like javilion hated the Crown Prince so much when Max told juvilian that the Crown Prince may actually like and care for her she was surprised Max pointed out the benefits of marrying the Crown Prince aside from being the next in line to the throne he could provide jubilian with anything she needed after thinking about it juvilian still wanted to run away from the marriage Max was annoyed and left jovilian's room when she mentioned that she did not want to be with the Crown Prince who was a cold-hearted man before juvilian could stop Max he was already gone in her room duvilian wondered if Max had answered yes or no to her offer returning to Salon blooms Max was frustrated which made Freya curious about his bad mood when Freya asked if Max had a problem that he couldn't solve he responded with another question asking Freya the meaning behind a girl who wanted to avoid and run away from her potential marriage Alliance Freya was a little surprised that Max asked the question thinking that he would absolutely know she explained that the girl must have loathed the man extremely upon hearing freya's words Max couldn't stop thinking if juvilian really loathed him when Freya tried to guess the situation and mention that Max proposed to her but she instead wanted to run away Max who was startled confessed that it wasn't him that proposed but instead it was jubilian before Max could continue he saw the Curious eyes of Freya and immediately stopped before he regretted what he said max then diverted the topic and asked Freya if there was any news from the emperor Freya told Max that there was nothing new his father still wanted him to come home and the empress had sent assassins again to take Max's life for the meantime Freya had kept the Assassin alive and asked Max what they should do with him since Max was a kid his stepmother had always been trying to find a way to get rid of him the incumbent empress Isabella Rusty asht had been behind the late empress's death max observed that the empress was starting to move again Freya asked max if they should behead the Assassin immediately and send it to the empress as a gift but Max who was filled with juvilian's view of him couldn't concentrate on their conversation Freya was surprised to hear that Max ordered for the Assassin's life to be spared Freya had known Max for some time and knew that he was not one to let a threat to his life go unpunished but because it was his order Freya agreed to release the Assassin Max who was somehow pleased with his decision asked Freya if anyone had sent him a marriage proposal Furious about Max's question Freya was silent for a moment then told Max that he had not received any marriage proposals and would have reported it to him immediately if he had after hearing freya's report Max was a little disappointed and immediately left at the Floyd Mansion jubilian was again put in an awkward position having dinner with her father when the Duke called out juvilian's name her thoughts immediately went in into Panic hoping that her father wouldn't talk about the marriage agreement when the Duke asked for juvilian's opinion about the Crown Prince do villian turned pale and was nervous tubelian then hastily changed the topic by mentioning the founding history of their Nation the story of how the first emperor founded the nation duvilian then asked if the creations of the first emperor were still preserved to this day the Duke was silent and showed a dark expression he then immediately stood up and told jovilian that he had urgent matters to attend to juvilian was surprised by the Duke's actions since he wasn't someone who would leave immediately after saying a few words outside of the Mansion the Duke wanted to endure but could no longer hold it in and had to leave if juvilian kept learning about the royal family even though not everything was recorded in the history books if juvilian found out just a little she would be in huge trouble the Duke assumed that the reason why javilian was learning about the royal family was because she had met Max no matter how innocent juvilian was she had definitely heard rumors about the Crown Prince the Duke could only wonder if juvilian would accept Max clenching his hand the Duke was surprised to hear juvilian calling for him when he asked the reason why she followed him jubilian responded that she was worried since he didn't look so well but in reality jubilian ran after him because she wondered if the Duke acting strangely had anything to do with her the Duke could only smile at the thought that Javelin worried for him he then covered juvilian with his coat and asked her to get inside the Mansion as it was very cold when the Duke told javilion that she should learn more about the Crown Prince juvelian's whole body froze in fear duvilian already assumed the worst case scenario that her father really wanted her to marry the Crown Prince even though she hated the idea of marrying the Crown Prince juvilian couldn't say no to her father's requests and immediately went to bed inside her room jubilian was feeling uncomfortable because her stomach was hurting she was then informed that there was another letter for her to read the letter came from Rosemarie who expressed her heartfelt gratitude for juvilian's gift and for attending her banquet despite her poor dubelian was touched by Rose Marie's letter as she could feel her affection javilion had assumed that Rosemarie would be angry with her for leaving her party early but instead she received a letter from her asking after juvilian's well-being juvilian was surprised to see that the other side of the letter was an invitation to a tea party javilion thought deeply about whether she should go to the tea party as she had been cooped up in her room for some time juvilian also thought that she could use the tea party as an opportunity to see if there were any rumors about the Crown Prince in the elite such as what the Crown Prince hated the most meanwhile Rose Marie and the other Noble women were gathered together as Rose Marie shared the status of javelin's Health when Rose Marie mentioned that jubilian would be joining them at their tea party the other Noble women couldn't hide their excitement as they couldn't wait to see javilion again Rosemarie then informed another Noble lady named Veronica Joanna learns that the Tea Party would be held at her home Veronica hesitated at first knowing that javilian would be visiting her home but eventually agreed to what Rosemarie had said after their Gathering Veronica vented her frustrations with Rosemarie as she decided for herself that the Tea Party would be held in Veronica's room the person who didn't want to listen to Veronica's frustrations was Mikhail when Veronica mentioned that javilion would be coming to the party as well mikhail's attention immediately shifted with his own ulterior motive Mikhail Charmed Veronica into inviting him to their tea party with mikhail's words and charm Veronica fell for his words and agreed to let him join their tea party meanwhile Mikhail was very pleased as he could finally meet javilion at the arcade Street jewvillian wondered how Grand the Tea Party would be and plan to pick out just the right outfit for the party however she was again escorted by many guards which made her worry about whether she would be able to shop properly while observing the wonderful dresses jubilian felt like they were all too fancy javilion pondered this as every shop she went to only had fancy dresses suddenly Freya went up to jubilian and told her that the clothes she was looking for wouldn't fit her the guards were surprised when Freya easily approached javilion While others shed a tear as jubilian was finally being noticed jubilian thanked Freya for her advice after choosing the items and dresses jubilian finally finished her shopping out of nowhere trouble brewed in the middle of the street when juvilian observed the situation she immediately recognized the person to be the Shameless Baron that the golden people talked about when the mystery person spoke heartily to the baron jubilian was surprised when she saw that it was her father's student she was very shocked when the baron kept on insulting Max and asking for him to be arrested jubilian stepped in to stop the situation from escalating further the baron was surprised to see juvilian in front of him when she introduced herself to the crowd the people around them began to gossip the baron immediately kneeled and greeted her respectfully when jubilian told him that she knew who he was the baron tried to use his cunning words to appease her but she was only further annoyed Baron golden is known for trampling on those of lower status than him to villian planned to teach him a lesson for being so obsequious to her she announced in the name of her father Duke Regis that no one would harm her man Max's face turned red At The Mention Of Being her man javilion then whispered to Max that she had lied about him being her servant in order to save him Max however misunderstood her and thought that she meant him as her lover when juvilian told the baron that Max was the Knight that her father had assigned to be her Bodyguard the baron was shocked devilian's real bodyguards were also confused by what she was saying when juvilian threatened the baron for messing with her guard Max was a little disappointed that she had not called him her lover the baron tried to reason that it was Max's fault for pushing a noble however the truth was that the baron could not stand the fact that Max was more attractive than him so he had used his status to bully him little did the baron know that Max would retaliate and teach him a lesson the baron was insulted when jubilian asked him to apologize to Max Max on the other hand was curious if the issue could be resolved by simply giving the baron money devilian who knew the hierarchy and standards of their country apologized on behalf of her supposed guard she also took responsibility for not properly educating him Max then remembered juvilian's request that he act like her lover in front of many people seeing him so quiet Javelin wondered if he was thinking suddenly Max grabbed her hand and held it tightly thanking her for saving him the women around them were impressed by his charm and superb acting skills Javelin on the other hand was very confused by his Sudden Change of attitude Max continued his act explaining that he had been confused but was thankfully saved when juvilian arrived in front of everyone he told juvilian that he now wished to start their dating contract duvilian immediately covered Max's mouth embarrassed that he had mentioned the contract in the middle of a crowded Street the people around them easily misunderstood their close posture and assumed that they were not in a normal relationship now embarrassed jubilian instructed Max to follow her quickly after transferring to her carriage jubilian Max had a more private conversation javilion was surprised that Max had mentioned the contract in the street since she thought he had rejected her offer by leaving without saying a word she asked him why he had changed his mind Max hadn't really changed his mind the reason he hadn't answered javilion right away was because of what she had said about the Crown Prince who was actually Max himself Max's silence made jubilian curious about what was going on in his head she changed the topic by asking him why he had been at the arcade Street since she didn't think it was a place he would normally go shopping Max who was now irritated aggressively responded that it didn't matter to her he just liked to wander around the Arcade Street without a purpose the villian clenched her fist as she tried to calm herself down and not be annoyed by his attitude Max remembered the news that Freya had received javilion was going to attend a tea party in the next few days and so would Mikhail he was curious why she was now attending a tea party when Freya mentioned that it was still possible that Mikhail and jubilian still had feelings for each other Max immediately stopped his training and angrily left malfurious Max planned to stop Mikhail before he could do anything to Javelin at the Tea Party he knew that he couldn't keep showing up out of nowhere so he planned to use the dating contract to be with juvilian always and keep Mikhail away from her tuvillian was now very curious about what was going on in Max's head as he was now showing a dangerous expression before she could finish what she was about to say she was cut off by Max who wanted to ask her something first he was curious why she had offered him the dating contract jubilian was nervous and responded that it was because he was her father's student and the only person she could comfortably ask for something Max's disappointed look after hearing the first reason immediately turned to happiness and he couldn't stop smiling civilian's answer was enough for him to agree to her offer meanwhile Jubilee and herself still saw Max's personality as questionable but his face was still her type when they were about to discuss the charging fee Max immediately showed an annoyed look and told jubilian that he wouldn't be charging her any fees instead she could think of their contract as payment for taking care of his wounds before juvilian was very happy to know that Max would willingly cooperate with her in return for his Services she would give him free accommodation Max was embarrassed as jubelian was now very close to him and asked him to let go of his hands juvelian informed him that he should no longer be worried about someone seeing them since they were now lovers Max was very surprised for him this was no longer just a play it now directly related to his life javilion reminded Max that since they had started their contract they must hold hands and stay close to each other and Max must call her name passionately juvilian then remembered that they hadn't introduced themselves properly yet she was about to introduce herself when Max cut her off again telling her that he already knew her identity tuvillian was surprised to hear that Max knew her identity for so long but she was immediately annoyed when she realized that he wasn't properly addressing her even though he knew her status while avoiding eye contact Max hid his full name from juvilian and just told her that it was indeed Max juvilian's eyes sparkled as she looked at him he had a meaningful name and would most likely become a great man Max's happy expression changed immediately when javilion mentioned that they would now be writing down the contract Max was hesitant about the contract idea as he didn't see it as necessary since jovelian wasn't going to be paying him devilian was disappointed in him as she thought her father would have taught him common knowledge she then further explained the purpose of contracts juvilian was surprised when Max told her that she wouldn't take advantage of him huvilian's heart beat faster when she heard Max's words however she then explained that most frauds are committed by people we trust she was surprised that Max knew nothing about the reality of Life duvillian lectured Max telling him that he should not trust someone completely just because they are close to you when Max instantly agreed to what javilion said she was doubtful if he really understood what she said said she eventually thought that she would teach him more common sense while they were still in the contract before they signed the contract jubilian went closer to Max's face and told him that they should seal the deal with their lips first max was caught off guard duvilian then mentioned that it was a very important step while Max wondered if they were moving too fast Max couldn't believe that his first kiss would end up being a contract agreement tool as their faces were now closed to one another jubilian whispered that Geraldine would be asking how they met so they had to agree on their answers beforehand Max who was very embarrassed of misunderstanding javilion's words again immediately composed himself and responded by agreeing with juvilian he said that they needed to discuss their answers beforehand because Max felt embarrassed his face kept on turning red which made juvilian think that the place was too hot for him arriving at the Floyd Mansion jubilian's guards were confused and asked for an explanation from her after getting out of the carriage jubilian apologized to her guards and introduced use max is her lover Geraldine and the other guards were surprised as they had never seen Max's face before they wondered if juvilian had picked another man base solely on his looks javilion explained that she had met her lover before at count magen's banquet Geraldine paused and wondered if count Magen was a noble after observing Max Geraldine assessed that even though he dressed like a mercenary his Aura was very elegant to answer her guard's questions jubelian informed them that Max was not a noble but rather just a mercenary her guards couldn't believe that jubilian had picked a mercenary as her lover this time around Geraldine asked jubilian how a mercenary had a chance to get close to her Max was annoyed that an ordinary Knight was staring at him suspiciously Max was always annoyed that no one knew his real identity as only his subordinates and his teacher knew it a few moments before getting out of the carriage Max and juvilian argued about who had saved the other after being bested by juvelian's reasoning Max eventually agreed as she was logically correct javilion comforters him by telling him that it would only be tough at first and Max just needed to stand by her side and agree to what she says devilian then answered geraldine's question with a serious look she mentioned that she was the one who had saved him Max was disappointed by their story while Geraldine was confused immediately juvelian's guards talked to each other as they had seen her save him at the arcade Street some of them immediately thought that despite his looks he was actually a pushover to villian explained that she didn't hate Max back then after meeting him again at calderello's banquet and then again at the arcade street she realized that he was her Destiny to which Max agreed by nodding his head Geraldine was shocked by juvilian's story he had already assumed that she had picked Max just because of his face seeing their faces jubilian asked if they thought that Max was Unworthy of her since he was just a commoner she then acted tough and tried to strike dominance over her guards when in fact they were observing Max as he was the one showing the scariest face Geraldine also assessed that Max's Aura was not normal but was somehow familiar jubilian then grabbed Max's arm and asked if he was all right since he was trembling Max immediately calmed down and reassured javilion that he was now all right juvilian then told Max that he didn't need to worry because she would protect him no matter what the thought of being protected by Javelin was very amusing and satisfying for Max when the Duke saw Max and Javelin together he trembled in fear as Javelin introduced Max as her lover Max was very nervous about facing the Duke he wanted to tell him the news right away but the Duke was filled with anger before Max could say his greetings Duke Regis asked javilion what was going on while the Duke was angrily staring at her jubilian was surprised by her father's actions he had never cared before no matter how badly she had messed up duvilian then assumed that her father was Furious because she had not picked the man he wanted for her thinking that everything would be okay since she had chosen his student who he was content with jubilian explained to her father that she and Max were now officially dating hearing the news Duke Regis expression darkened he asked himself why they had ended up in such a situation the Duke was cautious in order to prevent Max from getting closer to his daughter at the reception room the Duke was irritated by Max's courteous Behavior towards juvilian he thought that Max was seducing his daughter Duke Regis already had his suspicions that Max was scheming something he remembered how brutal Max had been with traitors and how he always made an example of them Duke Regis suspected that Max would just use javilion as another tool to help him conspire more quickly during the meal Duke Regis asked them both how they had met tuvillian was nervous knowing that the questions would keep coming even though Geraldine and the other guards believed her the Duke would not fall for it so easily tuvillian planned to mix the truth with lies in order to deceive him completely javilion explained that Max had come looking for the Duke one day but he was not home with nowhere else to go Max had visited javilion instead when the Duke heard that jubilian had let Max stay in her room for the time being he immediately thought of the worst case scenario the Duke could not stop shaking assuming that his daughter and Max had been sleeping together when juvilian mentioned that nothing had happened between them Max nodded in agreement the Duke on the other hand wanted to believe their words but he was already filled with anger towards Max he swore that if Max touched one hair on juvilian's head he would meet the Duke's wrath the Duke was planning to not let Max leave the Mansion alive he tried to contain his anger as he asked javilion why they didn't tell Derek about Max's arrival to villian explained that it was already late at night and she didn't want to bother anyone she also said that she answered the guard's questions vaguely juvilian also pointed out that she was sure that Max would not harm her clenching his fist Duke Regis knew Max's true nature he was the most dangerous man in the world and no matter how many times the Duke had told Max to change his terrible personality he would still become a barbaric Tyrant if the Duke's judgment was correct then Max would most likely endanger his daughter in the process of becoming a a tyrant staring at javilion Duke Regis could only wonder what if Max threatened her life Duke Regis was disappointed in himself for having accepted Max as his student jubilian confessed her supposed feelings saying that she had a crush on Max the first time she laid eyes on him she felt like it was a miracle that the one she loved also loved her back devilian understood that her father might not trust her anymore because of her self-indulgent lifestyle however she swore that she would never ruin his reputation and asked that he consent to their relationship Duke Regis was surprised to hear those words from juvilian from his perspective jubelian had never ruined his reputation she was the daughter he loved and adored the most in the world Duke Regis would give anything for javilion however he informed them that he did not allow javilion to date Max and asked them to break up immediately zuvenian was shocked when the Duke told them to break up as her plan had not worked out she immediately assumed that the Duke wanted her to marry the Crown Prince and make the political marriage work javilion understood that the Duke would never see see her change instantly and would benefit more if he used her for political reasons with no more moves to pull javilion was speechless Max then held juvilian's hand tightly and told the Duke that they would not be breaking up the Duke and Javelin were surprised by what Max said max reminded the Duke of his teachings he said swordsmanship is to protect things we treasure you become stronger to protect your weakness one day I will also meet someone that I will do my utmost to protect that person is my weakness he wrapped his arm around juvilian and told the Duke that he had finally found the person that he wanted to protect meanwhile jubelian was confused by Max's Sudden Change in Behavior she thought that he was more of a practical person than a garrulous man before Max could finish his speech Duke Regis told him to stop and not to speak such nonsense in front of him in reality the Duke was still offended by Max's previous remark calling his daughter a brat but now Max was acting as if juvilian was a precious thing to him Max had enough he told the Duke that if he kept opposing them without a legitimate reason he would no longer hold back he no longer cared if the Duke was his teacher or not the Duke was now Furious and immediately responded that he would also no longer regard Max as his disciple devilian was confused and surprised by how quickly things had escalated she only wanted to use the dating contract with Max as a way to get out of the marriage setup however it had ended up with her father disowning his own disciple Max had no problem whatsoever if he was no longer regarded as the Duke's disciple he immediately grabbed javilion's hand and wanted to leave the Mansion fuming with anger Duke Regis grabbed Max's shoulder and told him to stop juvelian did not expect that her plan would end up in a fight between her father and his disciple realizing that things had gone too far as Max was now clearly looking down on her father she asked her father to calm down first and told him that she would handle it seeing his daughter's face Duke Regis let go of Max's shoulder and let javilion settle the issue by herself as they were walking away from the Duke jubilian told Max that she had some something important to say to him and asked him to wait divilian thanked Max for speaking on her behalf but when Max addressed her father with such disrespect it crossed the line for her Max was taken aback by jubilian's words as he had only intended to assist her juvilian then reminded Max of what she detested the most perplexed Max inquired about it devilian told Max that his actions didn't improve the situation she never intended for him to be kicked out or to disrespect her father coercing someone to comply with their wishes didn't constitute assistance instead it led to Max doing as he pleased upon hearing her words Max questioned whether juvilian still required his Aid javilion grasped Max's hand and conveyed that she did need help but his behavior during their meal had been excessively extreme consequently dubelian sought an alternative approach Max inquired about his next steps and jubilian responded that he needed to mend the relationship and reconcile with her father Max felt irritated at the notion of reconciling with his instructor yet jubilian tried to persuade him that for reconciliation to occur one party must initiate an apology when Max resisted he hesitated while gazing at juvilian juvilian deduced that Max likely struggled with being the first to apologize due to his significant ego recognizing that this was a problem javilion needed to address herself Max ultimately consented to apologizing to the Duke first observing Max and juvilian Duke Regis was astonished that Max had listened to someone especially to juvilian he contemplated whether Max had genuinely changed after a while Max and juvilian returned juvilian informed her father that Max had something to convey aware that Max's transformation wouldn't come easily as he had observed Max's growth over the past decade Duke Regis hesitated when Max offered a sincere apology to his teacher the Duke recalled that just a few months prior Max had stated that vulnerability was unnecessary Duke Regis remained skeptical of Max's apologies and believed he was exploiting his daughter the Duke decided he won merely Stand By and Watch any longer when the Duke expressed that he had no memory of having a disciple Max promptly comprehended from the Duke's expression that the Duke had never intended for juvilian to be paired with Max although Max realized duvelian had misconstrued her father's intentions he had no intention of rectifying the misunderstanding for the Duke seeing both her father and Max juvilian understood that reconciliation was improbable left with no recourse other than an extreme solution jubilian knelt before her father apologized and accepted the blame when juvilian apologized for her father the Duke and Max were both startled vivelian understood that she had to take the blame for announcing that she was now dating so she needed to come up with a strategy to move forward seeing jubilian neelik Max immediately told her that it was his duty to apologize and begged her to stand up so he could apologize to the Duke duvelian was surprised at first but she was confused as to why Max was freaking out she assumed that he didn't know how scary her father could be when he was angry which was why she had to prostrate herself to beg for forgiveness the Duke immediately accepted juvilian's apology as she had been firm in her refusal to stand up until he did fuvilian was again surprised by her father's Behavior which was different from how she remembered him both the Duke and Max were becoming Restless as the ground that Javelin was kneeling on was cold jovilian on the other hand was confused as to why the teacher and disciple were now getting along so well after their heated argument still unsure of whether her father would accept her apology jubilian took responsibility for Max's discourtesy and asked him to forgive Max as well when the Duke instantly forgave Max jubilian was surprised that it was so easy the Duke and Max were still begging her to stand up and they were at the point of having to drag her to her feet after they had all returned to their seats the Duke told them that even though he had forgiven Max's the courtesy he still did not want them to date devilian responded that she did not expect him to immediately accept their decision but for the time being she just wanted him him to look after Max again Duke Regis would not easily let Max be with javelin no matter how much she begged however he also did not want his child to get hurt after all he would do whatever it took for her blaring at Max Duke Regis knew that he could reveal the truth with a little nudge if the Duke slowly revealed the truth about Max it was likely that javilion and Max would break up both were surprised and unsure when the Duke finally agreed to their relationship duvelian was overjoyed to hear her father accepting her decision behind his decision Duke Regis wanted to apologize to javilion as he would now be putting Max on a difficult path inside jubilian's room she was very pleased to see all of the sweets that had been placed there she was very satisfied and slightly enjoyed how she had gotten permission from her cold-blooded father juvilian was already celebrating in her mind while in reality she and Max were having an elegant dinner now that she had her father's permission she wanted to directly tackle the terms of their dating contract when she asked max if he had any conditions he would like to request Max was silent while drinking tea this made jubilian Curious and assumed that Max was a runaway Noble after tasting the tea Max was dissatisfied and wondered how they could call the drink tea dubelian's Noble image of Max immediately shattered as she assumed that Max didn't know how to taste tea after drinking their tea Max and juvilian went ahead and wrote the terms of their dating contract when juvilian saw the terms that Max wrote she held back her laughter as she believed that Max only agreed to make the contract so that she wouldn't meet with other men duvillian became even more confused when Max pointed out another term which was that he could call her by her first name juvilian was a bit embarrassed that someone would be calling her by her first name but eventually agreed to the terms hearing the juvilian agreed Max's face turned red and his personality changed to a more gentle manner after reading what they had written jubilian was confused about what to fix first and planned to start with the grammar that needed correcting in the contract jubilian was very exhausted after fixing their con contract and asked Max to read it and check if there was anything that needed changing after reading the contract Max couldn't accept what was written and tore it apart devilian was disheartened that Max had easily ripped up the contract that she had worked so hard on to villian then realized that Max had always treated her in this way and never cared about her feelings he would vanish from her room after she took care of him and disappear as he pleased without saying a single word because of the contract they had made jubilian would always see Max often javilion only hoped not to be treated badly anymore and immediately ended their contract Max was bewildered by what juvilian had said he didn't want the contract to end as they had worked so hard to get permission to date he reminded juvilian of how she hated the Crown Prince and would never marry him but she was just silent and angry juvilian explained that their Arrangement would never work out because they were never a match in the first place continuing their dating contract would only exhaust them both Max reasoned that it was just a Heat of the Moment assumption however Jubilee was sure that it was not and she didn't want to sign the contract with Max's nasty attitude Max was caught off guard when he was younger he always tore up the reports that he received from his subordinates it had become a habit of his to tear apart documents that was Max's working style since he was young since no one had ever criticized him for tearing up papers Max didn't care about others efforts and assumed that they could just rewrite them to villian tried to make a point to Max that he would be happy if someone disregarded his own opinion Max understood what jubilian was implying and asked if she was displeased by his response growing tired juvilian responded that she was indeed almost fed up with it Max was confused and displeased by juvilian's Arrangement and he didn't really want to comply with her requests duvelian gave Max an ultimatum if the agreement was too hard for him he could go ahead and cancel it since she was the one who had asked for his help in the first place Max assessed the situation and knew that jubilian was speaking her mind if he agreed to cancel the contract now there was a big chance that he would never see javilion again Max tried his best to remain calm but when he saw juvilian he immediately apologized for his actions later that night Max became more obedient to javilion and ended up signing the new contract that was made juvelian was surprised by the sudden change in baffled by how easily Max apologized and became obedient after finishing the contract Max felt like he had been LED around by the nose with enthusiasm jubilian asked if they should announce their relationship with an upcoming tea party at count terence's Mansion javilion told Max that they would be attending the party with a serious demeanor Max asked javilion who would be attending the party to villian naively answered that only Rosemary and her friends would be attending Max immediately suspected that javilian didn't know that Mikhail would be attending the party as well aside from Lady Terence no other Noble lady knew that Mikhail would be attending Max then agreed to go to the tea party with juvilian nax's plan was to trample Mikhail and crush his face face with his feet after the night had passed and the day of the party arrived Rosemary and the other Noble ladies were surprised to see Mikhail together with Veronica at the Terence Mansion when Rosemary asked Veronica for an explanation she responded that she was only following the principle of the meeting the host has the right to freely invite whoever they want to the party Rosemary tried to explain that the other members of the party must approve of the person first however Mikhail was good at twisting words and was able to immediately gain an ally in Rosemary's Circle of Friends the noble ladies were now blushing because they would be having more than one Uninvited Guest at the party Mikhail faintly smiled and thanked the other Noble ladies for supporting his presence after being Charmed by Mikhail all the noble ladies were now flocking around him meanwhile Rosemarie knew that javilion would likely feel bad if she saw Mikhail at the party all of a sudden the doors to the mansion opened and the topic of the moment was jubilian they were all surprised the jubilian came with another Uninvited Guest seeing juvilian with another man man Mikhail trembled and was curious about Max's identity Rosemary immediately greeted javilion and asked who she was with when juvilian announced that she was with her lover Max the noble ladies were already swooned by his handsome face Max was very pleased when the noble ladies said out loud that Max and Javelin were a beautiful couple seeing Max's expression jubilian was impressed and promised to reward him later as jubilian and rosemary exchanged greetings jubilian was surprised to see Mikhail at the party as well both Max and Mikhail immediately locked eyes showing annoyed Expressions the noble ladies were extremely excited to witness juvilian's current lover and her ex Mikhail who was now warped in his own delusion thought that Javelin had left him for her new lover however Mikhail was still forcing himself to believe that it was still juvilian's plan to get his attention noticing the juvilian only said his name Mikhail instantly assumed that Max must be her servant or just a commoner thinking that she was provoking him mikhail's patience had reached its limits he then then greeted javilion hiding his grudge against her meanwhile jubilian was suspicious of mikhail's actions as they never had a relationship where they could smile at each other duvilian used to fall for mikhail's smile and chased after him until death but now she didn't want to bother even joking with him Max was a little pleased when juvili and nonchalantly responded to Mikhail juvilian thanked Max for escorting her to the party but was surprised when he hugged her all of a sudden Max's plan worked as Mikhail was very angry at both juvilian and him knowing that the one standing beside javilion was no longer him but Max instead with Max's action jubilian was curious if he was nervous since his face did not look well Rosemary then gave a suggestion since there was already one Uninvited Guest at their tea party adding another one shouldn't be a problem the noble ladies instantly agreed to her suggestion which made jubilian worry as Max's actions were always unpredictable Mikhail used his charm to seduce Veronica into going out with him however he didn't care about any of those things and his only focus was juvilian and how she would react to him conversing passionately with Veronica in the past Javelin would never let other girls come near Mikhail now that she had Mikhail going on a date with Veronica she would surely not let it pass however to mikhail's expectations they were only ignored as jubilian was quite busy talking with rosemary Mikhail was annoyed that juvilian was no longer looking at him Rosemary then came up with an idea and wanted to invite juvilian to their tasting event jubilian was startled at the news of being invited to a testing event Mikhail was still fixated that javilian would rather direct her attention towards Rosemary and the other Noble women and not him civilian was confused on what she needed to do and when she was about to politely refuse the offer Veronica immediately refused the idea and did not agree with it Veronica then mentioned that they have rules and regulations before someone could join the event they couldn't just add anyone without the proper procedures this was then agreed upon by the other members of the the party when devilian humbly understood the other member's opinion she was surprised to see Max watching over her from a branch duvilian was worried that someone might see Max on a tree Mikhail immediately noticed that javilion was acting strangely and kept looking at the window when he diverted his eyes to the window Mikhail was surprised to see Max above on a tree javilion could barely focus on their conversations while Mikhail was curious why Max was outside and staring at javilion seeing that Mikhail was looking at him Max taunted him which annoyed Mikhail to the point that he needed to excuse himself to get some fresh air when Veronica offered to join him Mikhail avoided her hand and told her that it was okay and that he would be right back Veronica was hurt with how Mikhail reacted while mikhail's head was filled with rage and wanted to kill Max meanwhile jubelian was already exhausted thinking about her father's reaction if he finds out that Max is acting weird and would immediately make her marry the Crown Prince getting worried if she would be caught jubilian noticed that Max was no longer on top of the tree juvelian was so out of focus that she no longer knew why the other Noble women were excited to see juvilian's car when juvilian asked Rosemary what she meant she explained that the Tea Party is using a special car as the condition jubilian was panicking as she missed out so much of their conversation because she was so busy looking at Max who had now just vanished headed outside Mikhail grabbed a sword and went looking for Max but to his surprise Max was already waiting for him engaged in the act of washing her hands jubilian found herself momentarily lost in thought the notion of hosting a tea party had taken her by surprise and she experienced a minor startle when Veronica's voice pulled her back to reality questioning whether she had an issue with her duvilian had been observing Veronica throughout the entire party and with a sigh she recognized that her emotions had inadvertently been laid bare through her expressions in a candid Mission jubilian disclosed her frustration with Mikhail she acknowledged how he had manipulated her trust lamenting her own naivity in in accepting his affections as genuine this Revelation left Veronica visibly agitated her voice trembling as she asked whether juvilian believed Mikhail was similarly using her devilian comprehended Veronica's reluctance to confront the truth empathizing due to her own past experiences expressing regret jubilian offered an apology to Veronica for causing her discomfort and assured her that harm was never her intention as she prepared to depart jubilian informed Veronica that she intended to uphold her commitment to the tea party however she made it clear that if attending was not in Veronica's best interest she respected that choice as well meanwhile a palpable tension simmered between Max and Mikhail their gazes Laden with Menace and foreboding in a menacing tone Mikhail issued a threat to Max vowing not to allow him to escape unscathed pinning the blame for his anger on Max Mikhail lunged hastily aiming an attack yet Max had preemptively deduced mikhail's strategy swiftly countering by delivering a forceful strike to his abdomen caught off guard by Max's unexpected strength Mikhail found himself kneeling involuntarily Max taunted Mikhail casting aspersions on his abilities and suggesting that crawling suited him better inquisitive Mikhail pressed Max for his identity and his relationship to juvelian Max retorted that such matters were not mikhail's concern adding an element of mockery to his response rage propelling him forward Mikhail drew his sword its blade hovering near Max's neck yet before he could articulate his next words Max interjected reminding him of juvilian's previously given answer to that very question further provoking Mikhail Max slyly suggested that he was in fact juvilian's cherished lover Mikhail now filled with anger didn't believe what Max told him because he believed that javilion would never love a commoner like him out of nowhere juvilian called out to Mikhail and told him to put his sword down immediately Mikhail was startled by juvilian's voice while Max regretted that he hadn't beaten Mikhail Moore before javilion could find out javilion asked Mikhail if he had disregarded her words and firmly told him again to put his weapon down when Mikhail mentioned juvilian's first name she immediately told him to call her lady Floyd and not juvilian and reminded him to pay attention to his manners before Mikhail could finish his question jubilian cut him off by asking what he was doing raising his sword at someone's lover when Mikhail tried to explain to jubilian he habitually called juvilian by her first name which prompted Max to remind him again to address juvili and his lady Floyd Mikhail was about to fully pull his sword out as he had had enough of Max's interruptions when juvilian asked Mikhail how he could pull out his sword so easily and that if the Duke would hear about it he would most likely be disappointed before Mikhail could finish his sentence jubilian immediately tended to Max's care asking if he was all right after conversing for a few moments both juvilian and Max were about to leave when Mikhail suddenly grabbed juvilian's wrist and asked for them to have a moment alone that tax was immediately enraged by mikhail's action and threatened him that if he didn't let go of javilion he would be disabled duvelian then calmly asked Max to stop however Max had no plans on stopping but was eventually persuaded by juvilian to pull himself together juvelian then asked Max to wait for her as she would have to speak with Mikhail for a moment Mikhail was very happy that javilion was now about to speak with him and assumed that Max was the delusional one for thinking that juvilian and he were really lovers when Mikhail held jubilian's hand and told her that they would be going somewhere private he was surprised when juvilian menacingly warned him to let go of her hand as he had no right to touch a lady without her permission Mikhail was confused while being told by Javelin again to let go Mikhail trembled as he didn't expect javilian to talk to him with such Authority before juvilian used to treat Mikhail equally as her when he was truly of a lower class Mikhail flinched when jubilian kept on repeating to let go of her hand Mikhail finally released his grip and jubilian then lectured him that using force on other people's bodies without permission is a form of violence she then reminded him that he needed to pay more attention to his actions and not to repeat such an action again not only to juvilian but to anyone else as well after speaking her mind juvilian immediately went towards Max telling him that it was now settled Max was still unsure if her business with him was finished and wanted to confront Mikhail to resolve the issue Mikhail suddenly cried out asking why juvilian chose Max and not him he asked what juvelian's purpose was in coming to the party and ignoring him mikhail's delusion got the best of him and he accused juvelian of choosing Max over him to get his attention duvilian was confused by what Mikhail was talking about she was annoyed and curious as to why she would need to do all of the things that Mikhail was accusing her of just to get his attention she was curious if Mikhail still thought that she was the same girl who had been in a one-sided relationship with him for two years juvilian told Mikhail face to face that she no longer cared for him Mikhail did not want to believe it as you villian had told him before that she loved him javilion told Mikhail that she had told him that before but now she felt differently about him as they were leaving duvelian instructed Max not to speak to Mikhail as she did not want to get involved with him in the slightest the noble women hastily left the area as they felt the tension around Mikhail Mikhail trembled as he could not process what javilion had said telling him that she no longer loved him and did not want to get involved with him Mikhail clenched his fists as he would never accept the truth meanwhile Veronica who was his supposed date was concerned for his well-being when Veronica held on to mikhail's arm he yanked it away and told her not to cling onto him mikhail's action resulted in Veronica being thrown to the ground as she trembled Veronica could not believe that Mikhail was capable of treating her like that she then remembered what jubilian had told her and finally realized how javilian had been treated before Mikhail who is now fully absorbed in his delusion planned to disturb juvilian even more as he did not want to end their relationship so easily he walked away from the area leaving Veronica on the ground crying later that day while juvilian and Max were headed home Max asks why jubilian kept staring at him devilian responded that she had something to say to him even though Max had been able to get away safely he had still climbed the tree and confronted Mikhail which made javelian worry as he was so reckless and impulsive will juvelian ever find out Max's true identity find out next time
Channel: Manhwa Rewind
Views: 58,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa recap, the manhwa man, manhwa, webtoon, manhwa recaps, manhwa cap, webtoon recap, high school mercenary, teenage mercenary, mercenary enro, manga, manga recap, manga summary, manga capped, manga cap, manhwa summary, manga recaps, manhwa capped, anime recaps, anime summary, anime, recap, mangacaps, mangacap, mangas, animecaps, anime plot, movie recap, recap manhwa, recap manga, summary, mangwa rewind, anime manhwa, manhwa recommendations, rich duke, duke falling in love
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 24sec (3624 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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