She Was Reincarnated With The Ability To Reborn Each Time She Was Killed - Manhwa Recap

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Emperor youth arrives to meet out punishment upon ailia for her transgressions in the grand hall he squarely faces ailia leveling accusations of poisoning satara and plotting harm against him he further exposes her treacherous bid to conceal the emperor's will Paving the way for his decision to enforce stringent penalties according to the Empire's code aelia's parting words form a menacing promise to unleash Devastation upon the world her life concludes in a hail of arrows signifying her execution in another sequence it becomes evident that ailia has been reborn a new yet the anguish of the arrows that terminated her previous life persists a chambermaid enters her quarters bearing a tray of tea but hastily withdraws disconcerted by aelia's demeanor ailia Saga is characterized by recurring demises and resurrections with four preceding lifetimes already etched into her being tracing back her Origins ailia Genesis can be linked to her earlier existence as a transmigrant from the fantasy T the Crown Prince return in this narrative her reincarnation takes form as ailia the ultimate adversary in the novel's tale the original Chronicle painted ailia as a malevolent figure who incarcerated Prince youth within a tower and orchestrated the demise of his mother the male protagonist youth ultimately triumphed over various challenges defeated his half-sister ailia and ascended to become the emperor however ailia is determined to diverge from this predetermined fate upon her transmigration into the character of ailia she yearned to reshape her Destiny in her initial life ailia envisioned a world imbued with Hues of pink and portrayed herself as a benevolent sister to youth her half brother who was confined in the tower as a departure from the original storyline ailia voluntarily relinquished her throne her life took a joyful turn as she entered a blissful marriage with Kirsten cuman her hard who held the role of the next Master of the magic Tower a character known as the handsome extra in the novel however aelia's expectations were shattered when her her husband whom she had perceived as a minor and unassuming character took a surprising turn Kon unexpectedly declared that ailia should hold the title of Emperor Pon assured her that he had orchestrated everything for this purpose bewildered by his words aelia's confusion deepened after all she had willingly relinquished her claim to the throne in favor of Youth and believed she had no involvement left in such matters yet her seemingly innocuous conversation with Kirsten led to dire consequences as she was accused of cons spiring against Youth and condemned to execution by beheading for the grave offense of treason ailia had anticipated her cycle of reincarnation to conclude but Against All Odds she finds herself reborn once more in the current moment she gathers her thoughts rising from her recent gruesome Demise by guillotine as she gazes into a mirror she is confronted with her reflection discovering a transformation that has rendered her a decade younger the Revelation Dawn upon her that she has transmigrated into the past where her journey takes a new and unexpected trajectory frustration courses through ailia as the realization settles that her aspirations for a triumphant conclusion have been forwarded by an unforeseen betrayal from the very character she considered unimportant engaged in introspection she grasps the Stark truth that diverging from the original storyline will merely perpetuate her cycle of reincarnation meanwhile the maid offers ailia te before departing her presence immersed in her thoughts ailia acknowledges that this marks her fifth reincarnation each life shadowed by youth's eventual usurpation of her identity determined not to surrender to this repetitive fate ailia vows to transform her circumstances this time she strives to steer events differently she contemplates a more peaceful end for herself rejecting the agony of arrows that have repeatedly punctuated her demise with Newfound determination ailia plots a path of change in her ongoing quest to rewrite her Destiny while some might view aelia's desire for a painless demise as indulgent she understands that a achieving this requires focused effort to make it a reality she must cease her tears and take proactive steps ailia is committed to the necessary tasks ensuring that when the moment arrives her passing will indeed be painless and Serene her plan involves relinquishing the throne to youth enabling her to gracefully conclude her life in tranquility and comfort ailia grapples with the Paradox of seeking a painless and comfortable death while fully aware of youth's unyielding determination to subject her to the most agonizing demise imagined simultaneously she P the prospect of being reincarnated into a time when satara youth's mother and the emperor's chosen one was still alive satara who originated from a modest Village in the north held immense significance in youth's life ailia carries a profound remorse for the transmigration triggered by satara's death at her own hands her heartaches to rewind time and prevent this tragic event convinced that youth's enmity could have been averted had satara survived however ailia remains uncertain about the mechanic ICS of altering fate this contemplative moment is abruptly interrupted by the entrance of a maid who offers a humble apology if the meal fails to meet aelia's expectations amidst this brief exchange ailia senses the maid's palpable unease in response to her subtle sigh this reaction intensifies her feelings of isolation and significantly deepens her curiosity regarding her own presence and the extent of her influence within the complex narrative that entwines their lives continuing her contemplation on Peaceful ways of dying aelia's thoughts drift to the Palace there she encounters the maid Amy who halts her progress and inquires ailia about her destination ailia counters by questioning Amy about the duration of youth's imprisonment learning that a year has passed since she incarcerated youth ailia seizes on the idea of orchestrating a comfortable DEA she reasons that if she convinces youth that he should be granted a merciful DEA he being the main character will survive this advantage of main characters is their exemption from death a rule ailia acknowledges reflecting on her own power and position within the narrative ailia realizes that she could have disposed of Youth with E before this Revelation informs her new strategy for achieving a peaceful demise ailia contemplates youth's imprisonment acknowledging its deceptively opulent facade while recognizing that he remains miraculously Untouched by even the mildest illnesses as the prospect of death proves elusive ailia resolves that inducing suffering in youth might offer an alternate route to realizing her goals amidst this internal struggle she finds herself caught between the eagerness and reluctance to execute her plan with Precision meanwhile Amy is deeply concerned about aelia's outward appearance fearing that it might cast a negative impression ailia Ponders if forboding signs like a prophetic blood reain could materialize within the palace's confines simultaneously youth the Empire's Heir and aelia's half brother engages with Shauna youth openly expresses his desire to stroll alongside her under a sunny Sky symbolizing a longing for freedom however Shauna swiftly redirects his Focus to aelia's involvement in his imprisonment despite the reminder youth quickly hushes Shauna cautious of potential listeners who might catch her demeaning comments about ailia in the corridor outside youth's room ailia stands at the precipice of a momentous encounter amid this scene Shauna a source of comfort for youth imparts soothing words urging him to remain patient and Trust in the eventual intervention of the emperor for his release this moment of reassurance is abruptly disrupted as ailia emerges introducing an element of tension ailia raises doubts about the elderly Emperor's ability to secure youth's release casting a shadow of uncertainty approaching youth she offers a polite greeting yet her presence creates a tense atmosphere Shauna's Interruption curtails aelia's approach leading to a question about her purpose acting on Instinct ailia delivers a threat to Shauna a reflex from her past Behavior she quickly realizes the the weight of her words and their impropriety youth shifts Focus to Shauna directing her to apologize on aelia's behalf in a moment of introspection ailia recalls her previous life where youth's affection for her was evident however she questions whether his feelings were genuine or merely a facade given her tragic Destiny as a condemned traitor back in the present ailia addresses youth downplaying the incident and advising him to let it go with an air of calculated benevolence she offers youth a choice subtly probing his desire for Liberation this interaction highlights aelia's complex motivations her shifting emotions and her strategic attempts to steer The Narrative away from its tragic trajectory all the while navigating the intricate dynamics of her relationship with youth the maid station just outside the room find it difficult to believe aelia's unexpected offer to youth in response youth raises a probing question asking if aelia's intent is to bring about his demise intrigued by this ailia counters by asking youth to elaborate on his assumption youth explains that he knows ailia well enough to understand that she wouldn't free him from the tower without a motive he adds that even if she were to release him he anticipates she might Place him on a battlefield which he views as an outcome no different from DEA while observing youth's unwavering determination to survive Shauna joins the conversation voicing her agreement with youth's perspective in the ensuing moments aelia's Focus intensifies on youth her gaze unwavering as she poses a point Ed question she inquires whether youth is patiently awaiting their father the emperor to engineer his rescue ailia goes on to divulge to youth that their esteemed father has become a source of mockery depicted as an ineffectual and foolish ruler which further fuels the tensions in their discourse ailia suggests that their father's impending death might lead him to join satara in the afterlife in a striking assertion she declares herself the only one capable of extricating Youth from his confinement meanwhile beyond the room's boundary Amy confides to another ma her perplexity at aelia's offer to liberate youth sparking speculation about aelia's intentions simultaneously within the chamber ailia implores youth to Fathom his predicament as their conversation unfolds ailia discerns in youth's countenance an unwavering resolve brimming with the same intensity of hatred that once sealed her own fate at the guillotine after numerous cycles of reincarnation ailia dedicates extensive contemplation to her initial life acknowled in that the devastation wasn't solely Kirsten's fault but a consequence of her own Grievous actions in her past existence ailia Converses with satara remarking on the emperor's emotional Detachment an intense exchange follows leading satara to implore ailia for Mercy a plea accentuated by her own desperate vulnerability ailia responds asserting her determination to eliminate any obstacles obstructing her path as the conversation evolves satara beseeches ailia to spare youth and instead direct her Vengeance towards her with measured steps ailia draws closer to satara reminding her that accountability accompanies one spoken words with urgency the maid swiftly traverses the entire Palace disseminating the Grim news of satara's self-inflicted demise through poison shortly thereafter ailia extends an unexpected Olive Branch to youth suggesting that they should find a way to cooperate in the current timeline ailia presents youth with a stark ultimatum either believe her and escape the situ ation or resign himself to a life plagued by Perpetual fear after delivering her message ailia takes her leave in a moment that could sway either way youth Surprises by rejecting a lifebound by fear overcoming his initial inclination to succumb to the threat youth approaches ailia declaring his desire to break free from this entanglement he admits to his lack of insight into aelia's motives but articulates his fervent wish to liberate himself from this suffocating situation fostering a dynamic shift in their relationship ship ailia notices that youth's Newfound resolve has transformed him into a central figure someone who is now defying his fears and taking control of his own narrative despite Shauna's warning about the danger youth remains unwavering recognizing that staying trapped is equally unsafe despite his determination youth's emotions overcome him and Tears start to flow witnessing this vulnerable moment ailia comprehends the depth of youth's self-esteem and determination seizing the opportunity for a light-hearted comment a playfully remarks on youth's appearance likening his crying to that of a kitten amidst her teasing tone aelia's words carry a weight that underscores her growing comprehension and connection with youth during this pivotal moment of transformation youth taken aback by ailia is seemingly playful remark appears visibly offended by her words however ailia doesn't evade the underlying truth the glaring lack of trust that defines their relationship she openly acknowledges this reality and proposes that they must confront it headon above Butler inquires of Kirsten his intentions to venture out and offers a word of caution perhaps hinting at potential hazards meanwhile within the palace walls Amy makes preparations for youth's bath ensuring that hot water is ready she goes a step further by informing him of the lavender infused water she's concocted for his relaxation with a delicate touch she adds a subtle hint of perfume to the mix accompanying these preparations she presents youth with a simple yet suitable garment for his use as youth engages in his grooming routine Shauna enters with additional attire only to find that Amy has already anticipated this need youth proceeds to cleanse himself thoroughly and Dawn the fresh attire driven by the desire to evade any potential derogatory remarks from ailia with Shauna as his guide he embarks on an exploration of the palace Gardens where he's met with an astonishing display of beauty that takes him aback the stunning Vista before him prompts him to question the very existence of such a picturesque Haven despite his underlying worries about ailia impending presence youth's initial enthusiasm manages to linger as he absorbs the present moment he even finds himself captivated enough to lead Shauna on a tour of the greenhouse and other enchanting corners of the estate momentarily setting aside the looming concerns Shauna however adopts a concerned tone cautioning youth about aelia's potentially dangerous nature and urging him to remain Vigilant eventually ailia summons youth for brunch inside the palace a mishap occurs as Amy accidentally spills tea on aelia's dress quick to apologize Amy's remorse is met with aelia's forgiveness meanwhile youth starts to acknowledge the validity of Shauna's words realizing the need to unwind and relax on the other hand ailia decides to take a break for the day sensing that her interactions with youth have brought out his stubborn side seated at the table youth takes his place as ailia informs him that they will now share lunch regularly highlighting the extensive knowledge he needs to acquire as a prince ailia is aess of Youth as a prince astonishes those present meanwhile aelia's Resolute determination to navigate the situation becomes evident and she reflects on the challenges that lie ahead the thought of teaching him Imperial studies adds to her considerations and she contemplates the necessity of incorporating swordsmanship into youth's learning as well youth seems to be under a lot of pressure and ailia notices this she encourages youth to start eating however youth struggles with using the utensils correctly causing them to clumsily bump into each other playfully ailia teases youth for not being hard on himself about these mistakes she informs him that he will be staying in the Rose Palace the same place where satara recited curious about his preferences ailia inquires how many Maids youth would like to have youth modestly replies that he only needs Shauna their conversation is interrupted by Amy's arrival who informs ailia that Lord herard is present upon hearing her hard's name ailia is taken aback and drops her utensils in disbelief she can't help but Wonder why she has to hear ard's name at this particular Moment The Mention Of ard's name seems to stir unexpected emotions within her herh hard holds a minor role in the novel yet aelia's initial encounter with him left her feeling uniquely noticed despite this ailia takes a deliberate stance to avoid any entanglement with Ard in her current circumstances following this youth approaches ailia presenting his untarnished utensils and explaining that they remain unused aelia's response conveyed through an angry expression prompts youth to retreat to his seat in a slightly annoyed manner however aelia's emotional state takes a turn as she grapples with the unsettling impact of hearing Kirsten's name for the first time within this new phase of her life it becomes clear to her that her emotions are becoming increasingly complicated shortly after youth approaches ailia and inquires her about the identity of Lord herh hard the individual mentioned by Amy however aelia's mind is occupied by her thoughts pondering the reason behind her hard's unexpected appearance mean meanwhile Amy informs Ard that ailia is unwell and unable to receive visitors initially Ard suggests that it's advisable to give ailia some space considering her illness yet he quickly revises his stance suggesting that his actions might have played a role in causing distress to princess ailia initiating the conversation youth offers an apology for unintentionally eavesdropping on aelia's thoughts his tone laced with genuine regret seizing the opportunity he Ventures to inquire about the significance of herard especially considering aelia's noticeable reaction upon the mention of his name in response to youth's probing question ailia opens up and reveals that Ard is not a negative presence in her life rather he embodies virtue and possesses a distinct identity as a wizard she elaborates further describing Ard as an extraordinary individual who stands out notably as a skilled practitioner of magic an intriguing twist emerges as ailia explains that due to the puzzling disappearance of the Mage Tower owner Erhard has risen as a contender for the coveted role of the next Tower Master as ailia engages in an assessment of erhard's character her mind grapples with the contemplation of whether someone of his caliber could ever be involved in Acts of treason in addition to her musings on her heart ailia delves into her Reflections on Wizards in general underlining their distinct lack of materialistic concerns and highlighting the fact that Kirsten's appeal transcends mere wealth or riches moreover ailia imparts to youth about the concept of infinite magic power in this age of magic explaining that the individual with the most immense and boundless power is Lord Kirsten cuman her hard however she swiftly recognizes the need to compose herself and set aside these thoughts for the moment in response to aelia's inquiry youth expresses satisfaction with his meal stating that he is content and requires no more amidst her contemplations ailia P the possibility of Youth recalling Kirsten's visit she discerns that it is imperative for youth not to become intrigued by Kirsten's pursuit of her prompting her to resolve that she must ensure youth remains disinterested in the matter moreover Youth inquires of ailia the reason behind a prominent wizard such as Lord Kirsten visiting her he makes it clear that he intends no insult by asking yet he expresses his fasination noting that he has only encountered Tales of such Wizards within the pages of imperial history books ailia upon discovering youth's familiarity with the Imperial literature speculates that Shauna may have discreetly introduced him to those books suggesting she might have found a way to sneak around the palace's confines as ailia suspicions about Shauna's involvement grow youth becomes acutely aware of the LIE he just told her anxiety mounts within him as he contemplates the potential repercussions of his deception and the harm it might cause to Shauna however the atmosphere shifts as ailia rises from her seat signaling that it is time for Their audience with the emperor at the hospital she conveys this information to youth encouraging him to explore the new Palace while they attend to their dut duties however youth rises from his seat expressing sincere regret to ailia for defying her instructions to his surprise ailia responds with a smile leaving youth somewhat perplexed as he contemplates whether she might be jesting with him despite his uncertainty ailia chooses not to pursue the matter further indicating that she won't be upset over a mere imperial history book with that she departs from the scene leaving youth to ponder the interaction meanwhile youth takes a moment to apologize to Shauna for inadvertently placing her in an uncomfortable situation as ailia enters the palace she finally finds a brief respit she reflects on how the innocent words of a 10-year-old boy can stir such profound emotions within her even likening it to a sensation of dying simultaneously she takes solace in the fact that her clever diversion managed to distract youth effectively causing him to forget about Kirsten's visit Amy arrives holding a teddy bear and addresses ailia it's revealed that Lord herard has sent the teddy bear as a gift enchanting with a spell that grows in power over time Amy informs ailia that Kirsten mentioned he would come again and express the strong desire to meet her ailia is taken aback by the idea that Kirsten would want to visit her once more Amy seeks guidance from ailia on how to handle this situation ailia responds with disbelief asserting that such a scenario could never occur she strongly emphasizes her stance declaring that regardless of how many times Kirsten expresses his wish to meet her she will not entertain the idea ailia is Resolute in her decision to avoid any encounters with Kirsten upon Amy's inquisitive glance ailia promptly issues a clear directive for her to promptly return the gifted item to Kiren Amy mindful of etiquette raises concerns yet aelia's response is Swift and unequivocal growing weary of the recurring need for opulent attire during her interactions with the emperor ailia firmly resolves to overhaul this extravagant tradition upon her impending Ascension to the throne in a curious synchronicity news swiftly courses through the to the Palace heralding the imminent visit of Princess ailia paradoxically even as this announcement reverberates ailia is enduring discomfort with her encounters with the emperor persists undiminished her path invariably leads her deep into the sun palace's heart where she stumbles upon the emperor lost in Slumber seizing the moment she deafly engages in her administrative duties aiming for a swift completion and quiet departure however her intentions are thwarted as the emperor awakens causing an unforeseen disruption in the ensuing moments ailia takes the initiative to introduce herself formally to the emperor revealing a truth of profound import Cain's D renia is the shared father of both ailia and youth and he Bears the exalted title of emperor in this intricate tapestry of events Cain's promptly requests ailia to close the door upon her entry leading her to anticipate a conversation about youth as expected KES reveals to ailia that he heard a disturbance during the lockdown but was unaware of its source he admits his intention toow groom youth for the throne highlighting his desire to see youth as the next Emperor rather than ailia this topic however doesn't come as a surprise to ailia Cain's life is bound by a tradition where he passes away each year in response to the emperor's query about aelia's ruthless demeanor she retorts that she learned it from canes himself this admission infuriates CES who chastises her with the term naughty thing furthermore ailia anticipates Cain's familiar Act of splashing water on her head across various lifetimes one where she was struck by an arrow another where fever claimed her life and yet another where fire consumed her C's attitude toward her remained unaltered even as ailia accompanied Youth and Kirsten when the water glass is hurled her way ailia deafly catches it ready for Cain's predictable gesture in their conversation KES admits his awareness of aelia's intention to kill youth in response ailia confronts kanes suggesting that had he fed a legitimate Heir with a noble lady their current situation might have been avoided ailia takes control of the situation by filling another glass with water which she offers to Canes during this exchange she discloses that it is actually youth who becomes the agent of her demise in each cycle ailia assures CES that he need not fret as she is effectively handling the emperor's Affairs despite aelia's Revelation about youth's future as Emperor canes remains visibly surprised and taken aback in response ailia calmly informs canes that youth will Ascend to the throne once he reaches the age of 20 as ailia prepares to depart she instructs a maid to attend to Cain's and inquires whether the maid serves as Cain's designated maid of honor in that instant ailia notices a Telltale Tremor in Cain's voice betraying his emotional turmoil with concern for Cain's well-being ailia beseeches the maid to locate someone capable of caring for canes she underscores the urgency by stating that if this isn't attended to promptly dire consequences could follow implying that C's condition could deteriorate rapidly concurrently ail I grapples with her own emotions attempting to persuade herself that her feelings toward canes are not those of romantic affection the following day ailia discovers that no one is willing to tutor Youth and he reassures her that it's not her responsibility faced with this dilemma ailia proposes to personally oversee youth's studies for a temporary period although youth expresses concern due to aelia's busy schedule she remains adamant ailia stresses the importance of the emperor's survival And the guard's effective protection she believes in the significance of their roles in ensuring his well-being despite youth's hesitations ailia is Resolute in her decision to assist him in his studies and support his growth subsequently she proposes that youth retreat to his room if his queries are exhausted her intent being to distance herself from his presence these efforts stem from her curiosity about the depths to which their relationship might strain engaging Shauna ailia solicits her assistance in locating a replacement for her tutoring responsibilities meanwhile you finds himself isolated in his quarters attempting to Eaves drop on ailia discourse with Shauna alas their words remain frustratingly unintelligible to him summoning his courage he seeks aelia's permission to pose a question ailia acquiesces anticipating an innocuous inquiry yet youth's query catches her offg guard he probes why she refrained from killing him upon their escape from the tower ailia is taken AB back by the directness offering a cryptic response that suggests youth's vulnerability could render him sus cable to manipulation she leaves a veiled hint that time will unveil an answer a truth he will grasp as he matures ailia acknowledges that he will need to remember her response to his question as he grows up privately she acknowledges the complexity of the situation and the many factors to consider before giving a definitive answer just then Amy interrupts with a knock on aelia's door offering her a bath ailia declines the invitation for a bath but welcomes Amy into her room inside ailia notices that her mattress and dressing gown have been replaced as they Converse Amy offers ailia a flower that was on the brink of wilting ailia recognizes this unique Blossom originating from the northern region this flower emits a luminous glow during the night and is a privilege exclusively reserved for those of noble birth however the Northern Area is fraught with perilous monsters rendering it an abandoned and lifeless land transporting the flower there through conventional means would be an insurmountable challenge leading ailia to ponder who possesses the ability to achieve such a feat Amy then reveals that the flower was a gift from Kirsten conveyed through magical means this disclosure instantly triggers realization in ailia Kirsten must possess formidable magical powers leaving ailia both intrigued and bewildered by the enigmatic figure's actions aelia's curiosity grows regarding Kirsten's motivations behind the lavish gifts he sent her and the reason for Amy's joyful demeanor becomes clear Amy reveals that Kirsten intends to visit ailia in the near future in response ailia expresses a developing headache and a sense of impending danger she's plagued by a foreoing premonition realizing that Kirsten's interference has become a recurring issue ailia determines not to allow him to disturb her further this prompts her to ask Amy for commoner's attire a request that puzzles Amy aelia's decision marks the commencement of their shared Adventures beyond the confines of the palace through their escapades ailia learns that Amy is a maid to a notorious princess Infamous for her cruelty this princess lives in constant fear of assassination an aspect of her life that Amy experiences acutely despite the princess's reputation offilia and Amy Venture into the streets Incognito enjoying a simple outing like any other couple it appears to be a rare moment of shared pleasure between ailia and herart as they arrive in a suburban area Amy expresses uncertainty about whether she's been there before meanwhile aelia's balance falters raising concerns for Amy's family's safety Amy hopes for ailia to steady herself aware of the potential consequences if she were to stumble Amy Ponders the outcome if ailia were to encounter an intoxicated man in the impoverished area a scenario that soon unfolds as ailia bumps into such an individual in the slums embarking on their Journey ailia probes Amy about potential pursuers hinting at the possibility of danger consumed by concern for aelia's safety and her family's welfare Amy fervently implores her to return to the safety of the palace their desperate anxieties are evident Amy's for her family and ailia for the rugged path ahead as Amy's apprehension grows she again beseeches ailia to exercise caution ailia in response urges Amy to lower her volume wary that their loud voices might attract unwelcome attention Amy however clings to the conviction that someone of aelia's stature shouldn't be navigating such a downtrodden area amidst this tense exchange Amy's observance of intricately carved sidewalls inadvertently leads her to collide with a towering robust man ailia 's quick perception notes that the man's clothing is Tainted with blood this unexpected encounter disrupts their Journey causing ailia to lose her balance faced with two potentially perilous outcomes a backward fall onto the treacherous road or a forward collision with the man aia's predicament becomes precarious in the nick of time the man steps in firmly grasping ailia and averting harm Amy rushes to assess aelia's condition and directs her ey at the man for his interference unperturbed the man levels an accusation at ailia insinuating that she deliberately lured Amy into this perilous local he gestures toward a carriage driver as an example insinuating that Amy might share a similar fate revealing the Grim reality of the situation the man explains that this location is where slave Traders gather for their illicit transactions he substantiates his claims by displaying sale papers highlighting the dire circumstances they are in it appears that Amy might have been inadvertently added to the list of slaves up for sale due to ailia actions anticipating Amy's next move ailia expects her to seek help prompting ailia to assure Amy that she won't be held responsible for their current predicament as this unfolds the man is taken aback by the sight of an aristocrat comforting her maid soon he begins to depart perhaps due to the unusual situation however ailia intervenes halting the man's departure she politely requests him to spare just 5 minutes of his time to stay with Amy when questioned about the reason ailia explains that she has something to retrieve acknowledging the dangers of leaving Amy alone in such a place ailia earnestly implores the man to stay with Amy until she returns ensuring her safety the scene captures the unexpected interaction between ailia Amy and the Man in the midst of a potentially perilous situation highlighting the intricate Dynamics and emotions at play however the man dismisses any concern for their safety advising ailia to return home with his words he departs and knocks on a nearby door which is answer answered by a child as the man's attention shifts Amy lets out a sigh of relief and encourages ailia to head back home despite Amy's suggestion ailia remains Resolute in her purpose focused on a particular task in the vicinity lies a pub frequented by members of an assassin Guild ailia informs Amy that she is there to buy a specific individual a man named now a man who willingly embraced enslavement by The Guild due to Poverty now comes with a steep price for his purchase th's significance is deeply woven into the the original plot of the novel particularly his pivotal role in aelia's upcoming plan the following day Amy reminds ailia of their customary afternoon tea yet ailia dismisses the notion unbeknownst to Amy ailia has successfully acquired now through a transaction during a conversation with now ailia delves into the wounds marred across his body but now remains reticent about their origin instead he emphasizes the Paramount importance of aia's Newfound position as his mistress signifying a marked shift in their interpersonal Dynamics taking advantage of the situation ailia seizes the chance to inquire about now's injuries and the circumstances of his sale to her inquisitively ailia Ponders the identity of the person bold enough to reshape a pivotal character's role in the novel in such a manner now possesses eyes that seem to pierce through one's Soul coupled with an icy tone that reflects his aloofness and deep-seated hostility towards others traits that have intensified since his days as an assassin yet underneath this seemingly distant exterior now Harbors a profound affection for his younger brother despite public perceptions he stands as a cherished character within the novel The idea of purchasing a battered slave like now shocks the senses and defies belief ailia confronts now directly about his multiple bruises now in the unexpected role of his mistress driven by a quest for justice and a desire to mend the unjust harm inflicted upon him the mere notion of his suffering Kindles a fierce anger within her now opens up revealing that these bruises were a result of punishments inflicted by his former Master gild Jean driven by resentment over now's saale to a noble woman however the specifics of now's suffering fade in significance as ailia remains Resolute in asserting her Dominion as his mistress despite her perception of his relative innocence in the situation she goes on to request that now unbind himself a request he complies with drawing closer ailia adheres to established protocol and removes his blindfold in this moment as the blindfold Falls away now recognizes ailia from their previous encounter near the Guild Hall ailia introduces herself by name and reveals her title as the crown princess of the Empire this Revelation Dawns on now that he now resides within the Imperial Palace ailia advises him to conceal his surprise at this realization pressing on she unveils her intentions to now sharing her ambition for him to become her escort a role deeply resonant with his past as an assassin V's immediate assumption is that ail wishes him to assassinate the prince swiftly he vocalizes his refusal to carry out such an act to now's astonishment ailia clarifies her request she asks now to end her life in the least painful manner possible when the opportune moment arrives perplexed now voices his confusion to ailia struggling to comprehend her intentions ailia remains Resolute and elucidates her intricate scheme making it clear that she intends to craft her own death to appear as a suicide rather than orchestrating an assassination she assures now that a secure Sanctuary has been prepared for him a place where he can live out his days in peace to enhance her proposal ailia dangles a tempting bait a substantial collection of jewels she holds a strong belief that now will find it hard to turn down her offer with the riches promised she contends that now and his brother could live unburdened by Financial concerns however now takes a surprising and firm stand flatly declining The Proposal he emphasizes that despite being aelia's slave he won't yield to her requests in the original storyline now carries a deep-seated animosity towards ailia even being labeled as youth's right-hand man and the eventual betrayer the unease that ailia feels in now's presence intensifies as she realizes he holds the means to eliminate her yet he staunchly rejects the opportunity furthermore now demonstrates his willingness to sacrifice his life rather than take ailia in a surprising move ailia presents an incredible proposal the promise of a castle despite the appeal of such a grand offer now stands firm in his determination he remains resolved that he would prefer to face his own end rather than be responsible for ending aelia's life ailia grapples with the challenge of managing now's staunch stance when an unexpected knock interrupts their conversation despite the disruption ailia is determined not to permit any interruptions during this pivotal discussion the visitor at the door reveals itself as youth swiftly ailia realizes the urgency of swaying now to her side before his encounter with youth she acknowledges the critical importance of winning now's Allegiance even as she grapples with the intricate balance required to achieve this objective in the midst of this the circumstances are ripe for potential misunderstandings simultaneously now persists in reiterating his plea for ailia to be the one to end his life following this ailia leaves to rendevu with youth extending an invitation for him to join her at the capitals Festival youth is momentarily surprised by this unexpected proposal inquiring if ailia intends for them to depart immediately FIA confirms his suspicion meanwhile now remains seated his mind filled with confusion as he tries to grasp the unfolding events before him in the original narrative now sibling Neu finds themselves amidst the ongoing Festival within the capital ne's objective is to earn some money by selling flowers or even resorting to pickpocketing from unscrupulous individuals this Pursuit is born from Na's pressing need to financially sustain themselves particularly since now is unable to return home however ne's Venture takes makes an unexpected twist as they become ens snared and held hostage compelling now to adhere to aelia's demands which extend to the daunting task of assassinating her despite aelia's reluctance to involve Nao she recognizes the necessity of manipulating nao's compliance through this method against the backdrop of the festive atmosphere ailia Muses that this level of excitement might not be excessive for youth her brother opting for a respit she extends an invitation to youth encouraging him to explore freely however when youth addresses ailia as your highness she swiftly insists he refrained from using that title to avert unnecessary attention as the weather cools youth voices his unease about being left alone in the bustling streets ailia responds by assuring him prompting him to immerse himself in the festivities without apprehension youth eventually departs his worries somewhat alleviated for youth ailia remains an enigmatic figure a complex puzzle to unravel meanwhile ailia embarks on her own quests searching for Neu her thoughts consumed by their whereabouts as youth Ventures through the surroundings he uncovers a surprise Shauna has provided him with a sum of five Shillings affording him the means to partake in the festival's offerings and enjoy its Delights contemplating his options a young flower vendor approaches youth proposing to sell him flowers at a modest cost of 5 Shillings intriguingly this vendor is none other than na now's younger brother in a quick succession of events youth hurries back to ailia erupting her plans sooner than she anticipated aelia's slight annoyance stems from youth's Swift return just as she hasn't located NE yet this unexpected Interruption complicates her efforts additionally youth's address of her as sister leaves ailia with mixed emotions as youth approaches he presents ailia with flowers he has purchased extending his gratitude for her Continued Care and guidance despite her busy schedule he hands over the flowers expressing appreciation for her tutoring and support youth's heart akes at the sight of aelia's Tears spurring him to contemplate asking her to stop crying however he chooses a more transparent approach admitting to ailia that he bought the flowers for the sake of convenience ailia her sorrow momentarily forgotten shares that the flowers emit a delightful fragrance her gesture of rubbing youth's hair serving is a silent token of gratitude in return youth expresses his heartfelt thanks to ailia for understanding his need to venture outside amid their candid Exchange ailia astutely observes youth's trading habits and humorously recommends an economics class alluding to his decision to trade a scarf worth of substantial 400 gold bars for a bouquet of flowers baffled by the scarfs mysterious disappearance youth's mind races to pinpoint when he might have lost it a recollection surfaces Neu a mischievous child had approached youth under the pretense of presenting the flowers cleverly making off with the scarf in the midst of unraveling the scarfs fate youth discloses to ailia that he acquired the flower hours from a young boy named Neu shedding light on the origins of his recent transaction upon hearing youth's tale ailia is visibly relieved that youth is embodying the role of the main character in their unfolding drama however their conversation takes an unexpected turn as youth suddenly bolts away asserting that Neu couldn't have gone far in an instant ailia comprehends the reality youth has been pickpocketed by Nao she urgently calls after youth to wait but he disappears into the distance after a frantic Pursuit youth eventually catches up to Neu panting heavily but Resolute he confronts Neu head-on his tone unwavering revealing his knowledge of ne's theft their confrontation takes a surprising twist when youth's astonishment is evident nay is on the ground beseeching for assistance attempting to escape from a brwy man who had been observantly shadowing NE during his flower sails to youth the formidable figure before them reveals himself as a thug who routinely exploits Nao a shiver of recognition runs down aelia's spine as she recalls this man man from her past life Vivid memories resurface of his cruel grip on Neu coercing him into thievery and seizing all profits leaving NE and snared by his oppressive control regrettably it becomes clear that the thug has regained dominance over ne's fate once more exerting his authority the thug Brusly dismisses Youth and ailia firmly asserting his intent to handle NE while urging them to depart youth perplexed by this sudden shift is torn especially after ne's recent plea for help as the tense scenario unfurls the thug makes a grab for the scarf in ne's possession NE resists with determination acutely aware of the scarfs profound significance he believes that safeguarding the scarf might enable him to Aid his brother now in some capacity this tend standoff underscores ne's unwavering resolve to Shield the scarf and by extension his brother's interests for ailia an eerie realization Dawn this pres scene nearly mirrors the past echoing what unfolded in her previous life in the midst of this complex situation youth grapples with a pivotal decision whether to intervene Safeguard Neu and confront the thug all while he stands in the presence of Princess ailia ailia turns to Youth for guidance inquiring about their course of action youth acknowledges that stealing is wrong but leaving Neu in Jeopardy isn't morally right either now safety becomes a priority for youth stressing the significance of ensuring ne's well-being acknowledging youth's empathy ailia decides to act upon his suggestion swiftly summoning her guard they promptly converge at the scene ailia identifies the threatening man and commands her guards to inflict upon him a fate he would prefer over life with determination the guards confront the thug unleashing a Swift and unrelenting assault their actions emphasize their commitment to Justice in response to youth's curiosity ailia confides that her foremost concern was alleviating any potential stress on him she explains her decision to maintain the guard's presence in secrecy only revealing them when absolutely necessary this resol resolution underlines aelia's dedication to youth's welfare and her pursuit of righteousness in the aftermath ailia approaches na with Assurance confident he will recognize her Aid ne's eyes brim with gratitude as he tearfully clutches aelia's hands expressing heartfelt thanks for her intervention returning to the Imperial Palace Neu finds Solace resting his head on aelia's lap and easing into peaceful Slumber this sequence underscores the depth of aelia's compassion and her growing role in Na's life ailia acknowledges that youth's influence made it easier for her to connect with NAU she reassures youth not to worry explaining that NAU's exhaustion led to his sleep however a thought lingers in aelia's mind whether ne's goodness is an inherent trait or a result of his bond with his brother now addressing now ailia informs him that NE is now under her protection in response Na's acknowledgement comes in the form of a grunt signifying his understanding of the situation this sequence of events emphasizes aelia's evolving connection with Neu and her growing responsibility toward him asserting her Authority ailia presents now with a choice submit to her commands or face dire consequences for both him and Neu in response now humbly kneels pledging his unwavering loyalty to ailia and expressing Eternal gratitude for sparing him and his brother aelia's strategic maneuver bears fruit as now's Allegiance is now fully devoted to her to solidify this newfound loyalty ailia bestows upon now a ring with shape-shifting abilities a rare item fashioned from magical Stones alongside this gift she bestows him with a new identity sir philli and urges him to embrace this Persona while cautioning him against any carelessness as now reflects he gathers the courage to present a request to ailia marking a pivotal moment in their Dynamic this exchange underscores aelia's strategic prowess and now's potential significance in the unfolding narrative in a contemplative moment now opens up to ailia revealing the introspection he underwent during his solitary period he came candidly questions why someone like ailia who seemingly possesses everything would desire death after a brief silence ailia responds admitting her Challenge and articulating an answer that he can truly comprehend breaking the seriousness of the moment ailia addresses Now by his true name pausing abruptly before adopting the new identity of Phillip this exchange showcases the depth of their interaction shedding light on aelia's complex emotions and now's willingness to question and understand on the following day ailia gathers youth Neu and the children she declares that youth will now reside in the crossbow and urges him to Foster good relations with the others she hints at introducing someone to youth assuring that this individual will serve him in the future ailia presents Phillip who has undergone a complete transformation ailia expresses her satisfaction with Magic's transformative capabilities enabling Philip to achieve a vastly different much leaner appearance observing Philip's New Look youth playfully remarks that Philip seemed ready to be carried away by the wind this nearly shatters Philip's composure pushing him close to breaking character ailia intervenes swiftly instructing Philip to compose himself and reminding him of his role as a servant not an assassin Philip regains his demeanor apologizes and admits his adjustment to his new identity is a work in progress this exchange showcases the intricacies of aelia's plan and the challenges that Philip faces in his transition from his previous life following Philip's gratitude both you and Ne reciprocate with their thanks with the festival concluded winter looms and the narrative shifts to the events after the emperor's passing although aelia's eventual demise remains inevitable the circumstances surrounding it have changed this time ailia aims to avert a grim fate at youth's hands redirecting it towards now her once assassin inquisitive now broaches the topic of ne's presence and motivation he observes that ne's stay in the palace doesn't seem compelled by threats ailia clarifies that Neu much like now was hired as youth's companion ne's decision is substantiated by paperwork ailia meticulously prepared assuring his safety offering a dwelling and an astounding sum of money that would secure his future NE astuteness in examining the offer leads him to question his own Merit relative to his older brother this contemplation showcases ne's introspective nature intertwined with the intricate Dynamics among Neu Na and ailia the tale continues to delve into complex relationships f ful decisions and the interplay of Destiny and choice additionally now attempts A Veiled Threat insinuating potential harm to Neu swiftly ailia intervenes questioning whether now intends to take her life now earnestly reiterates his gravity prompting a tense exchange abruptly an odd smoke envelops the scene and aelia's balance falters yet now's quick reflexes allow him to catch her midair amidst the confusion now accuses the smoke of being an assassination attempt on ailia averting disaster ailia identifies a Peculiar Rabbit darting around causing the unusual disturbance Amy a newcomer arrives apologizing to ailia she explains that while ailia was at the festival Kirsten visited and Enchanted the garden now's immediate response is to rid themselves of the source of the spell Amy however pacifies him clarifying that this was merely a friendly gesture from Kirsten this turn of events underlines the unpredictability and magical intricacies that characterize ail World amidst potential danger the introduction of Amy and the mischievous magic adds a layer of complexity to the narrative showcasing the interplay of various characters and their abilities out of the blue the rabbit playfully hops onto now prompting ailia to validate Na's concerns and concur that confronting Kirsten is imperative despite her initial skepticism aelia's thoughts Veer toward deciphering Kirsten's intentions however as she holds the rabbit its undeniable cuteness elicits an unexpected admiration prompting her to ponder why Kirsten consistently seeks her out despite her attempts to evade him in due course ailia commences her journey toward the Erhard Mansion Amy queer is her decision recalling aelia's prior refusal to engage with Kirsten Amy's curiosity centers on Kirsten's forthcoming actions once he and ailia inevitably cross paths this inquiry highlights the suspense and Intrigue surrounding Kirsten's enigmatic character and the evolving connection between him and ailia the narrative continues to explore the intricacies of relationships choices and the Allure of the unknown continuing through the night Amy informs ailia they've reached our hard Mansion exiting the wagon ailia spots Kirsten observing her from his mansion's window the Moonlight adds an eerie touch to the scene with Amy's prompt ailia advances torn between curiosity and unease the Mansion holds Mysteries and Kirsten's presence intensifies her apprehension leaving her to ponder his connection to the enigmatic estate aelia's conviction waver as she pers her decision to visit Kirsten questioning its wisdom while Kirsten showers ailia Waits plagued by doubt over her choice regret gnaws at her wondering if she should have disregarded Kirsten's bewitching Garden spell uncertainty clouds her perception of Kirsten's current character although he betrayed her in a past life she remains uncertain about his identity in this one aelia's awareness of Youth contrasts with her limited knowledge of the princess lost in thought she revisits past encounters with Kirsten only for his sudden arrival to startle her as Kirsten expresses surprise at the princess's visit ailia belatedly realizes his concealed yearning for greater power explaining how she missed the signs due to his Adept emotional disguise believing it's a significant matter Kirsten assures ailia he would have sought her out if something were aess with courtesy Kirsten inquires ailia about her purpose irritation prickles within ailia resenting Kirsten's ability to manipulate situations annoyed she bluntly informs him that she's here to make a request to his elder brother sir Assad hearing this Assad feels honored by the princess's approach ailia can't help but admit her initial annoyance that Kirsten's initiative preempted hers moreover ailia acknowledges Assad's renowned Marshall prowess to the extent that she contemplated requesting him to become the prince's swordsmanship instructor Assad expresses his gratitude for the honor Kirsten then suggests a conversation in the living room while also addressing the concern about the danger of Assad's training grounds ailia counters this concern by sharing her recent encounter with danger and the assistance she received from an initially reluctant yet skilled individual she argues against avoiding challenges emphasizing the importance of confronting them ailia uses a sword as a metaphor indicating that challenges should be like the sword strong and resilient she attempts to lift the sword but it proves too heavy swiftly Kirsten employs his magic to raise the sword offering it to ailia as a gift shifting Focus Kirsten guides the conversation back to the main point ailia acknowledges she's conveyed her purpose and apologizes for the late hour of her visit however Kirsten insists on retaining aelia's presence offering a receptive ear for anything she wishes to share this persistence intrigues ailia leaving her impressed by Kirsten's enigmatic nature succumbing to his persistence ailia raises a new topic the prince's need for help in various subjects ksten promptly agrees to assist the prince in his educational Pursuits yet ailia requires one more favor she requests Kirsten to revitalize a significant flower gifted to her and cast a preservation spell upon it Kirsten complies albeit with some difficulty as he weaves his magic a gentle warm light emanates triggering a sense of familiarity within ailia this light evokes memories of her past lives casting a nostalgic Aura over the scene priston transforms the dagger into a larger sword extending the gift to ailia in response she graciously declines suggesting that such valuable gesture aren't necessary Hurston undeterred maintains his resolve insisting that ailia merits even more valuable presence he introduces the notion of offering something intangible a seemingly ordinary flower which he claims holds immeasurable significance meanwhile during a council meeting Duke sarar aelia's maternal grandfather and a skilled Statesman asks about her enjoyment of the festival outing and assigns her the responsibility of overseeing state affairs ailia inquires to the council members about the meeting's agenda and learns of a concerning development a group of therapists has emerged in the slums these practitioners reportedly use Cutlery to harm and thread to heal ailia contemplates dismissing the matter and suggests increasing the number of therapists a man interrupts hastily advocating for divine treatments from priests at the temple Instead This Revelation sets the stage for ailia strategic decision making amid the complex dynamics of the council meeting meanwhile aelia's attention waivers from the meeting consumed by concerns about the elusive Kirsten the council's proceedings slip past her awareness simultaneously on another wing of the Imperial Palace Amy approaches youth engrossed in a game of hide and seek with Neu noting the time for Kirsten's history class Amy addresses youth yet youth is weighed down by unexplained stress upon entering the classroom youth's gaze falls upon Kirsten sparking his curiosity about aelia's choice to assign Kirsten as his tutor driven by this query youth approaches a seeking insight into whether Kirsten might have Enchanted ailia due to his formidable Wizardry Assad candidly reveals Kirsten's role as his sibling leaving youth astonished armed with this new knowledge youth contemplates addressing ailia directly however encounters between them have been scarce since the festival youth Ponders whether Kirsten holds a special place in aelia's heart given her introduction of him to youth in these interconnected events youth's contemplation mirrors his desire to unravel the Mysteries surrounding aelia's choice es and Kirsten's influence the palace's bustling corridors become a backdrop to these intricate relationships as youth's journey to uncover the truth is set into motion meanwhile youth pours over a family tree book revealing his status as ailia half brother seated alone in the garden Shauna approaches him voicing concerns over his early departure from class youth worries that his dinner with ailia will be similarly brief shaa takes him to the garden for a meal there youth spots the flower he gifted ailia Amy informs him that ailia requested Kirsten to cast a preservation spell on it as the council meeting winds down preparations for a simple meal are underway ailia noticing the meeting's end prepares to depart mentioning the prince's weight unexpectedly sard emerges behind her asserting that youth is the issue in this interconnected web of events youth's Revelations about his relationship with ailia shed light on their complex Dynamic Shauna's presence provides a supportive touch to youth's concerns meanwhile ailia w the option of conversing with the shrewd sart or returning to the palace for a meal with youth opting for the ladder she excuses herself and engages in dialogue with sart shortly after simultaneously youth recalls aelia's commitment to sharing lunches and his assumption that she would discard the flowers anticipating aelia's arrival he turns only to discover NE present instead NE joins him at the dinner table as substitutes for aelia's company in a parallel event ailia arrives at the Grand Palace of the the god of Honor ailia grapples with her reason for being there leaving the council meeting she encounters Assad prompting her to question his attendance at the Empire's internal Gathering she Ponders why a figure is esteemed as sart desires a meeting with the amiable Assad concerned that Assad might become entangled in sart's agenda ailia resolves to address the situation promptly in a touch of irony Assad remarks if this is aelia's first midnight visit to Erhard edifice alluding to the late hour however ailia is intent on understanding Assad's presence when he unexpectedly expresses a desire to showcase the grand palace's magnificence to her intrigued ailia agrees to accompany him observing her hard's family members lacking political Acumen ailia contemplates to herself Assad then apologizes for his prior Behavior while attempting to remove a leaf from aelia's attire his actions elicit her scolding it becomes evident that aristocratic etiquette is a foreign realm to Assa ailia reassures him that an apology isn't necessary instructs him to remove his coat and leave during their interaction Assad notices aelia's fatigue prompting her to ponder how apparent it is as they make their way towards the grand priest ailia reflects on the course of events that led her to the god of Honor's Grand Palace in the presence of the grand priest ailia is confronted with a pressing matter the therapist's actions the grand priest urges her to take action against this Injustice while ailia contemplates the priest's intentions she also worries about possible rep percussions she fears offending the priest suspecting his alliance with the aristocrats ultimately her concerns stem from the consequences she may face at the hands of Youth underscoring the intricate web of loyalties and potential risks that surround her decisions as ailia navigates the complexities of Palace politics and alliances her inner thoughts interactions with Assad an encounter with the grand priest paint a vivid picture of her struggles and the challenges she faces in her role as a leader this surprising turn aligns with a ia's plan she announces her decision to endorse the therapist's actions aiming to motivate them the grand priest queries her abrupt choice but ailia declines to elaborate despite potential repercussions she reaffirms her commitment to her course citing the people's demand for therapists this leads her to advocate for meeting those needs even if it invites criticism contrary to expectations both the grand priest and Assad respond positively expressing contentment and agreement with aelia's strategy playfully dismissing their enthusiasm ailia reminds them that one good action doesn't Define her overall character this plot twist underscores aelia's calculated leadership approach the grand priest and Assad support highlights their faith in her decisions and willingness to embrace unconventional Solutions aelia's pragmatic approach to addressing public demands regardless of potential backlash showcases her dedication to her role as a leader aelia's heart races in that instant thead notes that a child on the street perceives ailia is a kind person yet no one has dared to openly acknowledge her affectionate nature later ailia inquires the priest about the type of te she's consuming and the priest explains its restorative effects against exhaustion ailia then makes a request for a priest to be sent to the Imperial Palace as she intends to ask a favor of them eventually she chooses to take a brief nap to replenish her energy nonetheless this situation triggers memories in ailia of moments when she would weep in solitude however her current imp imperative is to find respit and momentarily shelf her thoughts aelia's heart is stirred with compassion for youth who endures an abundance of pain alternatively these Reflections might serve as aelia's way of offering herself Solace and psychological preparation as she braces for the impending approach of death in this introspective juncture aelia's emotions and contemplations intertwine underscoring the intricate tapestry of her emotional state and her approach to confronting the uncertainties ahead and that wraps up another thrilling recap but the adventure doesn't end here prepare to be shocked by our second Recaps unexpected plot twists and witness the evolution of your favorite characters subscribe to our Channel if you want more twists turns and heart pounding stories stay tuned for our next recap
Channel: Manhwa Rewind
Views: 14,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa recap, the manhwa man, manhwa, webtoon, manhwa recaps, manhwa cap, webtoon recap, high school mercenary, teenage mercenary, mercenary enro, manga, manga recap, manga summary, manga capped, manga cap, manhwa summary, manga recaps, manhwa capped, anime recaps, anime summary, anime, recap, mangacaps, mangacap, mangas, animecaps, anime plot, movie recap, recap manhwa, recap manga, summary, mangwa rewind, anime manhwa, manhwa recommendations, rich duke, duke falling in love
Id: mGbBDBhu69o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 41sec (3701 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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