Regular Shopping Amid 'Panic Buying' in the UK

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i need to go shopping this evening now i was thinking about leaving this till the weekend and doing another limited budget food challenge but coronavirus has kind of happened a little bit here and panic buying has set in in the uk supermarkets and so actually what i'm doing here is just a regular shop so let's go out and have a look in the shops i need to try to do my regular shopping and i'll see how that's been impacted by coronavirus panic buying let's go shopping [Music] okay now a few people were confused about how trolleys work in uk supermarkets thinking that i had to pay for the trolley but actually it's just a deposit and so here's how that works so in order to take the trolley away i just put a pound coin or indeed in this case that's just a token i put it in that little tray push that in and it comes unclipped when i finish my shopping i've loaded my car all i do is i just put park the trolley up lock it back up with a chain and i get my token back so let's have a look and see what's going on well okay well this is the aisle where we would normally find toilet rolls and there are no toilet rolls at all panic buying has completely denuded the shop of toilet rolls and uh tissues too so tissues there's still some left but a bit of a shortage oh well on with the show all right this is uh whole foods and jams and things i don't think i need anything down this aisle i'll just check my list no nothing from this aisle so next one is kind of home baking stuff now i need to get some self-raising flour and well [Music] it's nearly all gone in fact i can't see any self-raising flour there at all oh i'm just gonna carry on just shop as normal okay eggs okay yeah okay these weren't on my list but i'm gonna get some anyway i like crumpets i don't need any bread but it's looking a little bit on the side of the bread what is missing is most of the uh part bite breads have disappeared they have typically quite a long shelf life that's all pre-packed dinners so i do need to get some chicken there's plenty of food here in store still so i really [Music] don't think there is any cause for alarm [Music] chicken thighs compound 88 not bad actually that could feature in one of our budget challenges actually because that's not bad for a pack of chicken we need some cheese four pounds 66 for a flock of cheddar [Music] deep [Music] [Music] so scary stuff down there more dairy there [Music] [Applause] cooking oil seems to have taken a bit of a hit mayonnaise also the pattern of things that people are buying is kind of bizarre so yeah pasta sauce um gone pasta gone the whole shells of pasta gone never mind we didn't need pasta today so on we go okay so that's where all the tuna would normally be and the tin meats so that looks like it's taken a bit of a hit as well and rice rice is all but gone by all of the bagged rice anyway there's all of the prepared rice products and packaged weird expensive ways to buy rice are still available although actually interestingly the microwave packets look a bit uh a bit beaten as well i don't need any other stuff today anyway tens of beans the tesco's own beans have gone the stockwell brand the regular beans well again looking pretty bad here in fact most of the tinned beans and spaghetti is looking pretty badly beaten indeed the soup as well tin soup um well there's still a lot here but some of the shelves are looking pretty ransacked now interestingly this this end display here would normally be full of hot dogs 10 hot dogs now you've heard me speak about 10 hot dogs on the channel before i mean look at the swing on that you've just got to admire that everybody's rushed out and bought 10 hot dogs weird i do need to get some cordial or squash but it looks like that's available so i think we'll have [Music] lemon [Music] now this form of drink is probably quite unusual to the uk i think in a lot of other places in the world we just don't have this this is the most commonly drunk soft drink in the uk and we call this squash and it's basically a fruit concentrate it's a bit like a cordial comes in lots of different flavors you put a little bit in the glass and you top it up with water and then you drink it it's a still non-sparkling drink and it's very very popular all the cheap stuff is gone how about that all the cheaper tesco brand squashes are looking a little bit worse for wear right oh we got to get vimto as well jenny wants vimto right there we go it's a kind of uh black currant raspberry apple and vanilla flavor drink right packets of cereals are starting to look a bit bare on the shelves but most of what we're seeing here is just the supply chain issue the people have rushed out and bought stupid amounts of everything and they've overwhelmed the store's capacity to replenish it's not that there's a shortage of food it is just that there isn't enough food on the shelves because they can't get it here in time to restock for all the people doing weird things okay get some cheese crackers and i'm gonna get some biscuits as well you know chocolate to justice i'll do right what we got left to get a little bit of frozen food and some veg kind of cheating really i should just cut potatoes into pieces but i haven't got a deep fryer and oven chips are actually not a bad product as far as i'm concerned i think we will get also i do like potato waffles with a fried breakfast [Applause] [Music] bananas we do need bananas yeah it's not on the list but they do look rather nice so i think we'll get a nice cauliflower maybe have cauliflower cheese or something tomorrow carrots [Music] pick a nice bag with some nice thick ones in there because i do like the thick ones [Music] okay don't really like buying things in bags like this but these bags are recyclable so i'm not worried too much about it [Applause] potatoes yeah those look nice now there were quite a few people on the challenge video and on the shopping video that talked about me putting my hands all over the produce you guys just kind of need to get over that because single-use plastics are going away and whilst well we have got a container of bags up there that people can put things into single-use plastics really suck and so all of this packaging supermarkets have committed to remove all of this plastic single-use packaging by 2025 so some other solution is going to have to happen and most likely that solution is going to involve more loose produce that people pick up with their hands see here's the thing what you might not know about these onions that i put my dirty filthy hands all over when i shop for them these onions grow in soil actual literal dirt full of animal feces and bacteria and worms and bugs and all kinds of things you wouldn't want on your plate that's why we peel produce we wash produce we cook produce cooking it kills the bacteria peeling it removes the dirty bit off the outside scrubbing it removes the dirt from the outside those three things are what you do with your produce when you're preparing it in the kitchen and you guys getting worried about me putting my hands which i washed earlier on the produce is a bit stupid in context of where these vegetables came from and what's happened to them between the field and here anyway rant over i think we've nearly finished our shopping now just got to go back and get some grapes and broccoli oh one thing before we go let's just go off and have a look at the medicine section [Music] so yeah this is where the this is where the painkillers and the cold and flu remedies would normally be but they're all gone [Music] so kind of sucks if you catch a cold in the middle of this panic buying about coronavirus because you won't be able to find your cold remedy but there we go so really nothing to panic about there is no shortage of food here there's just a few weird shortages of very specific items but there is plenty of food here i mean look at this honestly ridiculous we can't say there's a shortage of food when there's a whole aisle full of chocolate eggs okay perspective guys we're not starving to death when we get back home we'll just talk about what we've seen and what it means [Music] so yeah shopping trip over obviously i'm not back at the entrance of the store where i got the trolley from i just have to bring it to one of these little sheds and park the trolley nest it in with the others apologies for the lighting conditions here is just what it is and then when i chain it up with this little tether what happens here i push that back in that tray popped open there's my token back so shopping trolleys don't cost anything here it's just a deposit system to keep the car park tidy really stop people wandering off with trolleys or just leaving them abandoned in parking spaces so there's my little trolley token back on the key ring ready for use next time and this truck token is the same size as a pound coin so you can use a pound coin in the trolleys that's what they're actually designed for but the token works just as well so anyway what have we learned today at the shops well i don't really actually see very much evidence of panicking at all um so i think the right thing to do is sit down have a cup of tea or coffee nice slice of cake and just calm down so nice coffee so yeah i mean much as the media would like to spin this up into panic buying frenzy i don't even really think that's what's happening a few things have run out a few people have probably been a bit stupid about buying too much of one thing and but i think individually people are probably doing what they think is sensible it's just that they're all doing the same thing and that's added up to a slight shortage of a few items on the shelves which is really not a big deal i think really the right thing to do is to continue not to panic there is no reason to panic in this situation largely because panic is not a great thing for improving many situations to be honest so panic is hardly ever the right response to any kind of threat or problem we're just going to carry on we're going to buy what we need and if we can't get what we need we're just going to buy something else there is no shortage of food in the shops there is no looming crisis we're not about to starve to death so that's all i've got for today really thanks for watching don't panic and i hope to see you again [Music] [Music] soon [Music] you
Channel: Atomic Shrimp
Views: 685,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food, shopping, coronavirus, panic buying, shortages, media, frenzy
Id: DnHo3NjLLD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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