What's in my BUSHCRAFT / HIKING backpack 2020?!

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g'day folks there welcome to another video so what's in a bush golfing hiking bag I get asked this question all the time so I thought I'd do a little gear loadout and show you what I take on an overnight hiking or bushcraft trip so let's get stuck into it alright guys well this is pretty much all my gear so obviously depending on where I'm going and what time are you on going I'll take different things but this gives you a nice overview of um pretty much my entire kit so over here we've got a sort of sleep system then I've got my clothes and then my tools cooking stuff and then just some first aid and fishing gear so we start from the right first up we've got my Mont zodiac 500 sleeping bag this is a down sleeping bag it's noisy brand out of Canberra so it's good to support the the Aussie brands yeah it's just a really good I'm sleeping bag goes down to about minus to around zero degrees and - - yeah and pretty much everywhere I go camping and everyone gets much colder than that so this doesn't really well so pretty pretty stoked with that and then I've got next so I've just got a little I think it's a sea2summit mosquito net so I just kind of keep in this little drawstring bag so just taking that because if I'd if I decide to sleep just under a tarp on the ground sheet I might put this over you just to keep some of the bugs away and then we've got my Cena summit arrows pillow which absolutely love this thing packs down to barely anything weighs nothing and it's super comfy so it's always nice had these little luxuries when you're at the bush is that a good night's sleep can mean all the world with the next day and then we've got that Outdoor Research helium bv so this a bunch of times now actually like it it's some pretty light I think of ways like maybe 500 grams or something like that so it's really light back sound pretty small because I've noticed a lot of few place I've been gone recently I tend to come across a lot of ants tends to become the bane of my existence at the moment so when the mosquito net won't do obviously the ants can kind of crawl underneath that I tend to sleep in the bivvy because you know some of the bull answers I have this big mandibles and they bite like hell so sometimes it's nice just to roll this out and have some protection against it but they're pretty happy with that obviously bee bees can be a pretty hit and miss not everyone seems to lock in but I don't mind him they're a bit claustrophobic but you can kind of um put up with it and then next we got the what's this the Nemo Astro air inflatable mat I've had this for gosh probably three years now three or four years and really happy with it really nice of light and small never had any issues with it I've never had a puncture or anything and still doing me strong all these years later so pretty happy with that also being sort of like a bright yellow-orange was obviously most of the gear here you'll notice there's sort of a greens and tans and stuff of that so all kind of blends in the bush but I find if I by having this a nice bright color you've ever get stuck and neither sort of signal a helicopter or something I can sort of lay this out and it sort stands out against the against the vegetation so it's kind of handy having one or two pieces in the kit the nice and bright then next up this is a new addition to the kit so this is the heli context poncho I've been actually used it yet I've obviously tried on at home and stuff and it seems to fit nice and well the benefits of having this rather than a rain jacket is a rain jacket only serves one purpose and it's um it's only going to sort of cover your top off whereas a poncho this can go I finish to cover most of my torso and it can go over my bag so if I'm hiking through the rain it keeps everything nice and dry also it doubles up as a small top and you can also use it as a ground sheet as well so I'm pretty pretty happy with its practicing I'm really small and it's really nice and light so I think this might so say my keep pretty regular thing because I might even substitute my other ground sheet for this in future because it doubles up as on a few different things so pretty happy with that so far and so speaking of ground sheets so this is just a small little ground sheet that I've got does a job it's really good nice and light and small and I've used it plenty of times before and I really like it like I said in white start using the poncho as a ground sheet instead just because they like I said it doubles up a few different things oh speaking of ground sheets so this is the other ground said I have this is bio brain could remote projects the base out of Lion bait and this is wax canvas so it's a little bit heavy so don't take it on hikes but if I ever go canoe camping or car camping or something like that and I want a nice durable ground sheet then I my debt I definitely take this because it's really nice quality yeah it's heavy duty so it's going to stand up to the test of time and just a good bit of solid kit to your having the car and then next up we've got my alts and goods hammock which is once again nice and light I've been using this for a number of years and very happy with it inside here I've just got some tree hugger straps this is my Alton Goods 3 by 3 meter tarp you see my recent videos you'll see me using this probably got it about six months ago and I've I'm taking on a few trips now and really happy with it it's really nice of light packs aren't really small smaller than my daily a hammock top Co very very impressive that and then moving into the coding system so start up here this is my cat man zoo down jacket I forgot this last year and it does a really good job keeping you warm during winter so pretty happy with that and then the trusty fly know or for you guys overseas a flannelette shirt I always take this on a on a hike and then we've got so this is the pants so the bottom half to these pants so this brand is called mountain design once again I'm pretty sure they're an Aussie brand as well and they're really nice and white and I do have a pair of fuel Ravens which I'm always using for a number of years but I find in summer they're quiet speaking so they're kind of quite hot to wear so I've been using this over the last couple months and I'm really happy with them they are obviously not as durable as a fuel raven but they're nice and lightweight and when you're hiking through summer you want something nice and light and yeah this does the job nice and well so and the next up we've got just a pair of our marina wolf thermals and then some sea2summit Gators I think they think these are the quagmire sea2summit Gators and I've been used him a bunch losing maybe once or twice they're kind of a new addition of the kit just figured I spent so much time out in the bush by myself and I'm always coming across snakes I actually just saw one just earlier before when I was hiking into here so they're always out and about so I figured I might just keep these in the kit from now on because they've nice and lightweight they've way Billy anything they do take up a bit of room but I figured just what are places I go it's always very dense scrub so it's always nice to have something to protect your shins and just to keep the snakes at bay so I think that's going to be something probably have to start using your future just because I've been playing Russian roulette so far I think it'd be nice just to keep using the kit when I need to and last but not least the just a beanie all right now we move into the equipment so I've just got here some it's about 10 meters worth of arm power cord 550 paracord just with a carabiner and this is just some thicker I think they call it battle rope so it's like a seven strand rope and really strong I think I come in boy how much it can hold but it's it's a lot so I kind of keep about 10 meters of this both of these I just strap to the front of my pack on the molle webbing and yeah you always need a bit of extra cord is so it's nice just to have it handy the reason I've got the thicker the thicker rope is just because hiking or a sandstone country sometimes you need to sort of lower your bag down or for a little rock ledge or you might even need to tie it off to a tree and kind of help yourself down like I wouldn't use it for abseiling but just if you want to sort of like your hand won't it help yourself down and this will come in handy then next up we've got my van quests husky organizer which I absolutely love just keeps all my bits and pieces nicely organized like I've got my soil water filter in here other bits and pieces like a wider and a pencil and I'm a Gerber multi-tool for my batteries from a camera charger more power bank and also my flint and steel kit so discuss their Flint steel and also a little Fresnel lens so I obviously can't see it now because it's overcast but if it was sunny be able to sort of use that to start a fire by focusing that the sun's rays I'm gonna do another video where I sort of go through the van quest organizer in detail so I can show you all the stuff they keep in here and go through its specs so I'll do that in another video the next up here we just got a smaller dry bag and inside here have just got some more paracord sort of one two and three meter lengths of paracord I'm just in this little dry bag so close nice just have some small bits system you need to tie something up and also having the dry bag that can double as a pillow if I need so you can fill it there flip it up and use it as a pillow I can fill it up with water just sort of need to transport some water to the camp's maybe put the fire out yeah it's just nice to keep some things nice and dry so the handy little bit of kit next up got my silky gone boy I think this is a 240 so really happy with the saw I was using the bahco laplander for a number of years but we've got this last year and I absolutely love it it just cuts through wood like butter it does a really good job the teeth on it are pretty uh pretty vicious so it does a really good job of cutting through the fuzzy hardwood and it's nice and light and small as well cuz I've got this other hand saw it's white egg were Canyon it's a boreal 21 so got at the end of last year put that in here yeah so it's a pretty cool saw I've only used it a couple of times because when I got it the bushfires kicked off in Australia so a lot of camping was put on hold and so I'm really had too much of a chance to get out and use this but for troops where weight isn't an issue and I'm not sort of hiking too fast and I'm definitely going to take this because it's just the beast of a saw and it folds down to pretty much nothing so it is a little bit heavy obviously compared to the silky gone boy so it really depends what kind of chickens link like I said I'm not hiking too far then I'll take this but if I'm going for a decent hike now I take this going boy that just holds up like that sir pretty handy little bit of kit this one we like it Kanda get some use out of it so this is a holter force classic hatchet it's pretty lightweight nice and small I generally don't take it on too many hikes just because in Australia fine you don't really need an axe or hatchet just like you guys in this of the Northern Hemisphere the finest saw is much more useful so I'd rather take a saw then take this but it is nice and handy just to take on some trips phenomenal having to hike too far I want to do a bit more bushcraft you kind of stuff and I'll take this but generally speaking I tend to leave this at home because yeah with a knife and a saw I can pretty much do everything I need to then down here I've got my new addition this is by core knife and tool this is a Bushman I've absolutely stoked with it I have shown you guys in a number of videos but it's such a beautiful knife really happy with the quality of its lovely the leather work on this is awesome - so very happy with this knife yeah it's called the Bushman bicorn - tool you want to check it out and this it's also from core knife until it's just a little pouch he causes swag ease pantry with swagman span Theresa basically inside here just a little files we can keep at your salt and pepper or some spices or a little bits and pieces and once again the leather work on this is a lob we're really happy with this so another little nice little bit of kit so we've got a drawstring cotton sack just to keep my food in it's nothing special then I've got a little gas stove which I don't use a whole lot but is nice just to have it this is the optimist crux light that's packs down really small it's a good little stove but yeah so don't we use it a whole lot you have just got some steel wool and just a little leather pouch so I tend to keep my tinder in this is another recent addition so this is a trend girl or trend Jo I always seem to say it wrong but yeah it's the Trangia of metho stove so yeah so I've used it a couple of times now and really liked it it's nice and silent too fine using this gas stove it's a bit loud sometimes we end of book she can't just want to be nice and silent not how this rearing gas stove go on so fine cooking over this so silent flame is actually nice so that's just sold a bottle of methyl as well and also during summer when it's a pretty body hot you don't wanna get a fire started in the morning I find this is nice and useful just cook up your brekkie you're not having to worry about getting a fire going and then so down here just got my water bottle and cook set so just got my pathfinders 1 litre stainless steel water ball which you can also put over the fire and boil up some water to sterilize and here's my pathfinders i'm 750ml nesting cut such as what's in there nice and snug I mean here I can cook up my rice my pastor or a few gin and tonic so I'm sitting around the fire and then here's a here's a stove stand so basically put it sticks under there a little hex and white fuel tablet or even just talk about straight in the fire you put that on top and pull up your water so pretty handy with your kit and the best thing about all this stuff is it all just slots in nice and snug that keeps it all quite compact and it's just a little lid that goes with it actually I think I forgot two more things let's realize so just like down the back of my bag is my arm yeah cooking system so here I've just got a snoop advance got Snow Peak it's just a titanium plate so with their suckin yeah cook up over the fire pick up some steak or finish all my food i cooking this you can also use in the morning just so with your cereal because it's got reasonable edges on it so you can put your milk in there and it's not going to spill out so that's a very very handy with a kit I kind of wish it was a little bit bigger maybe like an inch or two bigger but it still does a job so very happy with that and then next up is my awesome goods titanium grill which is a very handy bit of kit so really small slides just down the back of my pack nice and easily barely even notice it there it's very light and it's just nice to talk about the fire and then yeah cook over cook over the hot coals really enjoy using that and then here I've just got classic chopping board once again weighs nothing just put that on top of there and I can just chop up that lamb not use my knife when my metal plate because I've had plenty of people to tell me in the past to stop doing that so I go under these plastic chopping boards and I'm very happy with happy with it and just over here we've just got a hip flask which I usually carry some port or Tawney or even some Muscat it's what everyone's cup of tea but I've see a lot of stuff and when you sitting around a fire after a hard day hiking listen this some Johnny Cash to some poor Kelly and sipping on some a Muscat life doesn't get much better than that so I always like to go yeah some music out in the bush it's holding everyone's cup of tea but like I said after a long day of hiking there's nothing better than just relaxing by a fire listen to some music next up got my leg lens here it's got the mh8 which I've got a couple months ago for Christmas and you're really happy with it it's got a nice wide beam on it you can also focus it to a nice narrow beam it's rechargeable and you can also put some double-a batteries in here as well so pretty handy bit of kit I can use this I can charge this off my power bank in here so yeah I'm pretty happy with that one alright the next up is mushroom argh now I guess a couple weeks ago stuff uses a bunch of times and pretty happy with it you're not sure what a shemagh is just google it and you can find all the uses for this thing just to name a few it's a head covering so if it's sunny or - your sandy can just wrap his Rainey head to keep myself protected let's obviously a towel something wash yourself and wash up here your cook kit you can also use me knife to scrape some of the fibers off it to use a strike yeah your Ferro rod to start a fire you can filter water through it it's plenty of uses for it you can use it as a sling you've got an injury so heaps uses for this thing so it's a pretty handy bit of kit to have all right next up is probably the most important bits of kit I have this is the ACR rescue link plb we're not go in the bush without this thing now it is super important to have and it is a little bit expensive at about 350 bucks but I think it's one of the most important things you can have because especially like myself if you go out in the bush by yourself and you get them in by a snake or you roll over and twist your ankle or break your leg or you get lost this thing will save your life and so it is a bit pricey but I think the investment is very worthwhile so it's definitely worth looking into this it's just a pair B so it's just the beacon so it doesn't do navigation like the Garmin in reach and you can't send text with it but I can just set this off and it'll go to a satellite so a communication center and then they'll send help so very handy bit of kit to have I might start looking into maybe getting the Garmin in reach just because it's got a few more capabilities like the navigation and be now resource ended tax if ever gets stock code and just want to let my partner that know that I'm running bit late or something like that so am I looking to gain that but for the time being this does the job so very important bit of kit and then just next up I've got my first aid kit two priests and a first aid kit so I'm not gonna go through all the contents of it I might do another video one day if you guys want to see that they're doing additions I got in here probably a few extra compression bandages because if I ever get bitten by a snake the first thing I want to do is wrap that limb up with ideally two or three compression bandages and then set off that peel better get some help in but partially now it's just a pretty standard first aid kit and then next I've got it's just a 1 meter by 1 meter square bit of orange cotton I don't take this all the time if I'm gonna go somewhere that's nice and remote I'll probably tuck this in the kit because say if I do ever get into trouble and I have to set off this peel be most of my kit is pretty um blends into the bush well so I kind of want st. that's going to stand out but I can lay out on the ground or put on a rocky outcrop of st. Just's over helicopter does go passing and see me nice and clearly but that's also the reason I've got that the orange yellow orange Nemo matte because that can also double as a sort of signaling device but yeah severe cosine remote I'll probably usually take that as well and then just see I've just got a silver compass with my right in the rain notebook which I keep the pencil in my organizer and this is I find a pretty handy bit of kit to have so inside here I've just got two plastic bags they're 90 centimeters by 60 centimeters each the idea this is just a transpiration bag so if if I ever find myself someone with his no water source I can always wrap this around the branch of a tree and sort of captured that transpiration and it can condensate in the bag and form at the bottom of the bag and I can just pull that out it's my water bottle so I've done a couple of times before and I've gathered about sort of three to four hundred meals they sometimes even up to five hundred mils of water so it's a pretty handy bit of knowledge to have because if you ever get stuck it requires a very minimal effort just got a base to sit around and wrap this around a branch and let that do all the work for you so I find that's pretty handy just to keep in the bag weighs nothing again also have you ever come across maybe like so like a trickle of water coming out of I could rocky outcrop or something and you can't quite capture it may be in the nesting cup you can always lay this out and sort of collect all that water and then pour that into your water bottle so I think that's pretty useful to keep in the in the kit and suggests here I've just got a pretty standard blue bandana so nothing special gently just keep this in my pockets and I'm hiking along I get a bit sweaty I can just of wipe this sweat off my face well I'm not wearing my hat I could wrap around my head and sort of keep there yeah the sweat out my eyes or the Sun off my forehead and now it's my fishing gear so everyone knows I'm not the best fisherman in the world but I do go to a lot of places that are sort of next to rivers and waterways lakes and stuff so I like to just chuck in the kit and give a red-hot crack getting a little bit better I'm definitely not the best fisherman in the world but I like to give it a go and so we're there with persistence hopefully army will pay off one day but just in here is just a priest and a time travel rod breaks down to four pieces and the brand of this is good savage gear and I've also just got a box of lures and then a real say yes they have it has pretty much all the gear that are used throughout the year I do have a hiking tent but a little bit big and heavy and bulky I'm not a big fan of it so I decided to not include it in this this gear loadout obviously depending on the time of year and where I'm going I sort of mix up different things but yeah this gives you a nice overview all right well I'm hopefully you guys enjoyed this one it's always nice to see what other people take out and blush so you can sort of get some ideas so if I giving you guys some tips maybe ways you can improve your system you guys have any tips for me I'm always keen to sort of uh yeah change things up and improve my system so feel free to leave me a comment below with some tips anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this one as always thanks so much for watching I really appreciate your support I'm gonna get on have you because I'm getting absolutely hammered by mosquitos it's not a gay little bit late so yeah thanks so much for watching if you knew the channel you're like its kind of stuff then feel free to give me a thumbs up and to subscribe so to really help me out so anyway till next time guys
Channel: Scotty's Gone Walkabouts
Views: 365,324
Rating: 4.9301429 out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, bush craft, hiking, bushwalking, hiking backpack, backpack, back pack, hiking back pack, Tasmanian tiger, Tasmanian tiger raid pack, gear review, bushcraft gear review, Australian bushcraft, backpacking, gear load out
Id: mIXg_3956QI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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