Happy Cook Holiday Series PT 2:Triple German Chocolate Cake

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[Music] [Music] greatest I'm Janelle Mackenzie and welcome to the happy cook today is our second episode in our 3 episode holiday series and I'm going to be preparing a German chocolate cake now this recipe is my favorite my most favorite German cake recipe and I'm making this cake for our first responders here in the city of College Park I'm actually going to be delivering cakes to the fire department the police department and we also are going to be doing something for our Public Works employees as well so I'm really excited about this opportunity to provide them with something to make them smile and feel good during the holiday so stay tuned and I'll show you how to make it now the ingredients that you're needing to make the cake part of this German chocolate cake 2 cups of sugar 2 cups of all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1 teaspoon of baking soda 4 large eggs a cup of buttermilk a pound of butter and the butter should be at room temperature and 2 bars of sweetened sweet chocolate Germans bake bakers they make this excellent a cake chocolate for German chocolate cakes and I recommend that now we're gonna start off today with 3 cake pans I've got 1 2 3 and a what I've done with these cake pans is I've taken a piece of parchment paper and I actually measured the parchment paper for the size of the baking pan and put a little bit of coconut oil on the bottom of the pan and then press the parchment paper into the pan okay and after you do that you're gonna put your flour on your well you'll continue you'll put a little bit more if you want butter again if you like bar you like coconut oil whatever you want to do you put that on the sides of the pan then dust it with flour this time we will be dusting this with flour and this is how the final will look for your baking pans [Music] we're going to begin our recipe today by taking the bars of chocolate we're going to break them up a little bit and we're gonna put them into a microwave-safe Bowl and once we've done that we're gonna actually put them in the microwave and we're going to microwave them for approximately one and a half minutes and thirty second intervals because every thirty seconds you want to kind of take it out check it today's recipe requires separating the egg yolk from the egg white so the tip of the day is that I'm going to show you how I separate my egg yolk from my egg whites you take your a and you win just find a surface that you can kind of break the shell with just crack the shell a little bit like actually put a little put a little bit bigger I just want to be careful just so you don't break the shell all over the place I'm gonna take this bowl because it already has egg white in it and I'm going to crack my egg and let that egg white begin to fall into there and then put the egg yolk pour it out it's in my hand let the egg yolk seep through and then I'm gonna put my yolk in there let's try that one more time crack it break the top off put the yolk inside your hand let the white pour in there and there we have it separating your egg yolk from your egg white [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you now we're ready to prepare the coconut pecan frosting for our German chocolate cake you will need six ingredients two sticks of butter 2 cups of pecan 2 cups of coconut six egg yolks and slightly beaten one can or 12 ounces of evaporated milk one and a half cups of sugar and of course some vanilla extract line a baking sheet with parchment paper and then we're going to take our two cups up you can kind of place them out evenly to the lot of them on top of each other and then we're going to put this in the oven and bake it at 350 degrees for about 5 minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] remove the cake from the oven and then you're going to take a knife and go around the edge of the cake this is going to make it easier for you to take the cake out the cake pan [Music] [Music] so delicious and if you could smell this this smell is so I just want to like I wish I could just jump in the bowl and you know just you know but I will wait cuz we want to make sure we get this to the fire department okay and now I'm ready to put my our third later on and this is gonna be a nice hi cake over a little bit and just continue frosting a German chocolate cake is not like frosting a normal cake because you're really dealing with this very very thick frosting so you may do a little bit of touching this always make sure your hands are clean because some of this is gonna fall down but I'm just gonna keep plumping it up so now I've got my spatula and I'm gonna start off with some of that the frosting that fell off on the side of the cake [Music] okay and now we have a beautiful delicious scrumptious German chocolate cake it's a three layer cake and I I'm just excited about being able to bring this cake and our pancake to our first responders and our Public Works employees our firefighters so we're actually we've made cakes for all of those all of those organizations here in the city of College Park until the next episode my name is Jamel McKenzie I'm the happy cook and I want you to remember always that the best cook is a blessed cook and a blessed cook is the happy cook see you later [Music] [Music]
Channel: mrsjmack
Views: 27,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: German chocolate cake, holiday desserts, delicious cake recipes, show me how to bake, college park ga, organic desserts, gmo free foods, family dishes, fun food, chocolate lovers desserts, chocolate cake, coconut dishes, how to separate eggs, cooking with buttermilk
Id: Q0Oo_q6FFqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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