2 Hours of Video Game Facts to Fall Asleep to

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hello and welcome to did you know gaming extra today we're looking at references to popular TV shows in video games as with film TV shows have served as inspiration for many developers and the games they create often developers will leave their own little love letters to these shows throughout their games either in Code art or even Music These Love Letters to Media can even transcend cultures as seen with the Japan exclusive alternative RPG gift Pier the game was released on the GameCube in Japan and was published by Nintendo and has been described by some as a cross between Animal Crossing and Zelda all the information presented makes this next statement all the more bizarre gift Pier's music references the adult animated sitcom South Park the song icicle contains what seems to be garbled up voice samples but are actually manipulated audio clips from the South Park season 1 episode Mecca stend the 4 and 1/2 minute track has two 30second parts which use the samples the first is early in the track and samples the conversation between Barbara stri and Kyle Cartman Stan and officer bar Brady starting with the line the triangle of zinthar now triangle of [Music] zinthar and ending with no excuses move along you little trle Bakers the samples come back towards the end of the track sampling a conversation between Leonard Molton and Chef I guess he's not home Leonard Marton damn then we must look for them [Music] elsewhere how these samples got into such a familyfriendly game is anyone's guess but our money is on the gamees musician her aumi taniguchi being a fan of South Park next we're looking at a familyfriendly show that was referenced in an adult oriented game Demon Souls the predecessor to Dark Souls has a few Sly references in its game manual on on page five under character creation there's an image listing various character profiles all of these profile names reference the Beloved animated show The Simpsons this includes Bobo Mr Burns Teddy Bear from the season 5 episode rose bud and Lisa lionart a line of dolls created by Lisa in another season 5 episode Lisa versus Malibu Stacy princess Kashmir the belly dancer from the season 1 episode Homer's night out and the radio personality Dr Demento from season 6 Sideshow Bob Reynolds although there's plenty of mainstream shows referenced in games there's a few cult shows too Star Wars Rebel Assault 2 The Hidden Empire has a reference to a slightly different science fiction franchise from that of the George Lucas classic hidden in the PC game is a reference to the show Mystery Science Theater 3000 the reference can only be accessed by entering the name Servo backwards in the password menu a video will play in which R2-D2 Darth Vader and C3PO Sil ET at the bottom of the screen are watching all of the game's cutcenes but replacing the original dialogue with humorous subtitles this is a similar layout to Mystery Science Theater 3000 where originally a janitor Joel Robinson and three robots Tom Servo Crow t robot and Gypsy are forced to watch poorly made movies while providing their own comedic commentary The Witcher 3 which is really it's really amazing also references a fan favorite Sci-Fi show Doctor Who after the completion of the contract side quest monster in the cemetery two angel statues will appear in the cemetery near lyen Vil by turning away from these statues they will move on their own accord these warping statues are a reference to Doctor Who's weeping angels race first featured in the episode blink Doctor Who is referenced in another franchise that you might not expect Ace Attorney on day two of Apollo Justice Ace attorney's third case turnabout serenade if the player examines the top hat in WR anything agency Apollo will say that's one of those hats you pull things out of right trusy will then say of course my hats like a little Universe bigger on the inside than on the outside and Apollo will respond with hm that reminds me of a Sci-Fi show I used to watch this references the doctor's Tardis a spaceship which is bigger on the inside and now it's time for this episode's random piece of Trivia today it's all about the chemco game fanks or faank for our American viewers but more specifically its Super Nintendo box art while the game's box has become known for being extremely bizarre featuring a bearded old man playing a banjo something with absolutely no relation to the game itself there is more to the story Matt Gus from Cho's American advertising team claimed that this design was to make the title stand out when compared to other games of the same genre Gus stated that they all had monsters or spaceships or something we wanted to create shock value so someone would have to pick the game up we called it the heavy huh Factor art director Keith Campbell says they did the photo shoot themselves hiring a model for the role of the 8S something ha seed the model was bertil Valley who had worked as a volunteer Santa Claus for over 25 years prior to fanks Valley appeared on the cover of the Christmas album Christmas in the Northwest and ran his own successful construction company for over 20 years sadly Valley has since passed away in 2004 hello and welcome to digino gaming extra today we're going to be looking at video game characters inspired by real people character design can make or break a title an iconic protagonist or villain or even just a small Charming or memorable role can arguably save a game one of the best sources of inspiration for characters can be real world flesh and blood people as many developers would attest to in late 2017 Pokémon became the second bestselling video game franchise of all all time hitting just over 300 million sales worldwide this includes the Core Series of RPGs and spin-offs which are only surpassed by the Super Mario franchise if you count the 800 million downloads of the Smash Hit Mobile AR app Pokémon Go released in 2016 the Pokémon franchise has had more than 1 billion units reach players hands the main appeal is of course the adorable Pocket Monsters often based on real world animals as well as famous people like Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan it may not come as a surprise then that one of the original 151 Pokémon was actually based on a developer of the game it has been speculated for some time that Snorlax was based on a real person but it wasn't until an interview with the news outlet yomiuri that Ken Sugi Mori the art director for Pokémon Finally Revealed that it was indeed based on game designer Koji nishino not only is there a resemblance between nishino and Snorlax but other traits are carried over too supposedly nisho would eat pretty much anything including food that had gone moldy earning himself the nickname kabi meaning mold this resistance to expired food inspired snorlax's character and the kabi nickname became part of the Pokémon's Japanese name kabigon Koji nishino has been involved with game freak and the Pokemon franchise since their first releases as Pocket Monsters red and green on the Game Boy in Japan in both Pokémon black and white one and two nisho will say I'm Snorlax no no I'm the planner I don't mean to butt in but the item leftovers is important isn't it in Black and White 2 specifically the player can even battle nisho and funnily enough he has a Snorlax as his highest level Pokémon other Nintendo developers have looked to the real world for character designs as well during the planning stages for Ocarina of Time developers wanted to push the series further than it had ever gone not just technically but also in terms terms of character design and development one major change for fans of the series came in the appearance of Ganondorf who was previously only depicted as a giant pig-like creature toru osua the game's script writer wanted Ganon to be a more complex personality and showed that Ganon is not simply evil through and through oswa tried to show a more human side to Ganon and sought to portray him in a similar way to rul from Fist of the North Star for his physical appearance on the other hand character designer Satur takazawa stated just to let you know Ganondorf actually has a tentative model we kept Christopher Lamar's image in our heads but the end result came out quite different we think lambar hit worldwide Fame for his depiction of Connor McLoud in the Highlander series of films but would also later go on to play Raiden in the Mortal Kombat movie both films could have been used as a basis as they both came out before or during Ocarina development Johnny Knoxville star of the hit reality show Jackass has had influence over not just one popular character in gaming media but two guichi suda director of No More Heroes stated that during development of Travis touchdowns character he would reference a scene from the first Jackass movie in which Johnny Knoxville is beaten by a pro boxer in a Japanese clothing store these Antics provided a basis for the character as well as a clip that P suda would often show the team of a baby aligator biting Knoxville's nipple his reasoning was so that his staff could understand the kind of person that Travis is Knoxville was also the basis for the character of Nath and Drake in the Uncharted series the team went through several concepts for Nate ultimately playing around with characteristics similar to Knoxville they wanted a character which reflected his cynical sense of humor though they toned this down over time they also wanted to capture Knoxville's portrayal of coolness and goodness by banding the team around these fundamental elements of Nate's character it helped designers capture the overall tone for Drake as well as the ENT entire game moving forward Richard lamaran cites this decision as the moment when people really began to understand Nathan Drake and now it's time for this episode's random piece of trivia today's random piece was submitted by trivia Don Patron Chad barnon thank you very much sir Mortal Kombat Trilogy released on multiple Platforms in 1996 and is essentially an amalgamation of the three previous Mortal Kombat installments combining all stages and characters as well as adding a few new features though the N64 version of the game had fewer characters than its counterparts on other platforms it actually featured one character that none of the others had by entering right C up C AB down C up C right C while the story is on screen Shia khah can be heard saying chameleon presumably we'll put the clip in there chameleon chameleon will then be a playable character on the character select screen not to be confused confused with chameleon who is featured in the other versions of the game the character is a female ninja with similar Sprites to that of katana Molina and Jade and has the ability to use all three of their weapons chameleon also possesses the same invisibility as her male counterpart but far more effective the character also appeared again though this time without the use of a cheat in Mortal Kombat Armageddon however she only appears in the Wii version of the game retaining her Nintendo exclusivity hello and welcome to dig youo gaming extra today we'll be talking about leftover data in video games during a game's development some features aren't always completed in time for publishing deadlines and for many games these features remain Within A Game's data never to be expounded upon in 2017 an unused mission mode was discovered in the code from Mario Kart Wii nearly a decade after its release this mode would have been similar to Mario Kart DS's mission mode and although the unused feature is missing code to make it fully functional mod Mr Bean 35,000 VR spectacular name was able to reinsert the data back into the game giving us a glimpse of what could have been missions would have ranged from performing a number of drift boosts to killing a number of enemies on a course or even performing wheelies one of the missions was actually introduced during a few online competitions where players had to knock a number of Mario Galaxy Topman enemies off a stage Mr Bean explained that the game doesn't try and load the mission mode screens at all even on the menus that would have contained them so in order to load them he had to convince the game that it was supposed to and was able to demonstrate some of the scenarios that were planned to be in the mode while this data can be added back into its game some titles store data which should not have been present in the first place this includes AAA titles from major beloved series such as Shrek Super Slam present on the disc of the PlayStation 2 version of the game is a file called strident dobin looking at this file it can be determined that it is actually a full PSP game ISO for Tony Hawk's Underground 2 this was likely because both titles were developed by shaba games it's common for developers to fill the empty space on a disc with something known as a dummy file a file with no purpose other than taking up space on the disc or cartridge in this situation super slam's disc size was 1 . 6 GB with Tony Hawks taking up almost half of that file size comparing the retail release of Underground 2 with the version on the Shrek disc there are slight differences in file sizes and the build of the game in superlam was compiled 2 days after the retail version another game with unused data is Homefront the revolution which contains an Easter egg that pleased many fans in the game the player is able to access an arcade machine which boots a demo of time Splitters 2 containing the first two level of the game though by Looking In The Game's data it's possible to find additional unused files alongside leftover data from time Splitters 2 there were unused files for time Splitters future perfect as well as second site another game created by free radical design it's possible that plans were made to have even more playable demos of games or perhaps even a fully-fledged re-release of time Splitters 2 in 2012 Steve Ellis co-founder of free radicals stated that an HD downloadable version of time Splitters 2 was in development in 2008 and that he would have loved to have seen it released at some point it's possible that this Easter egg is a remnant of that HD port the history of how this came about is a little complicated time Splitters was created by free radical design who would later change their name to krych UK before they encountered financial difficulty and sold the homefront license to Deep Silver the krych UK team was then transferred to Dam Buster Studios a subsidi are of Deep Silver and work was continued on Homefront the revolution which had been in development for some time and now it's time for this episode's random piece of Trivia today we're looking at the Street Fighter the movie game which released in arcades in 1995 Greg rainwater played the role of te hawk in the film and while he was scheduled to appear at a recording session to capture the character's digitized photo animations he was never included in the final game according to user Anon from the shuukan message boards who allegedly worked on the game for whatever reason Greg rainwater did not show it became apparent that after the first few digitizing sessions many of the actors weren't coming up to do their sessions with us this was largely the reason we were not able to leave Australia after the originally scheduled 2 weeks and instead stayed for a month in the end though just about everyone was digitized with just Ming and Greg rainwater holding out fed up with wasting time dealing with Hollywood personalities and with members of our own team missing their families we headed back home Capcom arranged to have chin Le shot back in Chicago but t-hawk went missing at the time I figured it was no big loss in my book I never liked t-hawk anyway hello and welcome to digo gaming extra today we'll be looking at a selection of fun Nintendo Easter eggs so let's jump straight in first up we're looking at a bizarre ghostly Easter egg found in Captain Toad treasure Tracker the team behind the Mario series seem to enjoy putting unexplainable creepy extras into their games just for those who like to wait around in episode 1 level 16 dodgy doors at buo Mansion an Easter egg can be found with some patience in order to reveal this secret the player must wait a surprisingly long time considering the short and simple nature of the level towards the back of the house the player will come across three movable boxes with doors Waiting by these doors for a full 5 minutes will reveal a ghostly set of handprints against the wall what's interesting about these handprints is that they aren't positioned in the same place each time they spawn in and are randomly placed within this area other Mario games have secrets even harder to find than this interplays Mario teachers typing released for dos in 1991 has its own hidden secret this time though the Easter egg is tucked away within the code of the game by exploring the hex code of the game's executable file mario.exe some hidden asot of Mario's head be found Secrets can be found buried in the code of other Nintendo games as well in Donkey Kong Land for the original Game Boy a string in the code of both the Japanese and English releases reads P Floyd the string is used to verify save game data on the cartridge the P Floyd string has to be present in three different areas of the game's code for the files to function and if the string is missing the game will simply erase the data this string is a reference to the English rock band Pink Floyd as the the game was created by Rare a British Studio it's unsurprising to see them pay tribute to such an influential English band Nintendo aren't afraid to reference their own games either the Japanese version of Paper Mario has an interesting reference to another Nintendo title a toad can be found in the tow toown garden with an infatuation for flowers in the North American version of the game this character is called Min te but their name was originally lip in the Japanese game this is in reference to a Nintendo character the same name from panal De Pon on the super famicom which was released as Tetris attack internationally panal deon's lip is a flower fairy and both characters have a love for flowers while also sharing the same color palette of pink yellow and green Nintendo games seem to have fun with character names such as with the name of Porky's father in the English translation of Earthbound known as aloicious Marcus lindblum the director of The Game's English localization needed to decide on a name for the character he settled with the name aloicious taken from episode 75 Beanstalk bunny of the Daffy Duck cartoon Daffy takes the name to avoid being mistaken for Jack in the story of Jack and the beant stalk he is Jack it's a lie it's a lie my name is uh alowishus lindblum chose this name as he thought it was both dumb and funny the name aloicious was also used by Warner Brothers for the full name of daffy's alter ego duck Edgar Dumar aloicious an Dodgers though it's not confirmed to actually be the character the Japanese exclusive famicom Wars makes reference to another of Nintendo's own series Metroid donut Island's Red Star Commander is named sasoon and her portrait is shown to be the helmet of sasaran however when looking at the full character sprite the helmet seems to be the only similarity this is actually one of the earliest recognized appearances or reference to Samus in anything other than the first release of Metroid itself on the NES from a single Cameo appearance to a game all about other games appearing together in one place during The Village's Final Smash attack in Super Smash BRS for Wii U Tom Nook will appear and throw a vast array of furniture from the Animal Crossing series into the fighters new building there's also a chance that he'll even throw a Triforce from the Zelda series into the house and now it's time for today's random piece of trivia and this time we're looking at the bestselling console of the '90s the Sony PlayStation during the console's production early Hardware prototypes suffered from a pretty severe heating issue recalling the first time she saw the Prototype an artist for developer Insomniac Games Kirsten van shevan told games TM it was exciting as it was the very early days of video games and the crew was very small I still remember Sony bringing in the very first PlayStation which could only be used for half an hour at a time or it would overheat and spontaneously combust hello and welcome to did you know gaming extra in today's episode we will be looking at a collection of Nintendo Easter eggs the '90s hip-hop rivalry between the East and West coasts of North America is one which continues to resonate with artists to this day Tupac Shakur and Notorious BIG were at the heart of this Feud while the pair may have passed on their influence in music and pop culture is still evident and it also seems this influence extends gaming after the release of Splatoon 2's DLC the Octo expansion fans noticed a nod to both rappers the outfits worn by both Pearl and Marina are based on the distinct looks often represented by Biggie and Tupac respectively fitting for a world that has an aesthetic heavily influenced by the hip-hop genre not just musically but also visually in an interview with Game Informer hasashi Noami was asked directly about this reference he said we're definitely aware Ware of that history of music videos in America and music video culture is something we kept in mind while making this expansion we have members on our development team who are fans of hip-hop music and Hip-Hop culture and it's people like that who feel that just like our real world we're living in we can bring a variety of elements into the world of Splatoon and show people that it's not just a one notee type of world while on the topic of Splatoon the first game in the series includes a small nod within its sound effects in the museum D alfonsino two statues can be found one detail about these statues is that they actually emit a small laugh throughout a nighttime match which is very difficult to come by a member of the game faq's forum Michael Ike 9 noticed that these laughs match up closely with the death Cry of a boss featured in The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword Kos after being defeated colos lets out the sound of several small children laughing there's no confirmation as to whether this was an intentional nod to Skyward Sword or whether it's just a member of the team reusing a sound clip from Nintendo's extensive audio asset library from fishy to Funky next we're looking at a fresh little reference hidden away in Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze when the player controls Funky Kong upon leaving his fly and Buy store there's a chance that Torx will spur the player on by exclaiming give him the old banana Slammer dude this line is in reference to Donkey Kong's catchphrase from the shortlived horrendously animated Donkey Kong Country animated TV series banana while you might think an extensive knowledge of poorly received 90s animated TV shows is specialist this next reference requires somebody with some real world skills to notice a few hidden messages can be heard in wi Sports Resort in the game's Island flyover mode several noises can be heard coming from the Island's Lighthouse also known as the candle these sounds are actually M code a total of three messages can be interpreted translating to Mor code takes forever it sure does does anyone out there know Morse code sorry use your radio why does anyone use Mor's code anymore good question even cheat codes can have messages attached to them for Pokémon puzzle League a few passwords are actually related to the series to temporarily unlock Mewtwo stage for the game's two-player mode the player has to hold Z while entering B up l b a start a up then R taking the first letter of each input of the password spells out the word Bulbasaur setting Marathon to its fastest speed is simply b a l l spelling out ball and to unlock the cheat mode the player simply enters AB r a twice which of course refers to the Pokémon Abra and now for this episode's random piece of trivia we'll be looking at the 3DS's Street pass me Plaza changes to games because of local law is relatively common but sometimes that law can invoke the smallest of changes in the Japanese and American Street past me Plaza attempting to purchase DLC from a rabbit and then declining to buy it will cause the rabbit to depressively say oh I see however the European version removed the rabbit's morose response and replaced it with a more neutral fair enough instead this change was to AB with European laws put in place to prevent manipulating children into purchases as the upset response to the player not spending money could be considered emotionally manipulative the law states Games should not include practices that are aggressive or which otherwise have the potential to exploit a child's inherit inexperience vulnerability or credulity or to place undue influence or pressure on a child to make a purchase hello and welcome to did youo gaming extra today we'll be looking at lawsuits relating to Sony's Playstation brand when a computer Boots the system will always rely on a bios the firmware that comes installed on a motherboard which initializes the entire boot process this is a pivotal part of any game console as it details how the hardware inside the system is used the bios of the original Sony PlayStation was once at the heart of a legal battle that had repercussions still relevant to this day in July of 1998 a company known as connectic began developing an emulator for Macintosh computers known as the virtual game station which would allow users to emulate PlayStation games to assist with development of their application the team relied on reverse engineering the consol's BIOS directly copying Sony's original code and developing the emulator of the console's hardware around it they would replace Sony's BIOS with their own code at a later date before making the software available to Consumers Sony's bios would effectively be used exclusively for the purpose of their own reference and not for a public release in September of the same year connectic had made Headway with their emulator and the company decided to reach out to Sony for technical assistance Aaron Giles who worked for connectic recalled we naively decided to approach Sony Computer Entertainment of America about licensing their bios and getting some sort of endorsement we demonstrated the A-list title Crash Bandicoot running on an iMac then the CEO asked of our emul would run any game at all and we nervously said of course knowing full well that we had not had time to verify the hundreds of available games he walked over to the bookcase and picked out Ridge Racer a game we had in fact spent quite a bit of time on development of the emulator was completed in December and commercially released in January of 1999 Sony saw the virtual game station software as a threat to their game Hardware business so they sent the company a complaint that same month alleging they committed cop copyright infringement and violated Sony's intellectual property during this situation Sony even received support from other console manufacturers such as Nintendo and Sega while connectic was backed by several software firms Sony was awarded an injunction by The District Court preventing connectic from copying and using the Sony bios while they developed the virtual game station for their already planned Windows version of the software it also prevented them from selling both the unfinished Windows version and the completed Macintosh version not only that but the court impounded connectic as copies of Sony's bios and all copies of their work which was based on it connectic appealed against the decision with the US court of appeals for the 9th circuit reversing the earlier decision in the company's favor the Court ruled 3 to zero on whether connectic is copying referencing and reverse engineering of the PlayStation firmware was protected by fair use the court looked at a similar case between Sega and Accolade in 1992 which decided copying of software for the sake of reverse engineering fell under fair use each of the four components of fair use were considered individually the nature of the copyrighted work how substantial the code is and the quantity of it used the purpose of using it and the effect the action had on Sony's potential Market the reversal of the District Court's rulings on both copyright infringement and trademark tarnishing lifted the injunction against connectic the company immediately motioned to the court that Sony's lawsuit should be dismissed after failed to appeal the case with the Supreme Court both companies settled out of court a year later in March of 2001 Sony bought the rights for the virtual game station and had it discontinued in June the same year connectic closed their doors 2 years later a very similar situation to that surrounding bleam a commercially released PlayStation emulator for the Dreamcast advocates for video game emulation ascertained that this case holds Merit and continued relevance as it establishes console emulators within the United States as legal and that the act of reverse engineering falls under fair use it isn't just Sony who takes others to court as they themselves are often in the position of being accused in 2005 Frosty Treats Incorporated accused the technology giant of infringing their trademarks not just in using the phrase Frosty Treats in the Twisted Metal series but also similarities between their character sweet tooth and the ice cream vendors safety clown the Frosty Treats company have ice cream trucks which feature both this phrase as well as the clown in question used to guide children towards the back of the vehicle in Twisted Metal to the crazy clown character Sweet Tooth drives an ice cream truck of his own also featuring a Frosty Treats logo the case did not take long to be dismissed as the district court for the Western District of Missouri held that the name was too generic to be protected Judge Scott Wright claimed in his dismissal that the various depictions of the Sweet Tooth character and the plaintiff safety clown are so dissimilar that no reasonable Tri of fact could conclude that they are confusingly similar ilar Frosty Treats appealed to no avail with the E Circuit Court of Appeals affirming the dismissal for the name being too generic and that both clowns were different enough that no consumer would confuse the two and now it's time for this episode's random piece of Trivia today we're looking at Batman Arkham Knight creative director at Rocksteady Studios Sefton Hill revealed a cut credit sequence for the game during an AMA on Reddit the team originally intended to make the game's credits interactive having the player fight against the various members of staff that worked on the game whenever a member of staff was knocked out their name and role would appear as the game entered slow motion the sequence would have been used during The Game's new game plus mode but it was removed due to time constraints hello and welcome to dig youo gaming extra today we're looking at commemorations within games while people's lives may end the impact and effect that they have had on others remains behind this is why many creators in art and media will look to immortalize those who are important to them commonly seen in books films and even in the world of video games Sega is known for taking an unashamed approach to the hacking community and in many ways almost actively encourage it Sonic Mania was no exception being co-designed by a community of fan creators including hackers known for their work on Sonic fan games such as Christian Whitehead and stealth and even with music composed by popular Sonic remix artist T Lopes it was only natural that a tribute would be included in Sonic Mania to polygon Jim a member of the Sonic hacking Community who sadly died in a car crash in 2013 heavy Rider one of the hardboiled heavy bosses that Sonic has to face rides a motobug named Jimmy this is a reference to polygon Jim's well-known hack of Sonic 1 motobug the badnik in which he replaced Sonic with a motobug who has the ability to Jump by extending his wheel the same movement that Jimmy is capable of in Sonic Mania after the passing of influential gamer and fourth president of Nintendo Satur water on June 11th 2015 tributes to the icon poured out from all over the world Nintendo included a number of tributes to it water in their games soon after and even included a small Easter egg in the Nintendo switch which references his memorable signature move seen during Nintendo Direct broadcasts before being patched out in firmware version 4000 when the console's date was set to June 11th if the player performed the gesture using the console's joycon controllers the system would launch a hidden copy of one of the first titles IAT had helped program the NES title golf the direct move was also referenced in Nintendo's now defunct social app Meet homo when entering the word direct the players me would act out said pose IAT was demonstrably excited during starf Fox Zero's production even taking part in Star Fox Zero's 2015 E3 presentation appearing as a puppet along with Star Fox and his team moved by this and all of his amazing work the development team included a touching tribute to IAT during the game's end credits with the line this game is dedicated to our wingman who fell in battle he is also referenced in Pokémon Ultra sun and moon if the player enters the game freak building and is holding a Pokémon from the 3DS Virtual Console an NPC will talk about Satur A's involvement with Nintendo and Pokémon Gold and Silver when we were having trouble fitting all the data in for gold and silver and we were really in a pinch this amazing guy came along and made a program for us that Sol solved all our problems he went on to become the amazing president of a real big company soon after that too Michael mamaril an NPC found in Borderlands 2 is based on a huge fan of the game Who tragically died during his fight with cancer at the age of 22 upon his passing his friend Carlos wrote to gearbox the game's developer asking them to do a eulogy using the voice of the fan favorite character clap trap gearbox not only fulfilled his request but also added Michael as a character in b Borderlands too so he could live on forever in the Borderlands the character has various possible spawn points in sanctuary and there is a chance he will give the player highquality loot based upon the player's current level the tribute to a vault Hunter achievement triggers upon finding him Borderlands 2 wasn't the only game to pay tribute by creating an NPC a fan of Fallout 4 n 47 or Andy explained in a Reddit post how he used the game to help him with the grief of losing his dad when the automatron DLC was released he made a bipedal Sentry bot with hamasur naming it Greg after his father this was because his father had a similar build to the robot and woodwork was a hobby of his this made it possible for him to bond with his dad as he played Fallout 4 however his brother Evan who was also a fan of Fallout 4 was rushed to the Intensive Care Unit and unfortunately passed away because of complications with his diabetes upon hearing this information Bethesda sent the redditor a care package that consisted of Bubblehead heads a vinyl a shirt and more Fallout 4 merchandise they also created an NPC of Evan in the nuker world DLC the character lives on the south side of the map in a trailer and offers the player a nuka Love Recipe as well as the option of taking anything else in the trailer that they want even taking items that are listed as stealing will not provoke Evan to become hostile or change his dialogue according to Andy his good-natured character is reflective of his real life brother who would give you the shirt off of his back to help those in need and now it's time for this episode's random piece of Trivia today we're keeping it light and brief looking at Yoshi's woolly World revealed in an interview with Edge the team spent time knitting the game's characters to essentially create concept art and get a better understanding of the game's visual style executive producer atsunobu ebisu stated actually making real items using wool to test our representations in the game was obviously necessary but it took a huge amount of time we made these while we were establishing which direction to go with for the graphics for example hello and welcome to digo gaming extra today we'll be looking at expensive gaming Hardware A wise man once said All That Glitters Is Gold only shooting stars break the mold as part of a marketing stunt THQ intended to introduce Queen Elizabeth to the world of gaming with meteoric style to promote the release of their 2009 Wii title big family games THQ sent a shining golden Wii console to the British royal family Danielle Robinson acting as the project manager at the time believed the game would be a hit with the Royals while it was unlikely that the queen would have actually played the console it was later confirmed that she never even received it when news that the queen was set to receive a one-of-a-kind console collectors quickly took notice it turned out that console's delivery wasn't actually signed for at Buckingham Palace and so it was sent back to the THQ headquarters after the company went through Liquidation in 2012 the Royal Wii ended up in the hands of one of the company's old employees who proceeded to sell it on to a high-end gaming collector interestingly the queen did end up playing with a Wii and was allegedly quite the fan of Wii bowling but alas time went on and no news of the golden Wii surfaced that is until a team member at console variations got their hands on it including certificates and even markings where the hardware had been sitting on the red pillow featured in the original press release photo all that was missing was the golden nunchuk this wouldn't be the only golden Wii however in 2011 Stuart Hughes known for creating extremely expensive customized Hardware created three Nintendo Wii Supremes The Supremes boasted over 2 1/2 kg about 5 1/2 lb of 22 karat gold weighing more than the original console itself it also showcased 78 half karat diamonds garnishing the system's physical button these systems were sold for $299,995 British which adjusted for inflation would be just over £380,000 or about $515,000 us in today's economy what's also interesting is that the actual gold here is only worth about $100,000 and the Diamonds are worth at the most $65,000 as well so you'd be spending about $350,000 for just a Wii although the golden Wii may have been the most expensive consoles on sale they aren't the most expensive piece of gaming Hardware that we know of in early 2008 Japanese computer distributor Zeus released a pair of Highly lavish gaming PCs the cases for these two computers were made out of solid platinum and gold and were named the Jupiter and Mars versions respectively both versions were also studied with diamonds which were arranged in the form of astrological constellations the PC's notable components were a three GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU 2 GB of ddr2 RAM a 256 MB gForce 8400 GS graphics card a 1 TB hard drive and a dual Blu-ray and HD DVD drive while these components were fairly high-end for 2008 they certainly weren't Cutting Edge this makes their whopping 80 million yen and 60 million yen price tags even harder to justify the more expensive of the two the 80 million yen Platinum Jupiter version would cost around $760,000 when adjusted for inflation that's about a 100 times more expensive than the most high-end Alienware PC at the time of this recording and we all know how expensive Alienware really is if you're rich enough to afford anything we've covered so far you probably live a fast and on the- move lifestyle and might prefer your gaming bling in handheld form in 2007 an 18 karat gold old Nintendo Game Boy was commissioned by aspr of London featuring diamonds embedded around the device's screen and power button the Game Boy weighed in at 27 o almost 3 and 1 half times heavier than the original handheld and it came with a blue leather carry case and a few games the Game Boy was sold by Swiss Supply direct for $29,500 which adjusted for inflation is about $35,500 in today's money although not as expensive as the other hardw on this list it's quite expensive for a piece of Hardware that released in the 80s and now it's time for this episode's random piece of Trivia today we're talking about the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 rhythm game Power gig rise of the six string for those who aren't aware power gig is a Guitar Hero clone developed by 745 with the main difference being that power gig had a more realistic guitar peripheral the game centers around using their six string guitar with the intention of teaching players skills that could be applied to playing play a real guitar in a promotional video for the game the company released a huge volume of classic Guitar Hero style controllers into the Icelandic volcano aaat lak I'm sorry if I pronounced that horrendously but really you can't blame me this volcano made headlines in 2010 after it erupted a massive cloud of volcanic ash which caused flight travel disruptions across Europe 745s plan was to have the controllers plunge into the Blazing Inferno at the volcano's Peak it wasn't until a year after the promotional video was released however that visual effects artists Aaron Vasquez released a breakdown of how the footage had been edited the original footage showed that the volcano was not the hellscape they expected and was instead a dormant volcano with little drama in effect this revealed that they had just dumped a large quantity of plastic on the side of a mountain which is likely still there hello and welcome to dig youo gaming extra today we'll be exploring the world of Love and Marriage through the medium of video games it was Plato who once said at the touch of love everyone becomes a poet well this was true at the time the world of Art and creativity has expanded beyond the confines of literature and Rhythm Ava Gabor claimed that love is a game that two can play and both win this is certainly true of Adriel Miss minitar wallik organizer of the annual train jam and Ramy Ismail half of Nuclear Throne developer vamir Destiny developers Bungie helped the par together by creating a collection of customizations to Destiny that only they would come to appreciate back in 2016 Miss Minar worked with Bungie on a proposal to Ramy that had a message waiting for him at the tower's postmaster the message entitled a letter from Adriel read Ramy these last few years have been some of the greatest Adventures of my life we've done so many incredible things together traveled to amazing places and defeated countless enemies together in many madeup universes when I think of everything I have left to accomplish in life I can't think of anyone else I'd want to have by my side to share all of my future adventures with will you marry me this note was complemented by a new item considered one of the fundamentals of any proposal a ring more specifically the Ring of Eternity which is for Guardians who have found their perfect match Bungie even created a custom emote for the occasion allowing Miss minitar to take to one Virtual knee the road to love isn't always straight and narrow however the couple encountered a major hurdle towards the proposition the internet the pair were almost unable to get into Destiny as a result of connection issues luckily the flare up quickly subsided and within the hour the pair were engaged Bungie aren't the only company to help with a couple's proposal in 2014 the team at BioWare Montreal received an email from fan Jackie looking for help with her proposal to her partner Amy Studio manager Marie Renee brabois quickly contacted the staff around the office to find those interested in help helping a team was quickly formed from writer Ann lame lead level designer Colin Campbell and quality assurance analyst Barrett rodic using their new Frostbite 3 engine the team created a level full of references to the couple's relationship and included several safety nets to ensure that Amy would be able to get through it without any risk of dying and having to repeat the whole thing a fake contest was then created called a day with our devs setting up the ruls that would lead the couple into a studio visit when they arrived they had Amy play which she believed to be part of the next Mass Effect game her gameplay began with a mission briefing stating that a drone manufacturing lab wasn't sending reports and she had to investigate as she progressed she uncovered reports which contained subtle references to her relationship finally she would come to a room with a lone console in the center and a wall with both Amy and Jackie's names spray painted onto it and 50ft high graffiti after interacting with the console a message popped up reading dear Amy Jackie would like to ask you something love all of us at BioWare it was then that Jackie proposed to her girlfriend to which Amy said yes proposing to a loved one in a video game isn't a new development however while programming the Game Boy Color Port of atari's spiritual Tetris successor clax Mike Ma decided to slip in a marriage proposal into the game betting on his girlfriend Mickey's love of puzzle games Mike was confident that she'd discover the message however this was not the case despite him urging his girlfriend to play the game she never got round to it and years passed with the secret image going undiscovered this was of course until tips and tricks magazine got in contact with M to ask him if there were any extra special undiscovered codes in his games for their 100th issue he told wired my brain just rattles and I'm like oh yeah I have the perfect one they called her up by name in the article and they tell her to put this code into the game so I left that out one night with the magazine in the game everything queued up these subtle Clues finally lead Mickey to the hidden image and she accepted Mike's proposal and it's time for this episode's random piece of Trivia today we're looking at the late '90s platformer space station Silicon Valley By dma Design a team that would later change names to Rockstar Studios each stage of the game has a collectible trophy awarded for completing a specific objective for any given stage by collecting all of these Trophies the player is able to access a bonus level at the end of the game and attain a 100% completion rating however during one stage of the game fat Bear Mountain the developers overlooked a glitch which prevents the player from collecting the trophy this made the stage impossible to access if not for the existence of an action replay code or patch correcting the glitch hello and welcome to digino gaming extra today we're collaborating with Sega to make a video celebrating the release of Sega Mega Drive and Genesis Classics now available on the Nintendo switch both digitally and physically so we thought we'd show you some fun bits of trivia from some of our favorites Genesis Classics a character's final name isn't always what was originally planned there are many reasons for this but it's often because a more fitting name is decided during development after a team has fleshed out the character for Streets of Rage the iconic characters of Axel Adam and Blaze didn't just have different names but also different visual designs Axel was initially designed as a karate master from Chicago similar in appearance to Chuck Norris named godand as the title entered production his name was changed into Hawk before finally landing on axle Stone Adam Hunter was was initially conceived as a martial arts expert from London named Blackbird he was then renamed wolf during development before the team settled on Adam and lastly pink typhoon was the name of an Adept Kung Fu Master from Hong Kong this character would eventually become Blaze continuing to use a name based on an element with Typhoon being water and Blaze being fire the name of the game itself also changed during its development with the original working title being D SWAT this title was never revealed outside of the development team but a trace of the setting Still Remains in the final Streets of Rage release the original name was a reference to the Cyber police force found in the earlier Sega release ewat the design of the police car from ewat is still used for the car which rescues the character at the end of Streets of Rage Golden Axe had its name changed three times during the development of the original arcade version at first the team named it battle axe a direct translation of the original Japanese title senu but this name was already licensed by another company and thus they couldn't use it for the game the studio then suggested the name broad ax as it was very close to the original battle ax name which they considered to be very cool the title had no licensing issues so it was believed it would be used however just before development finished one of the heads at Sega us pushed for the name Golden Axe as the dwarf Gile thunderheads axe looked gold in game The Golden Axe name has no relation to the original Japanese title so the team was reluctant to make the change but with the name becoming a key point of discussion within the US branch of Sega the Japanese team got on board to reflect this change in name they also changeed death add's axe from silver to gold also adjusting the story to reflect this however based on the game's historic success we've also been told that the owners of the IP are now grateful for these changes the origin of tojam and Earl's names also has a story to it there are rumors floating around that the titular characters got their name from a miscommunication over the phone during development however game designer Greg Johnson revealed to digino gaming the true tale behind the conception of the Funkadelic Duo the real story is actually that to Jamel first appeared in a dream I had I woke up with the idea of two homeboy aliens from the hood introducing themselves this is true I got up and I scribbled down the conversation between the two of them yo what's up this is tojam and this is my homeboy Big Earl we're aliens from out of space say what's up oh yo what's up the next day I scribbled a little drawing of them onto a napkin they didn't really change much from that first drawing a little later I told Mark about this when we were on a hike on Mount Tan in Marin Country and he loved the idea and we started riffing on what Earth would look like to a couple of very cool funky aliens and the whole satire thing started to grow while this story has been confirmed some Mysteries still remain in classic Sega games in Beyond Oasis known as story of Thor outside of the US there is a very slim chance of a mysterious death cry occurring instead of the usual screaming of Anguish the player will instead hear what sounds like a woman [Music] moaning it took us 134 attempts to trigger this sound for the video you're welcome the sound is also present in the game's sound test menu the Genesis Sega splash screen was perhaps one of if not the most iconic of its era the startup chant which first played at the beginning of Sonic the Hedgehog took up a whopping 1/8 of the entire game cartridges memory the decision to include this was made near the end of the game's development and the iconic chant replaced a previous idea which was grandiose but simply not possible at the time specifically an animated sound test menu which would have included members of Sonic's band like Vector the Crocodile plenty of developers took the opportunity to have some fun with this boot sequence in the case of vector man it's possible for the player to take control of the titular character on this screen if they proceed to shoot at the top right corner of the screen a hidden TV can be destroyed this then releases an or PowerUp which when fired causes the background to stop moving and the light of the central Sega logo to go out hello and welcome to dig youo gaming extra today we'll be looking at alternate and changed endings to games just a warning for you before we start this video will obviously reveal the endings to several games stories aren't always set in stone and games written with a particular ending in mind can always be changed for example hideo kima's original ending for Metal Gear Solid 5 the phantom pain had to be cut only a segment of his initial Vision was included in an unfinished State on a bonus Blu-ray that came with some versions of the game one company that seemingly struggles to even finish a story is valve but with their unexpected hit title portal The Game's plot wrapped up in the first game that is of course until Val felt that the original releas could receive a sequel some time after Portal's release valve updated the title's original ending in order for the plot to flow smoothly into the second game instead of being left on the surface chel is instead dragged away likely so that more testing can be performed with Portal 2 however the team juggled with potential endings before settling on the conclusion seen in the final release these possible endings included chel being given her only line of dialogue in the game speaking the word yes through the use of the middle Mouse button in order to deactivate wheatly when speaking about this ending Eric walpo remarked boy did it suck the game's final ending on the moon was originally conceived as a false ending in the game but it was ultimately Rewritten to fit into the game's final plot originally chel would have been trapped on the moon suffocating while a sad song about the moon would play there were even plans to include an ending only 2 minutes into the game which would also play a song relating to those initial 2 minutes the original idea for false endings came as a result of play testers for the first portal release in one scene the player must escape a platform while approaching a fire pit walpor stated a small percentage of play testers were just fine with riding into the fire pit that was a good ending for them it was dark but they liked it so we thought we'll service those people the Drawn to Life series is a set of cre creative Platformers geared towards a younger audience set in the world of Raposa after the success of the first game's release a sequel was created called Drawn to Life the next chapter the developers decided to alter this title's original ending when it was included as part of the Drawn to Life collection a compilation of the first two entries in the series The Game's original ending showed the characters of Mike and Heather going to a carnival with their parents during their trip the family is involved in a car crash killing both of the children's parents leaving Heather with dramatic injuries and Mike having fallen into a coma light-hearted stuff Heather then prays for her brother who eventually wakes up we then shown two dolls of the reposa characters Joey and Mari suggesting that the events of the game took place in Mike's Kos dreams when the game was released in the Drawn to Life collection in 2010 the ending was altered likely due to the dark nature of this this original ending instead Heather and Mike are seen catching fireflies during a camping trip Mike falls out of a tree and is knocked unconscious with Heather and the children's Mother praying over him to wake up eventually he does and the dolls of Joey and Mari are once again shown guess I don't need to play that game anymore many games feature multiple endings but one game actually featured four even though only three were programmed into the game Emanuel Corno who worked on zero as a writer and designer pointed out that the game's Wikipedia page details how to obtain four different endings but that there are only three in the game this was due to a bug that had been discovered causing a sort of secret ending as a result Corno said I was one of the writers so I know that there are only three endings I mean I wrote them I have to admit that for a few minutes I felt very stupid as if I'd forgotten an important side to my own game I come to my team and ask them if they know anything about this secret ending the other game designer saw this ending once in a let's play but was as surprised as I was we conclude that this ending is a bug from the game or if you prefer an emergent behavior from our AI to be honest I don't want to fix it I love the idea that I made a game with an ending so secret I didn't know it by myself and now it's time for this episode's random piece of Trivia today we're looking at and Easter egg featured in it software's post-apocalyptic firstperson game rage if the player Waits 5 minutes while holding the rocket launcher Nicholas opens a small screen displaying a 5-second clip of ID software's most iconic game Doom including the game's original theme hello and welcome to did you know gaming extra on today's episode we'll be taking a look at some of the weird marketing stunts from the video games industry over the years to kick us off is an amusing battle between Nintendo and a history museum in Vermont in March 2017 David Young and Tim Quang from Nintendo of America competed against Tyler ceral and Elena Perkins of Billings farm and Museum to see who could collect the most milk in a given time the only catch was that the four participants were milking virtual cows from the miname milk included in the party game onew switch for the Nintendo switch the challenge came about after the Dairy Farmers sent a bullish letter to Nintendo claiming that the game had taken all the challenge out of milking we have 30 prizewinning Jersey milking cows that we milk twice a day and it is never that easy we also think you guys look pretty slow the farm also posted a picture of the letter on their Facebook and linked Nintendo to it no more than 6 minutes later Nintendo responded with the words challenge accepted and so they sent their men to set the record straight and that they did not surprisingly the animal rights organization Peter also had something to say about the game however their issue wasn't about how difficult the milking process was but how cruel in a letter to Nintendo Peter suggested that for True realism in the game it would require the violent insemination of female cows and the sounds of them calling out for their forcibly removed young they did also suggest creating a game with no cruelty such as an almond milking mini game where the player picks almonds despite their usual vocal nature Peter had nothing to say about an ad campaign for capcom's Resident Evil 6 which some argue is the grossest PR stunt for a video game yet the campaign initially began with several brutal murder scenes being set up and photographed outside of major media companies in London the photos were then sent to local members of the press with an autopsy report detailing the causes of death which are also possible in the game they even got St Bartholomew's Hospital pathology Museum on board to help make things look extra Grim 125 journalists were also sent fresh meat packaged to look like Supermarket items but were labeled as jao CT human thigh staks and peppered human and lemon sausages the campaign culminated weeks later with Wesker and's son Resident Evil human Butchery this was a PO CL shop in Smithfield Market which looked like a regular butcher shop but it was filled with fake dismembered body parts edible products for purchase and a full-sized meat model of food artist Sharon Baker the stunt materialized after Capcom asked the pr firm to raise awareness of the game within the non-gaming community and the team decided to do something a little bit different Electronic Arts also try to do something a little bit different with a PR stunt They carried out in 20 2008 to promote Mercenaries 2 world INF Flames at 6:30 a.m. on a September morning a garage in Finsbury Park was hijacked and transformed into a military operation complete with actors dressed up in army fatigue their aim was to give 40 of free Fuel per person to every customer who showed up until their 20,000 budget was exhausted the plan backfired however when the surrounding area became gridlocked during the morning Rush Hour leading to the operation being shut down just 4 hours after it started despite a lot of disgruntled customers including one woman who had been waiting 40 minutes to get fuel and a man who had to wait over 10 minutes just to get out of his driveway the response was still fairly positive one man said this is a genius idea Whoever thought of it should be promoted I'll definitely be buying the game you're never too old to play video games and now for this episode's random piece of Trivia today with we're talking about Blaster Master boy for the Game Boy the international version of the game has a few changes with the most notable difference being the game's fourth boss in the western version of the game the boss appears snake likee but the original Japanese boss looked quite phallic it also didn't help that the boss had an eye on the end and enlarged throughout the battle it's safe to say this change was for obvious reasons hello and welcome to did you know game extra today we'll be talking about trivia related to video game music over the years video games have weaved their way into the mainstream they pop up in other kinds of media in news reports and sometimes even sporting events Olympic gymnast Elsa Garcia built her Olympic qualification routine around Zelda music which she demonstrated at the London 2012 Summer Olympics the music Garcia performed to was a violin medley of various Zelda songs by popular musician Lindsay Sterling Garcia is actually an avid gamer and settled on Zelda music because of memories playing Ocarina of Time with her sister although her performance was impressive Garcia unfortunately didn't make it to the final rounds in the 2012 Olympics due to a hand injury which limited her movements she did however earn herself a silver medal one year later at the 2013 summer universi ad in Russia moving from classical violin to something a little bit more laid-back let's talk about the hip-hop sub genre Grime originating in London in the early 2000s and gaining popularity through Pirate Radio Grime took inspiration from UK garage dance hall and hipop of the90s however it seems the first ever Grime style track was actually created for a 1994 video game The Boss 2 music from Wolverine adamantium rage on the Super Nintendo is very reminiscent of these more modern Creations C they want C on the PS3 I'm like DP or PE or K the tracks producer Dylan Beal was previously part of a jungle Duo known as rude and deadly be told sbtv I used to listen to All of the music which influenced Grime and I took this in as an influence for my music for the games I worked on if you listen to the rest of the soundtrack I was aiming for a West Coast hip-hop Vibe and trying to be a little bit more funky because a claim we're American speaking of UK music development of The Beatles band has a few interesting Secrets as well every individual Beatles digital track that was sent to harmonics while making the Beatles Rock Band was a low Fidelity copy imprint with static this was a security measure to assure that the Beatles music wouldn't be sampled by other artists in the event that the recordings were leaked these lowquality copies were used throughout development but replaced with high quality versions towards the end of production another noteworthy detail is that because all of the Beatles Master recordings were originally recorded on 4 four track and two track equipment multiple instruments shared the same tapes so in order for the music to work with rock band Giles Martin son of the George Martin who oversaw the original production of most of the Beatles music had to spend months using digital filters to separate each instrument into new single tracks this was necessary to make sure that each instrument could be stopped or altered in game without affecting the other instruments when talking about video game music it's hard not to talk about these Stellar soundtracks for the Streets of Rage franchise series composer yuzo Koso has stated that the inspiration for his tracks came from his time spent visiting the local nightclubs of Tokyo the music's admiration from within America and Europe is also unsurprising as this was koshiro's intention in an interview with Red Bull Music Academy koshiro stated when we did Streets of Rage it was around the time the Mega Drive started selling very strongly in North America and Europe I knew they loved club music so I thought if I could put this into game music then they'd be really happy I think that was the first time I composed music with the overseas Market in mind above the Japanese Market another interesting piece of music trivia surrounds 1989's RoboCop for the Nintendo Game Boy the title was developed by ocean software a british-based company and one of the biggest developers and Publishers through the 80s and '90s in a particularly bizarre turn of events the game's theme song created by Jonathan Dunn was later used in commercials by the UK washing machine company Ariston the unaltered track can be heard clearly in the background with simple lyrics over the top on and on and Ariston and now as usual it's time for this episode's random piece of Trivia today we'll be taking a look at some trivia from the Platinum games Metal Gear spin-off Metal Gear Rising Revengeance during the 2016 presidential campaign in the US people started to notice Eerie similarities between the then Republican candidate Donald J Trump and one of the Final Bosses of revengeance named Armstrong not only is this character a very wealthy businessman but he also plans to become US president however the most coincidental moment is when he claims he will make America great again keep in mind that the game was released in 2013 a full 3 years before Trump's campaign adopted this slogan with that said Ronald Reagan did use a very similar slogan back in the 1980 presidential campaign let's make America great again we'll restore hope and we'll welcome them into a great National crusade to make America great again hello and welcome to digino gaming extra in today's episode we'll be looking at game boxes that lied to or misled consumers most products come with packaging designed to entice the consumer usually with factual information about about the amazing features relating to it video games are of course no exception with the back of the box toting A Game's standout elements however with information being so easy to access online it seems that companies are concentrating on this form of selling less and less and it seems in some cases that thought and Care is being pushed to the Wayside too Spyro has not one but two games that have false information presented on the box the box for the European release of Spyro 2 season of flame on the Game Boy Advance boasts that Spyro can swim this was a feature that had over 500 frames of animation and was originally going to be included in the game however when the developers felt that the mechanic didn't add anything to the game play the feature was completely removed this was done during the final month of the game's production so it was mistakenly still advertised on the box this isn't the only handheld Spyro game that falsely advertises his abilities in The Legend of Spyro dawn of the Dragon on the Nintendo DS the game states that you can play together with a friend and fly whenever you like however the game is played exclusively solo and flying is limited to only certain mini games this may just be a case of poor phrasing as within the game's narrative Spyro teams up with his former Nemesis Cinder which is what play together could have meant and with the game being a handheld title fly whenever may just be referencing that you can play whenever you want it's more than likely just a lack of attention to detail as the game's manual also misspells Cinder as cider Dead Island also has false claims of features which weren't included in the game but instead of a character's abilities being missing it's an in-game mechanic that isn't present the Xbox 360 release of Dead Island incorrectly advertised the game as having local co-op in actuality cooperative play was reserved solely for online causing a number of people to buy the game on false pretenses many mistakes can happen with translation errors like with the Brazilian copy of Sonic Adventure DX for PC the game's box claimed that there are 12 different costumes for Sonic to wear instead of advertising the 12 Game Gear games featured in the game this is likely due to a mistranslation of the word gear the mistake has since been corrected with later releases the Netherlands release of Pikmin 3 also holds a translation error claiming that the white and purple Pikmin are new Pikmin despite the fact that these Pikmin are present in Pikmin 2 the new rock and winged Pikmin are group to the left with the old making no distinction between them this is likely just a poor translation of also included which most of the other additions roughly translate to other mistakes can happen from lazy design however like with some additions of Fantasy Star Portable 2 on the PSP they have been found to have meta advertising on the back of the box in place of where one of the game screenshot should appear the image is of a complete PSP box inlay without the technical information and blurb another instance of lazy design comes with earthworm gy for the Game Boy Advance a widely criticized Port of the original 16-bit title the games blur is a direct copy of the text found on the US version of earthworm gym 3D for the PC even promoting parts of the PC games such as all of the new enemies and environments another mistake appears on the box for the PSP game Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix which states the title offers local multiplayer and lets you play as a dark wizard this is stated on the back of the box and claims to include the playable characters Voldemort Lucius Bellatrix Draco crab and Goyle it is impossible to play as he who must not be named unless the way you unlock him still hasn't been found though the more likely scenario is that he isn't actually available as a playable character at all and now it's time for this episode's random piece of trivia our trivia on Patron Alex diney has asked us to include some Digimon trivia So today we're looking at Digimon World for the PlayStation the game received releases in multiple territories and with its pal release across the world even had full translations into other languages sadly for those looking to play the pal copy of the game in any language besides English they will encounter a roadblock to completion in all non-english pal copies of the title the player is unable to gain access to the ogre Fortress or use the teleporters located on Mount Infiniti this unfortunately means there is no way to actually finish the game hello and welcome to dig youo gaming extra in today's episode we'll be looking at hidden messages the NES classic edition flew off store shelves upon release the Allure of classic gaming in a small form factor and simple user interface seems to be a big hit with audiences one thing that audiences can't see however is a hidden message discovered by data miners the message can be found within the system's code and was written by somebody under the Alias the Hanah Fooda Captain the message reads this is the Hanah Fooda captain speaking launching emulation in three 2 1 many efforts tears and countless hours have been put into this Jewel so please please keep this place tidied up and don't break everything cheers the Hannah Fooda Captain it's likely that the message was left there for other staff members working on the system politely reminding them to keep their code and file structure clean and organized the author's name the Hannah Fooda Captain is in reference to Nintendo's playing card product sold prior to their Venture into the video game industry though we can guess that the hanafuda captain is a programmer their true identity is unknown another short message can also be found with in the files of the Super Nintendo classic edition appearing in a file called '90s the message reads like a haiku though it doesn't follow the correct structure it reads enjoy this mini disconnect from the present and go back to the '90s it isn't just retro throwback consoles with hidden notes from developers kazuya sakakihara is a senior software engineer who worked for Sony during the creation of the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 some time while working on the PS4 kazuya left his name within a snippet of code used for the console's hard drive the location of his name in the code is unusual as names are usually left in a separate area that stores comment data often in abbreviation or initials however in the case of kazuya his name is left in full within the middle of the data unencrypted though with a minor spelling mistake Nintendo also included a small message in the switch but not in the console software within the Nintendo switch Pro Controller there's a hidden Engraving that can even be seen without taking the controller apart while incredibly hard to see normally by pulling down the right analog stick and looking at the now exposed Edge a small message can be seen which reads thanks to all game fans while the show has previously mentioned that a chibi Master Chief can be seen in the Xbox One X the company included a new piece of art inside the Xbox One S this time a lone Master Chief can be seen in a similarly cute form striking a pose comparable to Mega Man X while this next piece isn't found in a console we felt it was a lovely heartfelt message that many people would be unlikely to see in the 2002 GameCube remake of Resident Evil by completing the unlockable invisible enemy mode in under 5 hours a message from game director Shinji Mami can be unlocked it reads thank you for taking the time to play all the way through biohazard Resident Evil if you're reading this letter I salute you you are truly a remarkable player I'm I imagine you must have had some pretty memorable experiences along the way the pain of seeing the game over screen time after time the Sweet Taste of Victory after you finally beat the game the feelings of camaraderie you shared with your character the excitement and the overwhelming sense of dread we believe the games are more than just the product of a team of developers it takes the support of dedicated players like you to make a game worthwhile for this reason we are truly delighted when someone enjoys one of our games as thoroughly as you have therefore on behalf of the entire staff please allow me to express our gratitude and congratulate you on a job well done thank you very much for playing Shinji Mami Dev team representative and now it's time for this episode's random piece of trivia this time we've picked out a piece relating to the '90s 2D action platformer shakan the forever man while initially released on the Sega Genesis the title was also released on The Game Gear although credited for the game's programming and audio Mark Miller actually had nothing to do with this release of the game Steve and Myra Ross are also credited for working on the game and similarly were not involved in the process at all in reality practically all aspects of creating the Game Gear release came from programmer Paul Hutchinson who had been hired as an independent contractor working out of his home Hutchinson was provided with sound files and artwork from Sega early on in the development process but rather than than create a simple watered down copy of the Genesis game as was somewhat expected he instead chose to redesign levels and elements of the game play to better suit the portable Hardware hello and welcome to dig you know gaming extra and today we'll be talking about scientific findings related to video games while gaming is primarily an entertainment industry the community behind it often contributes to culture and Society through ART charity events or even by helping unearth scientific discover iies as can be seen with the online game fold it a puzzle game that scores Players on how well they fold a protein molecule the game Saw players managing to outdo scientists at their own job in a competition to identify the shape of a certain protein ypl 067 C unlike conventional Research into protein model building players of foldit work collaboratively online to come to their results the scientists looking for the shape of the protein included two trained crystallographers two SE separate computer algorithms and 61 undergraduates using a computer modeling program in class however the discovery in question ultimately came from the 469 participants of the online game Who successfully identified the shape of the protein James Bardwell a professor of molecular cellular and developmental biology at the University of Michigan stated it shows that anybody with a 3D mentality including Gamers can do something that previously only scientists did and in doing so they can help scientific progress the study also suggests that the fun nature of playing foldit could assist people in learning more about a subject naturally rather than traditional classroom learning it's also believed by several neuroscientists that playing video games can alter human behavior and shape regions of our brain by extrapolating data from a number of studies it has been shown that gaming can affect the visual spatial skills of players the media has often both praised and demonized the effects games can have on the brain but it's rare that real scientific data can back up their claims however the collective conclusion of 116 studies has brought a number of interesting Revelations people who play games on a regular basis show changes in their attention with some studies concluding that sustained or selective attention are improved exploring the effects of visual spatial skills some Studies have shown that the right hippocampus of the brain most associated with long-term memory and spatial navigation is enlarged in not just those who have played games longer term but also those who volunteered with little gaming background prior to the tests however another part of the study demonstrates the negative elements to the Leisure activity scientists have found that both functional and structural changes can occur to the portion of the brain that makes the human feel rewarded changes to the brain's reward functions for gaming are similar to those with addictive disorders suggesting that there might be more to this issue than previously thought exposure to video Gam games has increased dramatically recently with the rise of casual gaming in the mobile phone industry meaning that these sorts of studies can be revealing to how the Market's choices alter the behavior of vast numbers of people while studies can reveal some information behind how games change Behavior it's not always possible to have strong evidence due to the inconsistent test results and the wide range of differences between the individuals playing the game and the games used in each study Riot games creators of League of Legends took notice of the behavior of its users wanting to move the community of their game away from hostility the company hired a team of researchers to study player interactions with one another with 67 million players worldwide and revenue exceeding $1.25 billion Riot is an important player in gaming and is one of the few companies open about their involvement in this type of research Riot altered the game's pre-match tips suggesting that the players give each other constructive feedback or simply not C curse at someone for making a mistake these suggestions reduced negative attitudes in matches by roughly 88.3% and helped show where toxic Behavior can spawn from their research could have further reaching implications with academic collaborators looking into how it can be used to make a more civil environment across other parts of the internet and business and now it's time for today's random piece of trivia we're looking at the GameCube and PS2 cult classic killer 7 specifically the time of its release the game follows the story of the killer 7 a group of seven assassins the game was delayed before it release not to tweak the game prior to its launch but it seems that the delay was simply to have the game release on July 7th making the date of the release 77 hello and welcome to did you know gaming extra in this episode we'll be talking about midway's cancelled video game movie adaptations Midway took a dive into the world of liveaction adaptations for their games in 19 95 with Mortal Kombat and the critically paned sequel Mortal Kombat annihilation in 1997 too bad you will die these two films were the company's only Fay into Hollywood after their demise Warner Brothers adapted B midway's classic arcade game Rampage in 2018 however Midway actually planned other liveaction films that never quite made it Dwayne The Rock Johnson starred in a couple of video game movies with the likes of Doom back in 2005 and more recently the previously mentioned Rampage however he was set to appear in yet another video game film that never made it to the big screen Spy Hunter was released in arcades and on the NES in 1983 developed by Midway games known as B Midway at the time the game saw a reboot in 2001 for the sixth generation of consoles with the sequel being produced 2 years later with both games having a reasonable reception from fans and critics in 2006 a third title in the series appeared starring none other than Dwayne Johnson Spy Hunter Nowhere to Run the game was commended for its acting performances and writing but had underwhelming sections where the player left the shape-shifting car leading into third person shooting sections it was planned for this game to release alongside a Hollywood movie with the initial idea to mirror and expand on the feature film however the game had to quickly take its own path in terms of story due to the tumultuous development of the movie the film of the same name began production in 2003 for a release in the summer of 2005 John Woo signed on to direct the project in 2004 though at this point the pair writing the film had already been replaced with another writing Duo Mark Swift and Damen Shannon just coming off the back of writing Freddy versus Jason within weeks of John Woo joining the writing team were replaced yet again with Zack Penn being brought on board who' previously worked on Classics like Last Action Hero and Men In Black Penn was tasked with rewriting the script a second time delaying production and pushing the release date back to Summer of 2006 after less than a year on the project Zach was replaced by yet another screenwriter Stuart Bey of Pirates of the Caribbean Fame unfortunately with the script being completely overhauled yet again John Woo had to leave the project due to a scheduling conflict though production of the film continued with out a director it wasn't long before it came to a complete Halt and Johnson also left the project in 2007 Paul WS Anderson director of the Mortal Kombat and Resident Evil adaptations was hired to rekindle Spy Hunter writing a new script himself though he left the project after a year to produce Death Race 2 more than half a decade later in 2013 rumors again surfaced that the project was being reignited with Zombie Land director Ruben Fleer at the helm and you guessed it new writers the last that was heard about the project was in 2015 when Warner Brothers reportedly brought writers of the Sleepy Hollow television series in to produce a screenplay for the film and it's a mystery as to whether fer is still involved at all the idea for the spy hunter movie could have been the Catalyst for midway's plan to effectively integrate the stories of films and games into one another president and CEO of Midway David F Zucker explained the concept in a press release for the Wheelman zaka said we believe the Wheelman is a groundbreaking new model for our industry we intend to create a broad arching experience simultaneously developing Entertainment Properties across a number of mediums starring Vin Diesel the Wheelman was renamed just Wheelman for its release on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 it was made as the first part of a series introducing the character of Milo Buck the sequel to this game was planned to come as a film called the Wheelman and as with the game would star Vin Diesel in the lead role the game was developed by taigon Studios a video game development company founded by diesel himself it was announced in 2006 that the game and film would be released simultaneously in late 2007 however no film surfaced when the game eventually came out in March 2009 more Midway titles such as the suffering and its sequel The Suffering ties That Bind seem to be part of this plan to tie together games and movies in association with MTV Films Midway wanted to releasee a film adaptation of the two games they even had Stan Winston confirmed for the project the Mind Behind these special effects of the Terminator series and Jurassic Park despite this no actors writers or directors were ever in talks for the film and eventually the project died clearly there were no hard feelings between woo and Midway after his departure from the spy hunter project as he went on to produce the third person shooter strangle hole in 2007 which also featured in midway's plan the game acted as a sequel to hardboiled the classic 1992 buddy cop movie directed by John Woo starring Chia Yan fat as Inspector tequila Yuan and saw the actor reprise his role in 2009 it was announced that a film would be made of the game though throughout the course of the Year very little information was released about the project the film was going to be shot in Singapore and the United States on a budget of $2 million produced by John Woo and Terrence Chang and directed by Steven fun the timeline on when the film's story would be set was left up in the air with many contradictory reports as to whether it was to be a sequel to strangle hold or a prequel some even suggesting it would predate the events of hardboiled the only mention of the timeline came from Terence Chang when talking to Kotaku who said it is a total reinvention with a much younger tequila in other words it is not a sequel to hardboiled in 2010 Johan woo also told Kotaku that the script was still in motion however the film wouldn't be released for years there was even a second video game being produced strangle Hole 2 Gunrunner the co-op shooter was planned to feature both xia young fat and Vin Diesel with diesel potentially returning his Milo Burick from Wheelman the project was cancelled in 2008 there's plenty more information about this canceled sequel in unseen 64's video we'll include a link in the description below not soon after Midway went into bankruptcy in 2009 Warner Brothers bought most of midway's assets including Mortal Kombat Spy Hunter and Wheelman and now it's time for this episode's random piece of trivia and today we're talking about the Super Nintendo classic Kirby Superstar the title almost had a ninth game within it called KIRO Mansion according to Kirby Creator Masahiro Sakurai it would have taken place in a haunted mansion where Kirby was preventing Ed from opening his mouth it was ultimately dropped because of time issues you should check out our video on misleading game box arts for more facts which you can do by clicking the link in the top right corner of the screen hello and welcome to dig youo gaming extra today we'll be talking about trivia surrounding the names of video games when it comes to localizing video games for a new region one element that can be crucial is a simple change of name words mean many things across many different regions and as such Publishers will look to have a more appealing name when localized capcom's 1987 arcade release Bionic Commando was originally titled top secret when it was released in Japan a year later an NES version of the game was released with the same name in the west despite being an almost completely different game aside from some core mechanics with the game's Japanese famicom release the game had a different name yet again which translates to the resurrection of Hitler top secret these early Nintendo games differ in other ways across the two regions with the Japanese game featuring the characters of vican as well as Hitler and his real world Army conversely the international release featured generalisimo Kilt and master D with his army of bads all signs of swastikas were also removed and instead replaced with eagles these changes were made due to a Nintendo of America policy that prevented the depiction of sensitive material on Nintendo consoles despite this however Master D still takes on the original appearance of Hitler another game that had a simple name change is the cult classic PlayStation title known as tumba in the US which was renamed to Tumi for the European market this change was made because the word tumba translates to grave in Italian since a European release is the same across the entire region and simply has different language options the name had to be used in all countries despite the tumba name only affecting a small percentage of players these sorts of naming issues also affected the Mortal Kombat series in the summer of 2004 shortly before the release of Mortal Kombat deception rumors began circulating that the game might be getting a name change in the European market with these subtitles switching from deception to mystification according to Jeremy Dunham reporting for IGN he got in contact with a representative of Midway who told him that's just a rumor it's true that there are some name issues in Europe regarding the title but we're aiming to have it called Mortal Kombat deception in all territories we haven't said anything at all about calling it mystification despite this just one week later midway's European division announced that the game would indeed be called Mortal Kombat mystification in France it seems as though the translation issues mentioned were due to the word deception meaning disappointment in the French language some video game titles have also been changed to appeal more to the Japanese Market in 20 02 a video game adaptation of the highly praised John Carpenter horror film the thing made its way to PlayStation 2 Xbox and windows PCS the game was simply titled the thing in its Western releases and featured a story that follows on from the plot of the original film the film was released as Yus kutai X in Japan which translates as the thing from another planet X this is possibly a reference to the 1951 film The Thing from another world which was one of The Inspirations for John Carpenter's movie the game takes on this title but also includes the subtitle of episode 2 in order to make it clear that the events of the game take place as a continuation of those found in the film while the plot isn't confirmed as Cannon John Carpenter did endorse the title and even lent his voice in the form of an uncredited Cameo I don't think we've got time for formal introductions can you get us out of here and now it's time for this episode's random piece of trivia today's Choice covers the bizarre game the aming Amazing Frog on the bottom of the game's moon rover a short line of text can be found which reads please bring back robot wars this message from the developer makes reference to the British game show robot wars which ran from 1998 until 2004 the show featured contestants who pitted their homemade robots against one another the show made a Resurgence in 2016 2 years after the amazing Frog's release the show had a positive response trending on Twitter during its first broadcast and receiving more viewership than the final episode of Top gears 23rd season during the same time slot breaking news we found out while we were editing this video the developers have since updated this message to read thank you for bringing back robot wars hello and welcome to did you know gaming extra in today's episode we'll be looking at the weird world of failed gaming Kickstarter campaigns from time to time popular video game developers take to crowdfunding websites like Kickstarter or Indiegogo to share their vision of a game they wish to create this can often be Veterans of the industry looking to create spiritual successes to the games they originally created all those moons ago however today we're going to be looking into the Obscure world of failed crowdfunded sequels follow-ups created by fans for fans but without the permission of their respective owners Nintendo of course has a strong following with fans creating their own games out of the company's IPS however this first game we're going to be looking at today wasn't just trying to create a new game it was trying to create an older version of a game that was already released the team behind Super Mario World chapter o were looking to collect 15,000 with the ultimate campaign's goal being to release a 100% new official Nintendo game for the snz as well as a dedicated PC and Mac digital version something Nintendo have never done before the game they were looking to create wasn't actually a new game but instead a complete Recreation of the game based on early versions screenshots and previews of Super Mario World of course the campaign didn't last long before Nintendo quickly took the project down even though the project boasted that Nintendo is going to approve it they didn't requesting that Kickstarter take the project down because of the infringements against Nintendo's property but that didn't stop the creators of the campaign trying their luck once again this time asking for double the original asking price and now claiming that it would be available on the Wii U 3DS 2DS DS and the switch they also added that the project and campaign is now allow by Nintendo of America that of course was a lie in fact the whole campaign was a lie as the pictures and description used were taken without permission from the popular video game beta and cancelled released archive site unseen 64 and even the campaign's video itself was taken from the YouTube channel Randy 355 AKA Yoshi master who happened to be the guy who had already made a rom hack of super mar Mario World which replicated this lost piece of Mario media of course this relaunch also didn't last very long this next piece of trivia was suggested by dig youo gaming extra trivia Don patreon get a berry fans released their own inspired games based on other people's IPS all the time such as with am2r another Metroid 2 remake a title which ultimately received a dmca shortly after being released online inspired by this fan creation ay Wolfson created a campaign to develop a new sequel to Super Mario RPG calling the game Super Mario RPG 2 the problem with his vision however was that he didn't know how the code in fact he had even started working on the sequel but instead his plan was to hire Sprite artist from the website fiver.com to help him create the game similar to Super Mario World chapter o this campaign's imagery was taken without permission from the YouTube channel SW Chris who was doing a playthrough of a completely different fan-made sequel unsurprisingly nothing come from the campaign and Nintendo quickly contacted Avy to take down the project now this sort of thing happens quite often there was the Heart of Darkness sequel called heart of Dess the return of Shadows that got shut down as soon as it opened up after the campaign's original creators confirmed it was fake and that the artwork shown on the campaign's front page had been stolen from fans of the original of course this caused quite a bit of controversy on Heart of Darkness fan forums which resulted in the Creator quickly deleting the project and then of course you have the Panza Dragon gayen project with its awful looking campaign design including a nice doed screenshot shots the game was intended to be released for the Sega Saturn but the campaign gave absolutely no clue as to how the owner was planning to release the game on a system notorious for its high level of difficulty to develop for even the rewards failed to make much sense claiming that a pledge of $50 Canadian dollars would net you a copy of the game whilst the pledge of only one Canadian dollar would reward you with signed concept artwork and a keychain of the game sent directly to your house anywhere in the world within the crowdfunding's risk and challenges section it reads finding a suitable place within the panther Dragon timeline for the game to occur in has been one of the biggest challenges thus far feedback is still appreciated as we still have yet to decide on this the game was quickly taken down shortly after launching the same thing happened to Kate Marsh back in 2016 after had assumed that developer don't not entertainment weren't intending to create a sequel to life is strange thus deciding to raise the money herself in order to fund the project according to the campaign's brief if don't nod didn't agree to doing the sequel on her terms then she would have simply used the kickstarter money to buy the rights and get another publisher to make the game instead all of which would have only cost her $20,000 apparently and now it's time for this episode's random piece of Trivia today we're going to be looking at the Home Port of Strider 2 released for the PlayStation in the year 2000 the game was released as part of the two dis set with the second disc in the case being a port of the original arcade release of the first Rider however due to a mistake during the game's printing process the game's North American discs are incorrectly labeled as a result the first Strider is stored on The Strider 2 Disc and the sequel is found on the dis labeled for the original hello and welcome to digino gaming extra today we'll be exploring artificial intelligence advancements through video games artificial intelligence is a controversial topic depending on who you talk to on one hand AI has the ability to improve the quality of the products we create and the lives we live but some are concerned about where Advanced Computer Learning will lead this might not be an issue however if the AI is contained in a virtual world to improve the way that AI can be used in real world scenarios researchers turned to video games to quickly test and gather information while real world testing is an absolute necessity eventually the information gathered from games and simulations are becoming increasingly useful starting tools one example of this is with Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto 5 in 2016 scientists from the D University of Technology teamed up with Intel labs to help Advance the self-driving car industry self-driving cars need to be capable of identifying and labeling their surroundings whether it's the road the Pavements buildings trees pedestrians and of course other vehicles training the AI to do this would take thousands of hours of collecting and labeling the real world imagery as well as the costly process of recreating endless possible scenarios like car crashes however the researchers have created software that runs with GTA 5 which classifies all of the objects in the scenes and feeds it directly to a machine learning algorithm Grand Theft Auto was chosen because of its near photorealistic appearance it was also picked because of the volume of variables within Los Santos which includes over 250 Vehicles Traffic Systems hundreds of pedestrians and varying light levels from day to night as well as weather conditions using data from 25,000 frames of the game the study showed that this approach can increase in AI performance with real world images and can also reduce the workload and cost of the conventional labeling method the team noted that it took roughly 60 to 90 minutes to annotate a real world image while using data from Grand Theft Auto it would only take 7 seconds per image on average similarly Ubisoft have taken a keen interest in improving the workflow of not just self-driving cars but also the workflow of their programmers using AI with their own AI algorithm created by their Montreal research and Development Division laforge the company seeks to improve the reliability of the code in a game before it goes to Market having utilized 10 years worth of code created for their commercial releases the algorithm can learn from past mistakes as well as how those mistakes were corrected and guess when a similar bug is likely to be made by a programmer the reliability of AI has been proven again with the use of video games an AI has managed to beat cubert with results that no human has ever managed to achieve a paper was published by the University of fryberg in favor of evolution strategies over reinforced learning when it comes to an AI working out how to complete a video game simply put with reinforced learning an AI improves every time it makes a mistake whereas with Evolution strategies the AI creates a wide array of random algorithms and pits them against each other the algorithm that works is then tweaked and the process is repeated the study used this technique with eight Atari games from pong to alien all chosen because of their varying difficulty though many of the games resulted in similar or Worse results to what a human would achieve when playing through them the AI managed to exploit a glitch in the game cubert the essay reports first it completes the first level and then starts to jump from platform to platform in what seems to be a random manner for a reason unknown to us the game does not advance to the second stage but the platforms start to Blink and the agent quickly gains a huge amount of points close to 1 million for our episode time limit Warren Davis was contacted on Twitter regarding this discovery he stated that he wasn't familiar with the version of cubert that was being used and would be unlikely to find this happen in the arcade version but machine learning with these methods is still limited when an AI is working to learn how to improve their style of play it frequently has to rely on feedback from the game itself on how well it is performing elements such as stage progression Health lives and score teach a machine when it performs a a correct or incorrect action so how can this be adapted for scenarios where there is no positive reinforcement researches at Stanford University in California adapted their systems learning to take guidance through a users commands all provided in plain English by using the game Mont Zuma's Revenge users can provide guidance such as climb up the ladder or collect the key the machine will then translate these commands and perform the actions in the game so that it can play better negating the time it would take for the AI to work out key tasks on its own a member of the team Russell Kaplan provides an analogy for this methodology imagine teaching a kid to play tennis by handing them a racket and leaving them in front of a ball machine for 10 years that's basically how we teach AI right now it turns out kids learn a lot faster with a coach and now for this episode's random piece of trivia suggested by our trivon patreon supporter Chad barin Sly Cooper 2 released in 2004 for the playst 2 included a hidden character that references Cartoon Network's tunami block if the player pauses the game and enters left left down right left right Tom from tun armi will appear in the play's gadgets voiced by Tom's original voice actor Steve Bloom known for his portrayal of Spike Spiegel of cowboy bbop and Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7 Tom will act as a distraction for any guards by shouting hey hey hey and also occasionally hey hey peanuts this cheat still works with the Sly Cooper to re-release within the Sly Cooper Trilogy or Sly Cooper collection Steve Bloom also went on to voice rioichi Cooper in the fourth installment of The Sly Cooper series thieves in Time hello and welcome to digino gaming extra in today's episode we're looking at accessibility in gaming video games are one of the largest Industries in the entertainment World many other entertainment markets such as books and movies try to include those who wouldn't normally be able to enjoy them audio books Braille audio descriptions and subtitles all help people with an impairment join in on the fun when it comes to gaming however the efforts to expand the market to disadvantaged people is often overlooked in 2016 EA set up a division called EA accessibility solely run by software engineer Karen Stevens in 2017 after the most recent Madden had been released a blind player got in touch with the company complaining that the kick meter had been changed making it difficult for him to gauge until this complaint came through the company was unaware that they have a large number of players who have extremely poor vision or are even completely blind this led to Steven's implementing design choices that would help improve the Madden experience for blind players she did this by getting in touch through the Audi games.net Forum a community for people with varying degrees of blindness to discuss their experiences with video games Karen was better able to determine a player's needs by exploring what genre they play and how they play them for example what cues the player uses in a game to determine what's happening through this she discovered it's common for blind players to play sports titles games like Madden already had features that make the experience more accessible such as the play-by-play narration the intrinsic nature of American football requires the player to head up field in order to score making the basic Bic gameplay relatively simple Additionally the game's AI takes control of a player's team so they only need to focus on their current athlete while the game places the other teammates into tactical positions other games like Need for Speed are also accessible the game will always put the player back on Route if they stray too far off course and blind players can rely on the sounds of nearby cards to know when to turn and after a while will have hopefully memorized the track Karen added different Rumble cues to the games to make understanding the gameplay easier for example in Madden a short Rumble will indicate the player is being passed to while a long Rumble is a Long play and a double Rumble means there is a kick meter the reason for these cues being made through control of vibrations instead of sounds is because Stevens is in fact partially deaf being the only person implementing these cues she needs to be able to test them accurately she has raised awareness in EA by having the development team try to recreate the experience of their impaired players such as testing games blindfolded as a result of this they've since implemented a fail forward feature to the story mode of Madden meaning that if a blind player fails a certain amount of times they are still able to progress she also gets continuous feedback from blind testers by making a selection of optional settings Karen was able to help those with visual impairments by adding larger fonts and icons as well as the ability to alter brightness color shift and contrast after these were added she began receiving complaints from people who had become accustomed to their perceived lack of colors during a GDC talk she claimed but we got to the point where originally only about 1/3 of people could well relatively tell the colors to everybody could tell exactly how many colors there were and then I got feedback of oh my God why are there so many colors what did they do I thought I knew how to play this game I've been on Madden for years and I have no idea what I'm doing so that's a good problem to have I have work to do but that's like the best possible outcome EA added a barely visible Watermark to the game games if any of these features are used in order to instantly be able to understand why the game looks different on streaming services if anybody questions it or makes a complaint EA aren't the only company to have gone out of their way to make their games more accessible the Seattle's Children's Hospital worked with Nintendo to create the handsfree for the NES a controller compatible with all retail NES releases excluding light gun titles according to the Nintendo fun Club the idea was conceived after a girl lost all the use in her hands after being involved in a car crash in the Midwest and asked Nintendo if there was a way she could still play video games Nintendo then worked with Todd stable felt and various other patients at the hospital to create the handsfree a device that straps around the body like a vest the user blows into a tube for a and sips for be while using a joystick that has been fitted to a chin strap it also strengthens the neck muscles making for a more fun physical therapy session it was released in 1989 and was only available through Nintendo's customer service with different physical disabilities come different challenges when it comes to helping people continue to play video games as such one unit will not suit all impairments this is where the company's special effect founded by Dr Mick Donan come into play they are a uk-based charity that works with therapists and technologists to create custom controllers to help the needs of those with physical impairments some examples of their work include making it possible to control games with a user's Voice or even simple eye movements they've also made adjustments to button placements to make them more easily accessible as well as modifying controllers so that they are lighter for children who aren't able to hold them the charity doesn't charge anything for One to One support nor do they sell any equipment so they must rely on donations the link is in the description if you would like to donate and now it's time for this episode's random piece of Trivia today we're taking a look at Uncharted 4 for the PlayStation 4 in chapter 11 of the game hidden in plain sight if the player remains stationary for 30 seconds following the introductory cut scene the TR try stage fright will be unlocked this is a reference to the Sony press conference at E3 in 2015 when during the live demonstration of the game a bug made it so Nathan was unable to [Music] move
Channel: DYKG Clips
Views: 23,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sleep to, fall asleep, asmr, sleep aid, sleep, video game, video games, video game facts, video game secrets, video game easter eggs, south park
Id: oiqUcuXdDm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 53sec (6773 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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