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hey youtube what's going on super excited for this video because today we're talking about two hair growth hacks using none other than hair grease okay and it's gonna be a really interesting video because you know hair grease is very underrated in the natural hair care community and we're going to talk about how to use hair for your hair okay so stay tuned so i recently had a conversation with my grandmother and my girl was born like in the 1940s i believe and i was asking her like what you guys do for hair back then like what was y'all's regimen johanna regiment you know and she mentioned about greece being the thing back then and she mentioned how a lot of people you know the black community had very healthy hair and how hair grease was such a pivotal aspect in regards to black hair care back then now hair grease is actually petrol atom or petroleum jelly however you want to call it basically it is a mixture of hydrocarbons and is derived or sourced from the earth's crust so you can't really get any more natural than that okay now why i always promote hair grease is because it is non-cometogenic meaning it will not clog the pores of your scalp or your skin so it's great for locking in moisture especially if you have a dry scalp and you get out the shower your scalp is still wet put a little bit of hair grease in your stomach if you suffer from a dry scalp now if you have a very oily scalp you may not want to do this option but with open dry scalp this would be a great option when it comes to hair grease i want you to know that the original hair growth methods or hair growth aids all started off in hair grease they all started off in petrol atom starting off with cj walkers a growth aid that she created sold for eight which is something my grandmother said she used to use back in the day mainly because of the fact that it is non-commercial now how to even use hair grease when it comes to hair growth so number one you want to choose your base choose your hair grease face meaning do you want to use something that's like a lighter hair grease like the softie brand something in the middle like kuza or something a little bit thicker like the um blue magic for example which is also the classic characters you know so you have some options so depending on what you prefer a lighter version or a heavier version that will determine what you want to do so first choose your base secondly add a few drops of essential oils this can be rosemary eucalyptus this can be peppermint lavender a lot of these essential oils are great for promoting hair growth so you can just add a few drops to the base mix into the hair grease and use that as a hair growth aid what makes this also really cool is that unfortunately a lot of not a lot but some oils carrier oils that we use you know in hair growth oils actually do clog the pores of the scalp now the issue with this is that you're not really maximizing the amount of growth that you could be getting from that hair growth oil because technically that hair growth oil or the carrier oil within that hair growth oil is clogging your pores so therefore you're not seeing the growth that you want but with hair grease because it doesn't clog the fourth of the scalp you actually have a better chance of growing your hair using that method okay number two is the fact that hair grease actually promotes length retention it makes no sense for us to be using all these wonderful hair growth aids whether that's a hair growth grease hair growth oil hair growth vitamin and we're not seeing the lens and a lot of times that happens because our hair is always growing but a lot of times we're not pretending our length or we're seeing breakage we're not going to see the fruition of all the growth that we are actually receiving from the growth going on our scout but hair grease is amazing because it's an awesome sealant now for those who use oils that's great that's perfect i love oils okay i'm a fan of them however for some hair types you know oil may not be a suitable sealant for your hair you know hair grease may be a better moisture locking mechanism for your hair okay it may actually retain moisture a lot better for you versus oil sometimes we're probably using the wrong sealant on our hair which is causing water loss and with water loss you're gonna get dry hair and breakage and so forth and so forth so if oils are not working for you in regards to sealing in that moisture try out hair grease you know see if you like it all right guys hope you have enjoyed this video and learned something new on how to use hair grease for hair growth and for retaining your lips of course i have a question for you what is your hair gold length your hair lip gold like how long are you trying to grow your hair is it to raw traveling is it way slim is it shoulder length or are you just more like you're always trying to get healthier here at this point okay i'm focusing on quality where are you at in the spectrum are you focusing on length and if so what is that goal or you focus more so on the health of your hair comment below and i look forward to joining the conversation with you if you are interested in starting a hair care line you can work with me one on one no matter where you are in the journey here in the beginning you're about to launch whatever it is we can work together one-on-one now the link below for you to check out and don't forget to check out the curly girls got to hair care ingredients we can learn more about ingredients in the natural hair care industry the link will be below as well all right guys i love you and i'll talk to you guys soon bye you
Channel: Curly Chemistry
Views: 46,693
Rating: 4.972486 out of 5
Id: ze6bLc5_DMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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