20220226 | The Great Reset | Pastor John Lomacang (tvsdac)

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[Music] the jordan rises so let's not lose our our faith so this morning i'd like to encourage you to bow your heads with me as we ask for the lord to guide us in this message entitled the great reset gracious father in heaven these are days that have not caught heaven by surprise there is no crisis in the kingdom of light but these are simply movements that have been foretold in the great pages of prophecy through the voice of christ he said that these are the stages that will be set before the grand stage of victory becomes our experience so this morning speak to us and guide our hearts that we may look beyond the here and now to the day when the great reset becomes the joy that we proclaim throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity in jesus name i pray amen our scripture reading this morning is isaiah 65 and verse 17. beautiful passage it all by itself summarizes where we are to where we are headed isaiah the prophet is a book that my wife and i have enjoyed tremendously and he invites us to pull off of the road of confusion and look at the signposts ahead of us the word of the lord says for behold i create new heavens and a new earth and the former said with me shall not be remembered or come to mind i am looking forward to the day when we don't remember anything about where we've been because we are learning everything about where we are going to be there are difficulties in this earth that if you put them all together from god's perspective it could trouble your spirit it could really cause you consternation that's beyond confusion that's that gut anxiety so we have to pray for god to pull us up from the trenches of war to the place where one day we will sit with him on his throne these are simply the movements that the bible have forecasted will come that's why this quotation is so vitally important to me from the book education page 179 i had a chance to revisit it this week it is so pertinent to where we are now that i decided in just a few moments ago to include this in our message for this morning it really really takes our minds and sharpens our lenses calibrates us to what the scene of the world presently is listen to the words of inspiration the present is a time of overwhelming interest to all living isn't that right i mean everybody every class of life every walk of life everybody is concerned when you look at the stock market when you look at what's happening in the financial institutions for those of us that have a piddling of a retirement and the stock market begins to dive those are the moments that my wife and i say well god won't supply all of our need i don't even put my my hope in the stock market any longer those little things that we put aside for retirement one day may be gone but god will always be in his place we are told rulers and statesmen men who occupy positions of trust and authority thinking men and women of how many classes all classes have their attention fixed upon the events taking place about us they are watching the strained restless relations that exist among the nations they observe the intensity that is taking possession of every earthly element and they recognize that something great and decisive is about to take place that the world is on the verge of a stupendous crisis you have to pause and look that word up stupendous stupendous unimaginable incalculable hardly able to be believed what is ahead of us cannot be put into words it cannot be described it cannot be imagined to the point of its reality the servant of the lord ellen white said when she saw what awaited the people of god she wept and she says no pen can picture what god revealed to her so if we are if we are losing our faith in this tentative environment what are we going to do when the real crisis comes these are the hours that we must ask god to keep our minds set on what is ahead of us i have a story to tell you at the end of the sermon that will illustrate how vitally important it is to keep our eyes on the things that god's word has revealed to us for those of us that know what's coming and understand prophecy we've got to keep our eyes on the light say that with me keep our eyes on the light you'll understand how pertinent that is but allow me to begin the message with a statement that i believe is shared by christians and non-christians alike the world cannot continue the way it is something has to change but that is not just what is being said by humanity that has been the plan of divinity for millennia somewhere along the way something is going to change for the better somewhere along the way all the pain and heartache that we have been called to endure will no longer be a part of our experience can you say amen to that somewhere along the way the former things will not be remembered and they won't even come to our minds that's why i look forward to the great reset we have heard that term quite a bit the great reset let me give you a little bit of political education before we go into scriptural certainty it is a phrase that has been born over the last three years the great reset to be specific the great reset is a term related to the 50th annual meeting held by the world economic forum i'm a member of the world economic forum i follow what is taking place it will boggle your mind to understand what is taking place as we sit here today everything that happens on your cell phone is being monitored by the world and they are fitting you in the framework of your of your behavior your character your personalities the things you look at they're putting that all together in a pool called artificial intelligence to be able to predict how you will react to whatever crisis will be directed or developed by the future world they are determining whether or not you will be able to be sustained by the great reset that is being orchestrated even as we sit here today it's not a coincidence the world economic forum made up of leaders of all nations our former president uh and our present president we have biden on one side we have trump on the other both are members of the world economic forum when you are president of a nation that's a default and all our economic powers are concerned about how the world behaves and how it adjusts to the changing world let me give you a little bit more background in the 1930s on the heels of coming out of world war ii coming out of the great depression there was a time that you could not get a bank loan you could not have a credit card you could not get a mortgage and so coming out of world war ii the world leaders got together and said we've got to create a world order that will allow us economically socially financially and religiously to function as a world so they developed what we now look back as a world order we're looking forward to a new world order but they created a world order where banks began to give loans mortgages were given out people were able to buy homes get credit begin to get jobs and that was considered the world the the world that we understand the world order but something's happened that world order was put together when those who are now our allies were our enemies and so the world has been changing there's been a paradigm shift in society the world that was is not the world that is so economists and politicians and world leaders are saying wait a minute japan and the united states are no longer enemies so this present framework of how we do business does not fit into the first world order that was established on the heels of the ending of world war ii so we have been trying to fit a new model of life into an old framework it's like saying i know that we are up to 5g but let's still drive a model t forward you get the picture it doesn't fit everything is changing we've got to change the way we do business we've got to change the way that we interact between countries and when you go to the when you go to the page of the world economic forum you see what's called a an artificial intelligent uh diagram the word diagram is a tiny word to simply say all the information of every nation everything that happens every day when you go to walmart and they say uh or kroger they said you have your kroger card well they monitor what you buy and they wonder will that supplier in that part of the world coalesce to the new world order that we are setting up and if they do then that product that you just bought will still be available 30 years from now but if they decide not to coalesce with the new world order then you need to buy a different product because that one is being phased out that's why you go to the store and there's certain things that are not available yet because there's a there's a hiccup in the trading lines around the world because there is as we sit here today there is an adjustment everything is being adjusted economically some of the small mom-and-pop businesses are disappearing some of the medium level businesses are disappearing because they're trying to centralize our buying centralize our selling not too far distant future maybe most of the things we buy will be online it's a part of the new world order they're trying to minimize cash transactions because you can't trace cash but you can trace credit card purchases then they're trying to change the way that we do business with currencies does it talk about bitcoin and digital currency they they could they could mandate that and control that by simply saying if you don't comply then we could just simply cut off your financial pipeline and so right now we're in this this development of a great reset but back in 2020 the word the great reset or the phrase the great reset came into existence it was a meeting organized by the world economic forum under the leadership of charles the prince of wales he was the one that organized the meeting he called of the meeting and he brought together world leaders the prince of wales organized the meeting called the world leaders together and they said let's begin to look at the world and begin to see what we have to deal with and the theme of that meeting was rebuilding society another way is build back better let's rebuild society the framework of that was let's rebuild society first on the economic foundation because following covet 19 pandemic impact which many of us saw the impact on the world following the covet 19 impact on all the markets around the world it is giving us a chance to reset the way we do business as one very wealthy uh economist said never let a crisis go to waste they live for crises when the stock market plunges the billionaires get hives they can't wait to invest they wait for our monies to just bottom out and they buy the stock when it plummets so that when it goes back up on the market that they reset they could predict their profits the rich get richer and the poor get poorer it's not coincidental so another phrase for the great reset is built back better and and so the world right now is in a paradigm shift the shift is better known in these three following categories these are the three main categories that are included in the great reset now the reason i'm sharing this with you is because later on in the message you're going to see these three categories in a divine setting because let me make this point here and we're going to see it again long before economists had plans of making the world better god already had a plan so this idea of a reset men want to make it better for men god wants to make it better for his children and as a songwriter says he's got the whole world in his hands so leaders come and go fear no man because god sets him up and brings them down he determines the time and space of every leader kaiser wilmham adolf hitler all the feared terrorists and and tyrants of the past are nothing but dust in the grave and god is still on this throne so let's not be worried about all that's happening in society that's not fear what coming up in political circles all this is just this is just dust in your eyes but stay on the path but these world leaders in the great reset broke it down to three categories one the first concern they had involves creating conditions that are that are stable for stockholder economy for the stockholder economy now what does that mean that means the ability of a company to serve the interest of its stakeholders establishing a market where the customer the supplier the employees the stockholders and the communities are all satisfied with how the business is working the first thing they want to do is establish economic stability so that from the guy who purchases to the guy who creates the product and everybody in between the employees that work at the plant the people that invest in that plant they want to make sure that everybody is happy with the way we're doing business everybody profits somehow secondly they said they want to build a more resilient equitable and sustainable way of life so what they're doing is they're strengthening the infrastructure of society so that the world in its growth metric can sustain itself meaning better airports newer bridges better ways of communicating better pipelines of information 4g to 5g better cars green energy all these things are part of a more resilient equitable and sustainable way of life they're thinking about all these things when i read this and i started to educate myself on that i thought to myself man god is way ahead of the curve because god is already working on a mansion for us and there will be an equitable sustainable way of life that nobody has ever imagined god is way ahead of that curve and the third aspect of it was what they call the fourth industrial revolution which includes green energy smarter growth fairer growth and artificial intelligence which simply means a computer is deciding what curtis is going to do next based on what curtis has done up to this point let me give you uh let me give you an illustration for those of you that are on instagram or facebook or one of these social media platforms if you lay your phone down for any length of time donna and decide well i'm not going to go on instagram today or facebook today somehow in your email you'll get a notice that will prompt you to click on it and before you know it you're back on facebook or you might look up something on the internet like a card tires then all of a sudden in your email you'll get these coupons fifteen percent off goodyear tires and you say i never even contacted goodyear they're watching you and they'll send you notices to your to your page or they'll try to say well this is what they'd like to watch on instagram so let's start sending notices to them we don't want to lose them because we want to figure out who they are they're trying to figure out who we are that's why we need to know who we are so that they don't know who we are let me just add one more point here this is not in the sermon but i want to add this relax that's why i that's why when please don't make any comments but i gotta say this are you ready for it you don't know if you're ready but i'm gonna say it anyway that's why when folk thought that they had to put a chip in the vaccine to track you it was so ridiculous because they've been tracking you all your life this is not somehow they're going to put a digital tracking device in a vaccine so they can figure out what you're doing they already know they know where you lived where you live they know your first they know your present phone number the one the phone number you had before this the phone number you had before that the phone number you had before that the phone number i could find out more information about you than you know about yourself in just a few strokes on the keyboard so if i could find out stuff about you that i have to pay 595 for what do you think they know about you thinking oh now they're gonna start tracking us they've been tracking you before you even knew what your name was they you popped out ah tracy ridden i was born let's track her they know where you are so don't think that somehow all of a sudden you know 2019 they start tracking you man if you think that you ain't awake the only way you want to you want to you don't want to be tracked get rid of your cell phone and get rid of your car because if you have a car that's beyond a certain date it's digitized they know exactly where you are so let's not get fearful because when the time comes god knows exactly how to seclude his children from the eyes of prying men that intend to do us harm now let's get to the war for a moment the reason why this war is a destabilizing interruption is because to the great reset the war creates division at a time where world leaders are seeking unity globally so this war comes in as a destabilizing interruption because world leaders are wanting wait a minute wait a minute we thought we had russia where we wanted it to be or we thought we had ukraine where we wanted it to be but now we're dealing with this destabilizing forces because of the of the noise of war and then then what happens is political leaders are now saying we want economic financial social unity but what they don't realize it's deeper than russia it's deeper than ukraine because while they're creating these avenues of what they call stability darker forces are working to create what i call a catastrophic undercurrent if i make it even clearer god is working from above satan is working from beneath and we are caught in the middle said another way world leaders are pursuing measures to make the world a more peaceful and productive place amid a satanic sneak attack satan's got his plans too that's why the bible says in first thessalonians 5 and verse 3 these words these are powerful words for today for when they say together peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman and what does it say they shall not escape nobody alive on this planet when the world starts to fall apart is going to be exempt from what impacts the world everybody is going to be impacted on one level or the other today things are becoming so centralized so digitized there's some people that have never seen their insurance company except on their smartphones there's some people that they their banks are so far away that they make all their all their deposits on their smartphone this is this is power are you ready for it so all that has to happen to neutralize you is just simply shut off your phone you can't access your bank then prevent you from getting on a plane you can't go to your bank we are we are here's breath away that's why i praise god that his angels are holding back the winds we're not in this by ourselves my father's name is yahweh yahshua the almighty god the everlasting father the one who predicted what will come it has come and he has the last say and how it affects his children so i'm aware but i'm not a i'm not concerned that's why the great reset is coming but not what economists expect the great reset is coming that world leaders can hardly imagine the great reset is coming that will shock the intelligences of humanity when people that are partying and gambling and pool hustling and living for the world finally get their wake-up call are going to be filled with a fear that they have not known and god and his love for humanity is trying to get humanity's attention you know when i talk to my sister and friends that i know they're not christians they say what do you think is happening i said here's what's happening and then i say to my sister that's why you need to get your carcass back in church how long i say to my sister how long is it going to be before you give your life back to the lord because it's not i said her it's not as bad yet as it's going to be but we should never serve god because of fear fear could get you excited but as i said in one of my prior sermons it may stimulate you but it will not commit you you've got to love the lord to be committed the greek the great reset is coming but the forces of darkness are working behind the scenes in halls of politics in halls of entertainment in halls of music and halls of social media it's working behind the scenes to bring about something that russia and ukraine and the united states and north korea and china could hardly imagine here's how the bible describes it revelation chapter 16 beginning with verse 13. this is a behind the scene this is the sneak attack from beneath this is the catastrophic undercurrent the bible says i saw on three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon spiritualism out of the mouth of the beast catholicism out of the mouth of the false prophets for they are the spirits of demons of what friends this is far deeper than putin and the president of ukraine this is deep performing signs or miracles which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of that great day of god almighty there's a war coming but it's not where we think it's going to be it's not russia invading china and china invading russia and this big old valley of armageddon where people are fighting in the valley and where the blood is up to the horse is bridal that's that's symbolic language the battle described here is going to be a battle between light and darkness between truth and era between christ and satan and we are the stakes god allows these things to come to us so that we can be mindful that what god's word has said will come to pass with blazing accuracy look at this quotation from testimonies for the church testimonies for the church volume 8 page 28. and this is so true in context to where we are today transgression has almost reached its what limit confusion fills the world and a great terror is soon to come upon human beings the end is very near we who know the truth should be preparing for what is soon to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise that's why i want to just say this again if you're a russian don't argue with the ukrainians if you're ukrainian don't argue with the russians get on your knees and put your case before christ especially for those of you that are seventh-year venice that happened down there in rwanda when the hutus and the tutsis were fighting each other and they were both seven they had venice they got distracted by the temporary politics and forgot that they were citizens of an eternal kingdom it is too late for us to forget that we are citizens of an eternal kingdom that's why i don't care about this political mumbo jumbo it's nothing it's just what god allows men to to in their small ant world to participate in the small movements of their lives until god removes his breath and they just turn back to dust that men just like everybody else that's why this is the hour to calibrate our spiritual compass this is the hour to check our religious pulse and examine our spiritual dedication this is the hour where bible study needs to matter to you with prayer and devotions this is where husbands need to call their wives together and pray together and worship together and and pull it together and hold it together this is where the fathers of homes need to lead their children before the altar with their wives on a daily basis this is where the single young folk need to put down facebook and pick up the book and i'll tell you and the world is busy trying to figure out what you're thirsting for that's why the bible says blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they will be filled what does that mean if you're hungering and thirsting after anything else you will not be filled that's why people get addicted to certain things addicted to drugs and alcohol social media entertainment anything that stimulates you can bring addiction the lord is not seeking to addict you to him he's seeking to commit you to him he doesn't want addicted people he wants people that love the lord and are committed to his way but the world is working on addictions so so what's the next social platform i don't know but can i put this pin right here i don't care because i got my social platform i use facebook to put bible studies the last thing they need on facebook is another picture of me thank you for not saying amen who cares what you look like and then ridiculous people spend their lives i think it's the most self-centered altar of incense altar of that's why there's a documentary coming up that i can't wait to watch my wife and i programmed to record this how people that are on instagram say they wake up every morning trying to figure out ways to get you to become addicted to them on instagram they said their number one concern is to get followers and they show how they manipulate people to just follow them on instagram tick tock these are social media people that they said this is what we do we get we just our job is just to get followers this is how we manipulate society it's a group of uh about three or four women about four or five women that are just going to talk about how they do that you know they get up in the morning they put like it's like 700 pounds of makeup on you know and they look you know perfect and they get eyebrows you know the eyebrows those eyelashes that look like garage door openers it's so long you can't even put your glasses on and they're nipping and tucking this and tucking and nipping that and getting perfect and they just come out with this pose and somebody ought to i won't say it fall in love with the things that will transform your life into a life of christ because whether you know it or not it is true by beholding we become changed god's intention is for us to behold holy things godly things righteous things don't make yourself an altar as my good friend oswald chambers said and he's he's my good friend but he doesn't know it never use god's gifts to rob god of his glory don't ever make it about you that's why the world is preparing for the success we are experiencing a society just like it was in the days of noah this is not a new world bob god knows exactly what's happening as it was in noah's day the interests today are similar how does the bible describe the days of noah look at matthew chapter 24 beginning in verse 38 the world then is like the world today for as in the days matthew 24 verses 38 and 39 for as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking what else marrying and giving in marriages until the day that noah entered the ark and did not know until the flood came and took them all away so also will the coming of the son of man be i may have said this but it fits right here there's a song that i sung when i was in the heritage singers you know oh the marketplace is empty no more traffic in the streets all the builders tools are silent no more time to harvest wheat when i looked that up theologically that is theologically incorrect because in the days of noah they were eating and drinking marrying giving to marriage buying and selling they were locked in their daily rounds of financial transactions until the flood came and just and they didn't even know until the flood came and took them all away they were involved in their daily rounds of life and probation was closed so the marketplace was not empty there was traffic in the streets the builder's tools were not silent but if you notice what's happened over just the last three years signs of the approaching end have accelerated just between 2019 and the present for example the global pandemic claiming thousands of lives whether you believe it to be true or not is not the point then we looked at the uncontrollable forces of nature just about two weeks ago on the news on abc news local abc news as a matter of fact they said that california is experiencing the worst worst drought in 1200 years they have beautiful blue skies every day we just came back from california jorge and i and my wife were there and randy were there to survey a site for evangelism the skies are beautifully blue but the locals are saying we want rain we need rain we need water and it's affecting not only california but it's affecting places like utah and arizona all those places that rely on the waters that come from these great aqueducts then we find the political instability this global uncertainty that is accelerating since 2019 and then we find more than ever before more than ever before world leaders are reflecting flexing their nuclear might have you noticed that everybody trying out a new nuclear missile lord have mercy please keep those nukes in the silos because there's no such thing as limited nuclear exchange it just does not exist and i know i've been giving you a lot of quotations but i can't help to do that because they fit so perfectly into where we are today here's another one testimonies volume 9 page 11 9 11. here it is the days in which we live are solomon at solemn and important isn't that right the spirit why is it happening the way it is the spirit of god is gradually but surely being withdrawn from the earth that's why men are becoming more and more evil plagues and judgments are already falling upon the despises of the grace of god it's already happening the calamities by land and sea the unsettled state of society the alarms of war are portentious they forecast approaching events of the greatest magnitude the agencies of evil are combining their forces and consolidating they are strengthening for the last great crisis and we all know this great changes are soon to take place in our world and the final movements together will be what rapid ones that's why i so much embrace the admonition of paul to that young man timothy you see brethren while the world is looking for answers this is where the servants of god those that are called that understand what's happening young men and young women that's why i i appreciate so much the three abn is actively involved in making sure all day long the gospel is going out around the world can you say amen because this is what the world needs a ministry that they can turn to and see that this is not just another ministry but they're doing what god through the apostle paul has encouraged that young man timothy to do here it is in second timothy chapter four verses two to four here's what he said preach the word say that with me my brethren preach the word be instant in season out of season that means when they want to hear it and when they don't want to hear it still preach it reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine but look at the prediction for the time will come and i will say has come when they will not endure sound doctrine even in the adventist church today all kinds of theories are rising up trying to see how strength how strong your faith is if you are not anchored on a thus saith the lord you will be shaken out for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts their own desires shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables people today are believing things that don't even make sense i've spoken to some brethren in our churches and i'm sometimes shocked when i see things advertised on social media or hear something that is being uh run through the theological pipeline amongst our own pastors when we we get together and discuss what's confronting our churches and some of us would say are you serious that's happening at your church that's happening at my church really is that happening really we are shocked to see what's happening on the theological front but today we have arrived where god has said we always will arrive popular preaching is preferred above solemn sermons messages intended by god to wake up a slumbering society have been substituted by messages that increase our desire for material gain you can't no matter how much you get you can't take it with you on the other side of that i want more material gain but i want decreased spirituality but in the midst of the crumbling world that we have heaven is calling us back to i like this phrase scriptural urgency scriptural urgency when people ask i had a long discussion yesterday with a lady i would be very vague about the discussion but she called me for social reasons i don't know her she works professionally as i'll be very vague about that but we talked for a long period of time as angie and i were coming back from from marion from our chores of the day and she got into the conversation i said um she said she goes to church on sunday i said well i go on saturday and the question came up well actually why i said well here's the reason why and then we continued discussing and became more and more interesting and i said well if you look up our church well if you look well if you put my name on you'll find out more about what i'm telling you she said i already looked you up okay she's a professional and um and i said well us our philosophy is very simple if it's not on the bible we don't we don't accept it if it's in the bible and we got to the sabbath well you know i go on sunday i said well that makes it easy you come to church on sabbath she goes on sunday well that's easy you can come on sabbath well i think i'll do that and i said many people get us mixed up with jehovah's witnesses or mormons we are neither of the two but we are latter-day saints and we are witnesses for jehovah so she said i think i'll come out and i gave her the church's website address mike so she could maybe she's watching this morning praise god if you are because our job my brothers and sisters is to get somebody thirsty for jesus all these things that are happening in the world they're going to happen they're going to come and go they're going to be big events and small events these all must take place but we must get people to the point where they are not hesitant about the fact that these are indicators of the soon return of jesus but there are some people that will say well i know what's happening but i don't really believe it and the apostle peter chimes and joins the words of the apostle paul by reminding us that you're living in a more challenging age than even we did because in the last days even though people see these things occurring they are going to doubt it look at second peter chapter 3 verse 3-7 the apostle peter the converted peter says knowing this first that scoffers will come in the last days and just like paul said to timothy walking according to their own lust see it is it's controlled by what they want and what they don't want and what are they going to say saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation i'll say like the young kids not so it goes on for this they willfully forget that the word of god by the word of god the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of water and in the water by which the world that then existed was the next word perished being flooded with water but the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men i try my best to warn my family so guys you don't know what's coming you don't know what's coming and sometimes i sound like a sometimes it sounds like i work for the fire department but brethren i do work for the fire department matter of fact when people ask me what do i do i say well i'm a pastor but i sell life insurance and fire insurance you'll get that on tuesday noah preached for 120 years you see you don't have to wait for people to think that what you believe is logical there's something illogical about the gospel it says to preach that jesus is coming again when people don't even know his name there's something about the gospel that doesn't seem to harmonize with ordinary logic that the world is going to be destroyed by fire when people have never seen that magnitude of a conflagration ever before but i believe god's word and if god's word said it i believe it the world that lived in noah's day is the world that lives in our day they just don't believe it they ate and drank they married they did all the things that they did back then but the flood came and before you know it they were all gone the flood just swept them away they were gone they didn't understand that these were happening but notice what else the bible says is going to happen god is going to allow the resurgence of war to remind us again look at matthew 24 verses 6 and 7. he says and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars is that right see that you are not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there will be famines and what else covet 19 and all of its all of its variants and earthquakes in various places you see god is calling on the faithful to tell the world of the certainty of two things of coming destruction and of a delivering savior they need to know about christ he is not desiring to include any of them in the destruction that's coming but i need i need now to to take a left turn and go to one of my old testament prophets can i do that because what i like about some of the old testament prophets i mean they they paint pictures that will bring that will turn your red blood cells white and your white blood cells red they lay it out look at zephaniah talking about the storm that's brewing unlike anything that humanity has ever witnessed zephaniah 1 verse 14 and 16. look at these words he says the great day of the lord is near it is near and hastens quickly the noise of the day of the lord is bitter there the mighty men shall cry out that day is a day of wrath a day of trouble and distress a day of devastation and desolation a day of darkness and what else gloominess a day of clouds and sick darkness a day of trumpet and alarm against the fortified cities and against the high towers and i just chose to stop there but if you continue reading it zeph and i the prophet paints a picture that is that's not only alarming but it is sobering it is like standing a person before the judgment bar in court and saying to him you are now going to serve 27 life sentences and if you get out you're going back in it's a terror that we cannot imagine that's why this is the hour that we need to look beyond the noise of war to the promises of god this is the time to ignore man's threats and embrace god's truth because a great reset is coming today i must make on my own personal testimony my hope is not built on political conjecture or frail humanity but on the reliable unerring word of god so let me begin to wind up what does that mean absolutely nothing the reason that i trust god's word is more than 2 000 years ago dan two angels had a conversation with some stagnant apostles this is not the hour to be stagnant this is the hour to find the most creative ways to put a track in somebody's hand put some bible studies in somebody's hand put something in somebody's hand that will begin to stimulate in them the idea that this is not always going to be this way you know we thought that the crisis was when macy's shut down in carbondale we thought that was a crisis and then jcpenney shut down that was a real crisis and then best buy shut down that was serious what's going to be worse than that when they said they were shutting down best buy as a as a gadgetarian i had a hard time to realize i had to travel 70 something miles to go to best buy way down to paducah kentucky and i said why are they going to do that to me but it was not about me when the angels spoke to these complacent apostles more than 2 000 years ago the words they said to them apply to us today acts chapter 1 verse 10 and 11. what do they say and while they look steadfastly towards heaven as he went up two men stood by them in white apparel who also said men of galilee this is so beautiful why do you stand gazing up into heaven this same jesus who was taken up from you into heaven will so come and like manna as you saw him go into heaven brethren that statement ignited the apostles on a trajectory that the world had never seen and in 34 short years the entire world heard about the name jesus but something has happened today and so this message to the gazing apostles is the message today to the gazing church why stand gazing waiting for jesus to come i hear people say i can't wait for jesus to come and i'm tempted to ask them so what are you doing to hasten the coming of christ you can't just wait for jesus to come you've got to do something to hasten the coming of christ and the message is the chaos that is caused by sin will not last forever someday we will live as god intended in a peaceful loving and happy society death and sorrow will be banished forever and best of all are you ready for it each one of us can have a part in god's amazing new world every one of us so let's talk about god's great reset oh i love it when god talks about his reset that's why the book of revelation is is one of my favorite books because it always has the phrase and i john saw verses 1 to 3 of revelation chapter 21 how beautiful god begins to give us a glimpse into his great reset this is what god's vision is for his people and i saw he said a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had what passed away and also there was no more sea then i john saw the holy city oh lord looking forward to that day the holy city not new york city not l.a not detroit not miami the holy city come on somebody say amen the holy city no more garbage no more crime no more violence the holy city new jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god prepared as a bride adorned for her husband but he kept on speaking in verse 3 of revelation 21 and i heard a loud voice this is important news from heaven saying behold the tabernacle of god is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and god himself will be with them and be their god my brothers and sisters on that day there's going to be a dinner and i already got my plate set amen what a day of rejoicing that is going to be when we will see god and god will see us when we will be able to stand i read a story a number of years ago where a couple had been invited to the white house and when they got there you know everything is so meticulous everything is so meticulous all the guests are are vetted before they arrive and all the places are set their names are there and this very imp important a couple of dignitaries arrived husband and wife and they walked into the room where the dinner was and they realized that their names were not anywhere on the table hey brother and i got some good news our names are on the table the bible told me that so our job is to say to people you've been invited are you going to come you've been invited are you going to come oh i love matt revelation 19 verse 9. the bible says then he said to me right blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the lamb and he said to me these are the true sayings of god yes we have been called the question is do you want to go the question is do you want to go do you want to sit down with god by the merits of christ not by my works by the merits of jesus one day we will be able to sit at heaven's table of grace can you say amen you see the great reset will eradicate sorrow and sin permanently revelation 21 verse 4 and 5 here it is the great reset god's great reset and god will wipe away every tear from their eyes and there shall be no more death nor sorrow no crying there shall be no more pain why for the former things have passed away and he who sat on the throne said behold i make all things new and he said unto me right for these words are true and faithful thank god for the faithfulness of his word god's great reset you see god's people today should be going through a spiritual paradigm shift in their lives what do i mean by that ask me yes okay i'll answer the question here it is what do you mean i'll tell you we should be examining our hearts in such a way that we are saying father search me say it together with me search me don't let anything in me keep me out of the kingdom what is there about your life that you want to hold on to so badly that is more valuable and of more importance than being in the presence of our eternal god what could there be what could there be in your inventory that has elevated yourself to the place of importance that has put god to the third and fourth shelf below what is there we should be going through a spiritual paradigm shift in our own lives where we read the bible because we must until we read it because we want to because some people have not developed bible reading habits read it because you must and one day you'll read it because you have to and let me tell you like those of us when we plan for our sabbatical taping we enjoy our sabbath taping what we discovered at our sabbath school taping is even though the lesson writer the constructor of the lessons put as much as he or she can or they can we discover there's so much more in scripture that only when you dive into the bible do you realize there is no drama like drama in the bible come on my sabbatical panel can i get an amen there is no drama like drop there's stuff in the bible that'll make you blush you want crime that's in there you want violence is in there whatever you want men try to get as close as they can but god reveals the true condition of humanity so that he can show us by his grace that one day we can reflect the true nature of divinity one day we can be like god and sit at that table and sit at that table so god's got a great reset how many of you want to be a part of that reset so let me tell you what god's reset is three very quick points and i'm gonna invite the pianist to come up i wanna invite the praise team to come up you see god's great reset like man's great reset has three main categories that are focused on in the paradigm of god's divinity see god's kingdom will have an unshakable economy not based on trading and buying and selling but based [Music] on the stable unshakable i'm trying to find words god's economy will reveal to us what we have never seen i have no doubt that god has building material because even those that don't know or declare god says that there are billions of galaxies so god must have some building material he spake and it was done he commanded and it's the fast in god's unshakeable economy everybody is going to be satisfied secondly god's government will be resilient it will be equitable and it will be sustainable because the bible says in him we live and move and have our being we're going to get to heaven and when we walk through i envisioned this sometimes i see myself walking up to the pearly gates i see myself walking through the gates looking to the left and to the right donna i see myself see myself in flight sometimes i imagine myself in flight do you know one day's my brethren we're going to be in flight and and and and we're going to be in flight and we're going to see we're going to hear our our king jesus [Music] call out through space and time lift up your heads or ye gates and be lifted up the everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in and it will echo and go echo through the limitless space and and then the message will come back who is the king of glory and jesus will say the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty in battle and behind him in his trail of righteousness the millions that have lived for christ the faithful that have stood for jesus they're going to be people from russia that are going to be there and from ukraine and from japan and from china and from rwanda they're going to be people from brazil that are going to be there in australia and new guinean and tahiti and the cook islands they're going to be people from samoa that's going to be there from guam they're going to be all there every size every nationality delighted the lightest europeans to the darkest africans they can all be there by the grace of god can you say amen a resilient equitable sustainable economy and in god's sinless universe there will be no artificial intelligence because we're all going to be like jesus to god be the glory to god be the glory that's why my last quotation is so important to me i remember trying to read this on subsequent panel a few years ago i got choked up as i was reading it great controversy 1888 edition page 678 i can't wait till this phrase becomes our reality the great controversy is ended sin and sinners are no more the entire universe is clean one pulse of harmony and gladness beats through the vast creation from him who created all flow life and light and gladness throughout the realms of illimitable space from the minutest adam to the greatest world all things animate and inanimate in their unshadowed beauty and perfect joy declare that together god is love it's time to keep our eyes on the light ahead of us i got to tell you a story as i close a few weeks ago my wife and i took a special journey down to greenville tennessee you know the sad reality we lost don yost and we went there to deliver his vehicle to his sister and so we had to rent a car to come back and on the way back home shelly quinn called us when we were in nashville we stopped to eat she said i'm just calling you i'm calling my children i just want to make sure that you're going to get home before the storm hits i said what storm she said they're going to be high winds heavy rain possibly tornadic weather as long as you get home before the storm hits you'll be okay i said we're we're we got a few more hours ahead of us we've got a lot of time behind us and i said honey i'm good we're going to eat i'll take it from nashville i'll take us home we got home that evening we were so tired after the 499 miles of driving we said let's leave early in the morning because we had to turn right around and go to the airport the next morning to go to california where i was performing a baptism so that morning meant she had to drive the car we rented and i had to drive one of our vehicles i said i'll drive the truck and as soon as we pulled out from our driveway the rains came now you may have been fast asleep but i want to tell you it's been many years since i saw rain like that it came down in buckets 2 a.m we left that house that rain we stopped on angel lane just to make sure everything was adjusted in the car for angie and as soon as we hit 34 on our way to benton you could hardly see it was coming down like like the heavens were angry the rain blowing the vehicle mine because i was higher up was kind of moving to the left and right and angie said you know when you're driving behind a truck and you're in a car it's just giving you an extra car wash so for you could hardly see i said just just keep your eyes on my lights finally made it to benton took a little breather then we got on 57 at a time of the night where all the trucks were out and the rain decided to intensify and it was coming down in buckets well every time we go to the airport my wife and i are in the same vehicle but we had this renter car to take back so i said honey you you drive the car it's brand new 2022 it's a pasadena's front wheel drive it's in great condition i trust it i'll drive the older truck you follow me but just keep your eyes on my lights [Music] trailer trucks were just trailer trucks were making it challenging for me to even see the road and the lines on 57 are hard to see on a non-rainy day and to turn on the headlights would make the rain even worse there were times i couldn't see the lines but i but i i called my wife on her phone and i had my headsets on i said honey let's pray father carry us through this weather she said john this is i'm scared i said honey i'd love to be in that car with you just imagine i'm sitting with you in that car but keep your eyes on my lights and there were times i said now we got to pass this truck because if not there are three more coming down on us we got to get ahead of this big big truck to get some relief so here we are passing and i know that she's being bathed and i could hear the sounds of fear he said honey keep your eyes on the lights for the first time in my married life i was worried about my wife but i couldn't do it for her she had to do it herself you know brother there's a storm ahead of us that god wants to do it for us but the only thing he's saying to us is keep your eyes on the lights we got to 57 we got to mount vernon after knuckle crunching intensity my shoulders were so tense that i had to shake my arms out to touch the steering wheels again and my wife says my hands are hurting me i'm holding this we got the mount vernon only to get some street lights and then we hit hit again on 64 torrential rains i want to tell you you know we made it but i want to tell you we didn't make it easily i know that when i get to heaven the first conversation my angel and i going to have is do you remember 57 i was in that car with your wife i was holding that we didn't slip once we didn't hydroplane we didn't lose traction we didn't almost hit anything let me tell you something my brothers and sisters this is the hour where the reigns of trial and persecution and tests are going to come down in sheets but i'm telling you today keep your eyes on the lights because god's got our god's got us we're in his hands he will carry us through the very next day when we got to california as as we were sitting on the plane i put her head on my shoulder said honey i'm so glad you're here because i thought i might have lost you last night she said i trusted you and your voice kept me calm and we talked all the way from thompsonville to the saint louis airport we never got off the phone she said just hearing your voice kept me calm and i did what you told me i kept my eyes on the lights she said i want to tell you john there are moments i couldn't see anything but your lights but you said to me you will keep the vehicle straight and i followed your lights my brothers and sisters god's got a light he wants us to keep following can you say amen see i want us to stand and sing this closing song because we're going to go through some rain we're going to go through some storms but when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be when we all see jesus we will sing and shout the victory let's sing this together come on [Music] sing his mercy and his grace in the mansions bright and blessed he'll prepare [Music] [Applause] [Music] when we [Music] together [Music] that's right but when traveling days [Music] what a day of rejoicing that will be when we [Music] [Music] trusting serving every day just one glimpse of him in glory will the souls of life how when we all [Music] [Music] let [Music] soon his beauty will be [Music] when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will bed will be when we all see jesus [Music] amen somebody we're gonna make it we're gonna make it there's some storms coming my brothers and sisters keep your eyes on the light god will carry us through father thank you for reminding us it's going to get tough before we get to our destination they're going to be nights when we cannot see our way but we're going to keep our eyes on the light they're going to be torrential rains of sadness and difficulty and challenges in our hearts they're going to be sins that challenge us and things in our attitudes that cause us to shudder and to faint in our hearts but lord jesus thank you for reminding us keep our eyes on the light when sin is done and heartache has been permanently fired but there's no more death than no more sadness no more suffering when disease is no longer a concern and we're sitting at that great welcome table what a day of rejoicing that's going to be and you told us the former things will not be remembered and they will not come to mind so father help us to truly examine our hearts and lives that that in this day and age of uncertainty and instability of every kind we could remember your word we could trust your word we know the wars will come but when they're all done we will see you face to face take us from this place lord may this message stay in our hearts and minds may it remind us that men are but men but you are god and we need not be concerned to the point of fear we pray for our brothers and sisters in ukraine and in russia we pray for our leaders to have cool hearts we pray for somehow diplomacy to triumph over what could be but whatever the case father we're going to keep our eyes on the lights send us from this place but never from thy presence for we ask it all in the worthy and holy name of jesus and all of god's people said amen and amen you
Channel: Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
Views: 56,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8FPkLw6fIeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 50sec (4610 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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