2 easy ways to make decals in Blender | 3D Blender Tutorial

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so how you can make decals in a blender like this though I have this one and I have this one with little damage like this so I'm going to show you the two method first I'm going to hide mine here and this one so first what you need to do is you need to add an image as a plane so first go in edit preferences and in add-ons search for image in import images as a planes and get this and then when you do shift a image you will have images as a plane and this one image as decal this is the add-on that I'm going to show you in the second part so images as planes you get your image I'm going to get this one and import image now you have your image here and g x I'm going to move it here to put my decal here and you need to get the image and wrap it around this so what you need to do is get the modifier shrink wrap and shrink wrap this is going to get your image and project the shape onto another object get this and then Target want to wrap on the cup so click on the cap and now you see is on but it is not um we don't see the image and the image is a little deformed here like this so we can um offset this but you see still it is not wrapping around because we don't have enough geometry on the plane to bend so you need to subdivide the plane first so go in edit model do a to select everything right click and you can do subdivide then here in the little window number of cuts you can put more like a 10 and even you can add the subdivision modifier subdivision surface modifier and you see now this is a round and if you don't want it to round it um here you click on simple and you can get the subdivision before the shrink wrap so it's subdivide and then it is wrapping around this you can also do right click shade smooth so your image is smooth now you go in material properties and the offset you can put it back at zero and it is like this so put it a little little bit like 0.0 one what is it like this even you can put it at like this you just need to see the image and you see here it is a little deformed so here in Arab method I'm going to change it at a Target normal project and now dislike this and you can move your image if you want you can s scale it and if you scale it like this you see you're doing like this because I am on um cursor here so put in individual origin or medium point like this like this and you have your decal here now the second method is with the add-on to import it directly your image as a decal and the add-on is going directly to put a subdivision a a shrink wrap and also you can add um little damages scratches on your image so the addon is import as a decal here I'm going to put the link in the description and if you want more add-ons more website where you can download textures download hdrs download characters download sound effects lots of things I have a list with more than 60 websites so you have the link in the description in the description to access the list so important decal you get this add-on and then you'll have to put it in blender so go in edit go in preferences and then you do install put the zip file and you enable the import as a decal this one then to import SD card first you need to click on the objects you want the decal to be on so I want the decal to be on the cap so I click on the cap then I do shifted a and you have a image as decal you get this and now I'm going to get another image for example this one and all of these images I got the pack from another person it is the Sci-Fi decal pack from Sanctus so I will also put the link in the description if you want this so you have a lot of decals here a lot of that image that you can put so I'm going to get this one and then import as decal and now you see is wrapping directly so you need two first I'm going to disable this and this and you see in the modifier this image directly you have the subdivision and you have the shrink wrap here so I'm going to disable it now just to move my image so it's going to be easier so I can go on top with number seven I can go back in solid I can do um r move it like this put it here and then here you can put and 3D cursor here to Pivot Point and then R is going to move it if you have of course your cursor at the center here of your object you can do if you don't have the cursor at the center of the object you want the decal to be you can do right click first you put the origin to the geometry and then you click on your objective shift s and you put the cursor tooth selected and you cursor will directly B at the origin of your object so now you can get your image r z it's going to rotate here with the Pivot Point cursor so R then like this I'm going to put it just right next to the other one and then I can put back the modifiers subdivision and shrink wrap and now it is directly wrapping here I can go in material preview like this and then to add scratch you I'm going to close this you need to go in the materials and here in the materials you have a lot of things now on my other one on my first one I only have the basic materials like this though in my first one I can of course change the roughness okay for example like point one the roughness like this I can change everything and on this one with the import SD column you can add a worn amount you can add scratches here I'm going to change this to more and you see now we have damages here you can put on the other side too at the minus I'm going to put like for example like this and you can change the scale of the the scratches of the worn amount for example I want small ones I'm going to put like this one amount I can put a little less I can put a little contrast like this then Edge can change and on the edges you will have this effect here you can add little scratches here now you see the scratches here and you can play with everything and see the effect and now you have your decal on your object so if you want the list of all the resources I use for blender you can get my 3D resources you have the link in the description and I will see you in another video bye
Channel: Nicholas
Views: 13,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, blender, blender 3d, 3d blender, blender tutorial, blender tutorial for beginners, blender modeling, blender animation, blender 3D, learn blender 3D, 3D tutorial, learn 3D modeling, how to use blender, blender beginner tutorial, 3D, easy blender tutorial, 3D modeling, 3D animation, decals blender, stickers blender, make decals, make stickers, blender decals, decal texturing blender, blender decal, make stickers in blender, decal texturing, decal addon blender
Id: VDbgY9bM7ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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