1v1 Game Dev Challenge!

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this is Alex rack my American Arch Enemy he's challenged me to the ultimate unity Game Dev Face-Off where we each get 24 hours to make a game and the winner gets this exclusive print out of this Minion art [Music] and in the end only you the viewers can decide who wins [Music] hello hello my name is magnetism okay have fun up Oh by twist hope you have a good one aye hi Gilbert okay so the challenge just started we got our theme and it's magnetism so I have to think of an idea really quick and see what we can come up with so the first thing that I thought of was a car game unfortunately I wasted three hours on this car game and I think I realized it wasn't really a good idea so I think I just wasted three hours um this isn't really coming out as well as I thought it would be the game was coming along okay I just didn't know what to do with it so let's go back to what I know and we can start on a new FPS but before we start that let's hand it over to Alex what's up everyone I'm Alex rak2 and I'm the developer of Havoc a multiplayer FPS inspired by Valor csgo and Rainbow Six you can wishlist it on Steam and check out my channel it has the structural physics and more game modes so I only have 24 hours I don't really want any idea to be big I'm thinking maybe like an arena game mode where the player has like magnetic arms like a grab metal fragment and throw them at enemies I'm thinking maybe a couple enemies on the arena and to win you have to knock them all off but they could also do the same to you to lose since I don't have time to waste I'm just gonna create the project now I'm going to call it magnetic Rumble because I feel like that's a good name for my Arena based game and then the first thing I'm gonna do is probably create a player and for the players I was kind of thinking like a robotics fear so for now I'm just gonna put a normal sphere um because I'm not gonna go in and make art yet when I don't have that much time now I'm able to make that player movement script I wanted to go more of like a physics based controller so I'm going to be using rigid body for mine another idea I can mess around with is maybe like magnets around my bed so if you get too close it pushes you back like I also put like Lava Pits on the floor so if you do get pushback there is that chance you could fall on that lava pit all right for the new project I think we're gonna go something like vampire survivors where we have an upgrade system but just make it an FPS hopefully I can get some ideas while I'm working on this and it should come out okay so I'm just gonna start on the player movement [Music] so movement is working pretty good and feels alright nothing special but I don't think that'll be too important all right we got shooting in pretty quickly here all I did was spawn a moving sphere out from my camera still gotta make the projectiles do stuff but that will come eventually just working on the enemy model and I found a really quick way to plagiarize this model I found on sketchfab so that's cool I guess I don't have to model one myself [Music] um I put them in with an animation and some color and he almost looks like some sort of metal man or something so I think I got a good idea with this I'm just going to start with his AI which is going to be super super simple [Music] and now he chases me [Music] at this point I'm probably thinking I should get some artwork done especially starting with the metal fragments I can make a couple metal props and kind of just put them together for the play I really don't know what I want kind of just freestyling I'm pretty sure like arms on each side of them but it's pretty cool and that's where the metal fragments would be pulled from oh all right it's been about three hours now and I think I got the player mostly done it doesn't look the best but it does the job and I got both its armed to do what I needed them to do to grab and throw metal fragments to actually get that working I'm going to Lazy route I'm going to make a mesh here that's basically the cone and what's inside it is what gets pulled or thrown there's definitely a better way to do this I probably could have made like a script that actually has its own field of view of a values but I'm very lazy and we don't have that much time right now I got it working so it grabs three at a time and it throws it using rigid body and just by adding Force to it basically and as working condition it works but it doesn't really look all that great so I decided to make some animations for it um one when you're pulling it basically so the arms will move back and kind of have like a little jiggle at the end and then one where the arms shoot forward and also have a little jiggle at the end to kind of give it some realism and I think it looks pretty good all right okay so I just did the shooting animation I think it looks okay visually I'm just going for okay I think but I'm hoping in the end gameplay is what molds the game together just got chat GPT to make me a magnet script and it actually works pretty good I'll have to tweak it in the future but that's definitely a Big Time Saver and for now I think it's gonna work just fine probably about time to start working on this gun model thank you [Music] okay so Unity didn't crash this time so that's good but we still don't really have a nice looking weapon not sure I can come up with a good model here in such a small amount of time but that's okay we'll fix it later hopefully for now I'm just going to work on the laptop model that's going to be in charge of our upgrades and I'm gonna head it back over to Alex it's the next thing now so it's probably time to start tackling the level the worst part for me of any project has to be doing level design or any big modeling I could do little models low poly I'm pretty good at but when it comes to full level design I can't stand it for the level already I was kind of thinking like a floating Arena and it's basically inside a cave where the floor is lava so once you're pushed off the arena you are out of the game and it would be pretty cool if you had like change holding up there Arena to give it like a I would say more like immersiveness so once you are pushed off you're not coming back up I mean you're gonna fall off an arena and the outcome of the level I'm honestly pretty impressed with um I mean it's not the best obviously it was done in like an hour I didn't have that much time I found a Shader online for the lava added some particles and post-processing and this is what we got the next task I had to tackle was the AI instead of you know like giving it its own brain and actually making it smart I ended up just putting waypoints around the map and had to go to each of them using nav mesh that was definitely the quickest option I had and it worked perfectly fine now that I got movement done the next thing I had to get done was the magnetic arms I also wanted them to be able to grab and throw the metal fragments obviously so you're not the only one being able to do it and it's an actual game since I got most of the main parts of the game done I wanted to focus on polishing it and adding some effects so I decided to make some Sparks when you get hit by the metal fragments and some smoke when you throw the metal fragments and it kind of hits the floor I feel like that would be pretty cool at this point I decided to make a main menu because I only had like one hour left and I wanted to add tips so you can at least know how to play the game all right so it's literally been five hours since I last recorded an update and I've done Lots I sort of fixed the gun model I got the magnet to work a little bit better and instead of making a mini map because that would take time I just put this Serious Sam noise on the enemies [Music] you can sort of tell where they are now I was gonna do metal fragments that pop out of the enemies but instead I decided to just chop them into metal body chunks with blender's fracture tool I think the body parts mixed with the magnet tool look and feel oddly satisfying and for the most part everything works pretty well and I can also deposit the body parts into this bottomless Death Pit and that'll give you cash I think I'll have just enough time to finish I just really hope I don't forget anything my next steps are to start and complete the upgrade system I need to add a few more sound effects and I need to quickly make a health system and I think that's it [Music] me and Alex had about another hour of development and the timer was up so we've both submitted our games and they are now ready for boating so the link for that is in the description you are encouraged to try them out and vote for the game you think is best we've invited some other developers to try them as well so if you don't have the chance hopefully this will help with your vote first up we have carbon another YouTuber and currently developing an FPS called Rift what's up guys it's carbon here your favorite element and today we're going to be playing magnetic Rumble sees the rules here to win the game you must knock all enemies off the arena right click grabs metal left click throws metal wow this okay so this is really cool I have no idea what's going on I just okay from what I understand in the rules I have to grab magnets like this and then I just throw them oh okay so I gotta I guess I gotta hit these guys off hey that guy I want to see the explosion it's very intense I like that sound effect I'm guessing the more I pick up the stronger the push is that it oh okay so if I pick up all of these little these little little little little can't English and little things but I'm gonna be the I just want to see what happens when I win I just gotta genuinely try watch this guy look at him I think I won I win I can still what happens if I die after I win did Alex patch this I lost I got a gun I can shoot the gun and you got Mr uh what's he looking at is he looking at the floor why is he so fast am I taking damage get off my face so believe it or not Gilbert had to explain the game to me because I tried playing it a while ago and it didn't actually make sense but I know that what you're supposed to do is brutally dismember these poor orange civilians steal their body parts roll them up into a big ball of body parts and then return them back to the freezer in the basement these guys are scary all right how do I okay there we go uh damage speed jump height magnet distance metal multiplier of course I want a metal multiplier I want to be metallic this game is going to give me nightmares okay so what do we got here we got an arm I only want legs can you give me your legs please oh my God I wonder what they're screaming about did I do something to them I'm being nice I'm not murdering anyone but this gun is it's a toy gun really it's a Nerf gun I mean if you look at the bullet side look at this little Nerf bullets they're not dying either they're just kind of bullet velocity bullet damage 100 um okay went inside of my laptop it's rude that's right follow me up 10 out of 10 100 amazing game uh we'll play again it was a very fun game I'm definitely gonna play it again I love this game so much next up we have twist another developer in our community that is currently working to bring us a new devlog about his latest game Jam hello I'm twist both games are amazing for being made in just one day and the only issues I could find is Gilbert's game having 100 second minutes on the timer and Alex's game being made by Alex some features like settings were missing but it makes sense since they're both made on time crunch both games are surprisingly fun and I really liked how both the games are well balanced Alex's game would be more fun if it was a multiplayer on based party game and Gilbert's game would be more fun if it had a map of buildings and possibly terrain however those are just suggestions for if they wanted to continue their game's development and finally we have Rock Bug Redfern the developer of red match 2. okay this is minion magnets I don't know who made this for the shooting one any bugs well I guess putting the controls on screen would be a good idea Parts can I pick them up how do I pick these up though oh oh okay when you right click the guns Barrel like flips I swear I'm supposed to be able to buy this stuff surely oh my God and one thing was it's a little difficult to move the body parts around with a magnet if like looking around too fast then it just flings the magnetic pieces everywhere feel dumb oh that is satisfying though what the heck also not being able to buy back Health was kind of unfortunate because at the end I had a lot of money but I couldn't heal myself in any way so I was kind of just screwed if they touched me once your health no way to heal yeah Okay jump height look at some movement speed what is metal multiplier how much currency I get oh damn oh my God I mean I don't know if I'm even killable at this point I really liked the Audio I thought the audio design was really cool to like blinking of the metal bits when they hit the other robots and the explosion when they found the lava was sick oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what the hell is that I get more once don't you comparing the games I think that the robot one had a more solid game Loop just felt better in general just to be able to restart and just hop into another game and have like a goal in mind the one with a gun there wasn't really a set goal it was just like go until you die I guess this one has a main menu I mean what can you do there we go awesome dude was that really 151 seconds or just the timer just not restart there we go yeah the timer doesn't restart when you reset the level pretty cool though I feel like it was a little too easy but maybe making the AI a little more difficult there's only so much you can do in 24 hours so you know yeah that's my feedback for the robot one but I like them both a lot cool games awesome work for like 24 hours so yeah so there you have it thank you for being in the video guys I'll be posting the results in my Discord and YouTube Community soon I also went back and added a lot to my project and linked a separate itch page so you can try it out as well just make sure you try after you've finished voting with the 24 hour version thanks so much for watching it's been great sharing this experience with you guys so thanks for being part of my channel and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Gilbert
Views: 293,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game dev, Make games, Unity, Challenge, Competition, devlog, gilbert
Id: x7js1DhgEi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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