Every Item is CABBAGE PATCH (Revelations)

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what is up everybody my name is Hudson welcome back remember last time when I came up with an idea for every item as X we're gonna do that today start as Isaac remove the d6 every item is Cabbage Patch now what the hell is Cabbage Patch Cabbage Patch is an item that allows me to dig up on the name immediate hang on hang on hang on allows me to dig up one Cabbage Patch Kid per room that fights for me kind of like my own little Dingle guy it looks like cabbage or we could just die before we get there I tested this and they do in fact stack so each additional Cabbage Patch that we get will give us one additional cabbage kid per room that I can dig up so it does take some work I got a garden got to get my hands dirty Joker card do I want to give up health this black cat heart from the fire helps a lot with that if I was gonna give up health but honestly probably angel rooms would be best here because not only will I get free items but I will also be able to bomb the statue if I'm feeling spicy to get another free item so maybe I'll just save my Joker for when I've got like a really high angel chance maybe but I say my own Dingle I know my own tips there's no like guarantee that we'll get angel runs though so and we might just end up passing by devil roams potential extra cabbages just trying to get to the angel but at the same time we're not getting health upgrades every item is Cabbage Patch there's no health app - that would really be nice elf I could find my fricking Idol room so I could start stacking up the cabbage happens to me every [ __ ] time oh good it was the other just one run oi in the other direction and now we're gonna have any rooms to build up cabbage sweet here we go give item Cabbage Patch but the special every item is X mod doesn't work with modded without with other mods so that's fine I'll just do it manually Seagram's could be useful here hey our first cabbage buddy you're way too happy for what's about to happen to you just feel like top secret room kinda yeah - cabbage dude we're rolling their army into spikes good fight me boss I'm so ready monstro for a third cabbage bro get in there you guys go deep look at then go they sacrifice themselves for the greater good at least that's what I tell them and you're dead more cabbage please would definitely would take cabbage over that first four - cabbage let's go here's the dilemma do the glacier floor and get stomped in the dick or do the normal floors have a good time rack up so much more cabbage I want to do the normal floor honestly you guys get off my back will do more glacier later this isn't specifically about the the glacier floor this this mod showcase this every item is X this is about the cabbage okay let's think about the damn cabbage oh my god a blow up my tinted rock for me I just absolutely am in love to Peru me guys let's get that next item room our three four room again I'm go destroy the voice I wanted to get to the point where our Cabbage Patch are born faster than they died because right now they're dying pretty quick for our great cause though like they're doing a good job you know I can't really see what I'm doing or where I'm going that's gonna also become a problem I think oh my god they explode when they come in that's just great item room it's almost worth going into the shop just to get more cabbage I'd also like to buy I'll you're gonna pull up the machine yeah I didn't ask you to do that though but you know what they gave me the money to buy so hard so we're good let's go fam wait don't walk into the spikes guys guys guys guys guys guys easy easy easy easy easy I don't want you all dying to this bike seat you're immune right tell me you're immune thank God thank the cabbage Lords dude I've got so many let's I want to save on those guys hold on don't die so quickly I need you for the boss fight it's important important you guys do your best to stay alive right now blows up pots for me wonderful another poop oh my god a black heart from a fire and a poop dude this Cabbage Patch challenge probably one of my best ideas I am ready captain let's go get some bootay I got a purple one the best give me a Krampus fight please you got ah time did it take it but I don't want to take it good story right angel rooms make way more sense damn it we don't get an angel room next next room I'm in bed I'm gonna be pretty mad about it let's keep it rolling I'm so glad I get to take them with me honestly probably good at handle the glacier at this point in time but let me way too much fun I hope there's no spawn limit for these dudes because I need more in my life these guys can jump over gaps it could it get better can this get any better I don't think so move one of these over top so it blows it up it just got better Alice's like why are you yelling why are you yelling why did you just scream and hurt my ears I mean the best is bully you're being the bestest boy buddy you're being so calm relaxed who's like I'm not [ __ ] calm anymore let's lie that much you know what I'm getting you a treat bestest boys get chicken jerky if you throw that [ __ ] back up you're eating it again wait wait oh I was gonna take that item I was literally gonna take the item and I was like oh my god I'm like so happy to have that I am cuz then I'm gonna like almost guaranteed get an angel rum like we could make it happen but all items are Cabbage Patch you know still not even disappointed you can try to bring me down it's not gonna work it's not gonna work this is already out of hand this is already way out of hand what you got me Cabbage Patch don't mind if I do so I feel splicing up for curse rooms yeah no spiders damn it this isn't even like a little bit okay like this is not okay how do I still get hit and then I got [ __ ] mushrooms guys another vegetable brother wasn't the roll just like any happy vegetables second steak what are all these post familiar update fails what's happening literally breaking the game rise up cabbage brethren [Music] well I can't do that [Music] how the [ __ ] did he tell what ain't dying today ain't going down like this hold your ground hold your ground cabbage of the earth of my garden my brothers I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me a day may come when the courage of cabbage fails when we forsake our friends and so no seeds of friendship but it is not this day an hour of manure and shattered bones when the age of cabbage comes crashing down but it is what this day this day we fight by all that you hold dear on this Good Earth I bid you stand cabbage of my garden goddammit [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 382,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack, revelations, cabbage
Id: U93pGcKrlSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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