1994 Week 4 Dolphins at Vikings

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okay the Dolphins are forced free we didn't mention earlier ranked last in the NFL against the pass that's directly related to injuries Troy Vincent will be out again this week also gene Atkins the free safety will miss the game this week but good news to white Hollyer the starting middle linebacker is in uniform however Brian Cox will get the start in the middle once again this week that's a story from here at the Metrodome now let's go back to our Hollywood studios and James Brown JB Shaw four teams remain unbeaten in the NFL and Dan Marino's dolphins are one of them today there in the Metrodome to take on the Vikings warren moon leads the purple gang which exploded last week in Chicago today he'll try to take advantage of the banged up IME defense hello everyone I'm Greg Gumbel along with Ahmad Rashad and Mike Ditka who last week criticized Buddy Ryan's Arizona Cardinals as both unimaginative and vanilla on offense he also added in Miami is three and OH Minnesota's two and one and for the latest we go to Charlie Jones and Randy cross gentlemen Greg is you know defense wins championships in Miami is very proud of the fact that they are number one against the rush in the national football they bring it up off and all they want to talk about is the fact what a great start they're off against the run but you know Warren Moon brought up pretty fast the fact that they're ranked 28th against the pass and he's gonna throw the ball deep against these guys now he hasn't gone deep will he capitalize in this ball game I think he really will he's got two new starters and a defensive backfield and a rookie in the nickel now's the time to get the ball long all right now let's move over to the other side to the Vikings I think they have the best tandem of defensive tackles in the National Football League I think you're right charlie they're not the biggest guys about six one and a half about 270 pounds but what they're good at is what's good against Dan Marino quick pressure in the middle that pressure right up the middle and they're gonna change their stunt so they can get a lot faster in the Marino's space today and it's a big play defense it really is Tony Dungy their defensive coordinator wants to make a big play he's got some defensive backs like Dwayne's Dewayne Washington their rookie touched down on interception last week they read the quarterback well they'll get a pick at least two today it so be a good one Greg all right Charlie Randy thank you Charlie and Randy talked about those defensive tackles of the Vikings clearly the big mission for the offensive line of the Dolphins today is to keep them away from Dan Marino there's no question about it if the Dolphins defensive line can handle those guys then they're gonna have a good day if they can't they're gonna have a hard day but let me show you what happens in there you see a double-team on Randall here and then Thomas makes the spin move and gets out this is against the Bears last week but watch how many guys get to that quarterback in half way yeah the double-team on Randall is great but look at it one two three right on the quarterback right in his face now if this happens to Marino today he's gonna have a hard time being effective against that football team and those Vikings as quick as they were on that grass last week they'll be twice as quick on that astroturf up for Minnesota okay Mike we know about Miami's high-powered offense Ahmad has the other side of the story who sat in this chair with the hat on and pick Vikings last week I'm just gonna go out on a limb and guess you did thank you the Vikings scored just one offensive touchdown in the first two games but last week Warren Moon and his teammates piled up nearly 500 yards and 42 points against the Bears meanwhile Moon's old team the Houston Oilers are struggling without him and bickering about it I spoke to moon earlier this week hello everybody I'm Charlie Jones along with Randy cross and we have today strength glowing against strength it's really going to be fascinating we'll start with the offense of Miami well Dan Marino's off to probably the best start he's had since he's been with the Miami Dolphins and he's got something going for him right now he's never really had that's a running game if Dan Marino's dream of getting back to the Super Bowl is to be realized he has got to have a thousand yard rusher now the defense of the Minnesota Vikings may be the best defense the entire defense in the National Football League led by a tandem of tackles that are outstanding when you talk about John Randle you talk about Henry Thomas very quick very physical defensive tackles look for Miami to go at those smaller middle of the night of the Minnesota Vikings defense and Warren Moon just becomes more and more comfortable with this offense of the Vikings every Sunday well Warren Moon emphasizes he's got to have Terry Allen running the ball good because this is an intermediary kind of a passing game they throw 10 15 yards down the field they got to run it and Brian Cox is the linebacker playing out of position of middle linebacker look for this deep offensive line of the Vikings to make him feel like he's out of position JB Brown what a pressure on JD [Applause] the loan returning starter from last year feel the tension here in the Metrodome the Vikings won the toss they will be receiving country is smile is the deep back Scotty Graham and Terry out of the up bags peach story on events will kick it away for the Miami Dolphins and here is Qadri Israel [Applause] both these teams Charlie have had a real problem turning fall over earlier on special teams or their first couple possessions [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he will lead the offense of the Minnesota Vikings and there is an offensive line look at number 73 the rookie Todd stew see the number one draft choice they are very pleased [Applause] Warren Moon of course as I mentioned every week getting more and more familiar we talked often Charlie Terry Owens got to run the ball it's kind of pricey like two tight ends with Warren Moon it is speed for the Vikings by [Applause] warned back to throw a little swing right [Applause] he's got six it will be second down and four that is a good sign for Miami as he makes the tackle here is the Miami front seven and again Brian Cox is inside as been linebacker and RB briefers the rookie is outside in the secondary look at that left cornerback Darryl Malone number 47 he is the fourth left cornerback in four ballgames to start for Miami Sean Hill then comes in when they go to the second [Applause] blonds are looking from Mississippi the number one draft choice for the dolphin the Vikings think they have a real edge up front with their offensive line going against this number one-ranked rush defense but watch it a whiff a no-hitter look at bones the rookie he just gets right through in the left side he that's the one thing this running game can't afford for Minnesota they get beyond of the talent that can avoid in the backfield material preg busy checks under that defensive set for my [Applause] it's the first sack of the ball game Tom Oliver dotty the Miami defensive coordinator made the point we've got to get in warren moon's face warren moon will put the ball where it doesn't belong if you can get pressure and watch the pressure just come slowly it's not a quick pressure he looks and looks great coverage downfield by the defensive back of the Dolphins and bones more with more or less gets his coverage set the ball back at the 22 so Mike Saxon is in to kick it away for the Vikings Oh J McDuffie his return man for me if pressure gets it away and he sails this one take it at the 24-yard [Applause] so my excellent field position on the plant returned Charles Evans with the tackle and Dan Marino will leave the office for Miami that offensive line their job protect Dan Marino backs and receivers Marino has a cold it's been bothering him for the last three or four days and Terry Kirby knows his job is to set up for good third downs for Dan Marino running the ball but Dan Marino is the best nickel quarterback there is in football right now brings in OJ McDuffie Wilson [Applause] I'm led by vinci gland [Applause] speaking of the defense for the Vikings [Applause] John Randle and number 93 97 those are the takos and the secondary they aren't going to be tested by marina they will mainly because of their you through Dwayne Washington on one corner and when they go to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tell by his a any vested one thing I really love about dan Marino is how demonstrative this guy is he yells at his receivers he apologized to his receivers goodbye good faith he had him the whole way a little big game jitters by Marino I think just just over through a little too pumped up I'd say I mentioned earlier there is nobody in the league right now better than Dan Marino on third down [Applause] well doing washing is learned real fast here in Minnesota if you want to fit in here you take chances and you attack that ball when it gets in the air great job of closing on that pass so it's going to be fourth down and ten the Vikings they were stuffed offensively and the Dolphins they were stuffed offensive work Jim Arnold will be kicking - David Palmer the rookie from Alabama [Applause] and he gets a good one away sixteen six guides on the return Shawn Hill with attack oh no score will be back in a moment on the phone with the assistant goshen well he's a quarterback right now that knows what he's facing in a defensive line that is after him and Dungy showed early the defensive coordinator for Minnesota he's not afraid to blitz Dan Marino twice in the first three players and he also will remember he missed a man like enthusiasm Lisa too excited well minutes ago first quarterly [Applause] second he's to the 40 [Applause] watch what Terry Allen death he attacks in this way and watched the blocking that goes on up front everyone's left the other way and Terry Allen cuts back and now it's just very poor tackling a defensive position by the Dolphins and not bad for a guy coming back from two major knee surgeries he can still scoot down the field he just can't do much once he gets started he scoots for the Vikings loggers season [Applause] [Music] forward to the 36 he's going to pick up three it'll be second down and seven as Brian Cox makes you're Terry Allen in this Miami offensive line has got to be looking at this number one rated so far defense against the run the Miami Dolphins sorted with a great anticipation they knew as a defense that's seen a lot of passing and they have not seen a physical offensive line like these Vikings that's not down [Applause] [Music] check-in danjela [Applause] for an update let's go to New York all right Charlie and Indianapolis the Cleveland Browns are on the board in a big way Vinny Testaverde to Erick Metcalfe 57 yards and a touchdown on the third play of the game with the extra point the Browns lead the Colts 7 nothing but the Colts are threatening Charlie all right Thank You Gregg here we have no score just over 10 and a half to go in the first the big plate area [Applause] down the sideline and inside the 13 yard line it'll pick up the first down a gainer 14 on the play that was just a case of Theriot and soon he's pretty stuffed inside and bouncing it and the best block he gets on this play is not so much from the rookie Andrew Andrews at tight end at Jordan watch card up cut right there great block by Chris Carter watches right now in the slot number 80 Chris Carter down the field gets the cut block right there that's one thing their way upside here in Minnesota get into the defensive backs legs don't chicken fight up high Robert red comes in rush 460 yards is Adrienne so a gain of seven on the play it's going to be second down and three at the five Hadrian Cooper's are tied in that comes into this game with a bit of an attitude you know he also is from Oklahoma much like Keith Jackson is from Oklahoma and he feels underappreciated he sat behind Erick green in Pittsburgh really said I didn't get my shot Warren Moon would love to get this guy plenty of shots to use that physical nature in that side against the defensive backs of my [Applause] Robert yeah there's the remaining back [Applause] there was a cross in motion [Applause] it was Jack Reed that he was looking for a flag he didn't get it was there a pic well he was he was working against JB Brown JB Brown was completely blocking his path inside to the ball I think there to get him for a pass interference here you saw where that was a great timing throw by Warren Moon unfortunate the timing was disrupted by the defensive back [Applause] holding number 37 defense penalize half the distance to the goal first down now working from the five-yard line contact contact more contact that's five yards down the field but that's really inhibiting the receivers progress to get inside he's got the right to get down in there so spats evolved just outside the [Applause] in short yardage and now you see a kind of a hookup and you have the feeling that that Carter and singleton we're looking for somebody to come break it up well the best cure for a guard in the backfield stuff the guys up front so he's got nowhere to run that's exactly what the defense does not only Terry Allen but ran him again was down fouls into the back and you can't give Randall McDaniel the room to get going he absolutely splatters linebackers when he hits him that he's got that four or five yards it is the same offensive set McDaniel [Applause] it is going to be third down and goal ago Jeff cross was there to cover it that is bringing the head coach of the Vikings well both these offenses Miami Minnesota that a real problem their first couple couple of possessions they've got down deep and they've made mistakes I think what Warren Moon has to do here just go right into a throwing type thing you're not going to sell much of a play-action fake get the ball to Chris power [Applause] [Music] watch Chris Carter in motion a little fake job they're working against Malone he started coming one way ran back the other way and Malone just could not recover watch Carter pure speed this is what Jerry Rice does at San Francisco he just says I'll go in motion I'll run to that flag and I can get there before your defensive back those nice throw by one [Applause] Minnesota rose on tap by a score of 7-2 another 84 yard drive eight plays cap for the touchdown pass to Chris Carter the all-new 1995 eclipse from Mitsubishi the new thinking in automobiles by Zima a unique alcohol beverage by MCI the company that brings you proof positive and by Burger King value every day have it your way back to the Metrodome 7:43 to go in the first Vikings up 7-nothing oj MacGuffin Mike [Applause] the cut comes back in zag good return after about the 33 joining us on the telecast is John dr. e let's join him doc thank you thank you Charlie you mentioned earlier about Dan Marino and his cold he's been sick for the last few days and I talked him before the game I said Dan how you feeling and he said I feel a little sick but I feel okay but you could hear the congestion in it in his in his voice and in his and his head so I think he was more concerned about the artificial turf I saw him before the game checking the turf checking his Achilles tendon to see if it was all right so keep an eye on Moreno [Applause] he has a couple of years to the 35 it's going to be second down and a one thing though great athletes over the years I found out that when they have a bit of a cold or when they don't always feel that good they can have an outstanding performance well the last thing you want to do is watch Dan Marino when he's not over the ball over the center and judge his physical ability by that he limps off the field he looks kind of slow it looks like he's back if this guy is fired up and gets higher than almost any other quarterback he controls his emotions but he's a pump of quarterback check in an ad flip back [Applause] Henry Thomas got it well Henry Thomas lines up in that defensive tackle and that's specifically to get penetration you see how hard it is to stop [Applause] holding number 65 offense [Music] we talked about the defensive tackles watch 97 traumas how fast he gets off the ball bang Dallenbach the center is got absolutely no chance to get him it has to literally tackle him to try to keep Papa Kirby tackleberry is the story it was discovered but is designed to force double-team charlie we know from the shotgun he kinda stumbles out [Applause] was putting the pressure on Moreno it is three and out for Miami well Tony Dungy the defensive coordinator for the Vikings said something major eyes bright rouse jump a little Charlie those dances I want to make Dan Marino on the Miami Dolphins throw and one of the reasons he wants him to throw Tony Dungy wants that defensive line to get after Marino good job of moving around by Marino but the receivers have got to adjust back to the quarterback when Marino gets flushed forth good time okay [Applause] The Keg Vikings have the ball and the lead seven other as Marino scrambled on that last play on third down watch the ball go right through the arms and be trapped on the ground right there [Music] Ingram has it looks it flew to him threw it onto the ground that was a tough call from the back been a clear call from the front Vikings lead 7:19 first down 34 yard he showed trips on the left side here [Applause] simply not there dumps it away for an update now let's go to New York and gray all right Charlie and Indianapolis again Jim Harbaugh's 41 yard run setup this Marshall Faulk touchdown the Colts had just four rushing touchdowns all last year they have five already this year that was false forth it's a seven seven tie at Indy Charlie and Randy and Greg it here's Minnesota seven Miami nothing the Vikings facing second and ten at the 34 yard line and he wait for that moment [Applause] against the secondary of the has to fight his way back the scrimmage that is his seventh carry and he is still stuck at 60 yards rushing as Marco Colt makes the tackle remember what we said Terry Allen is a momentum runner he's got to get the momentum going for the speed gets going and he gets dangerous you don't want Terry Allen if you're the Vikings stopping going in the backfield that means penetration and that means watch er [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] that should be enough for the first down John Kadri Ismail danced all over that marker outside receiver is mal just pushes off and comes right back to the marker watch the feet very aware where he is what we have to work out the end here is watch the way the feet come down right where that orange marker is good job he's the speed and hands that down the field danger I think Charlie for horn moon first down 44 yard line and here's Robert Smith [Applause] yeah it'll be second down and nine it's kind of interesting that the Minnesota Vikings have to sort of kept pounding and they they try to scream and they haven't really set up the fact that anybody's coming after him one guy that's gonna come after the running back every chance he gets wherever they have Brian Cox playing Brian Cox is gonna come after that running back when he sees he has the ball [Applause] check in at nine [Applause] fake to the Reavers [Applause] if it stands it's the first down at the 42 yard line [Applause] Jake Reed pulls it in that is his 16th reception on the year good for 13 yards again if it holds it's a defensive call they'll take the play [Applause] holding number 91 defense penalties decline first down Frost that is that beg to differ not real excited about that but what he got called for was calling it holding on Adrien Cooper the tight end who was trying to release down the field and he had a little helmet had a little Jersey had a little pad had a little everything a Cooper trying to go away from him first down for teaching rankings leading seven I think second law my fate [Applause] is just picking that secondary apart boy he is and he's got a receiver in Jake Reed that people forget this guy's actually bigger than Herrmann more people talk about how big Herrmann maras from Detroit and what a physical receiver is Dennis green points out real fast that is what Jake Reed needs he needs to play with more that physical attitude by Herman Moore who needs to 6:3 217 this drug [Applause] the troll [Applause] star for the finger tips of Avery and Cooper day-o by Aubrey Bevers it'll be second down as we come back to the 25 what's the very end he's completely stretched down and watch Michael Stewart right here come right through oh that can't feel good and you know Cooper wants to think about the fact that he wants to be the big playmaker he wants to be the man a safety short helping his stomach like that can take your taste for big plays out [Applause] the right guy got an early job but hired after he was in a hurry if you were 65 331 you'd start a little literally - prior to this half we've got both starred on number 75 offense five-yard penalty repeat second down well yeah that's all a gravity think Charlie because once 331 pounds starts going over that right foot and he's pulling there are no air brakes the best bus in somewhere in the world don't have the air brakes to stop that's though you can say he caught a flyer [Applause] he always like to see that of a dear offensive line early just that aggressive nature beauty sighs this offensive line good protection [Applause] it is the third down back in this offense of the Vikings today they like him because of his quickness and they like him on this artificial surface they really did it probably the biggest game and please ever had as a professional was in this Stadium on this field when he was with the San Francisco 49ers they were missing Ricky Watters and all amply did list him come into the game was basically no practice and not very much playing time and gained over 100 yards against Dennis Green Dennis Green remembered that when he became available [Applause] tax with the tackle now here's an example of a wide receiver playing like a big wide receiver because it takes a big man to stretch out your body and go after these balls when they get in here this is danger territory you know there's a safety you know there's contact coming he lays out and gets it that shows me he's getting some of that attitude Danny wants in him he comes back and keeps his feet under him 11:4 86 yards and the first and goal ago and [Applause] that was just a case there Terri's Alan would not be denied he should have been down about the two yard line on two operated knees [Applause] Minnesota 14 Miami all coaches and great quarterbacks and best-case scenario and worst-case scenario best case for Dan Marino to run the ball be ahead worst case scenario geared down 14 nothing and that lines Terry Allen's going from 8 gauge at Vikings up 14 and I think Laura Baines kicking up my where the deep backs are on the return and it's a low skimmer that's going to bounce along [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's go back to the touchdown watch what happens here what sets us up the combination block between Chris Hinton and Jordan watched the lane it's going to set up just outside that combination block Crosse gets hooked Jordan does a great job Miami doesn't tackle you know trouble rolls downhill and when your defensive line coach the head coach asks you what's the deal why aren't you stopping them do what happens then you find the defensive line responsible and yeah what's the deal guys you can't [Applause] touchdown first two possessions three an hour [Applause] Moreno now all four four and he's going to give Mark Ingram a little comment I think Ingram was the one that had the lowball earlier it's in it's bobbled it's out never had position let's watch it from the other angle what you want to see is both hands on the ball No the dolphin shotgun three it'll be third down and seven this is the position who don't want to be in the Metrodome one of the loudest stadiums in the league and the defensive line you could bet you'll be able to see the saliva dripping out of his mouth coming after Dan Marino we talked about strength against strength Miami's our against the Viking defense the Vikings much stronger now of the two in that matchup you they'll blood in the water with the sharks the sharks are smelling the blood [Applause] the minnesota defensive in unison he fires flag is down it is cut for the first down if it stands up Keith Jackson pulls it in just across the 30-yard line a gain of 13 and it will be a first down first first down of the ballgame for the Dolphins as they convert on third and seven here's the call there is no flag on the play is only the play completed pass first down [Applause] we would show green giving a little bit of Jeff price theory where were you line up there and they go outside they don't hook you not about you to come back and that's the wrong never come back to anyway I played it I played against this guy in 1977 on a Monday night game severe introduction to the Pittsburgh defense [Applause] the cherry just a couple of yards maybe three on the play you saw Joe Greene tell us the story of how that all came about for Tony Dungy who was also on that 1978 Steeler team with Joe Greene says that you let whole defense everybody claims credit for it they say well I was the guy that did it no I was the guy that did it Joe Greene accidentally got into it they stopped their offense so well in practice [Music] now we'll save them for the playoffs and it worked like a charm and we'll be back in a moment detective Porter Vikings m14 another Joe Greene mode the member the 78 Steelers Joe green they're number 75 Tony Dungy the offensive coordinator for the Minnesota Vikings has carried a lot of those attack attack and when in doubt attack philosophies of blood Parsons mozole Pittsburgh Steeler team play-action fake Marino [Applause] at the 23 43 yards catch of the year and what Dan Marino does we talk about the attacking he's got Dewayne Washington the rookie at the corner in man-to-man fryer turns them around but Washington never turns around for the ball has no idea what a athletic move by Irving fryer over the top watch how he just leaps Washington never has a chance and that's just one of those things you make a highlight film for a rookie and say [Applause] fake that he drills it that's Mark Ingram again you talked about Moreno being kind of a fiery quarterback have no doubt Dan Marino will point that out did Keith Byars get a hand on it he was the first receiver and look for a mode he might have just touched it as he went by Gooden tell when pump-fake didn't get what he was looking for went back inside right there yeah right through the hands yeah hires a double dry hands of him think of all heat on that [Applause] to keep his feet inbounds and pull it in the way in Washington had the coverage it'll be third down and 10 back in the 23 but Dan Marino and fryer have found something they like and that's Blaine Washington number 20 out there they're gonna keep going after this kid until Dungey and the defense can adjust a little bit and make them go the other way he's the rookie the number one draft choice for the Vikings he had that interception against the Bears his first interception last Sunday [Applause] going after Washington every right to they've got to make that test against a young guy like that so it will be fourth down in ten and the kicking team comes in that is a serious-looking quarter bag you saw that scowl on joe green space I mean that's scary too an offensive lineman that scowl on a quarterback space was putting the pressure on race Donovan and he pulls it he misses left he hooks at score remains Vikings 14 Miami nother [Applause] one thing dan Marino has to be emphasizing to his receivers there is guys you're pressing a little bit and stay with us this afternoon for the second half of the doubleheader on NBC most of you to see that matchup in Los Angeles it should be a good one San Diego against Raiders Jeff Hostetler he is back in San Diego undefeated he's back in Wade Phillips and the Denver Broncos will test you at that game he had in fact the Vikings take over the 31-yard line that is this line where the moon just doing surgery on the defense of Miami well more moon right now 10 of 12 and he's hit six different receivers so far he's doing what this offense does best it runs the ball and when it runs the ball it creates a lane not only outside but inside between the linebackers and the defensive backs look for him now to test that Lane inside over the middle [Applause] [Music] short of the first down market to the 40 it will be third down in one that was just a nice job by the Miami defensive line reacting and stuffing the run on that side that sets up a good opportunity for Warren Moon to use an Adrian cuckoo play-action shot to the tight end you know what Warren told us yesterday he said I'm learning he came out of that running shoot I'm now learning situation football again he's kind of for the first time you know in read and shoot [Music] [Applause] going to stab Terry Allen it'll be fourth down and the kicking team will come out led by Mike Saxon Jim Bowens makes this time and the thing to watch here you've got the big guy McDaniel again at fullback makes a little block there but you know nothing really happens he hit singleton but there's so much penetration no one can go anywhere for the Vikings to strong plays against the run back to back by that number one rated rushing defense and did you notice that Chuck clean vial and tackle he's starting to just a bit to try and slide through through the gap that opens up here's OJ McDuffie he is the return man and Saxon will kick it away and we have whistles here's the car delay of game offense five-yard penalty so it's going to be fourth down and six as it takes the ball back to the 35-yard line McDuffie goes back and takes it at the [Applause] [Music] 26 yards on the return of that 57-yard pie tailors sigh Tostitos brand restaurant style tortilla chips my compact look for the new presario computers for that small business you can call home and buy head and shoulders and head and shoulders 2 and 1/2 turn standard problems into great-looking hair welcome back to the Metrodome with the Minnesota Vikings they're having their way with the Miami Dolphins 14 to nothing moon Terry Allen and company moving the ball against the dolphin defense which is crippled in the secondary and one of the guys they really will need is Troy Vincent I talked him before the game his knee is still sore but he's expected back next week he tried it out and certainly to Dolphin corners need think impact coming all right Zach Miami comes out throwing it is Moreno going to Mark Ingram and this time he hangs on to it he's going to pick up about nine and a half yards it'll be second down in short Jack Del Rio immediately covers him for the Vikings here there well say what you want about the the defense of Miami their best defense at this point is going to be Dan Marino in this offense staying on the field he down for the Dolphins first down so far pathetic [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] at McDaniel number 58 is an unusual player for the Minnesota Vikings coming from the top of the screen I mean I say unusual cuz of his side everyone else is about 215 220 pounds McDaniel's outside linebacker 511 [Applause] he stepped up as he barely makes the first down the Marmot Greg's gets him we Griggs by the way the starting strong safety for Chad Scott and Dan Marino just called the decide the line that he likes the most most with Richmond Webb and key Sims at a bad time saying we got to keep this deep defensive backs off the field the best way that gets him first down and let's do it behind the guy to go to the Pro Bowl Vikings second quarter the birthday way [Music] and you may think it has stopped the play that is but underneath the pushing and shoving in the scratching and the grabbing is still going on the heck with the play I don't think the ball stop [Applause] doing a handstand is key Sims who we believe is the dolphin who has the football well two highly unusual things happened on that play one Dan Marino miss handling a ball like that into once the ball gets on the ground and is available to this Minnesota defense they usually get a hold of this thing and do it but you know Here Come a little fractured Flickr's here I got no dough and watch for Jeff Delon balk because he officially has the recovery at the 49 yard line he's been the world [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Westec we're here for Minnesota's been a guide since he was brought here that has made big plays strong defender and what he gets here is a little help from the newest law firm in town Harris and Harris here's del Rio he has an eye right on Moreno watch him concentrating and now see how big those eyes got one real foot up in the air the forwards right my keys died at the 47 yard line [Applause] one thing we haven't seen for more moon in this often so far as with a success so far of the running game in Terry that last play a play-action fake should get the inexperienced defensive backs of the Miami Dolphins to fight on second and three [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the reach of Jake JB brown victim I've had pretty good coverage on it very good car you know when something like this happens watch the the hand Friday in the pushing going on if they don't throw a flag on this it's great cover if they throw a flag you say only pushed a little bit but he's right there a little a little couple of fingers in the bicuspids in the concentration to bad Vikings with a balanced attack they have twelve plays they have [Applause] [Music] [Applause] octagon first down [Music] Chris anytime that he wants to or exactly we made the emphasis early about what a great third down Pastor Dan Marino was coming in here all warned moves doesn't just get first downs every time he tries it just outside the 40-yard line starting to appear scary with this Minnesota offense could do when they actually did it all together one says they haven't yet [Music] [Applause] marko Coleman as the second sack of the ballgame for the dolphin [Applause] this is something quarterback see in their minds eye is their worst possible scenario when you're unprotected tots to see gets thrown away by Marco Coleman and Warren Moon has absolutely no idea at least Ducey has the presence of mind a position to pick up that fumble once Coleman forces it as you look at : now remember that's to see who he just cast aside is six six three hundred and one of the planners for the Viking dinner and he bought his way out of the championship will tell you that story [Applause] and we'll have a timeout so we'll step aside the Vikings rough 14-nothing back in a moment to the Metrodome guys that Dan Marino's one of the great all-time quarterbacks for yards look at that 41,000 how about Warren Moon including his CFL days 55 yards passing now if you add up Moreno and Moon over their career and you divided by 5,280 you come together they have completed passes for over 55 miles that's from Times Square to Bridgeport Connecticut I thought you're gonna say to frequent flyer tickets first life anywhere in the world [Music] next week right here is Bodie that's the problem when you face a Chris Carter you you tend to think of them as the possession receiver you're worried about the fives in the ten and he gets you with a big one now the warren moon 200th career touchdown pass slices it but it is inside of the uprise and Minnesota now leaves Miami 21 to nothing we talked about that the problem with Carter it's not so much gee can he get it to him the guy never quits moons not even looking at him initially he's backside he has clearly gotten Malone beaten there and watched that moved you see that cutback I mean here's a guy that gets the RAF as being a guy that's going to beat you ten yards at a time he can go long and this guy can get you with the best fit of ever played Warren Moon has directed three touchdown drives in the book in the first 184 yards of Zeca 166 yards this 153 yards [Applause] you know one thing an inexperienced back and get in the problem with is he can sometimes lose track of a wide receiver especially when everybody's looking the other way check out what happens here on this last play watch Malone and watch him when he settles down looking the other way and watch [Applause] he takes off Chris exist and it was all set up the intersection of Jack Del Rio [Applause] the Dolphins came in here talking about running the ball talking about forcing the offense onto the Miami defense and what he's in the situation of now charlie is he has got to throw the ball and you don't want to do that against this defense Minnesota 21 with OJ McDuffie and my is the return man by McDuffie out to the 20 [Music] the comedies that the critics and the audiences loved wings and Frasier they have moved to Tuesday and p.m. Eastern 7 central Frasier at 9:00 Eastern 8:00 central this Tuesday on NBC so Miami is going to have to get back in the ball game very quickly or it could be over for them well if they try to get them back in the game very quickly Charlie I think they're going to give up another touchdown [Applause] [Music] spot the ball at the 20-yard line George going to be second down and 13 you mentioned just kind of in passing this is a very tough for a visiting team when they get behind what it's loud it's that's used to have equipment people leaders they rush the quarterback for Peters Canyon [Applause] Moreno attachment it'll be third down and 13 back at the 20 Irving fire went back to where they were earlier in the in this half going against the young guy wash and watch the position Washington works for right there he knows he's got the help inside coming coming inside for Michael Stewart and when he gets that he can spur off a little bit it's not [Music] [Applause] go to Mike William at the 35-yard line he picks up 15 a crucial third and 13 are they would have to care well first down was was Dan Marino's time he was shining all year come over in the first three games I should say coming in here look at those stats I mean that is unbelievable what he is right now is very strong what he's been today has brought that average and everything helps down Hyde Miami with the first down at their own 35-yard line the Vikings lead in the bar game [Music] [Applause] [Music] little shovel underneath aqui buyers as good for three maybe four yards and that's going to be all and that's the only kind of runs the dolphins I think are going to effectively even try to run will be the the shovels and the drawers and the deception type runs because they just cannot afford to do it this defensive line has always had the attitudes going after the quarterback right now they're going to go screaming for Dan Marino to tackle a running back it's Jack Del Rio the linebackers job to defend the way from the shotgun Dorf back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and that's Mark Ingram I'm not really sure at this point if this Miami offense is it is pressing as much as you know Don Shula seeing his offense kind of hyperventilate they're trying to make things happen a little bit of a frenetic pace you know settle down relax that'll be that'll be the key for these guys going to walk [Applause] as time goes deep and the pass is complete to friar as he goes airborne again pulls it down a gain of 17 and the first down Vint see Glenn wraps him up two things to watch for on this play we're going to see coming here watch the protection and watch how fast Murray don't get the ball how would you like to be a safety standing back there saying when's he going to throw it he did yes nor Vincey grants that we can have coverage and he still throws at each other but he does [Music] [Applause] pick up nine close to a first down it'll be second down and one Barker with the staff I like this so far for the Miami Dolphins it shows no panic watch the hole develop right here Keith Byars take that hand off and cut immediately back side barely avoiding John Randall but here's what the Dolphins have to do they have to take those deep breath that the paper a titania [Music] they gotta get him seven [Applause] [Music] and Kirby had 29 yard line a pickup of seven and the first end Daniel with the tackle for Minnesota to this drive quieting the crowd again the Vikings are up twenty one another [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very methodical page in summary [Applause] [Music] and actually will change from last year when they were like that they being the quarterback get outside of the tight end you go ahead and just dump it off and avoid the lock providing you get it to the line of scrimmage which we do watch the end of this being sort of a sort of a rhubarb between these two teams that the defensive line of the Vikings goes low at the quarterback and goes after quarterbacks me argument there look at Moreno he caught him right on that right on that right leg got him on a brace and [Applause] just kind of slow down with them I like what I saw there's absolutely nothing there it's going to be third down Robert Harris making the tackle Oh Charlie just to follow up that thing about going low on the quarterbacks Tony Dungy is a believer here in Minnesota that what you do is you teach your defensive lineman like Barker to go about wasteth I high when you're going into a quarterback don't go up high why don't you go up high because if your hand should accidentally hit a quarterback [Applause] it's just not good [Applause] [Music] forcing down well you mentioned with Ben see Glenn told us that Dan Marino unlike almost any other quarterback if he sees an opening that others won't throw it in to Dan Marino will throw it into and here's a great example though this is that going in there and mcribs makes them pay for it and begin to see a little bit of the fire and frustration of Dan Marino right here because he knows on the sideline that this pass if it was thrown anywhere near this receiver should bit about shin-hye so no one but his guy could get to it great body position by mcribs that's the key there Vikings take over at their own 25-yard line lately the two-minute mark time remaining for and the Vikings staying on the please normally a third-down badge today but now he's in them first down there's the two-minute warning we'll be back in just a moment Vikings up 21 to another [Applause] dan Marino just dialing 911 [Applause] box number he needs a little stomach help I'd say he's got the old gastric juices flowing a little bit over that interception he was watching a replay of it on the big screen and then you saw his reaction the second interception that he has served up to the Viking and I'm sure there's a man next to Bernie Kosar there number 19 the all-time leader for Uist interceptions thrown in his career to kind of say you know but I've done that a few times second down and five bike [Music] and it is saturated Jerry Alan I am Cox and company were all there for the dollar they didn't fool anybody why this much time left in the first half and a 21-nothing leave you're not looking [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the Vikings convert on third and five is a good bet you see the move by j-3 we talked about him being more aggressive here the kids are being smart catches watch him roll hey that's right I get out of bound his fifth reception 63 yard the ball at the 38-yard line so far for Jake really way to start worrying about Jack Reed it's the old yeah Chris Carter and moon to throw four-man rush pump fake [Applause] and I think he avoided a high forearm shiver it looked like the same guy that Lennox Lewis ran into the second round last night that loses heavyweight title the only difference is Chris Crowder comes from the top of the screen across the field watch him underneath we talked about the five ten yard passes watch the end what happens here Lennox Lewis walked into his punch whoa when Chris Carter almost ran into [Applause] has completed his last five swords first down [Applause] pursue [Applause] [Music] who says 38 year old guys slow down or don't have sprint you see them straight arm cocky new Cox's right they're kind of slammed a little arm into him as he got away so it'll be second down in Gen Warren catching his breath you know Cox came completely free watch him coming from the left side 51 right up the middle bye alright this should be a sack there's a straight arm whoo you know Cox's the guy loves getting fired up and a quarterback goon that to a linebacker you can hear about that [Applause] [Applause] well the key here is going to be who they caught pushing who if it stands 36 yards [Applause] they'll spot the ball at the 8 yard line first and go I caught the rookie Shawn Hill for pushing off at the end of that play against pauses so watch what happens when this ball is underthrown nice interfering on a defense on a cornerback [Music] [Applause] watch that right arm it was the right arm into the chest on David Palmer down the field remember the contact rule passed five yards you can't do it there's that push with the right arm into his chest first down go to go [Music] to Robert Smith and he is stopped at the line of scrimmage it'll be second down and goal to go and the Viking simply taking their time Minnesota with two timeouts remaining the Dolphins ham through and the ball of the ADI line I like Danny Green in this Minnesota offense if they're going to run right now in this situation is much better off with the speed a quick little trap wedding quitting [Applause] [Applause] yeah where are you meant to do that [Applause] [Music] to get lucky by a receiver that just went through everybody to get himself his third touchdown of the day [Applause] what do you get when proper planning meets desperation you get lucky you get lucky I mean if this is the NBA this is the jump ball the other guy never got off the ground the seller rushed down late now watch Tim Bowens now this is just up for grabs forget it you can't tell me you expect him to catch that and here's the guy Don Shula definitely expect this guy to come up with the ball oh man Troy Vincent they miss you the Vikings scoring 14 points off of the to Miami turnovers and Minnesota is up 28 to nothing with 24 seconds left in the first half McDuffie and williams rd [Applause] at the 50-yard line [Applause] as you know of course if it goes more than 5 yards it can be recovered by the kicking team but we have a flag here's Howard Rowe Vikings offsides what happens until the kickoff team you're gonna line it into the front gun outside on a kickin pain penalty declined first down be sure to stay with us at for halftime brought to you by Domino's Pizza the end of a live halftime report with Greg San Diego linebacker Junior say ah that's [Music] we'll go sideline Ingram he slips a tackle he goes out that will stop the puck at the 42 yard line and a look at the time outs remaining Miami would 3 the Vikings have 2 and we have 18 seconds left in the first half about 10 yards to get into realistic field goal range that no story on a has a strong leg but so far in 94 NFL kicker Zorro for 13 outside of 50 yards of better he has a career-long 59 they also hooked one already today yes he did he missed from 41 yards [Applause] it was a scream de servian Moreno he's backpedaling for his life as he was being chased by James Harris and here as you will recall is the player for the Vikings in preseason who was ejected for his second quarterback hit it was fine number 99 dif'rent five-yard penalty first down he was fined $7,500 the reason he got there is he got it early stalker he left before the ball well you're gonna see a lot of that in the second half of this Minnesota defensive line there just if an offensive lineman's forearm twitches an involuntary muscle motion those guys are going you know who loves his defensive line the most with defensive backs in the Minnesota Vikings the ball just outside the 36 yard line and if you need the yards in your Dan Marino here I think you go back over it in the cockpit fell 18 seconds thank you if you go back over at the rookie Washington number 20 over there get your fryer irving fire working on them get you down and field goal range we've got a field goal range on this play then you can take the shots into the end zone as pressure it is pulled in over the they have missed the first down he had it in any cutback Miami will take a timeout to stop the clock eight-second that first half well I don't care what people say about Dan Marino not being as quick or as fast watching feet those aren't happy feet those are smart feet cuz he knows if he doesn't move them the lines going to get him Kirby does a great job and turns a great job into almost a bad job almost loses that first down watch the feet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Baltimore met a Samba class in the United States we ask you about that will half half step in the slide step it looks almost as if he's back to 100% after the Achilles he said no way no way said 60 to 70 tops yeah you know any great player you just see he's got that little hitch in his get along and his gait as he watch and any great player always sort of underestimates his abilities and in his you know he says while I'm never I'm just not where I was you're never going to be where you were Dan you also happen to still be the bestest a one of the best if not the best quarterback from the loop and you saw him at right mrs. close-up because of the Achille sure he can have a little [Applause] Thunder Shotgun he goes in John has [Music] [Applause] for with two seconds left the first down what folks don't stick a fork in these Miami Dolphins yet they are not free if you got a leader on the field that's going to pump you up and get you going and you have faith you can come back from anything it's Dan Marino oj McDuffie middle of the screen that just momentum carry as it carries them in there and I don't know why the defensive back of the Minnesota Vikings were playing so soft all the way in it's one thing to use the end zone as your back boards another thing to be in there looking to see Bert get all the way down there for that back 6.20 Dungey of the Minnesota Vikings now has something to get on his defense and Don Shula and the dolphins have something to be very happy and positive about Miami wants to turn out two points an option I really I really think you have to go for two points in this situation what do you have to lose your momentum is definitely not beside the ball and for Dan Marino that is his 308 career touchdown pass as you know of course second in the NFL only to Fran Tarkenton that is updated dan Marino closes the gap on Francis goodnight in latter part of next season everybody says you know Dan Marino Warren Moon or quarterbacks that are both at that same point of their careers where there why are you gonna play it what are you gonna do well I'm taking it year-to-year and Dan knows I think last year he would add a heck of a shot of getting back to the Super Bowl if he hadn't been hurt this year he's very has a lot of faith in his running game a lot of faith in his defense [Applause] and slicing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and Kirby's hurt but you'll talk to Carlos Jenkins yesterday in it I didn't wonder whether the city was very enthusiastic sore knee enthusiastic or needed a rabies shot but he was ready 21 the job he does against Kirby as they've been Kirby back out whoa whoa don't watch that if when they really play that thing again but he stops right at about the one foot line watch Kirby he met chest-to-chest right here there is some strength from a 215 pound linebacker and then the reaction of Carlos Jenkins [Music] sound effects provided by black is staffed with two seconds [Music] the dolphin is still to kick-off to the Viking before the first half can come to an official clause Kirby an assistant to a jury and you saw that struggle between Kirby mr. Iturbi and Jenkins and that was all as a result of the strength of Jenkins working against Kirby and then the pile starts we're going to run this one more time look away if you don't want to see it this would happen on astroturf this happens on grass it's a function of physics and leverage and fulcrum points and legs are not supposed to bend like that [Music] well now put that one away in the archives and of course as soon as we come back to start the second half John decree on the sidelines that we will try and get an updated report on the condition of Jerry Kerby and we'll pass it on to you as soon as it is officially given to us [Music] but now with two seconds left so Jana vez to kickoff [Music] the deep back for the right Kadri I don't know which locker room I'd want to be in the least going to be in Miami she's going to be ripping in smoke after giving up 21 points with you oughta be in Minnesota's where Tony dungeon that defensive staff has been grown nuts after giving up a touchdown like that through the Dolphins that was a 49 yard drive in three plays that was Dan Marino he bounces it Lock starts as soon as the ball is touched in the field of play [Music] and that will take us to the end of the first half with the Vikings out in front 28 to say they whisper half time in New York City half time the Vikings leading the Dolphins by a score of 28 to 6 I'm Charlie Jones along with Randy cross and John doctor who's joining us on the sideline the first half you could say was moon over Miami Warren Moon completed 17 of 21 he threw for 215 yards in the first half including three touchdowns the surprising part really I mean I was anticipating Dan Marino be under pressure and there was a chance that he'd make mistakes he made two big mistakes those interceptions in the first half and they really took advantage of her from Minnesota that's the biggest difference to me this game is about gone like I expected it was just two mistakes by Marino it made the difference all right let's look at the official numbers as we take a look at the Coors Light halftime statistics and what you look at is the bottom there the opponent spot points off of turnovers and just imagine what Dan Marino stats would look like if he had not gotten those laughs you know 49 50 Hertz or so on the left or at the very end on that last Drive so this is a situation Dan Marino's faced with coming in here where it's one of those hook case show us show us that Hall of Fame - go down to John Dockery dock you know Charlie had a chance to talk to both coaches and of course Dennis green is really happy with what's happening he said we spread these dolphin defense out with three wide receivers from other formations and Warren Moon is making the right decision he's learning the offense better also said obviously the running game is working and that's making it quick Don Shula on the other side of the coin obviously not real happy he simply said hey we haven't made any plays in the play that he called the backbreaker in the first half with the catch by Carter down in the end zone I asked him how do you fix the walls from the first half he said hey we simply have to make some plays as far as Kirby's injury goes he's not out yet they're still examining him as soon as I have an update I'll get it to you all right good Thank You doc look he bring John dr. he brings up a good point with John Don Shula said this whole Miami Dolphins team has to be kind of like the cornerback you're always saying defensive backs have to have the shortest memories in the world they've got to come down with a case of amnesia come at her on this field right now first half what first half alright the Dolphins will have the first opportunity on offense here in the second half so Quadra Bay's will be kicking off [Applause] J McDuffie and Mike Williams Deepak's on the ridge [Applause] Miami trailing 28 to second [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we know as he comes out and his comparison with Warren Moon in the first half 9 of 20 143 one touchdown to interception they learn so loud not that very um moon couldn't have done any better is 505 because quarter [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in a very tough football player for the dominant hears there are some who say he is the toughest man on the team ain't you talk about that the patience necessary and Dan Marino has to move these guys down the field and not worry about the points involved here this he deigns smiled he's relax what they have to do fires must be involved josh'll must be involved insects Burnie [Applause] operates out of the shotgun second [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's going to pick up the first down that was good John doc room for a report on Terry Kirby Charlie you know I just got the report on 30 Kirby injured right before the half grunting back from the Dolphins and they said it's his right knee there is some damage they don't know how extensive but they are definitely sure that he will not be back today I'll keep you posted Joey vacuum all right thank you John anywhere the first [Music] he's going to pick up a three maybe four yards on the play interesting now the Vikings have what Miami in a situation that they've wanted them in and we were I was at least kind of stunned when we were told we want Miami to throw what they really do what they don't dentistry in the Vikings don't want to have happen as Dan Marino would be able to run the ball against their defense and throw when he wants to what they wanted to do is be able to run in [Applause] yards on the play first down at the Viking 40-yard line well I'd say so far that Miami case of amnesia is working pretty good they've got that first half out of their system and they're just going right at and taking it to the defense of the Minnesota Vikings am I the only one or do you notice a little bit of that that fire in that pen that was in that Minnesota defense right now isn't that there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he wanted to go deep to Irving fryer but he was covered and he just came Hamid to drop it off the buyers see Marino's got great passion staff and he's a war the greatest who's ever played this thing the bottom line for gaining weight and his dream to get into the Super Bowl he's gotta have a blessing he has never had a thousand yards rusted but one time he got to the Super Bowl the game at Stanford against the 49ers team I played on [Applause] something his shoulders are parallel to the line of scrimmage he doesn't turn he doesn't set the ball is about shoulder high and all of a sudden it is relief I mean he really has the quickest release in football watch his shoulders and watch the speed of this release watch them and turn right now they're almost parallel the line of scrimmage one of the things that defensive back reads are the shoulders and that infrastructure cost quarterbacks have before those McDuffie the intended receiver [Applause] in fourth maybe not wasting [Music] Thank You Joshua [Applause] it is Mark Ingram sitting at me [Applause] [Music] every step he day [Applause] is not a scrambler damn shuffler we talked about how good he was on third down let's count that one is a third down too situations where he needs a critical eight nine ten yards he gets it he knew his biggest fan is that guy right there Don Shula 22 yard line of the Vikings first down [Applause] Williams as he gets to maybe the two [Applause] they're down now on the two yard line mainly because of the fact that Dan Marino has got the poison Miami's offense has the fire and right now Minister is expecting this in his offensive playing against to be much more impressed with their defense than really is warranted by the way they're playing take [Applause] - finally it'll be second down gonna go the ball just outside the 2-yard line as mark higgs comes in he's been kind of the missing man in the backfield for the Dolphins last week in the ball game in the first half did not commit in the second half he was looking for the spire now with Jared Kirby injured it's up to Marquez leading rusher for the Dolphins [Applause] [Music] touchdown [Music] scores a touchdown and you know just grilled it I'd say no one else in this league throws that pass and nobody else's receivers in this league expected to be coming watch this you got to be joking me I mean it's it's a wonderful effort don't get me wrong but he puts this thing on a bullet Maga moat Lamarr mcgraves is right there he puts it inside a one-foot circle and now Don Shula seems to touchdown how long's this decision take go for two guys [Music] second time in the ballgame [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Joe the Dolphins have cut it in half they now trail 2814 being economical gas tank what you'll save by AT&T we help with your world within reach and by Domino's Pizza call Domino's now by a large to toffee crunchy thin crust pizza and will give you a medium pizza free outdoors that is the skyline of Minneapolis indoors here in the Metrodome the Miami Dolphins in the last four minutes and 39 seconds of the ballgame remember they scored with two seconds to go in the first half they have scored 14 points they're right back in the middle of it yeah this a situation is to see the numbers in that moment have changed from 911 to three four six now after the success of the offense and Dan Marino have had so far you see the scoring drive from from just a little while earlier and that what that was that was a statement sort of a Here I am in your face by Dan Marino to the defense that to be honest did not stand up to it at all Sophie's toriana Mitch will be kicking off for the Dolphins facing the sidelines Warren the Viking offense has not been on the field in the second half yet podría smile there is a deep background [Applause] [Music] [Applause] on the reverse for the marker at the 36 yard line 32 yards on the return if it does stand up [Applause] and the referee Howard row yet we'll go against the Vikings and remember it was a Viking first half he got every break in the world including that up for grabs touchdown pass Carter number 85 receiving team 10-yard penalty written over Celski the number-3 tied in will step aside for a moment we'll be back don't go away we've got a good one this is Charlie Jones along with Randy cross and John Dockery as we look down from the top of the Metrodome the Vikings at the Barbican 20 we cuddled it takes us backing ball transfer situation they could go deacon make a mistake very conscious and the open of second down and nine better sort of already yeah what ten minutes to go in the third they would be content with taking some of the time off the cloud well you know Warren Moon and Danny Green both know the strength of this offense is not you know the deep down the field we've already said that enough they don't do that very often the strength of this team is running the ball with Terry on [Applause] [Music] fifteen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Derro Malone was there and it's going to be third down today [Music] just look in the eyes look at Chris Carter's eyes look at the guys in the huddle for the Minnesota Vikings they seem to be suffering from the same thing that their defenses are just Frank Matt is fired up and springing and bouncing and going and you know that they [Music] at the end of the first half [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and he sits at around as he makes [Applause] [Music] with a huge conversion Tom Oliver dotty to Miami defensive coordinator knows what's happening what's happening is they're picking on the defensive backfield of the Miami Dolphins that's hurt and it's been suffering this time they're working on JB Brown the veteran Miss Brown does a good job now it is his Three Stooges invitation here at the end meanwhile he picked up 28 yards first down 44 yard line of Miami [Applause] bacon [Applause] and we'll step aside for a moment as we go to New York front update bread alright Charlie and we'll go to Indianapolis Roosevelt Potts three receptions for 55 yards on this Drive culminating with a 12 yard catch from Jim Harbaugh the extra point pulls the Colts even with the Cleveland Browns 1414 in the third Charlie Beck you Roosevelt Potts is a man yes he is he is a man that guy can bring it big [Applause] [Music] [Applause] after 34 yard line [Applause] watch on the backside the guy to watch right here is Todd Stussy he's going to pull on this counter he just does not quite get there fast enough random Magana pulls in front of him gets a nice block on Brian Cox but Stussy got all that 300 and some odd pounds working working working wide I'm pushing the guy he was supposed to block was inside and he talked about the air brakes I'm Bernard Daskal [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for about six months or so I guess you could say has been learning it one trick this old dog knows this is a familiar-looking pass for more moons days in the run-and-shoot good arm over by Jake Reed and warm mood just floats this thing up hoping that JB Brown doesn't react and look back and you know JB Barrett now seems to be the defensive back of choice for Moonies [Applause] viola town [Music] [Music] from 52 yards that makes NFL kickers now Oh 414 from 50 plus you got to get it low the danger when you get it low unfortunately the goal posts are a little too high 7:36 that is the time remaining in the third 28:14 Miami trailing now by 14 the Dolphins have the ball as they take over at the 42 yard line [Music] [Applause] that's all yeah it's all he needs [Music] well he did it the last time now that's a check in with an audio record from John you know Charlie Randy was just talking about the flatness of the viking defense and the offense before moon hit that big fast well but is interesting because defensive actor coach Richard Solomon went to each of his defensive backs he went to mcribs Washington and Glennon company and Scott and said hey let's get back in his let's get a little more interested let's get a little more excited so they weren't flat let's see what happens right now [Applause] the hands of Bernie Parmalee how many balls have gone off of the hands of receivers for the Dolphins five five drops so far by this so long to happen I don't know my bra and that's that's the fastest way you know John doctors just saying is the Minnesota Vikings need people to get fired up the quickest way to fire somebody up is a battle versus he's got [Applause] mcgaffey and the first Dan Marino was off target Matt Duffy had the bad lady pulled it in good reception it really is and it's another example remember we said he's not a scrambler at the shuffler watch him shuffle here feels a little pressure just kind of shuffles and moves his feet steps up a little what kind of a confidence confident feelings must it be to know you've got a damn room [Applause] to play [Applause] [Music] what's going away last three players defensively a little something has started to happen the defensive line is starting to get down into the legs right in front of Dan Marino's face watch number 99 James arrow they didn't get much penetration in the first half they didn't really have to that such good coverage those hair just didn't need to pull him down to sort of general principle he did nick is he time a little body language [Applause] [Music] baby shorter the first and second down in town and right now from a score standpoint as the Dolphins are in four down territory they were earlier they still are one more time I will watch watch Keith Byars shoulders and watch when he starts going up field the acceleration right there he's going first down all the way from there this is great this is a situation for Grandma [Applause] give you a chance to fight for the first [Applause] disillusionment of there's Jack Del Rio 55 we mentioned big plays at big times they bid a little on the fake and you can add any number to to the list of passes once Dan Marino sees that one he knows he shouldn't have thrown that one watch it again over the middle I've got my guy wrong guy and the Vikings got the ball back in watch two things watch Parmalee coming out of the backfield and watch this section of the field and see how many purple jerseys there are in that little circle by the 75th anniversary patch when reno thoses ball one two well there's four people in that area and unfortunately for Dan Marino three about purple jerseys aren't and the Vikings had the ball on the turnover at the 32 yard line first down Minnesota leaves 2814 [Music] [Applause] thirty-five you find the fish harder baby brown was there I'd be very careful I was a defensive back to the Minnesota I mean of the Miami Dolphins right now these little underneath passes you got to know that isn't just to get little Dinks and dunks the yardage that's Warren Moon and the receivers trying to set him up for something downfield and you saw Dan Marino in the towel that's a fresh [Applause] he spikes okay [Applause] it goes for the first down well the key thing here now Charlie will the Miami defense do what everybody hopes in Miami they do and everybody in Minnesota knows gonna happen Warren Moon is going to find Chris Carter on third down here if you find Chris Carter on your side of the field you've got to find a chance of somebody to double-team this thing [Applause] that he was going to Robert Smith [Applause] fourth down and five and Mike Saxon will kick it away for the Viking it's a great job by the Miami defense really making absolutely nothing out of a bad situation when Dan Marino threw that interception my Minnesota couldn't do a thing with it now it's up to Dan Marino in the offense they have a little bit of amnesia to pretend that last mistake didn't happen Oh J McDuffie is the return man three with the cake and has taken at the 23 the kick eleven yards on the return Lamarr McGregor was waiting for 20 McDuffie does what every special teams coach teaches his receivers to do get the ball see a crack take it upfield go to some opening whoops there is no opening that's sort of what a bug feels like when it gets under the grille of a semi black back you go [Music] the great shot by a guy's got plenty of playing time got himself in it interception earlier today and he's doing it all for Danny Green those special teams will defense [Music] as far as the dolphins are concerned there's plenty of time of 3:38 time remaining in the third and this time they've died from the 34 yard line [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to intercept and we have flag and finger point I think that follows automatically offensive lineman or top that right after they teach Amaya put those tight jerseys on prior to the snap we got a neutral zone infraction number 95 on our defense five-yard penalty [Applause] watch Thomas's in that position we were talking about the head comes up he's trying to taint time the snap that's just anticipation that's the defensive lineman not watching the ball and saying the thousand one thousand two he must be going the advantage from being in that position well the real advantage is you can see the ball better and shouldn't jump offside what it really does it forces couple teams inside between one of the guards in the center and sheepman Reno throws [Applause] and he cut off the round was about three yards in front of it first down and you talked about that release and nowhere is that release more critical than when Dan Marino sees this kind of an opening look at him push off Anthony Parker number 27 I mean you give a guy a 10-yard cushion to give him five ball in your back pedal yeah they're gonna be at you all day long [Applause] [Music] for a yard it'll be second down and nine [Music] most of the time the Vikings going with a four-man rush they blitz what half a dozen times max again maybe they blitz the first couple of possessions on Dan Marino [Applause] for the Vikings so credit that Dolphin offensive line they've given them good protection well there's two ways that usually happen one is when you just get clean beat and the second one is when the pocket collapses and here the pocket just collapses on Dan Marino Harris gets through there and the rarest of rarest things happen Robert Harris gets in on a sack for Dan Marino Dan Marino does not go down very often third to his room [Applause] the Viking [Applause] and it was Dewayne Washington who hurried back to cut him off as he tried to come down the near sideline Don Shula and Chad will go for it is fourth down well on that third down play the Minnesota Vikings defense did something a little bit different they dropped the defensive tackle Henry Thomas and covers and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] dan Marino is not too pumped right now is he and Danny Green knows his defense in his offensive just off that little bit they're bringing the Blitz they're trying to pressure Dan Marino and they know where they're going prior on Washington Marino getting pressure hangs it in the hallway does he ever take his eyes off prior at Don Shula ever take [Applause] first down chief Jackson the intended receiver second and ten you saw Dan marine and I'll turn around real quick and just point to the sideline feel like we're doing it we're coming back and what Schuler's reaction sees the completion what's over at Danica's okay yeah check it into em 25-yard line [Music] [Applause] where was Keith Jackson he Jackson was where Dameron defensive-back were so concerned with the wide receivers chief Jackson gets right behind everybody watch the coverage underneath there's Keith Jackson the bottom of screen in the slot everybody's moving up on the wide receivers mcgraves puts Jackson get right behind him that puts Dan Marino Charlie over 300 yards passing for his quarterback to do anything [Music] points for Miami that started with two seconds to go at the end of the now we have 40 seconds left in the third Dan Marino he takes the drink and he's ready to go again as soon as they need it okay the two people to watch here you gotta take a look look at Jackson look at my Griggs watch what happens when Marino sort of steps up and gives it a little pump fake the wide receiver stops the defensive back stop one catch Keith Jackson doesn't stop he kept running running that post corner route and he's wide open and we have 40 seconds remaining in the third [Music] today I don't know how much is actually being absorbed by Moreno right he gets his pumped in his up as any quarterback and right now his blood pressure is about 350 over 250 22:41 you mentioned over 300 yards three touchdowns the first 300 yard passer allowed and now 40 games against the Vikings and forcing exactly what you were talking about about 66 yards on the drive in seven plays both passing stats are actually been effective in jaunty rank the defensive line coach of the Viking knows those guys up front it's their job they're the ones that [Music] enough pressure they've sacked the bus but they haven't gotten in his face enough she's kicking off with kadriye smile the deep back on the range [Applause] [Music] during the action in this ball game this is the first half of the doubleheader on NBC look what's in store for you San Diego undefeated going against the Raiders Jeff Hostetler proving last week that he can lead the Raiders possibly to a playoff a very slow start New England Detroit some of you to see Houston Cincinnati and then Pittsburgh in Seattle for those of you in the Pittsburgh area miss Chandler that is a late bargain a three o'clock start on the west coast that is not a mistake you want to see little firepower that Raider charger game Jeff Hostetler has got that touch back deep and Stan Humphries is the league's number one rated quarterback [Music] the Miami Dolphins defense they are the ones who have stepped it up along with her offense in the second half and the Vikings still stay flat exactly the first half who was the Viking offense and the Viking defense that was getting up and you know given the high-fives and screaming and yelling the enthusiasm was coming from that from them in this crowd it was contagious right now both teams had a case of amnesia Miami's forgotten what happened in the first half and Warren Moon in the Vikings have just [Music] twenty-eight we sat the fourth quarter Vikings at the 28 yard line second and 10 [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jake Reed certainly asserting himself in this foggy learning to intimidate six 477 well you've heard the term alligator arms those arms just won't extend those arms extend on Jake Reed and the guy that threw that ball was just as tough as Jake Reed was because Warren Moon just gets pummeled here I mean it still amazes me how these great quarterbacks can never take their eyes off of a super-efficient [Applause] for an update all right Charlie at Indianapolis Vinny Testaverde the lowest rated quarterback coming in and the league has thrown his third touchdown pass of the day 65 yards this one clicks with Leroy hoard it's a 21-14 Browns lead attending Charlie [Applause] we come back to the Metrodome where are we 47 encounter damage [Music] [Applause] [Music] Chris Carter singleton with a fistful of Jersey baby brown there in the conversation that's my kid at the 49 but Charlie that puts a passing combination seven of eight so far what is that thats no viking i'm sorry i'm sorry thats no viking i begged it but the Viking was the old guy with the big [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Brian Cox was right there as if it was the intended receiver Brian Cox was offered Charlie that exact same kind of duck that Jack Del Rio was offered by Dan Marino look at this thing perfect just knocked it down Warren moons got to be thinking as soon as he throws his I better cover yes nobody dropped it or down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we have a flag back at the city we will check that out 46 yards of the kick is 17 yard return [Music] and that's a delay you notice of course the hats of the official another throwback weekend in the NFL the Vikings their uniform from 1961 that was their first year in existence you're looking now to the referee Howard row too many men on the field on a kicking team penalties Dakine first down [Applause] so Miami once a football will step aside we'll be back to the Metrodome in just a moment it's what you get at McDonald's today [Music] 12:35 time remaining in the baggage starting this weekend for teams to the NFL undefeated Miami they're coming in the boys three and on they trail Kansas City three and all they trail the land [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the giant three from the 24 Depot [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to keep taxes back and later for a second it gives up his weapon merely a flesh wound had worse and Dan Marino has found his key weapons he's found Keith Byars in the running game and he's found Hugh Jackson [Music] than anything else Dan Marino's working his magic again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the shuffle passed forward he never had possession and dad's helping the officials on that call too [Applause] I guess they disagree here yes now watch what happens here gives up now what that's a forward pass Henry Thomas wonderful job great penetration but as soon as that ball goes out or by his hands and it's the grind that's nothing more than an incomplete pass check it in town [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] third down they went back over on Parker's side look at this huge cushion Parker's still giving him the ball is just a taste bit late the tiger ball gets there to receiver they defenders have gotten there it's right [Applause] that was a gutty effort by buyers waiting on where they marked the ball it's a first down and Danny Green's got a no right at the end of the game Danny it's a train right now the trains got [Music] is where the ball [Applause] first down now we're with the tackle [Applause] I really think this Minnesota Vikings team thought it was going to be as easy it was in the preseason Tony Dungy and his defense dominated Dan Marino in the Dolphins it started out looking exactly the same but right now since we kicked the ball off it's been a complete mere [Applause] at the 10-yard line they went back at the rookie the way in Washington [Applause] oh they got done we told you at the beginning they're going after the corner they're going after the young guys [Applause] that's interference number 20 defense first down just watch I mean it's not real hard to figure this one out Washington's giving him just as big of a cushion but that forearm and the push into the back just came well before the ball got there one more time there's the farm there's the push look at it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice job by Parmalee getting this bowl around the corner and taking it in but watch the blocking involved against Tony Dunne G's defense Dungey and the defensive coaches have got to be at a loss now their team looks flat fires takes care of mcribs Parmalee takes care of the rest lot of standing around water watching and a lot of good stuff for the mighty dolphins and bad stuff for the Vikings right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we are tied at 28 we 10:34 Adri is by all the return man for the [Applause] 30 yard line dan Marino 28 unanswered points talk about comebacks one of the great ones the guy that is pumped up and as ready as he is right now he can probably throw evolve eighty yards in the air and throw it on a nickel he has seen 28 points disappear 15 points disappear before remember the Buffalo game [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Viking [Applause] not go down we talked about the shuffling and moving of Dan pocket warren moon a much more mobile quarterback that would get food that one is another little shuffle and a good job by Jay queen of staying winded pattern staying with this pass he doesn't know what's going on [Music] [Applause] play-action fake [Applause] [Music] comment coming out party topside Jake read push push push and then make your break I like this guy he's getting aggressive he's looking strong and he's playing his side [Applause] Danny Green says here's how you answer a problem good flex receptions and then you just exploit watch what happens between the guards on this play good job coordination between Randall McDaniel and Christie the center but our definitely the right guard and carry just being Tyrion once he gets me [Applause] [Music] it'll be second down we're moving on the 8 minute mark time remaining we are tied at 28 as the Vikings try to piece together a 70 yard touchdown drive to regain the lead you see the principles involved Marino moon schewe green at halftime things are looking ugly looking like a game with one side got to try to come back and the other side got a hold on [Music] [Applause] [Music] rather you talked about mark Higgs being kind of forgotten man in the running game for the Miami Dolphins Scottie Graham floated the same Terry Allen back to the knee injury Graham carried his team running wise at the end of last season but right there you talk about those heavyweight punches that was a straight right to the face [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 2:28 [Applause] back for the kickoff took off [Applause] and Don Shula have to have two special teams it's already happened once how can it happen again Levin is very shallow [Music] just drilled the ball now everything's fine up into this point looks like Miami's going to get it and the ball is taken away in the file [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just bounces around and here it's out now there it is right there you saw Griffin's come up there and just dive in at the end for that ball this is huge this puts Minnesota in Warren Moon in a wonderful position second in short you're throwing the ball [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know standing alone hoping for one more possibly two more opportunity he might need them both gram carry the change are going to come on number 31 with a Viking last year he was working for a pharmacy in Columbus Ohio and he got the call and he then came in to report to the Viking and like you said he this year but not in this bargain that is Scotty Brown of Ohio State number 31 for the Minnesota Vikings in there a delightful young guy who was brilliant no-nonsense running back he doesn't have the the wiggle and the speed and the ability to kind of squirt through holes by Terry Allen is he he's got more the ability to create holes and it's just what Warren Moon needs here for two reasons one to eat up to five two together and three is the possibility of another day Danny Green [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay two people you got to take your hat off that kickoff go by the Minnesota Vikings the ultimate decision is Garrett is Denny greens but Gary's honor who's the special teams goes you want to talk about it you know a few gut you can suggest that to a not to a head coach and when you suggest it he does it any works it works the head coach is pretty smart when you suggest it and it doesn't work guess who's fault [Applause] [Applause] [Music] all right charlie in Kansas City it is now a final Rams quarterback chris chandler in the first quarter connects with flipper anderson 72 yards in a touchdown threes and a house field goals and a defense did the rest the first time in 204 games of Joe Montana quarterback team has been shut out 16 nothing Rams the final Charlie [Applause] family here but it all started right there with Scottie Graham at the end of that play now the problem is [Applause] never see the first bag they're gonna catch the second guy a critical critical mistake and I tell you what if I'm Brian Cox you can pick on a better person than Chris Hinton you don't want to pick on Chris him [Applause] another stupid mistake giving up another 15 he's still right in the this one why he's lead at 3528 they have the ball now [Applause] how often have you seen the constant problem some players and some defenses have when they're thinking more fighting than football they're thinking being more aggressive and they are thinking getting in bad positions in front [Music] [Applause] now you're seeing an awful lot of the frustration of Miami Dolphins coming out [Applause] illegal block number 86 on the offense 10-yard penalty repeat first hand that's on Jake Reed [Applause] five minutes and nine seconds time remaining Kansas City losing their record now is three and one San Diego they are perfect three and OH they played later second half of the doubleheader Miami coming into this ballgame they were perfect three and oh they trail the Vikings record two and one they lost their first game they won two in a row this would give them three in a row [Applause] 17 [Applause] we haven't had a flag on every play now you see how easily he got the corner on that right side that tells me it's a holding call that means the linemen are FIFA our tight end got their hands outside I mean it just isn't that easy around the corner that and so two critical penalties against the Viking 78 offense the penalties on christen we saw him earlier little deal he had going with Brian Cox watch 78 pull blocking right there blocking on Babri beavers the rookie linebacker just grabbed by the sides of the shoulder pads and tugged him one too many times you get out there those boys oh yeah that's what their job is they watch that in the line of scrimmage in the ball [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the fastest car underneath the covers that's Andrew Jourdan the rookie tight in the other Italian besides Adrien Cooper when they go to the double tight in said his Cooper and Jordan and the clock moving now for 18 and Counting that is the time remaining here at the Metrodome Miami in Minnesota Miami undefeated coming into the ball game Minnesota's record was 2 & 1 Vikings jumped out in front by a score of 28 to nothing and then the Dolphins came back to tie at 28 28 in Scotty Graham scored for Minnesota 70 yard drive he scored from 3 yards out the Vikings took the lead 3528 they have it here and they have the football as Warren moon goes to the the afternoon Jake read what a game he is having [Applause] remember the cushions of Minnesota defense was given here's a pretty good cushion working right here Malone's giving them plenty of room on the outside now this is just want to hear because this ball is not exactly thrown right to him you know Warren Moon had a sort of guesstimate on this pass right here because he was getting such good pressure real late from Webster 79 came right into his face and Jake Reed went up and climbed it and got it his 9th reception 127 yards [Applause] underneath who's got a gram and the ball would be placed at the 20-yard line and again the officials separating players from the Dolphins in the Viking and probies is coming out and more importantly right here Vadra phase is set up in what looked like before his real long field goal range that they tried it and now it's pretty reasonable Quadra bayes's fourth quarter percentage seventy-six percent of his field goals in the fourth quarter the line of scrimmage the 20-yard line we have a timeout clock is stopped 3:41 that is the time remaining and don't forget the second half of the doubleheader here on NBC most of you to see that matchup in Los Angeles San Diego we mentioned undefeated the Raiders are coming back behind their quarterback Jeff Hostetler he he is coming on and he's a leader and he's the guy not only can lead a team by his arm but he'll lead a team by the nose he'll he'll grab them and take them with him but first things first we have to finish up here 341 that is the time left anybody that's thought Notre Dame Michigan and then Michigan Colorado yesterday knows that leads of ten or more a never safe until shows [Music] [Applause] for 38 38 yards 38 flies back early Jones Randy cross along with John Dockery who would have thought that was a minute to go in the first half it looked as the Vikings it was going to be a stroll in the park on a Sunday afternoon not me this has been incredible what a great job by Miami with a flat job by Minnesota's beginning in the second half now Miami's going the other way Minnesota's going the other way this is fabulous this is the way it is supposed to finish up Dan Marino should have to come into a game like this and win it because Warren moons played so well [Music] [Applause] 46 yards on the kickoff return by OJ McDuffy say what folks if you got something to do do it later these two teams are not done right now 326 left and OJ McDuffie all he's trying to do here is take this thing all the way back [Applause] the ball at the Viking 40 this is the best field and they never started just over the middle of the buyers and he should pick up the first down we needed ten of course he gets the lemon and the hurry up often and a marina going to his weapons going to buyers going to Jackson the curving fryer [Applause] [Music] for yards it will be first and goal there was a fly and the morning Julie yard-line that's against Minnesota it just keeps coming charlie dan Marino scrambled was getting pressure and then just saw that he cannot believe that coverage was dropped by Brian Davis like that he saw Pryor open watch Marino he knows what's happening he knows his guys there and that's unnecessary by Harris what in the body with the hands up that's Dan Marino [Applause] step after the ball has been released in the barley been relieved a long time [Music] and this is the worst thing the positive happened to Tony Dungy and his defense it they wanted to make them earn this the turn the bark of the 48 49 yard line quit playing fan foot play BAM now they're down there and they see Tony shaking his head he knows it's not supposed to be like this [Applause] [Music] Henry Thomas Dobson Henry Thomas coming from the backside looking like a defensive back or linebacker blitzing he's cutting that corner so tight washing 97 right side here screen he's a blur throws off the tackler [Applause] that's why a guy like that goes the cowboy - daddy threw that away HR looked like a receiver awkward and right over where he threw it Blackie stop - 20 [Applause] [Music] we made the playoffs first [Applause] there will be three more [Applause] working up top against the rookie the way in Washington fleet appointed himself well that kind of well that was me pure timing one two bang let it go when you let it go [Music] [Applause] watch the penetration in here working up front John Randle is going to get right in Dan Marino's face he's trying to go to Keith Jackson right in the middle of the end zone such quick pressure he can't get it off accurately they haven't done it a lot but a heck of a time to get the pressure from John Randle and a queen hit on Marino because he hit him right after he made the really not a quick enough elusive in the way fast enough those horrible he comes inside and Miami wants a timeout [Applause] 2:15 that is the time remaining in the volume Vikings up by Jam 3828 is a tough decision when you get to that situation you down by 10 you know you need to scores you go over the field go there and dry the touchdown later that of course is second guessing yeah absolutely not I really happen to think that's a situation you've got to be going for the touchdown because I think the offense of the Minnesota Vikings has the ability to take the clock away as they're gonna try to do here the big offensive line is going to try to put their big body a used Scottie Graham as kind of a battering ram now I really think you have to go for the touchdown there and you worry about the field goal at the home of the game where is Terry our he hasn't been in the last two or three sets there he is on the sidelines well this is the time of the game and you know Terry Allen knows if the Miami defense knows it and everybody on that offense on the field from Minnesota knows it they're gonna come off the ball and they expect warm moon to hand the ball to the running back and a running back Scotty Graham on whether to have two hands on that ball I don't care if it means I don't care if it means not getting that extra two yards don't put the ball on the ground [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a guideline and we'll take the cap down to the two-minute warning we have two minutes left in the game will step aside the Vikings have the ball and a ten-point lead the big defensive play of the game one-on-one Burt Widener and John Randall because he's a double-team on Henry Thomas backside we told you earlier it was finally a factor Randall clearly being wider [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the intended receiver have had it for a moment and then couldn't hang on it'll be fourth down [Applause] and it was just a high percentage dump it right down here just go for the quick first down it was a very nice job by Chris green who got the start today at free safety stripping that ball away from Jordan 1:56 that means a trike Saxon we I think you pressing this guy and try to get her stank on out of him [Applause] pretty good [Applause] only a nine-yard return you see 47 Miami has the ball in the 300 by 10 as Dan Marino will gather his troops one more time one thing you're really not sensing from but at Miami Dolphins at this point is any sense of desperation they're used to this they've been here before they know their quarterbacks been here before and Don shooter knows if anybody can tell this one out for him it is definitely dying Dan Marino underneath the coverage too down the sideline and he may pick up the first down looked as if he was going to be out at the 42 yard line and he gets to the 39 and he has the first day and a great veteran smart play by buyers catching this ball in a Merinos getting pressure they got him by the leg fires runs out there and more importantly gets a good block from OJ McDuffie he makes the block that enables him to get the first down and get out of back we mentioned earlier he's an excellent receiver [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here is at hurry above his thirty yards in his first down gonna go at the because this went away jared was he almost Leonard in the back room again dum saw outside just like the last time isn't got to be against Minnesota [Applause] now this enables the Miami Dolphins to to bring a Keith Jackson back into a game this is offside number 9900 defense [Applause] first time unabated or whatever he anticipated the snap he jumped offsides when he saw the center dollar box head come up and he jumped offsides and really that takes Miami up close enough now that put Keith Jackson back in the game and it becomes sort of a tight end all it's not just what you see [Applause] the Minnesota he didn't get in but he got out and he stops the clock it'll be second down Gold just inches away fires little shaken up on that play but what a great job of concentration and determination he gets hit now he's got his eye on that pylon got to break the plane didn't break the plane but Anthony Parker couldn't bring him down McDaniel barely did bring him down and [Applause] signals in that situation that's what he was glad to and that's just the coordination there between he and the receiver when he when he threw that ball the receiver was thinking in and damn threw it out fires comes back into the ballgame and you might be dinged you might be hurting a little bit [Music] [Applause] good flashdrive weather Miami's offense exactly what they wanted get the ball back and get it in the end zone faff fires just gets up there before anybody really from the Minnesota defense that any idea I think it has to do with in the defense of Miami did not appreciate that drive consumed only 43 seconds off of the clock I am be pulling within four they want to cut it to three [Music] [Applause] [Music] Vikings lead by three 3835 with one minute in four seconds level let's go back to that touchdown Myers does a nice job of just concentrating and bringing it right over what they do best and that's go right over the middle dump it in there and get that big 250 pounds over and break the plane there you go the out got the extra point we're going to go to the kick here I think they got onside kick it there's not really any choice you can't give the ball back to war and move and let him try to do something with it you got to kick the onside kick and the biggest place of the second half of a momentum standpoint have been from special teams they kickoff return from OJ McDuffie the on-site D not onside kick from Minnesota but that drill kick into the front line one timeout remaining the Vikings have three [Music] and the decision is now being made well this is what the special teams coach definitely earn their money that's my quest top of the Miami Dolphins their special teams coach who saw Gary's honor that's much teams go to the Minnesota Vikings earlier all those hours of drills remember the sign in the Viking locker room said the good hands team will win two ballgames and the good hands team is there between the 40 and the 50 yard line for the Vikings now this is just a function of how good Pete's toriana is at that double hit and then bang bounce and how they can timing good addition to that cover of football [Applause] there is set up specifically for it to take two quick little bounces and then jump up in the air to a jump ball situation to go 10 yards or be touched by a Viking it was off [Applause] in that case catch the ball and good things happen yes and now the Vikings need only to run 102 off of the clock now what didn't happen here it didn't go to bounces and it didn't quite have that real high jump that real high bounce I'm sure stay on a and the Dolphins wanted to see out of this kick the line of scrimmage the 44-yard line of Miami again they have one timeout remaining moon has to do is kneel down take the time out then he can run out the clock [Music] you couldn't ask for a better situation the way this ballgame came on I mean talk about getting here your blood pressure going and your heart rate going I'm sure Don Shula in the but and the Dolphins when they went in at halftime and Dan Marino after his first half didn't think realistically they thought we can make this a football game I don't know if they thought they could win and I don't think they thought they could but they made it more than a football game they gave it everything they had the problem was Minnesota dug deep deep deep and somehow came out of the funk they were in early the Dolphins using their last timeout Minnesota out in front 28 to nothing the Dolphins came back 28 unanswered points to tie [Music] and in Minnesota went up by 10 and now by three they lead 38:35 needing to run only 58 seconds off of the clock and the Vikings and the Dolphins would have identical three and one record you can what if this thing to death Charlie you know I talked about I agree that Don Shula should have gone for that touchdown then down there didn't need to kick the field goal sure if you look at it now that three points would have made this a tie ballgame I think in the context at that time he means the proper gambling and I just had a thought the way these two teams have played today and the way we expected to continue to play just meet again and I just have to go for the food as a child I'm sure Danny Green we talked about Joshua and Dan dan back to the Super Bowl [Applause] and with the kneel down we'll now with the crowd take the cap down to make it official the Minnesota Vikings defeat the Miami Dolphins by three the final score Vikings 38 Miami 35 a great ballgame [Music]
Channel: Maurence Shipley
Views: 11,465
Rating: 4.7664232 out of 5
Keywords: NFL, Miami Dolphins, Minnesota Vikings, 1994, Dan Marino
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 40sec (9820 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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