1994 Ford Ranger XLT 4x4 rescued from the junkyard

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well welcome back and uh look at this beautiful day right here it's gonna be a beautiful sunset today look how clear those skies are and of course you know since it's Sunset we have a new project to work on we gotta gets turned turned around here there we go and uh yeah let's uh head over to the to the new project and uh I know it's been a little bit since uh we had a new project so I figured it was time and uh this one came up and it was just it was a good deal so I took it uh it doesn't run at the moment uh it did run not that long ago so we don't have too much to do to it just a little bit of Team Green and uh excuse me it's cold today it's like 35 right now and uh it's been snowing off and on but like not enough to stick but like at night it's been getting to like 24. oh man it's been chilly around here this last week in fact when I towed this thing home uh there was a lot of snow coming down uh it wasn't sticking that night that night it was pretty warm but the snow was coming down mixed with rain and it was pretty fun as far as you know Towing hundreds of miles and the snow and rain can be but uh anyway uh we're gonna get over there in a second I don't know why I started way over there yep it's uh just just we're almost there don't worry you know I wanted the good shot over there it's from over here it doesn't look that nice as nice as it does over there yeah uh going into the shadow of the trees here yeah all right it's it's right here so uh what we got here is one of the I don't know probably one of the most iconic trucks there is uh they're everywhere there's literally millions of these things on the road uh everybody knows them everybody loves them it's got its own meme it's a second rated truck in the U.S as far as this size uh that is because it is a little truck it's not it's not one of the big trucks uh so without further Ado our new project it is Ford Ranger this is a 1994. this one just happens to be an XLT it says right there under the ranger it is maroon just like Hanks it is the 4x4 with the fancy Factory aluminum wheels and uh this is a this is a pretty pretty neat little truck uh like I said it doesn't run at the moment but it did run not that long ago uh probably two three months so you know not years like some of the other stuff all right so let's talk about condition of the truck a little bit so first off you might notice that I don't know what you would notice first this this this or this that doesn't match that I guess I'll start with this and that is if you notice the paint is flaking here and back here I think what has happened is the paint flaked here and then somehow got through the regular you know the the or the the the clear coat has flaked over here and then somehow got through the paint I'm not sure maybe there is an adhesive there that pulled the paint off like that's not like I don't know I have no idea what what's happened there I'm also not sure what we're gonna do about that uh I might just leave it I don't want to try to paint match this I don't know what I'm gonna do uh this doesn't match that but uh it's back here in the bed so so is the Driveline because I towed it towed it with the dolly let's get it home there's the there's the missing one I have no idea what happened to that tire or if that tire is any good it might have just been flat we'll try to put some air in it see what happens oh and then the other thing you might have noticed is there's this this bag over the window the windows are electric windows as you will see by those buttons right there I've never had one of these that had electric windows by the way uh they've all been rolling roll ups some moisture has gotten in it uh not too much so it smells okay in here it's not like the worst smell but it's not the best smell it definitely needs to be aired out so the reason why it doesn't run at the moment is the keyhole is jacked up right there so that's going to be the first thing we fix and I've already got it it's on the floor or something it's in here somewhere but uh yeah that's the first thing we're gonna fix and then we're gonna see if there's anything mechanically wrong with it and then start working on you know little things here and there the windshield is broken you know just like every single car I've ever owned ever not going to replace that just gonna leave that it's kind of kind of I don't know I guess that's my signature or something there's this thing uh it's got this on it which I'm not sure what this is let's see what else found this in here what is this oh I thought I knew what this was but now looking it's just yeah no clue don't know what that is and uh you may have noticed the strap across the hood and that is let us take the strap off and I'll show you what we got under there so the strap is there uh because the hood latch is the hood latch is uh not latching for some reason I don't know why it looks like everything's there it might be missing a bolt or something but uh you know I didn't want this to why am I come on it should be what is going on here this is gonna put this let me put this down real quick she said right here real quick and now I can all right let's why is it sticking with it okay there we go there we go all right so here we go under here the hood latches I don't know just something funky see I think it's just like missing it's missing something uh we'll figure that out and so what we got here is the pre uh what are they the sohc yeah single it's a pre sohc 4.0 uh colon motor built in Colon Germany all right well I'm back camera battery died last night it didn't charge up or by the time it charges up it was already too dark to come back out here so I don't know how much I got so I guess I'll start over Okay so this is the uh 4.0 says right there I don't know much about these I think I've had one of these before but I don't remember it looks I mean it looks fine to me it has a missing dipstick let's check this it's got powder steering and it is I think that's yeah that is completely empty can't even nothing okay let's check the brakes that is that is also completely completely dry yeah this is this is gonna watch why did I buy this okay we got a battery is there a code on it no oh wait where is it 221 uh what year is it it's 223 literally right now so what is that two years so that might be good it might be a good battery all right let's see what we got in here that oh that's Rusty that's that's nice oh my goodness I might have way more cut out for me than I thought so all that looks just great and where is the transmission stick oh good there's fluid in that so that makes me happy all right let's check out the back looks like it's got we've got a tailgate a bumper and a ball oh that's loose we have looks like a nice little leak I tore my glove already looks like we got a nice little leak right there looks like we got drum brakes let's that side looks pretty dry doesn't look like it's leaking this side looks like it's pretty dry it doesn't look like it's leaking we'll check those anyway I always like to check the brakes uh let's see under there everything looks okay all right let's uh go check the front end all right so from up here looks like we got a grill headlights bumper and a valent Valance Valance all right first thing I want to check is this radiator because it was empty so there's this is the bottom of the radiator right here all right that's where the radiator goes in but it looks like it's nice and dry looks like we got oh the power steering pump right here is all kinds of leaky I don't know what we'll do about that if anything look at that front end isn't that something this is a this is one of those like split axle thingies so like in the old in the 70s uh when they had the I can't remember what they're called um but each side had an arm that attached over here so this is the same thing only in four wheel drive so for the driver's side this is the driver's side suspension arm but since it's four wheel drive that's the you know the pumpkin whatever you know where the gears are and then for the passenger side it attaches under there and then goes this way and uh you can see the axle the actual drive axle right there kind of a pretty cool design I don't know how like you know Dependable they are or like anyway it's a neat design looks like the pan right there is a pretty as far as what I can see pretty dry doesn't look like any like oil leaks or anything and oh it's got disc brakes that's cool I think it's time to see if we can get this thing started uh so before we can go any further I walked over to the barn and I found a dipstick because there's a Jeep motor in the barn that I don't think has ever ever gonna get worked on uh we'll we'll see one day it's not mine belongs to somebody else but uh it had a dipstick and I just want to see if there's at least something in here oh there we go all right get that in there and oh there's definitely something in there you know I don't know how long this thing is compared to a an actual Ranger one smells okay smells good smells like oil maybe a tiny bit of gas let's keep this in here just keep that hole plugged and then we will get one when we go to the junkyard next step is to get the key changes over so let's start on that all these uh lens flares and JJ Abrams is I'm jealous right now so I found out that this is till you know so that's cool to change one of these first got to take the the plastic off the the you know this thing the steering wheel surround thing this the shaft gotta uncover the shaft uh you need a screwdriver I probably don't have the proper kind of that is not going to work I have a butt head did I think I had enough to attack the Phillips is there a Phillips oh I think there's a stubby flat head as well okay let's see what else that that's a Phillips is it oh okay cool amazing shot right there I tell you what so I think there's only two screws all right on something all right as the top should come up there we go all right so generally on these there's some kind of a security button that when you turn the cylinder you know this with is it this way or this way one of the ways there's a spot that it gets to that there's like a little window that you push in with like a little needle or a needle like a little screwdriver or something then it locks everything into place I'm not sure where it's at on this one you know I have done one of these in a ranger before but that was a couple years ago so I have to figure out how to turn that or drill it out I don't want to drill it out but I mean we can if we want if we can if we have to we will if we have to all right so first off we'll let screwdriver do it no screwdriver will not do it their instructions well look at that there are instructions you figure 29. oh it's down there where is it there it is yeah that's gotta be it okay we are going to brute force it through the keyhole which I don't really want to do but it can be done it's cheap gloves man all right let's start small I broke it the key here is to not break the drill bits so the key here is you only have to go as far as that thing is foreign [Music] yeah I think I'm there it just needs a punch I think I've lost my multi-tool forever which is fine oh there we go come on now oh there we go got that done and we didn't damage the casing at all that is nice well there it is wow you could have been helpful just like three minutes ago so once you get the old cylinder out it is uh literally as easy as push it in there we go that's it let's get a battery hooked up to it and see if we can start it all right got a battery over here hooked up got uh look at that it's got lights all right so I did notice that there's this in here for some reason uh so we will probably be dealing with that at some point oh there are no breaks look at that all right let's uh get the pilot running I can please don't look at how dirty this car is I know it needs another good thing all right let's give it just a second here all right so it's still charging and uh I wanted to see if the window would roll up uh and okay so looks like we'll be taking off this door panel and learning how to fix the the the thingy but I can push it up oh maybe not nope okay looks like we're gonna leave that down for now all right let's try this thank you oh come on there we go okay okay you sound too bad smells like exhaust it doesn't smell weird or it is really cold out here in fact I just went and grabbed my hat we'll see what happens with that that looks that does look kind of but we'll let it warm up we'll see what happens looks like the bolts look good but it's also hooked to the pilot right now temp is already half warm okay uh feel is empty temp wait what is that oh that's oil pressure okay yeah good good good what happens if we uh rev it a little bit change that's a bummer all right how many miles does it say 157 000 miles not bad [Music] foreign [Music] signs of leaking all right let's see what happens when we shut the Honda off If the alternator is good okay this light just came on nice see the alternator alternator seems to be good supposedly it's gonna need to be cleaned pretty bad we'll get to that that's all going to be in the fun little stuff what is that should I do that I don't know what that is well good there's fluid in that because I think that was our thing check the temp I don't think that temp gauge works I don't think any of the gauges work honestly does the radio works cool radio works the light came on thank you I can hear a clicking in the engine compartment [Music] let's see if it'll go into gear oh oh yeah the driveline's off I forgot at least part of it's off oh I hope that didn't hurt anything okay well I'm definitely not crawling under this thing tonight to do that uh because it's getting cold uh the ground is gonna be cold and it gets dark out there's no lights out here anyway so we got it running seems to be doing fine it goes into gear we have a nice list of stuff we need to take care of so first thing tomorrow I'm going to be putting that drive line on there gonna throw some stuff in here and we'll go from there but uh I don't know so far I'm pretty happy with it I'm excited to to get it get it going let's take a little commercial break you know because that's what we do in these YouTubey thingies and that's that's you know how how I can make money sometimes by the way if y'all would like to donate to this channel uh there is a PayPal link down in the description somewhere wherever it's at so if you'd like to help me with this this stuff then you know just click on that little link buy bucks a buck two bucks 50 cents helps me with all this stuff all the money goes directly to the cars it doesn't go anywhere else all right commercial all right next day here we are back at the truck again and uh it snowed it was snowing earlier uh it didn't stick really it's uh a little warm for that um but it is cold out here so I waited and of course you know it's kind of afternoon now but I think I have everything to get that Driveline back in there I already ripped my glove if anybody knows like a good quality gloves you know because they keep buying different brands and stuff and they all are just I haven't even used these yet anyway so I've got I think everything I need uh to get that Driveline in there and this thing should start and we should be able to drive it so uh let's get under there see what see what we can do and I do have the truck in neutral huh this doesn't have a grease fitting so I guess we're not going to grease that but I will put some extra grease in there and then over here uh I wire wheeled the bolts so I'm going to clean up the the holes for the you know the bolts over here and then we are going to Loctite them and then torque them down and uh I guess I'll do that first I always like to keep my thread get my threads clean uh clean holes of happy hole I don't know what kind of coating is on the end of this thing like some kind of Teflon coating or what if anybody knows uh tell me down in the comments I'm curious It's really like smooth mess get it all in the splines and stuff I have to tight hole oh my goodness so when I even go on the boot I think I'm gonna clip this off there we go there we go did you see that squish out oh that was nice there we go all right so I didn't mark this when it came off I'm hoping it doesn't matter too much all right we got the uh got some nice new thread Locker oh no oh no this might be a walk back to the I picked the Red Thread Locker because it matches the color of the truck but I think I'm gonna have to walk all the way back to the barn and get the blue stuff ah I'm bummed out it's not gonna match all right I'm back with the blue apparently this stuff is uh medium strength also this is gel I kind of like the gel all right all right there so this stuff these bolts did have thread Locker on them before you know it's that real thick Factory stuff I'm thinking they need to have thick stuff on them now that's why I'm putting so much on I mean it can't hurt right ah there we go it's okay let's see if it will start oh the light came on tailing happens I wonder if it's out of gas [Music] huh I wonder if it's bad gas old gas all right so got some water in there and uh I don't know if that's like corrosion or if that's like it might be softly I don't know we'll find out all right well we ran out of gas or we got bigger problems than I thought I'm hoping that we ran out of gas I went to the store and got some gas well I tried to go to the store and then I realized when I was there that I forgot my wallet so I'm back and went got gas blasted Chuck Mangione the whole time it needs to be jumped all right here we go again all right all right there's definitely something going on with the cooling system that is I don't know what that is hold on let's get it warmed up see what happens this thing keeps foaming up on me it also keeps stopping on me and uh it'll run for a little bit it runs kind of rough like it's misfiring and stuff and then it'll it'll just cut out I don't think it's overheating I really I really want to know what this is this looks like stop leak stuff okay it's cold in there why is it cold in there I don't see any water leaking from anywhere and the check engine light keeps coming on yeah it keeps doing that to me like it gets warm and then it doesn't want to run anymore what I'm saying is I don't know what's going on uh it could be a couple of things it could be the math oil's good it does smell like gasoline in the oil that definitely needs to be changed I'm gonna tonight I'm gonna do some research enough for tonight I'm cold my nose is running okay so overnight I gave it a lot of thought but as the more I was thinking about it it wasn't running long enough to get to operating temperature so if it was overheating uh it's not getting too it's not running long enough to overheat to shut down that's kind of what I was thinking in my head uh so I've actually this morning I actually started up ran it for a bit uh tried to get it up to operating temperature see how warm it would get uh and by the time it shuts off it's not getting to operating temperature so I don't it's not overheating uh so I was thinking about this thing and I unplugged it and it runs fine it runs well I mean it runs a little wobbly uh not so smooth but it runs without the mass airflow sensor being plugged in so I think it needs a new mass airflow sensor oh and uh the water's not going down anymore I think maybe I just didn't have the system filled up all the way uh so now when it starts uh it does run rough but I had it sitting here for 20 minutes at least oh the battery's not hooked up [Music] I think the longest I've had it running for so far is 45 minutes it never overheated it does run rough like this but again I think that's because of that mass airflow sensor so I'm gonna wait till tomorrow do that because they close in like 45 minutes so today we're just gonna work on digitally a little bit uh for well for one we got the new this thing and we got this thing I'm gonna put this on first before I put this on because this is going to restrict the windows movement just a little bit and so the problem with the old one is these teeth up here are broken so it wouldn't roll once it was down it wouldn't roll up because it would get to these broken teeth and it just you know the gear would go and then it wouldn't it wouldn't do anything also the arm that actually rolls the window up is broken which I find hilarious in fact it's still in the track yeah look at that the arms are actually broken I've never seen one do that I've seen them get all kinds of bent and stuff then the track somebody put a bolt in the track so the window would only go down so far uh which is also really funny I think I figured out what's wrong with this so this little collar right here has threads that thread onto you know the little box inside there and that's what keeps this in place and if you look at this one it looks like those threads are broken so we gotta pop this whole trim off and get that out and we'll put the new one in and then this will be fixed uh I just lost it let's uh I need to go find bolts for that and then we'll throw it in there here's some video of me getting that out in the in the junkyard all right we are here at the junkyard I need to get a window or regulator uh so the regulator is these four little uh rivets and then this little bolt right there and the best way that I found to get these rivets out is you pop the inside and then you just drill that out and then this little thing this is the plug-in for the window regulator [Music] and to the way the window regulator works it's got the little gear you can see right there and drives this arm right here and then this right here is the bottom of the window and that goes up and down this channel so to get that out you have to take this channel out which is a bolt right there and then there's one under here [Music] now it's just finagling your way out of this thing foreign and there we go this thing looks nice how the teeth look nice mine was chewed up looks correct to me so I'll take it looks like we got a deer gonna be joining us uh to put this window regulator in all right let's get back to work on this these are the bolts that I have in my bolt drawer right now so they're like way Overkill this thing is never going to come out but you know you used what you got at least it's not under kill uh let's go ahead and take this thing out because this is going to be in the way I think this is a this is a Furniture Bolt from like you know a bed from Ikea or something like that one of those crappy ones put down this little ball give it some yeah there we go just make it nice and easy to maneuver this actually came out of what I think is a 98 uh Ranger it was a splash in fact it's the exact same design except for the motor housing this one's metal and that one was plastic everything else looks to be the same all right just Lube that one up real quick might as well over there it's in that part at least is it is it in okay there it is you do still over there grazing ah all right then happy we go [Applause] we have a working driver's window that's very nice so I went to the store got some uh penetrate and spray here but basically I'm just gonna spray everything this mirror won't move at all and I think it's been in this position for so long that it just doesn't want to move so we're going to let this soak for a little bit especially when we get this right here see if this just needs a good Lube and it closed it literally just needed lubed okay yeah push the button and then the whole pulley thing should come out just like that yeah the broken piece is in there that shouldn't be a problem here we go headlight goes right in there oh it didn't it didn't lock in that's not supposed to happen there we go well into three junk yards now they all have Rangers but none of them have the right mirror or all the mirrors are already gone I think I'm just going to leave that put the put the broken one back on there and just deal with it for now and then at some point in the future maybe get one uh but I want to put this back together take it on its first drive and get it out by the barn so I can start doing the brakes because I don't want to jack it up out here in this soft dirt you know I also ordered a new map sensor SO waiting on that and then we can start working on you know it running better and stuff almost starts right up pedal goes almost all the way to the floor it's not warmed up at all here we go first drag I'm just gonna drive it through the field it's kind of bumpy out here the tires are you know pretty well low and uh I really don't want to drive it on the street without brakes and I really don't want to drive a fire without that map sensor because it is running pretty rough but there we go first official Drive it's not bad feels like it's supposed to be back back to the barn all right first first drive there's pesticide [Music] [Music] [Music] good Ness that took a while all right let's check these things out that looks really dry those looks like it has cracks the pads look fine everything just looks a little bit dirty this stuff this has been out in the open Weather the pads look oh they feel fine they're just rusty from not I mean these ridges you can barely feel like you can feel them but they're not horrible okay let's check the other side brake pads on this side look great hose on this side is awesome crap and this side is also fine oh hey look at that nice very nice that feels fine pads look fine that might be a little wet yeah that's wet I think we're gonna have to do at least one cylinder the e-brake cables look okay all right let's check the other side oh this looks better than the other side honestly the pads look fine no leak I bet you this side's good we'll take it apart and give it a good cleaning so I'll get one cylinder and two brake lines ordered foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign brakes all cleaned up new hoses put on both the hubs and bearing and all that stuff is all cleaned and repacked it's uh getting dark tonight um so tomorrow we'll start the backs [Music] oh [Music] [Music] all right foreign this break is done this cylinder was leaking I thought the other side was the only side that was leaking because this side was so nice and clean when I popped this drum off for the first time but as soon as I took this stuff apart uh fluids started coming out both sides of the cylinder so the cylinder I ordered I put on this side so I have to order the cylinder another cylinder for this side because this side it's pretty obvious that it's leaking because everything's dirty and well everything's greasy and oily in here so now since we got to wait for that might as well do the little bits of engine stuff to it I've got the new MAF sensor and the new tip temp sensor we'll throw those on real quick see if everything's work working and start to flush out that radiator there's uh this thing's getting close to being done I can't I can't wait okay all right so uh changing this and I also uh cleaned up the spark plugs uh the camera battery died so I decided to just keep going while it charged uh it's running so good now let's uh let's start it up real quick starts right up it idles nice it's nice and even it revs up really good so uh I think changing that map is what it needed I can't wait to get it on the road see how that does let me uh shut it off again real quick all right so yeah I cleaned up the spark plugs uh none of them were bad they their gaps were too big so I just you know cleaned them uh ran some sandpaper through the Gap and then re-gapped them and uh I don't know if that was the problem or if it was just the math but uh you know it didn't hurt anything oh yeah I also cleaned up the terminals cleaned them up real nice replace the bolt on this one because it just snapped when I tried to take it off and then coated it with some stuff you know the stuff I also replaced the temp sensor uh you can see right there yeah temp Cinder uh which it's still not working uh I tested the wire uh if you if you take the wire and you just jump it to the negative terminal on the battery uh then the gauge on the inside will go way over to the side right and so it does that and that means that the wire is good uh but for some reason it's still not working so I don't know what's going on with that uh maybe I got the wrong sensor or something I don't know I still got to get windshield wipers don't don't let me forget all right I finally got the last piece I got the wheel cylinder for this side and uh it's sprinkling it's been like raining on and off all day uh but I'm excited got to get that changed out this all cleaned up and re-lubed and uh then we're gonna bleed the brakes and uh I think I'm just gonna go bump that out real quick and then we'll get to the bleeding brakes all right here we go all right we got it all together I got my uh bleeding system set up and have done a little bit gonna get all that nastiness out of there uh totally flush the brakes and uh one thing when you do brake lines you want to make sure you come check this often because these have to be put on fairly fairly tight and those little uh what are they brass washers in there that are supposed to squish to make a seal between here and here and here and here they can it takes a bit sometimes to make sure that they are on their proper and tight uh so I've just been doing you know like two things of pumping and then I come and check everything and then I'll come do two things of pumping then I'll come check everything and uh just go slowly and uh you know it doesn't really matter where you start bleeding on these things and then there's a bunch of talk about it but you can start on literally any wheel and just go the big thing is at the end you go check every corner again like it doesn't matter how good you think you did it you go check each one bleeding can take up a long time so you just you just take your time you be patient because remember this is the most important fluid in your car all right and again okay one more time all right let go for a second all right and again all right one more time all right I think this side's done huh oh yeah all right go ahead all right and again all right and again all right go ahead let go all right go ahead oh getting close all right and again all right again still getting some air and again pads are moving nicely yeah and again all right go ahead and take a break all right again again again and again okay one more time I just want one more time the pedal still feels consistent all right the brakes are done wheels are back on uh let's see oh I got windshield wipers and I glued the button for the uh rear view mirror back on it's a little crooked yeah we'll let that dry and then stick that rear rear back on uh so the tire that was flat uh it's still flat it's not holding air so I'm gonna have to get that fixed I don't have the budget for it right now uh so this one will be good for a little bit it's not going anywhere far for a while but it's looking good sitting back down on its Wheels for the first time in I think a week I've been uh doing all this stuff uh for about a week now I clean it and stuff too if you can tell there's another video go watch that video that's uh a little more relaxing probably not as long as this one I haven't edited it yet but uh so now I want to change the oil I probably should have done it when it was on the jack stands but you know I'm kind of excited to see what this stuff looks like oh going the wrong way oh it's black that is black it's not glittery it's got a little stuff on the on the bolt all right oh it stinks all right oil filter service champ pretty black ah looks good to me just old old nasty oil all right uh put some oil in it and let's start it up see what if it sounds see what it sounds like I mean it shouldn't sound any different but it might you never know all right here we go [Music] same same that's good check down here I don't see any leaking this is just spray that I I sprayed the oil that I spilled but I think we're good I think it's time oh I gotta torque down the wheels I haven't torque down the wheels let me do that we'll go for a drive [Applause] all right let's uh go for a drive first drive we're gonna go get on the road this time it's gonna do fine I don't hear anything weird yet hopefully we won't hear anything weird oh there's a little deer watching us there's two of them seem over there let's get it out on the road there's those deer if you can see him yeah run along y'all all right feels good speedometer works doing 30. not bad 45. feels like one of the tires might be unbalanced probably that spare and brakes brakes work oh yeah brakes work nice slow down nicely yep the brakes are nice I love having good brakes a little crooked might need an alignment that's annoying all right let's see uh I think we got up to 45 what's the top speed so far everything's still feeling nice and satisfying ah there's some uh some tires and a generator and some Wheels all right I'm gonna get out and check wheel tips all right not hot at all that's good not hot at all that's good the exhaust is smelling good not hot at all yep not hot at all cool hey just watch this I'm already gonna have to wash it either well let's take it out on the big road for a second all right y'all comfy all right out on the big road it's a pretty good pickup it's not the fastest here we go 55. 65 may need to put some more gas in it I don't know how much is actually I don't know if the gauge works but Tim cage still isn't working that's annoying gonna have to fiddle around with that this is going to be a good little commuter truck right here man it breaks real nice I love having good brakes tell you what yep I do think I'm happy oh look it's another Ford Ranger all right so I just checked the fluids uh check the oil it looks fine still the wrong dipstick the one I got from the junkyard uh it doesn't fit down in there for some reason even though it came out of the same truck so it just like sits on top of there and this one like goes down all the way so I think what I'm going to do is just use this one uh put a mark down at the bottom somehow probably like grind a little Mark uh the water looks good I still want to you know get that running okay checked underneath it nothing's leaking uh all the brakes are doing good all right so I think that's gonna do it for this video I took this thing all the way from not running in how many years I got it running driving new brakes uh semi-tune up let's see I did clean it up which is coming in another video so if you want to see it getting detailed uh it's already dirty uh if you want to see it getting detailed you know be sure to go look for that video go check out some of my other videos uh it's stuff like this or even cooler stuff uh sometimes not as cool stuff but you know it's all it's all whatever whatever your taste is but I want to thank you for joining me uh today in this video and uh give a like give a subscribe if you like this kind of stuff if you would like to help the channel there is a PayPal or something down in the description uh where you can just give me donations donations all go to the vehicles so either tools you know supplies to buy a vehicle itself you know that all straight to the vehicles none of it goes to me I don't get snacks or nothing when I'm buying stuff for these things uh so I want to thank you all and have a good uh rest of your day no don't don't ignore that shadow ignore that shadow that's a bad cameraman chip here I'll go back all right there you go have a good one thank you foreign
Channel: Shadetree Garage
Views: 19,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ford, ranger, automotive, car, truck, rescue, first start, fun, hobby, vice grip garage, this and that garage, budget builds, hot rod, ratrod, restore, rebuild, brakes
Id: Oe1Tkfx36ZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 11sec (3551 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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