1983 11 3 Pitt at Notre Dame

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he's got the hand in the air down comes the hand and here comes carnies chicka and it's high and it's deep eight yards deep and said it failed to feel that it goes over the end line it's an automatic touch back and the Panther offense will start first intended its own 20-yard line I started this a moment ago bill that I called the NCAA this week to see how often is your coaches have taken advantage of that new rule that allows them to put off the choice on the coin so I feel the second half amazingly they didn't know they said we haven't been keeping track what are they doing down there it's a new rule I understand that the ECAC is keeping track but it's awfully difficult for the pressbox to get word as to which way the coin sauce went the Panthers deploy sent it to the right of the flanker Wallace to the left McIntyre will start as a single setback at fullback for Pitt so the factors have receivers to both sides two tight end and a single setback McIntyre runs into a pretty good wall of tacklers as he comes forward for about three yards to the 23 yard line Notre Dame's defensive charge led by their tackles Mike gannets 256 pounds and John Autry at 246 pounds the left side of the pit line had appeared to move well on Eric Dorothea he's a big long offensive lineman just a sophomore but a real test for for the opposition on the across the line and they appeared to move him outta there but got short yardage on the play Darrell Clarke isn't as a flanker right for fits went into the short side on the left side is Wallace on second and seven draw play Bailey spins through there and gets out near the 28 yard line mark Bailey behind the block by Clint Wilson and the other tight end on the other side that ship Annie gets forward and is hit by Mike again and dropped now they're gonna place the football at the 28 yard line a gain of five it'll be third down and two for the Panthers at their own 28 no score just underway and on that play Mike the run both of F guard did eliminate Dorothy he did a good job on him he dumped him and so there was a nice hole for that play and it dine in a short - Panthers go with one tight end he's strong to the right side receivers to both sides out of the I pitch back on third and 2 and Joe McCall knifes in there gets more than the first down gets out across the 31 to the 32 yard line where linebacker Rick nailer brings him down Jim Sweeney with a will of a block to open the hole wide from a call in the Panther first down nicely executed trap play by the Pitt Panthers so their rights of their 32 yard line a sparkling day in South Bend were just underway it's a scoreless ball game Jim Sweeney threw a nice block in the hole open wide from a call and he got more than enough for the first down he picked up four out to the 32 batsha panty lines up as a tight end right the Panthers again go with a single setback receivers everywhere up from the 32 ounce agenda wants to pass the pass is incomplete running laterally at the 41 yard line Japan he falls down covered by linebacker Tony for genic the pass is incomplete on the clock stops at 1313 first quarter here in front of 59 thousand plus the exact figure for their 53rd consecutive sellout for Notre Dame is 59 thousand and 75 and all over the campus yesterday and today you see people holding up cardboard signs written with crayon I need tickets second down ten from the 32 for the Panthers no score just on the way loose football to Jimmy back can Jimmy falls on the football at the 29 we got tempers flaring Big Mike Gann was going at it with one of the Panther offensive lineman Barry Pettijohn Mike Golic and Fralick were going at it and the ball is dead at the 29 for a loss of three yards on the fumbled snap so it's third down and 13 you do not want to face Notre Dame defense with this sort of situation third and third a right 1/8 gone jiminy right never got a handle on that nap and he was juggling the ball right back there and luckily he'd fell on it wide side of the field is to the right nickel defense for Notre Dame on third and 13 here come the Panthers drop play and they smell it out and down goes Mark Bailey for a loss of one back to the 28 yard line he might have been down at the 27 let's see what they spot the football it appears to be a two-yard loss and it is fourth and 15 Autry made the tackle on Mark Bailey and the Panther punt team is on Tony Mack Nellie the long snapper is out over the ball recchia the Panther putter so far this year's average 41.3 yards per punt Notre Dame with 10 men on the line of scrimmage which is the 27 yard line snap is true Ricky with time against the breeze kicks the spiral Joe Howard ranges under at his own 36 signals very late for the fair catch and just pulled it in barely had time to get his hand back down to catch the football but he did and in a scoreless game Notre Dame with good field position has the 1st in jannat their own 3rd he will call at the 37 yard line not a real good kick bite recchia 36 yards but again he's kicking into a fairly stiff free so no turd is that their 36-yard I'm pretty decent field position for openers satyr Mike Kelly comes out over the football freshman quarterback Steve Beuerlein is behind him Tim went starting at left defensive tackle forfeit Notre Dame out of the I formation Howard split ride to the right side from the 37 fits back to the right side second he tries to turn the corner the Panthers are there he has hit hard by Tom Flynn and also Troy Hill and they drop him after in advance of the pot a half yard we'll call it a yard for stat purposes after the 38 it'll be second down and nine linebackers teaser all to cert drifting left to meet the play was eliminated nicely by a Notre Dame block but Troy Hill was playing good run support so the game is a mere yard Dennis Athiya in it those guards forfeit replacing bob silk'n now they'll alternate quite a bit second and I know sodium from its own 38 scoreless game just underway first quarter with 1122 left Notre Dame's first possession her line draw played a picket he slips it off to the right side gets about four yards maybe three out to the 41 where he's tackled by strong safety ray Weatherspoon fake at that time on the bounce play tried to turn the corner had a good job by Weatherspoon to shut it down for a short game call it a gain of three it'll be third down and six Notre Dame operate from its own 41 yard line and now silk'n back in the middle guard for the pattern and if two plays indicate a pattern and they don't the Panthers that they are hitting good they're hitting sure wide side of the field is to the left Notre Dame operates left to right in the first quarter scoreless Howard to one side Jackson split to the other out of the affirmation Notre Dame third and six from its own 41 we're lying back to past has a lot of time fires over and it's almost picked off at the 42 yard line the intended receiver was Chris Smith the fullback coming across the field was ray Witherspoon almost intercepting the ball was wide of spoon and now the Notre Dame punt team is on they tried to set something up on the left side I think it might have been a screen fast but it somebody got a hand on that ball either when glekas key or bill moss but they deflected that fat from its core Kevin Kelly is the long snapper not Mike Kelly the first string Center Kevin Kelly will long snap Blair keel is the putter keel on the season averaging slightly better than 40 yards for pot remember Blair keel is also a quarterback line of scrimmage will be the 41 kill with time rides the punt into the breeze and the Panthers Tommy Flynn is back there and he didn't indicate fair catch you got to the 25 up they say what are they going to say here a penalty flag is down did he indicate for a fair catch or did he not and there is going to be some kind of discussion well Kevin Kelly was down there in fact he had fallen and he was seated right next to Flynn apparently thinking that Flynn his signals fair catch I'm not sure bill I really am NOT I don't believe I saw him and indicate anything he like a fair catch but let's team I don't know what they're saying Myron but I looked at the monitor our television monitor an instant too late now they say interfering with a fair catch against Notre Dame is the call and it was long snapper Kevin Kelly who did it there's a break in the first quarter action we'll be right back when your headman's of the mountains not indicate fair catch instead he was interfered with by the man who snapped the ball kevin kelly in college football you must give the receiving man on the punt team a chance to catch it I believe the distance is two yards he did not obviously but the question is did the whistle blow Flynn didn't think so took off down field and they whistled to play down the ball will be spotted at the 39 yard line of pitch now will it be spotted there because of a penalty assessed Notre Dame but the thing is and I think the argument for Flynn is why did you blow the play dead well you know however it turns out I think it's another example of Flynn using his head because even though his punt return does not count and apparently it doesn't you know he's here with the X I'll go with that football see wouldn't see what happened he's a sharp ball player but the ball is spotted at the 39 yard line and that's where people get underway so what they're ruling is a five-yard penalty and the ball and the ball is out to the 39 that they did mark up 15-yard penalty out to the 39 yard line it is a major penalty for interfering with a fair catch scoreless game the factors on their second possession first and 10 from the 39 to Jimmy back time over the middle pass complete with the football his tight end patchy panty and he's got it out to the 47 yard line we pause now for station identification on the Panthers football Network [Applause] try the delicious new clam dinner a Twinkies complete with french fries and coleslaw for only a dollar ninety-nine now a Twinkies they ruled tight and fat you panty the freshmen from upper st. Clair down at the 46 after picking up seven yards on the pass reception second and free forfeit on that point in jamming with a single back offense and he goes to that single back in this mark bayley straight ahead behind good blocking out to about the 50 yard line he may have penetrated the 50 yard line and gotten slightly into Notre Dame territory he does ever so slightly but we'll call it the 50 entire Center the Notre Dame defense made the tackle Autry Gann and for Janak we're all there but it is a first down at midfield for the Panthers after the four yard pickup for Mark Bailey we've got a scoreless ballgame early in the first period that is the Panthers second first down 935 left for the initial period again single setback for Pitkin Jemmy goes to the audible Notre Dame switches its defensive deployment the give is to Bailey he goes through a hole plow straight ahead into the 45 to the 44 yard line were Rick Rick Naylor appends Marlin McIntyre the factors again those changing their full backs and that is Marlin McIntyre who goes out of the ballgame and Mark Bailey goes in but it was a good pickup off the right side from the 50 into the 44 for six it's second down four and this Notre Dame defense is 15th in the country in defense against the rush but it is saying hey we're going to try it a day Pitt is running that football six-yard gain to the 44 of Notre Dame deepest penetration for either both clubs so far on the game to Jimmy back on second down he throws it deep down [Music] well a steep path balance the quarterback who was going back the ball was underthrown balance fell down coming in front of about the 8 yard line it was Wallace and Wallace just streaked into the end zone a 44 yard touchdown pass couldn't show me the Wallace the Panthers on top and Donna Rhonda 10 yard line barrage may even have been holding Wallace who said no sir you cannot do that I won't permit you he tore himself loose and he took it into the end zone but we have a flag on the play and that may be what it's about but it's a touchdown and a marker is down and I believe the Notre Dame sideline may be guilty of an unsportsmanlike infraction let's see what referee John Nealon of the Big Ten indicates unsportsmanlike conduct Notre Dame it will be assessed on the kickoff so the Panthers now will be going for the extra point try and Pat Lyon Court is out there the left footed Sidewinder the freshman walk on the hero of last week's 50 recused game for the Panthers 113 to 10 on the strength of fine courts left leg Jimmy to Wallace 43 yards and the Panthers are on the board 44 yards actually is the official measurement of the touchdown length kajam e will hold for the left foot irvine court on the extra point try the balls on the tee the kick knuckleballs up and it's no good it appeared to go outside the right upright six nothing the passes lead at 844 left of the first quarter does a break in the action and we'll be right back near a tree I started selling the new 5200 super system from Atari here in my store customers love the super systems new colors and graphic resolution they also love the pause which the distantly stops all the action huh now 5200 super system as the closest home video has ever gotten the real arcade game played even the controller has everything in one place available at all area Murphy's Marx so the Pitt Panthers taken hurry six to nothing lead over Notre Dame Fighting Irish watching the replay of the touchdown pass we thought it valid when Wallace put an inside move on I'm moving into the center of the field that is toward the center of the field yeah Ballard simply fell down he was not able to cover him on that move so Wallace checked in with another touchdown fan for the Pitt Panthers he's been something this year the Panthers lead at six to nothing and deploy the kickoff coverage team left to right across the field a lot of first-timers Melvin Dean ray weatherspoon Tom Flynn Darrell Clarke bill sappy Oh Reggie Smith Bill Callahan Troy Hill Billy mcCormick Keith Tinsley and the kicker is patent Lion Court who has just missed an extra point that's why the score is six to nothing Panthers lead eight 44 left first quarter and that was the fifth touchdown catch of the season for bill Wallace that is the first missed extra point of the year for the Panthers coach was saying that this kid's buying court inherited a lot of unused shoes because they all his predecessors were right footed and they just didn't use the left too very much and he saw it could get 18 left shoes now and he happens to wear the same size as the guys who presented him Eric Schubert and that's why I say he's too big for a size 8 I'm a seven and I'm a lot how can he only all those guys only wearing eight but of course he yeah you know fuzzy was referring to kicking shoes he says he's got 89 use ticking shoes [Music] now the Panthers are ready to go the Panthers lead this contest six to nothing driving 61 yards in four plays the big one Gangemi to Wallace who beat the quarterback when ballads fell down Wallace came inside took it went into the endzone for the 44 yard touchdown reception or to Jimmy that is his knife touchdown pass of the year here comes by and corks left footed kickoff it's high and it's deep and it's filled with nine yards deep remember it was kicked by vine courts from the opposing 45 yard line after the 15-yard penalty was assessed for unsportsmanlike conduct now the crowd becomes a bit animated Notre Dame trail six to nothing and starts first and 10 from their own 20 yard line putting it in the end zone will make that kid feel a little better when he missed that extra pre-waxed himself in the helmet he conks himself in the head of justice sake what's the matter with you but maybe he'll settle down receivers flip to both sides out of the eye Notre Dame on first and 10 pink adopts the eye Beuerlein steps in Berlin draw play to Pinkett Roy's Roy Hill comes up with the ball after al when Zukowski hits Pinkett and flips the football from him another big plate is here from our language Kowski just a little defensive end but the pro scouts like and they think you can't holder's was on top of the ball carrier but it was winter caste coming from the back side underneath who I believe hit at the 14 yard for the first intent out of the I flanked the right is Darrell Clarke can Jimmy with a long count can Jimmy turns and pitches in fact McCall cups against the green and dives into about the 10 yard line where Notre Dame pinched it down for Janek got him and brought him down behind the block of Tony Brown McCall got pretty good yardage got four so it'll be second down and six the patches can make a first down in the vicinity of the four yard line the clock turns to 8:20 first quarter Pitt ahead six to nothing on the touchdown pass can Jimmy to Wallace the extra point was missed now the Panthers are trying to get some more up on the board from the 10 yard line on second down Panthers break the huddle I flanker right is again the formation fits back again to McCall cuts it back he's at the five four three two one Hector touchdown Cal McCall got a good block and cut it back Sweeney and dorando cleared the way and makalah's into the end zone I'm telling you to pin offensive line on that place I mean it come into the end they just move that Notre Dame defense out of there like they were playing with children so Joe McCall fails the 11 yards for the touchdown and fittings on top 12 nothing free safety Chris Brown I believe maybe in the second row it was beautiful it was like A Chorus Line of 260 pounders just you know moving in unison and it just swept motors they matter they're like mine sweepers no that's poor analogy I've never seen minesweepers in actions like he was too much to describe Panthers looking to the sideline can Jimmy looks and it has decided that the Panthers will try to make up the missed extra point try and we'll go for two players being shuttled in and outs and now congenic as to call timeout because too many players left the field and at that point Jimmy said we better talk this over so the Panthers use a timeout leading 12 to nothing 758 left of the first quarter there's a break in the action and we'll be right back aspirin is a great pain reliever but it can cause aspirin stomach upset that's why thrift drug wants you to know about Buerkle jisuk / cochise ik with enhanced pain relievers contains no aspirin clinical tests proof / cochise expecially than aspirin substitutes alone look for the 90 tablet size and trip drugs everyday low price and get safe effective pain relief without aspirin for healthy savings on / co' jisuk and all your health and beauty needs trust the Rif drug so all right the Pitt Panthers taking advantage of Troy Hills fumble recovery at the Notre Dame forty needed only two plays both by Joe McCall picking up three yards on first man and entering 11 yards for the touchdown to go up 1 Notre Dame 12 to nothing now it may be going for 2 points here and we saw the difficulty that the freshman by in court had on the first extra point attempt he hit so it could be that the third point right will become a very serious part of 5th thinking in as many opportunities as they may have to convert this afternoon but yes they are going for 2 points rather than for they won points went back the flanker right in Wallace on the two-point track and jemmye steps in under center can Jimmy back rolls right pass complete the Bailey into five needs a block a two-point conversion Jimmy to mark Bailey for two and the Packers lead it 14 nothing extra effort by Bailey got him into that endzone I'll tell you he hit Joe Johnson so hard at the two yards I'm the Johnson when he got to get to his feet staggered like are the fighter who didn't have command of his senses and then went down it was not only Johnson but it was also Mike going to defensive benches they came verged on baby and baby sister no nothing stopping me any bank gets home and it got into the end zone terrific running and there's the young man who wore a flak jacket all weekend practice and he did a good job putting those ribs up for exposure on the hit but he spun out of there and somehow got in for the two points and the Panthers make up for the missed extra point and lead at 14 to nothing I reminded of Pitts fans at at Pitt football ski camp day next Saturday for the Panthers host army at fifth stadium the first 5,000 youngsters 16 and under at the game will receive a free Pitt football ski caps compliments of racks restaurants this is also the last game for $2 youth tickets and they're still available in advance at Eddie equi Beck or on the game on the day of the game at the stadium Saturday that's fit football ski cap day next Saturday when the Panthers take on the Black Knights of odds well I told me before the game I'll save this story here we go okay Miller Bell and Jefferson all deep to receive for Notre Dame the kickoff of I Court is short to the six yard line out comes Alonso Jefferson at the 10 the 20 and he's at the 30 yard line it hit hard by keep simply at the 20 yard line and drop at the 30 I should say before the game put any stock in there if indeed they have been typed that would of course be contagious be spread among their players who are now dying early 14 to nothing but here go the Fighting Irish at their 30 now that the I flanker Wright comes Beuerlein the freshman quarterback long count from the 30-yard line on first down he takes and rolls right looks marker down pass complete to the tight end on the near sideline mark Bavaro but a marker is down back at the 32 yard line let's see what the call is from referee John Neal another big ten and the indication from Neal it is offsides it will take the game out to the 37 yard line apparently that tight end Bavaro is a big one six for 246 pounds and of course he takes the place of the graduated Tony hunter who wasn't any himself a first round draft pick in the pros Panthers were guilty of being offside it would be a five-yard penalty and another down as opposed to a seven-yard gain a Notre Dame says we'll take the first and five so nullify above arrows reception now let's move it to the 35 yard line for a first and five we have 7:45 the clock turns first quarter put ahead 40 nothing like Kelly out over the ball for the Fighting Irish out of the I Flacco right to the wide side the Irish operate on first and five her line again with a longshot fit with a five-man front then almost jumping off sides again this time to give is in the middle marker is down we got somebody with a football and it's a Notre Dame man got out there the pilot came home the 40 to the 45 to the 50 to the 5th 48 the marker was down apparently fit was offsides again another day was there Katie and throw the factors off on two plays in a row it's got a big Gator to fit 40 who made the tackle for the Packers yeah Bill Maher's is in there against the tremendous Notre Dame offensive tackle and I'm talking about Williams Larry Williams six six and 284 and Bill Moss is in a battle with that guy today so perhaps getting a little anxious or it then again maybe it was the cadence but in any case Notre Dame has his first first down and it takes the Irish into fifth territory at their 48th now we've got a penalty being marched off against Notre Dame and this is a major penalty so apparently no today guilty of a personal foul after the play had been run and the indication from referee John Newland on sports maleic conduct the Irish two flags down Christmas the man with the football could be the man who was guilty Vanover jubileus statement they'll abrading his victim 17 yards that's going to give them first down in 25 yards to go back if they're 32 37 yard line personal foul against Notre Dame and I believe it was myth who may have elbowed the man who tackled him ray Wetherspoon and I believe that the penalty calls a Notre Dame now with a first and a ton first in Bloomington they faked the draw to pick at fire over the middle of Houston drop by hard at the 5th 45 yard line yo Howard went up for the ball that looked like it might have been a catchable football he couldn't hold on to it Troy Hill came across in front of him and may have got a piece of that football just as so hard had it and was on his way and Joe Howard dead hi who knows but what he might have broken that all the way there was another pit man downfield [Music] incomplete pad so it is second down in 25 from the 36 yard line in Notre Dame territory 656 remaining first quarter pit head 40 nothing they take the draw again again Berlin back to pass a lot of time fires of the near sideline dropping the football Bavaro at the 48 yard line of Notre Dame Bavaro just standing there waiting trying to stay in bounds and he just simply took his eye off the ball anticipating a hit from Troy Hill yes I wasn't going to accuse him of hearing footsteps but you have so I don't have to exact anticipating that's nicely put yes he it's tough to take your hit and anticipate when it's going to happen it catch the football it ahead 40 nothing now the factors go with Bill Callahan in there in place of Bob chickens with the nickel defense Notre Dame from its own 36 hunts second and twenty third and 25 dirt and 25 draw play Pickett bounces it outside gets to the 40 still on his feet at the 45 and the Panthers hit him hard at the 48 yard line of Notre Dame I mean he took a rep Troy Hill came up and hit him hard bill Moss was also there but he'll really put the tackle on him and they spot the football at the Notre Dame 48 it'll be fourth down well short of the 6th Avenue D Notre Dame Hut team is on Blair keel will be the punter for the Irish and the Irish are clearly 14th and I thing with six minutes and some seconds left in the first period and now they have a chance to put pity in the hole for the first time today I think it got 12 on the play so it's for that about 13 the Irish trailing 14 to nothing now about two-thirds of the field is in shadow he'll gets the snap and delivers a high floating kick Flynn signals for the fair catch and takes at his own 16 yard line so the Panthers with a 14-nothing lead have their offense back on the field along the faster Network we're glad to have you aboard here this afternoon wir ta in Altoona Pennsylvania in Everett pennsylvania w sk e in butler wy s are in portage WR ml and in Steubenville Ohio WL I see it's nice to have you aboard and thank you very much for joining us for this exciting college football game between Pitt and the Fighting Irish both team six and two coming in a 36-yard punt by Blair keel twice he is fun of the day for the same distance most times 36 yards it at their 16 yard I little story about a scone Jimmy who's down there not a quarterback Pitt right now he's trotting over to the sideline to talk things over with the coach Notre Dame has an injury that could be a factor their linebacker on the right side one of their three linebackers and that would be Mike Kowalewski a freshman from New Castle Indiana has an ankle problem so into the lineup is Joe Parrs a junior from Farmington Michigan you know when a son Jimmy following his senior season of high school fall down in Fort Lauderdale he was given a nice award by the Fort Lauderdale touchdown sub and the main speaker that night the man who presented him with the award was none other than Jerry five seasons where you're going to college he says he's in chicken or pit he said in that case we'll be seeing one another in either case and then he explained to him that he was going after two other quarterbacks don't feel bad kid buy it buy black first and ten can Jimmy from his own 16 off the right side it is Marlin McIntyre I believe and Marlin cannot get very much he gets about three yards out to the 19 yard line where he stacked up by Mike Griffin who's a defensive tackle along with Joe bars the man in place of Mike Kowalewski the injured Notre Dame linebacker they spotted at the 19 a gain of three it'll be second down and seven Penn ahead 14 to nothing the factors got a 44 yard touchdown pass to Jimmy to Wallace missed the extra point then Pinkett tumble Packers at the 14 took it in two plays later McCall from the 10 the two-point conversion can Jimmy to Bailey and the Panthers lead at 14 to nothing second and seven from there all 19 to Jimmy back big rush to pass down incomplete high in the air to come down and not the football down on the blips with Rick Naylor the linebacker Jimmy had no chance they had a nickel defense set up but they blitzed out of that and it's incomplete it'll set up a third down in seven by the way a footnote to can Jamie touchdown pass that's was the first touchdown pass scored on Notre Dame e'en 23 consecutive quarters bill and and McCall run for a touchdown was only the fourth rushing touchdown scored on Notre Dame in the same three two time twenty three quarters actors go with a single setback receivers everywhere on 3rd and 7 can Jimmy the lovers the Wallace complete at the 32-yard line Wallace it immediately they'll knock it down at the 31 yard line but that's more than enough for the pit 1st down and it was one of those spot passes because can Jimmy just turn in Sam throwing to a spot well as you be there and Wallace was took a hard hit but still got the first down yeah get a few yards beyond the thick ghetto and that's what Wallace did and condemn me is not a nice three four five throwing the football and it has a first time the Panthers 5th at their 31 yard line 12 yard game Jim Jimmy to Wallace Darrell Clarke is now there's a blacker to the right side the short side is to the left and that's where Wallace is out of the I operate scan Jimmy in the Panthers first and 10 and they go misdirection here comes McCall across the 30 but they get his ankle as he crosses the 35 and is dragged down at the 36 by strong safety Joe Johnson for 41 turning clock first water dead ahead 14 to nothing pit with a football well bill Fralick was pulling out of the line and leading the way and he brushed Joe Johnson but did no more than that he was headed for bigger fish downfield perhaps but Joe Johnson made the tackle so it's second down and five from the 36 Panthers go to split backs McCall is back alongside Marlin McIntyre and on second and five to Jimmy wants to throw it again Circle right out of the backfield here comes Mack he's at the 35 hard hit at the 39 yard line short of the first down by quarterback Troy Wilson a good tackle on McIntyre prevented the panther first down let's see where they spot it it appears to be the 39 yard line a pickup of only three yards on the pass completion third down and two the clock is at 353 in a turns here in the first quarter the Panthers lead at 14 to nothing [Music] Panthers break the huddle and deploy Clark again as a flanker to the wide side of the field the right side fits back to the eye back here comes McCall turns the corner gets the first down after the 41 to the 42 to the 43 yard line where linebacker Tony for genic made the tackle but not before McCall who had a pretty good hole to run through thanks to Barry Pettijohn gets the passer first down and thanks to tight end patched up Annie who blocked out the outside linebacker Mike Golic coach by the way yes he is the kid brother of Bob garlic's and those tackle for the Cleveland Browns he has an older brother Greg Goku is is an offensive lineman on this Notre Dame team but just a third teamer Mike is as a junior I do believe and he's a starting linebacker they call it the Golic connection and it's a long list of brothers through a hole Marlin McIntyre a couple yards out across the 45 to the 46 to the 47 yard line where a defensive tackle Mike Griffin makes the stop Griffin playing in place of John Autry who's not in there and the Notre Dame forward wall at the moment defensively they spot the football out at the well we'll call it the 47 yard line a pickup of four yards where it'll be second down and six for the Panthers still better than two minutes remaining in this first period in the Pitt Panthers leading Notre Dame 14 to nothing though the Panthers are one touchdown underdog mark Bailey is the single setback now McCall lines up as the wing back left a spike in Jimmy circle rot backfield to the right side Bailey shaken bake move they'll knock him out of bounds as he gets to the line of scrimmage and that's all Rick nailer diagnose the play perfectly the Panthers may have taken a loss of one yard let's see where they spot it they're going to place it down at the 46 it is the completed pass 4-1 and it stops the clock going out of bounds at 228 of the first quarter Pitt had 14 to nothing so it would appear that the Fighting Irish are starting now to read that little flair and in Germany is five for seven but that an unsuccessful completion nickel defense for the Irish pit third and seven from its own 46 can Jimmy goes to the audible brings his wing back in a little tighter once the past short pocket past complete and a hit of eight immediately at the 49 yard line by Pat valid with the football it was split in bill Wallace and he was short of the sticks it will bring up fourth down and the bathroom punt team comes on well the panther started back if they're sixteen so though they have to give up the ball now they brought it out far enough actually exactly two midfielders that can now punt Notre Dame into the hole and his defense has played well today so that is a good place to put Notre Dame infer apps who knows you caused another turnover down there and get another score factors bring their punt team on very late they had the offense on it got it off quickly and now Ricky is awaiting the snap - scrimmage at 50 and he gets the kick away and it's a beauty into the breeze back under a Joe Howard lets it hit and go into the end zone Notre Dame will strike first and ten from the Irish 20-yard line with a Bennett 42 left of the first quarter of play well it's a 50-yard punt and of course with scrimmage at 250 it's not incumbent upon reckon yet to finesse the ball down inside the 20 he can let him hit it away and he's going against a little bit of a win but he just had a little too much run and it bounced at the 5 and into the end zone so Notre Dame will take over at their 20 yard line Mark Brooks malcomson is fullback for Notre Dame he's a junior from Cincinnati Ohio 63 228 pounds takes place of Chris Smith neither of these ball clubs has one on television of course this game is being televised to 70% of the country I hope all of the people in Pittsburgh in the land on a log our network have their sound turned down and their radio turned up but anyhow neither of these teams has one on network television since September of 1982 obviously well not obviously there could be a tie ballgame but it figures that one of them is is going to break through break that ice today but we have the Panthers leading 14 to nothing I think the feeling was before the game that neither team had the kind of offense that could play catch up easily her name was Pinkett as an edge but so far the Panthers their free will contain Pickett he has not been able to break anything to the outside hey squatter Bob Miller what did I tell you coming down here today I says a 14-nothing lead for either team might well do it and he pointed that out to you instant before the game he said look what coach said and you didn't even bother to mention it in this podcast I go back to 1977 remember how much time was left right right right right Notre Dame first and ten out of it from its own 20-yard line out of the I formation i flanker right fall between the hash marks another Long Count by freshman Steve Beuerlein the quarterback extra long count tears he gives to a fullback rooks Brooks is the hit by Troy Benson after a gain of about one he may have fallen forward for two yards that's about all the Panthers defensively had it figured out Chris Dolman pinching down Troy Benson getting the wrap on him and the ball is advanced to the 22 yard line second down eight after the second defensive play of the game by the Panthers I said I hope that the first two plays were indicative of their hitting today and so far that has continued they're playing some cop defense down there the yard pickup for Brooks just into the game at fullback for a Notre Dame second down the long eight tailback fake it bounces it to the left side goes around Witherspoon turns get the first down at the 30 that's out of bounds as he gets to the 35 yard line knocked out on the far side of the field in front of the Panther bench that time ticket busted it outside at 6 up 13 yards before Melvin Dean wrote about about well he dips the inside shoulder to Witherspoon in any swung outside around him and he simply burned weathers foody it too much speed for many brother that's of a 35 yard line they kid so far has two big gains 12 yarder and a 13 yarder so he's got the vicinity of 30 yards plus rushing so far wide side of the field to the right again out of the eye Notre Dame with fir line with another long count flankers to the short side the left side the name trailing 40 nothing of a draw play think it through that little hole and he gets up to the 42 yard line pickup of seven yards Chris Coleman finally wrote him down at the 42 yard line as the ball favors the left hash mark though today moving left to right in the first quarter which now has 48 seconds remaining the Panthers with their linebackers playing tight seems to be in a good defense to stop that drop but none no it's not so it is now second down and four to go second in a short for it's between three and four yards and again Notre Dame operates with the eye on second in short this time quick count give to the full-back and Brooks straight ahead and he is jacked up short of the sticks he got maybe a yard possibly a yard and a half to the 43 yard line and that's all good tackle for the Panthers from the bottom of the pile if the defensive tackle table but Kowski the sophomore from Gateway high school setting up third down and two third down in a short tube that may have been the last play of the first quarter Notre Dame making a couple of changes offensively and that is the end of the first quarter with a score the Panthers 14 the Fighting Irish nothing all right [Music] excuse me I'm a little bit confused about the situation down there as we open the second period well its third down and two to go yeah and Melvin Dean was injured and was being worked on and Tinsley had come in during the break between quarters but now I see Dean is in there so Dean is going to be okay and Myron that's a good bit of news for the fifth defense we pause now for station identification on the Panthers football Network greetings to our listeners in warren pennsylvania on w RR n also in mount pocono on w pc n in Lewistown on WK v a we appreciate the fact that you report here this afternoon so far in this football game the Panthers have used up nine minutes and 41 seconds of the first quarter which time of possession that's pretty good and that certainly is real good considering that your head 14 to nothing and trying to wind a little bit of time off the clock and as expected Beuerlein is not thrown much he threw only three passes in the first period none of them completed third down to 43 yard-line Notre Dame on their own territory puts back to picket flea-flicker Merline in trouble they got him at the 35 for his back on the flea-flicker Bob makowsky made the defensive play the pitch back came to Pinkett he just turned around just like last year only it was Phil Carter - Blair keel this time it was Pickett shovel passed back to the quarterback / line but the Panthers were in on him had all kind of pressure I couldn't tell whether it was a blitz but Bukowski got him and it's the loss of 8 yards to the 35 Blair keel and the Irish punt team err on the field well surely they do but it would be ready for it this year after having been burned so badly by it last year when their perfect record number one ranking went down the drain loss of 8 yards to the 35 it was 10 men on the line of scrimmage now they only have eight but the keel gets it awareness of beauty a spiral into the wind Glenn back takes it his own sweaty looks for the wall it's not there now it goes to the wide side turns it back and gets out to the 20 29 yard line so he gets a nine yard punt return which is just slightly below his average of about 10 yards on the season a nice 45 yard punt by kill so the Pitt Panthers actually will have the football at their 29 and a half yard line early in the second quarter they try fatten up 14 to nothing lead scoreboard is calling at the 30-yard line so we'll go along with that right that's nice and well rounded after a sideline conference and Jimmy is late arriving to the huddle Island McIntyre the fullback the tailback is McCall put the lineup in the eye Clark will be a flanker to the left side which is basically the wide side and wallet split end right Sweeney out over the football for the Panthers pitch back to the left side McCall sidestepped one tackler sidesteps another and gets out to about the 33 yard line picked up three on the play but it could have been a loss but he avoided the loss with a good move back behind the line of scrimmage good block by Tony Brown fine tackle for the Irish by linebacker Tony for genic Danny got a block from Clint Wilson the tight end and took care of golf bob garlic see that Bob go ignite go it Bob's with Cleveland Mike Golic the linebacker 2nd down and 7 after the 3 yard pickup on the call now Clark comes as the white out to the right side flanker split in left to the short side is Wallace single setback is mark Bailey can Jimmy straight back to pass on second and seventh with time fires over the middle complete here comes bill Wallace puts out a 1 tacklers graph and they push him down at the 44 yard line but it's a good pickup of 11 yards Phil Wallace on the receiving end of action Jimmy Pass nailer made the tackle for Notre Dame but not before the sticks are move and it was passed barrage to sophomore cornerback who had a piece of Wallace but Wallace would not hear of being thrown down and he wanted a couple of more yards out of it got a first down at the 44 yard line the Panthers with excellent field position and a 14-nothing lead 1318 left 2nd quarter single setback flanker right and jemmye back sideline pattern and it is incomplete the intended receiver running up the sideline was Jeff Casper and it looked for a minute like he was out of bounds running that pattern from our vantage point here and the pass was over his head out of bounds incomplete it was immaterial coverage by Pat Ballard that will stop the clock at 1310 second quarter it's second ten pit from its own 44 and the path is leading at 14 nothing only can Jimmy's third incomplete path he's thrown ten times good coverage that time by ballads cause the incompletion actually can jump me through the high pass batches misdirection play they slip into the right side of a call turns it upfield behind the block and gets to about the 50-yard line for six yards a call with a good run nickel defense was on the field for the Irish good blocking from Fralick and dorando made that play possible and I think what I see the Panthers doing today Meyer in a pattern there the cutback who seems to be working it does indeed and on that plate Tony for Janek a linebacker was a reception committee for Bill Fralick pulling and running through his right fur Janek had the misfortune to be there did he get flattened or did he get flat again the nickel defense for the Irish this time third and four from the 50-yard line can Jennie draw play to McIntyre they've got him a good straight but he just falls forward what appears to be close enough for a first down they're probably going to have to measure I mean to tell you the tackler had his arms wrapped around McIntyre can had him but Mac with those powerful legs just churn and churn and he appears to have any does indeed have the panther first down after Notre Dame 46 yard line the Panthers seventh first down of this ball game so they're moving in Notre Dame you're a territory having started back at their own 30 yeah that was hard running that big guy gained by all right should have nailed him before he crossed the line of scrimmage look like one of those shows you see where they horses pull the heavyweight first and 10 hit at the Notre Dame 46 pitch back reverse here come send it to the 50 45 40 first down at the 35 30 cuts it back to the 25 20 and it's down at the 18-yard line the panthers pitched it back and with the football it was Joe McCall who handed it off to the flanker coming around Matt Senate Senate turned the left side and picked up gobs of yardage they spot the football down at the 17 yard line so that means he picked up 29 yards and on that play I tell you something dedicated Fralick way down filtered around a 30-yard line but play like mr. block but then it beats a man with a nifty inside move and took it down to the 18 of a 17 yard line where it's first in 10 out of the I can Jimmy goes to the audible wide side of the field is to the right the Panthers come out of the I formation Clark is the flanker right Clark for the corner of the endzone it's going to be overthrown incomplete that's the play can Jimmy went to and he saw the coverage and sliding out of bounds it was Clark along with the coverage man Troy Wilson Wilson did a good job of making sure the Clark didn't get around him so can Jimmy Staats was over the top of the heads of both young men well I I guess then again actually would have been good yeah 29 you called it yeah that's right 98 yards maybe well it was from the 46 to the what's the 17 I believe are they calling it the 18 they're calling it the 17 so that looks like 29 to me no no time for me to be nitpicking it's exciting down there second and 10 at the 17 clock starts at 11:30 - second quarter pitch back to the left side McCall good blocking but he flips and falls as he gets to the 15-yard line Fralick had it sealed off Fralick had his man to run though had his man and McCall just slipped when he made the cutback exactly right there was shortage to be made there that I need come off the ball well but the ball carrier simply slipped and went down holding call against the pass not without a final score bill West Virginia has beaten temple 27 to 19 let me see what I have on Penn State final Penn State 38th round 21 so it wasn't as bad as a lot of people had expected some other scores in the third period Baylor in Arkansas tied 2121 Boston College in the fourth period as walloping Army 34 to 7 Maryland has gone out in front of a burn in the fourth period 17 to 14 and Florida in the first period holds a 6-2 free lead over Georgia it does not appear to be as windy right now as it was at the start of the game no it does not it appears to be 12 to 15 the holding call brings the ball out across the 25 and they spotted at the 27 yard line it's a 10 yard holding call it'll still be second down and now it'll be second down and 20 the Packers from the 27 how about this score in the fourth period East Carolina's 7 Miami of Florida dick and the Panthers have to play East Carolina single setback second and twenty pit from the low today of 27 fit lady 14 enough a big rush to Jimmy is hit at the 35 and there's all kind of tempers flaring to run though didn't like the way they were roughing up Gangemi and he came back and filled somebody off the pile but there are no markers down Rick Taylor will get credit for the sack a loss of 8 yards to the 35 yard line so the Packers now who were just a moment ago in 217 next to a holding call in a sack are back out of the 35 and face a third and long law so here well you're probably simply hoping to pick up a little yardage and perhaps get a field goal out of this a good opportunity for a touchdown has been squandered third down and 28 the Panthers from the Notre Dame 35 yard line 1024 left of the second quarter single setback flanker right Jimmy back three-man rush fires a pass over the middle and Wallace the ball was thrown high and a man who hit him is down and up Chris Brown the free safety is down and not moving a whale of a collision Wallace is injured but he gets up and is trying to shake it off but Chris Brown is down 1016 to go in the quarter Pitt had 14 nothing there's a break in the action and we'll be right back you call you stockbroker Tom yeah Jim here I want to buy 500 shares of Conroy's con Ross wait a second let me check on don't bother I've been watching the company for quite a while they're high tech and now's when I want in why pay your broker for advice you're not always using Pittsburgh national discount brokerage can give you the same fast transactions and save you as much as 70% on commissions find out more about Pittsburgh now Joe Johnson they also have a Nickleback named Dane spiel maker now we'll recchia punt the football with the Panthers trial of a razzle-dazzle here from the 35 yard line in Notre Dame territory information with that 14 knots and laid on edge they'll try to drop it in there maybe punted out of bods and hope that it gets in there pretty good which Ricky has done very well this year he's kicked a couple of coffin corner beauties aims it for the left corner it's gonna sail into the end zone it appears and be a touchback Notre Dame will have it first and 10 at their own 20-yard line there's a break in the second quarter action we'll be right back discount Notre Dame first and 10 from their own 20 sprinter up later Pinkett he flips it off the left side being chastened hit and wrapped up after a three-yard gain out to the 23 yard line make it coming into their sideline and tempers flare and a flag is in the air and let's see Chris Smith was in the process with Melvin Dean with with Melvin B now just who will be the person a person charged as guilty here they're talking to the Panther try captain Troy Hill let's see what the call is it is a personal foul against [Applause] it happened in front of the Notre Dame bench at about the 37 yard line that's going to be a big break for the Irish pick it was stuffed after a three yard game and now they come all the way out to the 38 yard line well you don't want to put handcuffs on your ball team you want them to play figure it vigorously but at this point the coaches might do well to say to their players hey when that whistle blows hands off and particularly on hit side of the line because they're leading 14 to nothing and they want to stay in control this football game Brooks is he up back in the I pick it the tailback 38 yard line the line of scrimmage in Notre Dame territory Pitt leads at 49 second quarter pitch back to pick it right side [Applause] at the 40-yard line I think it got through a hole probably not as wide as his buddy the elusive thicket took off and ran for 23 yards well milk Jackson the flanker was blocking downfield on I believe rory hill and so if Tommy Flynn doesn't come to the rescue there it school's out it's the big six for Notre Dame but there was plenty stop thank you the father hit 41 Beuerlein stepped in they faked the pitch and they give it to the full-back Brooks and he is up it's not Brooks it's Chris Smith then he gets a couple of yards into the 39 to the 38 yard line where Panther linebacker Troy Benson the junior from Altoona along with help from strong safety Rae Weatherspoon the senior from flirtin make the stop on the play at the 38 yard line a gain of two it'll be second down at eight in fifty era Tori the score of tip 14 Notre Dame nothing 850 to the clock turn second quarter and Notre Dame on the March they make a change at left guard scandal is out and Derr Derr is in for the Irish flanker left out of the ifer line for the long count spin hand off the picket tries the right side not much going on there he gets a couple of yards to about the 36th and that's all where bill moss the faster defensive right tackle from Newtown Square Pennsylvania had the refs on him at the 36 yard line pickup of two it'll be third down and six eight minutes and 20 seconds remaining in the second quarter Notre Dame down 14 to nothing tries to turn this game around and instead of circumstances is helping them along such as a factor penalty when Pitt was prepping to score and now a penalty against Pitt in the secondary wonder one Berlin's going to throw it third down and six from the 36 yard line at Pitt he's going to throw it now he's back has time looks fires intercepted Tommy Flynn 4045 wide side at the 40 and needs a block doesn't get it and down he goes at the 40 yard line they're gonna put him down to 39 but an interception by Tommy Flynn the intended receiver Joe Howard was not anywhere near the football / line just threw it right into Flynn's arms the Panthers keep the Irish off the board there's a break in the second quarter action and we'll be right back here's an inflation fighting tip from Daly's by Daly's fresh fruit flavored concentrate one gallon mixes with water to give you six gallons of good tasting low cost per serving fruit drink that's better for you than those carbonated beverages and there's no sugar needed so the next see the Chris Brown a Notre Dame free safety was injured a few minutes ago is back in their secondary now I imagine that Blair killed is smoking down on the sidelines because Burdine according to my unofficial stat has thrown four times completed none and now he's thrown an interception and the kill had made a he's outspoken in his criticism of Jerry phosphor taking his job away after the second game of the season and giving it the Beuerlein he doesn't mince any words he said he doesn't like it he thinks he he earned a better shot than that playing from into his fourth year here and so I would guess that he's standing along the sidelines saying I think I could do better than the freshman who is out there anyhow Pitt as a first time following Tommy Flynn's interception at their 34 yard line all of the field is in shadow now 752 left second quarter Clark deployed as his flanker to the left side McIntyre the lone setback gets the call up the left side they seal it off and Mac fights for yardage out to the 45 yard line he picked up I would say about seven yards maybe six yards behind the blocking of Jim Sweeney finally Joe Parrs dragged him down just shy of the 45 call it a six yard pickup and call it second down and four and again that hit offensive line coming off the ball like gangbusters they are really beating Notre Dame to the punch down there in the trenches by the scrimmage the 45 Panther started at about the 39 to give off the left side Joe McCall cuts it back and gets the first down and more he's not tackled till he reaches the Notre Dame 44 yard line McCall around the left side cut it back good blocking finally Naylor made the drag down at about the Notre Dame 44 yard line trilling again doing most of the damage up front and the Irish trying to tackle both McCall and the football trying to seize the football but McCall touching it determinately and takes it inside the 45 yard nine of the Fighting Irish call got the 10 yards for my best recollection there here comes can jelly out of the eye quick pass and it's batted into the air incomplete a marker is down that ballot got a hand on the corner fire and the ball is batted down and the Panthers may be hit with a procedure call here they didn't take a set I believe in that now they're gonna call offsides against get somebody lined up outside so the Panthers at McIntyre pick up six and in the call picked up 10 and now the penalty and this will be a 5 yarder from the 44 yard line of Notre Dame out to the 49 it'll be first and 15 654 left of the second quarter dead ahead 14 to nothing and the Packers own the football for the moment and Pitt fans were worried about the effect of the crowd noise on the Panthers but with the quick 14 to nothing lead I wouldn't say this crowd is that noisy to be a problem first and 15 Pitt from another name 49 McCall tries the right side but there's a host of blue shirts there to greet him he got maybe two yards into the Notre Dame 48 yard line Golic the defensive end from the left side and Joe Johnson the strong safety nailed McCall as he cross the 50 Angela couple to the 48-yard line Notre Dame so this will bring up a second down and we'll call it 14 yards to go apparently a passing time let's quickly say a thong semi 7 for 12 no interceptions a 44 yard touchdown pass second and 14 back to pass can Jamie out of the backfield McIntyre has it he's hit by two people but he drags one into the Notre Dame 41 yard line Rick nailer wrote him down at that point that's a pickup of seven yards it'll be third down at about seven so they go to that play again with McIntyre swinging out of the backfield and I had wondered a little earlier if Notre Dame had not wised up to it says they had defense at one time but they go right back to it may pick up some nice yardage but at least hit with third and seven as you just said bill Cortina nothing the Panther lead at 5:35 turning clock second quarter third and seven at the no today 41 bit moving left to right second quarter wide side of the field to the left and Jimmy back good Jimmy what and rolls out of the pocket it made the rush he'll be dragged down out of bounds for a loss back at the 49 yard line Danette filmmaker the Nickelback got in the backfield and chased him out of the pocket and got him along the sideline that'll be a loss of a pop I guess they're going to save 10 yards and so the Panther puck team will be on the field yes he got away from the big tackle again did well to get away from him but can Jimmy scrambling to the sideline finally nailed so the Panthers must punt sack of 10 yards at the Pitt 49 the line of scrimmage wide side to the left Panthers in punt formation with recchia awaiting Tony Magdala snap snap his high but it's fielded and Ricky angles the punt for the left sideline chasing it over there's Joe Hart lets it hit it takes a Notre Dame bounce that will be downed immediately by Melvin Dean inside the 20 yard line they're going to knock it down at the 19 yard line for 35 remaining second quarter with timeout on the field to score Pitt 14 and Notre Dame nothing the fun fight Tony Araki good for 32 yards actually it was a pretty good pun intended about that 16 but it unfortunately took a Notre Dame fan though the ball is at the 19 first time for the Irish no B right to left second quarter they trail 14 to nothing out of the affirmation quarterback Steve Beuerlein the freshman pitch back to the left side picket time to turn the corner he does spoon hits him and he spins forward for about four yards to the 23 yard line think it is an elusive slippery runner who's got that quick darting movement and when he kept it back anything can happen but spoon did a good shorthand to tackle that time and got help from Chris Tobin think it needs only 102 yards to become Notre Dame's just a third man in Notre Dame history to gain a thousand yards rushing in a season the other two were al hunter in Vegas Ferguson from what we've seen so far I think he's going to make it this afternoon at the 4-minute mark second quarter out of the affirmation on second and six from his own 23 Beuerlein sweat drop thank you charge the turret to the left side good tackle by Caesar alders hurt upset him for maybe a loss on the play and it is back to the 21 he lost to Al desert read it all the way just stayed his grind he stayed home and waited for that guy to come back to him and then he not only made the tackle went for the football at the same time could not shake that loose but now it's third down and nine I think Chris gellick warming up on the Pitt sideline the pantsuit sophomore from Mount Lebanon the quarterback and that indicates to me that maybe John can Jimmy may have been hit hard on the previous sack that set up the Panther punt Josef Eowyn had a defensive end Notre Dame now with a third and nine at their own 21 right side of the field is to the right and that's where Joe Howard as a wide receiver back to pass Berlin over the middle the pass is complete with a football bill Jackson they say he dropped it Suton said he dropped another swing way for sign out he's got it at the 40 yard line and that's a gain of 19 in a floor but enough for the first down Dean made the tackle on the play looks like he held it I couldn't understand why the two officials away from the ball were signalling what appeared to be incomplete they're just trying to get the clock stopped which it is at 303 second quarter on Notre Dame first down to the 40-yard line play-action fake fur Lineback wants to throw deep over the middle pass complete again milk Jackson gets to the fifth 38 another Notre Dame first down beeps Roy Hill on the play coming across the middle from his foot and right position there'll be a pickup of 22 yards on the play first he hits Jackson for 19 yards now for 22 and they are his first two completions of the ball game Steve Beuerlein first completions that he froze them both down the middle they spot the football at the fifth er t8 Beuerlein now three four seven Chris Dolman back into the Packer defensive lineup at the 5th 38 Notre Dame of the first and 10 Alvin Miller now the flanker play-action fake they want to throw the pass back and he throws it away to the FIR line roaring in as a legless Kowski Melvin Dean on the corner fire and Beuerlein said I got to get out of here here's the football he threw it to nobody well Mark pivara the tight end was open down in the middle but he threw it about ten yards beyond the big tight end so it'll be second down and ten I think he wanted to set something up there he kind of looked to the left side and then either one to go back over the middle to the right side but I think he just decided hey I got a dump this thing because the Heat's on thanks to when wachowski and Melvin Dean on the corner fire from the left side Mike's favorite is now the flanker he's the third team flanker nope Jackson is lined up on the same side of the football here comes a roll out by abberline here comes the hip up they missed him no they got him at the 43 yard line older Cert missed them and then putting the wraps on him was a legless Kowski and I mean to tell you Halder shirt was on him quick and was coming with a hard charge he got out of older certh grasp but then when wachowski knocked him down the loss is back to the 43 of five yards it'll set up a third down and 15 notes redeemed trailing the Panthers 14 to nothing the clock turns to a minute 54 left to the second quarter Notre Dame has all three timeouts remaining the patches have only two remaining in the first half despite what the scoreboard says 43-yard line up it rolling left his Berlin twin receivers out that way they throw it back to picket take it with a block and now a screen and he gets to the 40 yard line and that's all he picked up three yards on the play the Panther defense swarming all over the football all this Turk was there and so was Tom Flynn who made the initial hit alder cert is playing a tremendous game of football I mean to tell you Bill he's reading the plate and he is where the ball is today time and again Notre Dame takes its first time out of the first half and so each team has two timeouts remaining in this half which has a minute 15 to go that ahead 14 and nothing it'll be a fourth down play for Notre Dame there's a break in the action and we'll be right but you got to remember that the two guys on the end of the line plus the man in the backfield the up back are eligible receivers if Kia would decide to throw it he'll the pretty good athlete can run the ball to fourth and 12 Notre Dame at the Pitt 40 Tommy Flynn is not back in his normal deep safety position he's planted about the 20 yard line just in case Notre Dame comes up with any gimmick of some sort he'll awaiting the snap by the long snapper he gets the kick away the hives could be short Flynn range is under signals for the fair catch Notre Dame pulls it in at the 6 yard line under the football down there is Dan corsaro a sophomore and he did a good job of ranging under it and catching the punt since Flynn had signaled for the fair catch and got out of there we pause for station identification on the Panthers football Network try the delicious new clam dinner a Twinkies complete with french fries and coleslaw for only a dollar ninety-nine now a Twinkies we assume that John can Jamie is injured Chris gellick is on the field for the Panthers and will be the quarterback facing a first in ten at its own seven Pitt ahead 14 to nothing we have a minute 7 left of the second quarter each team with two remaining time ups but I don't think that Pitt is going to play and use their timeouts but try to get a drive going back at their 7 yard line 1 now they heard you mired but why is the question that ok that's a good question and apparently breaking out of the huddle was gellick and apparently he sensed that perhaps what they were discussing in the huddle wasn't what it should have been called and the Panthers decided we got to make sure down here because they do not want to give Notre Dame an uneasy quick score with a minute 7 left of the second quarter they've got to try to use up the clock right now and try to get that 14 nothing halftime lead after the sideline conference sophomore gellick for Mount Lebanon is back on the field for Pitt well apparently there were only two seconds left on the 25 second clock so they called the timeout and now they have one remaining but the idea here is to use up the remaining minute and 7 seconds while you got a 14-nothing lead slacker is Darrell Clarke the split end to the other side is Bill Wallace out of the I pit first and 10 from its own 7 to spend into the full-back to give is to Marlin McIntyre he is the stonewall maybe get the yard to the 8 yard line clock winds down to a minute down Notre Dame has two timeouts left the Panthers have but one here in the first half now we have the clock stops and the indication from referee John Dillon is the fact that the Irish have called timeout so each team has now one remaining you know at half time here today Notre Dame is going to honor moose Fisher was a guard back in the 1940s and they're also going to honor or bill Shakespeare posthumous please he died in 1974 I'm gonna have as my halftime guest Art Rooney jr. and Joe Doyle now retired it was a long time sighs Penn sports editor and this is Mike I'm just gonna find it in for C because I want to find out why bill Shakespeare who was the first first prime draft pick the Steelers ever made back in 1936 those year the draft started he was their number one pick I think I can guess why he was from Notre Dame so Art Rooney wanted him but why didn't he play why didn't he sign a contract he never played with the Steelers he didn't go it lot of guys then weren't interested in pro ball but I'm going to ask those guys maybe solve that mystery after the time outfit now facing a second and nine from its own eight they pitch it and up the left side comes tailback Joe McCall with a football get through a hole crossing 210 got out to the 13 yard line picked up about four yards and the clock winds down to 43 seconds left of the quarter and a half 40 nothing the Panthers each team of the timeout remaining Chris gellick is the quarterback 511 185 pounds the sophomore from Mount Lebanon gellick on the young football season has completed all three of his attempts for 35 yards and he did that all in the Louisville game several weeks back the spin by gellick and a gift to McIntyre slide to the left side gets down to the 15 to the 16 yard line Notre Dame will use up its final timeout with 16 seconds left of the half the Irish obviously with this good field position currently would like to have the football back and try to get some points on the board before half-time 14 nothing the Panthers they got it on a 44 yard touchdown pass can Jimmy to Wallace then they missed the extra point try vine courts kicked knuckle balled wide to the right and then the Panthers on a fumble by Pinkett but Flynn yes who recovered that fumble Troi he'll recovered that fumble and the Panthers took it in on a 10-yard score a rush by Joe McCall went for two can Jamie DeBell a on the pass was good and the Panthers got the extra point back elated 14 to nothing 16 seconds left of the half Tony recchia will be on to punt Joe Howard is the deep man for Notre Dame and the Irish have 10 men up on the line of scrimmage will they try to block it the Panthers China put the right hats on the right numbers long snapper Tony McNelly delivers it recchia gets it away and it's a good kick Howard fair catches it back at his own 44 and pulls it in at the Notre Dame 44 yard line with 10 seconds remaining of the half Notre Dame has used its full complement of timeouts they have none remaining the Panthers have one remaining would not want to use it now they just will be very content if they can to go into halftime with a two touchdown lead not too many teams come into the stadium and get a two touchdown halftime lead a 41-yard punt for Tony recchia and it's a little surprising that with the 14 to nothing lead as a Pitt Panthers have had to punt five times in this first half in fact once more of my figures are correct and Notre Dame has had a punt but here goes Notre Dame from their 44 yard line trailing 14 to nothing they set up in the eye and burr line fix the draw wants the pass gonna throw it deep to the right sideline and it's incomplete short of the mark at the 35 Joe Howard tried to come back on the ball but apparently slipped and lost his footing incompletion stops the clock at 5 seconds left of the second quarter sober line is 3 for 9 and threw one interception he's about six foot three and he's a big strong kid a good strong arm obviously lacking in experience he was a heck of a high school basketball player out in Fort and California but now he faces 2nd down and 10 with 5 seconds left on the clock in the first half Jackson and Miller twin receivers to the short side Beuerlein back with five seconds ago is going to put it up long downfield the pass will be batted an incomplete at the 13 yard line good defensive play for Ray weatherspoon and Troy Hill and that will the second quarter the end of the first half of the score the pit packers 14 notes redeem nothing [Music] for sheriff to Val whose patrol cars pickup was really good crime at the start of this football game Notre Dame had won the coin toss and deferred so now the Irish trailing 14 to nothing as we start the third quarter they want the football and they'll get it at Lions court the freshman walk-on left-footed Sidewinder from Cleveland Ohio will be kicking the ball right to left into the breeze which is a lot less than it was at the start of the game it's about half so the breeze right now is about 8 to 10 miles per hour and he'll be kicking into that breeze a slight breeze right to left from the far hash mark deep to receive for Notre Dame Allen thinkin that's the goal line in the middle flanked by Alvin Miller and Alonzo Jefferson Jefferson earlier in the football game return to Panther kickoff 24 yards and gave the Irish pretty good field position to start a drive the Panthers so far have kept the Irish off the board John can Jimmy the Panther quarterback we understand rang his Bell here comes Lyon course picked up by Bell he's out across the 10 the 15 still on his feet at the 20 Greg Bell is down as he crosses the 25 to the 26 yard line a 25 yard kickoff return by Greg Bell Steve Beuerlein will be the quarterback for Notre Dame he was three percent in the first half bill Scipio made the tackle on the kickoff return man Bell Notre Dame they say it's the 25-yard line so we'll go along with that first and ten the Irish trailing 14 to nothing they start from their own 25 think it that's the eye they go with a slot formation to the wide side in the slot milk Jackson rolling to the right burr line stops fires for the sidelines and slipping and falling is the intended receiver Joe Howard he had gotten open the Panthers kind of zoning up what the man come underneath the zone but when he went to come back for the ball his feet gave way slipping on this natural surface which is a dry track today but at several times we've seen Notre Dame players slip and fall the Panthers I think I recall McCall doing it one time Tim kwench playing defensive tackle for the Panthers their receiver wide open would have picked up about eight yards on the play second down ten the clock stops at 14 51 third quarter Notre Dame from their own 25 flanker right and that's milk Jackson out of the I take it through a hole but they grabbed him as he gets to the 27 yard line he got through the initial hole but Cesar older sir plugged the gap and brought him down after in advance of what we're going to say is three yards to the 28 good help that time from Bob silk'n who got in there and I'm stuffed the applecart at the 28 yard line third down and seven Notre Dame trailing 14 to nothing third quarter faces a third and seven for their own 28 [Music] this time it is milk Jackson as a flanker right Howard split to the short side the left side single setback with a wing back in Pinkett the Irish lose the football but picking it up his Beuerlein he still has time to throw fires the pass over the middle and it is incomplete a good hit at the 48 yard line by Tommy Flynn on tight end marks of arrow the intended receiver and he parted Bavaro from the football and down at the pit 45 the Irish appeared to have their pranker back milk Jackson open being defended by Melvin by Troy Hill but he looked open to me however fir line went to the other guy and now Notre Dame has to punt ray Weatherspoon also in on the play they pinched on Bavaro and knocked the football loose Flynn and spoon a good job defending and the punter Blair keel is out for Notre Dame the line of scrimmage 228 he gets the snap keel gets the foot into the ball wobbly kick Flynn comes up to take and takes it his own 34 and he'll be completely surrounded and knocked down off his feet at the 34 yard line spearheading the defensive charge for Notre Dame under the punt was John Mosley a cornerback 38-yard punt for Blair Kiel so the Panthers start at their own 34 with a 14-nothing lead and the quarterback will be sophomore Chris gellick who's taking the place of the injured John King Jimmy the information from the Panther sideline is that can Jamie suffered hip to the head and he will not start the third quarter McIntyre McCall gets behind gellick but whether it's and Jamie sees further action today is a problem for the Panthers they pitch it back with the players whistled down before it starts a procedure call against the Panthers clock stops at 14 minutes left of the third quarter referee John Newland of the Big Ten gets the conference from his fellow official and comes out with the official call offsides Pitt Panthers that's the second offensive offsides call the Panthers have faced they also had two defensive offsides in the first half they will move the football back to the pit 29 yard line and now with the pits leading 14 to nothing you would want them to keep attacking but with a new quarterback in their Christian look they may decide to play it close to the vest and hope to get along with their ground game Stennett flanker left split end right as Wallace play-action fake now they go to the draw play turning the corner right side the weak side is Joe McCall and he gets five yards back up to about the 34 possibly the 35 yard line where he has knocked out of bounds on the far sideline by pursuing linebacker Joe bars who's taken the place of the injured Mike Kowalewski bars that time had help from cornerback Pat Bella gin runs support but it is a six yard gain and it'll set the ball up at the 35 and that's where the Panthers face a second down and nine o'clock 13:33 it turns third quarter feda head 14 to nothing and it's been that way since quarter number one i flanker left as the Panther formation [Applause] gellick fits back to the left side McCall can't go anywhere gets a couple of yards if tall maybe to the 37 spearheading the charge Joe bars the linebacker upset McCall as he got out to the 37 yard line with an advance of two this will be a third down and seven the Panthers at their own 37 Notre Dame makes several defensive changes i see the derrick dorsey comes out of there they go to the nickel defense and dane steelmaker is on for the irish as an extra defensive back the Panthers make it a change at right offensive guard Mike doll is into the ball game in place very Pettijohn left guard is Mike dorando my information third and seven for the Panthers gellick is back gellick looks and he throws the pass out of the pocket it's incomplete at the 34 yard line reaching for the low pass to the right side it was mark bayley he couldn't hold on the Irish defense has held and the Panthers will have to punt on fourth and seven so the iris and Joe Howard see this a verge on the year pup returning 7.8 yards for return well he even had gellick not under thrown the ball I don't think that pass would have netted anything because the corner back broken was over there reading it well and ready to make the hit get back here comes Ricky is kicked and it's a good spiral into the breeze Howard range is back in takes at his own 21 looks for the wall of the right turns it to 25 flip still on his feet gets to the 30 and gets to the 31 a punt return of 10 yards there's a break in the third quarter action and we'll be right back [Music] notre-dame facing a first in senate's our own 31 Howard's foot to one side Jackson to the others against a picket through a big hole out across the 35 to 40 he's got a first down to the motor day in 43 yard line they could broke it for 12 yards Tom Flynn made a savings Akal Mike Kelly threw a block up but the Irish setter Tim scandal the left guard and wreck yard Neil money and the middle opened up and when it started to think it was through it like a shot oh yeah there was a big hole there as they moved that Troy Benson the linebacker to clear the way the ball is at the 43 yard line of Notre Dame 12 yard game for Alan Thicke if they go to pick it again he tries to bounce it left side jammed it up there and he submerged a good job by Ullman jamming the outside and then the Panthers came across in pursuit and knocked pick it down after an advance of about two yards to the 45 Al wingless Kowski with help from Troy Hill made the tackle yes and pink it actually ran into his tight in mark pivara who was not able to move dolmen and was simply stuck there as if in a quagmire and think it ran into it second down a Notre Dame from its own 45 trailing 14 nothing third quarter 11 34 remaining of this period long count by the freshman quarterback Beuerlein pitches it back to the left side right side take it through a hole he breaks the tackle and he gets good yardage to the 45 Ray Weatherspoon came up to try to get an arm on ticket you can't arm tackle thinkin he broke it and finally Dolman dragged him down after an advance of 10 yards and a first down to the 5th 45 yard line yes yes and they on ahead bill weatherspoon on a note better he's reached out there or fried it take him down high and no you cannot harm tackle this little guy but long legs any move that's some power that ders with a five-man front of theof the nose guard digs in Notre Dame out of the eye first and ten from the pit 45 flanker left his Howard to the wide side Merline takes deep give take it throw Hall again and he gets into the 40 for about six yards across the 40 just inside the 40 yard line where Benson made the stop for the Panthers a five-yard pickup for Allen ticket the sophomore who came in needing 102 yards rushing to become only the third back in Notre Dame history to amass a thousand yards in a single season this is really the first time today that Notre Dame consistently is beating fit off the ball to the piston is go King Ragan and giving up good-sized hole second and five at the 40 delayed hit and here comes pick it down for a sec a delayed give off the left side Moss came in and he just surrounded the ball carrier Pinkett stuck him Tom Flynn put his nose in there and it was a loss on the play of five yards back to the 45 that is a big defensive play they tried the delayed give the sprit draw left side to think it the pastor's loss and Flynn shut it and perhaps Martha's play will be corrective that it'll set a new tone to the Pips defense and that they will get back that bristling style of play that they showed in the first half loss of five third and ten Notre Dame at the fifth 45 single setback Beuerlein back looking time over the middle of the path complete making the tackle gon play Jackson made a nice grab on a high pass pulled it in over the middle a Notre Dame get all the way to the pit 80 yard line that was to pick up of 27 yards yes it is and milk Jackson is a big drunk young receiver 64 and about 220 pounds and he can try that's the third big play projection on the receiving end of a fur-lined passed out of the eye on first attend the 18 pitch back to pick it pick it as hit and drop for a loss at the 20 yard line good defensive play for Troy Benson who came in there the sweep to the right side and just got taken and down he went for a loss of food it'll be second down and 12 the clock is it 9 16 of the third quarter [Music] after defense the exhibit tries to keep Notre Dame off the board second down and 12 Notre Dame at the pin 20 Jackson the deep stretch lines up as a flanker to the left side Howard his flip to the right out of the eye on second and 12 at the 5th 20 dumbly Irish with quarterback fur line shirt pocket pass over the right side incomplete were hard he just misfired missed the mark completely good thing because the defender Troy Hill fell down when Howard made his cut to the inside oh you betcha and when Jackson made his inside move and by the way he's not the big guy I told you about I had him mixed up with another young Notre Dame player but anyhow when he made his move to the inside he was just wide open because Broyhill wasn't see down on one knee that had touched on written all over it but Beuerlein overthrew so the ball is at the 20 yard line third down and 12 stopped at 8:53 left of the third quarter so today breaks the huddle they deploy Howard as the flanker left Jackson's flipped to the right side play-action fake to Pinkett Beuerlein back pump Lunt fires over the middle and it's landed in the air and completed good defensive play for Ray Wetherspoon on the intended receiver fat milk Jackson who was cutting across near the goal line toward the left side Cowen got back against the defend was whether spoon and I know folks Phase II was thinking spoon if you can hold onto that oh boy we have the football that football was right there for an interception right off his chest I do believe in Ray Witherspoon is kicking himself but it is 4012 now and Notre Dame will apparently attempt a field goal they trail 14 nothing Kevin Smith to hold the kicker is Mike Johnston 8 for 15 on the year this will be a 37-yard field goal attempt angle right to left Notre Dame looking to get on the board the ball is on the tee the Sidewinders food is [Applause] 37 yard field goal and Notre Dame gets on the board and trails at 14 to 3 841 left of the third quarter there's a break in the action and we'll be right back during surgery I started selling the new kick-off man is freshman John Carney I have 10 170 pounder from Jupiter Florida the Panthers deployed to freshmen down near the goal line that Senate from Schaller to the right side and to the left I'm Silas double check back Senate is to the left side and Chuck scales the freshman from shady side Academy is to the right side would they try a squib kick in this case let's see what carny does left to right with the breeze which is about 8 to 10 miles per hour left to right the right foot is through the ball and it's going to go deep back deep in the end zone the Packers Senate decides to kneel down and take the touchback B first intense it at its own 20-yard line John Kim Johnny was injured in the second quarter knocked out of bounds after tackles for a loss and Chris gellick is the Panthers quarterback also a sophomore at 1st and 10 from its own 20-yard line so now the Notre Dame defense which had come into this game averaging giving up an average of only five point four points a game over that five game winning streak except as a Notre Dame defense defeated out of the eye the Panthers operate flanker to the right side instead of delayed give off the left side McCall tries to turn the corner he'll get a couple of yards he'll meet a wall of resistance by joe bars he stands him up it'll be a short gain out to about the 23 yard line guy on the left side McCall is denied trying to follow the blocking up there and out in front of him was his fellow backfield mate and that was Marlin McIntyre who exits the game and junior mark Bailey is in at fullback for Pitt 14 to 3 the Panthers lead it 8:14 the third quarter clock turns as the Panthers face the second and 8 from their own 22 this time single setback is mark bayley wingback to the left is McCall flanker right his Senate split in left as Wallace gellick is back and looking with time fires to the sidelines the pass is incomplete set of try to pull it in and when off his fingertips at the 28 yard line the coverage of Troy Wilson was found and the passers faced a third down at eight and this is a tough spot for gellick because he has had so little in experience and with Notre Dame's getting on the scoreboard here in the third period they bring the crowd back into this football game the crowd had have been rather subdued fraud in the first half so you've got the inexperienced guy who coming into this game that thrown only three passes this season completed all film he's in a delicate third down and eight hit from its own 22 blankie Wright has sent it out of the I formation gellick deep give those tailback second man through McCall fights his way to the 25 about four yards and is upended there by Tony frenetic the middle linebacker with help from defensive tackle John Aubrey and the Panther punt team comes onto the field fourth down and four hit from its own 26-yard line the Panthers now will have to pull it away again a Notre Dame should get pretty good field position once again trailing this contest 14 to 3 7 minutes 27 seconds left of the third quarter of play darkness is descending on South Bend here's the kick by rakia it's a good spiral Howard floats back at his own 33 in six looks for the wall to the right gets the Running Room 30 he's at the 45 and gets down to the 47 yard line excellent field position right there there's the break in the action we'll be right back [Music] [Applause] Randall's game there is a special feel in an Oldsmobile from the super grand olds gang 80 dealers strong and three states wide get the field test drive a new olds that's priced right for you and get a coffee mug three hurry take home two tickets to see the Panthers battle army November 12 [Music] [Applause] first and ten notre dame for their own 47 after refuse 41-yard punt spin move pass to the left side slip screen completes a hard hire goes forward still on a seat for the first down in Fitz territory playing and weather school made the deckle they threw a screen to the left side and hard did a good job of following his blockers cut it back toward the middle and he gets to the 42 yard line and actually his blockers cut out there are little lights that set up a screen for him but this simply was not for the playin head nobody over there so it is the first down Notre Dame hey I'm sorry 11-yard pickup to the 42 a bit first and ten that is where fir line operates out of the eye flanker right and he fakes the dive and the screen to the right side and turning the corner with a football milk Jackson is offended it looked like he was going to keep his feet but he was tripped ankled by Troy he'll run out of bounds by Tom Flynn in front of the motor Dame bench it'll be a pickup into the 37 yard line of about five yards on the pass play Beuerlein to bilk Jackson to the right side this was not a screen fast this was simply too quick out and far line firing in the fat first of the left now to the right keeping the 50 Cent's off balance second down and six at the 37-yard line outfit from the Irish out of the eye with a slot left formation Beuerlein along count this time Panthers with a five band front give Pinkett he is hit and knocked down at the line of scrimmage he didn't get anything Bob silken the middle guard was there pinching down from his defensive right tackle position bill Moss but shook and jammed the play up took care of Center Mike Kelly and it'll be very little gain if any they'll call it no game to the 37 it'll be third down and five and another fine play by Caesar all to search there it been a hold there but Cesar alder search underneath plugged it up beautifully and it comes up third down at the 37 I have to go for Notre Dame single setback make it as a wing back to the right to the short side Merline steps in he retreats the pass looks over the middle the pass is wide open this is football go hard is tackled as he gets to the 29 marker is down marker is down at the 43 yard line let's see what referee John Nealon decides was it roughing the passer that is my concern let's look at the replay on our monitor [Applause] [Music] ray Weatherspoon got back there and hit her line after he delivered the ball to Howard those kind of things hurt things right now are going Notre Dame's way they trailed 14 nothing ever since the first quarter they have a field goal up on the board and are driving for more and definitely have momentum Rea Weatherspoon goes to the Panthers sideline and gets it talking to the Panthers coaching staff [Applause] plus the penalty puts the ball at the fifth 23-yard line for a first debt on the person's head on a personal foul you know you're coming on that blitz from the outside and you're there and it scientific house you know and that's the follow-through getting hit with some plan first and ten at the 23-yard line Notre Dame out of the Iowa the flanker left in Jackson her line then makes the pitched and gives it to his fullback Chris Smith nowhere to go he may have gotten a yard to the 20 through that's all another flag flies down field tackle meant between Melvin Dean and Milt Jackson two flags are down there let's see what they decide will that be offsetting penalties after the Panthers indeed get nailed again with a big one well await the call from referee John Nealon [Applause] personal foul fit well Melvin with I'm pretty good down around a 7-yard line first he stuck a hand up in his safe man and he gave my honks on the side of the head with his other hand he gives my left and a right and they say that here Melvin now hit 11 yard line they are trailing are the Fighting Irish or Kingston back remember the factors have given up only three points in the third quarter until today the whole season now it is a total of six they have not allowed to touch down in the third quarter all season long so today first and ten from the Panther 11 yard line her line with a long count right side is to the left he's back he throws to the left side the past and pulled in at the five yard line he's tackled immediately by Melvin beam five and Jackson is getting up slowly he's got a cramp and trying to take care of it himself but he gets discharged to the five-yard line and it will set up a second down and four well he only picked up six yards but he threw that ball about 20 25 yards and I mean he had to pirate cuz there was coverage over there on the far side so we do see that burr line does have a powerful throwing arm and the ball now is that's a five-yard line John can Jamie did come out of the locker room but he came out of the locker room well into the third quarter whether he'll see any motor action remains to be seen he has been seen warming up on the sideline Notre Dame's second at 4:55 they give off the left side to pick it they've got him and Pickett will be stuffed by crystalline he will not turn the corner the players whistled down and dolmens simply shut him out of there stood him up they'll give him forward progress to where the official has yet to mark the ball they give him forward progress for a loss of one to the six yard line and Melvin Dean had a piece of pinkett in the backfield a couple of yards into the backfield and when think it got away you figure wolf boy he's going into that corner and he's going to score but Solman made a heck of a fight so alright the ball is at the stick third down they can get a first down inside the two third down we'll call it five at the 6 yard actually third down and about four is the way the sticks are the lead stickers at the two yard line two tight ends for Notre Dame third down and four at the six Burleigh play-action fake he runs right he fires for the end zone and the pass is batted down in the end zone great coverage Allen Wangler Kowski great pursuit on the quarterback with Melvin Dean as everybody was coming and the intended receiver Bavaro was surrounded in the end zone Tom Flynn was there Cesar alder cert was there it didn't complete it will be forced out along four at the 6th Chloe Hill was the man who put the early pressure on her line he burst into that fact don't he chased him out of the pocket and then the others came down on Berlin as he left that football go but it just was not there throwing as you said bill through the barrel tomorrow that big tight end bill gold time for Mike Johnston this will be a 23 yarder out of the hole by Kevin Smith angle left to right pretty tough angle the right footer has the ball on the tee the kick is up and the kick is through the uprights it's good another field goal for Johnston and the Irish trail 14 to 6 255 left in the third quarter there's a break in the action and we'll be right back when nasal congestion from Kohls or hay fever bring round-the-clock discomfort threat drugs suggest it's time for contact contacts latest notre-dame dr weekly penalty 35th it was a roughing the passer penalty on lay Weatherspoon then first got the Panthers in the sukkah long that driving in melvin d roughing up the receiver milk jackson with the ball down at the pit 11 yard line so those penalties did indeed hurt Notre Dame is now very much in the ball game 14:50 in the closing minutes of the third period as darkness falls upon the stadium here inside fence backers in two possessions in the third quarter got out to the 37 yard line that's the farthest penetration of their own 37 it's a problem they'll have to overcome whether John can Jimmy the starting quarterback returns we'll have to wait and see the kickoff man John Carney this time puts the ball down between the hash mark believe earlier he was kicking from the hash mark now he's directly between them carny the freshmen a right-footed soccer-style kicker will approach the ball but her name kicking it left to right in trailing 14 to 6 it has scaled and sent it at the goal line and here's the kick off its high and deep I Carney Senate will down it eight yards in the end zone mana passes will start first and fill at their own 20 we pause for station identification on the Panthers football Network hi this is Jack bogan I hope we can both say I've made the switch join me every weekday morning on twelve fifty WTAE Pittsburgh [Music] the faster start first and ten at their own 20-yard line and they huddle up the Panthers leave this contest 14 to 6 and onto the field comes quarterback Gillick backup for Johnson Jimmy the sophomore from out Lebanon operates out of the I formation with McIntyre McCall behind him again they fake the counter double effect rolling right gellick looks downfield the past is complete up to the 34 yard line with the football out there in tight end patch to penny and ship any Flip Wilson gets the first down out to the 34 yard line and that barrage I believe was playing playing interception on the play he's the cornerback over there on the far side but he couldn't get to the football gellick rolling out to his right after faking the handoff and he hits his target so maybe Pitt has something going here now their first first down of the third quarter now they're calling it a 15-yard game they spot the ball at the 35 yard line wide side of the field of the left hip moving right to left in the third quarter first and 10 from its own 35 to give off the right side McCall and they've got him trapped and down he goes the play of about two yards as he tried to cut it back his footing gave way but give credit to the Notre Dame defense they really had pinched down the outside and they had bottled up bill Fralick that time he couldn't block three people Golic was there for Janek was there and also Balaton runs support and down he went they called it a loss for WordPress to the 34 it'll be second down and the 11 clock winds down at two minutes left of the third quarter Pitt ahead 14 to 6 and the factors trying to get a first down here they've got one first down in this entire second half so far this is their third possession second and 11 play-action fake by jelly little dump past and it's out of the reefs of Marlin McIntyre the Irish were coming Mike Golic on cupboards but a good charge that time up front from Eric Dorothea and having the loss of football to high gellick found the incompletion at the other end it was too tall for McIntyre and it'll be third down and 11 at the 34 yard line the clock has stopped at 144 left third quarter zoic tied up there a little bit by Bill Fralick and John Franco throw the ball softly over his head but a little off the mark so he's now 1 for 4 and he has to hit a few passes to loosen up this Notre Dame deep the head right to the short side is Wallace flanker left single setback offense for the factors jelica straight back as time fires over the middle wide open Billy Wallace in Notre Dame territory first down at the 47 yard line well it's coming across the middle from his right deployment beat the coverage of pat ballad got underneath it and jela kid him perfectly with a nice pass and a game is to the Notre Dame 47 yard line that is a pickup of 19 yards at a panther first down and what happened was that the Fighting Irish were blitzing they had three pitchers coming but the pit pass protection defense an outstanding job of picking up the Blitz oh the receiver was wide open in that vacant secondary and Harris bit with another first down at the 47 a Notre Dame had two tight ends first and 10 at the 47 to give us to the fullback and with a football plowing straight ahead is Marlin McIntyre not much running room Notre Dame has him surrounded Autry Gann for genic they've got the football surrounded so the forward surge is all the Panthers got that time and it was enough for three yards to the 44 yard line bringing up a second down in seventh the clock winds down to 57 seconds and it's turns here on the third quarter then ahead 14 to 6 all between the hash marks the fastest moving right to left here in the third quarter chef Danny has a tight end to the right side Flip Wilson of the tight end to the left side Blackie right is Matt sent it out of the eye John is gellick and his backfield mate the spin they double faked it rolls left pumps one one man looks down feel the pass is incomplete it has been complete what a hit down there finally tied in by Chris Brown the free safety boy he didn't put a hit on him and angelic it was in danger of being sacked by the big tackle Greg Dinges who think they have a joke zero didn't but joke somehow got away and was able to throw that football so ok third died now and a long seven that brown is a hard hitter he's the one that hit Wallace early in the game of course Brown got the short end of that deal yeah he came off the field injured bird and the Notre Dame 44 put ahead 14-6 late stages third quarter play-action fake by Dylan dumps a pass right side Marlon McIntyre breaks the tackle and rolls forward just shy of the six he'll be about a half yard shy he almost got the first down breaking the tackle of Rick Taylor and finally was brought down by Troy Wilson just shy of the 6s we eyeball it here but it's close enough that referee John Nealon may want to measure up he indicates fourth down he can see that it's short will the passes go for it will the Panthers punt at the Notre Dame 37 yard line the Panther offense is still on the field they're going to go to two tight end Tom Johnson and patty patty meanwhile that's the end of the third quarter with a score v pastures 14 and Notre Dame sick that's telling about boost beer and with a very green quarterback having to play in this second half you don't figure to get a lot of opportunity so you may as well try when you got one and here the Pitt Panthers have an opportunity thanks to hard running on a swing pass by Marvin McIntyre several times today has just run like blue blazes and made yardage where there apparently was none to be made this is not yardage this is a foot or less its inches and it appears to be the length of the football weenie is not over the ball high information Gaelic footballer bad jelly cake send a surgeon he's got it he went right over the top of Jim Sweeney and Sweeney just simply covered up either tackle Mike Gann or tackle Mike Griffin and sweetie just laid him down and over the top went gellick for what appears to be the first down he got at least a yard that's more than enough [Music] catchers have had a history of having injured quarterbacks against Notre Dame I vividly recall again the 1977 game when early on throwing a touchdown pass Matt Cavanaugh was hurting how can Jimmy is up and this time it is Chris gellick to try to step in he gets a big first down first and 10 fit after Notre Dame 36 yard line out of the eye flanker left is Darrell Clarke the give is to fullback Marlin McIntyre fights his way behind good blocking in across the 35 to the 32 yard line for about four yards Erik Dorsey finally made the tackle but again a good surge up front if Mack the running romeny ran hard it got the floor yes we're seeing signs that that nine is beginning to click again now and Bill you know first joke better than I he is a feisty guy is he not he is he's a tough kid let's Mount Lebanon to a couple of WPIAL championships good athlete fine punter fine quarterback with a strong arm second we'll call it six the Notre Dame 32 they double fake it this time they go free safety Chris Brown he ran 30 yards hurting the right side the Panthers with the counter move they double faked it and here came a call around the end at follow table Johnson's block and donfield bill Fralick another big block by Fralick on the cornerback Pat savage I mean he bowled him out of there so at the run of 30 yards down to the two yard line yes indeedy they call it a 31 yard run so it's got to be at the 1 yard line we call it the two they're going to call it the 1 we will not quibble the important thing is the Panthers are ever so close to the goal line everybody bigs in first and goal was hit at the line of scrimmage by 24 genic it just somehow the hit absorb the blow and stepped in the end zone with a second effort right for Janet caught him in mate air but he didn't dump them and he came down on his feet he says let's go again a fella and he dragged for Janek into the end zone touchdown yes the Panthers marched 80 yards to do it and it was not penalty aided in any way extra point try by stuffy Everett the junior from side Mississippi out of condemning told the kick is up and the kick is good straight on kicker stuff the Everett's text on the point and the pastor's lead it by 15 points it's 21 6 13 54 left a lot of time remaining there's a break in the fourth quarter action and we'll be right back have you tried Daley's fresh juice products they're made with blends of choice juices and natural flavors than fortified with vitamin C they're a lot better for you than those carbonated beverages and are available in nine palette pleasing flavors and hate Daley's juices are easy to find in your store though the bottles with the juice in the ears the factors lead at 21 to 6 says Chris gellick backing up Johnson Jimmy marks as the Panthers 80 yards in 11 plays 80 yards and 11 plays they got four first downs hard running by Marlin McIntyre and great faking by gellick set up some misdirection things that sprung it open and the big gainer a 31 yard run by McCall from the 32 down to the 1 and then McCall another big play a second effort plunge of the Panthers lead at 21 6 so gellick on that drive hit three passes and the serve noticed the Notre Dame that he is not a zero back there when it comes to throwing the ball indeed it's often been said a joke that he has the strongest arm of any quarterback on the Pitt squad it has gone through some sort of miseries this year with quarterback John coming winning the starting job being knocked out in the final moments of the opener down at Tennessee and congenic taking over in the second game in doing remarkably well but now can Jimmy knock that action so George says well I'll show you what I can do and he hit three passes there and he moved that football team and Fralick is just amazing he gets 25 yards Steinfeld and knocks people into the seats now he gets banners so fast it's 290 fines on there now lion courts kick off the left foot of boots did hide to the goal line Bell takes it behind the waves across the five left side 10 to 15 on across the 20 but a marketer's down back at the 40-yard line and the factors may have been guilty of being off sides of Notre Dame player is injured and down and in much discomfort at the 22 yard line we can't see who it is right now and while they attend to him with 13:54 remaining and a penalty marker down there's a break in the action and we'll be right back your stockbroker calls good news about impact up two points you were right about that that's great I'm with Commission's just defeated Iowa State 72 to 29 that brings around the country in big fashion the injured player hiawatha francisco one of the kickoff return people trying to block for bail that time is up and okay and off the field and so the Panthers apparently will have to wreak it and suffer a five-yard penalty for being offsides on vine courts kickoff and I'll tell you there was a lane opening up the middle on that kickoff that was as wide as the English Channel I think the Panthers really missed now Eric Schubert's because they all year long and for the last couple years are used to that ball sailing deep in the end zone now it's coming down to the goal line and now the burden is on the Panthers special teams interesting lane post ratio has geared those special teams up with first stringers like Troy Hill and also Tom Flint ray weatherspoon Melvin Dean he wants sure handed tacklers to try to make the big play because the Panthers realized that Brian Court's leg is not simply as strong as Eric Schubert's and schubert Eric if you're listening get well get back quickly we miss you very much behind court the freshman walk on the hero of last week's Panther victory over Syracuse will again kick it off this tie from the 35 and he'll kick it from the nearside hash mark which is the right hash mark you'll be kicking in left-footed but if he tries to angle the ball or squib it possibly syan court from Cleveland a freshman walk-on from Parma Heights Ohio and they're just waiting now as they deploy at the goal line Jefferson Bell and Miller that time Bell on the kickoff return followed the witch very well Francisco unfortunately got hit by somebody and came out of the ballgame fortunately under his own power I believe bill Savio was the man who got down there and leveled hiawatha francisco 13:54 left a lot of time remaining the Panthers lead it 21 six a reminder to Pitt fans at its fit football ski cap day next Saturday the Panthers host the cadets of army at fifth stadium the first 5,000 youngsters 16 and under will receive a free put Pitt football ski cap compliments of racks restaurants this is also the last game for $2 youth tickets they're also available in advanced at any equifax or you can pick them up at the game on Saturday it fits football ski cap day next Saturday from the Panthers host the Black Knights superhot system here comes bat five court after the five yard penalty from the 35 he'll boot it once again well left footer hits a knuckleball this time the up man will try to feel that it goes out of bounds it'll be another five yard penalty and so they'll have to recheck it at 30 minutes and 49 seconds left of the football game so this isn't looking very good and it would appear that he has a fairly good breeze behind him and you would have the hopes that he might deliver a real big kickoff with that win least as I read it or do you think that's blowing across the way now it's not as strong as it was when the game started but it's still a substantial breeze higher now agree was at it looks like 10 to 12 right now left to right basically near left and far right and that's the way five short is trying to kick the ball from the near left to the far right that time he kicked it to the left sideline to the right sideline and it went OB he'll kick from the 30 well nobody is leaving this stadium in the fourth quarter it's leading 21 to 6 but 13 and a half minutes approximately remaining and perhaps a big bold bit at stake for both teams and a lot of bull Scouts here today few perhaps half a dozen both though a lot is on the line Chris gellick marched the Panthers 80 yards and 11 plays Marlin McIntyre some hard running Joe McCall who's having a fine afternoon and a 31-yard Ronon and got the touchdown behind court this time kicks it deep angling toward the near sideline but it'll be fielded at the five by bail out across the ten left side of the 15 to 20 behind the wedge get the button 25 30 35 and he's hit and still on his feet but knocked out of bounds by Bill Savio as he crosses the 40 yard line Notre Dame Roy Hill came in and helped out on the play that time Melvin Dean was there though today will have excellent field position trailing 21 6 with 13 42 remaining that's the 40 yard line well Melvin Deena on the outside on the right extremity was trying to keep the outside coast off he was staying home but didn't stay home long enough aney and he had some Running Room there so Notre Dame is at the 40 after a 35-yard return of the kickoff by Bill out of the eye Beuerlein the freshman operates takes play action fake you gonna throw over the middle of the pass wide open to Joe Harris 5 slips in avidin flips and falls as he gets to the 40 [Applause] so face another personal foul penalty oh okay those major penalties are hurting you betcha the receiver had slipped into the pit zone wide open and the hip was clearly late tensley came in and is gone for filing out a Notre Dame now we'll get a big break 15-yard penalty on top of the path reception gets the ball all the way to the Pitt play nine yard line Steve Beuerlein who in the first half completed only three of ten passes we flew an interception is that getting a little warm he is now 8 for 20 in this ballgame Howard got the ball to the Pitt 44 yard line so that was the pickup 16 yards and then the penalty of 15 makes it a 31 yard gain Melvin Dean is out of there and Tinsley is on as a quarterback for Pitt I think it has 20 carries for 82 yards play-action fake again bar line open over the middle the pass deflected almost intercepted out of the hands of try Benson weathers phone was back there and quarterback Troy Hill but the ball was short of their reach incomplete yes Roy Hill probably should have had that interception he made a heck of an interception against Syracuse last week but he couldn't hang on now of course if you're the Pitt defense that's one thing you've got going for you the freshman quarterback almost bond to throw another interception Melvin Dean hurt his ankle on that kickoff but he's back in there now at right corner back he had limped a little I noticed bill leaving the field after the kickoff if I could change split end Howard is out and Mike Faber it is in her line play-action fake he wants to throw it again has plenty of time now he wants to run forward he's at this [Applause] ten yard line with a good effort scrambled out of the bucket cut it over the middle cook it to the outside and Dean and finally brought him down but not before he picked up 19 yards at a Notre Dame first and goal just inside the 10 well doggone it like couldn't he'd be an experienced guy because he had a man open downfield but he never thought so he said he'd come through that path [Applause] [Music] 1970s 1301 remaining Notre Dame trailing 21-6 as the 1st and goal inside the 15th out of the eye they pitch it back to Pinkett he tries the left side gets a couple of yards into about 2 7 where Melvin Dean tripped him up and got his feet and he fell into the pile at the 7 yard line he got 3 it'll be second down and goal from the seven Chris Coleman fell on top of the pile and completed the tackle for fitness but Melvin demons be given credit for a good job of getting take its feet out from under it Notre Dame now brings another tight end down the field to go to site it goes to the Buffalo defenses what comes on as an extra big man and the Badgers bring out maybe it's time for a big play my al wing Bukowski let's go out second and goal from the seven yard line Notre Dame of the ball trailing play-action fake fur line rolls right along the 15th zone tackle at the 5-yard line another big defensive play for the junior from Altoona boy and he had to bring it out because he was at the one-yard line when he picked it off after getting up slowly was Rea Weatherspoon but he's okay apparently and will get off the field there's a break in the fourth-quarter action and we'll be right back [Music] there is a special feel in an Oldsmobile from the super grand old skank 80 dealers strong in three states wide get the feel test drive a new olds that's priced right for you and get a coffee mug free just a taste of what they're offering come get that special feel and see why that goes at troy Benson had his mitts on an interception and couldn't hang on but now he does hang on if that the one he brings it out to the five as Beuerlein tries to go down in the middle in Floyd Benson once they get is a big jump in the pit defense 12 minutes and 13 seconds remaining Pitt leading 21 6 Notre Dame players trying to get the crowd vocalize here host of golden Panther followers in the end zone in section two up on their feet enjoying the action right now a big defensive play for Troy Benson question can Chris gellick bring them off the goal line a program appeal to get them out of this field possession problem right now well position problem I should with that 15 point lady probably is going to play it close to the vest you don't look for a lot of fireworks down there but yet like to bring a back up the middle and get lucky with it maybe maybe get a Gooden hole there and then and make the six and then you have a little breathing room and you can be a little more daring okay let's see how daring they become Darrell Clarke is the factor to the right side the wide side keep right in out of the eye comes Chris Kelly he turns he goes to a film back McCall runs into a wall and gets a couple yards behind the third behind Fralick up to about the eight yard line and let's see is n pile what happens the entire center of that Notre Dame defense like Griffin the defensive tackle Mike and also for genic the middle linebacker bring him down but it's a good surge forward for about four and a half yards - we'll call it the 9 yard line we'll call it a four yard pickup it'll be second down and six Joe McCall second effort but the Panthers gave them some Running Room faxes we need to run though and Fralick on that left side matter of fact the whole line did a good job Tom Johnson Patrick Tony Brown very pretty job they do the double fake again and McCall flips it to the outside Drake sit on the seat get to the 15 first down to about the 18 yard line but call was tackled by Rick nailer but not before he moves the stick and the Panthers that time used that little play on the double fake that faking by gellick and dorando came across and pulled at drew blocked it sprung a call for the first down and it's beginning to sign monotonous but once again Fralick pulling out a time blasting the strong safety Joe Johnson and I mean blasting him so Pitt has the ball almost out at the 20 yard line hit late to 21 6 1114 4th quarter first and 10 at their own 19 gellick with a single setback in McIntyre gives to that full back pictures hole very well still on his feet at the 25 down at the 27 yard line a pickup of 8 yards from Marlin McIntyre again on the backside of Bill Fralick and tight end Clint Wilson Joe McCall on 18 carries a hundred nine yards on the afternoon what a performance by the senior from Miami Jackson High School in the big one with his 31 yard run had set up a touchdown hit play to score matches lead it 21 6 10 40 remaining back into our picks up eight at second down at two pitted its own 27 single setback and Bailey gets the heat through a hole he's up to the 31st down to the 34 yard line mark Bailey to the 35 another fine block by Mike sorondo at another great block by Bill Fralick Chris Brown the free safety dragged him down but not before the six are once again moved left to right upfield and that hit offense now is fired up you just gotta glimpse that big glance Adams diner to see they got something going and it's the kind of thing that eats up time the clock keeps going it's 5 to 10 minutes 20 seconds but they're on fire and up here Bailey a nine yard pickup first and ten at the 36 the Panthers will take a delay of game penalty enough a procedure call the official indication from referee John Nealon because the play clock had only gotten too tense so was not delay it was a procedure call so the Panthers will eat five yards back take five yards back to the 31 and face of first and 1510 14 remaining the clock is stopped as the penalty is meted out Bailey comes in for mcintyre Wallace goes to the sidelines and the Panthers have McCall back into the lineup first and 15 the Panthers at their 31 we have ten ten minutes remaining as the clock begins to move once again out of the eye flanker right as Clark gellick the Panther quarterback spins against his fullback Bailey hard run in the middle not much room to run but he gets about four yards out to the 35 where he's tackled there by four genic and the entire center of that blue shirt at Notre Dame defense the clock continues to wide at 9:40 Pitt ahead 21 six we're in the fourth quarter at Notre Dame Stadium a fairly quiet Notre Dame Stadium right now I might have yeah and this little Drive that Pitt has going if indeed they keep it going has done a lot to quiet down this crowd they see that clock winding and winding and that'll quiet gellick out of the I second at 11 from his own 35 double fake again and this time he swings it left side of McCall who loses his footing and gets back to the line of scrimmage that's all Naylor fell down on top of him and again Running Room was provided out there the blocking was set up but McCall McCall trying to make the cut around the left hand slipped and fell at the line of scrimmage third down 11 not very heady John pulling out of the nine there and moving through his left was having difficulty getting rid of a Notre Dame defender and that kind of focusing sign and gave the running back a problem so ok let's see if gellick puts it in the air now he's facing third and long third and 11 if he does I'll bet it's on the roll third and 11 at his old 35 single setback his Bailey flankers to both sides Clark to one side and Wallace to the other draw play and here comes Bailey still on his feet and he gets back to the 40 yard line he got about five yards it'll be fourth down and six and the Panther punt team will come on the field Bailey at that time showed the ability to break a tackle or two and then he had to break the big one which he could not at the 40 because if he breaks that one he gets the first down and more up that left sideline boy he had those knees pumping so high he had his right knee up in Joe Johnson's teeth when Johnson brought him down all right Pitts has to the punch at 410 7 from their own 40-yard line the long snap man is Tony Mack deli of stow rocks the senior out over the football the factors put the helmets on the right number Notre Dame had 10 men now drop back and only rush 6 and here's the punt by recchia it's a pom a mortar shot Howard back lets it hit inside the 10 it gets down to the 5 and we'll be down inside the 5 yard line one of the Panthers down field under the punt and down field under that punt for a pet making the play I believe it was Keith Tinsley I'm not sure about that Palmieri made the down I don't think so let's let's just wait up and hold up on that goal I can't help you but it was a 55 yard punt boy I'll tell you right here bailed and dead ball there's a break in the fourth quarter action and we'll be right back [Music] still not sure was it bill mccormick whose level he was in the vicinity but I believe Tinsley the first man there who touched it and that's where they rule it down at the slide I think McCormick ended up falling on the ball two three but because the Panther touched it at the five it's ruled down at the five so give both McCormick continually good credit on the plate a fine couple Tony recchia has had to punt eight times today in a sin applying job he's fun and I'm sure at least to his average of roughly 42 yards a kick and had 55 yarder is sure sweet 745 remaining Notre Dame at their five single setback and they give Duke up they play action fake to make it fir line with time fires it downfield and the pass is intercepted by Hill he turns at the 20 yard line playing the deep zone the quarterback just sprinted down field and go hard the intended receiver not even close to the ball ranging under it like a centerfielder does over a fly ball over his shoulder Hill pulled in an interception Ahnold his blockers beautifully and finally is down as he gets to a Notre Dame 20-yard line that may send a few folks heading for the exits on this very dark evening that's up in Indiana and there you have your inexperienced quarterback he just drops back he throws it as far as he can throw it he'll play the ball all the way so exactly what was happening he ran to the outfield wall caught it nicely and started off on the return here it Oh football gellick gets it out of the air and gets it back at his tackle at the 20 for no gain we pause now for station identification on the Panthers football Network hello this is Jack bogan how about you and I getting our heart started together every weekday morning right here on 1250 WTAE Pittsburgh 7:05 the clock turn fourth quarter chris jelly comes up with a big play he fumbled the snap and pulled it out of the air and fell for no gain second and ten at the Notre Dame twenty two tight ends single setback and Bailey gets the call Bailey snowed under and he'll be hit after an advance of only two or three yards by defensive tackle Mike Gann but the important thing is the precious seconds for Notre Dame are slipping away to six thirty nine and Counting and even if you have to settle for a field goal here that would pretty much be the clincher for an 18 point lead right now 15 points where now it's always possible Notre Dame can score two touchdowns so both times for the two points to come up with 16 points when the ball games all right I'll take a field goal here but right now it's only third down and eight FD 17 the 18 maker gellick wants a timeout he comes out looks things over does not like what he sees and I'm not so sure whether he doesn't like his own alignment or whether he didn't like what Notre Dame was sitting in and he just decides and very wisely so to go over to the sideline use up a timeout to the factors have two remaining and a Panthers with a 21-6 League will talk it over there's a break in the fourth quarter action and we'll be right back all right the Panthers say third down and eight meantime Blair kill is warming up on the sidelines for Notre Dame her line through 23 times in his game completed only eight three three interception so when Notre Dame gets the ball back apparently they're going to go to Blair kill meantime here's a chance for the Pitt Panthers to tack on e in ensuring a point the ball is that the Notre Dame 17 and a half yard line the Panthers faced a third and long with 613 remaining the ball is on the 17 and a half on the left side hash mark fit moving left to right on the fourth quarter out of the I comes gellick pitches back to the short side cutting back Joe McCall knifes in there for a few yards gets inside the 15 to about the 13 yard line but he'll be about three yards short of the sticks tackle for Notre Dame made by Mike Gann and Mike Golic on the left side of that defense actually they flop so they were on the right side in this particular case and the Panthers gonna bring the field goal unit on with a fourth and three right now it appears no gellick remains on the field that's a good side three yards to 542 the clock turns Notre Dame has all three timeouts left on her Dame is warming up Blair Kiel now will the Panthers bring the punt team on nope they're gonna go for it on fourth and three pitch back McCall knifes in there but he's hit does he get the necessary yardage a very close close indeed it is very close near the 10 yard line it appears that he's short about a half a yard maybe a yard so Notre Dame takes over on down first and ten from their own 11 yard line the factors try to go for it on 4th and 3 and McCall is him or basically about a 2 yard game [Applause] the ball goes over to Notre Dame at the 11 yard line and Blair keel the senior quarterback is in there in relief of freshman Steve Beuerlein he's got 527 left and three timeouts trailing by 15 points Fitch back taketh the ever dangerous one tries to turn the corner and food has him and knocked him down for a loss on the play the 50 fence is playing inspired football when wachowski has a little bit of push and shove battle with tight end mark Bavaro alder search did a good job of getting in there to upset Pinkett and jamming the play back to the 8 yard line for a loss of three the Panthers now with a second down I'm sorry Notre Dame with a second down in 13 and that Pitts defense came off a strong game last week against Syracuse and that is how they have played today they have hit 453 remaining Blair Kiel gives not me play action thanks to the full-back at a diving catch at 2:22 by Joe Howard for a first down for Notre Dame he play action picked the dive plate of the full-back and hit hard streaking from his left end position coming across the middle toward the right side and immediately Howard diving but a markers down back at the line of scrimmage and the indication is the penalty is against the Irish and they're calling for the ball and so it will go against the Irish the pass play keel to Howard is nullified so now the situation of course becomes exceedingly depressing to Notre Dame with four minutes and 42 seconds remaining on the clock when you're dying in the hole and you appear to get out a little bit and then you're back back deeper into the hole on a penalty it gets depressing and the Paul is now at the 4 yard line second down and 18 no 17 let's go and it matters not to call it was the minor infraction the illegal block for the illegal block call the five-yard family but half the distance to the poor so it's second down and 17 in his hands off kia wants to throw wide open to the 25 hard takes it slips and falls he'll get it to the 25 and he's got a first down up to the Notre Dame 25-yard line so on second and 17 kilo hits the mark and the pastor's playing a prevent defense allowed hard to pull up and grab it for the first down yes and of course as much as some of our listeners may detest a prevent defense when you've got a 15-point lead it can certainly be defended is the proper strategy 21-yard pickup keel the Howard now 20 receivers to the wide side Jackson and Howard on the right side of the field for Notre Dame out of the eye first and 10 from their own 20 5 for 12 remaining Quiles back has time prevent fires downfield deflected an incomplete winglet Kowski got a hand on it Flynn was their spoon was their Joe Howard the intended receiver didn't get a chance as Troy Benson also got a hand on that ball so at least two Panthers it was Benson and Witherspoon getting a hand on that batted football but Wenger Kowski was the gay and he was 15 yards back in the secondary when he batted that football am I wrong I thought it was Weatherspoon turn the 6th upside down up let's go we just missed the replay oh well we differ well more than likely you're right because I don't know that I would be down there second and 10 at the 25 Kiel straight back at 4:05 remaining fires it long right sideline complete and tight end marks Romero has the first down out to the flow that is Mike Faber at the flanker who pulls it in for a first down up to the Notre Dame 42 yard line a pickup of 17 yards had a first down and the clock winds down to 401 now four minutes the steel steps in first and ten from his own 42 keel back pumps once fires for the sidelines and the pass is complete to the pit 45 yard line - Mike favorite two in a row for favorite though today I'm hoping the football and the clock stopped as he steps out of bounds 352 it would be stuff to move the six as well don't kill on this drivers thrown five times and completed four of the Panthers first and ten Notre Dame now at the pit 45 yard line that was a 13-yard pickup - favorite and it followed a 17-yard gain on a pass reception so it's two in a row for Mike favorite who comes out of the lineup now and milk Jackson is back in he's a flanker to the short side Clair keel single set back straight back his team trailing fires the pass over the middle complete and what the football is fullback Christmas and he is hit as he gets to the 39 yard line of Pitt by Troy Benson and that is a gain of about 6 or 7 yards the FIR line left the game officially with 8 completions for 20 out of 23 attempts for a hundred and eight yards he suffered three interceptions Kiel going again on second down he has plenty of time fires over the middle intercepted by Troy Dixon the Panthers have the ball back and that should do it 3:21 remaining Benson - beautiful defensive plays and he certainly is the hero today just like he was a hero last week well I suppose he was trying to hit our and pink it's on there but he was certainly not on the money Troy Benson comes through again the ball at the 26 yard line 3:21 left the Panthers lead at 21 6 there's a break in the action we'll be right back [Music] need help with your answering service able one answering service operators well on Notre Dame's rants two offensive fights it had started to try to put a little heat on him by going to the four-man rush actually did not succeed he still had plenty of time to throw get Blair kill but he threw the ball straight to Troy Benson who picked up the second interception of the day he could have easily had three today he wasn't able to hang on to the ball one time but he has played a whale of a game obviously as Notre Dame has turned the ball over now let's see four five times today four interceptions and one fumble as they mathur's have not turned it over I do not believe and enjoy not at all no neither a synergetic is thrown an interception and Pitts the head a fumble early in the game but they recovered and jemmye fumbling as snap as I remember an angelic fumbled one here in the fourth Florida and got it back yeah from the 25 couple backups Bob Brown it right guard Randy Dixon at right tackle offensively Mullen McIntyre the bounce play to the outside of the fullback sweeping the left side and he gets yardage out to the 30 to the 31 yard line is forced out of bounds by quarterback Pat Ballard's which stops the clock at 316 fourth quarter remaining the Panthers lead at 21 6 Mike Dahl is back in there on the offensive line along with Bobby Brown and Randy Dixon and also great Christie so the Panthers going to some backup people is the iron man still in there Jim Sweeney it would not surprise me nuts they're going to go with Teddy John I believe as the center nuts I did not see it anyhow the give is to mark bayley into the middle he gets short of the first down marker by about a half yard he gets out to the 35 yard line the clock winds down to 307 Toni Magna Lee is the center in place of Jim Sweeney so the factors going now with backup people in that offensive line and while they do that we must pay tribute to the likes of the Bill Fralick to the Mike to run those in the Jim Sweeney's Barry Pettijohn Tony Brown Clint Wilson time Johnson patty patty when they had to move the football for the big score they did and they moved at 80 yards much credit to Chris gellick as well gellick pitches it back loose football McCall did he get it by think so it bounced and he reached down and endo banned the passers will not get the first down it'll bid at the line of scrimmage no gain at the 35 they need a yard it'll be fourth down and with 227 remaining the panther punt team comes on to the field and once again it's up to tony recchia the breeze now just about completely down to I'd say less than five miles per hour long snapper Tony Mack deli is out over the ball the Panthers will put the hats on the proper numbers Notre Dame has nine men on the line of scrimmage and another man who seems to be cheating his way up to get in position he does he's going to come from the outside on the left after the Panthers get their assignments here comes the big rush rookie he gets it away and it's the beauty markers down back is Howard at its own 23 out across the 25 and he'll run out of bounds at the 31 yard line but the markers down back at the line of scrimmage two of those are down so we must assume that the Panther is left too soon at 151 Pitt ahead 21 6 Kate Tinsley playing in the pit backfield on the left side moves I do believe before the snap and I suspect that would be the penalty but net safe Panthers incur the infraction nonetheless and the official signal is motion as you call it Tinsley moved in of course a defensive fire but in the backfield on the punt team and a freshman who's played very well I know in this game he's got hit with a couple of mistakes and but he has played when call upon this year especially on special teams very effectively well know they're gonna be a good one before he threw Notre Dame had pulled back a man on the far right side of their passes there punt rush he had pulled back and I guess Tinsley was trying to make an adjustment moving up now because his man was gone perhaps I'm just guessing at this silly move but you know how to do that so there's a penalty so they'll punt again so there's one minute and 51 seconds left and so it is going to win down here for the first time since 1976 is it and that was a memorable occasion all the talk about Notre Dame gearing up to stop mister Tony Dorsett they let the grass grow but they called the Dorsett cut now you couldn't see a golf ball in the grass they played it with him up first carry 61 yards and the Panthers won 31 to 10 and went on to win the national championship I did he gain 181 181 is the number matter of fact he gained 754 against Notre Dame in his career back is hard to the 24 he takes the putt by recce a good one tries to go around the walls great tackle by Bill Callahan as Howard tried to skirt the left end and find the wall Callaghan just said you're not going anywhere and down he went with a minute 41 he'll we'll have to try to come on and I believe throw the football and get Notre Dame on the board again but he's got three timeouts he's got a minute 41 left and he's got a 15-point deficit and he's got 77 yards to go 46 yard punt by Tony recce Notre Dame first and ten at their own 23 yard line trailing 21 six back his keel firing the pass near sideline and it is dropped at the 42 yard line by Mike favorite had two hands on it but as he cross the sideline we've seen juggling the ball it's incomplete Melvin Dean with coverage that stops the clock at a minute 35 remaining and the stadium has somewhat emptied out not as much as you might think a lot of people kind of hanging in here but I think some folks have decided that it's time to head for the Indiana byways and highways if favorite catches that ball would that make him a local favorite I like it and you do I'm glad you do it I didn't myself the Packers are throwing a brick at the Irish the brick is Walter Johnson the freshman nose guard from Pahokee Florida back his keel throwing for the sideline complete de bávaro Bavaro with a football and all Mercer plays hugging up with him as he crosses a 36 yard line he's got the Notre Dame first down on the near sideline at about the 36 that stops the clock at a minute 28 what did you say L desert city fight huggy up with him huggy up oh yeah yes all right that's one of my pet expression yes at the 36 yard line though you know he'll use cattle Notre Dame has the first conference of some fine kill with a single setback straight back Panthers playing prevent three-man rush down to four-man rush hits the receiver Pickett as the ball comes in and down he goes he'll get maybe a yard advance on the play and alters her displayed a magnificent football game for Pitt he has play tight with the best game I have seen him played I'll tell you he's been all over the field but he seems to know exactly where that play is going keel is back and throwing for the sidelines and it is complete with the football for the first down at the pit 44 yard line is Alvin Miller of freshman and he's knocked out of bounds immediately by troy hill but Notre Dame has a first down at a minute two trailing the Panthers 21 6 but they only have a minute to less than the football game and they have three timeouts remaining and we have seen some nice plays in this ballgame today it's spilling a good game to watch a 44 yard touchdown pass John Conn Jimmy in the first period - bill Wallace for example that was a nifty in the 30 yard run by McCall Joe McCall that's action back is kill in pursuit is Bukowski firing downfield and the pass is dropped at the 31 yard line great coverage by Troy Hill on Alvin Miller the first one receiver Troy Hill has been announced is the Panther Most Valuable Player defensively along with Troy Benson so they are the players of the game forfeit the press box is named Allen Pinkett the Notre Dame MVP and why not empty five seconds remaining Notre Dame with a second and 10 at the 43 Notre Dame trailing the Panthers 21 to 6 this is a big football game for folks Fazzio his coaching staff and this great assemblage of Pitt football players back his keel firing over the middle pass complete that Bavaro the tie down he turns it to 20 let's eat at the 15th and then heck him down by his jersey at the 10 yard line with 46 seconds left and making the tackle downfield is Chris Dolman was in pursuit Troy Hill was down there Benson was down there but now Notre Dame without a huddle gets the ball inside the Panthers Jen at the 9 yard line for a first and goal at the 9 Bavaro a big pass reception Rawling left his keel looking for the left corner of the endzone it is incomplete diving for the football in front of the coverage man Melvin Dean was Mike's favorite patil left it right of the market Lorenzo Freeman the Panther freshman defensive tackle from East Camden New Jersey put some pressure on Kiel that time and had something to do with the incompletion it stops the clock at 37 seconds left no doubt about who's going to win the football game the Panthers are going to win this football game the question is by how much lay and it would take a miracle of miracles for Pitt to lose his football games [Music] out of the eye twin receivers to the left heel back looks for the endzone fires headed by Lee Witherspoon and incomplete he batted it away from the intended receiver and that is milk Jackson at the goal line and it almost popped into his hands but it went back over his head incomplete good pressure by when Lou Kowski horses another incompletion that stops the clock at 32 second and I would judge that he was maybe at the 1 or 2 yard line when he missed that interception and had he not he might have gone 98 99 yards but he's coming up that right sideline Blair kill with his third second consecutive incompletion third down and goal from the 9 with 32 seconds left Notre Dame was at the pit line flanker left is Milt Jackson Flynn and right to the short side is Howard back is Kiel he looked prettier fires for the end zone that is incomplete batted into the air by the first receiver and that is the full-back Mark Brooks and then diving for it was hard it was not within his reach it's incomplete it's fourth and goal and the clock is stopped at 27 second Brooks had it in his hands a reaching catch it would have been but he couldn't hang on to the football so where kill coming in in just these last few minutes is thrown 15 times and completed nine good pass rush that time the forest keel to throw it off the mark just slightly and that's why the ball was deflected up in the air Notre Dame obviously trailing by 15 goes for it on fourth and goal from the 9 keel with receivers everywhere rolls left in shape fires it to the 6 yard line because Notre Dame is on the board they trail it 2112 thirty-day mob viously will go for two yes they have to go for two and let's say he think that a tie might be a good ending but I certainly don't think they're there considering that they've got to go for two points they trailed by nine then obviously Notre Dame will line up and try the onside kick and then Notre Dame with all three timeouts left still has the possibility to win this football game but they've got to be perfect on the execution they've got to execute the two-point play in this case and then hope for all the maximums on the other end again 22 seconds remaining when receivers out to the right hard and Milt Jackson the single setback is the fullback pick it in motion to the right rolling right is Blair keel throws for the goal line and it's a two-point conversion to think and Notre Dame now trails it 21-14 and remember the clock does not move for the extra point dry so the two-point conversion has the Irish on the board and within striking distance 2114 [Music] all right we're killed does indeed make this a football game with his 10-yard touchdown fans and
Channel: Tim McCartney
Views: 3,093
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: Myron Cope, Pitt Panthers, Notre Dame Football, Rod Woodsen, Football radio
Id: uDyBJomUCzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 41sec (8861 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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